October 1, 1998
    Illinois Corporation,
    PCB 96-261
    (Enforcement - Air)
    ORDER OF THE BOARD (by N.J. Melas):
    This action was initiated by a complaint filed on June 24, 1996. The Illinois Attorney
    General’s Office, on behalf of the People of the State of Illinois (complainant) alleges that
    G.M. Demolition Corporation (GMDC) violated Section 9.1(d) of the Illinois Environmental
    Protection Act (Act) (415 ILCS 5/9.1(d) (1996)) and 40 C.F.R. § 61.145 (1997) by failure to
    timely and completely file notices of demolition for several buildings in Cook County and one
    in Kankakee County. In count I of the complaint, complainant alleges that GMDC failed to
    provide timely notice to the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (Agency) for the
    demolition sites. In count II, complainant alleges that GMDC failed to provide complete
    notice of the demolitions to the Agency.
    This matter comes before the Board on cross motions for summary judgment filed by
    complainant on January 27, 1998 (comp. mot.), and GMDC on April 9, 1998 (resp. mot.).
    On May 7, 1998, complainant filed complainant’s response to motion for partial summary
    judgment and a supporting memorandum. (response) On July 15, 1998, GMDC filed a reply
    memorandum in opposition to complainant’s motion for summary judgment and in support of
    respondent’s motion for partial summary judgment (reply).
    For the reasons below, the Board grants the complainant’s motion for summary
    judgment in part and denies it in part. The Board also grants GMDC’s motion for partial
    summary judgment in part and denies it in part. The remaining issues and penalty matters are
    directed to hearing.
    There is little dispute as to the background facts in this case, as established by the
    pleadings and motions. GMDC is a demolition contractor whose principal place of business is
    122 S. Wolcott Avenue in Thornton, Cook County, Illinois. The demolitions in question took
    place at various times from 1993 to 1996. The structures that GMDC demolished are listed in
    the following table. Structures are located in Cook County unless otherwise noted.

    Structure Name
    Good Humor
    10 N. 1st Ave., Maywood
    Good Humor Garage (Garage)
    20 Lake St., Maywood
    LaGrange Water Treatment Plant (LaGrange)
    131 S. Brainerd, LaGrange
    1617-1611 S. Karlov / 4055-57 W. 16th St.
    Marquette National Bank (Marquette)
    6336 S. Western, Chicago
    I, II
    17511 S. Halsted, Homewood
    21625 Oak St. (21625)
    Whiskey A Go-Go (Go-Go)
    7-9 State St., Calumet City
    I, II
    AKC Haunted House (AKC)
    231 E. Broadway, Bradley,
    Kankakee County
    Complainant alleges that GMDC has repeatedly violated Section 9.1(d) of the Act. That
    Section provides that “no person shall . . . (v)iolate any provisions of Sections 111, 112, 165, or
    173 of the Clean Air Act, as now or hereafter amended, or federal regulations adopted pursuant
    thereto.” 415 ILCS 5/9.1(d) (1996). Pursuant to Section 112 of the Clean Air Act, asbestos is
    listed as a hazardous air pollutant. 42 U.S.C. § 7412(b)(1) (1997). The National Emission
    Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAPs) covers asbestos, and the asbestos NESHAP
    requires demolition companies and contractors to provide proper and timely notice to federal and
    state officials regarding demolition activities. 40 C.F.R. § 61.141 and § 61.145 (1997). Notice
    information is recorded on a “Notification of Demolition and Renovation” form (notification
    form) submitted to the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) and the
    As mentioned above, on June 24, 1996, complainant filed a two-count complaint alleging
    that GMDC violated Section 9.1(d) of the Act when it failed to comply with the asbestos
    NESHAP. 415 ILCS 5/9.1(d) (1996), 40 C.F.R. § 61.145 (1996). On July 29, 1996, GMDC
    filed an answer and affirmative defenses. The complainant filed a response to GMDC’s
    affirmative defenses on August 19, 1996. Complainant then filed an amended complaint on
    February 7, 1997, and GMDC filed an answer and affirmative defenses to the amended complaint
    on March 5, 1997. On March 12, 1997, complainant filed a response to GMDC’s answer and
    affirmative defenses to the amended complaint. On March 24, 1997, complainant filed a first set
    of interrogatories to GMDC.
    Summary judgment is appropriate when the pleadings, depositions, admissions on file, and
    affidavits disclose that there is no genuine issue as to any material fact and the moving party is
    entitled to judgment as a matter of law. Dowd & Dowd, Ltd. v. Gleason, 181 Ill. 2d 460, 483,
    The asbestos NESHAP requires demolition companies to provide notice to the Administrator
    of the USEPA. This program has been delegated to the State of Illinois. Although the
    notification forms are sent to both USEPA and the Agency, complainant’s allegations concern
    notification to the Agency only.

    693 N.E.2d 358, 370 (1998). In ruling on a motion for summary judgment, the Board “must
    consider the pleadings, depositions, and affidavits strictly against the movant and in favor of the
    opposing party”.
    . Summary judgment “is a drastic means of disposing of litigation,” and
    therefore it should be granted only when the movant's right to the relief “is clear and free from
    ., citing Purtill v. Hess, 111 Ill. 2d 229, 240, 489 N.E.2d 867 (1986).
    In its motion for summary judgment, complainant alleges several violations of the asbestos
    NESHAP at each of the various demolition sites. In order to address each allegation in an
    organized manner, the Board will address the allegations according to legal subject matter. The
    Board will first address what a “facility” is according to the asbestos NESHAP. The Board will
    then address timely notice, description of facilities, asbestos, and miscellaneous topics.
    “Facility” as defined by the Asbestos NESHAP
    21625 Structure and the Definition of “Facility”
    In count II, complainant alleges that GMDC demolished the 21625 structure without
    providing complete notice. Comp. mot. at 16-17, Klein aff. at attachment 5. Arguing that the
    21625 structure is not a “facility” as defined by the asbestos NESHAP, GMDC responds that the
    demolition and renovation regulations in the asbestos NESHAP are not applicable to the 21625
    structure and that no notice needs to be filed. Resp. mot. at 3.
    The term “facility” is defined in the asbestos NESHAP as “any institutional, commercial,
    public, industrial, or residential structure, installation, or building (including any structure,
    installation, or building containing condominiums or individual dwelling units operated as a
    residential cooperative, but excluding residential buildings having four or fewer dwelling units).”
    (Emphasis added.) 40 C.F.R. § 61.141 (1997). The notice provisions in the asbestos NESHAP
    only apply to the “owner or operator of a demolition or renovation activity” who demolishes or
    renovates “a facility”. 40 C.F.R. § 61.145(a) (1997).
    GMDC claims that the 21625 structure was a single-family residence. Resp. mot. at 3,
    Martin aff. at 12. In response, complainants cite to a
    Federal Register
    provision from 1990 which
    “EPA does not consider residential structures that are demolished
    or renovated as part of a commercial or public project to be exempt
    from this rule. For example, the demolition of one or more houses
    as part of an urban renewal project, a highway construction project,
    or a project to develop a shopping mall, industrial facility, or other
    private development, would be subject to the NESHAP”. 55 Fed.
    Reg. 48,412 (1990).

    Complainant states that the 21625 structure was demolished as part of a commercial
    project and thus was subject to the asbestos NESHAP. Response at 3; comp. mot., Klein aff. at
    attachment 5. GMDC argues that only the language from the NESHAP should control. It states
    that the preamble language above is not applicable because it is merely a non binding statement to
    a revision of the NESHAP. Reply at 3-7.
    When analyzing regulations, the Board applies rules used in the construction of statutes as
    those rules apply to regulations promulgated by an administrative agency; if the language of the
    statute is clear and unambiguous, the Board (like a court) need not look to other language. People
    v. Clark Refining & Marketing, Inc. (September 17, 1998), PCB 95-163, slip op. at 3; citing
    People v. Kilpatrick, 216 Ill. App. 3d 875, 576 N.E.2d 546, 551 (2d Dist. 1991) and In re
    Marriage of Logston, 103 Ill. 2d 266, 469 N.E.2d 167 (1984). The exclusion for residences with
    four or fewer units is unambiguous. The language above from the Federal Register is merely
    USEPA’s response to comments it received when it redrafted the definition of “facility” in 1990.
    55 Fed. Reg. 48,412 (1990).
    Accordingly, the Board grants GMDC’s motion for summary judgment with respect to the
    21625 structure, and the Board denies complainant’s motion for summary judgment here. GMDC
    need not have notified the Agency regarding the demolition of the 21625 facility because it was
    exempt from the asbestos NESHAP.
    Notice of the Demolition for the Garage Facility
    In count I, complainant alleges that GMDC did not submit notification of the Garage
    facility demolition. Comp. mot. at 11, Klein aff. at attachment 3. GMDC responds that it
    considered the Garage and Good Humor demolitions to be “a single job” and that the notice it
    filed for the Good Humor demolition was also notice for the Garage demolition. Resp. mot. at 4-
    Complainant maintains that the Garage and Good Humor facilities, although adjacent,
    have separate addresses. Comp. mot. at 4; response at 6. Although GMDC states that the
    facilities were on the same parcel of property, it never denies complainant’s assertion regarding
    the different addresses.
    GMDC filed a separate notification for the Garage demolition with the Cook County
    Department of Environmental Control because Cook County requested it. Comp. mot. at Balkin
    aff.; resp. mot. at 4. However, GMDC still considered the Garage and Good Humor demolitions
    to be one job and thus did not file a separate notification form for the Garage with the Agency.
    Resp. mot. at 4.
    In the Good Humor notification form, GMDC describes the Good Humor facility as a
    warehouse, but it does not mention the Garage. Comp. mot., Klein aff. at attachment 3. The
    Good Humor notification form did not alert the Agency to the fact that the Garage was to be
    demolished. In other words, the Agency was not notified that GMDC was demolishing the

    The Board finds in favor of complainant’s motion for summary judgment with respect to
    the Garage. The Board denies GMDC’s motion for summary judgment on the same point.
    Timeliness of Notice
    Late Notice
    In count I, complainant alleges that GMDC failed to provide timely notice for the
    Marquette, AKC, and Go-Go demolitions. Comp. mot. at 11-12, Klein aff. at attachments 4, 6,
    and 7. The asbestos NESHAP provides that owners or operators of demolition or renovation
    activities shall postmark or deliver the notice “10 working days before the demolition begins.” 40
    C.F.R. § 61.145(b)(3)(i) (1997). Working day is defined as “Monday through Friday and includes
    holidays that fall on any of the days Monday through Friday.” 40 C.F.R. § 61.141 (1997).
    Complainant alleges that there was only eight working days notice for the Marquette
    demolition and nine days for the Go-Go demolition. Comp. mot. at 11, Klein aff. at attachments
    4 and 7. GMDC claims that the date of the Go-Go demolition was beyond its control because
    Calumet City officials scheduled the demolition without consulting GMDC. Resp. mot. at 11.
    GMDC claims that the notice for Marquette was late as a result of clerical error.
    The Board
    finds in favor of complainant’s summary judgment motion with respect to untimely notice at the
    Marquette and Go-Go facilities. GMDC’s excuses do not exempt it from noncompliance with the
    Complainant also alleges that there was only eight working days notice for the AKC
    demolition. Comp. mot at 11-12, Klein aff. at attachment 6. At the request of the Agency,
    GMDC claims that it agreed to postpone the AKC demolition for two working days. Resp. mot.
    at 10, Martin aff. at 3. Complainant does not dispute GMDC’s claim. As a result, complainant
    had ten days notice prior to the GMDC demolition, not eight as it claims. The Board denies
    complainant’s motion for summary judgment on this point.
    Revised Notice
    In count I, complainant alleges that GMDC failed to provide revised notice of the AKC
    demolition. Comp. mot. at 12, Klein aff. at attachment 6. Complainant also alleges that GMDC
    failed to provide timely revised notice for the LaGrange demolition. Comp. mot. at 12, Klein aff.
    at attachments 8-11. The asbestos NESHAP provides that demolition contractors must
    “(p)rovide the Administrator with a written notice of the new start date as soon as possible
    before, and no later than, the original start date.” 40 C.F.R. § 61.145(b)(3)(iv) (A)(2) (1997).
    Delivery of the updated notice by the U.S. Postal Service, commercial delivery service, or hand
    delivery is acceptable.”
    Complainant alleges that GMDC failed to submit a revised notification specifying that the
    AKC demolition would begin October 10, 1995, two working days after the original start date of

    October 6, 1995. Comp. mot. at 12. GMDC submitted a letter, dated October 24, 1995,
    informing the Agency of the date change. Resp. mot. at exhibit 3; comp. mot. at 12.
    The Board finds that the Agency was notified in writing that the revised demolition date
    was October 10, 1995. The asbestos NESHAP says nothing about the form of the revised written
    notice, only that the owner of the demolition company provide it in a timely manner. In this
    instance, GMDC did not provide notice of the revised demolition date prior to the original
    demolition date as mandated by the asbestos NESHAP. However, complainant does not allege
    late notice in this instance, it alleges no notice. Therefore, the Board denies the complainant’s
    motion for summary judgment regarding the revised notice for AKC.
    Complainant also alleges that GMDC filed the first revised notice for the LaGrange facility
    (specifically the well garage within LaGrange) demolition stating that the originally scheduled
    demolition date had been changed to October 19, 1995. Comp. mot. at 12, Klein aff. at
    attachments 8 and 9. GMDC then submitted a second revised notification postmarked October
    24, 1995, three working days after the first revised date of October 19. Comp. mot. at 12, Klein
    aff. at attachments 10 and 11.
    In order to timely file revised notification, GMDC must provide written notice of the new
    start date before the original start date. 40 C.F.R 61.145 § (b)(3)(iv)(A)(2) (1997). GMDC’s
    second revised notification form was filed after the first revised start date, in violation of the
    asbestos NESHAP. GMDC points out that the Agency had the revised notice for the second
    demolition prior to the start of the demolition, but this does not excuse GMDC from
    noncompliance with the asbestos NESHAP. Resp. mot. at 11. The Board finds in favor of the
    complainant’s motion for summary judgment regarding the LaGrange facility.
    Missing Demolition Dates
    In count I, complainant alleges that GMDC failed to include scheduled starting and
    completion dates for the Silo demolition. Comp. mot. at 10, Klein aff. at attachments 1 and 2. In
    count II, complainant alleges that GMDC failed to include scheduled dates for the Good Humor
    demolition. Comp. mot. at 16, Klein aff. at attachment 3.
    The asbestos NESHAP provides that
    “(s)cheduled starting and completion dates of demolition or renovation” be included in the notice.
    40 C.F.R. § 61.145(b)(4)(ix) (1997).
    There are two notification forms for Silo attached to complainant’s motion for summary
    judgment. There is a great deal of missing information in attachment 1, and attachment 2 appears
    to be a duplicate of attachment 1 with added facility descriptions and scheduled demolition dates.
    Comp. mot., Klein aff. at attachments 1 and 2. It is not clear from the record who filled in the
    missing information from attachment 1 that appears in attachment 2. Moreover, it is not clear
    Complainant alleges the violation of section 61.145(b)(4)(ix) but does not list that particular
    section of the asbestos NESHAP in the motion for summary judgment. The Board assumes
    that complainant inadvertently left out this section of the asbestos NESHAP.

    when the missing information was filled in; the date received and postmark date on each
    attachment is the same. This makes it difficult to determine when the Agency had actual notice of
    the demolition dates. As a result, the Board directs this matter to hearing.
    For Good Humor, GMDC states that the missing dates were provided via a letter at the
    Agency’s request. Resp. mot. at 7 and exhibit 3. Complainant responds that a violation of the
    Act and the asbestos NESHAP cannot be corrected by subsequent notification. Response at 9.
    The Board finds in favor of the complainant’s motion for summary judgment with respect to dates
    on the Good Humor notification form.
    Description of Facilities
    Location of Facilities
    The asbestos NESHAP provides that the owner or operator of a demolition activity must
    include “(l)ocation and street address (including building number or name and floor or room
    number, if appropriate), city, county, and state” for the facility. 40 C.F.R. § 61.145(b)(4)(vii)
    In count I, complainant alleges that GMDC did not mention the name, address, city,
    county, and state for the Silo facility in the notification form. Comp. mot. at 10, Klein aff. at
    attachments 1 and 2. As discussed above, attachment 1 is an incomplete Silo notification form,
    and attachment 2 is a copy of the same form with additional information filled in. Comp. mot.,
    Klein aff. at attachments 1 and 2. GMDC admits that it did not include the name of the Silo
    facility, that address information was supplied although not in the correct spot, and, generally,
    that other information regarding the building was missing. Resp. mot. at 7, 10. GMDC also
    states that Agency personnel called GMDC to obtain the missing information. Resp. mot. at 10.
    Gordon Martin from GMDC claims that the missing information was provided to the Agency
    prior to the Silo demolition. Resp. mot., Martin aff. at 2.
    Although GMDC provided the missing information, it is not clear how far in advance it
    was provided. Thus, it is not clear from the record when the Agency had one day’s notice or ten
    days’ notice regarding the address information for the Silo facility. The Board directs this matter
    to hearing.
    In count II, complainant alleges that GMDC did not provide the building name nor the city
    for the Karlov facility. Comp. mot. at 1, Klein aff. at attachment 12. GMDC responds that the
    Karlov facility had no name and that “it would be absurd to require demolition contractors to
    make up names for buildings just to fill in a blank on a form.” Resp. mot. at 7.
    The asbestos NESHAP requires only that the demolition contractor provide the “building
    name”. (Emphasis added.) 40 C.F.R. § 61.145(b)(4)(vii) (1997). (The Board notes
    that the notification form requests the contractor to include both the building number and name.)
    The Board denies complainant’s motion for summary judgment on the name of the Karlov facility
    and finds in favor of GMDC’s motion for summary judgment on this matter.

    Regarding the “no city” allegation, GMDC responds that, at the time of demolition, the
    building owner was the City of Chicago which is indicated on the notification form. Resp. mot. at
    9; comp. mot., Klein aff. at attachment 12. GMDC states that the Agency should have been able
    to figure out that the Karlov facility was located in Chicago because the City of Chicago was the
    owner. Resp. mot. at 9. Although this is a logical conclusion, it does not excuse GMDC from
    noncompliance with the asbestos NESHAP. Listing the city for the facility to be demolished is a
    requirement, not an option. See 40 C.F.R. § 61.145(b)(4)(vii) (1997). The Board finds in favor
    of the complainant’s motion for summary judgment on this point.
    Physical Characteristics of a Facility
    In count I, complainant alleges that GMDC did not include the size, the number of floors,
    age in years, nor the present and prior use for the Silo facility. Comp. mot. at 10, Klein aff. at
    attachments 1 and 2. The asbestos NESHAP provides that the notification must provide a
    “description of the facility or affected part of the facility including the size (square meters [square
    feet] and number of floors), age, and present and prior use of the facility.” 40 C.F.R. §
    61.145(b)(4)(iv) (1997).
    As in the previous section, GMDC admits that it did not include the description of the
    facility and then states that Agency personnel called GMDC to obtain the missing information.
    Resp. mot. at 10. And, again, it appears that the missing information that was not included in
    attachment 1 was subsequently added to attachment 2. It is not clear when the information was
    added, and therefore it is not clear when the agency had notice of the description of Silo. The
    Board directs this matter to hearing.
    Estimating the Amount of Asbestos to be Removed / Not to be Removed Prior to Demolition
    In count II, complainant alleges that GMDC failed to estimate the amount of nonfriable
    Regulated Asbestos Containing Material (“RACM”) to be removed from the Go-Go facility.
    Comp. mot. at 17, Klein aff. at attachment 7.
    The asbestos NESHAP provides that a demolition contractor shall include an “(e)stimate
    of the approximate amount of RACM to be removed from the facility” in the notice. 40 C.F.R. §
    61.145(b)(4)(iv) (1997). Nonfriable asbestos containing material is, “any material containing
    more than 1 percent asbestos . . . that, when dry, cannot be crumbled, pulverized, or reduced to
    powder by hand pressure.” 40 C.F.R. § 61.141 (1997). Certain types of nonfriable asbestos are
    included in the definition of RACM.
    In counts I and II, the complainant also alleges that GMDC failed to estimate the amount
    of asbestos containing material (ACM)
    to be removed prior to demolition activities at the Silo,
    Good Humor, Marquette, Go-Go, and Karlov facilities. Comp. mot. at 10, 15-18, Klein aff. at
    attachments 1-4, 7, and 12.

    The asbestos NESHAP provides that each owner or operator of a demolition or
    renovation facility shall “estimate the approximate amount of Category I and Category II
    nonfriable ACM in the affected part of the facility that will not be removed prior to demolition” .
    40 C.F.R. § 61.145(b)(4)(iv) (1997). Category I nonfriable ACM is “asbestos-containing
    packings, resilient floor covering, and asphalt roofing products containing more than 1 percent
    asbestos”, while Category II nonfriable ACM is “any material, excluding Category I nonfriable
    ACM, containing more than 1 percent asbestos . . . that, when dry, cannot be crumbled
    pulverized, or reduced to powder by hand pressure.” 40 C.F.R. § 61.141 (1997).
    GMDC states that in section IV of each notification form it wrote that there was no
    asbestos in the facilities in question. Resp. mot. at 3-4. GMDC argues that it should not have to
    estimate the amount of asbestos to be removed or not to be removed when it states that there is
    none present in a prior section of the form.
    Although GMDC’s argument is logical, it does not excuse noncompliance with the
    asbestos NESHAP. GMDC only had to write “none” in the spaces on the form for the estimates
    of asbestos to be removed and not to be removed. GMDC did not, and it violated the asbestos
    NESHAP. The Board finds in favor of complainant’s summary judgment motion with respect to
    failure to indicate the amount of asbestos to be removed and not to be removed from the facilities
    in question. The Board denies GMDC’s motion for summary judgment on these same matters
    (with the exception of the Good Humor facility which GMDC does not mention).
    Analytical Method
    In counts I and II, complainant alleges that GMDC fails to include the analytical method
    employed to detect asbestos for the Silo, Good Humor, and Go-Go facilities. Comp. mot. at 10,
    16, 17, Klein aff. at attachments 1-3 and 7. The asbestos NESHAP provides that the
    “(p)rocedure, including analytical methods, employed to detect the presence of RACM and
    Category I and Category II nonfriable ACM” must be included in the notice. 40 C.F.R. §
    61.145(b)(4)(v) (1997).
    GMDC responds that at section IX of the notification form, the regulated entity must
    include the “analytical method, if appropriate, used to detect the presence of asbestos material”
    (emphasis in original) Resp. mot. at 5; GMDC believes that the use of the term “appropriate” is
    vague and that the regulated entity must guess if it should include the analytical method.
    each facility, GMDC determined that it was not appropriate to describe the analytical method and
    left section IX of the form blank.
    It appears that GMDC has violated this section of the NESHAP by not including the
    analytical method. However, GMDC argues that section IX of the notification form is misleading
    in that it appears to give the regulated entity the option to comply with or violate the asbestos
    NESHAP. The Board denies complainant’s motion for summary judgment with respect to Silo,
    Good Humor, and Go-Go on this point. The Board finds in favor of GMDC’s summary judgment
    motion here regarding Silo and Go-Go.

    Work Practices to Prevent Asbestos Emissions
    In count I, complainant alleges that GMDC failed to provide a description of work
    practices to prevent asbestos emissions from the Silo facility. Comp. mot. at 11, Klein aff. at
    attachments 1 and 2. The asbestos NESHAP provides that demolition contractors must describe
    “work practices and engineering controls to be used . . . including asbestos removal and waste
    handling emission control procedures.” 40 C.F.R. § 61.145(b)(4)(xi) (1997).
    The requirements in section 61.145(b)(4)(ix) of the asbestos NESHAP apply if the
    combined amount of RACM at the facility is, “(i) At least 80 linear meters (260 linear feet) or at
    least 15 square meters (160 square feet) on other facility components, or (ii) At least 1 cubic
    meter (35 cubic feet) off facility components where the length or area could not be measured
    previously.” 40 C.F.R. § 61.145 (a)(2) (1997).
    GMDC maintains that, at the time of demolition, the Silo facility was only six years old.
    Resp. mot. at 6. GMDC was confident that “there was no asbestos at the site, at the time of
    demolition or ever . . . . There was no need to include a description of work practices and
    engineering controls utilized to prevent emissions of asbestos at the demolition site.”
    Although GMDC states that there was no asbestos at the Silo facility, GMDC offers no
    proof of this assertion. The Board finds that there is a lack of evidence in the record regarding
    the amount of asbestos (if any) removed from the Silo facility. The Board directs this matter to
    Procedures to be Followed if ACM is Found Unexpectedly
    Complainant alleges that GMDC failed to provide a description of procedures to be
    followed if ACM is found unexpectedly at Silo. Comp. mot at 11, Klein aff. at attachments 1 and
    2. The asbestos NESHAP provides that demolition contractors must describe “procedures to be
    followed in the event that unexpected RACM is found or Category II nonfriable ACM becomes
    crumbled, pulverized, or reduced to powder.” 40 C.F.R. § 61.145 (b)(4)(xvi) (1997). GMDC
    responds as it did immediately above, alleging that there was no asbestos at Silo and that it is not
    necessary to follow section 61.145(b)(4)(xvi) of the asbestos NESHAP. Resp. mot. at 6.
    In response, complainant states that it is irrelevant how little asbestos is present at the
    demolition site and that GMDC must follow this section of the asbestos NESHAP. Response at
    8. Demolition contractors must follow Section 61.145(b)(4)(xvi) no matter what amount of
    asbestos is present at the demolition site - even if no asbestos is present at all. 40 C.F.R. §
    61.145(a) (1997). The Board therefore finds in favor of complainant’s motion for summary
    judgment on this point.
    Miscellaneous Topics

    Demolition Order
    In count II, complainant alleges that GMDC failed to provide a copy of the demolition
    order with the notification form for the Go-Go and Karlov facilities. Comp. mot. at 17-18, Klein
    aff. at attachments 7 and 12. Notification requirements vary somewhat depending on the type of
    demolition taking place. A copy of the demolition order must be attached to the notification form
    only “(i)f the facility is being demolished under an order of a state or local government agency,
    issued because the facility is structurally unsound and in danger of imminent collapse.” 40 C.F.R.
    § 61.145(a)(3) (1997).
    The parties do not dispute the fact that the City of Chicago ordered the demolition of the
    Karlov facility; similarly there is no dispute about Calumet City’s demolition order for the Go-Go
    facility. Comp. mot. at 17-18; resp. mot. at 8-9. GMDC admits that it did not file demolition
    orders because it alleges that section 61.145 (a)(3) of the asbestos NESHAP does not apply to
    Go-Go and Karlov. Resp. mot. at 8-9.
    The Board finds that, although Go-Go and Karlov were demolished pursuant to municipal
    demolition orders, it is not clear from the record if the municipalities ordered the demolitions
    because Go-Go and Karlov were “structurally unsound and in danger of imminent collapse.” 40
    C.F.R. § 61.145(a)(3) (1997). Therefore the Board directs this matter to hearing.
    Type of Notice
    In count II, complainant alleges that GMDC failed to provide the type of notification for
    the Marquette facility. Comp. mot. at 16, Klein aff. at attachment 4. The asbestos NESHAP
    provides that a demolition contractor must include, “an indication of whether the notification is
    the original or a revised notification” in the notice. 40 C.F.R. § 61.145(b)(4)(i) (1997).
    GMDC admits to the violation but claims that it is
    de minimis
    . Resp. mot. at 9. Even
    though GMDC may be correct about the
    de minimis
    nature of the violation, it is a violation
    nonetheless. The Board finds in favor of complainant’s summary judgment motion on this point.
    Penalties, Costs, and Attorney Fees
    Complainant requests that the Board order GMDC to pay a civil penalty of $50,000, and
    pay costs (including attorney fees) pursuant to Section 42(f) of the Act. See 415 ILCS 5/42(f)
    (1996). Response at 14. The Board will reserve ruling on this part of complainant’s request at
    this time and allow these issues to be addressed at hearing, as more fully described below.
    The Board finds that GMDC violated Section 9.1(d) of the Act (415 ILCS
    5/9.1(d) (1996)) by failing to abide by the demolition notice provisions of the
    asbestos NESHAP at
    40 C.F.R. § 61.145 (1997). The specific
    violations, listed by facility, are:

    Good Humor
    Omitted demolition dates
    Omitted ACM not to be removed from the facility
    No notice
    No revised notice
    Omitted city for the facility
    Omitted ACM not to be removed from the facility
    Late notice
    Omitted ACM not to be removed from the facility
    Omitted type of notice
    Omitted ACM not to be removed from the facility
    Omitted procedure to be followed if ACM is found unexpectedly.
    Late notice
    Omitted ACM to be removed from the facility
    Omitted ACM not to be removed from the facility
    The Board orders the following alleged violations to hearing, consistent with the
    Board’s resources:

    Neglected to include demolition orders with notice
    Omitted scheduled starting and completion dates.
    Omitted name, address, city, county, and state for the facility.
    Omitted number of floors, age in years, present use, and prior use
    for the facility.
    Omitted description of work practices to prevent asbestos
    Neglected to include demolition orders with notice
    All facilities except 21625 and AKC
    Penalties, costs, and attorney fees
    I, Dorothy M. Gunn, Clerk of the Illinois Pollution Control Board, hereby certify that
    the above order was adopted on the 1st day of October 1998 by a vote of 7-0.
    Dorothy M. Gunn, Clerk
    Illinois Pollution Control Board

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