August 19, 2004
    SDWA UPDATE, USEPA AMENDMENTS ) (Identical-in-Substance
    (July 1, 2003 though December 31, 2003) ) Rulemaking - Public Water Supply)
    Adopted Rule. Final Order.
    The Board today updates the Illinois regulations that are “identical in substance” to
    drinking water regulations adopted by the United States Environmental Protection Agency
    (USEPA). The USEPA rules implement Sections 1412(b), 1414(c), 1417(a), and 1445(a) of the
    federal Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) (42 U.S.C. §§ 300g-1(a), 300g-3(c), 300g-6(a), and
    300j-4(a) (1994)). This docket includes federal SDWA amendments that USEPA adopted in the
    period July 1, 2003 though December 31, 2003. The substantive amendments involved in this
    proceeding relate to a notice of change in a key USEPA policy that determines the applicability
    of the SDWA regulations under certain circumstances. Another amendment in this proceeding
    updates the name of the entity from which material incorporated by reference is available. In
    this order, the Board adopts amendments to 35 Ill. Adm. Code 611 with no substantive change
    from those proposed on May 20, 2004.
    Sections 7.2 and 17.5 of the Environmental Protection Act (Act) (415 ILCS 5/7.2 and
    17.5 (2002)) provide for quick adoption by the Board of regulations that are identical in
    substance to federal regulations that USEPA adopts to implement Sections 1412(b), 1414(c),
    1417(a), and 1445(a) of the federal SDWA. Section 17.5 also provides that Title VII of the Act
    and Section 5 of the Administrative Procedure Act (APA) (5 ILCS 100/5-35 and 5-40 (2002)) do
    not apply to the Board’s adoption of identical-in-substance regulations. The federal SDWA
    regulations are found at 40 C.F.R. 141 through 143.
    The following briefly summarizes the federal actions considered in this rulemaking.
    Docket R03-13: July 1, 2003 though December 31, 2003 SDWA Amendments
    USEPA did not amend the federal SDWA regulations during the period July 1, 2003
    though December 31, 2003. Rather, USEPA published a notice of its policy interpreting a key
    provision of the SDWA itself that determines the applicability of the SDWA regulations. This
    policy revision is summarized below:
    68 Fed. Reg. 74233 (December 23, 2003)
    USEPA changed its policy and determined that a property owner that “submeters” water,
    , that distributes water to a limited number of tenants on its own property, does not

    “sell” water within the meaning of Section 1411(3) of SDWA (42 U.S.C. 300g(3) 2000).
    Thus, such a property owner is a not a public water supply to which the SDWA
    requirements apply.
    No Other Federal Actions Having a Direct Impact on the
    Illinois SDWA (Drinking Water) Regulations
    In addition to the amendments to the federal SDWA regulations, amendments to certain
    other federal regulations occasionally have an effect on the Illinois drinking water rules. Most
    notably, 35 Ill. Adm. Code 611.102 includes the incorporation of Appendices B and C of 40
    C.F.R. 136 by reference. These are federal Clean Water Act methods for analysis of
    contaminants in water.
    As of the date of this proposal for public comment, the Board has found one set of
    amendments to the analytical methods for analysis of contaminants in water in 40 C.F.R. 136
    and a set of corrections to those amendments.
    68 Fed. Reg. 43272 (July 21, 2003)
    USEPA approved new methods for microbiological analysis of water and wastewater.
    68 Fed. Reg. 54934 (September 19, 2003)
    USEPA corrected its July 21, 2003 approval of new methods for microbiological analysis
    of water and wastewater
    Examination of the July 21, 2003 amendments and September 19, 2003 corrections
    reveals that none of the amendments require Board action. The segments of 40 CFR 136
    amended by USEPA are different from those incorporated by reference in Section 611.102. No
    Board action will be required at this time to update the version of 40 C.F.R. 136 incorporated by
    reference in to include the amendments.
    Summary Tabulation of the Federal Actions Included in This Docket
    December 23, 2003
    (68 Fed. Reg. 74233)
    Revised USEPA policy relative to the applicability of the SDWA
    requirements to a property owner that “submeters,” rather than
    “sells,” water to a limited number of tenants on its own property.
    The Board adopted a proposal for public comment in this matter on May 20, 2004. A
    Notice of Proposed Amendments appeared in the June 18, 2004 issue of the
    Illinois Register
    28 Ill. Reg. 8403. The Board received public comments on the proposal for a period of 45 days
    following its publication in the
    Illinois Register
    , until August 2, 2004. The Board now adopts
    the amendments, making any necessary changes made evident through the public comments.
    At the time of adoption of the May 20, 2004 proposal for public comment, the Board had
    already received two public comments relating to this proceeding.

    PC 1 Letter dated March 22, 2004 from Teresa Smith, Ph. D., Central Region
    Microbiology Field Specialist, EMD Chemicals Inc.
    PC 2 E-mail to M. McCambridge (Board hearing officer in this matter) dated
    January 28, 2004 from Lou Allyn Byus, Assistant Manager, Field Operations,
    Division of Public Water Supply, Illinois Environmental Protection Agency
    In PC 1, EMD Chemicals Inc. requests that the Board update their company name in the
    incorporations by reference section of the regulations. Discussion of this comment and the
    amendments that the Board has undertaken in response to it appears in the segment of the
    discussion that begins on page 6 of this opinion.
    In PC 2, the Agency suggested language for a Board note to append to the regulations.
    The Agency suggested language to describe how it intends to implement the USEPA policy
    revision of December 23, 2004. This comment and the Board’s response are considered in the
    segment of the discussion relating to the federal action of December 23, 2003.
    After adoption of the May 20, 2004 proposal, during the public comment period, the
    Board received the following documents:
    Line Numbered Version from the Joint Committee on Administrative Rules (JCAR),
    received June 14, 2004 for Part 611.
    PC 3 E-mail to Michael J. McCambridge, Attorney, by Lou Allyn Byus, Illinois
    Environmental Protection Agency, Division of Public Water Supply, dated
    June 15, 2004.
    JCAR suggested two corrections to the text of the amendments in its Line Numbered
    Version. This opinion does not include discussion of any of the JCAR suggestions, but the table
    that begins on page 8 itemizes the change made in the text and indicates the source of each
    In PC 3, Ms. Byus indicated that the Agency reviewed the text of the proposed
    amendments, and found them satisfactory. Ms. Byus expressed doubt that the Agency would
    comment further on the proposed amendments.
    The following discussion begins with a description of the types of deviations the Board
    makes from the literal text of federal regulations in adopting identical-in-substance rules. It is
    followed by a discussion of the amendments and actions undertaken in direct response to the
    federal actions involved in this proceeding. This first series of discussions is organized by
    federal subject matter, generally appearing in chronological order of the relevant

    notices involved. Finally, this discussion closes with a description of the amendments
    and actions that are not directly derived from the federal actions.
    Discussion of the Federal Action
    Applicability of the SDWA Requirements to Submetered Properties—Section 611.100
    On December 23, 2003 (68 Fed. Reg. 74233), USEPA announced that it had revised its
    policy relative to the applicability of the SDWA requirements under certain limited
    circumstances. USEPA recently determined that the national primary drinking water standards
    (NPDWRs) do not apply to a landlord that submeters the water consumed by its tenants and bills
    them for the water consumed with some limitations. USEPA believes that apartment buildings
    and other property types that share characteristics of an apartment building should be subject to
    the revised policy.
    The NPDWRs apply to a “public water system” (PWS), which is a system for provision
    of water for human consumption through pipes or constructed conveyances to fifteen or more
    service connections or to 25 or more persons. Section 1401(1) and (4) of SDWA (42 U.S.C.
    300f(1) and (4) (2000)). They do not apply, however, to a PWS that (1) consists only of
    distribution and storage facilities; (2) obtains all of its water from a regulated PWS; (3) does not
    sell water to any person; and (4) is not a carrier that conveys passengers in interstate commerce.
    Section 1411 of SDWA (42 U.S.C. 300g (2000)). The revised policy relates to the third
    limitation of this exemption: the system may not “sell” the water. The revised policy
    distinguishes “submetering” water from “selling” it.
    USEPA stated that the State should make any applicability determination based on the
    characteristics of the system. USEPA stated that the person that submeters the water must
    receive all its water from a single regulated PWS to qualify for exemption. Factors listed by
    USEPA included the existence of a limited distribution system with no known backflow or cross
    connection issues; the presence of most of the plumbing in buildings, rather than in the ground;
    and single ownership (or association ownership) of the property. USEPA cited apartment
    buildings, co-ops, and condominiums as examples of eligible properties. Persons interested in
    the details of the federal amendments should consult the
    Federal Register
    notice of
    December 23, 2003.
    USEPA did not amend its regulations when it published this revised policy relating to the
    “sale” of water under Section 1311 of SDWA. The Board notes that 40 C.F.R. 141.3 is nearly
    identical to Section 1311 of SDWA. USEPA did not mention section 141.3 of the SDWA
    regulations in announcing its revised policy, but the near identity of language would indicate that
    USEPA has revised its interpretation of section 141.3.
    Section 611.100(d) of the Illinois rules is derived from 40 C.F.R. 141.3. The federal
    policy revision relating to submetered properties alters the scope and meaning of 40 C.F.R. 141.3
    and Illinois Section 611.100(d). In the past, when USEPA has undertaken extra-regulatory
    actions that affect the meaning and implementation of its regulations, the Board has responded

    by adding a Board note to the affected segment of the rules. Examples in the SDWA regulations
    include the following Board notes:
    Section 611.126 (noting a USEPA interpretation that a certain industry standard was
    “established in accordance with 42 USC 300g-6(e),” as required by 40 C.F.R.
    Section 611.311 (noting an indefinite USEPA stay of the maximum contaminant levels
    (MCLs) for three contaminants, even though the MCLs remain in the regulations);
    Section 611.330(h), footnote 2 (noting that USEPA refers to an extrinsic document to add
    meaning to its regulations);
    Section 611.330(h), limitation note (c) (noting a USEPA reference to a table to limit the
    meaning of its regulations and citing the extrinsic source that sets forth the table); and
    Section 611.356(g)(1)(A)(ii) (noting a USEPA interpretation that a certain industry
    standard was “established in accordance with 42 USC 300g-6(e),” as required by 40
    C.F.R. 141.86(g)(1)(i)(B)).
    Section 17.5 of the Act (415 ILCS 5/17.5 (2002)) requires the Board to adopt regulations
    that are “identical in substance” to the federal NPDWRs and to amendments to the federal
    NPDWRs. The December 23, 2003 policy revision that distinguishes a person who “submeters”
    water from one who “sells” it does not involve a regulatory amendment. Nevertheless, it
    embodies a change in federal policy and alters the meaning and implementation of the federal
    rules. As the Board has done in the past, the Board now interprets the December 23, 2003 policy
    revision as an amendment to the federal regulations that is within the scope of our mandate under
    Section 17.5 of the Act.
    See, e.g.
    , SDWA Update, USEPA Regulations (July 1, 2002 through
    December 31, 2002), R03-15 (Oct. 2, 2003) at pp. 9-11 (amending a Board note to Section
    611.311 about the indefinite federal stay of the regulations); SDWA Update, USEPA
    Regulations (July 1, 2000 through December 31, 2000), R01-20 (Oct. 4, 2001) at p. 6 (adding
    language to footnote 2 and limitation note (c) in Section 611.330(h)); SDWA Update, USEPA
    Regulations (January 1, 2000 through June 30, 2000), R01-7 (Jan. 1, 2001) at p. 8 (adding the
    name of a national standard to the text of Sections 611.126 and 611.356(g) based on a
    notice); SDWA Update, USEPA Regulations (June 1, 1991 through December 31,
    1991), R92-3 (May 5, 1993) (adding a Board note to Section 611.311 about the indefinite federal
    stay of the regulations).
    Although USEPA did not formally amend the text of the rules, its policy is an “agency
    statement of general applicability that implements, applies, interprets, or prescribes law or
    policy,” as stated in the definition of “rule” at Section 1-70 the Administrative Procedure Act (5
    ILCS 100/1-70 (2002)). The Board has continued the past practice of adding a Board note to the
    affected segment of the regulations to indicate the federal action. The Board has added that note
    to the affected segment of the text, which is Section 611.100(d).

    The Agency, in PC 1, suggested that the Board include an explanation of how the Agency
    intends to implement the revised federal policy relative to submetered properties. The Agency
    drew most of its explanation directly from the December 23, 2003
    Federal Register
    notice. The
    Agency suggested the following language in the Board note appended to Section 611.100:
    BOARD NOTE: On December 23, 2003, USEPA published a re-interpretation of
    submetering of a water system for the purposes of tracking water use and
    consumption. A submetered public water system is not considered to “sell” water
    under the criteria for exemption. The Agency will determine whether or not a
    public water system meets the criteria for submetering based upon the following:
    A submetered public water system must purchase all water from a public water
    system subject to Section 611 regulations. A submetered public water system
    must have a limited distribution system, with the no history or presence of
    unprotected cross-connections and a majority of its plumbing within a structure
    rather than underground. A submetered public water system must be owned by a
    single/individual or an association of property owners, as in the case of a
    condominium or co-op. A public water system that serves a large distribution
    system, a large consumer population, or a mixed commercial/industrial population
    does not qualify as a submetered public water system. Examples of public water
    systems that do not qualify as submetered public water systems are military
    installations or facilities and large mobile home parks
    The Board adopts an alternative that more closely tracks the federal language. The
    revised policy states that USEPA will rely on the State to make the determination whether a
    property owner “submeters” or “sells” water. USEPA then recites examples when water is
    “submetered” and when it is “sold.” The Board prefers to allow the federal policy to speak for
    itself as to how it limits the State’s discretion in making the determination. The Board’s intent is
    to avoid imposing limits on Agency discretion where USEPA intended only to provide examples
    to guide State determinations. The Board-adopted note reads as follows (with underlining and
    overstrike indicating the revisions to the existing Board note):
    BOARD NOTE: Derived from 40 CFR 141.3 (2002) (2003). The text of 40 CFR 141.3
    is nearly identical to Section 1411 of the federal SDWA (42 USC 300g). On
    December 23, 2003 (at 68 Fed. Reg. 74233), USEPA announced a change in its policy
    relating to Section 1411. USEPA determined that a property owner that is not otherwise
    subject to the SDWA national primary drinking water standards “submeters” water, and
    does not “sell” water within the meaning of Section 1411(3) if the property owner meters
    water water to tenants on its property and bills the tenants for the water. USEPA charged
    the State with determining whether water is “submetered” or “sold” in a particular
    situation. USEPA stated that eligibility for exclusion requires that the owner obtain
    water from a regulated water system. USEPA set forth factors for consideration to aid
    the State in making such a determination: the property has a limited distribution system
    with no known backflow or cross-connection issues; the majority of the plumbing is
    within a structure, rather than in the ground; and property ownership is single or within
    an association of owners. USEPA cited apartment buildings, co-ops, and condominiums
    as examples of eligible properties. USEPA further stated that it does not intend the

    policy to apply to a large distribution system, to one that serves a large population, or one
    that serves a mixed commercial and residential population. USEPA cited “many military
    installations/facilities” and large mobile home parks as examples of systems to which the
    policy would not apply.
    In summary, the Board incorporated the December 23, 2003 federal policy revision
    relating to “submetered” water into the Illinois SDWA regulations by adding a Board note
    reference to the USEPA policy revision at Section 611.100(d), which corresponds with the
    language of Section 1411 of SDWA. The Board requested comment on the addition of the
    Board note. Specifically, the Board requested comment on the language chosen to indicate the
    federal policy revision. The Board received only PC 3 from the Agency expressing satisfaction
    with the rule as proposed and stating that the Agency would not comment further.
    Updating the Name of EMD Chemicals--Section 611.102
    In PC 1, EMD Chemicals Inc. requests that the Board update its company name in the
    incorporations by reference section of the regulations. EMD Chemicals, formerly named EM
    Science, produces two methods for microbiological analysis of water that are approved by
    USEPA. The methods are incorporated by reference in Section 611.102.
    The Board uses this opportunity to update the three appearances of “EM Science” to
    “EMD Chemicals” in that Section. The Board invited comment on the proposed name change.
    The Board received no comments in this regard.
    Discussion of Miscellaneous Housekeeping Amendments
    The tables below list numerous corrections and amendments that are not based on current
    federal amendments. The first table (beginning immediately below) includes deviations made in
    this Proposal for Public Comment from the verbatim text of the federal amendments. The
    second table (beginning immediately after Table 1 below) contains corrections and clarifications
    that the Board made in the base text involved in this proposal. The amendments listed in this
    second table are not directly derived from the current federal amendments. Some of the entries
    in these tables are discussed further in appropriate segments of the general discussion beginning
    at page 4 of this opinion. Table 3 (beginning on page 8 below) is a listing of revisions made to
    the text of the amendments from that proposed and set forth in the Board’s opinion and order of
    May 20, 2004. Table 3 indicates the changes made, as well as the source that suggested each of
    the changes. Table 4 (on page 9 below) indicates suggested revisions that the Board has not
    made in adopting these amendments. Each entry gives a brief explanation why the Board did not
    incorporate the suggested change.

    Table 1:
    Deviations from the Text of the Federal Amendments
    Illinois Section
    40 C.F.R. Section
    611.100(d) Board note
    40 C.F.R. 141.3, 42 U.S.C.
    300g, and December 23,
    Federal Register
    notice of revised policy
    Explained the relationship among Section
    1411 of SDWA (42 U.S.C. 300g), 40
    C.F.R. 141.3, and 35 Ill. Adm. Code
    611.100(d); added a reference to and an
    explanation of the federal policy change
    relating to “submetered” water
    Table2 :
    Board Housekeeping Amendments
    Section Source
    Moved the period after “requirements” inside the
    closing quotation mark
    Moved the comma after “suppliers” inside the closing
    quotation mark
    611.100(c) Board note
    Updated the citation to the
    Code of Federal Regulations
    to the most recent edition
    Added “the PWS” to form an complete sentence
    Added “the PWS” to form an complete sentence
    Added “the PWS” to form an complete sentence
    Added “the PWS” to form an complete sentence
    611.100(d) Board note
    Updated the citation to the
    Code of Federal Regulations
    to the most recent edition
    “Membrane Filter . . .”
    Changed “EM Science” to “EMD Chemicals Inc.”
    611.102(a) “Readycult
    Coliforms . . .”
    Changed “EM Science” to “EMD Chemicals Inc.”
    611.102(b) “EMD
    Chemicals Inc.”
    Changed “EM Science” to “EMD Chemicals Inc.”
    Table 3:
    Revisions to the Text of the Proposed Amendments in Final Adoption
    Section Revised
    Source(s) of
    611.100(d) Board note
    Corrected “meters water water” to “meters water”

    Table 4
    Requested Revisions to the Text of the Proposed Amendments Not Made in Final
    Section Affected
    Source(s) of Request:
    Requested Revision(s)
    611.100(d) Board note
    JCAR: Change the
    semicolon before “and
    property ownership” to a
    A semicolon is appropriate for
    separating the elements of a series in
    which one or more elements contain a
    comma, as appears here before the
    parenthetical “rather than in the
    The Board adopts the following amendments for public comment:
    PART 611
    611.100 Purpose, Scope, and Applicability
    611.101 Definitions
    611.102 Incorporations by Reference
    611.103 Severability
    611.107 Agency Inspection of PWS Facilities
    611.108 Delegation to Local Government
    611.109 Enforcement
    611.110 Special Exception Permits
    611.111 Relief Equivalent to SDWA Section 1415(a) Variances
    611.112 Relief Equivalent to SDWA Section 1416 Exemptions
    611.113 Alternative Treatment Techniques
    611.114 Siting Requirements
    611.115 Source Water Quantity
    611.120 Effective Dates
    611.121 Maximum Contaminant Levels and Finished Water Quality
    611.125 Fluoridation Requirement
    611.126 Prohibition on Use of Lead
    611.130 Special Requirements for Certain Variances and Adjusted Standards
    611.131 Relief Equivalent to SDWA Section 1415(e) Small System Variance
    611.160 Composite Correction Program

    611.201 Requiring a Demonstration
    611.202 Procedures for Agency Determinations
    611.211 Filtration Required
    611.212 Groundwater under Direct Influence of Surface Water
    611.213 No Method of HPC Analysis
    611.220 General Requirements
    611.230 Filtration Effective Dates
    611.231 Source Water Quality Conditions
    611.232 Site-Specific Conditions
    611.233 Treatment Technique Violations
    611.240 Disinfection
    611.241 Unfiltered PWSs
    611.242 Filtered PWSs
    611.250 Filtration
    611.261 Unfiltered PWSs: Reporting and Recordkeeping
    611.262 Filtered PWSs: Reporting and Recordkeeping
    611.271 Protection during Repair Work
    611.272 Disinfection Following Repair
    611.276 Recycle Provisions
    611.280 Point-of-Entry Devices
    611.290 Use of Point-of-Use Devices or Bottled Water
    611.295 General Requirements
    611.296 Acrylamide and Epichlorohydrin
    611.297 Corrosion Control
    611.300 Old MCLs for Inorganic Chemical Contaminants
    611.301 Revised MCLs for Inorganic Chemical Contaminants
    611.310 Old Maximum Contaminant Levels (MCLs) for Organic Chemical Contaminants
    611.311 Revised MCLs for Organic Chemical Contaminants
    611.312 Maximum Contaminant Levels (MCLs) for Disinfection Byproducts (DBPs)
    611.313 Maximum Residual Disinfectant Levels (MRDLs)
    611.320 Turbidity (Repealed)
    611.325 Microbiological Contaminants
    611.330 Maximum Contaminant Levels for Radionuclides

    611.331 Beta Particle and Photon Radioactivity (Repealed)
    611.350 General Requirements
    611.351 Applicability of Corrosion Control
    611.352 Corrosion Control Treatment
    611.353 Source Water Treatment
    611.354 Lead Service Line Replacement
    611.355 Public Education and Supplemental Monitoring
    611.356 Tap Water Monitoring for Lead and Copper
    611.357 Monitoring for Water Quality Parameters
    611.358 Monitoring for Lead and Copper in Source Water
    611.359 Analytical Methods
    611.360 Reporting
    611.361 Recordkeeping
    611.380 General Requirements
    611.381 Analytical Requirements
    611.382 Monitoring Requirements
    611.383 Compliance Requirements
    611.384 Reporting and Recordkeeping Requirements
    611.385 Treatment Technique for Control of Disinfection Byproduct (DBP) Precursors
    611.480 Alternative Analytical Techniques
    611.490 Certified Laboratories
    611.491 Laboratory Testing Equipment
    611.500 Consecutive PWSs
    611.510 Special Monitoring for Unregulated Contaminants (Repealed)
    611.521 Routine Coliform Monitoring
    611.522 Repeat Coliform Monitoring
    611.523 Invalidation of Total Coliform Samples
    611.524 Sanitary Surveys
    611.525 Fecal Coliform and E. Coli Testing
    611.526 Analytical Methodology
    611.527 Response to Violation

    611.531 Analytical Requirements
    611.532 Unfiltered PWSs
    611.533 Filtered PWSs
    611.560 Turbidity
    611.591 Violation of a State MCL
    611.592 Frequency of State Monitoring
    611.600 Applicability
    611.601 Monitoring Frequency
    611.602 Asbestos Monitoring Frequency
    611.603 Inorganic Monitoring Frequency
    611.604 Nitrate Monitoring
    611.605 Nitrite Monitoring
    611.606 Confirmation Samples
    611.607 More Frequent Monitoring and Confirmation Sampling
    611.608 Additional Optional Monitoring
    611.609 Determining Compliance
    611.610 Inorganic Monitoring Times
    611.611 Inorganic Analysis
    611.612 Monitoring Requirements for Old Inorganic MCLs
    611.630 Special Monitoring for Sodium
    611.631 Special Monitoring for Inorganic Chemicals (Repealed)
    611.640 Definitions
    611.641 Old MCLs
    611.645 Analytical Methods for Organic Chemical Contaminants
    611.646 Phase I, Phase II, and Phase V Volatile Organic Contaminants
    611.647 Sampling for Phase I Volatile Organic Contaminants (Repealed)
    611.648 Phase II, Phase IIB, and Phase V Synthetic Organic Contaminants
    611.650 Monitoring for 36 Contaminants (Repealed)
    611.657 Analytical Methods for 36 Contaminants (Repealed)
    611.658 Special Monitoring for Organic Chemicals (Repealed)
    611.680 Sampling, Analytical, and other Requirements
    611.683 Reduced Monitoring Frequency (Repealed)

    611.684 Averaging (Repealed)
    611.685 Analytical Methods
    611.686 Modification to System (Repealed)
    611.687 Sampling for THM Potential (Repealed)
    611.688 Applicability Dates (Repealed)
    611.720 Analytical Methods
    611.731 Gross Alpha
    611.732 Beta Particle and Photon Radioactivity
    611.733 General Monitoring and Compliance Requirements
    611.740 General Requirements
    611.741 Standards for Avoiding Filtration
    611.742 Disinfection Profiling and Benchmarking
    611.743 Filtration
    611.744 Filtration Sampling Requirements
    611.745 Reporting and Recordkeeping Requirements
    611.830 Applicability
    611.831 Monthly Operating Report
    611.832 Notice by Agency (Repealed)
    611.833 Cross Connection Reporting
    611.840 Reporting
    611.851 Reporting MCL, MRDL, and other Violations (Repealed)
    611.852 Reporting other Violations (Repealed)
    611.853 Notice to New Billing Units (Repealed)
    611.854 General Content of Public Notice (Repealed)
    611.855 Mandatory Health Effects Language (Repealed)
    611.856 Fluoride Notice (Repealed)
    611.858 Fluoride Secondary Standard (Repealed)
    611.860 Record Maintenance
    611.870 List of 36 Contaminants (Repealed)
    611.881 Purpose and Applicability
    611.882 Compliance Dates
    611.883 Content of the Reports

    611.884 Required Additional Health Information
    611.885 Report Delivery and Recordkeeping
    611.901 General Public Notification Requirements
    611.902 Tier 1 Public Notice: Form, Manner, and Frequency of Notice
    611.903 Tier 2 Public Notice: Form, Manner, and Frequency of Notice
    611.904 Tier 3 Public Notice: Form, Manner, and Frequency of Notice
    611.905 Content of the Public Notice
    611.906 Notice to New Billing Units or New Customers
    611.907 Special Notice of the Availability of Unregulated Contaminant Monitoring
    611.908 Special Notice for Exceedence of the Fluoride Secondary Standard
    611.909 Special Notice for Nitrate Exceedences above the MCL by a Non-Community
    Water System
    611.910 Notice by the Agency on Behalf of a PWS
    611.950 General Requirements
    611.951 Finished Water Reservoirs
    611.952 Additional Watershed Control Requirements for Unfiltered Systems
    611.953 Disinfection Profile
    611.954 Disinfection Benchmark
    611.955 Combined Filter Effluent Turbidity Limits
    611.956 Individual Filter Turbidity Requirements
    611.957 Reporting and Recordkeeping Requirements
    611.Appendix A Regulated Contaminants
    611.Appendix B Percent Inactivation of G. Lamblia Cysts
    611.Appendix C Common Names of Organic Chemicals
    611.Appendix D Defined Substrate Method for the Simultaneous Detection of Total Coliforms
    and Eschericia Coli from Drinking Water
    611.Appendix E Mandatory Lead Public Education Information for Community Water
    611.Appendix F Mandatory Lead Public Education Information for Non-Transient Non-
    Community Water Systems
    611.Appendix G NPDWR Violations and Situations Requiring Public Notice
    611.Appendix H Standard Health Effects Language for Public Notification
    611.Appendix I Acronyms Used in Public Notification Regulation
    611.Table A Total Coliform Monitoring Frequency
    611.Table B Fecal or Total Coliform Density Measurements
    611.Table C Frequency of RDC Measurement

    611.Table D Number of Lead and Copper Monitoring Sites
    611.Table E Lead and Copper Monitoring Start Dates
    611.Table F Number of Water Quality Parameter Sampling Sites
    611.Table G Summary of Section 611.357 Monitoring Requirements for Water Quality
    611.Table Z Federal Effective Dates
    AUTHORITY: Implementing Sections 7.2, 17, and 17.5 and authorized by Section 27 of the
    Environmental Protection Act [415 ILCS 5/7.2, 17, 17.5, and 27].
    SOURCE: Adopted in R88-26 at 14 Ill. Reg. 16517, effective September 20, 1990; amended in
    R90-21 at 14 Ill. Reg. 20448, effective December 11, 1990; amended in R90-13 at 15 Ill. Reg. 1562,
    effective January 22, 1991; amended in R91-3 at 16 Ill. Reg. 19010, effective December 1, 1992;
    amended in R92-3 at 17 Ill. Reg. 7796, effective May 18, 1993; amended in R93-1 at 17 Ill. Reg.
    12650, effective July 23, 1993; amended in R94-4 at 18 Ill. Reg. 12291, effective July 28, 1994;
    amended in R94-23 at 19 Ill. Reg. 8613, effective June 20, 1995; amended in R95-17 at 20 Ill. Reg.
    14493, effective October 22, 1996; amended in R98-2 at 22 Ill. Reg. 5020, effective March 5,
    1998; amended in R99-6 at 23 Ill. Reg. 2756, effective February 17, 1999; amended in R99-12 at 23
    Ill. Reg. 10348, effective August 11, 1999; amended in R00-8 at 23 Ill. Reg. 14715, effective
    December 8, 1999; amended in R00-10 at 24 Ill. Reg. 14226, effective September 11, 2000;
    amended in R01-7 at 25 Ill. Reg. 1329, effective January 11, 2001; amended in R01-20 at 25 Ill.
    Reg. 13611, effective October 9, 2001; amended in R02-5 at 26 Ill. Reg. 3522, effective
    February 22, 2002; amended in R03-4 at 27 Ill. Reg. 1183, effective January 10, 2003; amended
    in R03-15 at 27 Ill. Reg. 16447, effective October 10, 2003; amended in R04-3 at 28 Ill. Reg.
    5269, effective March 10, 2004; amended in R04-13 at 28 Ill. Reg. ________, effective
    Section 611.100 Purpose, Scope, and Applicability
    a) This Part satisfies the requirement of Section 17.5 of the Environmental
    Protection Act (Act) [415 ILCS 5/17.5] that the Board adopt regulations that are
    identical in substance with federal regulations promulgated by the United States
    Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) pursuant to Sections 1412(b),
    1414(c), 1417(a), and 1445(a) of the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) (42 USC
    300g-1(b), 300g-3(c), 300g-6(a), and 300j-4(a)).
    b) This Part establishes primary drinking water regulations (NPDWRs) pursuant to
    the SDWA, and also includes additional, related State requirements that are
    consistent with and more stringent than the USEPA regulations (Section 7.2(a)(6)
    of the Act [415 ILCS 5/7.2(a)(6)]). The latter provisions are specifically marked
    as “additional State requirements.”. They apply only to community water systems
    c) This Part applies to “suppliers,”, owners and operators of “public water systems”

    (“PWSs”). PWSs include CWSs, “non-community water systems (“non-CWSs”),
    and “non-transient non-community water systems (“NTNCWSs”), as these terms
    are defined in Section 611.101.
    1) CWS suppliers are required to obtain permits from the Illinois
    Environmental Protection Agency (Agency) pursuant to 35 Ill. Adm. Code
    2) Non-CWS suppliers are subject to additional regulations promulgated by
    the Illinois Department of Public Health (Public Health or DPH) pursuant
    to Section 9 of the Illinois Groundwater Protection Act [415 ILCS 55/9],
    including 77 Ill. Adm. Code 900.
    3) Non-CWS suppliers are not required to obtain permits or other approvals
    from the Agency, or to file reports or other documents with the Agency.
    Any provision in this Part so providing is to be understood as requiring the
    non-CWS supplier to obtain the comparable form of approval from, or to
    file the comparable report or other document with Public Health.
    BOARD NOTE: Derived from 40 CFR 141.1 (2002) (2003).
    d) This Part applies to each PWS, unless the PWS meets all of the following
    Consists The PWS consists only of distribution and storage facilities (and
    does not have any collection and treatment facilities);
    Obtains The PWS obtains all of its water from, but is not owned or
    operated by, a supplier to which such regulations apply;
    Does The PWS does not sell water to any person; and
    Is The PWS is not a carrier that conveys passengers in interstate
    BOARD NOTE: Derived from 40 CFR 141.3 (2002) (2003). The text of 40 CFR
    141.3 is nearly identical to Section 1411 of the federal SDWA (42 USC 300g).
    On December 23, 2003 (at 68 Fed. Reg. 74233), USEPA announced a change in
    its policy relating to Section 1411. USEPA determined that a property owner that
    is not otherwise subject to the SDWA national primary drinking water standards
    “submeters” water, and does not “sell” water within the meaning of Section
    1411(3) if the property owner meters water to tenants on its property and bills the
    tenants for the water. USEPA charged the State with determining whether water
    is “submetered” or “sold” in a particular situation. USEPA stated that eligibility
    for exclusion requires that the owner obtain water from a regulated water system.
    USEPA set forth factors for consideration to aid the State in making such a

    determination: the property has a limited distribution system with no known
    backflow or cross-connection issues; the majority of the plumbing is within a
    structure, rather than in the ground; and property ownership is single or within an
    association of owners. USEPA cited apartment buildings, co-ops, and
    condominiums as examples of eligible properties. USEPA further stated that it
    does not intend the policy to apply to a large distribution system, to one that
    serves a large population, or one that serves a mixed commercial and residential
    population. USEPA cited “many military installations/facilities” and large mobile
    home parks as examples of systems to which the policy would not apply.
    e) Some subsection labels have been omitted in order to maintain local consistency
    between USEPA subsection labels and the subsection labels in this Part.
    (Source: Amended at 28 Ill. Reg. ________, effective ______________________)
    Section 611.102 Incorporations by Reference
    a) Abbreviations and short-name listing of references. The following names and
    abbreviated names, presented in alphabetical order, are used in this Part to refer to
    materials incorporated by reference:
    “Amco-AEPA-1 Polymer” is available from Advanced Polymer Systems.
    “ASTM Method” means a method published by and available from the
    American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM).
    “Colisure Test” means “Colisure Presence/Absence Test for Detection and
    Identification of Coliform Bacteria and Escherichia Coli in Drinking
    Water,” available from Millipore Corporation, Technical Services
    “Dioxin and Furan Method 1613” means “Tetra- through Octa-
    Chlorinated Dioxins and Furans by Isotope-Dilution HRGC/HRMS,”
    available from NTIS.
    “GLI Method 2” means GLI Method 2, “Turbidity,” Nov. 2, 1992,
    available from Great Lakes Instruments, Inc.
    “Hach FilterTrak Method 10133” means “Determination of Turbidity by
    Laser Nephelometry,” available from Hach Co.
    “HASL Procedure Manual” means HASL Procedure Manual, HASL 300,
    available from ERDA Health and Safety Laboratory.
    “Kelada 01” means “Kelada Automated Test Methods for Total Cyanide,
    Acid Dissociable Cyanide, And Thiocyanate,” Revision 1.2, August 2001,

    EPA # 821–B–01–009, available from the National Technical Information
    Service (NTIS).
    “Membrane Filter Technique using Chromocult Doliform Agar” means
    “Chromocult Coliform Agar Presence/Absence Membrane Filter Test
    Method for Detection and Identification of Coliform Bacteria and
    Escherichia coli in Finished Waters,” available from EM Science EMD
    Chemicals Inc
    “NCRP” means “National Council on Radiation Protection.”
    “NTIS” means “National Technical Information Service.”
    “New Jersey Radium Method” means “Determination of Radium 228 in
    Drinking Water,” available from the New Jersey Department of
    Environmental Protection.
    “New York Radium Method” means “Determination of Ra-226 and Ra-
    228 (Ra-02),” available from the New York Department of Public Health.
    “ONGP-MUG Test” (meaning “minimal medium ortho-nitrophenyl-beta-
    d-galactopyranoside-4-methyl-umbelliferyl-beta-d-glucuronide test”), also
    called the “Autoanalysis Colilert System,” is Method 9223, available in
    “Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater,” 18th
    ed., from American Public Health Association.
    “Palintest Method 1001” means “Method Number 1001,” available from
    Palintest, Ltd. or the Hach Company.
    “QuikChem Method 10–204–00–1-X” means “Digestion and distillation
    of total cyanide in drinking and wastewaters using MICRO DIST and
    determination of cyanide by flow injection analysis,” available from
    Lachat Instruments.
    “Readycult Coliforms 100 Presence/Absence Test” means “Readycult
    Coliforms 100 Presence/Absence Test for Detection and Identification of
    Coliform Bacteria and Escherichia coli in Finished Waters,” available
    from EM Science EMD Chemicals Inc.
    “SimPlate Method” means “IDEXX SimPlate TM HPC Test Method for
    Heterotrophs in Water,” available from IDEXX Laboratories, Inc.
    “Radiochemical Methods” means “Interim Radiochemical Methodology
    for Drinking Water,” available from NTIS.
    “Standard Methods” means “Standard Methods for the Examination of

    Water and Wastewater,” available from the American Public Health
    Association or the American Waterworks Association.
    “Syngenta AG-625” means “Atrazine in Drinking Water by
    Immunoassay,” February 2001 is available from Syngenta Crop
    Protection, Inc.
    “Technical Bulletin 601” means “Technical Bulletin 601, Standard
    Method of Testing for Nitrate in Drinking Water,” July 1994, available
    from Analytical Technology, Inc.
    “Technicon Methods” means “Fluoride in Water and Wastewater,”
    available from Bran & Luebbe.
    “USDOE Manual” means “EML Procedures Manual,” available from the
    United State Department of Energy.
    “USEPA Asbestos Methods-100.1” means Method 100.1, “Analytical
    Method for Determination of Asbestos Fibers in Water,” September 1983,
    available from NTIS.
    “USEPA Asbestos Methods-100.2” means Method 100.2, “Determination
    of Asbestos Structures over 10-mm in Length in Drinking Water,” June
    1994, available from NTIS.
    “USEPA Environmental Inorganics Methods” means “Methods for the
    Determination of Inorganic Substances in Environmental Samples,”
    August 1993, available from NTIS.
    “USEPA Environmental Metals Methods” means “Methods for the
    Determination of Metals in Environmental Samples,” available from
    “USEPA Inorganic Methods” means “Methods for Chemical Analysis of
    Water and Wastes,” March 1983, available from NTIS.
    “USEPA Interim Radiochemical Methods” means “Interim Radiochemical
    Methodology for Drinking Water,” EPA 600/4-75-008 (revised), March
    1976. Available from NTIS.
    “USEPA Organic Methods” means “Methods for the Determination of
    Organic Compounds in Drinking Water,” July 1991, for Methods 502.2,
    505, 507, 508, 508A, 515.1, and 531.1; “Methods for the Determination of
    Organic Compounds in Drinking Water--Supplement I,” July 1990, for
    Methods 506, 547, 550, 550.1, and 551; and “Methods for the
    Determination of Organic Compounds in Drinking Water--Supplement

    II,” August 1992, for Methods 515.2, 524.2, 548.1, 549.1, 552.1, and 555,
    available from NTIS. Methods 504.1, 508.1, and 525.2 are available from
    EPA EMSL; “Methods for the Determination of Organic Compounds” in
    Drinking Water--Supplement II, August 1992, for Method 552.1; “Methods
    for the Determination of Organic Compounds in Drinking Water--
    Supplement III,” August 1995, for Methods 502.2, 524.2, 551.1, and 552.2.
    Method 515.4, “Determination of Chlorinated Acids in Drinking Water by
    Liquid-Liquid Microextraction, Derivatization and Fast Gas
    Chromatography with Electron Capture Detection,” Revision 1.0, April
    2000, EPA 815/B–00/001, and Method 531.2, “Measurement of N-
    methylcarbamoyloximes and N-methylcarbamates in Water by Direct
    Aqueous Injection HPLC with Postcolumn Derivatization,” Revision 1.0,
    September 2001, EPA 815/B/01/002, are both available on-line from
    USEPA, Office of Ground Water and Drinking Water.
    “USEPA Radioactivity Methods” means “Prescribed Procedures for
    Measurement of Radioactivity in Drinking Water,” EPA 600/4-80-032,
    August 1980. Available from NTIS.
    “USEPA Radiochemical Analyses” means “Radiochemical Analytical
    Procedures for Analysis of Environmental Samples,” March 1979.
    Available from NTIS.
    “USEPA Radiochemistry Methods” means “Radiochemistry Procedures
    Manual,” EPA 520/5-84-006, December 1987. Available from NTIS.
    “USEPA Technical Notes” means “Technical Notes on Drinking Water
    Methods,” available from NTIS.
    “USGS Methods” means “Methods of Analysis by the U.S. Geological
    Survey National Water Quality Laboratory--Determination of Inorganic
    and Organic Constituents in Water and Fluvial Sediments,” available from
    NTIS and USGS.
    “Waters Method B-1011” means “Waters Test Method for the
    Determination of Nitrite/Nitrate in Water Using Single Column Ion
    Chromatography,” available from Waters Corporation, Technical Services
    b) The Board incorporates the following publications by reference:
    Advanced Polymer Systems, 3696 Haven Avenue, Redwood City, CA
    94063 415-366-2626.
    Amco-AEPA-1 Polymer. See 40 CFR 141.22(a) (2003). Also, as
    referenced in ASTM D1889.

    American Public Health Association, 1015 Fifteenth Street NW,
    Washington, DC 20005 800-645-5476.
    “Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and
    Wastewater,” 17th Edition, 1989 (referred to as “Standard
    Methods, 17th ed.”).
    “Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and
    Wastewater,” 18th Edition, 1992, including “Supplement to the
    18th Edition of Standard Methods for the Examination of Water
    and Wastewater,” 1994 (collectively referred to as “Standard
    Methods, 18th ed.”). See the methods listed separately for the
    same references under American Waterworks Association.
    “Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and
    Wastewater,” 19th Edition, 1995 (referred to as “Standard
    Methods, 19th ed.”).
    “Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and
    Wastewater,” 20th Edition, 1998 (referred to as “Standard
    Methods, 20th ed.”).
    American Waterworks Association et al., 6666 West Quincy Ave.,
    Denver, CO 80235 303-794-7711.
    “National Field Evaluation of a Defined Substrate Method for the
    Simultaneous Enumeration of Total Coliforms and Escherichia coli
    for Drinking Water: Comparison with the Standard Multiple Tube
    Fermentation Method,” S.C. Edberg, M.J. Allen & D.B. Smith,
    Applied Environmental Microbiology, vol. 54, iss. 6, pp 1595-
    1601 (1988).
    “Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and
    Wastewater,” 13th Edition, 1971 (referred to as “Standard
    Methods, 13th ed.”).
    Method 302, Gross Alpha and Gross Beta Radioactivity in
    Water (Total, Suspended, and Dissolved).
    Method 303, Total Radioactive Strontium and Strontium 90
    in Water.
    Method 304, Radium in Water by Precipitation.
    Method 305, Radium 226 by Radon in Water (Soluble,

    Suspended, and Total).
    Method 306, Tritium in Water.
    “Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and
    Wastewater,” 17th Edition, 1989 (referred to as “Standard
    Methods, 17th ed.”).
    Method 7110 B, Gross Alpha and Gross Beta Radioactivity
    in Water (Total, Suspended, and Dissolved).
    Method 7500-Cs B, Radioactive Cesium, Precipitation
    Method 7500-
    H B, Tritium in Water.
    Method 7500-I B, Radioactive Iodine, Precipitation
    Method 7500-I C, Radioactive Iodine, Ion-Exchange
    Method 7500-I D, Radioactive Iodine, Distillation Method.
    Method 7500-Ra B, Radium in Water by Precipitation.
    Method 7500-Ra C, Radium 226 by Radon in Water
    (Soluble, Suspended, and Total).
    Method 7500-Ra D, Radium, Sequential Precipitation
    Method (Proposed).
    Method 7500-Sr B, Total Radioactive Strontium and
    Strontium 90 in Water.
    Method 7500-U B, Uranium, Radiochemical Method
    Method 7500-U C, Uranium, Isotopic Method (Proposed).
    “Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and
    Wastewater,” 18th Edition, 1992 (referred to as “Standard
    Methods, 18th ed.”).
    Method 2130 B, Turbidity, Nephelometric Method.

    Method 2320 B, Alkalinity, Titration Method.
    Method 2510 B, Conductivity, Laboratory Method.
    Method 2550, Temperature, Laboratory and Field Methods.
    Method 3111 B, Metals by Flame Atomic Absorption
    Spectrometry, Direct Air-Acetylene Flame Method.
    Method 3111 D, Metals by Flame Atomic Absorption
    Spectrometry, Direct Nitrous Oxide-Acetylene Flame
    Method 3112 B, Metals by Cold-Vapor Atomic Absorption
    Spectrometry, Cold-Vapor Atomic Absorption
    Spectrometric Method.
    Method 3113 B, Metals by Electrothermal Atomic
    Absorption Spectrometry, Electrothermal Atomic
    Absorption Spectrometric Method.
    Method 3114 B, Metals by Hydride Generation/Atomic
    Absorption Spectrometry, Manual Hydride
    Generation/Atomic Absorption Spectrometric Method.
    Method 3120 B, Metals by Plasma Emission Spectroscopy,
    Inductively Coupled Plasma (ICP) Method.
    Method 3500-Ca D, Calcium, EDTA Titrimetric Method.
    Method 3500-Mg E, Magnesium, Calculation Method.
    Method 4110 B, Determination of Anions by Ion
    Chromatography, Ion Chromatography with Chemical
    Suppression of Eluent Conductivity.
    Method 4500-CN
    C, Cyanide, Total Cyanide after
    Method 4500-CN
    E, Cyanide, Colorimetric Method.
    Method 4500-CN
    F, Cyanide, Cyanide-Selective Electrode
    Method 4500-CN
    G, Cyanide, Cyanides Amenable to
    Chlorination after Distillation.

    Method 4500-Cl D, Chlorine, Amperometric Titration
    Method 4500-Cl E, Chlorine, Low-Level Amperometric
    Titration Method.
    Method 4500-Cl F, Chlorine, DPD Ferrous Titrimetric
    Method 4500-Cl G, Chlorine, DPD Colorimetric Method.
    Method 4500-Cl H, Chlorine, Syringaldazine (FACTS)
    Method 4500-Cl I, Chlorine, Iodometric Electrode Method.
    Method 4500-ClO2 C, Chlorine Dioxide, Amperometric
    Method I.
    Method 4500-ClO2 D, Chlorine Dioxide, DPD Method.
    Method 4500-ClO2 E, Chlorine Dioxide, Amperometric
    Method II (Proposed).
    Method 4500-F
    B, Fluoride, Preliminary Distillation Step.
    Method 4500-F
    C, Fluoride, Ion-Selective Electrode
    Method 4500-F
    D, Fluoride, SPADNS Method.
    Method 4500-F
    E, Fluoride, Complexone Method.
    Method 4500-H
    B, pH Value, Electrometric Method.
    Method 4500-NO2
    B, Nitrogen (Nitrite), Colorimetric
    Method 4500-NO3
    D, Nitrogen (Nitrate), Nitrate Electrode
    Method 4500-NO3
    E, Nitrogen (Nitrate), Cadmium
    Reduction Method.
    Method 4500-NO3
    F, Nitrogen (Nitrate), Automated

    Cadmium Reduction Method.
    Method 4500-O3 B, Ozone (Residual) (Proposed), Indigo
    Colorimetric Method.
    Method 4500-P E, Phosphorus, Ascorbic Acid Method.
    Method 4500-P F, Phosphorus, Automated Ascorbic Acid
    Reduction Method.
    Method 4500-Si D, Silica, Molybdosilicate Method.
    Method 4500-Si E, Silica, Heteropoly Blue Method.
    Method 4500-Si F, Silica, Automated Method for
    Molybdate-Reactive Silica.
    Method 6651, Glyphosate Herbicide (Proposed).
    Method 7110 B, Gross Alpha and Beta Radioactivity
    (Total, Suspended, and Dissolved), Evaporation Method for
    Gross Alpha-Beta.
    Method 7110 C, Gross Alpha and Beta Radioactivity
    (Total, Suspended, and Dissolved), Coprecipitation Method
    for Gross Alpha Radioactivity in Drinking Water
    Method 7500-Cs B, Radioactive Cesium, Precipitation
    Method 7500-
    H B, Tritium, Liquid Scintillation
    Spectrometric Method.
    Method 7500-I B, Radioactive Iodine, Precipitation
    Method 7500-I C, Radioactive Iodine, Ion-Exchange
    Method 7500-I D, Radioactive Iodine, Distillation Method.
    Method 7500-Ra B, Radium, Precipitation Method.
    Method 7500-Ra C, Radium, Emanation Method.

    Method 7500-Ra D, Radium, Sequential Precipitation
    Method (Proposed).
    Method 7500-Sr B, Total Radioactive Strontium and
    Strontium 90, Precipitation Method.
    Method 7500-U B, Uranium, Radiochemical Method
    Method 7500-U C, Uranium, Isotopic Method (Proposed).
    Method 9215 B, Heterotrophic Plate Count, Pour Plate
    Method 9221 A, Multiple-Tube Fermentation Technique
    for Members of the Coliform Group, Introduction.
    Method 9221 B, Multiple-Tube Fermentation Technique
    for Members of the Coliform Group, Standard Total
    Coliform Fermentation Technique.
    Method 9221 C, Multiple-Tube Fermentation Technique
    for Members of the Coliform Group, Estimation of
    Bacterial Density.
    Method 9221 D, Multiple-Tube Fermentation Technique
    for Members of the Coliform Group, Presence-Absence (P-
    A) Coliform Test.
    Method 9221 E, Multiple-Tube Fermentation Technique
    for Members of the Coliform Group, Fecal Coliform
    Method 9222 A, Membrane Filter Technique for Members
    of the Coliform Group, Introduction.
    Method 9222 B, Membrane Filter Technique for Members
    of the Coliform Group, Standard Total Coliform Membrane
    Filter Procedure.
    Method 9222 C, Membrane Filter Technique for Members
    of the Coliform Group, Delayed-Incubation Total Coliform
    Method 9222 D, Membrane Filter Technique for Members
    of the Coliform Group, Fecal Coliform Membrane Filter

    Method 9223, Chromogenic Substrate Coliform Test
    “Supplement to the 18th Edition of Standard Methods for the
    Examination of Water and Wastewater,” American Public Health
    Association, 1994.
    Method 6610, Carbamate Pesticide Method.
    “Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and
    Wastewater,” 19th Edition, 1995 (referred to as “Standard
    Methods, 19th ed.”).
    Method 2130 B, Turbidity, Nephelometric Method.
    Method 2320 B, Alkalinity, Titration Method.
    Method 2510 B, Conductivity, Laboratory Method.
    Method 2550, Temperature, Laboratory, and Field
    Method 3111 B, Metals by Flame Atomic Absorption
    Spectrometry, Direct Air-Acetylene Flame Method.
    Method 3111 D, Metals by Flame Atomic Absorption
    Spectrometry, Direct Nitrous Oxide-Acetylene Flame
    Method 3112 B, Metals by Cold-Vapor Atomic Absorption
    Spectrometry, Cold-Vapor Atomic Absorption
    Spectrometric Method.
    Method 3113 B, Metals by Electrothermal Atomic
    Absorption Spectrometry, Electrothermal Atomic
    Absorption Spectrometric Method.
    Method 3114 B, Metals by Hydride Generation/Atomic
    Absorption Spectrometry, Manual Hydride
    Generation/Atomic Absorption Spectrometric Method.
    Method 3120 B, Metals by Plasma Emission Spectroscopy,
    Inductively Coupled Plasma (ICP) Method.

    Method 3500-Ca D, Calcium, EDTA Titrimetric Method.
    Method 3500-Mg E, Magnesium, Calculation Method.
    Method 4110 B, Determination of Anions by Ion
    Chromatography, Ion Chromatography with Chemical
    Suppression of Eluent Conductivity.
    Method 4500-Cl D, Chlorine, Amperometric Titration
    Method 4500-Cl E, Chlorine, Low-Level Amperometric
    Titration Method.
    Method 4500-Cl F, Chlorine, DPD Ferrous Titrimetric
    Method 4500-Cl G, Chlorine, DPD Colorimetric Method.
    Method 4500-Cl H, Chlorine, Syringaldazine (FACTS)
    Method 4500-Cl I, Chlorine, Iodometric Electrode Method.
    Method 4500-ClO2 C, Chlorine Dioxide, Amperometric
    Method I.
    Method 4500-ClO2 D, Chlorine Dioxide, DPD Method.
    Method 4500-ClO2 E, Chlorine Dioxide, Amperometric
    Method II (Proposed).
    Method 4500-CN
    C, Cyanide, Total Cyanide after
    Method 4500-CN
    E, Cyanide, Colorimetric Method.
    Method 4500-CN
    F, Cyanide, Cyanide-Selective Electrode
    Method 4500-CN
    G, Cyanide, Cyanides Amenable to
    Chlorination after Distillation.
    Method 4500-F
    B, Fluoride, Preliminary Distillation Step.
    Method 4500-F
    C, Fluoride, Ion-Selective Electrode

    Method 4500-F
    D, Fluoride, SPADNS Method.
    Method 4500-F
    E, Fluoride, Complexone Method.
    Method 4500-H
    B, pH Value, Electrometric Method.
    Method 4500-NO2
    B, Nitrogen (Nitrite), Colorimetric
    Method 4500-NO3
    D, Nitrogen (Nitrate), Nitrate Electrode
    Method 4500-NO3
    E, Nitrogen (Nitrate), Cadmium
    Reduction Method.
    Method 4500-NO3
    F, Nitrogen (Nitrate), Automated
    Cadmium Reduction Method.
    Method 4500-O3 B, Ozone (Residual) (Proposed), Indigo
    Colorimetric Method.
    Method 4500-P E, Phosphorus, Ascorbic Acid Method.
    Method 4500-P F, Phosphorus, Automated Ascorbic Acid
    Reduction Method.
    Method 4500-Si D, Silica, Molybdosilicate Method.
    Method 4500-Si E, Silica, Heteropoly Blue Method.
    Method 4500-Si F, Silica, Automated Method for
    Molybdate-Reactive Silica.
    Method 5910 B, UV Absorbing Organic Constituents,
    Ultraviolet Absorption Method.
    Method 6251 B, Disinfection Byproducts: Haloacetic Acids
    and Trichlorophenol, Micro Liquid-Liquid Extraction Gas
    Chromatographic Method.
    Method 6651, Glyphosate Herbicide (Proposed).
    Method 7110 B, Gross Alpha and Gross Beta
    Radioactivity, Evaporation Method for Gross Alpha-Beta.

    Method 7110 C, Gross Alpha and Beta Radioactivity
    (Total, Suspended, and Dissolved), Coprecipitation Method
    for Gross Alpha Radioactivity in Drinking Water
    Method 7120 B, Gamma-Emitting Radionuclides, Gamma
    Spectrometric Method.
    Method 7500-Cs B, Radioactive Cesium, Precipitation
    Method 7500-3H B, Tritium, Liquid Scintillation
    Spectrometric Method.
    Method 7500-I B, Radioactive Iodine, Precipitation
    Method 7500-I C, Radioactive Iodine, Ion-Exchange
    Method 7500-I D, Radioactive Iodine, Distillation Method.
    Method 7500-Ra B, Radium, Precipitation Method.
    Method 7500-Ra C, Radium, Emanation Method.
    Method 7500-Ra D, Radium, Sequential Precipitation
    Method 7500-Sr B, Total Radiactive Strontium and
    Strontium 90, Precipitation Method.
    Method 7500-U B, Uranium, Radiochemical Method.
    Method 7500-U C, Uranium, Isotopic Method.
    Method 9215 B, Heterotrophic Plate Count, Pour Plate
    Method 9221 A, Multiple-Tube Fermentation Technique
    for Members of the Coliform Group, Introduction.
    Method 9221 B, Multiple-Tube Fermentation Technique
    for Members of the Coliform Group, Standard Total
    Coliform Fermentation Technique.

    Method 9221 C, Multiple-Tube Fermentation Technique
    for Members of the Coliform Group, Estimation of
    Bacterial Density.
    Method 9221 D, Multiple-Tube Fermentation Technique
    for Members of the Coliform Group, Presence-Absence (P-
    A) Coliform Test.
    Method 9221 E, Multiple-Tube Fermentation Technique
    for Members of the Coliform Group, Fecal Coliform
    Method 9222 A, Membrane Filter Technique for Members
    of the Coliform Group, Introduction.
    Method 9222 B, Membrane Filter Technique for Members
    of the Coliform Group, Standard Total Coliform Membrane
    Filter Procedure.
    Method 9222 C, Membrane Filter Technique for Members
    of the Coliform Group, Delayed-Incubation Total Coliform
    Method 9222 D, Membrane Filter Technique for Members
    of the Coliform Group, Fecal Coliform Membrane Filter
    Method 9223, Chromogenic Substrate Coliform Test
    “Supplement to the 19th Edition of Standard Methods for the
    Examination of Water and Wastewater,” American Public Health
    Association, 1996.
    Method 5310 B, TOC, Combustion-Infrared Method.
    Method 5310 C, TOC, Persulfate-Ultraviolet Oxidation
    Method 5310 D, TOC, Wet-Oxidation Method.
    “Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and
    Wastewater,” 20th Edition, 1998 (referred to as “Standard
    Methods, 20th ed.”).

    Method 2130 B, Turbidity, Nephelometric Method.
    Method 2320 B, Alkalinity, Titration Method.
    Method 2510 B, Conductivity, Laboratory Method.
    Method 2550, Temperature, Laboratory, and Field
    Method 3120 B, Metals by Plasma Emission Spectroscopy,
    Inductively Coupled Plasma (ICP) Method.
    Method 3500-Ca B, Calcium, EDTA Titrimetric Method.
    Method 3500-Mg B, Magnesium, EDTA Titrimetric
    Method 4110 B, Determination of Anions by Ion
    Chromatography, Ion Chromatography with Chemical
    Suppression of Eluent Conductivity.
    Method 4500-CN
    C, Cyanide, Total Cyanide after
    Method 4500-CN
    E, Cyanide, Colorimetric Method.
    Method 4500-CN
    F, Cyanide, Cyanide-Selective Electrode
    Method 4500-CN
    G, Cyanide, Cyanides Amenable to
    Chlorination after Distillation.
    Method 4500-Cl D, Chlorine, Amperometric Titration
    Method 4500-Cl E, Chlorine, Low-Level Amperometric
    Titration Method.
    Method 4500-Cl F, Chlorine, DPD Ferrous Titrimetric
    Method 4500-Cl G, Chlorine, DPD Colorimetric Method.
    Method 4500-Cl H, Chlorine, Syringaldazine (FACTS)

    Method 4500-Cl I, Chlorine, Iodometric Electrode Method.
    Method 4500-ClO2 C, Chlorine Dioxide, Amperometric
    Method I.
    Method 4500-ClO2 D, Chlorine Dioxide, DPD Method.
    Method 4500-ClO2 E, Chlorine Dioxide, Amperometric
    Method II (Proposed).
    Method 4500-F
    B, Fluoride, Preliminary Distillation Step.
    Method 4500-F
    C, Fluoride, Ion-Selective Electrode
    Method 4500-F
    D, Fluoride, SPADNS Method.
    Method 4500-F
    E, Fluoride, Complexone Method.
    Method 4500-H
    B, pH Value, Electrometric Method.
    Method 4500-NO2
    B, Nitrogen (Nitrite), Colorimetric
    Method 4500-NO3
    D, Nitrogen (Nitrate), Nitrate Electrode
    Method 4500-NO3
    E, Nitrogen (Nitrate), Cadmium
    Reduction Method.
    Method 4500-NO3
    F, Nitrogen (Nitrate), Automated
    Cadmium Reduction Method.
    Method 4500-O3 B, Ozone (Residual) (Proposed), Indigo
    Colorimetric Method.
    Method 4500-P E, Phosphorus, Ascorbic Acid Method.
    Method 4500-P F, Phosphorus, Automated Ascorbic Acid
    Reduction Method.
    Method 4500-Si C, Silica, Molybdosilicate Method.
    Method 4500-Si D, Silica, Heteropoly Blue Method.
    Method 4500-Si E, Silica, Automated Method for

    Molybdate-Reactive Silica.
    Method 4500-Cl E, Chlorine (Residual), Low-Level
    Amperometric Titration Method.
    Method 4500-Cl F, Chlorine (Residual), DPD Ferrous
    Titrimetric Method.
    Method 4500-Cl G, Chlorine (Residual), DPD Colorimetric
    Method 4500-Cl H, Chlorine (Residual), Syringaldazine
    (FACTS) Method.
    Method 4500-Cl I, Chlorine (Residual), Iodometric
    Electrode Technique.
    Method 4500-ClO2 D, Chlorine Dioxide, DPD Method.
    Method 4500-ClO2 E, Chlorine Dioxide, Amperometric
    Method II.
    Method 6651, Glyphosate Herbicide (Proposed).
    Method 7110-B, Gross Alpha and Gross Beta
    Radioactivity, Evaporation Method for Gross Alpha-Beta.
    Method 7110 C, Gross Alpha and Beta Radioactivity
    (Total, Suspended, and Dissolved), Coprecipitation Method
    for Gross Alpha Radioactivity in Drinking Water
    Method 7120-B, Gamma-Emitting Radionuclides, Gamma
    Spectrometric Method.
    Method 7500-Cs B, Radioactive Cesium, Precipitation
    Method 7500-3H B, Tritium, Liquid Scintillation
    Spectrometric Method.
    Method 7500-I B, Radioactive Iodine, Precipitation
    Method 7500-I C, Radioactive Iodine, Ion-Exchange

    Method 7500-I D, Radioactive Iodine, Distillation Method.
    Method 7500-Ra B, Radium, Precipitation Method.
    Method 7500-Ra C, Radium, Emanation Method.
    Method 7500-Sr B, Total Radiactive Strontium and
    Strontium 90, Precipitation Method.
    Method 7500-U B, Uranium, Radiochemical Method.
    Method 7500-U C, Uranium, Isotopic Method.
    Method 9215 B, Heterotrophic Plate Count, Pour Plate
    Method 9221 A, Multiple-Tube Fermentation Technique
    for Members of the Coliform Group, Introduction.
    Method 9221 B, Multiple-Tube Fermentation Technique
    for Members of the Coliform Group, Standard Total
    Coliform Fermentation Technique.
    Method 9221 C, Multiple-Tube Fermentation Technique
    for Members of the Coliform Group, Estimation of
    Bacterial Density.
    Method 9221 D, Multiple-Tube Fermentation Technique
    for Members of the Coliform Group, Presence-Absence (P-
    A) Coliform Test.
    Method 9221 E, Multiple-Tube Fermentation Technique
    for Members of the Coliform Group, Fecal Coliform
    Method 9222 A, Membrane Filter Technique for Members
    of the Coliform Group, Introduction.
    Method 9222 B, Membrane Filter Technique for Members
    of the Coliform Group, Standard Total Coliform Membrane
    Filter Procedure.
    Method 9222 C, Membrane Filter Technique for Members
    of the Coliform Group, Delayed-Incubation Total Coliform

    Method 9222 D, Membrane Filter Technique for Members
    of the Coliform Group, Fecal Coliform Membrane Filter
    Method 9223, Chromogenic Substrate Coliform Test
    Analytical Technology, Inc. ATI Orion, 529 Main Street, Boston, MA
    Technical Bulletin 601, “Standard Method of Testing for Nitrate in
    Drinking Water,” July, 1994, PN 221890-001 (referred to as
    “Technical Bulletin 601”).
    ASTM. American Society for Testing and Materials, 100 Barr Harbor
    Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959 610-832-9585.
    ASTM Method D511-93 A and B, “Standard Test Methods for
    Calcium and Magnesium in Water,” “Test Method A--
    Complexometric Titration” & “Test Method B--Atomic
    Absorption Spectrophotometric,” approved 1993.
    ASTM Method D515-88 A, “Standard Test Methods for
    Phosphorus in Water,” “Test Method A--Colorimetric Ascorbic
    Acid Reduction,” approved August 19, 1988.
    ASTM Method D859-88, “Standard Test Method for Silica in
    Water,” approved August 19, 1988.
    ASTM Method D1067-92 B, “Standard Test Methods for Acidity
    or Alkalinity in Water,” “Test Method B--Electrometric or Color-
    Change Titration,” approved May 15, 1992.
    ASTM Method D1125-91 A, “Standard Test Methods for
    Electrical Conductivity and Resistivity of Water,” “Test Method
    A--Field and Routine Laboratory Measurement of Static (Non-
    Flowing) Samples,” approved June 15, 1991.
    ASTM Method D1179-93 B, “Standard Test Methods for Fluoride
    in Water,” “Test Method B--Ion Selective Electrode,” approved
    ASTM Method D1293-84, “Standard Test Methods for pH of
    Water,” “Test Method A--Precise Laboratory Measurement” &
    “Test Method B--Routine or Continuous Measurement,” approved

    October 26, 1984.
    ASTM Method D1688-90 A or C, “Standard Test Methods for
    Copper in Water,” “Test Method A--Atomic Absorption, Direct” &
    “Test Method C--Atomic Absorption, Graphite Furnace,” approved
    March 15, 1990.
    ASTM Method D2036-91 A or B, “Standard Test Methods for
    Cyanide in Water,” “Test Method A--Total Cyanides after
    Distillation” & “Test Method B--Cyanides Amenable to
    Chlorination by Difference,” approved September 15, 1991.
    ASTM Method D2459-72, “Standard Test Method for Gamma
    Spectrometry in Water,” approved July 28, 1972, discontinued
    ASTM Method D2460-90, “Standard Test Method for
    Radionuclides of Radium in Water,” approved 1990.
    ASTM Method D2907-91, “Standard Test Methods for
    Microquantities of Uranium in Water by Fluorometry,” “Test
    Method A--Direct Fluorometric” & “Test Method B—Extraction,”
    approved June 15, 1991.
    ASTM Method D2972-93 B or C, “Standard Test Methods for
    Arsenic in Water,” “Test Method B--Atomic Absorption, Hydride
    Generation” & “Test Method C--Atomic Absorption, Graphite
    Furnace,” approved 1993.
    ASTM Method D3223-91, “Standard Test Method for Total
    Mercury in Water,” approved September 23, 1991.
    ASTM Method D3454-91, “Standard Test Method for Radium-226
    in Water,” approved 1991.
    ASTM Method D3559-90 D, “Standard Test Methods for Lead in
    Water,” “Test Method D--Atomic Absorption, Graphite Furnace,”
    approved August 6, 1990.
    ASTM Method D3645-93 B, “Standard Test Methods for
    Beryllium in Water,” “Method B--Atomic Absorption, Graphite
    Furnace,” approved 1993.
    ASTM Method D3649-91, “Standard Test Method for High-
    Resolution Gamma-Ray Spectrometry of Water,” approved 1991.

    ASTM Method D3697-92, “Standard Test Method for Antimony
    in Water,” approved June 15, 1992.
    ASTM Method D3859-93 A, “Standard Test Methods for
    Selenium in Water,” “Method A--Atomic Absorption, Hydride
    Method,” approved 1993.
    ASTM Method D3867-90 A and B, “Standard Test Methods for
    Nitrite-Nitrate in Water,” “Test Method A--Automated Cadmium
    Reduction” & “Test Method B--Manual Cadmium Reduction,”
    approved January 10, 1990.
    ASTM Method D3972-90, “Standard Test Method for Isotopic
    Uranium in Water by Radiochemistry,” approved 1990.
    ASTM Method D4107-91, “Standard Test Method for Tritium in
    Drinking Water,” approved 1991.
    ASTM Method D4327-91, “Standard Test Method for Anions in
    Water by Ion Chromatography,” approved October 15, 1991.
    ASTM Method D4785-88, “Standard Test Method for Low-Level
    Iodine-131 in Water,” approved 1988.
    ASTM Method D5174-91, “Standard Test Method for Trace
    Uranium in Water by Pulsed-Laser Phosphorimetry,” approved
    ASTM Method D 1253-86, “Standard Test Method for Residual
    Chlorine in Water,” reapproved 1992.
    Bran & Luebbe, 1025 Busch Parkway, Buffalo Grove, IL 60089.
    “Fluoride in Water and Wastewater,” Industrial Method #129-
    71W, December 1972 (referred to as “Technicon Methods:
    Method #129-71W”). See 40 CFR 141.23(k)(1), footnote 11
    “Fluoride in Water and Wastewater,” #380-75WE, February 1976
    (referred to as “Technicon Methods: Method #380-75WE”). See
    40 CFR 141.23(k)(1), footnote 11 (2003).
    EM Science EMD Chemicals Inc. (an affiliate of Merck KGgA,
    Darmstadt, Germany), 480 S. Democrat Road, Gibbstown, NJ 08027–
    1297. Telephone: 800-222–0342. E-mail:

    “Chromocult Coliform Agar Presence/Absence Membrane Filter
    Test Method for Detection and Identification of Coliform Bacteria
    and Escherichia coli in Finished Waters,” November 2000,
    Version 1.0
    “Readycult Coliforms 100 Presence/Absence Test for Detection
    and Identification of Coliform Bacteria and Escherichia coli in
    Finished Waters,” November 2000, Version 1.0.
    ERDA Health and Safety Laboratory, New York, NY.
    HASL Procedure Manual, HASL 300, 1973. See 40 CFR
    141.25(b)(2) (2003).
    Great Lakes Instruments, Inc., 8855 North 55th Street, Milwaukee, WI
    GLI Method 2, “Turbidity,” Nov. 2, 1992.
    The Hach Company, P.O. Box 389, Loveland, CO 80539-0389. Phone:
    “Lead in Drinking Water by Differential Pulse Anodic Stripping
    Voltammetry,” Method 1001, August 1999.
    “Determination of Turbidity by Laser Nephelometry,” January
    2000, Revision 2.0 (referred to as “Hach FilterTrak Method
    IDEXX Laboratories, Inc., One IDEXX Drive, Westbrook, Maine 04092.
    Telephone: 800-321–0207.
    “IDEXX SimPlate TM HPC Test Method for Heterotrophs in
    Water,” November 2000.
    Lachat Instruments, 6645 W. Mill Rd., Milwaukee, WI 53218. Phone:
    “Digestion and distillation of total cyanide in drinking and
    wastewaters using MICRO DIST and determination of cyanide by
    flow injection analysis,” Revision 2.1, November 30, 2000
    (referred to as “QuikChem Method 10-204-00-1-X”).
    Millipore Corporation, Technical Services Department, 80 Ashby Road,
    Milford, MA 01730 800-654-5476.

    Colisure Presence/Absence Test for Detection and Identification of
    Coliform Bacteria and Escherichia Coli in Drinking Water,
    February 28, 1994 (referred to as “Colisure Test”).
    NCRP. National Council on Radiation Protection, 7910 Woodmont Ave.,
    Bethesda, MD 301-657-2652.
    “Maximum Permissible Body Burdens and Maximum Permissible
    Concentrations of Radionuclides in Air and in Water for
    Occupational Exposure,” NCRP Report Number 22, June 5, 1959.
    NSF. National Sanitation Foundation International, 3475 Plymouth Road,
    PO Box 130140, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48113-0140, 734-769-8010.
    NSF Standard 61, section 9, November 1998.
    NTIS. National Technical Information Service, U.S. Department of
    Commerce, 5285 Port Royal Road, Springfield, VA 22161, 703-487-4600
    or 800-553-6847.
    “Interim Radiochemical Methodology for Drinking Water,” EPA
    600/4-75-008 (revised), March 1976 (referred to as “USEPA
    Interim Radiochemical Methods”). (Pages 1, 4, 6, 9, 13, 16, 24,
    29, 34)
    “Kelada Automated Test Methods for Total Cyanide, Acid
    Dissociable Cyanide, And Thiocyanate,” Revision 1.2, August
    2001, EPA # 821–B–01–009 (referred to as “Kelada 01”).
    “Maximum Permissible Body Burdens and Maximum Permissible
    Concentrations of Radionuclides in Air and in Water for
    Occupational Exposure,” NBS (National Bureau of Standards)
    Handbook 69, as amended August 1963, U.S. Department of
    Method 100.1, “Analytical Method for Determination of Asbestos
    Fibers in Water,” EPA-600/4-83-043, September 1983, Doc. No.
    PB83-260471 (referred to as “USEPA Asbestos Methods-100.1”).
    Method 100.2, “Determination of Asbestos Structures over 10-mm
    in Length in Drinking Water,” EPA-600/4-83-043, June 1994,
    Doc. No. PB94-201902 (referred to as “USEPA Asbestos
    “Methods for Chemical Analysis of Water and Wastes,” March

    1983, Doc. No. PB84-128677 (referred to as “USEPA Inorganic
    Methods”). (Methods 150.1, 150.2, and 245.2, which formerly
    appeared in this reference, are available from USEPA EMSL.)
    “Methods for the Determination of Inorganic Substances in
    Environmental Samples,” August 1993, PB94-120821 (referred to
    as “USEPA Environmental Inorganic Methods”).
    “Methods for the Determination of Metals in Environmental
    Samples,” June 1991, Doc. No. PB91-231498 and “Methods for
    the Determination of Metals in Environmental Samples--
    Supplement I,” May 1994, PB95-125472 (referred to as “USEPA
    Environmental Metals Methods”).
    “Methods for the Determination of Organic Compounds in
    Drinking Water,” December 1988, revised July 1991, EPA-600/4-
    88/039 (referred to as “USEPA Organic Methods”). (For methods
    502.2, 505, 507, 508, 508A, 515.1, and 531.1.)
    “Methods for the Determination of Organic Compounds in
    Drinking Water--Supplement I,” July 1990, EPA/600-4-90-020
    (referred to as “USEPA Organic Methods”). (For methods 506,
    547, 550, 550.1, and 551.)
    “Methods for the Determination of Organic Compounds in
    Drinking Water--Supplement II,” August 1992, EPA-600/R-92-
    129 (referred to as “USEPA Organic Methods”). (For methods
    515.2, 524.2, 548.1, 549.1, 552.1, and 555.)
    “Prescribed Procedures for Measurement of Radioactivity in
    Drinking Water,” EPA 600/4-80-032, August 1980 (referred to as
    “USEPA Radioactivity Methods”). (Methods 900, 901, 901.1, 902,
    903, 903.1, 904, 905, 906, 908, 908.1)
    “Procedures for Radiochemical Analysis of Nuclear Reactor
    Aqueous Solutions,” H.L. Krieger and S. Gold, EPA-R4-73-014,
    May 1973, Doc. No. PB222-154/7BA.
    “Radiochemical Analytical Procedures for Analysis of
    Environmental Samples,” March 1979, Doc. No. EMSL LV
    053917 (referred to as “USEPA Radiochemical Analyses”).
    (Pages 1, 19, 33, 65, 87, 92)
    “Radiochemistry Procedures Manual,” EPA-520/5-84-006,
    December 1987, Doc. No. PB-84-215581 (referred to as “USEPA
    Radiochemistry Methods”). (Methods 00-01, 00-02, 00-07, H-02,

    Ra-03, Ra-04, Ra-05, Sr-04)
    “Technical Notes on Drinking Water Methods,” EPA-600/R-94-
    173, October 1994, Doc. No. PB-104766 (referred to as “USEPA
    Technical Notes”).
    BOARD NOTE: USEPA made the following assertion with
    regard to this reference at 40 CFR 141.23(k)(1) and 141.24(e) and
    (n)(11) (2003): “This document contains other analytical test
    procedures and approved analytical methods that remain available
    for compliance monitoring until July 1, 1996.”
    “Tetra- through Octa-Chlorinated Dioxins and Furans by Isotope
    Dilution HRGC/HRMS,” October 1994, EPA-821-B-94-005
    (referred to as “Dioxin and Furan Method 1613”).
    New Jersey Department of Environment, Division of Environmental
    Quality, Bureau of Radiation and Inorganic Analytical Services, 9 Ewing
    Street, Trenton, NJ 08625.
    “Determination of Radium 228 in Drinking Water,” August 1990.
    New York Department of Health, Radiological Sciences Institute, Center
    for Laboratories and Research, Empire State Plaza, Albany, NY 12201.
    “Determination of Ra-226 and Ra-228 (Ra-02),” January 1980,
    Revised June 1982.
    Palintest, Ltd., 21 Kenton Lands Road, P.O. Box 18395, Erlanger, KY
    “Lead in Drinking Water by Differential Pulse Anodic Stripping
    Voltammetry,” Method 1001, August 1999.
    Syngenta Crop Protection, Inc., 410 Swing Road, Post Office Box 18300,
    Greensboro, NC 27419. Telephone: 336-632–6000.
    “Atrazine in Drinking Water by Immunoassay,” February 2001
    (referred to as “Syngenta AG-625”).
    United States Department of Energy, available at the Environmental
    Measurements Laboratory, U.S. Department of Energy, 376 Hudson
    Street, New York, NY 10014-3621.
    “EML Procedures Manual,” 27th Edition, Volume 1, 1990.

    United States Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Ground Water
    and Drinking Water, accessible on-line and available by download from
    Method 515.4, “Determination of Chlorinated Acids in Drinking
    Water by Liquid-Liquid Microextraction, Derivatization and Fast
    Gas Chromatography with Electron Capture Detection,” Revision
    1.0, April 2000, EPA 815/B–00/001 (document file name
    Method 531.2, “Measurement of N-methylcarbamoyloximes and
    N-methylcarbamates in Water by Direct Aqueous Injection HPLC
    with Postcolumn Derivatization,” Revision 1.0, September 2001,
    EPA 815/B/01/002 (document file name “met531_2.pdf”).
    United States Environmental Protection Agency, EMSL, Cincinnati, OH
    45268 513-569-7586.
    “Interim Radiochemical Methodology for Drinking Water,” EPA-
    600/4-75-008 (referred to as “Radiochemical Methods”).
    (Revised) March 1976.
    “Methods for the Determination of Organic Compounds in
    Finished Drinking Water and Raw Source Water” (referred to as
    “USEPA Organic Methods”). (For methods 504.1, 508.1, and
    525.2 only.) See NTIS.
    “Procedures for Radiochemical Analysis of Nuclear Reactor
    Aqueous Solutions.” See NTIS.
    USEPA, Science and Technology Branch, Criteria and Standards
    Division, Office of Drinking Water, Washington, D.C. 20460.
    “Guidance Manual for Compliance with the Filtration and
    Disinfection Requirements for Public Water Systems using Surface
    Water Sources,” October 1989.
    USGS. Books and Open-File Reports Section, United States Geological
    Survey, Federal Center, Box 25286, Denver, CO 80225-0425.
    Methods available upon request by method number from “Methods
    for Analysis by the U.S. Geological Survey National Water
    Quality Laboratory--Determination of Inorganic and Organic
    Constituents in Water and Fluvial Sediments,” Open File Report
    93-125, 1993, or Book 5, Chapter A-1, “Methods for
    Determination of Inorganic Substances in Water and Fluvial

    Sediments,” 3rd ed., Open-File Report 85-495, 1989, as
    appropriate (referred to as “USGS Methods”).
    Methods available upon request by method number from “Methods
    for Determination of Radioactive Substances in Water and Fluvial
    Sediments,” Chapter A5 in Book 5 of “Techniques of Water-
    Resources Investigations of the United States Geological Survey,”

    Waters Corporation, Technical Services Division, 34 Maple St., Milford,
    MA 01757 800-252-4752.
    “Waters Test Method for Determination of Nitrite/Nitrate in Water
    Using Single Column Ion Chromatography,” Method B-1011,
    August 1987 (referred to as “Waters Method B-1011”).
    The Board incorporates the following federal regulations by reference:
    40 CFR 136, Appendices B and C (2003).
    This Part incorporates no later amendments or editions.
    (Source: Amended at 28 Ill. Reg. ________, effective ______________________)
    I, Dorothy M. Gunn, Clerk of the Illinois Pollution Control Board, certify that the Board
    adopted the above opinion and order on August 19, 2004, by a vote of 4-0.
    Dorothy M. Gunn, Clerk
    Illinois Pollution Control Board

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