AUG 23
18725 crowlrey
PoIIut~onControt Board
Office~&~ax (815)943-3453
August 18, 2004
Ms. Dorothy Guim
Clerk of the Board
Illinois Pollution Control Board
100 W. Randolph St., Suite 11-500
Chicago, IL 60601
Jp’C/n Cory/yalcon ~Waste & RecycCing, Inc.
~Petition for ~4iIjustedStancCarc1
Dear Ms. Gunn:
We write to support the adjusted standard petition submitted by J-’Lyn Corp and Falcon
Waste & Recycling, Inc. Jo’Lyn and Falcon use granulated bituminous shingle material
(GBSM) to produce a useful and clean paving product. GBSM is a clean and consistent
material generated at the end of the manufacturing ofroofing shingles. GBSM contains
no post-consumer material, and in not shingle tear-offs. Jo’Lyn and Falcon purchase
GBSM from shingle manufacturers and then use a grinding and compaction process to
create a paving product called Eclipse Dust Control. Eclipse Dust Control has a number
of applications including the paving ofdriveways, parking lots, feed lots, and bike and
walking paths. The paving product is proven effective.
There is no downside to the process used by Jo’Lyn and Falcon; it converts GBSM into a
useful paving product which is proven effective, while utilizing a material which might
otherwise be landfihled for the lack ofa market. There is a demonstrated market for the
paving product, and Jo’Lyn and Falcon have standing orders for the product.
We urge the IPCB to grant this petition for adjusted standard. Jo’Lyn and Falcon use an
innovative process which is environmentally friendly, and provides a market for GBSM..
Granting the petition for adjusted standard will allow Jo’Lyn and Falcon to continue
using thiw innovative process, while also protecting the environment.
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Mary A. Goerner
Mr. John Kim
Division ofLegal Counsel
Illinois Environmental Protection Agency
1021 N. Grand Avenue East
P.O. Box 19276
Springfield, IL 62794-9276