| - 1) For releases reported on or after June 24, 2002, but prior to
- 2) Costs incurred pursuant to a budget approved prior to
- X. In response to recommendations to reduce a “half-day” from five hours to
- Section 732.202(h)(2):
- Section 734.2 10(h)(1):
- 1) At a minimum, for each UST that is removed, the owner or
- Section 734.21 0(h)(2):
- 2) At a minimum, for each UST that remains in place, the owneror
- X. In response to comments regarding the removal offree product, the
- C) The current extent of groundwater contamination exceeding the Tier 1
- A) Up to fourborings shall be drilled around each
- i) The five-foot intervals intersecting the elevations
- E) As a part of the groundwater investigation an in-situ
- i) Wells used for hydraulic conductivity testing
- shall be constructed in a manner that ensures themost accurate results.
- ii) The screen must be contained within the
- saturated zone.
- 734.445(a) ofthis Part.
- wording is highlighted in bold lettering.
- Hydraulic conductivity (K)
- Hydraulic conductivity (K)
- X. The Agencyproposes to add the following Sections 732.606(ggg) and
- subsection (e) of this Section.
- I) Payment for costs associated with the preparation and
- A) A total of$3,200.00 for plans to investigate on-
- site contamination.
- site contamination.
- 2) Payment for costs associated with field work and field
- A) One half-day for every four soil borings, or
- fraction thereof, drilled as part of the
- (d)(2)(A); and
- B) One half-day for each monitoring well installed
- as part of the investigation.
- 3) Payment for costs associated with well surveys
- A) Payment for costs associated with field work and
- field oversight for the development of
- i) One half-day for every four soil borings,
- installed solely for the purpose of
- developing~remediationobjectives.
- B) Excluding costs set forth in subsection (d)(6)(A)
- e) Payment for costs associated with travel, including, but not
- 30 to59 $220.0060 or more $300.00
- g) Costs associated with bidding pursuant to 732.855 of this Part
- each leaking UST that is removed, not to exceed
- A) One half-day for every four soil borings, or
- B) One half-day for each monitoring well installed
- as part of the Stage I site investigation.
- 7) Payment for costs associated with well surveys
- 8) Payment for costs associated with the preparation and
- d) Development ofTier 2 and Tier 3 Remediation Objectives.
- 1) Payment for costs associated with field work and field
- A) One half-day for every four soil borings, or
- B) One half-day for each monitoring well installed
- 2) Excluding costs set forth in subsection (d)(1) ofthis
- Section, payment for costs associated with the
- specified elsewhere in this Part.
- 1) If a plan must be amended due to unforeseen circumstances,
- g) Costs associated with bidding pursuant to 734.855 of this Part
- Chemical
- Geo-Technical
- Other
NOW COMES the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (“Illinois EPA”), by
and through its attorney Kyle Rominger, and submits this Third Errata Sheet to its
proposal forthe amendment of35 Ill. Adm. Code 732 and the adoption of 35 Ill. Adm.
Code 734. During the course ofthis rulemaking many good comments and suggestions
for improving the rules have been provided. After reviewing the hearing transcripts and
filed testimony, the Illinois EPA incorporated these comments and suggestions into the
rules where appropriate and, as a result, proposes the following changes to its proposal:
In response to a request for clarification on the application ofPart 734 to
releases subject to Public Act
but reported prior to the effective date ofPart 734,
the Illinois EPA proposes to amend Section 734.100(a) by adding subsections (a)(1) and
(2) as follows. The changes will allow owners and operators who conducted work prior
to the effective date ofPart 734 to use that work in satisfying the requirements ofPart
734, and allow costs approved in a budget prior to the effective date of the Part to be
reimbursed in accordance with the approved budget. Altered wording, including changes
proposed in the Illinois EPA’s Second Errata Sheet, is highlighted in bold lettering.
This Part applies to owners or operators of any underground storage tank
system used to contain petroleum and for which a release is reported to
IEMA on or after effective date ofrules in accordance with OSFM
regulations. It does not apply to owners or operators ofsites for which the
OSFM does not require a report to IEMA or for which the OSFM has
issued orintends to issue a certificate ofremoval or abandonment pursuant
to Section
ofthe Act.
For releases reported on or after June 24, 2002, but prior to
effective date of rules, and for owners and operators electing
prior to effective date ofrules to proceed in accordance with
Title XVI ofthe Act as amended by P.A.
the Agency
may deem that one or more requirements ofthis Part have
been satisfied, based upon activities conducted prior to
effective date of rules, even though the activities were not
conducted in strict accordance with the requirements of this
Part. For example, an owner or operator that adequately
defined the extent ofon-site contamination prior to effective
date of rules may be deemed to have satisfied Sections
734.210(h) and 734.315 even though sampling was not
conducted in strict accordance with those Sections.
Costs incurred pursuant to a budget approved prior to
effective date of rules shall be reimbursed in accordancewith
the amounts approved in the budget and shall not be subject to
the maximum payment amounts set forth in Subpart H of this
In response to recommendations to reduce a “half-day” from five hours to
not to limit the number of
be worked in one calendar
day, the
Illinois EPA proposes to aniend
the definition of“Half-day” in Sections 732.103
and 734.115 to the following. Altered wording is highlighted in bold lettering.
“Half-day” means four hours, or a fraction thereof, ofbillable work time.
Half-days shall be based upon the total number ofhours worked in one
calendar day. The total number of half-days per calendar day may exceed
To assist the Illinois EPA in the observance and oversight of field
activities, the Illinois EPA proposes the following new Sections 732.112 and 734.145 so
the Illinois EPA can require notification ofwhen and where field activities will be
conducted. The timeframes in the last sentence ofthe Section mirror the timefrámes set
forth in Subpart B of each Part, as amended.
Section 732.112/734.145
Notification ofField Activities
The Agency mayrequire owners and operators to notif~’the Agency of field
activities prior to the date the field activities take place. The notice shall include
information prescribed by the Agency, and may include, but is not be limited to, a
description ofthe field activities to be conducted, the person conducting the
activities, and the date, time, and place the activities will be conducted. The
Agency may, but is not required to, allow notification by telephone, facsimile, or
electronic mail. This Section does not apply to activities conducted within 45
days plus 14 days after initial notification to IEMA ofa release, or to free product
removal activities conducted within 45 daysplus 14 days after the confirmation of
the presence offree product.
In response to concerns regarding the Illinois EPA’s administration ofthe
LUST program, the Illinois EPA proposes the following new Sections 732.114 and
Section 732.114/734.145
LUST Advisory Committee
Once each calendar quarterthe Agency shall meet with a LUST Advisory
Committee to discuss the Agency’s implementation ofthis Part, provided that the
Agency or members ofthe Committee raise one or more issues for discussion.
The LUST Advisory Committee shall consist of the following individuals: one
member designated by the illinois Petroleum Marketers Association, one member
designated by the Illinois Petroleum Council, one member designated by the
American Consulting Engineers Council ofIllinois, one member designated by
the Illinois Society ofProfessional Engineers, one member designated by the
Illinois Chapter ofthe American Institute ofProfessional Geologists, one member
designated by the Professionals ofIllinois for the Protection ofthe Environment,
one member designated by the Illinois Association ofEnvironmental
Laboratories, one member designated by the Illinois Environmental Regulatory
Group, one member designated by the Office ofthe State Fire Marshal, and one
member designated by the Illinois Department ofTransportation. Members of the
LUST Advisory Committee shall serve without compensation.
In response to concerns over whether the language of the Professional
Engineer/Professional Geologist certification would require Professional Engineers to
certify to geology practices or Professional Geologists to certify to engineering practices,
the Illinois EPA proposes to amend the certification language ofSections 732.110(d) and
734.135(d) to the following to clarify that a professional is required to certify only to the
standards and practices ofhis or her own profession. Altered wording is highlighted in
bold lettering.
I certify under penalty oflaw that all activities that are the subject ofthis plan,
budget, or report were conducted under my supervision orwere conducted under
the supervision of another Licensed Professional Engineer or Licensed
Professional Geologist and reviewed by me; that this plan, budget, or report and
all attachments were prepared under my supervision; that, to the best ofmy
knowledge and belief, the work described in the plan, budget, or report has been
completed in accordance with the Environmental Protection Act 415 ILCS 5, 35
Ill. Adm. Code 734,
and generally
accepted standards and practices of my
profession; and that the information
presented is accurate and complete. I am
aware there
significant penalties for submitting false statements or
representations to the Agency, including but not limited to fmes, imprisonment, or
both as provided in Sections 44
57.17 ofthe Environmental Protection Act
415 ILCS 5/44
In response to concerns about possible situations that would prohibit early
action sample collection in the locations specified in Sections 732.202(h)(1) and (2), and
Sections 734.2 10(h)(1) and (2), the Illinois EPA proposes to amend the Sections to the
following. Altered wording is highlighted in bold lettering. Please note that additional
changes to subsections of Sections 732.202(h)(1) and 734.210(h)(2) are proposed in the
Illinois EPA’s First and Second Errata Sheets.
Section 732.202(h)(l):
At a minimum, for each UST that is removed, the owner or
operator shall collect and analyze soil samples as follows. The
Agency may allow an alternate location for, or excuse the
collection of, one or more samples if sample collection in the
following locations is made impracticable by site-specific
Section 732.202(h)(2):
At a minimum,
for each UST that remains in place, the owner or
operator shall collect and analyze soil
as follows. The
Agency may allow an alternate location for, or excuse the
drilling of, one or more borings if drilling in the following
locations is made impracticable by site-specific circumstances.
Section 734.2 10(h)(1):
At a minimum, for each UST that is removed, the owner or
operator shall collect
analyze soil samples as follows. The
Agency may allow an alternate location for, or excuse the
collection of, one or more samples if sample collection in the
following locations is made impracticable by site-specific
Section 734.21 0(h)(2):
At a minimum, for each UST that remains in place, the owneror
operator shall collect and analyze soil
as follows. The
Agency may allow an alternate location for, or excuse the
drilling of, one or more borings if drilling in the following
locations is made impracticable by site-specific circumstances.
In response to comments regarding the removal offree product, the
Illinois EPA proposes to amend Sections 732.203(a) and 734.2
to the following to
retain the phrase
“to the maximum extent practicable,” although in a different location for
ofreading. The following language also includes the changes to Sections
732.203(a) and 734.2
proposed in the Illinois EPA’s Second Errata Sheet. Altered
wording is highlighted in bold lettering.
Section 732.203(a):
Under any circumstance in which conditions at a site indicate the
presence of free product, owners or operators shall remove, to the
maximum extent practicable, free product exceeding one-eighth
ofan inch in depth as measured in a groundwater monitoring
well, or present as a sheen on groundwater in the tank removal
excavation or on surface water, to the maximum extent practicable
while initiating or continuing any actions required pursuant to this
Part orother applicable laws or regulations. In meeting the
requirements ofthis Section, owners or operators shall:
Section 734.215(a):
Under any circumstance in which conditions at a site indicate the
presence offree product, owners or operators shall remove, to the
maximum extent practicable, free product exceeding one-eighth
ofan inch in depth as measured in a groundwater monitoring
well, or present as a sheen on groundwater in the tank removal
excavation or on surface water, while initiating or continuing any
actions required pursuant to this Part or other applicable laws or
regulations. In meeting the requirements ofthis Section, owners or
operators shall:
As a part ofthe proposed changes to water supply well survey provisions
(see below), the Agency proposes to~aniendSection 732.300(b)(1)(A)(i) to the following.
Altered wording is highlighted in bold lettering.
or more maps, to an appropriate scale, showing the following:
The locationofthe community water supply wells and other potable water
supply wells identified pursuant to subsection (b)(3) ofthis Section, and
the setback zone for each well;
The location and extent ofregulated recharge areas and wellhead
protection areas identified pursuant to subsection (b)(3) ofthis Section;
The current extent of groundwater contamination exceeding the Tier 1
groundwater ingestion exposure route remediation objectives of35 Iii.
Adm. Code 742 for the applicable indicator contaminants; and
The modeled extent of groundwater contamination exceeding the Tier 1
groundwater ingestion exposure route remediation objectives of 35 III.
Adm. Code 742 for the applicable indicator contaminants.
To allow well survey information ofthe Illinois State Geological Survey,
the Illinois State Water Survey, and the Illinois Department ofPublic Health to be
obtained from sources other than those offices directly, and to narrow the focus of the
water supply well surveys, the Agency proposes to amend Section 732.300(b)(3) to the
following. The same changes are being proposed to well survey language throughout the
rules. Altered wording is highlighted in bold lettering.
As part ofthe remediation conducted under subsection (b) ofthis Section,
owners and operators shall conduct a water supply well survey in
accordance with this subsection (b)(3).
At a minimum, the owner or operator shall identify all potable
water supply wells located at the site orwithin 200 feet ofthe site,
all community water supply wells located at the site or within
2,500 feet ofthe site, and all regulated recharge areas and welihead
protection areas in which the site is located. Actions taken to
identify the wells shall include, but not be limited to, the
Contacting the Agency’s Division ofPublic Water Supplies
to identify community water supply wells, regulated
recharge areas, and wellhead protection areas;
Using current information from the Illinois State
Geological Survey, the Illinois State Water Survey, and the
Illinois Department ofPubliô Health (or the county or local
health department delegated by the Illinois Department of
Public Health to permit potable water supply wells) to
identify potable water supply wells other than community
water supply wells: and
Contacting the local public water supply entities to identify
properties that receive potable water from a public water
In addition to the potable water supply wells identified pursuant to
subsection (b)(3)(A) ofthis Section, the owner or operator shall
extend the water supply well survey if soil or groundwater
contamination exceeding the Tier 1 groundwater ingestion
exposure route remediation objectives of 35 III. Adm. Code 742
for the applicable indicator contaminants extends beyond the site’s
pi~opertyboundary, or, as part ofremediation, the owner or
operator leaves in place soil or groundwater contamination
exceeding the Tier 1 groundwater ingestion exposure route
remediation objectives of35
Adm. Code 742 for the
applicable indicator contaminants and contamination exceeding
such objectives is modeled to migrate beyond the site’s property
boundary. At a minimum, the extended water supply well survey
shall identify the following:
All potable water supply wells located within 200 feet, and
all communitywater supply wells located within 2,500 feet,
ofthe current or modeled extent ofsoil or groundwater
contamination exceeding the Tier 1 groundwater
ingestion exposure route remediation objectives of35
Ill. Adm. Code 742 forthe applicable indicator
contaminants; and
All regulated recharge areas and welihead protection areas
in which the current or modeled extent ofsoil or
groundwatercontamination exceeding the Tier 1
groundwater ingestion exposure route remediation
objectives of35 III. Adm. Code 742 forthe applicable
indicator contaminants is located.
The Agency may require additional investigation ofpotable water
supply wells, regulated recharge areas, or welihead protection
areas if site-specific circumstances warrant. Such circumstances
shall include, but not be limited to, the existence ofone or more
parcels ofproperty within 200 feet ofthe current ormodeled extent
ofsoil or groundwater contamination exceeding the Tier 1
groundwater ingestion exposure route remediation objectives
of 35 III.
Adm. Code
742 for the applicable indicator contaminants
where potable water is likely to be used, but that is not served by a
public water supply ora well identified pursuant to subsections
(b)(3)(A) or (b)(3)(b) ofthis Section. The additional investigation
may include, but shall not be limited to, physical well surveys
(e.g., interviewing property owners, investigating individual
properties forwellheads, distributing door hangers or other
material that requests information about the existence ofpotable
wells on the property, etc.).
As a part ofthe proposed changes to water supply well survey provisions,
the Agency proposes to amend Sections 732.306(b)(4) and
to the following. Altered
wording is highlighted in bold lettering.
Groundwater contamination does not exceed Tier I 2rOUfldvater
ingestion exposure route remediation objectives-of 35 Ill. Adm. Code
742 for the applicable indicator contaminants as a result of the release,
modeling in accordance with 35 Ill. Adm. Code 742 shows that
groundwater contamination will not exceed such Tier 1 remediation
objectives as a result ofthe release, and no potable water supply wells are
impacted as a result ofthe release; and
Soil contamination exceeding the Tier 1 groundwater ingestion
exposure route remediation objectives of35 Ill. Adm. Code 742 for the
applicable indicator contaminants does not extend beyond the site’s
property boundary and is not located within a regulated recharge area, a
welihead protection area, or the setback zone ofa potable water supply
well. Documentation to demonstrate that this subsection (b)(5) is satisfied
shall include, but not be limited to, the results ofa water supply well
survey conducted in accordance with Section 732.307(f) ofthis Part.
As a part ofthe proposed changes to water supply, well surveyprovisions,
the Agency proposes to amend Section 732.307(0(2) to the following. Altered wording
is highlighted in bold lettering.
Using current information
from the Illinois
State Geological Survey, the
Illinois State Water Survey, and the Illinois Department ofPublic Health
(or the county or local health department delegatedby the Illinois
Department ofPublic Health to permit potable water supply wells) to
identify potable water supply wells other than communitywater supply
wells: and
As a part ofthe proposed changes to water supply well survey provisions,
the Agency proposes to amend Sections 732.309(a)(l)(C) and (D) to the following.
Altered wording is highlighted in bold lettering.
The current extent of groundwater contamination exceeding the Tier 1
groundwater ingestion exposure route remediation objectives of35 Ill.
Adm. Code 742 for the applicable indicator contaminants:
The modeled extent ofgroundwater contamination exceeding the Tier 1
groundwater ingestion exposure route remediation objectives of 35 III.
Adm. Code 742
for the applicable indicator contaminants. The
information required under this subsection
(D) is not
required to be shown
in the site classification completion report if modeling is not performed as
part of site investigation
In response to concerns about the prescriptive nature ofPart 734’s Stage 1
site investigation, the Illinois EPA proposes to amend Section 734.315(a) to the
following. The following language replaces all changes to Section 734.315(a) proposed
in the Illinois EPA’s First and Second Errata Sheets. Altered wording is highlighted in
bold lettering.
The Stage 1 site investigation shall consist ofthe following:
Soil investigation.
Up to fourborings shall be drilled around each
independent UST field where one or more UST
excavation samples collected pursuant to 734.210(h),
excluding backfill samples, exceed the most stringent
Tier 1 remediation objectives of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 742
for the applicable indicator contaminants. One
additional boring shall be drilled as close as practicable
to each UST field if a groundwater investigation
is not
required under subsection (a)(2) ofthis Section. The
borings shall be advanced through the entire vertical
extent of contamination, based upon field observations
and field screening for organic vapors, provided that
borings shall be drilled below the groundwater table
if site- specific conditions warrant.
Up to
borings shall be drilled around each UST
piping run where one or more piping run samples
collected pursuant to 734.210(h) exceed the most
stringent Tier 1 remediation objectives of35 IlL Adm.
Code 742 for the applicable indicator contaminants.
One additional boring shall be drilled a close as
practicable to each UST piping run if a groundwater
investigation is not required under subsection (a)(2) of
this Section. The borings shall be advanced through the
entire vertical extent of contamination, based upon field
observations and field screening for organic vapors,
provided that borings shall be drilled below the
groundwater table only if site-specific conditions
One soil sample shall be collected from each five-foot
interval of each boring drilled pursuant to subsections
and (B)
ofthis Section. Each sample shall be
the location within the five-foot interval that
is the most contaminated as a result of the release. Ifan
area ofcontamination cannot be identified within a five-
foot interval, the sample shall be collected from the center
of the five-foot interval. All samples shall be analyzed for
the applicable indicator contaminants.
Groundwater investigation.
A groundwater investigation is required under the
following circumstances:
There is evidence that groundwater wells have been
impacted by the release above the most stringent
Tier 1 remediation objectives of 35 III. Adm. Code
742 for the applicable indicator contaminants;
Free product that may impact groundwater is found
to need recovery in compliance with Section
734.2 15 ofthis Part; or
There is evidence that contaminated soils may be or
may have been in contact with groundwater, except
that, if the owner oroperatorpumps the excavation
or tank cavity dry, properly disposes of all
contaminated water, and demonstrates to the
Agency that no recharge is evident during the 24
hours following pumping, the owner or operator
does not have to complete a groundwater
investigation, unless the Agency’s review reveals
that further groundwater investigation is necessary.
If a groundwater investigation is required, the owner or
operator shall install five groundwater monitoring wells.
One monitoring well shall be installed in the locatiOn where
groundwater contamination is most likely to be present.
The four remaining wells shall be installed at the property
boundary line or 200 feet from the UST system, whichever
is less, in opposite directions from each other. The wells
shall be installed in locations where they are most likely to
detect groundwater contamination resulting from the
release and provide information regarding the groundwater
gradient and direction offlow.
One soil sample shall be collected from each five-foot
interval of each monitoring well installation boring
drilled pursuant to subsection (a)(2)(B) of this Section.
Each sample shall be collected from the location within
the five-foot interval that is the most contaminated as a
result ofthe release. If an area of contamination cannot
be identified within a five-foot interval, the sample shall
be collected from the center ofthe five-foot interval. All
soil samples exhibiting signs of contamination shall be
analyzed for the applicable indicator contaminants. For
borings that do not exhibit any signs of soil
contamination, samples from the following intervals
shall be analyzed for the applicable indicator
contaminants, provided that the samples shall not be
analyzed if other soil sampling conducted to date
indicates that soil contamination does not extend to the
location ofthe monitoring well installation boring:
The five-foot intervals intersecting the elevations
soil samples collected
pursuant to
734.210(h), excluding backfill samples, that
exceed the most stringent Tier 1 remediation
objectives of35 Ill. Adth. Code 742 for the
applicable indicator contaminants.
The five-foot interval immediately above each five-
foot interval identified in subsection (a)(2)(C)(i) of
this Section; and
The five-foot interval immediately below each five-
foot interval identified in subsection (a)(2)(C)(i) of
this Section.
Following the installation ofthe groundwater
wells, groundwater samples shall be collected from each
well and analyzed for the applicable indicator
As a part of the groundwater investigation an in-situ
hydraulic conductivity test shall be performed in the
first fully saturated layer below the water table. If
multiple water bearing units are encountered, an in-situ
hydraulic conductivity test shall be performed on each
such unit.
Wells used for hydraulic conductivity testing
shall be constructed in a manner that ensures the
most accurate results.
The screen must be contained within the
saturated zone.
An initial water supply well
in accordance with Section
734.445(a) ofthis Part.
As a part ofthe proposed
changes to water supply well survey provisions,
the Agency
proposes to amend Sections 732.404(e)(1) and (2) to the following. Altered
wording is highlighted in bold lettering.
In addition to the potable water supply wells identified pursuant to Section
732.307(f) of
this Part, the owneror operator shall extend the water supply
survey if
soil or groundwater contamination exceeding the Tier 1
groundwater ingestion exposure route remediation objectives of35 Iii.
Adm. Code 742 for the applicable indicator contaminants extends beyond.
the site’s property boundary, or, as
ofa corrective action plan. the
owner or operator proposes to leave in place soil or groundwater
contamination exceeding the Tier 1 groundwater ingestion exposure
route remediation objectives of35 III. Adm. Code 742 for the
applicable indicator contaminants
contamination exceeding such
objectives is modeled to migrate beyond the site’s property boundary. At
a minimum,
the extended water supply well survey shall identify the
All potable water supply wells located within 200 feet,
community water supply wells located within 2,500 feet, ofthe
current or modeled extent of soil or groundwater contamination
exceeding the Tier 1 groundwater ingestion exposure route
remediation objectives of35 Iii. Adm. Code 742 for the
applicable indicator contaminants;
All regulated recharge areas and wellhead protection areas in
which the current ormodeled extent ofsoil or groundwater
contamination exceeding the Tier I groundwater ingestion
exposure route remediation objectives of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 742
for the applicable indicator contaminants is located.
The Agency may require additional investigation ofpotable water supply
wells, regulated recharge areas, or wellhead protection areas if site-
specific circumstances warrant. Such circumstances shall include, but not
be limited to, the existence ofone or more parcels ofproperty within 200
feet ofthe current ormodeled extent of soil or groundwater contamination
exceeding the Tier 1 groundwater ingestion exposure route
remediation objectives of 35 III. Adm. Code 742 for the applicable
indicator contaminants where potable water is likely to be used, but that is
not served by a public water supply or a well identified pursuant to
Section 732.307(0(1) ofthis Part or subsection (e)(1) ofthis Section. The
additional investigation may include, but shall not be limited to, physical
well surveys (e.g., interviewing property owners, investigating individual
properties for weliheads, distributing door hangers or other material that
requests information about the existence ofpotable wells on the property,
a part ofthe proposed changes to water supply well survey provisions,
the Agency proposes to amend Sections 732.406(b)(4) and
to the following. Altered
wording is highlighted in bold lettering.
Groundwater contamination does not exceed the Tier 1 groundwater
ingestion exposure route remediation objectives of35 III. Adm. Code
742 for the applicable indicator contaminants as a result ofthe release,
modeling in accordance with 35 Ill. Adm. Code 742 shows that
groundwater contamination will not exceed such Tier.1 remediation
objectives as a result ofthe release, and no potable water supply wells are
impacted as a result ofthe release; and
Soil contamination exceeding the Tier I groundwater ingestion
exposure route remediation objectives of 35
Adm. Code 742 forthe
applicable indicator contaminants does not extend beyond the site’s
property boundary and is not located within a regulated recharge area, a
welihead protection area, orthe setback zone ofa potable water supply
well. Documentation to demonstrate that this subsection (b)(5) is satisfied
shall include, but not be limited to, the results ofa water supply well
survey conducted in accordance with Section 732.307(f) ofthis Part
In response to questions about the number of alternative technologies that
must be compared in a budget when an alternative technology is proposed, the Illinois
EPA proposes to amend Sections 732.407(b) and 734.340(b) to the following. Added
wording is highlighted in bold lettering.
Section 732.407(b):
An owner or operator intending to seek payment or reimbursement
for costs associated with the use ofan alternative technology shall
submit a corresponding budget plan in accordance with Section
732.405 ofthis Part. In addition to the requirements forcorrective
action budget plans at Section 732.404 ofthis Part, the budget plan
must demonstrate that the cost ofthe alternative technology will
not exceed the cost ofconventional technology and is not
substantially higher than other available alternative technologies.
The budget plan shall compare the costs of at least
available alternative technologies to the costs of the proposed
alternative technology.
Section 734.407(b):
An owner or operator intending to seek payment for costs
associated with the use of an alternative technology shall submit a
corresponding budget in accordance with Section 734.335 ofthis
Part. In addition to the requirements for a corrective action budget
at Section 734.335 ofthis Part, the budget must demonstrate that
the cost ofthe alternative technology will not exceed the cost of
conventional technology and is not substantially higher than other
available alternative technologies.
The budget plan shall
compare the costs of at least
other available alternative
technologies to the costs ofthe proposed alternative
As a part ofthe proposed changes to water supply well survey provisions,
the Agency proposes to amend Sections 732.409(a)(2)(A)(iii) and (iv) to the following.
Altered wording is highlighted in bold lettering.
The current extent ofgroundwater contamination exceeding the Tier 1
groundwater ingestion exposure route remediation objectives of35 Ill.
Adm. Code 742 for the applicable indicator contaminants;
The modeled extent of groundwater contamination exceeding the Tier 1
groundwater ingestion exposure route remediation objectives of
35 Ill.
Adm. Code 742 for the applicable indicator contaminants.
As a part ofthe proposed
changes to water supply well survey provisions,
the Agency proposes to amend Section 734.445 to the following. Altered wording is
highlighted in bold.lettering.
Section 734.445
Water Supply Well Survey
At a minimum, the owner or operator shall conduct a water supply
well survey to identify all potable water supply wells located at the
site or within 200 feet ofthe site, all community water supply
wells located at the site or within 2,500 feet ofthe site, and all
regulated recharge areas and welihead. protection areas in which
the site is located. Actions taken to identif~’the wells shall include,
but not be limited to, the following:
Contacting the Agency’s Division ofPublic Water Supplies
to identify community water supply wells, regulated
recharge areas, and wellhead protection areas;
current information from the Illinois State
Geological Survey, the Illinois State Water Survey, and the
Illinois Department ofPublic Health (orthe county or local
health department delegated by the Illinois Department of
Public Health to pennit potable water supply wells) to
identify potable water supply wells other than community
water supply wells; and
Contacting the local public water supply entities to identify
properties that receive potable water from a public water
In addition to the potable water supply wells identified pursuant to
subsection (a) ofthis Section, the owneror operator shall extend
the water supply well surveyif soil or groundwater contamination
exceeding the Tier I groundwater ingestion exposure route
remediation objectives of35 III. Adm. Code742 for the
applicable indicator contaminants extends beyond the site’s
property boundary, or, as part of a corrective action plan, the
owner or operator proposes to leave in place soil or grounth~iater
contamination exceeding the
Tier 1 groundwater ingestion
exposure route remediation objectives of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 742
for the applicable indicator contaminants and contamination
exceeding such objectives is modeled to migrate beyond the site’s
property boundary. At a minimum, the extended water supply well
survey shall identify the following:
All potable water supply wells located within 200 feet, and
all community water supply wells located within 2,500 feet,
ofthe current or modeled extent ofsoil or groundwater
exceeding the
Tier 1 groundwater
ingestion exposure route remediation objectives of 35
Ill. Adm.
Code 742 for the applicable indicator
contaminants; and
All regulated recharge areas and wellhead protection areas
in which the current or modeled extent ofsoil or
groundwater contamination exceeding the Tier 1
groundwater ingestion exposure route remediation
objectives of35 Iii. Adm. Code 742 for the applicable
indicator contaminants is located.
The Agency may reqtiire additional investigation ofpotable water
supply wells, regulated recharge areas, or wellhead protection
areas if site-specific circumstances warrant. Such circumstances
shall include, but not be limited to, the existence ofone or more
parcels ofproperty within 200 feet ofthe current ormodeled extent
ofsoil orgroundwater contamination exceeding the Tier
groundwater ingestion exposure route remediation objectives
of 35 Ill. Adm. Code
742 for the applicable indicator contaminants
where potable water is likely to be used, but that is not served by a
public water supply or a well identified pursuant to subsections (a)
or (b) ofthis Section. The additional investigation may include,
but shall not be limited to, physical well surveys (e.g., interviewing
property owners, investigating individual properties for wellheads,
distributing door hangers or other material that requests
information about the existence ofpotable wells on the property,
Documentation ofthe water supply well surveyconducted
pursuant to this Section shall include, but not be limited to, the
One or more maps, to an appropriate scale, showing the
The location ofthe community water supply wells
and other potable water supply wells identified
pursuant to this Section, and the setback zone for
each well;
The location and extent ofregulated recharge areas
and wellhead protection areas identified pursuant to
this Section;
The current extent of groundwater contamination
exceeding the Tier I groundwater ingestion
exposure route remediation objectives of 35 Iii.
Adm. Code 742 for the applicable indicator
contaminants; and
The modeled extent ofgroundwater contamination
exceeding the Tier 1 groundwater ingestion
exposure route remediation objectives of 35 III.
Adm. Code 742 for the applicable indicator
contaminants. The information required under this
subsection (D) is not required to be shown in a site
investigation report if modeling is not performed as
part ofsite investigation;
One ormore tables listing the setback zones for each
community watersupply well and other potable water
supply wells identified pursuant to this Section;
A narrative that, at a minimum, identifies each entity
contacted to identify potable water supply wells pursuant to
this Section, the name and title ofeach person contacted at
each entity, and field observations associated with the
identification ofpotable water supply wells; and
A certification from a Licensed Professional Engineer or
Licensed Professional Geologist that the water supply well
survey was conducted in accordance with the requirements
ofthis Section and that the documentation submitted
pursuant to subsection (d) ofthis Section includes the
information obtained as a result ofthe survey.
As a part of the proposed changes to water supply well surveyprovisions,
the Agency proposes to amend Sections 734.450(b)(4) and
to the following. Altered
wording is highlighted in bold lettering.
Groundwater contamination does not exceed the
Tier 1 groundwater
ingestion exposure route remediation objectives of35 III. Adm. Code
742 for the applicable indicator contaminants as a result of the release,
modeling in accordance with 35 Ill. Adm. Code 742 shows that
groundwater contamination will not exceed such Tier I remediation
objectives as a result of the release, and no potable water supply wells are
impacted as a result ofthe release; and
Soil contamination exceeding the Tier 1 groundwater ingestion
exposure route remediation objectives of35 Iii. Adm. Code 742 for the
applicable indicator contaminants does not extend beyond the site’s
property boundary and is not located within a regulated recharge area, a
wellhead protection area, orthe setback zone of a potable water supply
well. Documentation to demonstrate that this subsection
is satisfied
shall include, but not be limited to, the results of a water supply well
survey conducted in accordance with Section 734.445 ofthis Part.
In conjunction with the proposed new Sections 732.606(ggg) and (hhh),
and new Sections 734.630(ddd) and (eee) (see below), the Illinois EPA proposes to
amend Sections 732.408 and 734.4 10 as follows. Added wording is highlighted in bold
Section 732.408
Remediation Objectives
For sites requiring High Priority corrective action or for which the owner or
operator-has elected to conduct corrective action pursuant to Section 732.300(b),
732.400(b) or 732.400(c) ofthis Part, the owner or operator shall propose
remediation objectives for applicable indicator contaminants in accordancewith
35 Ill. Adm. Code 742. Owners and operators seeking payment from the.
Fund that perform on-site corrective action in accordance with Tier 2
remediation objectives of 35 III. Adm. Code 742 shall determinethe following
parameters on a site-specific basis:
Hydraulic conductivity (K)
Soil bulk density (p~
Soil particle density (p~
Moisture content (w)
Organic carbon content (f~)
Board Note: Costs associated with the following are ineligible for payment
from the Fund: (1) on-site corrective action to achieve remediation objectives
that are more stringent than Tier 2 remediation objectives developed in
accordance with 35 Ill. Adm. Code 742, and (2) costs associated with
groundwater remediation if a groundwater ordinance already approved by
the Agency for use as an institutional control can be used as an institutional
control for the incident being remediated. See Sections 732.606(ggg) and
(hhh) of this Part.
Section 734.4 10 Remediation Objectives
The owner or operator shall propose remediation objectives for applicable
indicator contaminants in accordance with 35 Ill. Adm. Code 742. Owners and
operators seeking payment from the Fund that perform on-site corrective
action in accordance with Tier 2 remediation objectives of35 III. Adm. Code
742 shall determine the following parameters on a site-specific basis:
Hydraulic conductivity (K)
Soil bulk density
Soil particle density (p,)
Moisture content (w)
Organic carbon content (f0~)
Board Note: Costs associated with the following are ineligible for payment
from the Fund: (1) on-site corrective action to achieve remediatiOn objectives
that are more stringent than Tier 2 remediation objectives developed in
accordance with 35
Iii. Adm. Code
742, and (2) costs associated with
groundwater remediation if a groundwater ordinance already approved by
the Agency for use as an institutional control can
be used as an institutional
control for the incident being remediated. See Sections 734.630(ddd) and
(eee) of this Part.
Inresponse to objections over requiring the submission oflaboratory
certifications in applications for payment, the Illinois EPA proposes to delete proposed
Sections 732.601(b)(1 1) and
734.605(b)(1 1).
The Illinois EPA proposes to delete Sections 732.606(ccc) and
734.630(yy) as a result ofconcern expressed over the effect ofthe Sections. The Illinois
EPA’s concern is that the costs associated with sampling and sample analysis be paid
only one time in cases where re-sampling or re-analysis is necessary due to improper
sample collection, transportation, or analysis. This concern is already addressed by
existing Sections 732.606(q) and 734.630(q).
In response to concerns about the payment ofroutine maintenance costs
necessary for the operation ofequipment leased for long terms, the Illinois EPA proposes
to amend Sections 732.606(eee) and 734.630(bbb) to the following. Altered wording is
highlighted in bold lettering.
Costs associated with the maintenance, repair, or replacement of
leased or subcontracted equipment, other than costs associated
with routine maintenance that are approved in a budget plan.
bbb) Costs associated with the maintenance, repair, or replacement of
leased or subcontracted equipment,
other than costs associated
with routine maintenance that are approved in a budget.
The Agencyproposes to add the following Sections 732.606(ggg) and
(hhh), and Sections 734.630(ddd) and (eee), to the list of ineligible costs to help ensure
that owners and operators seeking payment from the UST Fund utilize the Tiered
Approach to Corrective Action Objectives rules of35 Ill. Adm. Code 742 (“TACO”) in
the most cost-effective manner.
Section 732.606(ggg) and (hhh):
Costs associated with on-site corrective action to achieve
remediation objectives that are more stringent than the Tier 2
remediation objectives developed in accordance with 35 Ill. Adm.
Code 742.
(hhh) Costs associated with groundwater remediation if a groundwater
ordinance already approved by the Agency for use as an
institutional control in accordance with 35 Ill. Adm. Code 742 can
be used as an institutional control forthe release being remediated.
Section 734.630(ddd) and (eee):
(ddd) Costs associated with on-site corrective action to achieve
remediation objectives that are more stringent than the Tier 2
remediation objectives developed in accordance with 35 Ill. Adm.
Code 742.
(eee) Costs associated with groundwater remediation if a groundwater
ordinance already approved by the Agency for use as an
institutional control in accordance with 35 Ill. Adm. Code 742 can
be used as an institutional control for the release being remediated.
In response to concerns over the extent ofreviews conducted pursuant to
Sections 732.614 and 734.665, the Illinois EPA proposes to amend Sections 732.614 and
734.665 to the following by deleting the prefatory statutory language repeated from
ofthe Act. The following language includes changes to the Section
proposed in the Illinois EPA’s Second Errata Sheet.
Section 732.614/734.665
Audits and Access to Records; Records Retention
Owners or operators that submit a report, plan, budget,
application for payment, or other data or documents under this
Part, and Licensed Professional Engineers and Licensed
Professional Geologists that certify such report, plan, budget,
application for payment, data, or
document, shall maintain all
books, records, documents, and other evidence directly pertinent to
the report, plan, budget, application for payment, data, or
and data used in the preparation or support ofapplications for
payment. All books, records, documents, and other evidence shall
be maintained in accordance with accepted business practices and
appropriate accounting procedures and practices.
The Agency or any ofits duly authorized representatives shall have
access to the books, records, documents, and other evidence set
forth in subsection (a) of this Section during normal business hours
for the purpose ofinspection, audit, and copying. Owners,
operators, Licensed Professional Engineers, and Licensed
Professional Geologists shall provide proper facilities for such
access and inspection.
Owners, operators, Licensed Professional Engineers, and Licensed
Professional Geologists shall maintain the books, records,
documents, and other evidence set forth in subsection (a) ofthis
Section and make them available to the Agency or its authorized
representative until the latest of the following:
The expiration of4 years after the date the Agency issues a
No Further Remediation Letter issued pursuant to Subpart
G ofthis Part;
For books, records, documents, or other evidence relating
to an appeal, litigation, or other dispute or claim, the
expiration of 3 years after the date ofthe final disposition
ofthe appeal, litigation, or other dispute orclaim; or
The expiration ofany other applicable record retention
In response to comments set forth in “CW3M Company, Inc.’s Prefiled
Testimony and General Comments,” the Illinois EPA proposes to amend Sections
and 734.8
to the following by adding a missing reference to groundwater
removal systems. Added wording is highlighted in bold lettering.
Section 732.8
Payment for costs associated with the removal of free product or
groundwater via a method other than hand bailing or vacuum truck
shall be determined on a time and materials basis and shall not
exceed the amounts set forth in Section 732.850 ofthis Part. Such
costs shall include, but not be limited to, those associated with the
design, construction, installation, operatiori, maintenance, and
closure offree product and
groundwater removal systems.
Section 734.8
Payment for costs associated with the removal offree product or
groundwater via a method other than hand bailing or vacuum truck
shall be determined on a time and materials basis and shall not
exceed the amounts set forth in Section 734.850 ofthis Part. Such
costs shall include, but not be limited to, those associated with the
design, construction, installation, operation, maintenance, and
closure offree product and groundwater removal systems.
The Illinois EPA proposes to amend Sections 732.845 and 734.845,
Professional Consulting Services, as follows:
In response to concerns about field work and field oversight costs
associated with tank removals, amend Sections 732.845(a)(2)(A) and
734.845(a)(2)(A) to allow one half-day offield work and field oversight for each
leaking underground storage tank that is removed, up to a total often half-days.
In response to concerns about costs associated with site
investigation at sites classified as high priority under Part 732, amend Section
732.845(d) by adding a new subsections (d)(1)
and (2).
Add new Sections 732.845(d)(3)
and 734.845(b)(7) to address
costs associated with additional well surveys required under 732.404(e)(l) and (2)
and 734.445(b) and (c), respectively.
In response to concerns about including travel costs in the half-day
rate, remove travel costs from the half-dayrate by reducing the half-dayrate to
$390.00 throughout the Section and set forth the maximum amounts allowed for
travel in new Sections 732.845(e) and 734.845(e).
In response to concerns about costs associated with plan and
budget amendments that are required as a result ofunforeseen circumstances, add
Sections 732.845(f) and 734.845(f) to address such costs.
Add Sections 732.845(g) and 734.845(g) to address costs
associated with bidding when the owner or operatorpays the subcontractor
directly, and therefore the consultant would not be entitled to handling charges.
The following language includes the proposed changes to Sections 732.845 and
734.845 listed above as well as the changes to 734.845 proposed in the Agency’s First
Errata Sheet. Altered wording is highlighted in bold lettering.
Section 732.845
Professional Consulting Services
Payment for costs associated with professional consulting services shall not
exceed the amounts set forth in this Section. Such costs shall include, but not be
limited to, those associated with project planning and oversight; field work; field
oversight; travel; per diem; mileage; transportation; vehicle charges; lodging;
meals; and the preparation, review, certification, and submission ofall plans,
budget plans, reports, applications forpayment, and other documentation.
Early Action and Free Product Removal. Payment ofcosts for
professional consulting services associated with early action and
free product removal activities conducted pursuant to Subpart B of
this Part shall not exceed the following amounts:
Payment for costs associated with preparation for the
abandonment or removal ofUSTs shall not exceed a total
of $960.00.
Payment for costs associated with early action field work
and field oversight shall not exceed a total ofS390.O0 per
half-day, plus travel costs
accordance with subsection
(e) of
this Section. The number ofhalf-days shall not
exceed the following:
Ifone or more USTs are removed, one half-day for
each leaking UST that is removed, not to exceed
a total often half-days, plus one half-day for each
225 cubic yards, or fraction thereof, ofvisibly
contaminated fill material removed and disposed of
in accordance with Section 732.202(f) ofthis Part;
Ifone or more USTs remain in place, one half-day
for every four soil borings, or fraction thereof,
drilled pursuant to Section 732.202(h)(2) ofthis
Part; and
One half-day if a UST line release is renaired.
Payment forcosts associated with the preparation and
submission of20-day and 45-day reports, including, but not
limited to, field work not covered by subsection (a)(2) of
this Section, shall not exceed a total of$4,800.00.
Payment for costs associated with the preparation and
submission of free product removal plans and the
installation offree product removal systems shall be
determined on a time and materials basis and shall not
exceed the amounts set forth in Section 732.850 ofthis
Payment for costs associated with the field work and field
oversight for free product removal shall not exceed a total
of$390.00 per
half-day, plus travel costs in accordance
with subsection (e) ofthis Section. The Agency shall
the reasonable number ofhalf-days on a site-
specific basis.
Payment for costs associated with the preparation and
submission of free product removal reports shall not exceed
a total of$1,600.00 per report.
Payment for costs associated with the preparation and
submission ofreports submitted pursuant to Section
732.202(h)(3) ofthis Part shall not exceed a total of
Site Evaluation and Classification. Payment ofcosts for
professional consulting services associated with site evaluation and
classification activities conducted pursuant to Subpart C ofthis
Part shall not exceed the following amounts:
For site evaluation and classifications conducted pursuant
to Section 732.307 ofthis Part, payment for costs
associated with the preparation and submission ofsite
plans, site classification preparation, field
work, field oversight, and the preparation and submission
ofthe site classification completion report shall not exceed
a total of $9,870.00.
For site evaluation and classifications conducted pursuant
to Section 732.3 12 ofthis Part, payment for costs shall be
determined on a time and materials basis and shall not
exceed the amounts set forth in Section 732.850 ofthis
Part. For owners and operators that elect to proceed in
accordance with 35 Ill. Adm. Code 734, costs incurred after
the notification ofelection shall be payable from the Fund
in accordance with that Part.
Low Priority Corrective Action. Payment ofcosts for professional
consulting services associated with low priority corrective aôtion
activities conducted pursuant to Subpart D ofthis Part shall not
exceed the following amounts:
Payment for costs associated with the preparation and
submission of low priority groundwater monitoring plans
shall not exceed a total of$3,200.00.
Payment for costs associated with low priority groundwater
monitoringfield work and field oversight shall not exceed a
total of$390.00 per half-day, up to a maximum ofseven
plus travel costs in accordance with
subsection (e) of this Section.
Payment for costs associated with the preparation and
submission ofthe first year groundwater monitoring report
shall not exceed a total of$2,560.00.
Payment for costs associated with the preparation and
submission ofthe second year groundwater monitoring
report shall not exceed a total of
Payment for costs associated with the preparation and
submission oflow priority groundwater monitoring
completion report shall not exceed a total of$2,560.00.
High Priority Corrective Action. Payment ofcosts for professional
consulting services associated with high priority corrective action
activities conducted pursuant to Subpart D ofthis Part shall not
exceed the following amounts:
Payment for costs associated with the preparation and
submission ofinvestigation plans for sites classified~
pursuant to Section 732.307 of this Part shall not exceed
the following:
A total of$3,200.00 for plans to investigate on-
site contamination.
A total of $3,200.00 for plans to investigate
site contamination.
Payment for costs associated with field work and field
oversight to define the extent ofcontamination resulting
from the release shall not exceed a total of $390.00 per
half-day, plus travel costs in accordance with subsection
(e) ofthis Section. The number of half-days shall not
exceed the following:
One half-day for every four soil borings, or
fraction thereof, drilled as part of the
investigation but not used for the installation of
monitoring wells. Borings in which monitoring
wells are installed shall be included in subsection
(d)(2)(B) of this Section instead of this subsection
One half-day for each monitoring well installed
as part of the investigation.
Payment for costs associated with well surveys
conducted pursuant to Section 732.404(e)(1) of this Part
shall not exceed a total of $160.00. Payment for costs
associated with well surveys conducted pursuant to
Section 732.404(e)(2) of this Part shall be determined on
a time and materials basis and shall not exceed the
amounts set forth in Section 732.850 of this Part.
conventional technology, payment forcosts associated
with the preparation and submission ofcorrective action
plans shall not exceed a total of$5,120.00. For alternative
technologies, payment for costs shall be determined on a
time and materials basis and shall not exceed the amounts
set forth in Section 732.850 ofthis Part.
Payment for costs associated with high priority corrective
action field work and field oversight shall not exceed the
following amounts:
For conventional technology, a total of$390.00 per
half-day, not to exceed one half-day for each 225
cubic yards, or fraction thereof, of soil removed and
plus travel costs in accordance with
subsection (e) ofthis Section.
For alternative technologies, payment for costs shall
be determined on a time and materials basis and
shall not exceed the amounts set forth in Section
732.850 ofthis Part.
Development of Tier2 and Tier 3 Remediation
Objectives. Payment ofcosts for professional consulting
services associated with the development ofTier 2 and
Tier 3 remediation objectives in accordancewith 35 Ill.-
Adm. Code 742 shall not exceed the following amounts:
Payment for costs associated with field work and
field oversight for the development of
remediation objectives shall not exceed a total of
$390.00 per half-day, plus travel costs in
accordance with subsection (e) of this Section.
The number of half-days shall not exceed the
One half-day for every four soil borings,
or fraction thereof, drilled solely for the
purpose ofdeveloping remediation
objectives. Borings in which monitoring
wells are installed shall be included in
subsection (d)(6)(A)(ii) of this Section
instead ofthis subsection (d)(6)(A)(i); and
One half-day for each monitoring well
installed solely for the purpose of
Excluding costs set forth in subsection (d)(6)(A)
of this Section, payment for costs associated with
the development ofTier 2 .or Tier 3 remediation
objectives shall not exceed a total of $800.00.
Payment for costs associated with Environmental Land Use
Controls and Highway Authority Agreements used as
institutional controls pursuant to 35 Ill. Adm. Code 742
shall not exceed a total of $800.00 per Environmental Land
Use Control orHighway Authority Agreement.
Payment for costs associated with the preparation and
submission ofhigh priority corrective action completion
reports shall not exceed a total of $5,120.00.
Payment for costs associated with travel, including, but not
limited to, travel time, per diem, mileage, transportation,
vehicle_charges, lodging, and meals, shall not exceed the
following amounts. Costs for travel shall be allowed only when
specified elsewhere in this Part.
Distance to site
Maximum total amount
(land miles)
per calendar day
0 to 29
30 to59
60 or more
Distances shall be measured in ground miles and rounded to
the nearest mile. If a consultant maintains more than one
office, distance to the site shall be measured from the
consultant’s office that is closest to the site.
If a plan must be amended due to unforeseen circumstances,
costs associated with the amendment of the plan and its
associated budget plan shall not exceed a total of $640.00.
Costs associated with bidding pursuant to 732.855 of this Part
shall not exceed a total of$160.00 per task bid (e.g., tank
removal, drilling, laboratory analysis ofsamples). For the
purposes ofthis subsection (g), soil excavation, transportation,
and disposal shall be considered three separate tasks. Costs
for bidding shall be allowed under this subsection (g) only
when the person performing the task bid is paid directly by the
owner or operator.
Section 734.845
Professional Consulting Services
Payment forcosts associated with professional consulting services shall not
exceed the amounts set forth in this Section. Such costs shall include, but not be
limited to, those associated with project planning and oversight; field work; field
oversight; travel; per diem; mileage; transportation; vehicle charges; lodging;
meals; and the preparation, review, certification, and submission of all plans,
budgets, reports, applications for payment, and other documentation.
Early Action and Free Product Removal. Payment ofcosts for
professional consulting services associated with early action an4
free product removal activities conducted pursuant to Subpart B of
this Part shall not exceed the following amounts:
Payment for costs associated with preparation forthe
abandonment or removal ofUSTs shall not exceed a total
of $960.00.
Payment for costs associated with early action field work
and field oversight shall not exceed a total of$390.00 per.
half-day, plus travel costs in accordance with subsection
(e) ofthis Section. The number ofhalf-days shall not
exceed the following:
If one or more USTs are removed, one half-day
each leaking UST that is removed, not to exceed
a total of ten half-days,
plus one half-day for each
225 cubic yards, or fraction thereof, ofvisibly
contaminated fill material removed and disposed of
in accordance with Section 734.210(1)
of this Part;
If one or more USTs remain in place, one half-day
for every four soil borings, or fraction thereof,
drilled pursuant to Section 732.2 l0(h)(2) ofthis
Part; and
One half-day if a UST line release is repaired.
Payment for costs associated with the preparation and
submission of20-day and 45-day reports, including, but not
limited to, field work not covered by subsection (a)(2) of
this Section, shall not exceed a total of$4,800.00.
Payment forcosts associated with the preparation and
submission offree product removal plans andthe
installation offree product removal systems shall be
determined on a time and materials basis and shall not
exceed the amounts set forth in Section 734.850 ofthis
Payment for costs associated with the field work and field
oversight for free product removal shall not exceed a total
of a total of$390.00 per half-day, plus travel costs in
accordance with subsection (e) of this Section. The
Agency shall determine the reasonable number ofhalf-days
on a site-specific basis.
Payment for costs associated with the preparation and
submission offree product removal reports shall not exceed
a total of$1,600.00 per report.
Payment for costs associated with the preparation and
submission ofreports submitted pursuant to Section
734.2 10(h)(3) ofthis Part shall not exceed a total of
Site Investigation. Payment ofcosts for professional consulting
services associated with site investigation activities conducted
pursuant to Subpart C ofthis Part shall not exceed the following
Payment for costs associated with Stage 1 site investigation
preparation shall not exceed a total of
for costs associated
with Stage
1 field work
and field oversight shall not exceed a total of$390.00
per half-day, plus travel costs in accordance with
subsection (e) of this Section. The number of half-days
shall not exceed the following:
One half-day for every four soil borings, or
fraction thereof, drilled as part of the Stage 1 site
investigation but not used for the installation of
monitoring wells. Borings in which monitoring
wells are installed shall be included in subsection
ofthis Section instead of this subsection
(b)(2)(A); and
One half-day for each monitoring well installed
as part of the Stage I site investigation.
Payment forcosts associated with the preparation and
submission ofStage 2 site investigation plans shall not
exceed a total of$3,200.00.
Payment for costs associated with Stage 2 field work and
field oversight shall not exceed a
total of $390.00 per half-
day, plus travel costs in accordance with subsection (e)
of this Section. The number ofhalf-days shall not exceed
the following:
Onehalf-day for every four soil borings, or fraction
thereof, drilled as part ofthe Stage 2 site
investigation but not used for the installation of
monitoring wells. Borings in which monitoring
wells are installed shall be included in subsection
(b)(4)(B) ofthis Section instead ofthis subsection
One half-day for each.monitoring well installed as
part ofthe Stage 2 site investigation.
Payment forcosts associated with the preparation and
submission of Stage 3 site investigation plans shall not
exceed a total of$3,200.00.
Payment for costs associated with Stage 3 fleld work and
field oversight shall not exceed a
total of $390.00
per half-
plus travel costs in accordance with subsection (e)
of this Section.
The number ofhalf-days shall not exceed
the following:
Onehalf-day for every four soil borings, or fraction
thereof, drilled as part ofthe Stage 3 site
investigation but not used forthe installation of
monitoring wells. Borings in which monitoring
wells are installed shall be included in subsection
(b)(6)(B) ofthis Section instead ofthis subsection
(b)(6)(A); and
One half-day for each monitoring well installed as
part ofthe Stage 3 site investigation.
Payment for costs associated with well surveys
conducted pursuant to Section 734.445(b) of this Part
shall not exceed a total of$160.00. Payment for costs
associated with well surveys conducted pursuant to
Section 734.445(c) of this Part shall be determined on a
time and materials basis and shall not exceed the
amounts set forth in Section 734.850 ofthis Part.
Payment for costs associated with the preparation and
submission ofsite investigation completion reports shall
not exceed a total of$1,600.00.
Corrective Action. Payment of costs forprofessional consulting
services associated with corrective action activities conducted
pursuant to Subpart C ofthis Part shah not exceed the following
For conventional technology, payment for costs associated
with the preparation and submission ofcorrective action
plans shall not exceed a total of$5,120.00. For alternative
technologies, payment for costs shall be determined on a
time and materials basis and shall not exceed the amounts
set forth in Section 734.850 ofthis Part.
Payment for costs associated with corrective action field
work and field oversight shall not exceed the following
For conventional technology, a total of $390.00 per
half-day, not to exceed one half-day for each 225
cubic yards, or fraction thereof, of soil removed and
disposed, plus travel costs in accordance
subsection (e) ofthis Section.
For alternative technologies, payment for costs shall
be determined on a time and materials basis and
shall not exceed the amounts set forth in Section
734.850 ofthis Part.
Payment for costs associated with Environmental Land Use
Controls and Highway Authority Agreements used as
institutional controls pursuant to 35 Iii. Adm. Code 742
shall not exceed a total of $800.00 per Environmental Land
Use Control or Highway Authority Agreement.
Payment for costs associated with the preparation and
submission ofcorrective action completion reports shall not
exceed a total of$5,120.00.
Development ofTier 2 and Tier 3 Remediation Objectives.
Payment ofcosts for professional consulting services associated
with the development ofTier 2 and Tier 3 remediation
objectives in accordance with 35 Ill. Adm. Code 742 shall not
exceed the following amounts:
Payment for costs associated with field work and field
oversight for the development of remediation objectives
shall not exceed a total of$390.00 per half-day, plus
travel costs in accordance with subsection (e) of this
Section. The number ofhalf-days shall not exceed the
One half-day for every four soil borings, or
fraction thereof, drilled solely for the purpose of
developing remediation objectives. Borings in
which monitoring wells are installed shall be
included in subsection (d)(1)(B) ofthis Section
instead ofthis subsection (d)(1)(A); and
One half-day for each monitoring well installed
solely for the purpose ofdeveloping remediatión
Excluding costs set forth in subsection (d)(1) ofthis
Section, payment for costs associated with the
development of Tier 2 or Tier 3 remediation objectives
shall not exceed a total of $800.00.
Payment for costs associated with travel, including, but not
limited to, travel time, per diem, mileage, transportation,
vehicle charges, lodging, and meals, shall not exceed the
following amounts. Costs for travel shall be allowed only when
specified elsewhere in this Part.
Distance to site
Maximum total amount
(land miles)
per calendar day
30 to 59
60 or more
Distances shall be measured in ground miles and rounded to
the nearest mile. If a consultant maintains more than one
office, distance to the site shall be measured from the
consultant’s office that is closest to the site.
If a plan must be amended due to unforeseen circumstances,
costs associated with the amendment of the plan and its
associated budget shall not exceed a total of $640.00.
Costs associated with bidding pursuant to 734.855 of this Part
shall not exceed a total of $160.00 per task bid (e.g., tank
removal, drilling, laboratory analysis ofsamples). For the
purposes of this subsection (g), soil excavation, transportation,
and disposal shall be considered three separate tasks. Costs for
bidding shall be allowed under this subsection (g) only when
the person performing the task bid is paid directly by the
owner or operator.
In conjunction with re-numbering of Sections 732.855 and 734.855 to
Sections 732.860 and 734.860 (see below), the Illinois EPA proposes to amend Sections
732.850(a) and 734.850(a) to the following. Altered wording is highlighted in bold
Payment for costs associated with activities that have a maximum
payment amount set forth in other sections ofthis Subpart H (e.g,
sample handling and analysis, drilling, well installation and
abandonment, drum disposal, or consulting fees for plans, field
work, field oversight, and reports) shall not exceed the amounts set
forth in those Sections, unless payment is made pursuant to Section
732.860 ofthis Part.
Section 734.850(a):
Payment for costs associated with activities that have a maximum
payment amount set forth in other sections ofthis Subpart H (e.g,
sample handling and analysis, drilling, well installation and
abandonment, drum disposal, or consulting fees for plans, field
work, field oversight, and reports)
shall not exceed the amounts set
forth in those Sections, unless payment is made pursuant to Section
734.860 ofthis
The Illinois EPA proposes to add the following new Sections 732.855 and
734.855 to allow bidding as an alternative to the maximum payment amounts set forth in
Subpart H.
Section 732.855/734.855
As an
alternative to the maximum payment amounts set forth in this Subpart H,
one or more maximum payment amounts may be determined
via bidding in
accordance with.this Section. Each bid shall
cOver all costs included in the
maximum payment amount that the bid is
written bids shall be obtained. The bids shall
be based upon the same scope of work
and shall remain valid for a
period oftime that will allow the owner or operator to accept them
upon the Agency’s approval of the associated
budget. Bids shall
be obtained only from
persons qualified and able to perform the
work being
bid. Bids shall not be obtained from persons in which
the owner or
operator, or the owner’s or operator’s primary
consultant, has
a direct or indirect financial
The bids must be summarized on forms prescribed and provided by
the Agency. The bid summary form, along with copies of the bid
requests and the bids obtained, shall be submitted to the Agency in
the associated budget. Ifmore than the minimum three bids are
obtained, summaries and copies ofall bids shall be submitted to
the Agency.
The maximum payment amount for the work bid shall be the
amount ofthe lowest bid, unless the lowest bid is less than the
maximum payment amount set forth in this Subpart H in which
case the maximum payment amount set forth in this Subpart H
shall be allowed. The owner or operator is not required to use the
lowest bidder to perform the work, but instead may use another
person qualified and able to perform the work, including, but not
limited to, a person in which the owner oroperator, or the owner’s
or operator’s primaryconsultant, has a direct or indirect financial
interest. However, regardless ofwho performs the work, the
maximum payment amount will
remain the amount of the lowest
In conjunction with the
addition ofthe bidding provisions above, the
Illinois EPA proposes to amend current Sections 732.855 and
734.855 to 732.860 and
734.860, with the following changes to the text ofthe Sections. Altered wording is
highlighted in
bold lettering. With this change, Sections 732.860 and 734.860 should be
re-numbered to 732.865 and 734.865, and Sections 732.865 and 734.865 should be re-
numbered to 732.870 and 734.870.
Section 732.860
Unusual or Extraordinary Circumstances
If, as a result of unusual or extraordinary circumstances, an owner or operator
incurs or will incur eligible costs that exceed the
maximum payment
set forth in this Subpart H, the Agency may determine maximum payment
amounts forthe costs on a site-specific basis. Owners and operators seeking to
have the Agency determine maximum payments amounts pursuant to this
Section shall demonstrate to the Agency that the costs for which they are
seeking a determination are eligible for payment from the Fund, exceed the
maximum payment amounts set forth in this Subpart H, are the result of
unusual or extraordinary circumstances,
are unavoidable, are reasonable, and
necessary in order to satisf~’the requirements ofthis
Part. Examples of
unusual or extraordinary circumstances may include, but shall not be limited
to, an inability to obtain a minimum ofthree bids pursuant to Section
732.855 of this Part due to a limited number ofpersons providing the service
Section 734.860
Unusual or Extraordinary
If, as a
result of unusual or extraordinary circumstances,
an owner or operator
or will incur eligible costs that exceed
maximum payment amounts
set forth in this Subpart H, the Agency may determine maximum payment
amounts for the costs on a site-specific basis. Owners and operators seeking to
have the Agency determine maximum payments amounts pursuant to this
Section shall demonstrate to the Agency that the costs for which they are
seeking a determination are eligible for payment from the Fund, exceed the
maximum payment amounts set forth in this Subpart
H, are the result of
unusual or extraordinary circumstances, are unavoidable, are reasonable,
necessary in
order to satisfy the requirements ofthis Part. Examples of
unusual or extraordinary circumstances may include, but
shall not be limited
to, an inability to obtain a minimum of three bids pursuant to Section
of this Part due to a limited number of persons providing the service
X. To help ensure that the maximum payment amounts set forth in Subpart H
reflect prevailing market rates, the
Illinois EPA proposes to add Sections
732.875 and
743.875 as follows. This language is the same as originally proposed in Sections 732.865
and 734.865, except that the minimum time between reviews is changed from two years
to three years.
Section 732.875/734.875 Agency Review of Payment
No less
every three years the Agency shall review the
provisions ofthis
Subpart H. As part
of its review the Agency shall determine
whetherthe amounts
set forth in this Subpart H generally reflect prevailing markçt rates. If, as a result
ofthe review, the Agency determines that the amounts set forth in this Subpart H
no longer generally reflect prevailing market rates, it shall propose appropriate
amendments to the Board.
In response to recommendations set forth in “Testimony ofJarrett Thomas
on Behalf of the Professionals of Illinois
for the Protection ofthe Environment and the
Illinois Association ofEnvironmental Laboratories, Inc.,” the Illinois EPA proposes to
amend Sections 732.APPENDIX D and 734.APPENDIX D to the following by deleting
references to specific methods ofanalyses for the following: BTEX Soil; BTEX Water;
Polynuclear Aromatics PNA, or PAH SOIL; and Polynuclear Aromatics PNA, or PAH
WATER. “(EPA 8260)” is deleted after the BTEX analyses and “EPA 8270” is deleted
after the Polynuclear Aromatics analyses.
Section 732.APPENDIX D /734.APPENDIX D Sample Handling and Analysis
Max. Total Amount
per Sample
BETX Soil with MTBE
BETX Water with MTBE
COD (Chemical Oxygen Demand)
Flash Point or Ignitability Analysis EPA 1010
FOC (Fraction Organic Carbon)
Fat, Oil, & Grease (FOG)
LUST Pollutants Soil
. -
analysis must include all volatile,
base/neutral, polynuclear aromatic, and metal~parameters
listed in Section 734.AppendixB ofthis Part
Organic Carbon (ASTM-D 2974-87)
Dissolved Oxygen (DO)
Paint Filter (Free Liquids)
PCB / Pesticides (combination)
Polynuclear Aromatics PNA, or
Polynuclear Aromatics PNA, or PAH
Soil (Semi-volatile
Organic Compounds)
Water (Semi-volatile Organic Compounds)
(Total Kjeldahl) “nitrogen”
TOC (Total Organic Carbon) EPA 9060A
TPH (Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons)
VOC (Volatile Organic Compound)
Soil (Non-Aqueous)
VOC (Volatile Organic Compound)
Bulk Density ASTM D4292 / D2937
Ex-Situ Hydraulic Conductivity / Permeability
Moisture Content ASTM D2216-90 / D4643-87
Rock Hydraulic Conductivity Ex-Situ
Sieve / Particle Size Analysis ASTM D422-63 / Dl 140-54
Soil Classification ASTM D2488-90 / D2487-90
Arsenic TCLP Soil
Arsenic Total Soil
Arsenic Water
Barium TCLP Soil
Barium Total Soil
Barium Water
Cadmium TCLP Soil
Cadmium Total Soil
Cadmium Water
Chromium TCLP Soil
Chromium Total Soil
Chromium Water
Cyanide TCLP Soil
Cyanide Total Soil
Cyanide Water
Iron TCLP Soil
Iron Total Soil
Iron Water
Lead TCLP Soil
Lead Total Soil
Lead Water
Mercury TCLP Soil
Mercury Total Soil
Mercury Water
Selenium TCLP Soil
Selenium Total Soil
Selenium Water
Silver TCLP Soil
SilverTotal Soil
Silver Water
Metals TCLP Soil (a combination ofall RCRA metals)
Metals Total Soil (a combination ofall RCRA metals)
Metals Water (a combination of all RCRA metals)
Soil preparation for Metals TCLP Soil (one fee per sample)
Soil preparation for Metals Total Soil (one fee per sample)
Water preparation for Metals Water (one fee per sample)
En Core® Sampler, purge-and-trap sampler, or equivalent
sampling device
Sample Shipping (*maximum total amount for shipping all
samples collected in a calendar day)
The Illinois EPA proposes to amend Sections 732.APPENDIX E and
to the following by increasing maximum hourly rates for engineers
and geologists. Altered rates are highlighted in bold lettering.
Section 734.APPENDIX E Personnel Titles and
Degree Required
Mi Yrs.
Engineer I
Engineer II
Engineer III
Professional Engineer
Senior Prof. Engineer
Bachelor’s in Engineering
Bachelor’s in Engineering
Bachelor’s in Engineering
Bachelor’s in Engineering
Bachelor’s in Engineering
Geologist I
Geologist II
Geologist III
Professional Geologist
Senior Prof. Geologist
Bachelor’s in Geology or Hydrogeology
Bachelor’s in Geology or Hydrogeology
Bachelor’s in Geology or Hydrogeology
Bachelor’s in Geology or Hydrogeology
Bachelor’s in Geology orHydrogeology
Scientist I
Scientist II
Scientist III
Scientist IV
Senior Scientist
Bachelor’s in a Natural orPhysical Science
Bachelor’s in a Natural or Physical Science
Bachelor’s in a Natural or Physical
Bachelor’s in a Natural or Physical Science
Bachelor’s in a Natural or Physical Science
Project Manager
Senior Project Manager
Technician I
Technician II
Technician III
Senior Technician
Account Technician I
Account Technician II
AccountTechnician Ill
AccountTechnician IV
Senior Acct. Technician
Administrative Assistant I
Administrative Assistant II
Administrative Assistant III
Administrative Assistant IV
Senior Admin. Assistant
Drafiperson/CAD I
DraftpersonlCAD II
Draftperson/CAD III
Draftperson/CAD IV
Senior DraftpersonlCAD
Equivalent work-related or college level education with significant coursework in the
physical, life, or environmental sciences can be substituted for all or part of the specified
experience requirements.
Equivalent work-related orcollege level education with significant coursework in
accounting or business can be substituted for all or part ofthe specified experience
~Equivalent work-related orcollege level education with significant coursework in
administrative or secretarial services can be substituted for all or part ofthe specified
experience requirements.
Equivalent work-related or college level education with significant coursework in drafting
or computer aided design
(“CAD”) can be substituted for all orpart ofthe specified
experience requirements.