November 23, 1971
In the Matter of:
Application of Commonwealth
PCB 70-21
Edison Company for a Permit
for Dresden
3, Dresden
Nuclear Power Station
Opinion of theBoard (by Mr. Kissel):
On March 3, 1971, this Board issued a permit to Commonwealth
Edison Company (“Edison”) to allow it to operate Dresden Unit 3
a nuclear power generating station near Morris, Illinois. The
Board~sprevious opinions detail the facts and reasons behind the
issuance of the permit and the conditions contained therein, and
those reasons and facts will not be repeated here, except as rele-
vant to this ~articular part of the permit proceeding. The permit
required that Edison submit certain reports concerning the installa-
tion of control equipment for gaseous radioactive emissions, liquid
radioactive discharges and heated water discharges as detailed in
the following paragraphs of the permit:
“3(b) The permittee shall within thirty (30) days after the
issuance of this permit submit to
IPCB a written program with
a time schedule for controlling the liquid radioactive discharges
to the amounts set forth in paragraph 3(a) of this permit from
Unit III without the use of dilution water.
“4(b) Within thirty (30) months from the date of issuance of
this permit, permittee shall construct and install facilities on
Dresden Unit
gaseous radioactive emissions permitted
by paragraph 4(a) of this per~rtit by a factor of fifty (50). Within
thirty (30)
after the date of the issuance
this permit,
permaittee shall submit
written program to the IPCB for designing,
constructing and installing
control facilities required by
paragraph~ Said written program shall include a detailed descrip-
of the proposed facilities, the
times when the design, purchase,
and construction
of the
facilities shall
and any other information as would be needed
the IPCB to
amount of
time needed by
the permittee and its con—
tractors1 if any,
to complete
said facilities.
“5(b) Permittee in the operation
of Dresden Unit
3 shall
comply with the thermal discharge
requirements of SWB-8 as
preted in the opinion of~eBoard, In
order to assure such
pliance, permittee shall submit the following information to the
Board within thirty (30) days from this date:
1. Engineering information and costs on the kinds
of additional facilities, if any, required to meet the standard
covering heated discharges allowing for a mixing zone of 600 feet,
2. The time required to construct the additional
facilities referred to in paragraph l~.
3, If additional time is required, the reasons why,
in accordance with the variance provisions of the Environmental
Protection Act and of the Board1s Procedural Rules, operation of
Dresden Unit 3 should be permitted during said construction,”
Edison filed the “thir~yday” report on April 13, 1971. It not
only contained the many alternate programs called for by the con-
ditions of the permit, but also contained a request by Edison to
reform certain of the other conditions of the permit, that is,
those dealing with the permitted gaseous emissions before control
equipment is installed and the use of an emission reduction (in-
stead of a dose reduction) factor as a measure of the effective-
ness of the ‘radioactive gaseous emission control equipment. After
receiving the detailed Edison report, the Board requested that the
Institute for Environmental Quality (the “Institute”) employ the
services of experts who could review the report and offer expert
comments on the various alternatives proposed by Edison, The Insti-
tute did hire three persons well qualified to review the report
Dr. Hermen Cember of Northwestern University, Dr. James Leonard of
the University of Cincinnati and Dr. Henry Bremer, President of
Datagraphics, Inc. The Institute’s experts did, in fact, file
written reports which contained a detailed examination of the Edi-
son alternatives, When Edison received the reports, it requested
a hearing be held so that the various alternatives could be aired
in a public forum. A hearing was held on October 19 and 20, in
Chicago, Illinois,
There are three basic areas in which the Board must make deci-
sions as a result of the most recent hearings in this case: I) The
gaseous emission control equipment which must be installed by Edison;
2) the liquid radioactive control equipment to
installed by Edi-
son; and 3) the futhet controls, if
to be installed in order
to reduce the thermal input into the Illinois River. Each of these
areas will be considered separately, although there is a relation-
ship between some of the issues.
3— 126
Gaseous Radioactive Controls
Before reaching the actual control equipment discussion, it
is necessary to discuss the interim radioactive emission limits
imposed as a condition in the original permit issued to Edison,
The permit provided in paragraph 4(a) as follows:
“The release rates of gross beta-gamma radio-
activity of gaseous effluent released to the environs
from DresdenUnit 3 shall not exceed a monthly average
release rate of twenty-five thousand (25,000) micro-
curies per second and on no occasion shall the emis-
sions exceed one hundred thousand (100,000) microcuries
per second.”
This part of the permit was taken almost directly from the testimony
of an Edison witness who testified, in essence, that an annual
average emission rate at the Dresden 3 unit of 25,000 microcuries
per second at the Dresden plant would be “average to good” fuel per-
formance, An instantaneous emission of more than 100,000 micro—
ounce per second would indicate “fair to poor” fuel performance.
While the witness himself did not feel that an instantaneous emission
rate should be adopted, the Board felt that this was a point at
which emissions should be limited because we did not wish to encour-
age Edison to continue to allow “poor” fuel performance. Since the
original Dresden 3 hearings, there has been much testimony by
General Electric and Edison personnel about paragraph 4(a) of the
Dresden 3 Permit, In a hearing on the application for a permit to
operate two identical boiling water reactor power generating units
at Quad Cities, the same witness who had previously substantiated
the emission levels in paragraph 4(a) of the Dresden 3 Permit, testi-
fied that what he meant to say at the Dresden hearing was that the
emission level Of 25,000 microcunies per second was an average to
be sustained “over the years” and was not meant to be an annual aver-
age, His testimony in the Dresden 3 hearing, however, was contrary.
(See, Transcript of Original Hearing, December 9, 1970, page 480).
Be that as it may, we are convinced, based upon new testimony in the
Quad Cities hearing and the most recent hearings on the hardware to
be installed at Dresden, that a new emission level should be set
for the gaseous radioactive emissions prior to the installation of
control equipment. The Quad Cities testimony demonstrated that a
realistic emission level would be 80,000 microcunies per ~econd as
an annual average for the operation of one unit essentially identical
to Dresden 3, and this was adopted as the interim emission level in
the recently issued permit for the Quad Cities plant. See Permit
and Opinion of the Board, In the Matter of the Joint Application of
Commonwealth Edison Company’and Iowa-illinois Gas & Electric company
Cities Permit), PCB 71-20, deôided November 15, 1971, In the
Quad Cities case the single unit emission level of 80,000 inicrocuries
per second would produce a fencepost dose of about 157 millirem per
year. The testimony in the Dresden 3 hearing demonstrated that
the 80,000 inicrocurie emission from one unit would result in a fence-
post dose of about 44 millirem per year. Of course, the fencepost
dose is normally reduced by a factor of three because no one lives
at the fencepost twenty-four hours a day, 365 days a year. With
factor reduction, the actual
rate and dose to the public
is still very low even at the emission level of 80,000 microcuries
per year, considering the fact that background radiation provides a
yearly dose to the public of about 100 millirem.
The most recent hearing on the Dresden 3 hardware produced testi-
mony that the expected annual average emission rate at Dresden 3,
assuming the unit operated at full power for the entire year, is
90,000 microcuries per year. The
was obtained by looking at
the actual performance ‘~of the two large Dresden units, 2 and 3, at
less than full power levels, and applying a computed factor increase
of the emissions for operation at full power. According to Mr. Stiede,
the 90,000 microcurie emission level could be sustained on a monthly
basis, and as far as a yearly average is concerned, the unit can be
expected to be operated about 75 of the time; therefore, an annual
average of 67,500 microcuries per second could be maintained, We think
that this level of emission is very close to the one proposed in the
Quad Cities application hearing and in order to assure greater leeway,
we adopt the Quad Cities standard for Dresden. We, therefore, be-
lieve that based upon the new testimony of the actual performance of
the units at Dresden, paragraph 4(a) of the permit should be amended
as follows:
“Gross beta—gamma radioactivity of gaseous emissions
released to the atmosphere from Dresden Unit 3 shall not
exceed an annual average of 80,000 microcuries per second,”
rates of emission at this level will not cause a significant in-
crease of the dose to the population around the plant.
With the establishment of a new interim emission rate for
Dresden 3, we do believe that the action level suggested by Edison
at the Quad Cities hearing should also be adopted for Dresden
for the same reasons as outlined in the Quad Cities opinion. We
therefore will require that if the gaseous radioactive emissions
from Dresden 3 exceed 37,500 microcuries per second at any time,
Edison shall initiate operating procedures, to the extent permitted
without interrupting electric service, to reduce such release.
3— 128
In the original permit Edison was required to construct gas-
eous emission control facilities within thirty (30) months from the
date the permit was issued, which facilities would reduce the “gaseous
radioactive emissions
. . .
by a factor of fifty (50).” Paragraph 4(b)
of the Dresden 3 Permit. The intent of that paragraph was to require
that Edison construct, install and operate the catalytic recombiner
and eight charcoal beds to treat the air ejector effluent. This,
according to Edison, would result in an emission reduction by a fac-
tor of 40 and a dose reduction by a factor of 80. Edison has already
begun its program to install this equipment, and, in fact, the comple-
tion date will be earlier than originally anticipated
the present
completion date now hoped for by Edison is April 1, 1973, and we
will hold them to that date. We will also modify the language of
paragraph 4(b) to be consistent with the rate at which gaseous radio-
activity will be emitted from the air ejector system and the gland
seal system. Since Edison has testified that the recombiner and eight
charcoal beds will result in an emission reduction factor of 40, and
since the record shows that as an annual average Edison can achieve
an airejector emission rate of80,000 microcuries per second, we will
require that after the installation and operation of
which will be no later than April 1, 1973
Edison shall
not emit more than 2000 microcuries per second gross beta—gamma
activity from the air ejector off gas system. In addition, the gland
seal system will result in emissions of about 1000 microcuries per
second on an annual average, so that paragraph 4(b) will be modified
to read as follows:
“By April 1, 1973, Edison shall have completed
the installation of a catalytic recoinbiner and eight
charcoal bed system, as outlined in the record of this
proceeding, to treat the air ejector effluent, On and
after that date, gaseous radioactive emissions from
Dresden Unit 3 shall not exceed an annual average of
3000 microcuries per second. The latter emission limit
shall include emissions from the
gland seal.”
Liquid Radioactive Controls
The Permit originally issued to Edison for the operation of
Dresden 3 provided that the liquid radioactive emissions from the
Dresden 3 facility should not exceed l0~ microcuries per liter,
Further, paragraph 3(b) provided as follows:
“The permittee shall within thirty (30) days after
the issuance of this permit submit to the IPCB a written
program with a time schedule for controlling the liquid
radioactive discharges up to the amounts set forth in
paragraph 3(a) of this permit from Dresden Unit III with-
out the use of dilution water.”
In its “thirty-day” report Edison detailed for alternative systems
which it indicated would meet the Board’s requirements under the
above quoted condition of
the permit.
Alternate 1 is entitled, “Liquid Waste Dilution Station with
Closed Cycle Lake”, This system involves a closed—cycle lake operation
with sprays for Units 2 and 3 and the installation
of a dilution sta-
tion for Unit
condenser cooling water discharge. There would be no
need for major modifications to the presently radwaste
system. At a
dilution station on the north side of the Dresden Unit
intake canal,
gallons per minute (gpm)
be piped to the Unit I dis-
charge canal where it would mix with the existing 190,000 gpm of cool-
ing water from Unit I. In addition, the 50,000 gpm of blowdown water
from the lake would
be piped to
the Unit 1 discharge canal and mixed
with the cooling
water before discharge into the river, Units 2 and
discharge line would be rerouted to the Unit 1 canal and discharged
into the canal to provide distribution of the waste across the canal,
The waste would be mixed with the cooling water as it passed down the
would be released along with the Unit 1 liquid waste to the
river at an activity level of 100 picocuries per liter, for the com-
bined releases from all units, The 50,000 gpm blowdown will benefit
management of the lake by limiting the buildup of impurities in the
lake, The installed cost of the dilution station, and mlated costs,
will be $2,898,000 and the operating costs will be $130,000, These
costs would be in addition to the cost of $12,500,000 which is common
to all alternates proposed by Edison, The time for completion of
this alternate would be twenty-six months.
Alternate 2 is entitled, “300,000 GPM Continuous Discharge of
Cooling Lake Water for Dilution of Liquid Waste”. Under this system
the liquid radwaste would not be changed from its present design.
The water use system of the plant would be changed to require that
only 300,000 gpm of water from the facility would be discharged to
the river. This would require that the plant reuse either 700,000 gpm
for six-pump operation and 420,000 gpm for four-pump operation. The
discharge flow would travel through the existing Units 2 and 3 dis-
charge canal to the river and would be discharged through a diffuser
pipe. Under certain circumstances Dresden Unit 1 will have to be
reduced in operation in order to meet the present SWBL8 standards.
The cost to install this system would be $1,903,000 with operating
costs of $40,000,
Alternate 3 is entitled, “Maximum Recycle Liquid Waste System
with Closed Cycle Lake”, This system would result in compliance of
the radioactive standatd of 100 picocuries per liter with a minimum
blowdown of 50,000 gpm which blowdown is only
to assure
the lake. The present waste collection system
would not be changed, but additions would be made. The floor drain
subsystem would be modified to permit recycling of most of the
effluent, This would be accomplished by the addition of two deep
bed demineralizers after the floor drain filter. These demineral-
izers would provide ion exchange treatment. The water so treated
could be returned to the condensate storage tank for recycling. A
small amount of the recycled water, however, will not meet the con-
densate purity standards and would have to be discharged to the
canal, A floor drain surge tank would be added to serve as a con~
tingency collector. Also as part of this proposed Alternate,
existing concentrators in the chemical waste subsystem would be
utilized to remove dissolved impurities for solidification. The
concentrator distillates would go to the collector subsystem for
and recycling, and the waste salts will be drummed
solid wastes, This system would reduce the radioactivity from
1.2 microcuries per second to approximately .009 microcuries
second, and this estimate is
based upon fuel performance which would
be approximately 0.1 microcuries per second. Thus, this alternate
would allow for meeting the proposed effluent standard with the
50,000 gpm blowdown, which is necessary for the proper operation of
cooling lake. According to Edison’s estimate, the total exposure
from Dresden Units 2 and
to a person using river
water as drinking
water for his entire liquid intake is 0.0038 millirem per year. This
alternate would also use the diffuser pipe for the Unit 1 discharge.
The installation cost of this equipment will be $2,946,000 with
operating cost of
$165,000 per year. This system could be completed
within 21 months.
Alternate 4 is entitled, “Maximum Treatment Liquid Waste
System with Closed Cycle Lake”,
waste collector system will re-
main as is presently
designed except
that there will
be a contingency
collection system. There will be two
parallel demineralizers in-
stalled and a line from the floor drain sample tanks
the Contin-
gency subsystem.
floor drain wastes complete recycling, but
there will
be a small
amount not able to be recycled. This small
amount will be routed to the contingency
In the chemical
the chemical wastes will be concentrated, a~dnot
discharged. In the decontamination subsystem, the wastes will be
connected to the solid waste system, mixed with cement and drummed,
contingency subsystem
is completely new and will allow
the dis-
charge of 100
picocuries per liter without the use of dilution.
This system will include a floor drain surge tank, two 2&-gpm con-
centrators, two 500-gallon distillate tanks, two demineralizers with
of ion exchange resin each and two 30,000-gallon sample tanks.
There will be a large contingency collector tank of approximately
200,000 gallons. As has been previously stated, the discharge of
radioactive liquid wastes would be met before mixing with the blow-
down water.
1, in this alternate as well, would have its
discharge routed through
a diffuser pipe. The installation cost
of this alEernate
would be $4,498,000 and the operating cost would
be $300,000,
3— 131
In providing to the Board the four Alternates for treatment
of liquid radioactive wastes and heated water discharges, Edison.
has complied fully with the condition of the permit requiring these
submissions. The first opinion of the Board in the Dresden
did make the point that dilution should not be used as an alterna-
tive to the treatment of liquid radioactive wastes. We feel that
although dilution water is still used, Alternate 3, the “Maximum
Recycle” alternative, is the perfect blend of applying present
technology with economic reasonableness for keeping the level of
liquid radioactive discharges at a “safe” one,
4 does
comply with the “no dilution” concept, but we believ~that
the addi-
tional capital costs for
Alternate 4 (over $2 millio~) is simply
not worth the minimal reduction gained by using
Alternate 4
Alternate 3. We will,therefore, order the installation of Alternate
3, as described in the record, and in addition will
require that the
decontamination solutions be sent to
solid waste disposal by putting
the wastes into cement and drumming it for disposal. This recommen-
dation was made by one of the Institute’s consultants and seems a
reasonable one,
Edison also raises the point that tritium should be handled
differently in the permit and we agree. We, therefore, modify the
permit and substitute the following paragraphs for paragraphs 3(a)
and 3(b):
“(a) Radioactivity in liquid effluents shall be
controlled so that the annual average gross
radioactivity, excluding tritiuiu,discharged to ~the
Illinois River shall not exceed 1x107 microcuries per
cubic centimeter (100 picocuries per liter) and annual
average tritium activity discharged to the Illinois
River shall not exceed 3xl04 microcuries per cubic
“(b) Edison shall immediately begin to install
the system described in the April 13 report as the
maximum recycle system (Alternate 3), a system which
would require that the decontamination solutions be
and disposed of as a solid waste,
tion of the system as required herein shall be com-
pleted by September 1, 1973, and thereafter the emis-
sion limits of paragraph 4(a), herein, shall apply to
the blowdown of the cooling lake,”
Heated Water Controls
Under the Dresden permit Edison was required to submit to
the Board a plan for bringing the heated water discharges from the
Dresden 3 plant into compliance with the standards of SWB-8. Since
the issuance of the permit Edison has put the cooling lake into
operation and has installed 98 spray modules in the canals at the
Dresden facility. Even with those installations Edison has admitted
that its heated water discharges will not meet the SWB-8 standards
all the time. As stated by Mr. Ellis of Edison, the discharge from
Dresden will meet the 93°F, temperature at all times, but will not
meet the 5°F,after the 600’ mixing zone in the winter months under
certain conditions. However, when Alternate 3 is completed by
September 1, 1973, and the cooling lake is being operated closed
cycle, and the discharge is passed through a diffuser, these condi-
tions will be met.
It is obvious that using Alternate 3, which is basically the
closed cycle operation of
cooling lake, Edison has met the
Board’s request that it find a method to meet the standards in SWB-8.
From the uncontradicted evidence, all discharges, even that of
Dresden 1, will meet
the standards of SWB-8, when the closed
system is installed in September of 1973. This is indeed an example
of compliance with the wishes of the Board.
Edison askes that it be granted a variance to fully operate
the Dresden units, even though during certain times
in the winter
it will not meet
the 5°F.limitation at
the end of the 600’
zone. To be granted a
Edison must prove, as we have said,
that compliance with the Rules, SWB-8 in this instance, would
impose an arbitrary or unreasonable hardship, We believe that Edi-
son has proved that such a hardship exists here. The harm to the
River will be minimal because the violations of the temperature stand-
ards will occur only in the wintertime, when the system is best able
to take the additional heat. To require a cutback in the operation
of the units could mean that electric power will not be available
when the system demands it, For the little amount of damage., if any,
that will occur as a result of the slight breach of the Rules, we
do not feel that it is worth controlling that discharge by
that the production of power be cut back.
The cost would be too
high, and therefore, we grant the variance from the 5°limitation
durinq the winter months until November 23, 1972. Edison can,
it desires, file a petition to extend that variance until September
1, 1973, so
long as the petition is filed not later than ninety (90)
days before November 23, 1972. It is our intent at this time to
allow the variance until the cooling lake is in operation, but the
Act does not allow variances longer than one year.
One other point concerning heated water discharges must be
dealt with. On September 24, 1971, Edison directed a letter to the
Board, in the nature of
a petition for variance, asking for a var-
covering heat discharges to the Illinois River because the
cooling lake may not have operated by October 1, 1971, the date
originally set by the Board, Since the testimony by Mr. Ellis
that the cooling lake is operating,the question of the variance
requested in the letter of September 24, 1971
now moot and
therefore will be denied as such.
Emergency Core Cooling
subject of the emergency core cooling systems in Dresden
Unit 3 were not
really dealt with in any of the hearings specific-
ally related to that Unit. However, the Board has had hearings
related to that
matter in the Quad
Cities application. Since each
Quad Cities unit
almost a “carbon copy” of the Dresden Unit 3,
the testimony gained on the subject of core cooling in
the Quad
Cities case is certainly applicable here. In the Quad Cities
opinion, we concluded the following after
reviewing the testimony
on the subject of core cooling:
“While we shall maintain a continuing concern
for this and all other matters related to possible
radiation hazards, and while we shall provide that
the permit may be modified or revoked if this is proved
necessary by new information, we do not perceive’a
justification today for withholding the permit.”
In essence, then, we feel that the core cooling problem may be a
real one and needs close supervision. It is for this reason that
the Dresden Unit 3 permit is herein modified to require reporting
of any activation, whether spurious or real, of the emergency core
cooling system. This information, when provided and analyzed, will
provide the basis, perhaps, for decisions in the area of emergency
While we
do not feel the evidence warrants any more action
than reporting of activation of
emergency core cooling systems,
we do know from
the evidence
Quad Cities record that
Dresden Unit 3 should not be operated
~ny of the emergency core
cooling systems are unable to operate. This will be a condition of the
permit, for to do otherwise would create a radiation risk which the
public should not be forced to accept.
This opinion constitutes the findings of fact and conclusions
of law of the Board.
Based upon the testimony and exhibits in the record, the
Board hereby orders the following:
1. The Permit issued by
Board to Edison on March 3,
1971 for the operation of Dresden Unit 3 is hereby amended as
(a) Paragraphs 4(a)
4(b) of the original permit
are hereby replaced by the following paragraphs:
Gross beta-gamma radioactivity of
gaseous emissions released to the atmosphere
from Dresden Unit
3 shall not exceed an
average of 80,000 microcuries per second,
“4(b) If gaseous radioactive emissions
at any time exceed 37,500 microcuries per
second from Dresden Unit 3, Edison shall ini-
tiate operating procedures, to the extent
permitted wit~outinterrupting electric ser-
‘~ice, to reduce such release,
“4(c) By April 1, 1973, Edison shall
have completed the installation of a catalytic
recom.biner and eight (8) charcoal bed system,
as outlined in the record of this proceeding,
to treat the air ejector effluent, On and
after that date gaseous radioactive emissions
from Dresden Unit 3 shall not exceed an annual
average of 3000 microcuries per second. The
latter emission limit shall include emissions
from the gland seal,”
(b) Paragraphs 3(a) and 3(b) of the original permit
are hereby replaced by the following paragraphs:
“3(a) Radioactivity in liquid effluents
shall be controlled so that the annual average
gross beta-gamma radioactivity, excluding tn-
tium, discharged to the Illinois-River shall
not exceed lxlO7 microcuries per cubic centi-
meter (100 picocuries per liter) and annual
average tritium activity discharged to the
Illinois River shall not exceed 3xl0’~4micro-
cunies per cubic centimeter.
Edison shall immediately begin to
install the
system described in
report as the “maximum recycle” system (Alter-
nate 3) plus a system which would require the
decontamination solutions be drummed and
of as a solid waste. Installation of the
system as required herein shall be completed by
September 1, 1973, and thereafter the emission
limits of paragraph 4(a), herein, shall apply
to the blowdown of the cooling lake.”
(c) Paragraph 7 of the Original permit is hereby
replaced by the followinc; paragraphs:
“7(a) Permittee shall cooperate to the
full extent necessary with the Environmental
Protection Agency and the Illinois Department
of Public Health for purposes of development
by those agencies of an adequate and effective
emergency protection plan designed to imme-
diately control and minimize the effects of
any accidental release of unexpectedly large
quantities of radioactivity from the Dresden
Unit 3 nuclear generating plant. In particular,
Edison shall immediately notify both the Environ-
mental Protection Agency and the Illinois Depart-
ment of Public Health of any uncontrolled
release of unexpectedly large quantities of
radioactivity to the offsite air and/or water
environment due to operational failure of any
of the power plant systems, and shall report
monthly to the Board and the Environmental
Protection Agency any activation of the emer-
gency core cooling system, whether spurious
or real, exclusive of testing.
Edison shall not operate Dresden
Unit 3 if any of the emergency core cooling
systems are unable to operate.”
2. Edison is hereby granted a variance from the 5°F. limi-
tation of SWB—8 during the winter months under the following condi-
(a) The variance shall end on November 23, 1972; and
3— 136
(b) If Edison seeks to extend the variance beyond
that date to September of 1973 when it is contemplated
that the cooling lake will be operated closed cycle, Edi-
son shall file a petition for variance with the Board
not later than ninety (90) days prior to November 23, 1972.
Christan Moffett, Acting Clerk of the Pollution Control
Board, certify that the Board adopted the above Opinion and Order
day of November, 1971.
Christan Moffet
Acting Clerk