June 17, 1998
    830.203(c), 831.107, AND 831.109(b)(3)
    (Rulemaking - Land)
    Proposed Rule. First Notice.
    OPINION AND ORDER OF THE BOARD (by K. M. Hennessey):
    In this proceeding, two citizens, Dr. Renuka Desai and Susan Garrett
    (proponents), ask the Board to require that composting areas at certain landscape waste
    compost facilities be located at least 1/2 mile from the property line of a hospital,
    school, athletic field, or public park. Proponents also ask the Board to require existing
    composting areas located within that setback distance to relocate. Proponents state that
    the amendments are necessary because these composting areas release spores that
    present risks to human health, particularly spores of the fungus
    Aspergillus fumigatus
    A. fumigatus
    Today the Board adopts for first notice a modified version of proponents’
    proposal. The Board acknowledges that responsible composting is environmentally
    beneficial and the record indicates that composting has not been shown to increase risks
    to the general public. Furthermore, the fungus
    A. fumigatus
    is ubiquitous, and at
    approximately 500 feet from composting areas, the concentration of
    A. fumigatus
    spores generally is not higher than its background concentration. However, as a
    precaution, and consistent with the recommendations of public health experts, this first
    notice order would extend the 1/8 mile setback from residences that currently applies to
    composting areas to health care facilities, pre-school and child care facilities, and
    primary and secondary school facilities. The modified proposal would apply only to
    composting areas developed or expanded after January 1, 1999. The Board also
    proposes corresponding changes to requirements for permit applications.
    This opinion is organized as follows: first, the Board discusses the current
    composting setback requirements and proponents’ proposal; second, the Board sets
    forth a summary of its major conclusions in this rulemaking; third, the Board
    summarizes the rulemaking proceedings to date and addresses several procedural
    matters; fourth, the Board discusses the evidence in this record on the sources and
    effects of
    A. fumigatus
    , followed by the Board’s related findings; fifth, the Board
    discusses the evidence on the need for additional setbacks, followed by the Board’s
    related findings; and lastly, the Board sets forth its conclusions. The opinion is
    followed by the Board’s order, which sets forth the amendments proposed for first

    Proponents propose that the Board amend the location standards for compost
    facilities that the Board adopted in 1994,
    specifically 35 Ill. Adm. Code 830.203(c).
    Section 830.203(c) implements Section 39(m) of the Illinois Environmental Protection Act
    (Act), 415 ILCS 5/39(m) (1996), and currently provides as follows:
    With the exception of on-farm landscape waste operations, all landscape
    waste compost facilities subject to this Part shall comply with the
    * * *
    (c) The composting area of the facility must be
    located so as to minimize
    incompatibility with the character of the surrounding area, including at
    least a 200 foot setback from any residence, and in the case of a facility
    that is developed or the permitted composting area of which is expanded
    after November 17, 1991, the composting area shall be located at least
    1/8 mile from the nearest residence (other than a residence located on the
    same property as the facility).
    (Note: italicized language is from Section
    The legislature defined “landscape waste,” “compost,” and “composting” in the
    Act, and the Board incorporated the same definitions into its rules. “Landscape waste”
    all accumulations of grass or shrubbery cuttings, leaves, tree limbs and
    other materials accumulated as the result of the care of lawns, shrubbery,
    vines and trees. 415 ILCS 5/3.20 (1996).
    “Compost” means:
    the humus-like product of the process of composting waste, which may be
    used as a soil conditioner. 415 ILCS 5/3.69 (1996).
    “Composting” means:
    the biological treatment process by which microorganisms decompose the
    organic fraction of the waste, producing compost. 415 ILCS 5/3.70
    The location standards that the Board adopted in 1994 apply to the “composting
    areas” of “on-site facilities,” “on-site commercial facilities,” and permitted “landscape
    See Regulation of Landscape Waste Compost Facilities 35 Ill. Adm. Code 830-832
    (November 3, 1994), R93-29.

    waste compost facilities.” They do not apply to “garden compost operations”
    or “on-
    farm landscape waste compost facilities.” See 35 Ill. Adm. Code 830.102 (definitions),
    830.104(a) (exemption for garden compost operations), and 830.201 (scope and
    applicability of Part 830).
    Proponents propose that the Board amend the location standards of 35 Ill. Adm.
    Code 830.203(c) by adding the language underlined below:
    With the exception of on-farm landscape waste operations, all landscape
    waste compost facilities subject to this Part shall comply with the
    * * *
    The composting area of the facility must be
    located so as to minimize
    incompatibility with the character of the surrounding area, including
    at least a 200 foot setback from any residence, and in the case of a
    facility that is developed or the permitted composting area of which is
    expanded after November 17, 1991, the composting area shall be
    located at least 1/8 mile from the nearest residence (other than a
    residence located on the same property as the facility)
    , and a minimum
    of 1/2 mile from the property line of a hospital, school, an athletic field
    and a public park. Existing composting operations that are located
    within 1/2 mile of the above-mentioned facilities shall be relocated to
    more than 1/2 mile within six months of the effective date of this
    Proponents maintain that these amendments are necessary because landscape waste
    compost facilities release spores into the air that present risks to human health. The
    spores that cause proponents greatest concern are spores of the fungus
    A. fumigatus
    The task of deciding whether to adopt these amendments is the Board’s
    responsibility under Section 5 of the Act, which provides that the Board “shall determine,
    define and implement the environmental control standards applicable in the State of Illinois
    and may adopt rules and regulations in accordance with Title VII of the Act.” 415 ILCS
    5/5(b) (1996). Sections 8 and 10 of the Act also authorize the Board to adopt rules
    regarding air pollution. Section 10 provides:
    The Board . . . may adopt regulations to promote the purposes of this Title.
    415 ILCS 5/10(a) (1996).
    “Garden compost operation” means “an operation which (1) has no more than 25
    cubic yards of landscape waste, composting material or end-product compost on-site at
    any one time and (2) is not engaging in commercial activity.” 35 Ill. Adm. Code

    The “Title” to which Section 10 refers is Title II: Air Pollution. Section 8 sets forth the
    purposes of Title II as follows:
    It is the purpose of this Title to restore, maintain, and enhance the purity of
    the air of this State in order to protect health, welfare, property, and the
    quality of life and to assure that no air contaminants are discharged into the
    atmosphere without being given the degree of treatment or control
    necessary to prevent pollution. 415 ILCS 5/8 (1996).
    In adopting or amending regulations, the Board must follow the procedures set
    forth in Title VII of the Act, including Section 27(a) of the Act, which provides in part:
    The Board may adopt substantive regulations as described in this Act. Any
    such regulations may make different provisions as required by
    circumstances for different contaminant sources and for different
    geographical areas . . . may make special provision for alert and abatement
    standards and procedures respecting occurrences or emergencies of
    pollution or on other short-term conditions constituting an acute danger to
    health or to the environment; and may include regulations specific to
    individual persons or sites. In promulgating regulations under this Act, the
    Board shall take into account the existing physical conditions, the character
    of the area involved, including the character of surrounding land uses,
    zoning classifications, the nature of the existing air quality, or receiving
    body of water, as the case may be, and the technical feasibility and
    economic reasonableness of measuring or reducing the particular type of
    pollution. 415 ILCS 5/27(a) (1996).
    When the Board adopts regulations, it is acting in its quasi-legislative capacity. Granite
    City Division of National Steel Company v. PCB, 155 Ill. 2d 149, 180, 613 N.E.2d 719,
    733 (1993). When acting in that capacity, the Board “has no burden to support its
    conclusions with a given quantum of evidence.” Granite City, 155 Ill. 2d at 180, 613
    N.E.2d at 733. However, before the Board adopts or amends a regulation, Section 27(b)
    requires the Board to determine whether the new or amended regulation “has any adverse
    economic impact on the people of the State of Illinois.” 415 ILCS 5/27(b) (1996).
    The Board reaches the following major conclusions in this first notice opinion
    and order. A more complete discussion of each of these issues is included in the
    Discussion section beginning at page 7.
    1. The fungus
    A. fumigatus
    is ubiquitous. While responsible composting is
    environmentally beneficial, composting generates elevated levels of
    . Airborne
    A. fumigatus
    spores from compost facilities may occur
    at levels above background in nearby, downwind off-site areas.

    A. fumigatus
    spores pose little, if any, health threat to healthy individuals in
    the general public. However, they do pose a potential health threat to
    persons with asthma, cystic fibrosis, immunocompromised or
    immunosuppressed conditions, or bioaerosol allergies. Very young children
    are also potentially at greater risk because their immune systems are
    immature. No relationship between exposure to certain levels of
    spores and adverse health effects (
    , a “dose-response
    relationship”) has been demonstrated.
    3. While operating standards can minimize the off-site distribution of
    spores, it appears that even good management practices at
    compost facilities do not necessarily prevent downwind
    A. fumigatus
    concentrations from being above background levels in nearby off-site areas.
    4. As a precaution, and consistent with the recommendations of public health
    experts, compost facilities sited in the future should be set back from the
    following facilities: (a) health care facilities; (b) primary and secondary
    schools and their associated recreational areas; and (c) pre-school and child
    care facilities and their associated recreational areas.
    5. Generally, the concentration of
    A. fumigatus
    spores falls to background
    within approximately 500 feet of a composting area. The current 1/8 mile
    (660 feet) setback applied for residences will be extended to these other
    facilities. The Board also proposes corresponding changes to requirements
    for permit applications.
    6. Since the additional setback requirements would be imposed as a matter of
    prudence in the face of a potential health threat, and in light of the potential
    economic costs of relocating or closing existing compost facilities, the Board
    proposes applying the new setback requirements prospectively. As proposed
    in this first notice order, the new setbacks will apply only to a composting
    area developed or expanded after January 1, 1999.
    Proponents filed their proposal with the Board on May 6, 1997. On June 19,
    1997, the Board accepted this proposal for hearing. The Board held two public hearings
    in this matter: the first, in Chicago, on September 8, 1997; and the second, in Springfield,
    on October 7, 1997.
    A number of witnesses testified at each hearing. At the first
    hearing, the following witnesses testified: Susan Garrett, a resident of the City of Lake
    Forest and one of the proponents; Steven Handler, a resident of the City of Lake Forest;
    Gloria Loukas, a resident of the City of Lake Forest; Dr. Renuka Desai, a resident of the
    City of Lake Forest and one of the proponents; Jack Darin of the Sierra Club; William
    The transcript of the September 8, 1997, hearing is cited as “Tr.1 at _;” the transcript
    of the October 7, 1997, hearing is cited as “Tr.2 at _.”

    Holleman of the Illinois Citizen Action Public Education Committee; Earl Johnson of the
    Illinois Citizen Action Public Education Committee; Cheryl Doros, a resident of the City
    of Lake Forest; Peter Mueller, a resident of the City of Lake Forest; Edward Grskovich, a
    resident of the City of Lake Forest; Jacob Dumelle of the American Lung Association of
    Metropolitan Chicago; Mary Matthews, a resident of the City of Lake Forest; Scott
    Garrett, a resident of the City of Lake Forest; Joyce Munie of the Illinois Environmental
    Protection Agency; Elizabeth Harvey on behalf of Land and Lakes Company; Thomas
    Naatz, Director of Parks, Forestry, and Public Works for the City of Lake Forest; and
    Charles Pick of Organics Management Company.
    At the second hearing, the following witnesses testified: Dr. Karen Strauss, on
    behalf of the City of Lake Forest; Dr. Shirley Baer, Joyce Munie, and Edwin Bakowski of
    the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency; Clyde Wakefield, Director of Public Works
    and Engineering for the City of Crystal Lake; Dr. Paul Walker of Illinois State University;
    and Andrew Quigley of the Solid Waste Agency of Lake County.
    On December 10, 1997, the hearing officer set a public comment deadline of
    January 23, 1998. On January 26, 1998, the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency
    (Agency) filed a motion for leave to file instanter its public comment, along with its public
    comment. No one opposed the motion. The Board grants the motion.
    Complete lists of exhibits entered into the record, and public comments filed with
    the Board, are attached to this opinion and order as Attachment 1 and Attachment 2,
    In adopting the rules that the Board proposes for first notice, the Board considered
    all matters of record, including the proposal presented by proponents, testimony, exhibits,
    and public comments. The Board’s proposed rules will be published in the
    , upon which a public comment period of at least 45 days will begin.
    The Board also notes that the caption of this opinion and order has been changed
    to reflect the Board’s proposed amendments to permit application requirements for site
    location maps (35 Ill. Adm. Code 831.107) and other information (35 Ill. Adm. Code
    831.109(b)(3)). All future filings in this rulemaking must set forth this amended
    The Board directs the hearing officer to schedule an additional hearing in this
    matter. The primary purpose of the hearing is to receive testimony on the first notice
    version of the proposed rules.
    Another purpose of the hearing is to receive testimony on the decision of the
    Department of Commerce and Community Affairs, under Public Act 90-489, effective

    The Board would like to receive testimony from all interested persons on the
    following issues: (1) the technical feasibility and economic reasonableness of the
    proposed rules in this first notice order; (2) if the setbacks proposed in this first notice
    order were applied to existing compost facilities, should they apply immediately or
    after some period of time expires; (3) if the setbacks proposed in this first notice order
    were applied to existing compost facilities, would that render the regulation an invalid
    retroactive regulation; (4) if the setbacks proposed in this first notice order were
    applied to existing compost facilities, how many existing compost facilities would have
    to close or relocate; and (5) of those facilities identified in item (4), how long would it
    take to amortize the respective investments in those facilities. The Board will receive
    testimony on other issues if relevant and not repetitive. The Board also welcomes
    public comments.
    The Board will first discuss the evidence in the record on the sources and effects of
    A. fumigatus
    , followed by the Board’s related findings. Then the Board will discuss the
    evidence on the need for additional setbacks, followed by the Board’s related findings.
    Sources and Effects of
    A. Fumigatus
    Sources of
    A. Fumigatus
    Participants in this rulemaking generally agreed that composting facilities are
    associated with higher levels of the fungus
    A. fumigatus
    . Dr. Elliot Epstein
    stated in
    public comment that the predominant public and worker health concern with composting
    facilities is the potential impact of bioaerosols:
    Bioaerosols are organisms or biological agents that can be dispersed into
    the air and affect human health. The principal bioaerosols in yard waste
    composting operations are fungal spores since fungi are present in soils,
    grass, leaves, and woody material. Although there are numerous fungi and
    other organisms which are normally found in soils and organic materials,
    the most common bioaerosols of concern in composting operations from a
    public health point of view is the fungus
    . . . . PC 14
    at 2.
    Composting generates heat through microbial activity, and unlike many other
    A. fumigatus
    can “survive the high temperatures generated during
    composting.” PC 14 at 4; Exh. 34, Att. 2 at 4.
    A. fumigatus
    is “an integral and
    January 1, 1998, to not perform an economic impact study on proponents’ proposed
    Dr. Epstein is the president of E&A Environmental Consultants, Inc. and an Adjunct
    Professor of Public Health at the Boston University School of Public Health’s School of
    Medicine. PC 14 at 2, Att. (
    curriculum vitae

    unavoidable part of composting . . . .” Exh. 34, Att. 2 at 4; see also Exh. 36, Att. 4 at 11
    (“One should recognize that composting facilities do represent sites where there is a
    massive culturing of
    organisms in relatively small areas compared to
    most ‘natural’ or background circumstances.”).
    A. fumigatus
    spores generated at composting facilities may become
    Dr. Epstein explained that “[s]creening, mixing, and other activities in which
    material is moved or agitated allow the spores to become airborne.” PC 14 at 4; see also
    Exh. 34, Att. 2 at 5 (“turning and mixing the compost is ideal for getting the spores
    airborne”). These airborne spores may travel downwind of the facilities. The Haines
    spores from compost will be in the air currents downwind from
    composting facilities. How much and how far depends on the volume of
    compost, its age, temperature, and moisture, the method and frequency of
    mixing, the obstacles the wind meets, the speed and direction of the wind,
    and possibly factors we haven’t thought of yet. There is a point at which
    the level of AF spores from a compost source reaches a level
    indistinguishable from the natural level for the region. Exh. 34, Att. 2 at 5.
    Supporters and opponents of proponents’ proposal also agreed that while compost
    facilities are associated with elevated levels of
    A. fumigatus
    , the fungus can be found in
    many places. Dr. Karen Strauss,
    testifying on behalf of the City of Lake Forest, explained
    A. fumigatus
    participates in natural decay processes and is ubiquitous. She noted that
    most urban and suburban residential exposures result from common sources, for example:
    digging in one’s yard, earth moving or activities that disturb the soil,
    construction dust, lawn mowing, particularly with a mulching lawn mower,
    gardening and landscaping, raking leaves, household plants, walking
    through an arboretum or along a nature trail, animal feces, bird nests,
    household pets, contaminated air conditioners or ventilation systems,
    household dust, bathroom mold, basements or crawl spaces, particularly
    those with dirt floors, gas stoves, and heating systems
    . . . . Tr.2 at 14; Exh. 34 at 4-5; see also PC 26 at 11, n.18; Exh. 34, Att. 2
    at 5; Tr.2 at 259.
    Effects of
    A. Fumigatus
    on Human Health
    “Spores” are “one of the stages of the fungus’ life cycle” and are the form of the
    fungus “responsible for dispersal in the ambient environment.” Exh. 36, Att. 4 at 4.
    Haines, Aspergillus in compost: Straw man or fatal flaw?, BioCycle (Apr. 1995).
    is also referred to as “AF.”
    See Exh. 35 (
    curriculum vitae
    of Dr. Strauss).

    Diseases. Both supporters and opponents of proponents’ proposal also agree that
    A. fumigatus
    is an organism that can invade and infect humans, or a “pathogen.” It is
    considered a secondary or opportunistic pathogen. As Dr. Epstein explained:
    Unlike primary pathogens (bacteria, viruses, or parasites) which can invade
    and infect healthy persons,
    A. fumigatus
    generally only invades and infects
    highly debilitated or immuno-suppressed individuals. PC 14 at 3; see also
    Exh. 34, Att. 2 at 6-7, Att. 4 at 104-106; Exh. 36, Att. 4 at 6-8.
    The diseases that
    A. fumigatus
    causes are referred to generally as “aspergillosis.”
    Exh. 34, Att. 2 at 6-7; see also Exh. 36, Att. 4 at 6-8; PC 26, Supp. (Maritato report (see
    footnote 14) at 42). The Ault and Schott report
    describes the different types of
    aspergillosis. Initially, it notes that approximately 3 to 5% of the U.S. population suffers
    from extrinsic (allergic) asthma and that approximately 20% of the U.S. population is
    genetically predisposed to react to allergens in the environment:
    In the first type of aspergillosis illness [extrinsic (allergic) asthma], people
    with this predisposition may develop this form of asthma upon becoming
    sensitized to
    species. Asthmatics may find their asthmatic
    condition aggravated upon exposure to
    A. fumigatus
    . Exh. 36, Att. 4 at 8;
    see also Exh. 34, Att. 2 at 6.
    The second type of aspergillosis, allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis, is a
    condition in which:
    spores germinate and the resultant . . . growth can potentially
    block the bronchi . . . . There is no invasion of tissue. However, the
    patient may suffer lung fibrosis and may, over time, become more
    susceptible to other lung diseases. Exh. 36, Att. 4 at 8; see also Exh. 34,
    Att. 2 at 7.
    The link between allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis and asthma has been
    documented since 1952. The link is so well established that allergic bronchopulmonary
    Ault and Schott, Aspergillus, Aspergillosis, and Composting Operations in California,
    Local Enforcement Agency Advisory (Dec. 16, 1993). The California Integrated Waste
    Management Board published this report to provide information on
    A. fumigatus
    and to
    address the potential health effects of
    A. fumigatus
    from compost facilities. The report is
    based upon a review of scientific information available in the literature. Exh. 36, Att. 4.
    is one of the largest genera of molds.
    A. fumigatus
    is one of many
    species of
    . Exh. 34, Att. 2 at 4.
    A. fumigatus
    is “the
    most pathogenic to humans . . . .” Exh. 36, Att. 4 at 6. Participants in this
    rulemaking occasionally use the more general term “
    .” As expressed
    throughout the record of this rulemaking, however, the primary bioaerosol of concern
    with compost facilities is the
    species known as “
    A. fumigatus

    aspergillosis is considered a complication of bronchial asthma. Tr.2 at 23-24; Exh. 34 at
    The third type of aspergillosis, extrinsic allergic alveolitis (hypersensitivity
    pneumonitis) “is often associated with repeated exposure to an identified—often
    occupational—source of high levels of antigen.” Exh. 36, Att. 4 at 8; see also Exh. 34,
    Att. 2 at 6-7 (This disease is “characterized by coughing, difficulty in breathing, and
    sometimes a fever about six hours after exposure. . . . This condition is more serious than
    extrinsic asthma, but not life threatening.”). Lastly, invasive aspergillosis “is seen in
    people whose normal immune systems are compromised . . . . In [invasive aspergillosis],
    there is an actual invasion of lung tissue or skin, and often dissemination by means of
    blood to other parts of the body. The prognosis for [invasive aspergillosis] is grave.”
    Exh. 36, Att. 4 at 8; see also Exh. 34, Att. 2 at 7.
    Population at Risk. Dr. Strauss acknowledged that it is widely recognized that
    there are particularly susceptible individuals “who may be at greater risk for developing
    health complications from exposure to bioaerosols.” Tr.2 at 22-23; see also Tr.2 at 37
    (Dr. Strauss read the following from the Millner report (see footnote 12): “There are
    subpopulations within the general population and work force that may be at increased risk
    from exposure to composting bioaerosols.”).
    Dr. Strauss quoted the Millner report’s
    description of the class of susceptible
    Of particular concern, immunocompromised and/or immunosuppressed
    individuals (
    , chemotherapy recipients, organ transplant recipients,
    AIDS patients, individuals with congenital defects, and children with cystic
    fibrosis who may be at increased risk of infection) may have greater
    susceptibility to colonization and infection by
    A. fumigatus
    Atopic/asthmatic individuals may be at increased risk for developing
    allergic reactions to various components of composting bioaerosols. A
    variety of common components of aerosols (
    , pollen, fungal spores,
    household dust) are associated with allergic reactions or can induce
    asthmatic reactions. Exh. 34 at 10; see also Tr.2 at 48-50, 89, 91-92
    (related testimony of Dr. Strauss).
    et al
    ., Bioaerosols Associated With Composting Facilities, Compost Science
    and Utilization (1994). This report is a result of a workshop convened by the United
    States Environmental Protection Agency, the United States Department of Agriculture,
    and the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health with the assistance of the
    Composting Council to address the issue of whether bioaerosols associated with
    composting operations endanger public health and the environment. The primary goal
    of the collaborative workshop was to evaluate the results from the few available
    quantitative studies to address the issue of what levels of bioaerosols are safe and what
    levels of protection are adequate for occupational and public health. Exh. 36, Att. 7.

    Dr. Renuka Desai, one of the proponents and a resident of Lake Forest, testified
    that there is adequate evidence of a potential health risk for individuals who have allergies
    or asthma, or who are immunocompromised. Tr.1 at 46-47. She also testified that
    children are especially at risk from bioaerosols because children’s immune systems are not
    mature. Tr.1 at 180; see also Exh. 20 at 1 (Dr. Rita Messing, Environmental Toxicologist
    for the Minnesota Department of Health stated that “the very young are also at risk since
    their immune systems are immature.”). Jacob Dumelle, Chairman of the Environmental
    Health Committee, American Lung Association of Metropolitan Chicago, testified that
    “mold spores, irritant gases, and odors generated by large compost piles may pose a
    serious health risk for children, hospital patients, and other sensitive individuals.” Tr.1 at
    Dose-Response Relationship. Both supporters and opponents of proponents’
    proposal also agree that no relationship between exposure to certain levels of
    A. fumigatus
    spores and adverse health effects (
    , a “dose-response relationship”) has been
    demonstrated. PC 14 at 3; see also Exh. 34, Att. 2 at 6-7, Att. 4 at 104-106; Exh. 36, Att.
    4 at 6-8, Att. 7 at 10 (the Millner report states that, at present, neither minimum threshold
    levels nor dose-response data are available for
    A. fumigatus
    and other biological
    constituents in compost feed stock that stimulate inflammatory, allergic, asthmatic, or
    infectious processes in humans). Dr. Desai also acknowledged that levels of exposure to
    A. fumigatus
    spores that would be considered significant have not been defined. Tr.1 at
    142. The Illinois Department of Public Health acknowledged that there is no dose-
    response relationship, as did Dr. Strauss and Dr. Paul Walker.
    Exh. 21-A at 1; Tr.2 at
    63-64, 250.
    The Haines report similarly states that “we don’t know how much AF is ‘too
    much.’ We can measure the spores in air, but, except for very high or very low figures,
    we don’t know whether it is dangerous or safe. . . . [W]e don’t have a scale that tells safe
    from dangerous levels.” Exh. 34, Att. 2 at 6, 8. The Maritato report
    The precise does(s) of A. fumigatus required to elicit adverse health effects
    in either healthy or sensitive individuals has not been determined. [] As
    described by EPA, “Humans vary in their susceptibility to pathogens,
    depending on route of exposure, age of exposed individuals, quality of
    normal bodily defense systems, existing microbial populations in the host,
    and other poorly defined properties.” PC 26, Supp. (Maritato report at
    Dr. Walker is a Professor of Animal Science at Illinois State University. Tr.1 at
    et al
    ., Potential Human Health Concerns from Composting, BioCycle
    (Dec. 1992). Mr. Maritato of ChemRisk is a co-author of the Millner report. See
    Exh. 36, Att. 7.

    The Maritato report states that
    A. fumigatus
    appears to present widely different
    potential health hazards depending upon the segment of the population at issue:
    In humans, the potential hazards associated with A. fumigatus appear to
    vary widely. In the general population, Wyngaarden and Smith report that
    although spores (or conidia) of Aspergillus are frequently identified in the
    air of many indoor and outdoor environments, and therefore are inhaled
    routinely, the rarity of disease attributable to these fungi emphasizes the
    apparent effectiveness of host organism (human) immune responses against
    their potency in healthy individuals. For individuals whose immune systems
    may be sensitive or inadequate to protect against the presence of inhaled A.
    fumigatus spores, a range of possible health effects, from allergic responses
    to chronic pulmonary disease, may result. [] For individuals whose
    immune systems are severely compromised, such as those undergoing
    treatment for cancer or recipients of organ transplants, even a single colony
    forming unit (CFU) per cubic meter of air may lead to the onset of
    “aspergillosis.” . . . In analyzing the public health risks associated with
    sewage sludge composting, it is important to recognize that A. fumigatus is
    a naturally-occurring, pervasive organism that, in individuals predisposed
    to allergies or aspergillosis, is capable of disease induction at background
    environmental concentrations. . . . While we know that severely
    immunocompromised individuals may become ill from exposure to even a
    single A. fumigatus conidia, healthy individuals in the general population
    appear to show no significant health impacts from exposure to ambient
    concentrations. PC 26, Supp. (Maritato report at 42-43).
    Board Findings on Sources and Effects of
    A. Fumigatus
    The Board recognizes that
    A. fumigatus
    is ubiquitous. However, compost
    facilities generate greater concentrations of
    A. fumigatus
    than typically occur in nature.
    The Board also finds that
    A. fumigatus
    is a secondary pathogen that causes invasive
    aspergillosis, allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis, and hypersensitivity pneumonitis.
    A. fumigatus
    is also a common fungal allergen source and can induce asthma. While
    spores pose little, if any, health risk to healthy individuals in the general public,
    it is widely recognized that
    A. fumigatus
    spores pose a potential health threat to persons
    with asthma, cystic fibrosis, immunocompromised or immunosuppressed conditions, or
    bioaerosol allergies. Very young children also are sensitive receptors because their
    immune systems are immature.
    The Board also recognizes that no dose-response relationship has been established
    A. fumigatus
    spores. Obviously, such information would be helpful. Nevertheless,
    there are portions of the population at greater risk of health impacts from some level of
    spore exposure.
    Need for Additional Setbacks

    Participants in this rulemaking vigorously contest whether the Board should
    require compost facilities to be set back 1/2 mile from hospitals, schools, public parks, and
    athletic fields. As further discussed below, proponents argue that: (1) the existing
    regulations do not adequately address
    A. fumigatus
    spores released from compost
    facilities; (2) scientific evidence suggests that additional setbacks of 1/2 mile are necessary
    and prudent; (3) consistency in regulation requires the additional setbacks; and (4) the 1/2
    mile setback is technically feasible and economically reasonable, both for existing and new
    compost facilities.
    As also discussed below, those opposing proponents’ proposal argue that: (1)
    existing regulations adequately address the increased concentrations of
    A. fumigatus
    spores that compost facilities produce; (2) scientific studies do not show any increased
    health risks from compost facilities; (3) both general and sensitive populations are more
    likely to be exposed to
    A. fumigatus
    spores from sources other than compost facilities; (4)
    imposing additional setbacks would be inconsistent with Illinois’ regulatory scheme
    generally; (5) no scientific studies justify a 1/2 mile setback; and (6) the 1/2 mile setback is
    not technically feasible or economically reasonable, especially for existing compost
    Proponents’ Position
    Existing Regulations. Proponents assert that compost facilities pose a public
    health risk even if they are operated in compliance with existing Illinois regulations. Tr.1
    at 186-187. Proponents maintain that a setback is the best means of addressing their
    concerns. Tr.1 at 186, 187, 192-193.
    Scientific Evidence. Dr. Desai testified that while health studies are inconclusive
    regarding health risks posed by compost facilities, there is adequate evidence of a potential
    health risk to surrounding communities to justify additional setbacks. Tr.1 at 46-47. She
    noted that this evidence is especially strong for individuals who have allergies or asthma,
    or who are immunocompromised. Tr.1 at 46-47. Dr. Desai testified that not only are
    spore concentrations from compost facilities much greater than occur from
    common sources, but “I can take care of the certain circumstances like home or a pet . . .
    but I don’t have control over the composting facility . . . .” Tr.1 at 137-139.
    While proponents acknowledge that there are few reported cases linking compost
    facilities to adverse health effects, William Holleman, President of Illinois Citizen Action,
    stated that there may be thousands of unidentified cases. Tr.1 at 151. In this regard, he
    testified that while aspergillosis has been previously recognized, it is very often
    Illinois Citizen Action describes itself as a “public education committee . . . of
    concerned citizens” whose mission is to “protect public health and welfare and preserve
    the environment.” Exh. 8; Tr.1 at 75.

    misdiagnosed since physicians are not aware of the disease. Tr.1 at 152. One of those
    opposing the amendments, Dr. Epstein, acknowledged that:
    exposure to
    A. fumigatus
    can result in allergic-type symptoms, such as
    irritation to the eyes, nose, and throat. It is difficult to isolate the effect of
    A. fumigatus
    , since many of these symptoms are similar to those caused by
    other common allergies and smoking. PC 14 at 3; see also Exh. 34, Att. 2
    at 6.
    In addition, Mr. Holleman testified that the lack of reliable scientific information
    A. fumigatus
    levels in the vicinity of compost sites is mainly due to difficulty in
    collecting the data and the high cost associated with the monitoring. Tr.1 at 75, 78.
    Dr. Desai also noted that even scientists who do not believe that compost facilities
    pose a health threat recommend a buffer zone between compost operations and schools,
    hospitals, and public parks. Tr.1 at 47. For example, proponents rely on the Islip study.
    The State of New York Department of Health conducted the Islip study to address citizen
    concerns about bioaerosol emissions from a yard waste composting facility in the town of
    Islip, New York. The study included environmental monitoring and a health impact
    assessment. The study concluded that average
    A. fumigatus
    spore levels in the study
    neighborhood when it was downwind of the facility were four times the average
    background levels. The frequency of elevated
    A. fumigatus
    spore levels was also higher in
    the study neighborhood than in a reference neighborhood. However, the health study
    could not establish any correlation between elevated
    A. fumigatus
    spore levels and an
    increased incidence of allergy or asthma symptoms. Exh. 36, Att. 5. Nevertheless, the
    study concludes that:
    [h]ospitals with the most severely immuno-compromised patients (
    bone-marrow transplant wards) must take extreme precautions to prevent
    infection of these patients. If outdoor
    A. fumigatus
    spore levels at such a
    hospital were more frequently elevated than normally occurs, the risk of
    life-threatening infection could be increased. . . . [C]omposting facilities
    should not be sited close to hospitals or other health care facilities where
    extreme precautions are being taken to prevent infection of severely
    immunocompromised patients, unless bioaerosol emissions can be
    controlled. Exh. 36, Att. 5 at 45-46
    Similarly, a medical advisory panel of various health officials, doctors, and experts
    was formed to address the health concerns of residents about exposure to bioaerosols
    from a composting operation at a San Jose, California landfill. The panel reported in 1994
    that there:
    State of New York Department of Health, A Prospective Study of Health Symptoms
    and Bioaerosol Levels Near a Yard Waste Composting Facility, (Mar. 1994). See Exh.
    36, Att. 5.

    is no evidence that composting at the . . . landfill will result in an increase in
    aspergillosis among residents living near the landfill. But there is a
    risk of increased exposure to
    spores in areas located
    downwind from a composting area. An increase in aspergilli exposure has
    the potential to cause disease.
    To be certain that there is no increase in health risk, efforts should be made
    to ensure that spore concentrations in the neighborhoods near the
    composting facility do not increase above baseline levels during the time of
    composting operations. PC 5, Att. 2 at 57 (emphasis in original).
    Likewise, the Ault and Schott report recommends buffer zones to reduce the
    exposure of neighboring communities to
    A. fumigatus
    spores from compost facilities. It
    recognizes that “[n]o one has yet demonstrated a clear dose-response curve[,] . . . a
    threshold spore concentration, or duration of sensitization needed to cause” extrinsic
    (allergic) asthma, allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis, hypersensitivity pneumonitis, or
    invasive aspergillosis, but states:
    However, in microbiology, like toxicology, “the dose makes the poison.”
    Thus, while we [] do not have good data on infective doses of these
    organisms, it is reasonable to expect that increasing the potential dose
    increases the likelihood of eliciting a response, even in otherwise normal
    people. Exh. 36, Att. 4 at 6-8.
    Dr. Strauss testified that she supports having a setback—although not a 1/2 mile
    setback—between compost facilities and hospitals, including health care facilities that
    house immunocompromised individuals.
    Tr.2 at 33-34, 47, 75, 77. She also supports a
    buffer zone for schools, athletic fields, and public parks. Tr.2 at 72, 74-76. She supports
    a setback for these facilities not because of odor concerns but because of the potential for
    exposure to elevated levels of
    A. fumigatus
    spores generated by composting facilities.
    Tr.2 at 97, 120-122.
    In her testimony, Dr. Strauss read from the Ault and Schott report, which set forth
    the findings on buffer zones of several other reports:
    Some scientists have recommended that buffer zones may be considered
    between certain types of composting facilities and nearby residences,
    hospitals, or schools to reduce the risk of exposure to odors and air
    contaminants. Millner,
    et al
    ., in their 1977 study, noted “in consideration
    Dr. Strauss’ 1994 Winnetka report (see footnote 20) on potential health hazards from
    compost facilities states: “Although pulmonary aspergillosis is not a health threat to
    the public, siting criteria should include guidelines for the proximity of composting
    facilities to health care facilities.” Exh. 34, Att. 1 at 3.

    of off-site health matters related to air dispersal of spores, a buffer distance
    between a composting operation and health care facilities and residential
    areas may be needed.” Olver noted the “buffer zones that should normally
    be provided around the composting site for odor control should work
    equally well to confine the highest candida levels of the fungus to the
    processing area.” . . . Diaz, et al. noted in a 1992 study, “prudence
    indicates that an open air compost plant should not be sited in close
    proximity to human habitations.” Tr.2 at 69-70.
    The Haines report states that “[c]ommon sense, and government recommendations
    in some states, should curtail the siting of compost facilities near health care facilities that
    house aspergillosis susceptible individuals.” Exh. 34, Att. 2 at 7; see also Tr.2 at 43-45.
    The Millner report states that:
    [w]hen siting new facilities, critical evaluations should be made of several
    factors including the proximity to residences and public facilities . . . . The
    proximity to residences and public places should also be a key
    consideration when upgrading composting facilities. . . . The layout of
    composting activities associated with bioaerosolization, particularly
    material handling processes, should be located downwind or as far as
    possible from sensitive receptors. Exh. 36, Att. 7 at 37.
    Several other participants also favored additional setbacks on health grounds. Mr.
    Dumelle testified that the American Lung Association of Metropolitan Chicago supports
    proponents’ proposed amendments. Tr.1 at 101. Jack Darin, field representative of the
    Sierra Club, Illinois Chapter, testified that because of the potential health impacts, his
    organization supports proponents’ proposed setbacks “with regard to schools, hospital,
    and other public areas, particularly for large scale facilities.” Tr.1 at 66-68. The Will
    County Land Use Department, Waste Services Division stated in public comment that it
    “recognizes the need to set a reasonable setback from hospitals and other entities housing
    low immunity patients.” PC 23 at 1.
    Dr. Desai explained that proponents proposed a 1/2 mile setback in part because
    the Islip report shows elevated
    spore levels at 2,200 feet from the compost
    facility. Tr.1 at 128; Exh. 36, Att. 5 at 45 (note that the study neighborhood in the Islip
    report showing elevated
    A. fumigatus
    spore levels was actually 1,775 feet away from the
    compost facility). Dr. Desai noted that some scientists and physicians advocate a two mile
    buffer because studies show that pollen spores can travel up to two miles. She added that
    spores are lighter than pollen spores and she suspects they can travel farther
    than two miles. Tr.1 at 127-128.
    Consistency. Those supporting proponents’ proposal also argued that the current
    regulation arbitrarily protects only residences, while hospitals, schools, athletic fields, and
    public parks are equally deserving of protection. Tr.1 at 26-27, 31. Mr. Steven Handler,
    a resident of Lake Forest, stated that there is no reason to distinguish between residences

    and these public facilities “because people with asthma, people with immune system
    deficiencies are as likely, if not more likely, to use some of the facilities like hospitals or
    schools than are likely to be in residences.” Tr.1 at 31. Mr. Handler and Susan Garrett,
    one of the proponents and a resident of Lake Forest, testified that concerns with compost
    facilities about nuisance noise, odors, dust, and quality of life apply to these other facilities
    as well as residences. Tr.1 at 26-27, 31-32. Mr. Handler added:
    Our point is it doesn’t make sense to say you can’t locate a residence
    within 600 and some feet of a composting facility, but you can have kids
    playing [on a school’s athletic fields] within 50 feet of the windrows. So
    the same policy reasons in terms of both quality of life and health that
    support a buffer zone for residents also support a buffer zone for these
    other facilities. Tr.1 at 32.
    He and Peter Mueller, a resident of Lake Forest, also noted that the Board has established
    setbacks from putrescible and chemical waste landfills for occupied dwellings, schools,
    and hospitals. Tr.1 at 33, 89; Exh. 4; Exh. 11 at 1.
    Ms. Garrett and others testified that students generally do not have a choice over
    where they go to school and that athletic fields are often connected to schools. Tr.1 at
    173; see also Tr.1 at 107. Mary Matthews, a resident of Lake Forest, testified that
    children are more at risk at school than at home because at home parents can close
    windows and use air filters. She added that children at home are more at rest and not
    breathing as heavily as when they are playing at school. Tr.1 at 108. Mr. Mueller testified
    that people spend substantial amounts of time in hospitals and schools and “are exposed to
    the same environment that a person in a residence would be exposed to.” Tr.1 at 185; see
    also Tr.1 at 25.
    Proponents also introduced a letter to them from Dr. John R. Lumpkin, Director of
    the Illinois Department of Public Health, dated August 7, 1997:
    [Y]ou may consider the following statement as this Department’s position
    on your proposal: Compost facilities have the potential to release
    bioaerosols into the environment and expose individuals to
    microorganisms. Insufficient data are available to establish dose-response
    relationships for bioaerosols among populations that reside near these
    facilities. Nonetheless, it would be prudent public health policy to site new
    compost facilities away from populations. We also concur that the siting of
    compost facilities with regard to schools, hospitals, athletic fields and
    public parks should be at least as protective as that provided for residences.
    Exh. 21-A at 1.
    Similarly, State Representative Lauren Beth Gash stated in public comment:

    I find it noteworthy that current regulations require a setback from
    residences but not from schools, hospitals, athletic fields, public parks and
    other settings where individuals might be exposed to airborne pollutants
    emanating from landscape waste facilities. I understand that in particular
    there is growing concern about the harmful potential of aspergillus fungi.
    I urge the Illinois Pollution Control Board to make every effort to protect
    Illinoisians from harmful exposures from landscape waste facilities. PC 3
    at 1.
    Proponents also supported the distance proposed for the setback, 1/2 mile, on
    consistency grounds. Dr. Desai noted that the current regulations (referring to 35 Ill.
    Adm. Code 830.203(d)) require that “landscape waste must be processed by the end of
    the operating day on which it was received if . . . [the] composting area is located within
    one-half mile of the nearest platted subdivision or facility boundaries are located within
    one-half mile of more than ten residences.” Tr.1 at 129-130, 135 -136. However, the
    City of Lake Forest noted that the 1/2 mile distance in that section relates to the
    processing of landscape waste and is not a setback distance. PC 26 at 7.
    Technical Feasibility and Economic Reasonableness. Those supporting
    proponents’ proposal argued that “[c]ost becomes a non-issue when . . . the quality of life
    for citizens improves dramatically.” Tr.1 at 123; Exh. 15 at 4. Scott Garrett, a resident of
    the City of Lake Forest who testified for proponents on technical feasibility and economic
    reasonableness, asserted that the proponents’ proposed amendments will save hundreds of
    thousands of dollars annually “through reduced needs for medical care, less absenteeism
    by teachers, and better health for susceptible students attending school and participating in
    school-related sports activities. At the same time, we should see an increase in the quality
    of life standards for the community in general.” Tr.1 at 117; Exh. 15 at 2.
    Mr. Garrett argued further that “[r]equiring a greater distance between compost
    areas and schools, athletic fields, public parks, and hospitals will not require additional
    funds. It will require instead [that] proper siting be a greater priority and included with
    other criteria when establishing a compost operation.” Tr.1 at 117-118. He
    recommended that municipalities adopt programs to offset the cost of closing facilities,
    including: making residents responsible for their own yard waste disposal; having
    municipalities provide yard waste services on a pay-as-you-go basis; or having
    municipalities “work with their respective county governments to establish either a small
    number of properly located facilities to handle yard waste or contract on a county-wide
    basis to secure a low-cost alternative with a private refuse company.” Tr.1 at 120-121;
    Exh. 15 at 3-4.
    Mr. Garrett asserted that these alternatives render proponents’ proposal technically
    feasible. Tr.1 at 119. He noted that only 20% of municipalities in Illinois operate
    compost facilities, and argued that “it cannot be a hardship to adopt a practice currently in
    use by 80% of the communities in the State.” Exh. 15 at 4.

    Proponents did not dispute that at least some facilities would have to close if the
    Board adopts their proposal, but argued that the benefits of their proposal outweigh the
    cost of relocating. For example, Dr. Desai testified that the cost of treating an
    aspergillosis patient was 1.8 million, and “I don’t think relocating these facilities is going
    to cost $2 million.” Tr.1 at 179.
    Although supporters of proponents’ proposal questioned how many facilities
    would have to close (Tr.1 at 179), Mr. Garrett did not speak to compost site operators or
    owners to find out how the proposal would affect them, or to municipalities (other than
    the City of Lake Forest). Tr.1 at 166. He also stated that he is not aware of: how many
    compost sites there currently are in Illinois, how many would be closed by the proposal,
    the current capacity of facilities that would remain open, whether they would accept
    landscape waste from the facilities that would be closed, the distance in additional miles
    traveled to reach these facilities, the cost of opening a new facility, the cost of going
    through the permit/zoning process, the length of time required for closure, the cost to
    municipalities if all citizens implemented backyard composting, the cost of training
    individuals to do backyard composting, or any municipality that has had a successful
    backyard composting program with no backstop for municipal waste disposal. Tr.1 at
    166-168. Mr. Garrett had not calculated the economic impact of relocation on private
    compost companies. Tr.1 at 190.
    Supporters of proponents’ proposal also did not agree that the proposal would be
    considered a regulatory taking, or an invalid retroactive regulation, if applied to existing
    facilities (see pages 32-34). Mr. Handler, an attorney and a resident of the City of Lake
    Forest, stated that the Board’s general authority regarding public health and welfare
    supported a rule that existing composting areas be relocated. Tr.1 at 33. He argued that
    the Board can respond to new information about health risks, and that if there is a health
    risk, there is no taking. Tr.1 at 38.
    Opponents’ Position
    Existing Regulations. Dr. Shirley Baer, Environmental Specialist with the
    testified that operational standards are more important than siting requirements.
    Tr.2 at 174, 207. She testified that Illinois’ current operational standards minimize the
    dispersal of
    spores because they include requirements for moisture, turning,
    and wind direction. They also require that the facility address odor complaints. Tr.2 at
    203, 221-222.
    When asked if at risk individuals face greater risk by attending a public school,
    playing in a sports field or public park, or spending time in a hospital that abuts a
    composting facility, Dr. Baer testified that, in light of Illinois’ operational standards, “I
    don’t think they are at any additional risk than what is already there in the background.”
    See Exh. 36, Att.1 (
    curriculum vitae
    of Dr. Baer).

    Tr.2 at 206. She also testified that the operational requirements of 35 Ill. Adm. Code
    830.202 take into account not only residences but also all public facilities because the
    requirements are designed “to protect the surrounding receptors.” Tr.2 at 203-205.
    Similarly, Joyce Munie, Manager of the Solid Waste Unit of the Permit Section, Division
    of Land Pollution Control of the Agency, testified that these provisions of the regulations
    contain requirements to control odors and other nuisances. Tr.2 at 196-197.
    Dr. Strauss also testified that recommended management practices for composting
    sites can minimize not only odors and noise pollution, but also bioaerosol distribution.
    Tr.2 at 96-97. Other participants pointed out that if a particular compost facility does not
    follow composting regulations or creates air pollution, the State or any citizen can bring
    an enforcement action against the facility under the Act. Tr.1 at 220, 241-242; Exh. 31 at
    3 (Elizabeth Harvey on behalf of the Land and Lakes Company); PC 21 at 1 (Illinois
    Composting Council); PC 24 at 5 (National Solid Waste Management Association, Illinois
    Scientific Studies. Several participants in the rulemaking testified or commented
    that there is no scientific evidence that compost facilities present a public health threat,
    including Dr. Epstein; Dr. Baer; Dr. Strauss; Dr. Walker; the Illinois Composting Council;
    the Illinois Chapter of the National Solid Wastes Management Association; and the Solid
    Waste Agency of Lake County. Their testimony or comments are briefly outlined below.
    Dr. Elliot
    . Dr. Epstein stated that:
    [a] review of the medical literature (Medline, 1966-1997) shows 1,273
    citations regarding
    A. fumigatus
    and health effects. Based on the literature,
    98 percent of the reported cases of
    A. fumigatus
    -related infections occur in
    hospitals. Nearly all of the reports on infection due to
    A. fumigatus
    been from hospitals where people are already severely debilitated (due to
    heart and kidney transplants, leukemia, AIDS, and other very debilitating
    diseases). PC 14 at 3.
    He also stated that there is no published or documented evidence of worker health being
    impaired from yard waste composting facilities in the U.S.:
    Workers are the most exposed individuals; not only are they more
    frequently exposed to high levels of
    A. fumigatus
    and other spores, but
    they are also exposed to much higher levels of bioaerosols than the public
    surrounding composting sites. PC 14 at 4.
    Dr. Epstein concluded that there is “no scientific or technical evidence warranting
    modification of the setback requirements in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 830.203(c).” PC 14 at 5.
    Dr. Shirley
    . Dr. Baer of the Agency testified that it is her “professional
    opinion that the current landscape waste regulation[] is protective of public health as it is

    written.” Tr.2 at 135. She stated that there is nothing in proponents’ proposal that
    “scientifically and technically demonstrates that a landscape waste compost setback
    greater than what is currently set in the regulation is necessary.” Exh. 36 at 2.
    Further, she stated that in the original compost facility rulemaking,
    the Agency
    reviewed many scientific and technical papers concerning the impact of bioaerosols from
    composting operations. Based on the review, Dr. Baer noted that the Agency concluded
    Aspergillus and other fungi or molds are ubiquitous and should not be
    regarded as an off-site or product related problem for healthy individuals.
    Exh. 36 at 2-3.
    She added that the Agency literature review for the prior rulemaking showed that
    “properly operated composting facilities should not present a health risk.” Exh. 36 at 3.
    Dr. Baer testified that based on her professional opinion, there is no need based on health
    risks to establish a setback for schools, public facilities, or hospitals. Tr.2 at 184, 219-
    221. She also stated that “based on the information that we have obtained,” the existing
    rules are “protective of children.” Tr.2 at 218-219. Nevertheless, Dr. Baer admitted that
    the Agency’s expertise is in chemical risks and that for an evaluation of health risks posed
    by compost facilities, the Agency would probably defer to the Illinois Department of
    Public Health. Tr.2 at 145.
    Dr. Karen
    . While Dr. Strauss favors setbacks for certain additional
    facilities, as discussed at pages 15-16, she disagreed with other aspects of proponents’
    proposal. Dr. Strauss testified that the proposal “ignores or dismisses the majority of
    conclusions from scientific peer review and literature.” Tr.2 at 13-14, 17; Exh. 34 at 7.
    She stated that proponents also have failed to present “thorough scientific, peer-reviewed
    literature demonstrating a health risk from exposure to yard waste composting operations”
    or any “formal epidemiological evidence linking composting sites to human disease.” Tr.2
    at 17; see also PC 26 at 5, 8.
    Dr. Strauss stated that she investigated and analyzed “the medical and scientific
    literature pertaining to the public health effects of landscape waste composting” and that
    her conclusions (discussed below) are based on “peer-reviewed, well-documented
    studies,” including epidemiological studies. Tr.2 at 10. She testified that based on her
    literature review, “landscape waste poses virtually no infectious hazard to the general
    public.” Tr.2 at 11. She also testified that the “international expert consensus,” based on
    the body of literature over the past two decades, is that yard waste composting “is not a
    threat to healthy individuals . . . .” Tr.2 at 13.
    Referring to the Millner report, Dr. Strauss testified that in 1994:
    See Regulation of Landscape Waste Compost Facilities 35 Ill. Adm. Code 830-832,

    a panel of composting experts from many disciplines and backgrounds,
    such as government, academia, industry, and environmental groups,
    concluded, quote, “composting facilities do not pose any unique
    endangerment to the health and welfare of the general public,” end quote.
    That panel further elaborated, quote, “there is little reason for concern
    about the risk of potential infections from exposure to Aspergillus
    fumigatus among healthy individuals in either the general population that is
    defined as nonoccupational exposure, or the work force exposure to
    composting bioaerosols,” end quote. Tr.2 at 20-21; Exh. 34 at 9; see also
    Tr.2 at 39.
    Dr. Strauss also noted that the Ault and Schott report reached a similar conclusion. Tr.2
    at 13, 21; Exh. 34 at 9.
    Dr. Strauss also relied upon a report she prepared in 1994 for the Village of
    Winnetka on the health hazards of yard waste composting.
    She testified that she recently
    reviewed the relevant literature to update her Winnetka report. Tr.2 at 12; PC 26, Supp.
    Her update revealed:
    no reports of health effects in the populations around the more than 3,000
    yard waste composting sites in the United States nor around the thousands
    of operating sites on the European continent. The absence of new findings
    substantiates prior conclusions and those of the consensus of recognized
    experts in the field. Tr.2 at 12-13.
    Dr. Strauss testified that a survey of the medical literature reveals “only four cases
    in the United States and Europe of bioaerosol-related disease that experts have associated
    with any form of composting, including composting of yard waste.” Tr.2 at 18-19; Exh.
    34 at 7. She stated that the most relevant of these four cases for this rulemaking involved
    “an asthmatic young man who was being treated with immunotherapeutic agents and
    developed aspergillosis.” Tr.2 at 19; Exh. 34 at 7-8. Specifically, he developed allergic
    bronchopulmonary aspergillosis. Tr.2 at 23-24. Dr. Strauss stated that the individual
    lived 250 feet from a leaf composting facility and across the street from a heavily forested
    Strauss, Investigation of Potential Public Health Effects from Yard Waste
    Composting Operations in Winnetka, IL, (Nov. 10, 1994). See Exh. 34, Att. 1. Dr.
    Strauss described the conclusion of her 1994 Winnetka report: “there is abundant
    scientific evidence, from testing at dozens of yardwaste composting sites similar to
    Winnetka’s, that there is no substantiated public health hazard from spores of
    Aspergillus fumigatus
    released outside site boundaries from composting operations.
    Strauss (1994). Occupational exposures vary and may necessitate protective ventilation
    equipment.” Exh. 34 at 3; see also Tr.2 at 45-46.

    area. She criticized the report (Kramer report
    ) that linked this case of aspergillosis to
    compost exposure because “the authors failed to investigate other potential background
    sources of aspergillus.” Tr.2 at 19, 24, 82; Exh. 34 at 8; see also Exh. 34, Att. 1 at 3
    (referring to Kramer report as “methodologically flawed”); PC 26 at 6, n.6.
    Dr. Strauss described the other three cases as involving occupational exposure,
    one of which involved an individual working directly in the compost industry. Tr.2 at 19;
    Exh. 34 at 8. She stated that the four individual cases “bear attention but do not represent
    the general population.” Tr.2 at 19. She concluded that despite all of the occupational
    and potential residential exposure to
    from the more than 3,000 compost
    facilities currently operating in the U.S., along with hundreds of other compost facilities
    that process sewage sludge, kitchen waste, and other organic material and farms that
    compost organic material:
    only four cases of the disease have been discussed in the past 30 years of
    medical literature review. Given the volume of material that is composted
    in the United States and Europe, the literature would be replete with
    references to compost-related illness if composting posed a general health
    threat asserted by the proponents of this rulemaking. Just the opposite is
    true. Tr.2 at 19-20; Exh. 34 at 8; see also PC 14 at 4 (Dr. Epstein stated
    that if “composting was such a serious threat and caused illness to the
    public and workers, one would expect to find much more evidence in the
    medical or public health literature reporting cases or warnings to the
    Regarding the Islip study, Dr. Strauss testified that the New York State
    Department of Public Health searched for a connection between the Islip facility’s
    composting operations and increased incidences of allergy and asthma around the facility.
    Tr.2 at 24. She stated that:
    [a]fter reviewing medical reports of over 100 individuals with a previous
    history of allergic or asthmatic reactions, the study concluded, quote,
    “aspergillus and other mold spores were not observed to be associated with
    increased allergy and asthma symptoms reported. However, the
    occurrence of these symptoms was associated with ragweed pollen, ozone,
    temperature, and the time since start of the study period. Allergy and
    asthma symptoms could also have been influenced by exposures that were
    not measured or accounted for in the study,” end quote. Tr.2 at 24-25; see
    also Tr.2 at 51 (Dr. Strauss testified that the Islip study “is perhaps the best
    et al
    ., Allergic Bronchopulmonary Aspergillosis from a Contaminated
    Dump Site, Am. Rev. Respir. Dis. (1989). See Exh. 34, Att. 5.

    representative study in the United States, and that was an epidemiological
    study. . . .”), 55.
    Dr. Paul Walker
    . Dr. Walker, who conducted a literature review of available
    scientific information, stated that proponents’ proposal is not supported by the current
    scientific information. He testified that there is “a preponderance of evidence in the
    literature that there is no substantial public health risk from the spores of aspergillus
    fumigatus released from composting operations.” Tr.2 at 241-242; Exh. 43 at 1.
    Other Participants
    . The City of Lake Forest argued that “adopting the
    [proponents’] proposal would be arbitrary, capricious, and unreasonable largely because
    the speculative health risks raised by Proponents have not been observed around the
    thousands of operating compost facilities.” PC 26 at 12. Scott Smith, Chair of the Illinois
    Composting Council, stated that “[s]tudies have been conducted across the nation and to
    my knowledge, nothing substantive has been discovered that would lead to the
    conclusions made by the proponents for this overly broad change.” PC 21 at 1.
    Similarly, the Illinois Chapter of the National Solid Wastes Management
    Association stated that proponents’ proposed amendments are “premised upon alleged
    adverse health impacts that result from composting,” but that “[a]t best, the scientific
    evidence on this point is inconclusive.” PC 24 at 4. Andrew Quigley, Executive Director
    of the Solid Waste Agency of Lake County, Illinois, testified that a technical consultant for
    the Solid Waste Agency of Lake County conducted a literature search on the impacts of
    bioaerosols and compost facilities. Tr.2 at 258. Mr. Quigley testified that only the Islip
    study began to examine the potential health effects of compost facilities and that study
    concluded that despite the level of
    A. fumigatus
    in a neighborhood near a compost facility
    being well above background, “there was no evidence of the facility impacting the nearby
    neighborhood.” Tr.2 at 259-260. In asserting the importance of conducting
    comprehensive health evaluations prior to changing setback requirements, he testified that
    “there is not enough information available which links [compost facilities] or even home
    composting to increased health risk.” Tr.2 at 260-261. The Will County Land Use
    In a January 12, 1995, letter to the City of Lake Forest City Manager, Dr. Patricia
    Millner (co-author of the Millner report), Research Leader, Soil Microbial Systems
    Laboratory, Natural Resources Institute, United States Department of Agriculture,
    recounted a conversation she had with Dr. Desai regarding the compost facility in the City
    of Lake Forest: “Dr. Desai asked me if I’d agree that the compost site was a public health
    hazard. I told her then (and I stand by that now), that until there is substantive[]
    documentation of hazard, there is no reasonable basis for that conclusion. Such
    documentation would consist of 1) airborne concentrations of bioaerosols that are
    significantly above background and concurrent 2) evidence that the pulmonary or irritated
    membrane responses of neighborhood residents are specifically directed toward the agents
    or groups of agents in the air transported from the compost site.” PC 1, Att. 1 at 2.

    Department, Waste Services Division stated that “no convincing evidence has been
    brought forward to support setbacks from schools, athletic fields or public parks.” PC 23
    at 1.
    Background Exposure. Opponents also argued that proponents ignored
    information on background sources of
    . Tr.2 at 17. Dr. Strauss testified that
    measurements at multiple locations in the U.S. and Europe show that residential exposure
    spores from compost facilities is generally negligible because the time and
    distance of spore dispersion is short. Tr. 2 at 15; Exh. 34 at 5. She concluded that
    individuals live and work in much closer proximity to “more significant” sources of
    than a compost facility:
    In a community like Lake Forest, for example, which prizes manicured
    lawns, mulched shrubs and trees, natural vegetative spaces, and family pets,
    residents may well be exposed to levels of aspergillus that exceed levels
    from the compost facility [in the City of Lake Forest]. Tr.2 at 16; Exh. 34
    at 6.
    She testified that this conclusion is supported by the following findings of a report
    prepared on a compost facility in the City of Lake Forest:
    (1) outdoor fungal
    concentrations in the City of Lake Forest community adjacent to the compost facility were
    similar to those in communities with no known point source of bioaerosol emissions; and
    (2) bioaerosol concentrations upwind of the compost facility were comparable to
    downwind concentrations. Tr.2 at 16; Exh. 34 at 6; see also PC 26 at 12-13, n.23.
    According to Dr. Strauss, Dr. John Haines
    best summarizes the potential for
    residential exposure from compost facilities:
    et al
    ., Environmental Characterization of Bio-Aerosol Emissions from
    the DK Recycling Systems, Inc. Composting Facility in Lake Forest, Illinois, (Apr. 15,
    1996). At the request of the City of Lake Forest, the Great Lakes Center for
    Occupational and Environmental Safety and Health at the University of Illinois at
    Chicago and the Illinois Department of Public Health performed a hazard evaluation
    study of a compost facility in the City of Lake Forest, Illinois. The main objective of
    the study was to determine whether the composting facility posed a health risk to on-
    site workers, community residents, and children attending a middle school located
    adjacent to the facility. The study was designed to characterize the on-site and off-site
    concentrations of bioaerosols, and determine the impact of the facility on community
    bioaerosol concentrations. The report states that the data collected “do not demonstrate
    an imminent hazard to community residents,” but cautions that the “data, however, are
    not sufficient to fully characterize the bioaerosol emissions from the site.” Exh. 32,
    Att. 1.
    Dr. Haines (see footnote 7) is a mycologist with the New York State Biological
    Survey. He participated in the Islip study and is a co-author of the Millner report.

    simply filling a bird feeder, raking the lawn, digging in the garden, or
    sweeping the basement may give greater exposure to aspergillus fumigatus
    than a day near a compost facility . . . . Tr.2 at 16-17; Exh 34 at 6.
    Dr. Strauss also relied upon the following from the Millner report:
    immunocompromised individuals are at increased risk to infections by
    various opportunistic pathogens, such as aspergillus fumigatus which
    occurs not only in compost but also in other organic materials present in
    the natural environment. . . . [A]sthmatic and allergic individuals are at
    increased risk to responses from bioaerosols from a variety of
    environmental and organic dust sources including compost. Tr.2 at 39; see
    also PC 26 at 9, 11 (similar comment from the City of Lake Forest).
    Consistency with Illinois’ Regulatory Scheme. The City of Lake Forest argued
    that proponents’ proposal also is unreasonable because it is more stringent than existing
    Illinois standards for air emissions from activities that “arguably present greater risks to
    human health than landscape waste composting.” PC 26 at 15. The City of Lake Forest
    asserted that Illinois’ air pollution regulations have no setback requirements for air
    emission sources:
    As a result, fully permitted organic chemical companies, polymer
    manufacturing plants, printing operations, and similar operations that emit
    several tons per year of hazardous air pollutants may be located directly
    adjacent to a residential neighborhood, school, hospital, athletic field or
    public park. Moreover, automobiles and trucks that emit particulate
    matter, which has been implicated as a cause of increased incidents of
    childhood asthma and other respiratory problems, drive in residential
    neighborhoods, or idle near schools, hospitals, athletic fields or public
    parks without being subject to environmental regulations that limit their
    destinations. PC 26 at 15.
    The City of Lake Forest argued that where the Board has imposed air pollution
    regulations on these activities, it has relied on “management standards that limit or control
    emissions, rather than on standards that proscribe the location of these activities in
    particular areas.” PC 26 at 15-16.
    Several participants also claimed that proponents’ proposal is ambiguous. Dr.
    Walker asked whether the use of the term “school” would mean that universities could not
    operate compost sites on their property. Tr.2 at 245; Exh. 43 at 1. He testified that
    because Illinois State University operates a compost facility on campus, he would not
    want the definition of “school” to include the entire campus area. Tr.2 at 247-248, 253.
    Waste Management stated in public comment that proponents’ proposal fails to
    define athletic field or public park:

    Certainly, these terms can be used to describe a number of facilities such as
    race tracks, stadiums, private recreation facilities, golf courses, state
    conservation areas, state parks, and other natural greenbelt areas that are
    used by local planning bodies to transition compost facilities from other
    land uses. PC 9 at 1.
    Evidence on the 1/2 Mile Setback. The City of Lake Forest noted that the
    physicians’ letters submitted by proponents repeatedly refer to a two mile setback and
    “never mention, much less advocate, the 1/2 mile setback that Proponents presented to the
    Board.” PC 26 at 5. The City of Lake Forest argued that the letters also fail to provide
    “any technical foundation” for the 1/2 mile setback of proponents’ proposal. PC 26 at 7.
    Land and Lakes Company and the City of Lake Forest argued that proponents’
    proposed amendments are inconsistent with the current setback requirements because they
    would create a larger setback for hospitals, schools, athletic fields, and public parks (1/2
    mile) than for residences (1/8 mile). They asserted that proponents have not explained the
    reason for this difference. PC 26 at 8; Exh. 31 at 3.
    Dr. Strauss recommended a 500 foot buffer, which she based on the literature
    addressing the fall off of spore exposure. Tr.2 at 72-73, 76. She explained that studies of
    commercial compost facilities have found that “concentrations of aspergillus tend to fall
    off sharply within 500 feet of the operational site.” Tr.2 at 15; Exh. 34 at 5. The 500 feet
    should be measured from the area at a facility where the compost is located or handled
    because that is where bioaerosols would be generated, not from the facility’s property line,
    according to Dr. Strauss. Tr.2 at 107-108, 117-119. Dr. Walker agreed that the property
    line is immaterial to this issue. Tr.2 at 251.
    While acknowledging that there is some variation in the distances from compost
    sites to locations where background levels are reached, Dr. Strauss testified that the
    consensus of the literature has determined that
    A. fumigatus
    spore exposure drops to
    background within 500 feet from compost sites. Tr.2 at 40, 73, 79, 95, 101-102, 115-
    117; PC 26, Supp. In other words, at the 500 foot boundary, the composting facility does
    not add substantially to exposure that persons might otherwise encounter in a play field,
    forest preserve, or school yard, according to Dr. Strauss. Tr.2 at 102. In her testimony,
    she quoted the Ault and Schott report:
    [T]he concentrations fell off sharply within 500 feet of the operational site.
    If the nearest human receptor is located beyond the point at which
    concentrations fall to background levels, there is no elevated exposure
    occurring. Tr.2 at 15, 111-112; Exh. 34 at 5.
    She also quoted the Millner report:

    When the exposure is within or below the average range of background
    concentrations found in the natural environment, compost bioaerosols do
    not constitute additional exposure. Tr.2 at 15; Exh. 34 at 5-6.
    Similarly, Dr. Epstein stated that a “majority of the studies on the dispersion of
    and other bioaerosols from composting facilities indicates that background
    levels are achieved within 250 to 500 feet of a composting site (Millner,
    et al
    ., 1993).”
    PC 14 at 4. He added that his environmental consulting company has done studies that
    have produced similar results. PC 14 at 4.
    Dr. Walker’s literature review corroborated the 500 foot figure. Tr.2 at 248-249.
    In addition, Dr. Strauss testified that the literature supports the additional distance
    provided by the current 1/8 mile (660 feet) setback in Illinois’ regulations. Tr.2 at 78-79.
    Dr. Strauss testified that proponents’ proposed setback distance of 1/2 mile “is not
    warranted based on what is known about spore distribution and public health risks.” Tr.2
    at 77-78. She also disagreed with the conclusion of the Kramer report that these facilities
    should be sited more than two miles from residential areas. She testified that a two mile
    buffer is not supported from a scientific, environmental, or medical standpoint. Tr.2 at 70-
    73, 80-82, 88; see also Exh. 34, Att. 5.
    Dr. Baer of the Agency also disagreed with the Kramer report’s recommendation
    of a setback greater than two miles. Tr.2 at 195. The Agency stated in public comment
    [it] would not, as a matter of public policy, oppose the prospective
    application of a setback of one-eighth of a mile from schools, public parks,
    athletic fields and hospitals if the Board finds and the record supports that
    such a setback is necessary to protect human health and the environment.
    PC 27.
    Technical Feasibility. Several witnesses testified that proponents’ proposal was
    not technically feasible. For example, Land and Lakes Company operates five compost
    facilities in Chicago: one in Deerfield, Dolton, and Romeoville, and two in Chicago. PC
    25 at 2. Land and Lakes stated that each of these facilities is within 1/8 mile of a medical
    facility, athletic field, public park, or proposed park
    and therefore would be affected by a
    setback of 1/8 mile or more, if applied to existing facilities. PC 25 at 2.
    Ms. Harvey argued that proponents’ proposed amendments are not technically
    feasible because “there is no method by which an existing facility can comply with the
    proposed regulation, no control equipment or operational change the facility could use to
    One of the facilities in Chicago is within 1/8 of a mile of a proposed park. This
    particular facility is not within 1/8 of a mile of a medical facility or athletic field. PC
    25, Att. 1.

    comply.” Tr.1 at 219; Exh. 31 at 1. She also noted that relocating these facilities might
    not be feasible. Tr.1 at 221.
    Several other witnesses also testified or commented that proponents’ proposal
    would require many existing facilities to close down. Ms. Munie of the Agency estimated
    that 35 out of the 68 currently operating and permitted facilities would have to close.
    Exh. 30 at 3. She based this estimate on discussions with other personnel in her unit. Tr.1
    at 207. Charles Pick, Vice President of Business Development for Organics Management
    Company, a national owner and operator of composting and compost-related businesses,
    estimated that at least 50% of the facilities in Chicago would have to be closed. Tr.1 at
    274. The Illinois Chapter of the National Solid Wastes Management Association, the
    Illinois Composting Council, the Solid Waste Agency of Lake County, and the Will
    County Land Use Department, Waste Services Division all commented that proponents’
    proposed amendments would require many composting facilities to close. See PC 9 at 1
    (comments of Waste Management); PC 21 at 1 (comments of the Illinois Composting
    Council); PC 23 at 1 (comments of the Will County Land Use Department, Waste
    Services Division); PC 24 at 5 (comments of the National Solid Wastes Management
    Association, Illinois Chapter); Exh. 45 at 1 (comments of Andrew Quigley, Executive
    Director of the Solid Waste Agency of Lake County).
    The municipalities of Crystal Lake, Elgin, Evanston, Lake Forest, and Normal
    stated that proponents’ proposal would force their facilities to close. See Tr.2 at 233
    (testimony of Clyde Wakefield, Director of Public Works and Engineering for the City of
    Crystal Lake); PC 10 at 1 (comments of the City of Elgin); PC 7 at 1 (comments of the
    City of Evanston); Tr.1 at 246 (testimony of Thomas Naatz, Director of Parks, Forestry,
    and Public Works for the City of Lake Forest); PC 15 at 1 (comments of the Town of
    Economic Reasonableness. Several participants argued that proponents’ proposal
    was not economically reasonable based on investments in existing facilities that would
    have to be closed under the proposal; the costs of relocating facilities; the costs of the
    closures and relocations to the State of Illinois; and the costs of various alternatives to
    existing facilities (including relocating facilities and other measures). The Board discusses
    the evidence on these issues below.
    Investments in Existing Facilities
    . Land and Lakes Company has invested
    $7,678,200 in its five compost facilities in the Chicago area. PC 25 at 2, Att. 1. This
    figure includes land acquisition costs, capital costs for equipment, permitting expenses,
    and other costs associated with developing and operating a compost facility in compliance
    with regulations. PC 25 at 2-3. As Land and Lakes Company noted earlier, each of these
    facilities is within 1/8 mile of a medical facility, athletic field, public park, or proposed
    park, and therefore would be affected by a setback of 1/8 mile or more, if applied to
    existing facilities. PC 25 at 2.

    Mr. Naatz testified that the City of Lake Forest’s facility would have to close if
    proponents’ proposal is adopted. Tr.1 at 246. He testified that the facility has had
    permits since July 11, 1989. Its current permit expires on July 17, 2002. Tr.1 at 245;
    Exh. 32 at 2. Since 1993, the City of Lake Forest has invested $120,000 in site
    improvements. Tr.1 at 245, Exh. 32 at 3. It incurred additional costs between 1989 and
    1993 that Mr. Naatz did not quantify. PC 2 at 7.
    Mr. Wakefield testified that the City of Crystal Lake’s facility would have to close
    if proponents’ proposal is adopted. Exh. 42 at 2. The City of Crystal Lake has invested
    over $800,000 in its compost site: $375,000 to acquire land, and $450,000 for developing
    the site, obtaining equipment, and related costs. Exh. 42 at 1-2. Several residents of the
    City of Crystal Lake also filed comments opposing the proposal on economic grounds and
    noting that the City of Crystal Lake’s facility works well. See PC 16 at 1 (comments of
    Cathy Mueller); PC 17 at 1 (comments of Franklin Pease); PC 18 at 1-2 (comments of
    Barbara Zimmerman); PC 19 at 1 (comments of Carolyn Schaper); PC 20 at 1 (comments
    of Keith and Libby Leman).
    As noted earlier, other municipalities argued that proponents’ proposal would
    force them to close their facilities. See PC 10 at 1 (comments of the City of Elgin); PC 7
    at 1 (comments of the City of Evanston); PC 15 at 1 (comments of the Town of Normal).
    However, these municipalities did not state how much they had invested in these facilities.
    Similarly, other witnesses estimated that the proposal would force some compost facilities
    in Illinois to close, but did not provide estimates of how much had been invested in these
    facilities. See Exh. 30 at 3 (prefiled testimony of Joyce Munie of the Agency); Tr.1 at 274
    (testimony of Charles Pick of Organics Management Company); PC 9 at 1 (comments of
    Waste Management); PC 21 at 1 (comments of the Illinois Composting Council); PC 23 at
    1 (comments of the Will County Land Use Department, Waste Services Division); PC 24
    at 5 (comments of the National Solid Wastes Management Association, Illinois Chapter);
    Exh. 45 at 1-2 (comments of Andrew Quigley, Executive Director of the Solid Waste
    Agency of Lake County).
    Costs of Relocating Facilities
    . Mr. Pick testified that relocating these facilities
    would be expensive in high-density areas. “The cost of land alone for a typical industrial
    property in a high density population area often exceeds $200,000 per acre.” Tr.1 at 259;
    Exh. 33 at 2. He also noted that many other location standards (regarding flood zones,
    archeological sites, and the like) apply to these facilities that make them difficult to site.
    Exh. 32 at 2. For the City of Lake Forest’s compost facility, he estimated the
    administrative costs of getting a new permit at $80,000 to $90,000. Tr.1 at 307.
    Mr. Pick also testified that the cost of developing a ten-acre facility, which could
    handle 70,000 cubic yards/year, would be approximately three million dollars. Tr.1 at
    312-314. That capacity is larger than average, but he believes that developers would look
    to develop larger sites under proponents’ proposed amendments because if they have to be
    in a rural area, they will want to have a lot of capacity. He believes that if proponents’

    proposal is adopted, new sites would be approximately about 40 acres in size. Tr.1 at
    Land and Lakes Company also argued that proponents’ proposed amendments
    would make it very difficult to develop new composting facilities in urban areas. Tr.1 at
    221. The Illinois Chapter of the National Solid Wastes Management Association also
    The proposed amendment will increase the difficulty of developing new
    composting facilities in metropolitan areas. As discussed above, landscape
    waste has been banned from landfills since July 1, 1990.
    415 ILCS
    5/22.22. Moreover, the burning of landscape waste is prohibited in
    counties with a population of more than 400,000. 415 ILCS 5/9. Many
    municipalities throughout the State have adopted ordinances prohibiting
    the burning of landscape waste. Thus, composting facilities remain the
    only viable option for handling landscape waste in many metropolitan
    areas. PC 24 at 4-5.
    While the City of Crystal Lake did not provide cost estimates for relocating its
    facility, Mr. Wakefield testified that the City and its taxpayers would face serious financial
    harm if the Board adopted proponents’ proposal. Exh. 42 at 2. Several of the City of
    Crystal Lake residents who submitted public comments concurred. See PC 16 at 1
    (comments of Cathy Mueller); PC 17 at 1 (comments of Franklin Pease); PC 18 at 1-2
    (comments of Barbara Zimmerman); PC 19 at 1 (comments of Carolyn Schaper); PC 20 at
    1 (comments of Keith and Libby Leman).
    Costs of Closures and
    Relocations to the State of Illinois
    . Ms. Munie of the
    Agency testified about the cost of closures and relocations to the State of Illinois if
    proponents’ proposed amendments are adopted. She testified that there would be
    administrative costs to the Agency if proponents’ proposed setback is applied retroactively
    and some facilities are forced to close. Tr.1 at 205-206. The cost of informational
    workshops on the new requirements would result in a total cost of between $2,830 and
    $7,104. Exh. 30 at 2. The cost of meetings with existing facilities to determine the effect
    of the new requirements on them would cost a total of between $1,415 and $1,776. Exh.
    30 at 2.
    Her unit estimated that 35 new facilities would need to be built to make up for
    those that would have to be closed because of proponents’ proposal. Exh. 30 at 3. She
    estimated that the Agency’s cost of reviewing 35 closure reports would be between
    $3,962 and $6,216. Exh. 30 at 3.
    The Board notes that there are exceptions to this ban. See,
    , Pub. Act 90-266,
    eff. July 30, 1977 (amended 415 ILCS 5/22.22).

    Ms. Munie stated that closures may result in some additional illegal dumping of
    landscape waste, but the cost of additional field work for inspections and enforcement
    would be hard to quantify. Exh. 30 at 3. Assuming that at least five facilities would close
    only in response to enforcement, she estimated that the total costs for inspection and trial
    preparation would be between $9,472 and $25,110. Exh. 30 at 2.
    Ms. Munie explained that new facilities would require public hearings and new
    permit applications. Exh. 30 at 3. Each public hearing costs between $15,000 to $20,000.
    Exh. 30 at 3. Her cost estimate includes costs of reviewing new permit applications. Tr.1
    at 213-214. If 35 new facilities were needed, total costs to the Agency would be between
    $525,000 and $700,000 during the first few years after proponents’ proposal became
    effective. Exh. 30 at 3. However, Ms. Munie did state that the Agency “does not believe
    that adding a non-retroactive setback requirement would have any impact on our
    administrative cost.” Exh. 30 at 2.
    Several opponents also argued that if facilities were forced to close because of
    proponents’ proposed amendments, the amendments would be considered a regulatory
    taking. These opponents also argued that the U.S. and Illinois constitutions would require
    the State of Illinois to compensate those whose facilities would be closed because of
    proponents’ proposal.
    The proposed regulation may force the State of Illinois to pay millions of
    dollars as compensation for a regulatory taking. Regulations that
    substantially interfere with the value of property interests can constitute an
    impermissible regulatory taking under the Fifth and Fourteenth
    Amendments to the U.S. Constitution. PC 25 at 3, citing Browning-Ferris
    Industries v. City of Maryland Heights, Missouri, 747 F. Supp. 1340, 1347
    (E.D. Mo. 1990), citing Nollan v. California Coastal Commission, 483 U.S.
    825, 107 S. Ct. 3141, 97 L. Ed. 2d 677 (1987). The remedy is either the
    payment of compensation or the invalidation of the regulation. PC 25 at 3,
    citing Williamson County Regional Planning Commission v. Hamilton Bank
    of Johnson City, 473 U.S. 172, 197, 105 S. Ct. 3108, 3122, 87 L. Ed. 2d
    126 (1985), Browning-Ferris Industries, 747 F. Supp. at 1346-1351. See
    also Tr.1 at 219-221, 236.
    The City of Lake Forest, the City of Crystal Lake, the Illinois Chapter of the National
    Solid Wastes Management Association, the Solid Waste Agency of Lake County, and
    Land and Lakes Company raised a similar argument. See PC 26 at 22 (comments of the
    City of Lake Forest); Tr.2 at 232-234 (testimony of Mr. Wakefield on behalf of the City of
    Crystal Lake); Tr.2 at 264 (testimony of Mr. Quigley on behalf of the Solid Waste Agency
    of Lake County); PC 24 at 6-7 (comments of the National Solid Wastes Management
    Association, Illinois Chapter); Exh. 31 at 2 (testimony of Ms. Harvey on behalf of Land
    and Lakes Company).

    In a related argument, the City of Lake Forest also argued that proponents’
    proposal is unconstitutional because it is retroactive:
    Retroactive application of a standard is prohibited under the due process
    clauses of both the United States and Illinois Constitutions if such
    application impermissibly eliminates or impairs vested rights acquired under
    existing laws, or creates new obligations, imposes new duties, or attaches
    new disabilities with respect to past transactions or issues. PC 2 at 6,
    citing First of America Trust Company v. Armstead, 171 Ill. 2d 282, 664
    N.E.2d 36 (1996); United States Steel Credit Union v. Knight, 32 Ill. 2d
    138, 142, 204 N.E.2d 4 (1965); Chemrex, Inc. v. PCB, 257 Ill. App. 3d
    274, 628 N.E.2d 963, 966 (1st Dist. 1993).
    In deciding whether to invalidate a retroactive rule, Illinois courts consider
    “whether the agency action would result in injury or substantial prejudice; whether the
    regulation represents an abrupt departure from well-established practice; the extent to
    which the party against whom the regulation is applied relied on the former regulation; and
    the degree of burden imposed upon that party.” PC 2 at 8, citing Gonzales-Blanco, 110
    Ill. App. 3d at 197; Cartwright v. Civil Service Commission, 80 Ill. App. 3d 787, 400
    N.E.2d 581 (1st Dist. 1980), citing Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Union v.
    NLRB, 466 F.2d 380 (D.C. Cir. 1972) and International Association of Machinists v.
    United Aircraft Corp., 534 F.2d 422 (2d Cir. 1975).
    The City of Lake Forest argued that an Illinois court is likely to invalidate
    proponents’ proposed rule upon consideration of these factors. It noted that existing
    facilities have made expenditures in reliance on the existing regulations, and that they
    could not have anticipated this change. PC 2 at 8-9. The City of Lake Forest conceded
    that a government may enact an “amortization” regulation that will gradually eliminate
    existing, non-complying facilities, but only upon a clear finding that the public welfare
    requires it. PC 26 at 29. According to the City of Lake Forest, the balance of interests in
    this situation favors the compost facilities, which have spent considerable sums to develop
    their facilities and would incur substantial relocation costs to comply with proponents’
    proposal, as opposed to proponents, who have not shown a scientific consensus that these
    facilities pose a public health threat. PC 26 at 30.
    The City of Lake Forest argued that even if the regulation applied to existing
    facilities only upon the expiration of their current permits, it would be an invalid
    retroactive rule. The City noted that under the Board’s current regulations, an application
    for permit renewal need address only changed circumstances, and as long as those
    changed circumstances do not result in a violation of the Act, the facility is entitled to
    renewal of its permit. PC 26 at 24, citing 35 Ill. Adm. Code 831.116(a), 832.106(a). The
    City stated that the Agency may modify “operating standards” at the time of permit
    renewal as necessary to prevent violations of the Act but these changes “only impact
    facility operation and not location.” PC 26 at 24 (emphasis in original), citing 415 ILCS

    5/21(d), 35 Ill. Adm. Code 832.106. The City argued that the current regulations create
    an expectation that permits will be renewed if they meet these requirements. PC 26 at 25.
    Costs of Alternatives
    . Mr. Pick argued that even those facilities that can
    successfully relocate will incur higher costs because they would be situated at greater
    distances from landscape waste sources and would incur greater transportation costs to
    reach those more remote sites. Tr.1 at 260. He testified that he expects transportation
    and tipping fees to rise 30 to 40% if proponents’ proposal is adopted. Tr.1 at 303-304.
    Higher prices would result, according to Mr. Pick. Tr.1 at 261. Furthermore, since the
    profit margin on compost is low, “private operators would have little incentive to start
    over and accept lower margins [as compared to the higher margins on peat moss and
    wood mulches]. A disposal capacity vacuum would likely result.” Tr.1 at 262; Exh. 33 at
    Mr. Naatz testified that the cost of managing landscape waste would increase by at
    least $100,000 per year for the City of Lake Forest if proponents’ proposal is adopted.
    Tr.1 at 246, 247; Exh. 32 at 5. Several opponents of proponents’ proposal also argued
    that it will increase open dumping or burning of landscape waste, or encourage backyard
    compost piles that could become a nuisance. See PC 23 at 1 (comments of Will County
    Land Use Department, Waste Services Division); Tr.2 at 237 (testimony of Mr. Wakefield
    on behalf of the City of Crystal Lake); Tr.1 at 263 (testimony of Charles Pick of Organics
    Management Company); Exh. 45 at 2 (testimony of Mr. Quigley on behalf of the Solid
    Waste Agency of Lake County). One opponent noted that the proposal could lead to a
    need for more landfills. PC 8 at 1 (comments of Lois Grimm, resident of Chicago).
    Board Findings on the Need for Additional Setbacks
    The Board finds that compost facilities may increase the concentrations of airborne
    A. fumigatus
    spores in nearby, downwind off-site areas. The Board recognizes that
    mowing the lawn, sweeping the basement, and other activities may expose some people to
    higher levels of
    A. fumigatus
    spores than they would be exposed to from being near a
    compost facility. However, individuals typically have greater control over limiting the
    former types of exposures and they often do not face such exposures on a daily basis. The
    Board also recognizes that even very low levels of
    A. fumigatus
    spores from any source
    may adversely affect certain individuals. Nevertheless, there is a potential risk of increased
    exposure to
    A. fumigatus
    spores in areas downwind of compost facilities and
    A. fumigatus
    spores can harm some people. The Board finds that it would be prudent to minimize the
    opportunities for compost facilities to expose surrounding sensitive populations to levels
    A. fumigatus
    spores above background.
    The Board acknowledges that compost facilities may be sued if they do not comply
    with operational requirements or if they cause air pollution in violation of Section 9(a) of
    the Act (415 ILCS 5/9(a) (1996)). The Board notes that citizens may bring such
    enforcement actions before the Board. See 415 ILCS 5/31(d) (1996); 35 Ill. Adm. Code

    103.120. This option remains available regardless of setback requirements, but is not an
    adequate substitute for setback requirements.
    The Board finds that while operational standards are important for minimizing the
    off-site distribution of
    A. fumigatus
    spores from compost facilities, it appears that even
    good management practices at compost facilities do not necessarily prevent
    A. fumigatus
    spore concentrations downwind from being above background levels in nearby off-site
    areas. The Board also notes that procedures already exist (
    , adjusted standards, site-
    specific rules) to allow individual facilities the opportunity to demonstrate site-specific
    circumstances calling for site-specific relief from general requirements, including setback
    As stated above at page 13, persons potentially at greater risk from higher
    exposure to
    A. fumigatus
    spores are (a) persons with asthma, cystic fibrosis,
    immunocompromised or immunosuppressed conditions, or bioaerosol allergies, and (b)
    very young children. The Board believes that health care facilities, child care facilities, and
    schools are locations where these susceptible individuals have greater opportunities for
    extended exposure. These are also locations that these individuals typically have little
    choice about frequenting. Setback protection for these facilities is consistent with the
    Illinois Department of Public Health’s position on this issue. It is also consistent with the
    recommendations of various experts, inlcuding those who acknowledge the lack of
    epidemiological studies linking compost facilities to human disease and the lack of a dose-
    response relationship for
    A. fumigatus
    Accordingly, while responsible composting is environmentally beneficial, the Board
    finds that the following facilities should have setback protection: (a) health care facilities;
    (b) primary and secondary schools and their associated recreational areas;
    and (c) pre-
    school and child care facilities and their associated recreational areas.
    The Board declines to include setback protection for public parks at this time.
    Besides the potential ambiguity of the term “public parks” and the fact that such places are
    often rich sources of
    A. fumigatus
    , persons typically have control over whether they
    frequent a particular public park. On this record, the case for providing a setback at this
    time for public parks due to potential
    A. fumigatus
    spore exposure is less compelling.
    In proposing these amendments, the Board notes that it is not persuaded by the
    City of Lake Forest’s argument that it is arbitrary for the Board to regulate the proximity
    of compost facilities to schools and hospitals while not imposing a similar restriction on
    other sources of air pollution that may operate near schools and hospitals. First, the
    Board notes that unlike various designated hazardous air pollutants,
    A. fumigatus
    from compost facilities do not have requirements for specific control technologies or
    Because the Board’s proposed amendments are limited to primary and secondary
    schools, it does not present the ambiguities that Dr. Walker raised regarding

    emission rates based on ambient air quality standards. Second, “it has been recognized
    that evils in the same field may be of different dimensions and reform may take place one
    step at a time. The legislature may address itself to one stage of a problem and not take
    action at the same time as to other phases.” Illinois Coal Operators Association v. PCB,
    59 Ill. 2d 305, 312-313, 319 N.E.2d 782, 786 (1974) (upholding the Board’s decision to
    exempt equipment used in construction, but not similar equipment used in mining, from
    certain noise regulations); see also Chicago National League Ball Club v. Thompson, 108
    Ill. 2d 357, 367, 483 N.E.2d 1245, 1250 (1985) (“The legislature need not choose
    between legislating against all evils of the same kind or not legislating at all.”). The same
    principles apply to the Board when it adopts rules in its quasi-legislative capacity.
    The Board finds that proponents’ proposed 1/2 mile setback distance is not
    supported by the record. Most studies show that
    A. fumigatus
    spore concentrations from
    compost facilities generally decrease to background levels within approximately 500 feet
    of the composting area. Accordingly, at that distance, the compost facility typically would
    not expose people to elevated levels of
    A. fumigatus
    In lieu of a 1/2 mile setback, the Board proposes that the current 1/8 mile (660
    feet) setback distance applied for residences be extended to the following facilities: (a)
    health care facilities; (b) primary and secondary schools and their associated recreational
    areas; and (c) pre-school and child care facilities and their associated recreational areas.
    As Dr. Strauss testified, the literature supports an additional 160 foot buffer distance
    Consistent with the current 1/8 mile setback for residences, the setback distance
    should be measured not from the property line of the compost facility, but from the
    “composting area.” See 35 Ill. Adm. Code 830.203(c). “Composting area” is defined as:
    the area of a composting facility in which waste, composting material or
    undistributed end-product compost is unloaded, stored, staged, stockpiled,
    treated or otherwise managed. 35 Ill. Adm. Code 830.102.
    As was pointed out at hearing, this is the relevant area from which to measure because
    that is the potential source of the airborne
    A. fumigatus
    spores. The setback should be
    measured from the nearest edge of the composting area to the nearest property line of the
    protected facilities listed above.
    The Board also proposes to amend 35 Ill. Adm. Code 831.107 and 831.109(b)(3).
    Section 831.107 currently requires that permit applications contain a site location map
    showing certain items. The Board proposes to add a requirement that this map also reflect
    any of the additional facilities within 1/8 mile of the nearest edge of the composting area.
    Section 831.109 currently requires that permit applications contain various information,
    including proof that the facility complies with location standards. The Board proposes to
    add a requirement that this information include proof of compliance with the proposed 1/8
    mile setback.

    Given that the additional setback requirements would be imposed as a matter of
    prudence in light of a potential health threat, and given the potential economic costs of
    relocating or closing existing compost facilities, the Board proposes applying the new
    setback requirements prospectively. Consistent with the current language of Section
    830.203(c), the new setback requirements would apply only to a compost facility
    developed or the permitted composting area of which is expanded after January 1, 1999.
    The Board reiterates that while the proposed setback amendments in this first notice order
    will only apply prospectively, existing compost facilities must comply with applicable
    performance standards and must not cause air pollution in violation of Section 9(a) of the
    Act (415 ILCS 5/9(a) (1996)).
    The Board will receive testimony and comment on whether it would be
    appropriate to apply the Board’s proposed 1/8 mile setback to existing facilities, either
    immediately or after some period of time, such as when a facility’s permit, if any, expires.
    In that regard, the Board notes that it does not agree that the application of such a setback
    to existing facilities would constitute a taking. A taking occurs in two ways. First, a
    taking occurs when “there is an actual physical invasion by the government onto an
    individual’s property . . . .” Forest Preserve District of DuPage County v. West Suburban
    Bank, 161 Ill. 2d 448, 456, 641 N.E.2d 493, 497 (1994), citing Lucas v. South Carolina
    Coastal Council, 505 U.S. 1003, 1014-1015, 112 S. Ct. 2886, 2892-93 (1992). Second, a
    taking occurs “where governmental regulation radically curtails a property owner’s rights
    such that ‘all economically beneficial or productive use of land’ is denied.” Forest
    Preserve, 161 Ill. 2d at 457, 641 N.E.2d at 497, quoting Lucas, 505 U.S. at 1015, 112 S.
    Ct. at 2893.
    In this case, the application of a new setback to existing compost facilities would
    not involve any physical invasion of the facilities. Furthermore, the amendments proposed
    in this first notice order, if applied to existing facilities, would not so radically curtail a
    compost facility owner’s rights so that all economically beneficial or productive use of the
    land is denied. In Forest Preserve, for example, the Illinois Supreme Court held that an
    injunction barring defendants from building a parking lot on their land did not deprive
    defendants of all economically viable uses of the property because defendants could use
    the property for other activities, including farming and storing equipment. Forest
    Preserve, 161 Ill. 2d at 457, 641 N.E.2d at 497. Similarly, even if the Board’s proposed
    amendments were to apply to existing compost facilities and require some of those
    facilities to close, the amendments would not bar the owners of those facilities from
    The City of Lake Forest argues that proponents’ proposal is ambiguous because it is
    unclear whether a compost facility that “complies with the location standard at the time
    the facility is permitted will be in violation of the standard once a school or hospital is
    subsequently constructed within the 1/2 mile setback.” PC 26 at 17. To clarify, the
    proposed first notice amendments to 35 Ill. Adm. Code 830.203(c) are siting
    requirements. A compost facility sited in compliance with these requirements would
    not violate them because a health care facility, for example, is thereafter constructed
    within 1/8 mile.

    erecting other facilities or conducting other operations on their properties. See also Tim
    Thompson, Inc. v. Hinsdale, 247 Ill. App. 3d 863, 888-889, 617 N.E.2d 1227, 1245 (2d
    Dist. 1993) (holding a change in a local zoning ordinance, which decreased the number of
    houses a developer could put in a subdivision, did not substantially deprive the developer
    of all economically viable use of the property and did not constitute a taking).
    The Board acknowledges, however, that the question remains of whether such a
    regulation would constitute an invalid retroactive regulation. As noted earlier, the Board
    seeks testimony and comment on how long it would take to amortize investments in those
    The Board acknowledges that responsible composting is environmentally
    beneficial. Nevertheless, airborne
    A. fumigatus
    spores from compost facilities may
    occur at levels above background in nearby off-site areas downwind of compost
    A. fumigatus
    spores pose a potential health threat to persons with asthma,
    cystic fibrosis, immunocompromised or immunosuppressed conditions, or bioaerosol
    allergies. Very young children are also potentially at greater risk because their immune
    systems are immature.
    Based on the presence of these susceptible individuals, the Board proposes that
    the following additional facilities have setback protection: (a) health care facilities; (b)
    primary and secondary schools and their associated recreational areas; and (c) pre-
    school and child care facilities and their associated recreational areas. Because the
    consensus of studies shows that
    A. fumigatus
    spore concentrations from compost
    facilities generally decrease to background levels within approximately 500 feet of the
    composting area, the current 1/8 mile (660 feet) setback applied for residences will be
    extended to these other facilities. The Board also proposes corresponding changes to
    requirements for site location maps and other information in permit applications.
    Since the additional setback requirements would be imposed as a matter of
    prudence in the face of a potential health threat, and in light of the potential economic
    costs of relocating or closing existing compost facilities, the Board at this time proposes
    applying the new setback requirements only to a compost facility developed or the
    permitted composting area of which is expanded after January 1, 1999. The Board
    requests testimony and comment, however, on the technical feasibility and economic
    reasonableness of its proposed 1/8 mile setback on both a retroactive and prospective
    The Board proposes for first notice the following amendments to 35 Ill. Adm.
    Code 830.203(c), 831.107, and 831.109(b)(3). The Clerk of the Board is directed to file
    these proposed rules with the Secretary of State.

    PART 830
    Purpose, Scope and Applicability
    Incorporations by Reference
    Exempt Operations and Activities
    Permit-Exempt Facilities and Activities
    On-Farm Landscape Waste Compost Facility
    Compliance Dates
    Scope and Applicability
    Minimum Performance Standards and Reporting Requirements for
    Landscape Waste Compost Facilities
    Location Standards for Landscape Waste Compost Facilities
    Additional Stormwater and Landscape Waste Leachate Controls at
    Permitted Landscape Waste Compost Facilities
    Additional Operating Standards for Permitted Landscape Waste Compost
    Operating Plan for Permitted Landscape Waste Compost Facilities
    Salvaging at Permitted Landscape Waste Compost Facilities
    Access Control at Permitted Landscape Waste Compost Facilities
    Load Checking at Permitted Landscape Waste Compost Facilities
    Personnel Training for Permitted Landscape Waste Compost Facilities
    Recordkeeping for Permitted Landscape Waste Compost Facilities
    Contingency Plan for Permitted Landscape Waste Compost Facilities
    Closure Plan for Permitted Landscapse Waste Compost Facilities

    Scope and Applicability
    Compost Classes
    Performance Standards for General Use Compost
    Testing Requirements for End-Product Compost Derived from Landscape
    Sampling Methods
    Off-Specification Compost
    Scope and Applicability
    Financial Assurance Plan
    Written Cost Estimate
    Financial Assurance Fund
    Financial Assurance Mechanism
    Financial Assurance Certification
    Appendix A Early Detection and Groundwater Monitoring Program
    Appendix B Performance Test Methods
    Table A
    Inorganic Concentration Limits for General Use Compost
    Table B
    Sampling and Handling Requirements
    Table C
    Seed Germination Record Sheet
    AUTHORITY: Implementing Sections 5, 21, 22.33, 22.34, 22.35 and 39 and authorized
    by Section 27 of the Environmental Protection Act [415 ILCS 5/5, 21, 22.33, 22.34,
    22.35, 27 and 39].
    SOURCE: Adopted at 18 Ill. Reg. 17017, effective November 15, 1994; amended in
    R97-29 at _____ Ill. Reg. _____________, effective _____________.
    BOARD NOTE: This Part implements the Illinois Environmental Protection Act as of July
    1, 1994.
    NOTE: In this Part, superscript numbers or letters are denoted by parentheses; subscript
    are denoted by brackets.
    Section 830.203 Location Standards for Landscape Waste Compost Facilities
    With the exception of on-farm landscape waste operations, all landscape waste compost
    facilities subject to this Part shall comply with the following:

    The composting area of the facility must include
    a setback of at least 200
    feet from the nearest potable water supply well
    . (Section 39(m) of the
    The composting area of the facility must be
    located outside the boundary
    of the 10-year
    floodplain or the site shall be
    . (Section 39(m)
    of the Act.)
    The composting area of the facility must be
    located so as to minimize
    incompatibility with the character of the surrounding area, including at
    least a 200 foot setback from any residence, and in the case of a facility
    that is developed or the permitted composting area of which is expanded
    after November 17, 1991, the composting area
    shall be
    located at least 1/8
    mile from the nearest residence (other than a residence located on the
    same property as the facility
    ). (Section 39(m) of the Act.) In addition, in
    the case of a facility that is developed or the permitted composting area of
    which is expanded after January 1, 1999, the composting area shall be
    located at least 1/8 mile from each of the following:
    health care facilities;
    primary and secondary schools and their associated recreational
    areas; and
    pre-school and child care facilities and their associated recreational
    If, at the time the facility permit application is deemed complete by the
    Agency pursuant to 35 Ill. Adm. Code 832, the composting area of the
    facility is located within 1/4 mile of the nearest off-site residence or within
    1/2 mile of the nearest platted subdivision containing a residence, or if
    more than 10 residences are located within 1/2 mile of the boundaries of
    the facility, in order to minimize incompatibility with the character of the
    surrounding area, landscape waste must be processed by the end of the
    operating day on which the landscape waste is received into windrows,
    other piles or a contained composting system providing proper conditions
    for composting.
    The composting area of the facility must be designed
    to prevent any
    compost material from being placed within 5 feet of the water table, to
    adequately control runoff from the site, and
    collect and manage any
    landscape waste
    leachate that is generated on the site
    . (Section 39(m) of
    the Act.) Compliance with the water table distance requirement may be
    demonstrated by either of the following means:

    Using published water table maps or other published documentation
    to establish the location of the water table in relation to site
    elevation; or
    Actual measuring of the water table elevation at least once per
    month for three consecutive months.
    The facility must meet all requirements under the Wild and Scenic Rivers
    Act (16 U.S.C. 1271 et seq.).
    The facility must not restrict the flow of a 100-year flood, result in washout
    of landscape waste from a 100-year flood, or reduce the temporary water
    storage capacity of the 100-year floodplain, unless measures are
    undertaken to provide alternative storage capacity, such as lagoons,
    holding tanks, or provision of drainage around structures at the facility.
    The facility must not be located in any area where it may pose a threat of
    harm or destruction to the features for which:
    An irreplaceable historic or archaeological site has been listed
    pursuant to the National Historic Preservation Act (16 U.S.C. 470
    et seq.) or the Illinois Historic Preservation Act [20 ILCS 3410];
    A natural landmark has been designated by the National Park
    Service or the Illinois State Historic Preservation Office; or
    A natural area has been designated as a Dedicated Illinois Nature
    Preserve pursuant to the Illinois Natural Areas Preservation Act
    [525 ILCS 30].
    The facility must not be located in any area where it may jeopardize the
    continued existence of any designated endangered species, result in the
    destruction or adverse modification of the critical habitat for such species,
    or cause or contribute to the taking of any endangered or threatened
    species of plant, fish or wildlife listed pursuant to the Endangered Species
    Act (16 U.S.C. 1531 et. seq.), or the Illinois Endangered Species
    Protection Act [520 ILCS 10].
    (Source: Amended at ___ Ill. Reg. ______, effective ___________)

    PART 831
    Scope and Applicability
    Certification by Professional Engineer
    Application Fees
    Required Signatures
    Site Identification
    Site Location Map
    Site Plan Map
    Narrative Description of the Facility
    Legal Description
    Proof of Land Ownership and Certification
    Closure Plan
    Financial Assurance
    Operator-Initiated Modification of an Approved Permit
    Modification to Obtain Operating Authorization
    Permit Renewal
    AUTHORITY: Implementing Sections 5, 21, 22.33, 22.34, 22.35 and 39 and authorized
    by Section 27 of the Environmental Protection Act [415 ILCS 5/5, 21, 22.33, 22.34,
    22.35, 27 and 39].
    BOARD NOTE: This Part implements the Illinois Environmental Protection Act as of July
    1, 1994.
    SOURCE: Adopted at 18 Ill. Reg. 16942, effective November 30, 1994; amended in
    R97-29 at _____ Ill. Reg. _________, effective _____________.
    Section 831.107 Site Location Map

    All permit applications shall contain a site location map on the most recent United States
    Geological Survey ("USGS") quadrangle of the area from the 7 1/2 minute series
    (topographic), or on such other map whose scale clearly shows the following information:
    The permit area and all adjacent property, extending at least 1/2 mile
    beyond the boundary of the facility;
    The prevailing wind direction;
    All rivers designated for protection under the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act
    (16 U.S.C. 127 et seq.);
    The limits of all 10-year floodplains;
    All natural areas designated as a Dedicated Illinois Nature Preserve
    pursuant to the Illinois Natural Areas Preservation Act [525 ILCS 30];
    All historic and archaeological sites designated by the National Historic
    Preservation Act (16 U.S.C. 470 et seq.) and the Illinois Historic
    Preservation Act [20 ILCS 3410];
    All areas identified as a critical habitat pursuant to the Endangered Species
    Act (16 U.S.C. 1531 et seq.) and the Illinois Endangered Species
    Protection Act [520 ILCS 10];
    All main service corridors, transportation routes, and access roads to the
    All residences and areas in which people congregate within 1/2 mile of the
    facility boundaries;
    The locations of all on-site potable water supply wells and all potable water
    supply wells within 1/8 mile of the boundaries of the facility; and
    The types of land use for the properties immediately adjacent to the facility
    (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial, agricultural, etc.). This must
    include any zoning classifications of these properties and the location (and
    function) of all buildings within 1/2 mile of the facility; and.
    In the case of a facility that is developed or the permitted composting area
    of which is expanded after January 1, 1999, all of the following within 1/8
    mile of the nearest edge of the composting area:
    health care facilities;

    primary and secondary schools and their associated recreational
    areas; and
    pre-school and child care facilities and their associated recreational
    (Source: Amended at ____ Ill. Reg. _______, effective ____________)
    Section 831.109 Narrative Description of the Facility
    The permit application must contain a written description of the facility with supporting
    documentation describing the procedures and plans that will be used at the facility to
    comply with the requirements of this Part and any other applicable Parts of 35 Ill. Adm.
    Code: Chapter I. Such description must include, but not be limited to, the following
    An estimate of the maximum annual volume and peak daily volume of
    landscape waste the facility will be able to process;
    Proof of the following:
    The facility includes a setback of at least 200 feet from the nearest
    potable water supply well
    The facility is located outside the boundary of the 10-year
    floodplain or the site will be
    The facility is located so as to minimize incompatibility with the
    character of the surrounding area, including at least a 200 foot
    setback from any residence and in the case of a facility that is
    developed or the permitted composting area of which is expanded
    after November 17, 1991 the composting area is located at least
    1/8 mile from the nearest residence (other than a residence located
    on the same property as the facility)
    . In addition, in the case of a
    facility that is developed or the permitted composting area of which
    is expanded after January 1, 1999, the composting area is located at
    least 1/8 mile from each of the following:
    health care facilities;
    primary and secondary schools and their associated
    recreational areas; and
    pre-school and child care facilities and their associated
    recreational areas; and

    The design of the facility will prevent any compost material from
    being placed within 5 feet of the water table, will adequately
    control runoff from the site, and will collect and manage any
    leachate that is generated on the site
    (Section 39(m) of the Act);
    An operating plan, satisfying the requirements set forth in 35 Ill. Adm.
    Code 830.206;
    An early detection or groundwater monitoring system design, in
    accordance with 35 Ill. Adm. Code 830.Appendix A, if required pursuant
    to 35 Ill. Adm. Code 830.205(b)(1)(A)(iii) or 830.205(b)(2)(A)(iii);
    A contingency plan, satisfying the requirements set forth in 35 Ill. Adm.
    Code 830.212;
    Specification of the operating hours of the facility;
    The types of landscape waste that are proposed to be received by the
    Descriptions of the storage areas (including their capacities) that will be
    used to stage the waste before windrowing, to store bulking agent(s) or
    additives and to store the end-product compost; and
    Description of personnel training procedures, satisfying the requirements of
    35 Ill. Adm. Code 830.210.
    (Source: Amended at ____ Ill. Reg. ________, effective ___________)
    I, Dorothy M. Gunn, Clerk of the Illinois Pollution Control Board, hereby
    certify that the above opinion and order was adopted on the 17th day of June 1998 by a
    vote of 6-0.
    Dorothy M. Gunn, Clerk
    Illinois Pollution Control Board

    EXHIBITS R97-29
    Exh. 1
    : Prefiled testimony of Susan Garrett.
    Exh. 2
    : Additional testimony of Susan Garrett.
    Exh. 3
    : Prefiled testimony of Steven Handler.
    Exh. 4
    : Additional testimony of Steven Handler.
    Exh. 5
    : Prefiled testimony of Gloria Loukas.
    Exh. 6
    : Prefiled testimony of Renuka Desai.
    Exh. 7
    : Prefiled testimony of Jack Darin of the Sierra Club.
    Exh. 8
    : Prefiled testimony of William Holleman of the Illinois Citizen Action Public
    Education Committee.
    Exh. 9
    : Prefiled testimony of Earl Johnson of the Illinois Citizen Action Public Education
    Exh. 10
    : Prefiled testimony of Cheryl Doros.
    Exh. 11
    : Prefiled testimony of Peter Mueller.
    Exh. 12
    : Prefiled testimony of Edward Grskovich.
    Exh. 13
    : Prefiled testimony of Jacob Dumelle of the American Lung Association of
    Metropolitan Chicago.
    Exh. 14
    : Prefiled testimony of Mary Matthews and two lung diagrams.
    Exh. 15
    : Prefiled testimony of Scott Garrett.
    Exh. 16
    : NIOSH Alert, “Request for Assistance in Preventing Organic Dust Toxic
    Exh. 17
    Curriculum Vitae
    of Stephen Charles Edberg.

    Exh. 18
    : Proponents’ binder of miscellaneous materials forwarded to various persons and
    responses received from various persons, including persons in the health field.
    Exh. 19-A
    : National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease, “Asthma and Allergy
    Statistics,” February 1996.
    Exh. 19-B
    : “Data Watch, The case for managing asthma care.”
    Exh. 19-C
    : “An Economic Evaluation of Asthma in the United States,” Weiss, Gergen,
    and Hodgson, March 26, 1992.
    Exh. 20
    : Letter of August 30, 1994, from Rita Messing of the Minnesota Department of
    Health to Jerry Johnson.
    Exh. 21-A
    : Letter of August 7, 1997, from John Lumpkin of the Illinois Department of
    Public Health to Susan Garrett and Renuka Desai.
    Exh. 21-B
    : Letter of July 8, 1997, from Clinton Mudgett of the Illinois Department of
    Public Health to Renuka Desai.
    Exh. 22
    : Letter of July 25, 1997, from Colin Thacker of the Lake County Health
    Department to Renuka Desai.
    Exh. 23
    : “Allergic Bronchopulmonary Aspergillosis from a Contaminated Dump Site,”
    Kramer, Kurup, and Fink.
    Exh. 24
    : “Locally invasive pulmonary aspergillosis occurring in a gardener:
    occupational hazard?,” Zuk, King, Zakhour, and Delaney, 1989.
    Exh. 25-A
    : “Hypersensitivity pneumonitis from residential composting: residential
    composter’s lung,” Brown, Masood, Couser, and Patterson, January 1995.
    Exh. 25-B
    : “Hypersensitivity pneumonitis due to Aspergillus fumigatus in compost,”
    Vincken and Roels.
    Exh. 26-A
    : “Comparisons of Organic Dust Exposures in Agricultural Occupations and
    Waste Processing Industries,” Clark, 1986.
    Exh. 26-B
    : “Organic Dust Exposure From Compost Handling: Response of an Animal
    Model,” Frazer, Jones, Petsonk, Kullman, Barger, Afshari, Jones, and Castranova, 1993.
    Exh. 26-C
    : “Organic Dust Exposures From Compost Handling: Case Presentation and
    Respiratory Exposure Assessment,” Weber, Kullman, Petsonk, Jones, Olenchock,
    Sorenson, Parker, Marcelo-Baciu, Frazer, and Castranova, 1993.

    Exh. 27
    : “Respiratory pathophysiologic responses, Effect of environmental molds on risk
    of death from asthma during the pollen season,” Targonski, Persky, and Ramekrishnan.
    Exh. 28
    : “Medical Issues related to Municipal Waste Composting,” Johanning, Olmsted,
    and Yang.
    Exh. 29 reserved by hearing officer
    Exh. 30
    : Prefiled testimony of Joyce Munie of the Illinois Environmental Protection
    Exh. 31
    : Prefiled testimony of Elizabeth Harvey on behalf of Land and Lakes Company.
    Exh. 32
    : Prefiled testimony of Thomas Naatz and two color maps (one map entitled
    “Aspergillosis Cases by Zip Code Primary or Secondary Diagnosis 1993 Cases per
    100,000 Population” and the other map entitled “Allergic Alveolitis Cases by Zip Code
    Primary or Secondary Diagnosis 1993 Cases per 100,000 Population”) from a report
    entitled “Environmental Characterization of Bio-Aerosol Emissions from the DK
    Recycling Systems, Inc. Composting Facility in Lake Forest, Illinois,” dated April 15,
    1996, which is included with Mr. Naatz’s prefiled testimony.
    Exh. 33
    : Prefiled testimony of Charles Pick.
    Exh. 34
    : Prefiled testimony of Karen Strauss.
    Exh. 35
    Curriculum Vitae
    of Karen Strauss.
    Exh. 36
    : Prefiled testimony of Shirley Baer of the Illinois Environmental Protection
    Exh. 37
    : “Asthma Mortality and Hospitalization Among Children and Young Adults—
    United States, 1980-1993,” May 22/29, 1996.
    Exh. 38
    : “Environmental Risk Factors of Childhood Asthma in Urban Centers,”
    Malveaux and Fletcher-Vincent, September 1995.
    Exh. 39
    : “Observations on Asthma,” Bates, September 1995.
    Exh. 40
    : “Guidelines for the Diagnosis and Management of Asthma, National Heart,
    Lung, and Blood Institute, National Asthma Education Program, Expert Panel Report,”
    September 1991.
    Exh. 41
    : Illinois Environmental Protection Agency’s “Comparison of Landscape Waste

    Exh. 42
    : Comments of the City of Crystal Lake.
    Exh. 43
    : Comments of Paul Walker and Timothy Kelley of Illinois State University.
    Exh. 44 reserved by hearing officer
    Exh. 45
    : Comments of Andrew Quigley of the Solid Waste Agency of Lake County,

    PC 1 Comments of Robert Gillespie of DK Recycling Systems, Inc.
    PC 2 Comments of the City of Lake Forest
    PC 3 Comments of Lauren Beth Gash, State Representative
    PC 4 Comments of the City of Crystal Lake
    PC 5 Comments of the Chicago Recycling Coalition
    PC 6 Comments of the Lake County Conservation Alliance
    PC 7 Comments of the City of Evanston
    PC 8 Comments of Lois Grimm
    PC 9 Comments of Waste Management
    PC 10 Comments of the City of Elgin
    PC 11 Comments of Mark Teegen
    PC 12 Comments of Proponents
    PC 13 Comments of Proponents
    PC 14 Comments of Eliot Epstein, Ph.D., of E&A Environmental Consultants, Inc.
    PC 15 Comments of the Town of Normal
    PC 16 Comments of Cathy Mueller
    PC 17 Comments of Franklin Pease
    PC 18 Comments of Barbara Zimmerman
    PC 19 Comments of Carolyn Schaper
    PC 20 Comments of Keith and Libby Leman
    PC 21 Comments of the Illinois Composting Council
    PC 22 Comments of Gloria Loukas
    PC 23 Comments of Will County Land Use Department, Waste Services Division
    PC 24 Comments of the National Solid Wastes Management Association, Illinois Chapter
    PC 25 Comments of Land and Lakes Company
    PC 26 Comments of the City of Lake Forest with Karen Strauss’ Supplemental
    PC 27 Comments of the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency

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