J. Philip Novak, Chairman
Board Members:
G. Tanner Girard, Thomas E. Johnson,
Nicholas J. Melas, Andrea S. Moore
Illinois Pollution Control Board
James R. Thompson Center
100 W. Randolph, Suite 11-500
Chicago, Illinois 60601
(312) 814-3620
(312) 814-6032 TDD
Illinois Pollution Control Board
1021 North Grand Avenue East
P.O. Box 19274
Springfield, Illinois 62794-9274
(217) 524-8500
Web Site: http://www.ipcb.state.il.us
Letter from the Chairman
As you know, the Illinois Pollution Control Board is responsible for
adopting environmental standards and regulations for the State and for
adjudicating contested cases that arise from the Act and from the
regulations. These are important duties, and the Board will exercise them
for the restoration, protection, and enhancement of our state’s natural
In addition to those primary duties, Pollution Control Board
members also help to inform the people of the state about the process of
policy-making. Last month in this letter, I described to you the Board’s use
of information technology to increase knowledge of environmental laws and
regulations and to encourage public participation in our work. While the
Web is an important new source of information, we haven’t overlooked
more traditional means of communication.
Earlier this spring, I spoke in Springfield to a meeting of the Illinois
Association of Wastewater Agencies. In my remarks, I described the Board’s general responsibilities and the
procedures followed by the Board in promulgating administrative rules.
Board Member Andrea Moore recently represented the IPCB in a very different setting. As part of the
observance of Earth Day, she spoke to 3
, 4
, and 5
Grade students at George Washington Elementary School in
Park Ridge. She addressed the importance of safe drinking water and water conservation, and I know that she was
very well received there.
Board Members Tanner Girard, Tom Johnson, and Nicholas Melas also represent the Board in various
ways, and I don’t mean to overlook their contributions in this area. I only mention these two appearances to
indicate that we appear before a wide range of groups with very different interests in the environment. If you
belong to an organization that would be interested in having a Board member speak to it, please feel free to call the
Board office at the number listed on the front cover of this Register.
J. Philip Novak
Environmental Register – April 2004
Inside This Issue:
P. 1
P. 3
P. 5
P. 11
P. 13
P. 15
P. 21
Federal Update
United States Environmental Protection Agency Proposes Amendments to the Guidelines Establishing Test
Procedures for the Analysis of Pollutants Under the Clean Water Act and the Safe Drinking Water Act
On April 6, 2004 (69 Fed. Reg. 18165), the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) proposed
amendments to guidelines used under both the Clean Water Act and the Safe Drinking Water Act. USEPA stated
that the proposed addition of new and updated methods to the wastewater and drinking water regulations would
provide increased flexibility to the regulated community and laboratories in the selection of analytical methods.
The USEPA rulemaking proposes changes to the analysis and sampling procedures in wastewater regulations.
These changes include: (1) proposal of vendor-developed methods; (2) new USEPA and voluntary consensus
standard bodies (VCSB) methods; (3) updated versions of currently approved methods; (4) revised method
modification and analytical requirements; (5) withdrawal
collection, preservation, and holding time requirements.
USEPA is also proposing changes to drinking water analysis, monitoring, and sampling procedures under the
national primary drinking water regulations and the national secondary drinking water regulations. Amendments
include: (1) proposal of vendor-developed methods; (2) new EPA and VCSB methods; and (3) updated VCSB
Finally, USEPA is soliciting comment on the guidance document EPA Microbiological Alternate Test Procedure
(ATP) Protocol for Drinking Water, Ambient Water, and Wastewater Monitoring Methods.
Comments must be postmarked, delivered by hand, or electronically mailed on or before June 7, 2004. Comments
may be submitted by mail to Water Docket, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (4101T), 1200 Pennsylvania
Avenue NW., Washington DC 20460, or electronically through EPA Dockets at http://www.epa.gov/edocket/
Environmental Register – April 2004
The Board will include any necessary amendments to Board rules resulting from this federal action in future
wastewater pretreatment or SDWA identical in substance rulemaking pursuant to Sections 7.2 and 13.3 or 17.5 of
the Environmental Protection Act (415 ILCS 5/7.2, 13.3, 17.5(2002)). The Board expects that the Illinois
Environmental Protection Agency would propose amendments to the Board for any regulations required by the
Clean Water Act that fall outside the Board’s identical in substance rulemaking mandate.
United States Environmental Protection Agency Adopts Nitrogen Oxide Budgets and Phase
II Calls for Amendments to the State Implementation Plans Under the Clean Air Act
On April 21, 2004 (69 Fed. Reg. 21603), the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) adopted
amendments to the Interstate Ozone Transport regulations dealing with the nitrogen oxides (NOx) State
implementation plan (SIP) Call. These SIP Calls are necessary to reduce NOx emissions, thereby reducing ozone
formation and transport across State boundaries in the eastern half of the United States.
Perhaps most importantly, the rule adopted by USEPA establishes the final full NOx budgets for States subject to
the NOx SIP Call. This final rule affects States, such as Illinois, that submitted SIPs to meet the Phase I NOx SIP
Call budgets. These States must submit Phase II SIP revisions as needed to achieve the necessary incremental
reductions of NOx. The rule also requires Georgia and Missouri to submit SIP revisions meeting the full NOx SIP
Call budgets, since they were not required to submit Phase I SIPs. The rule requires these SIP submissions to be
made by June 24, 2005. This final rule also establishes the second phase of the NOx SIP Call by:
(1) finalizing the definition of electrical generating units (EGUs) as applied to certain small cogeneration
(2) setting the control levels for stationary internal combustion (IC) engines(large natural gas-fired
stationary IC engines control levels are set at 82 percent, and diesel and dual fuel stationary IC engines control
levels are set at 90 percent);
(3) excluding portions of Georgia, Missouri, Alabama and Michigan from the NOx SIP Call;
(4) revising statewide emissions budgets in the NOx SIP Call to reflect the appropriate increments of
emissions reductions that States should be required to achieve with respect to the three remanded issues (as
described above);
(5) as previously stated, setting a SIP submittal date for the Phase II portion of the budget, and for Georgia
and Missouri to submit full SIPs meeting the NOx SIP Call. The new date for submissions is June 24, 2005;
(6) setting the compliance date for implementation of control measures as May 1, 2007 (or, if later, the date
on which the source commences operation) for sources States choose to control under Phase II, including IC
engines and sources in Georgia and Missouri. Sources already controlled in an approved Phase I SIP are required to
meet the compliance date stipulated in that SIP, including non-Acid Rain EGUs and any cogeneration units that
were previously classified as EGUs and, whose classification changed to non-EGUs under this rule; and
(7) excluding Wisconsin from NOx SIP Call requirements.
This rule is effective June 21, 2004.
For further information contact Jan King, Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards, Air Quality Strategies and
Standards Division, C539-02, Research Triangle Park, NC, 27711, telephone (919) 541-5665, e-mail at
If any amendments to the Illinois air rules become necessary, the Board would expect the Illinois Environmental
Protection Agency to propose amendments using the Clean Air Act “fast-track” procedures at Section 28.5 of the
Environmental Protection Act (415 ILCS 5/28.5 (2002)).
Environmental Register – April 2004
United States Environmental Protection Agency Adopts Amendments to the Hazardous Waste Regulations
Under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act for Participants in the National Environmental
Performance Track Program, Allowing Longer Accumulation Times and Simplifying Reporting
On April 22, 2004 (69 Fed. Reg. 21737), the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) adopted
amendments to the hazardous waste regulations applicable only to members of USEPA's National Environmental
Performance Track Program (Performance Track).
The final rule includes a revision to the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) regulations to allow
hazardous waste generators who are members of Performance Track up to 180 days, and in certain cases 270 days,
to accumulate their hazardous waste without a RCRA permit or interim status. USEPA also added simplified
reporting requirements for facilities that are members of Performance Track and governed by Maximum Available
Control Technology (MACT) provisions of the Clean Air Act (CAA). This final rule reflects USEPA's response to
comments filed by the public, interested stakeholders and associations, the Performance Track Participants
Association, and Performance Track members. These provisions are intended to serve as incentives for facility
membership in the National Environmental Performance Track Program while ensuring the current level of
environmental protection provided by the relevant RCRA and MACT provisions.
This final rule is effective on April 22, 2004.
For further information contact Mr. Robert D. Sachs, Performance Incentives Division, Office of Business and
Community Innovation, Office of Policy, Economics and Innovation, Office of Administrator, Mail Code 1808T,
United States Environmental Protection Agency, 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington, DC 20460; telephone
number 202-566-2884; fax number 202-566-0966; e-mail address: sachs.robert@epa.gov, or Mr. Chad Carbone,
Performance Incentives Division, Office of Business and Community Innovation, Office of Policy, Economics and
Innovation, Office of Administrator, Mail Code 1808T, United States Environmental Protection Agency, 1200
Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington, DC 20460; telephone number 202-566-2178; fax number 202-566-0292; e-mail
address: carbone.chad@epa.gov.
The Board will include any necessary amendments to Board RCRA rules resulting from this federal action in a
future RCRA identical in substance rulemaking pursuant to Sections 7.2 and 22.4 of the Environmental Protection
Act (415 ILCS 5/7.2, 22.4 (2002)).
Rule Update
Board Adopts Proposal for Public Comment in RCRA Subtitle C Update, USEPA Amendments (July 1, 2003
though December 31, 2003) (R04-16)
On April 1, 2004, the Board adopted a proposal for public comment in RCRA Subtitle C Update, USEPA
Amendments (July 1, 2003 through December 31, 2003) (R04-16). The rulemaking proposes amendments to the
Illinois regulations that are “identical in substance” to hazardous waste regulations adopted by the United States
Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA). The USEPA rules implement Subtitle C of the federal Resource
Conservation and Recovery Act of 1976 (RCRA Subtitle C) (42 U.S.C. §§ 6921
et seq
. (2002)).
This docket includes federal hazardous waste amendments that USEPA adopted in the period July 1, 2003 through
December 31, 2003. The rulemaking proposal was published in the April 23, 2004 issue of the
Illinois Register
28 Ill. Reg. 6300 and 6313. The Board will accept public comments for 45 days after publication, through June 4,
2004. The Board anticipates adopting final rules based on this proposal at one of the June 2004 meetings.
The substantive amendments in this update deal with the USEPA action of July 30, 2003 (68 Fed. Reg. 44659)
related to the used oil management rule. USEPA stated that the amendments eliminated drafting errors and
ambiguities in the rule. The amendments were the reinstatement of three provisions adopted by a direct final rule
adopted by USEPA on May 6, 1998 (63 Fed. Reg. 24963); the direct final rule was withdrawn on July 14, 1998 (63
Fed. Reg. 37780) in response to adverse public comments. USEPA stated that the amendments clarify that 1)
Environmental Register – April 2004
mixtures of used oil and conditionally exempt small quantity generator waste are subject to the used oil management
standards without regard to how the mixture is to be recycled, and 2) the initial marketer of used oil that meets the
used oil fuel specification needs only to keep a record of the shipment to the facility to which the marketer delivers
the used oil. Persons interested in the details of the federal amendments should consult the July 30, 2003
The Board made additional, nonsubstantive, amendments to the Part 721 and 739 regulations in this rulemaking to
correct sections of the rules not affected by the underlying federal amendments.
Copies of the Board’s opinion and order in R04-16 may be obtained by calling Dorothy Gunn at 312-814-3620, or
by downloading copies from the Board’s Web site at www.ipcb.state.il.us.
For additional information contact Michael J. McCambridge at 312-814-6924; e-mail address
Board Adopts Proposal for Public Comment in Wastewater Pretreatment Update, USEPA Amendments
(July 1, 2003 though December 31, 2003) (R04-18)
On April 15, 2004, the Board adopted a proposal for public comment in Wastewater Pretreatment Update, USEPA
Amendments (July 1, 2003 through December 31, 2003) (R04-18). The rulemaking proposes amendments to the
Illinois regulations that are “identical in substance” to wastewater pretreatment regulations adopted by the United
States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA). The USEPA rules implement Sections 307(b), (c), and (d) and
402(b)(8) and (b)(9) of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act (33 U.S.C. §§ 1317(b), (c), and (d) and 1342(b)(8)
and (b)(9) (2002)).
This docket includes federal wastewater pretreatment amendments that USEPA adopted in the period July 1, 2003
through December 31, 2003. The rulemaking proposal was published in the April 30, 2004 issue of the
at 28 Ill. Reg. 6532 and 6555. The Board will accept public comments for 45 days after publication,
through June 14, 2004. The Board anticipates adopting final rules based on this proposal no later than July 8, 2004.
The first federal action the Board acted on was the amendments of December 22, 2003 (68 Fed. Reg. 71014),
related to discharges from facilities in the centralized waste treatment point source category. USEPA deleted certain
effluent limitations and pretreatment standards. USEPA deleted the selenium limitations and standards from certain
segments of 40 C.F.R. 437, Subpart A, which applies to the metals treatment and recovery subcategory. USEPA
further deleted the barium, molybdenum, antimony, and titanium limitations and standards from certain segments of
40 C.F.R. 437, Subpart B, which applies to the oils treatment and recovery subcategory. USEPA deleted the
molybdenum, antimony, aniline, and 2,3-dicholoroaniline limitations and standards from certain segments of 40
C.F.R. 437, Subpart C, which applies to the organics treatment and recovery subcategory. Finally, USEPA
amended segments of 40 C.F.R. 437, Subpart D, which applies to the multiple wastestream subcategory, to reflect
the amendments to the amendments to Subparts A through C. Other USEPA amendments related only to direct
dischargers, and not to wastewater pretreatment.
The Board proposes incorporating the wastewater pretreatment segments of the federal centralized waste treatment
point source category amendments without deviation from the corresponding federal text.
The only other federal action included in this update relates to amendments adopted by USEPA on July 21, 2003
(68 Fed. Reg. 43272), which amended the methods for analysis of water and wastewater. The amendments
incorporated new methods for analysis of microbiological contaminants:
Escherichia coli
, and
in fresh water and for enterococci in marine waters. The methods are published by a variety of sources, but
all are listed in 40 C.F.R. 136.3. USEPA corrected the July 21, 2003 amendments on September 19, 2003 (68 Fed.
Reg. 54934).
The Board proposes incorporating the federal July 21, 2003 amendments and September 19, 2003 corrections to 40
C.F.R. 136.3. This is done by updating the incorporation of 40 C.F.R. 136 by reference in Section 307.107(b) to
include the July 21, 2003 amendments and the September 19, 2003 corrections.
Environmental Register – April 2004
The Board requests public comment on the proposed incorporation of the federal July 21, 2003 amendments and
September 19, 2003 corrections to 40 C.F.R. 136.3.
The Board made additional, nonsubstantive, amendments to the Part 307 and 310 regulations in this rulemaking to
correct sections of the rules not affected by the underlying federal amendments.
Copies of the Board’s opinion and order in R04-18 may be obtained by calling Dorothy Gunn at 312-814-3620, or
by downloading copies from the Board’s Web site at www.ipcb.state.il.us.
For additional information contact Michael J. McCambridge at 312-814-6924; e-mail address
Board Actions
April 1, 2004
Via Videoconference
Springfield and Chicago, Illinois
R04-16 In the Matter of: RCRA Subtitle C (Hazardous Waste) Update, USEPA
Amendments (July 1, 2003 through December 31, 2003) –The Board adopted a
proposal for public comment in this “identical-in-substance” rulemaking to
amend the Board’s hazardous waste regulations.
R, Land
Administrative Citations
AC 03-27 IEPA v. Vince Harvey – The Board entered an interim opinion and order finding
respondent violated Sections 21(p)(1) and 21(p)(7) of the Environmental
Protection Act (415 ILCS 5/21(p)(1), (p)(7) (2002)) and assessing a penalty of
$3,000. The Board ordered the Clerk of the Board and the Illinois
Environmental Protection Agency to file within 14 days a statement of hearing
costs, supported by affidavit, with service on respondent.
AC 04-31 IEPA v. Equipping the Saints Ministry, Inc. – The Board denied complainant’s
motion for default judgment, and ordered the matter to proceed to hearing.
AC 04-47 IEPA v. James Haas, Jr. – The Board found that this Carroll County respondent
violated Section 21(p)(1) of the Environmental Protection Act (415 ILCS
5/21(p)(1) (2002)), and ordered respondent to pay a civil penalty of $1,500.
AC 04-48 IEPA v. Russell v. Weller, Evelyn L. Weller, and Springfield Iron and Metal Co.,
Inc. – The Board dismissed respondent’s petition for review in this
administrative citation as untimely filed. The Board found that these Sangamon
County respondents violated Section 21(p)(1) of the Environmental Protection
Act (415 ILCS 5/21(p)(1) (2002)), and ordered respondents to pay a civil penalty
of $1,500.
Environmental Register – April 2004
AC 04-52 IEPA v. Glen Cooper, Betty Cooper and Ronald Gernay d/b/a Ron’s
Sandblasting, Painting and Power Washing – The Board found the petition for
review deficient in this administrative citation involving a Cass County facility,
and ordered petitioners to file an amended petition to cure deficiencies no later
than May 1, 2004, or the petition would be subject to dismissal.
PCB 01-167 People of the State of Illinois v. ESG Watts, Inc. – The Board entered a final
order requiring respondent to reimburse the Office of the Attorney General
$7,140 for attorney fees and expert witness costs. This order follows the Board's
interim order of January 8, 2004, which found that this respondent had violated
Sections 9(a), 12(a), 21(d) and (o)(11) of the Environmental Protection Act (415
ILCS 5/9(a), 5/21(d)(1), (o)(11) (2002)) and assessed a penalty of $1,000,000.
PCB 03-214 Illinois Ayers Oil Co. v. IEPA – The Board affirmed in part and reversed in part
the Environmental Protection Agency’s March 28, 2003 decision to modify the
high priority corrective action plan and budget for respondents’ site in
Beardstown, Cass County.
UST Appeal
Motions and Other Matters
PCB 99-19 Karen & Anthony Roti, Paul Rosenstrock, and Leslie Weber v. LTD
Commodities – The Board denied respondents’ motion to supplement record.
Because this matter is now before the appellate court, the Board no longer has
jurisdiction to enter the requested order.
PCB 02-190 Mark IV Realty, Inc. v. IEPA – The Board granted petitioner’s motion for
voluntary dismissal of this underground storage tank appeal involving a Cook
County facility.
UST Appeal
PCB 04-103 Illinois State Toll Highway Authority (Des Plaines South) v. IEPA – The Board
accepted for hearing this underground storage tank appeal involving a Cook
County facility.
UST Appeal
PCB 04-104 Detrex Corporation v. IEPA – Having previously granted a request for a 90-day
extension, the Board dismissed this matter because no underground storage tank
appeal was filed on behalf of this Cook County facility.
UST Appeal
PCB 04-105 Webb & Sons, Inc. v. IEPA – The Board accepted for hearing this underground
storage tank appeal involving a Coles County facility.
UST Appeal
Environmental Register – April 2004
PCB 04-138 People of the State of Illinois v. Pinnacle Corporation d/b/a Town & Country
Homes – The Board denied respondent’s motion to dismiss complaint.
PCB 04-143
PCB 04-145
Great Lakes Dredge & Dock Company v. IEPA – The Board accepted PCB 04-
145 for hearing. The Board granted petitioner’s motion to consolidate this
underground storage tank appeal involving a Cook County facility with PCB 04-
UST Appeal
PCB 04-146 Jean A. Mathison and Rockford Stop-N-Go, Inc. v. Illinois Office of State Fire
Marshal – The Board granted petitioner’s motion for voluntary dismissal of this
underground storage tank appeal involving a Boone County facility.
UST Appeal
PCB 04-161 People of the State of Illinois v. ConocoPhillips Company – Upon receipt of a
proposed stipulation and settlement agreement and an agreed motion to request
relief from the hearing requirement in this air enforcement action involving a
Madison County facility, the Board ordered publication of the required
newspaper notice.
PCB 04-162 People of the State of Illinois v. Asbestos Control and Environmental Services
Corp. – The Board accepted for hearing this air enforcement action involving a
site located in Cook County.
PCB 04-163 Eaves Auto Repair v. IEPA – The Board granted this request for a 90-day
extension of time to file an underground storage tank appeal on behalf of this
Ford County facility.
UST Appeal
90-Day Ext.
PCB 04-164 People of the State of Illinois v. The Fields of Long Grove Home Owner’s
Association – The Board accepted for hearing this public water supply
enforcement action involving a site located in Lake County.
PCB 04-165 People of the State of Illinois v. Medical Waste Management, Inc. – The Board
accepted for hearing this special waste hauling enforcement action, involving
waste from facilities located in various counties.
PCB 04-166 Red Carpet Car Wash v. IEPA – The Board granted this request for a 90-day
extension of time to file an underground storage tank appeal on behalf of this
Macon County facility.
UST Appeal
PCB 04-167 L. Keller Oil Properties, Inc./Effingham/Downtown Super K v. IEPA – The
Board accepted for hearing this underground storage tank appeal involving an
Effingham County facility.
UST Appeal
Environmental Register – April 2004
PCB 04-168 L. Keller Oil Properties, Inc./Salem/Keller Oil (Pruden’s Shell) v. IEPA – The
Board accepted for hearing this underground storage tank appeal involving a
Marion County facility.
UST Appeal
PCB 04-169 Craig’s Service Station v. IEPA – The Board granted this request for a 90-day
extension of time to file an underground storage tank appeal on behalf of this
McLean County facility.
UST Appeal
90-Day Ext.
PCB 04-170 Chemrex v. IEPA – The Board granted this request for a 90-day extension of
time to file an underground storage tank appeal on behalf of this Cook County
UST Appeal
PCB 03-129
PCB 03-130
PCB 03-131
PCB 03-136
PCB 03-137
PCB 04-171
L. Keller Oil Properties, Inc./Charleston/Keller Oil v. IEPA – The Board
accepted PCB 04-171 for hearing. The Board granted petitioner’s motion to
consolidate this underground storage tank appeal involving a Coles County
facility with formerly consolidated cases PCB 03-129, PCB 03-130, PCB 03-
131, PCB 03-136, PCB 03-137.
UST Appeal
PCB 04-173 City of Sullivan v. IEPA – The Board granted this request for a 90-day extension
of time to file an underground storage tank appeal on behalf of this Moultrie
County facility.
UST Appeal
90 Day Ext.
April 15, 2004
Chicago, Illinois
R04-18 In the Matter of: Wastewater Pretreatment Update, USEPA Amendments (July
1, 2003 through December 31, 2003) – The Board adopted a proposal for public
comment in this “identical-in-substance” rulemaking to amend the Board’s
wastewater pretreatment regulations.
R, Water
Adjusted Standards
AS 00-13 In the Mater of: Petition of: Petition of Formel Industries, Inc. for an Adjusted
Standard from 35 Ill. Adm. Code 218.401(a),(b), and (c) (“the Flexographic
Printing Rule”) – The parties’ jointly moved to withdraw the adjusted standard
from 35 Ill. Adm. Code Section 218. 401 (a), (b), and (c) for three presses at
Formel’s facility in Franklin Park, Cook County. Consistent with condition 10
Environmental Register – April 2004
of the Board’s January 18, 2001 order granting the adjusted standard and at the
parties’ request, the Board terminated the adjusted standard as unnecessary
effective April 15, 2004.
Administrative Citations
AC 04-49 IEPA v. Bill Marshall – The Board found that this Marshall County respondent
violated Section 21(p)(1), (p)(3), (p)(4), and (p)(7) of the Act (415 ILCS
5/21(p)(1), (p)(3), (p)(4), (p)(7) (2002)), and ordered respondent to pay a civil
penalty of $6,000.
AC 04-50 IEPA v. American Disposal Services of Illinois, Inc. and David Bryant – The
Board found that these Livingston County respondents violated Section
21(o)(12) of the Act (415 ILCS 5/21(o)(12) (2002)), and ordered respondents to
pay a civil penalty of $500.
AC 04-51 IEPA v. Michael Moreton – The Board found the petition for review deficient in
this administrative citation involving a Coles County facility, and ordered
petitioner to file an amended petition to cure deficiencies no later than May 14,
2004, or the petition would be subject to dismissal.
AC 04-53 IEPA v. Roy Bell – The Board found that this Jersey County respondent violated
Section 21(p)(1) of the Environmental Protection Act (415 ILCS 5/21(p)(1)
(2002)), and ordered respondent to pay a civil penalty of $1,500.
PCB 03-218 Rochelle Waste Disposal, L.L.C. v. City Council of The City of Rochelle, Illinois
– The Board affirmed the City of Rochelle’s April 24, 2003 decision to deny
Rochelle Waste Disposal, L.L.C.’s request for local siting approval for a
proposed lateral and vertical expansion of the Rochelle Municipal Landfill No. 2
at 6513 South Mulford Road, Rochelle, Ogle County. The Board found the
procedures were fundamentally fair and that the City’s decision on criterion (i)
was against the manifest weight of the evidence, but that the decisions on criteria
(ii), (iii) and (vi) were not.
PCB 03-220 People of the State of Illinois v. Lehigh Press, Inc. a/k/a Lehigh Press-Cadillac,
Lehigh Cadillac-Direct, Lehigh Digital, and Lehigh Direct – In this air
enforcement action concerning a Cook County facility, the Board granted relief
from the hearing requirement of Section 31(c)(1) of the Environmental
Protection Act (415 ILCS 5/31(c)(1) (2002)), accepted a stipulation and
settlement agreement, and ordered the respondent to pay a total civil penalty of
$30,000 and to cease and desist from further violations.
Environmental Register – April 2004
PCB 04-4 People of the State of Illinois v. Best-Way Construction & Remediation, Inc. and
Clinton 6, L.L.C. – In this air enforcement action concerning a Cook County
facility, the Board granted relief from the hearing requirement of Section
31(c)(1) of the Environmental Protection Act (415 ILCS 5/31(c)(1) (2002)),
accepted a stipulation and settlement agreement, and ordered the respondents to
pay a total civil penalty of $11,000, and to cease and desist from further
Motions and Other Matters
PCB 00-142 People of the State of Illinois v. Keystone Consolidated Industries, Inc. d/b/a
Keystone Steel & Wire Company – The Board granted the parties’motion for
voluntary dismissal of this Resource Conservation and Recovery Act
enforcement action involving a Peoria County facility.
PCB 00-163 David and Jacquelyn McDonough v. Gary Robke – The Board granted
respondent’s motion to extend the stay of paragraph three of the Board’s
February 6, 2003 order until September 1, 2004.
PCB 04-114 Archer Daniel Midland Company (Peoria Dry Corn Mill and Ethanol Plant Title
V Permit) v. IEPA – Having previously granted a request for a 90-day extension,
the Board dismissed this matter because no permit appeal was filed on behalf of
this Peoria County facility.
P-A, Air
PCB 04-116 Oasis Industries, Inc. v. IEPA – The Board accepted for hearing the petition for
review and granted petitioner’s motion to file reduced number of copies in this
permit appeal involving a Kane County facility. No action was taken on
petitioner’s motion to stay effectiveness of CAAPP Permit.
P-A, Air
PCB 04-118 AJ Oil Company v. IEPA – Having previously granted a request for a 90-day
extension, the Board dismissed this matter because no underground storage tank
appeal was filed on behalf of this Peoria County facility.
UST Appeal
PCB 04-119 Illinois State Toll Highway Authority (Des Plaines Oasis South) v. IEPA – The
Board accepted for hearing this underground storage tank appeal involving a
Cook County facility.
UST Appeal
PCB 04-174 Cooper Oil Company v. IEPA – The Board granted this request for a 90-day
extension of time to file an underground storage tank appeal on behalf of this
Clay County facility.
UST Appeal
90-Day Ext.
PCB 04-175 Cooper Oil Company v. IEPA – The Board granted this request for a 90-day
extension of time to file an underground storage tank appeal on behalf of this
Clay County facility.
UST Appeal
90-Day Ext.
Environmental Register – April 2004
PCB 04-176 Three Square Feeds v. IEPA – The Board accepted for hearing this underground
storage tank appeal involving a Morgan County facility.
UST Appeal
PCB 04-177 Illinois State Toll Highway Authority (Des Plaines Oasis North) v. IEPA The
Board accepted for hearing this underground storage tank appeal involving a
Cook County facility.
UST Appeal
PCB 04-178 People of the State of Illinois v. H.B.M. Electrochemical Company and Ned
Mandich individually and as president of H.B.M. Electrochemical Company –
The Board accepted for hearing this land enforcement action involving a site
located in Cook County.
PCB 04-179 Southern Farms Country Eggs, Inc. v. IEPA – The Board granted this request for
a 90-day extension of time to file an underground storage tank appeal on behalf
of this Clinton County facility.
UST Appeal
New Cases
April 1, 2004 Board Meeting
People of the State of Illinois v. ConocoPhillips Company – Upon receipt of a proposed stipulation and
settlement agreement and an agreed motion to request relief from the hearing requirement in this air enforcement
action involving a Madison County facility, the Board ordered publication of the required newspaper notice.
People of the State of Illinois v. Asbestos Control and Environmental Services Corp. – The Board accepted
for hearing this air enforcement action involving a site located in Cook County.
Eaves Auto Repair v. IEPA – The Board granted this request for a 90-day extension of time to file an
underground storage tank appeal on behalf of this Ford County facility.
People of the State of Illinois v. The Fields of Long Grove Home Owner’s Association – The Board
accepted for hearing this public water supply enforcement action involving a site located in Lake County.
People of the State of Illinois v. Medical Waste Management, Inc. – The Board accepted for hearing this
special waste hauling enforcement action, involving waste from facilities located in various counties.
Red Carpet Car Wash v. IEPA – The Board granted this request for a 90-day extension of time to file an
underground storage tank appeal on behalf of this Macon County facility.
L. Keller Oil Properties, Inc./Effingham/Downtown Super K v. IEPA – The Board accepted for hearing this
underground storage tank appeal involving an Effingham County facility.
L. Keller Oil Properties, Inc./Salem/Keller Oil (Pruden’s Shell) v. IEPA – The Board accepted for hearing
this underground storage tank appeal involving a Marion County facility.
Craig’s Service Station v. IEPA – The Board granted this request for a 90-day extension of time to file an
underground storage tank appeal on behalf of this McLean County facility.
Chemrex v. IEPA – The Board granted this request for a 90-day extension of time to file an underground
storage tank appeal on behalf of this Cook County facility.
Environmental Register – April 2004
L. Keller Oil Properties, Inc./Charleston/Keller Oil v. IEPA – The Board accepted PCB 04-171 for hearing.
The Board granted petitioner’s motion to consolidate this underground storage tank appeal involving a Coles
County facility with formerly consolidated cases PCB 03-129, PCB 03-130, PCB 03-131, PCB 03-136, PCB 03-
Home Oil Company v. IEPA – No action taken.
City of Sullivan v. IEPA – The Board granted this request for a 90-day extension of time to file an
underground storage tank appeal on behalf of this Moultrie County facility.
AC 04-056
County of Vermilion, Illinois v. Jerry Hathaway and Darrell Cripe – Accept Case – The Board accepted
an administrative citation against these Vermilion
County respondents.
AC 04-057
IEPA v. Arlyn Ray d/b/a Arlyn Ray Construction, Tom Romero d/b/a Arlyn Ray Exteriors, Robert J.
Adams and Rita M. Adams – The Board accepted an administrative citation against these Woodford County
April 15, 2004 Board Meeting
Cooper Oil Company v. IEPA – The Board granted this request for a 90-day extension of time to file an
underground storage tank appeal on behalf of this Clay County facility.
Cooper Oil Company v. IEPA – The Board granted this request for a 90-day extension of time to file an
underground storage tank appeal on behalf of this Clay County facility.
Three Square Feeds v. IEPA – The Board accepted for hearing this underground storage tank appeal
involving a Morgan County facility.
Illinois State Toll Highway Authority (Des Plaines Oasis North) v. IEPA – The Board accepted for hearing
this underground storage tank appeal involving a Cook County facility.
People of the State of Illinois v. H.B.M. Electrochemical Company and Ned Mandich individually and as
president of H.B.M. Electrochemical Company – The Board accepted for hearing this land enforcement action
involving a site located in Cook County.
Southern Farms Country Eggs, Inc. v. IEPA – The Board granted this request for a 90-day extension of time
to file an underground storage tank appeal on behalf of this Clinton County facility.
AC 04-058
IEPA v. Terry Wilkerson – The Board accepted an administrative citation against this Woodford
County respondent.
AC 04-059
IEPA v. Tim Walker – The Board accepted an administrative citation against this Macon County
AC 04-060
IEPA v. Sharyn Fuller and Carl Benedict d/b/a Benedict Auto Sales – The Board accepted an
administrative citation against these Peoria County respondents.
AC 04-061
IEPA v. Florence Propheter and Propheter Construction Company – The Board accepted an
administrative citation against these Whiteside County respondents.
AC 04-062
IEPA v. Onyx Environmental Services – The Board accepted an administrative citation against this
Livingston County respondent.
AC 04-063
County of Jackson v. Egon Kamarasy – The Board accepted an administrative citation against this
Jackson County respondent.
AC 04-064
County of Jackson v. Egon Kamarasy – The Board accepted an administrative citation against this
Jackson County respondent.
Environmental Register – April 2004
Illinois Pollution
Control Board Meeting
Illinois Pollution Control Board
Hearing Room 1244 N, First Floor
1021 N. Grand Avenue East
Technical Correction to Formulas in 35 Ill. Adm.
Code 214 “Sulfur Limitations”
Illinois Pollution Control Board Hearing
1021 N. Grand Avenue east, North Entrance
In the Matter of: Clean-Up Part III, Amendments to
35 Ill. Adm. Code Part 211, 218, and 219
Illinois Pollution Control Board Hearing
1021 N. Grand Avenue East, North Entrance
In the Matter of: Revisions to Radium Water Quality
Standards: Proposed new 35 Ill. Adm. 302.307 and
amendments to 35 Ill. Adm. Code 302.207 and
Illinois Pollution Control Board Hearing
1021 N. Grand Avenue East, North Entrance
AC 03-32
IEPA v. Sharyn Fuller and Carl Benedict d/b/a
Benedict Auto Sales
Peoria County Board Room
324 Main Street
PCB 96-10
Vogue Tyre & Rubber Company v. IEPA
Illinois Pollution Control Board
Room 11-512
100 W. Randolph Street
Illinois Pollution
Control Board Meeting
Illinois Pollution Control Board
James R. Thompson Center
100 W. Randolph Street
Room 9-040
In the Matter of: Proposed Amendments to
Regulation of Petroleum Leaking Underground
Storage Tanks (35 Ill. Adm. Code 732)
(Consolidated: R04-22 and R04-23)
McLean County Law and Justice Center
104 S. Front, Room 700
In the Matter of: Regulation of Petroleum Leaking
Underground Storage Tanks (Proposed new 35 Ill.
Adm. Code 734) (Consolidated: R04-22 and R04-
McLean County Law and Justice Center
104 S. Front, Room 700
In the Matter of: Proposed Amendments to
Regulation of Petroleum Leaking Underground
Storage Tanks (35 Ill. Adm. Code 732)
(Consolidated: R04-22 and R04-23)
Lincoln Library, Carnegie North, 1st Floor
326 S. Second Street,
In the Matter of: Regulation of Petroleum Leaking
Underground Storage Tanks (Proposed new 35 Ill.
Adm. Code 734) (Consolidated: R04-22 and R04-
Lincoln Library, Carnegie North, 1st Floor
326 S. Second Street,
AC 03-32
IEPA v. Sharyn Fuller and Carl Benedict d/b/a
Benedict Auto Sales
Peoria County Board Room
324 Main Street
Environmental Register – April 2004
Illinois Pollution
Control Board Meeting
James R. Thompson Center
Hearing Room 11-512
100 W. Randolph Street
1021 N. Grand Avenue East
Oliver Holmes Conference Room 2012 N
Illinois Pollution
Control Board Meeting
Illinois Pollution Control Board
James R. Thompson Center
100 W. Randolph Street
Room 9-040
Environmental Register – April 2004
Illinois Environmental Protection Agency
Division of Public Water Supplies
Restricted Status List -- Public Water Supplies
The Restricted Status List was developed to give additional notification to officials of public water supplies which
are in violation of 35 Ill. Adm. Code, Subtitle F: Public Water Supplies, Chapter I or the Illinois Environmental
Protection Act.
The Restricted Status List will include all Public Water Supplies for which the Agency has information indicating a
violation of any of the following requirements: Finished water quality requirements of 35 Ill. Adm. Code, Part 604,
Subparts B and C; maintenance of adequate pressure on all parts of the distribution system under all conditions of
demand; meeting raw water quantity requirements of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 604.502; or maintenance of treatment
facilities capable of providing water "assuredly adequate in quantity" as required by Section 18 of the Illinois
Environmental Protection Act.
A public water supply on the Restricted Status List will not be issued permits for water main extensions, except for
certain limited situations, or unless the supply has been granted a variance from the Illinois Pollution Control Board
for the violation, or from permit issuance requirements of Section 39 of the Act.
This list is continually being revised as new information becomes available, and therefore, specific inquiries as to
the status of any public water supply should be directed to the Division of Public Water Supplies for final
determination. This list reflects the status as of April 1, 2004.
* Indicates public water supplies which have been added to the list since the previous publication.
Acorn Acres Sbdv (Lake Co - 0975020) 2 Inadequate Pres Tank 250 12/16/83
Alpha (Henry Co - 0730050) 1 Adjusted Gross Alpha 750 11/01/01
Alternative Behavior Treatment Center (Lake Co - 0977189) 2 Inadequate Pres Tank 64 06/15/88
Arlington Rehab & Living Ctr (Lake Co – 0971110) 2 Inadequate Hydro Storage 180 12/01/03
Aurora Community Water Assn (Kane Co - 0895750) 2 Inadequate Pres Tank 150 12/16/88
Bahl Wtr Corp (Jo Daviess Co - 0855200) 1 Inadequate Pres Storage 700 12/15/93
Biggsville (Henderson Co - 0710050)
5 Adjusted Gross Alpha 350 03/15/98
Bonnie Lane Water Supply (Kendall Co - 0930010) 2 Inadequate Pres Tank 49 09/16/93
Bradford (Stark Co - 1750050) 1 Gross Alpha 650 06/15/98
Bradley Hts Sbdv (Winnebago Co - 2015050) 1 Inadequate Pres Tank 192 09/13/85
Brimfield (Peoria Co - 1430150) 5 Adjusted Gross Alpha 933 10/15/02
Environmental Register – April 2004
Bryant (Fulton Co - 0570200) 5 Adjusted Gross Alpha 310 03/15/98
Buckingham (Kankakee Co - 0910250) 2 Inadequate Pres Tank 330 03/17/89
Bushnell (McDonough Co - 1090150) 5 Adjusted Gross Alpha 3,300 03/14/01
Carbon Hill (Grundy Co - 0630100) 2
Adjusted Gross Alpha 376 03/14/01
Carroll Hts Utl Cmpny (Carroll Co - 0155200) 1 Inadequate Pres Tank 80 03/20/81
Century Pines Apts (Carroll Co - 0150020) 1 Inadequate Pres Tank 50 12/14/90
Coyne Cntr Coop (Rock Island Co - 1615150) 1 Inadequate Pres Tank 150 12/15/97
Cropsey Cmnty Wtr (McLean Co - 1135150) 4 Inadequate Pres Tank 60 03/20/81
Crystal Clear Wtr Cmpny (McHenry Co - 1115150) 2 Inadequate Pres Tank 900 09/16/88
Crystal Hts Assn (McHenry Co - 1115100) 2 Inadequate Pres Tank 93 06/17/96
D and R Apts (Champaign Co - 0190030) 4 Inadequate Pres Tank 26 09/16/93
Deering Oaks Sbdv (McHenry Co - 1115200) 2 Inadequate Pres Tank 60 12/17/82
DeKalb Univ Dvl Corp (DeKalb Co - 0375148) 1 Inadequate Pres Tank 950 12/16/92
DeWitt Cnty NH (DeWitt Co - 0395129)
4 Inadequate Pres Tank 80 06/17/83
DL Well Owners Assn (Lake Co - 0975380) 2 Inadequate Pres Tank 125 03/18/83
Dover (Bureau Co - 0110350) 1 Inadequate Pres Tank 200 05/25/81
East End Wtr Assn (Rock Island Co - 1610140) 1 Inadequate Storage Capacity 40 03/15/02
Eaton PWD (Crawford - 0335100) 4 Indequate Source Capacity 920 03/15/02
East Moreland Wtr Corp (Will Co - 1975640) 2 Inadequate
Pres Tank 135 03/15/96
Eastmoreland Wtr Assn (Will Co - 1975600)
2 Inadequate Pres Tank 753 03/20/81
Edelstein (Peoria Co - 1435150) 5 Adjusted Gross Alpha 125 03/15/98
Edgington Water District (Rock Island Co-1615550) 1 Inadequate Pres Tank 470 03/20/81
Emmett Utl Inc (McDonough Co - 1095200) 5 Inadequate Pres Tank 39 12/17/82
Evansville (Randolph Co - 1570250) 6 Trihalomethane 850 06/15/02
Evergreen Vlg Sbdv (Rock Island Co - 1615310 1 Inadequate Pres Tank 250 03/20/81
Fahnstock Court Sbdv (Peoria Co - 1435200) 5 Inadequate Pres Tank 30 05/25/81
Environmental Register – April 2004
Fair Acres Sbdv (Will Co - 1975680)
2 Inadequate Pres Tank 185 10/19/81
Forest Lake Addn (Lake Co - 0975500) 2 Inadequate Pres Tank 180 12/16/83
Frwrd-Skyline Plant (Kane Co - 0895030) 2 Inadequate Pres Tank 1,300 09/19/86
Galva (Henry Co - 0730450) 1 Adjusted Gross Alpha 2,900 03/14/01
Garden Street Imprv Assn (Will Co - 1975376) 2 Inadequate Pres Tank 62 09/15/89
Gardner (Grundy Co - 0630400) 2 Adjusted Gross Alpha 1,450 03/14/01
Glasford (Peoria Co - 1430350) 5 Adjusted Gross Alpha 1,115 12/15/97
Good Shepherd Mnr (Kankakee Co - 0915189) 2 Inadequate Pres Tank 140 03/17/89
Great Oaks&Beacon Hls Apts (Winnebago Co-2015488) 1 Inadequate Pres Tank 943 12/17/82
Greenwood Outback (LaSalle Co - 0990080) 1 Inadequate Pres Tank 25 12/15/98
Harbor Lites/Pistakee Fshg Cl (McHenry Co - 1110011) 2 Inadequate Pres Tank 100 03/14/01
Hardinville Water Company (Crawford Co - 0330020) 4 Inadequate Source Capacity 2,361 03/15/02
Hawthorn Woods (Lake Co - 0970450) 2 Inadequate Pres Tank 800 03/15/95
Heatherfield Sbdv (Grundy Co - 0635150) 2 Inadequate Pres Tank 91 09/17/82
Hettick (Macoupin Co - 1170500)
5 Trihalomethane 220 06/15/02
Highland Sbdv (Kane Co - 0895530) 2 Inadequate Pres Tank 50 09/16/83
Hillview Sbdv (Will Co - 1975800) 2 Inadequate Pres Tank 99 03/15/85
Holy Family Villa (Cook Co - 0310280) 2 Inadequate Pres Tank 200 09/15/99
Hopewell (Marshall Co - 1235150) 1 Adjusted Gross Alpha 805 03/14/01
Ingalls Pk Sbdv (Will Co - 1975880)
2 Inadequate Pres Tank 690 09/16/83
Kewanee (Henry Co - 0730650) 1 Adjusted Gross Alpha 12,900 03/14/01
Kingston Mines (Peoria Co - 1430450) 5 Adjusted Gross Alpha 295 03/14/01
Kirk Wtr Line (Crawford Co - 0330030 4 Inadequate Source Capacity 72 03/15/02
Knoxville (Knox Co - 0950300) 5 Adjusted Gross Alpha 3,243 03/15/98
Lake Lynwood Wtr Sys (Henry Co - 0735330) 1 Inadequate Pres Tank 98 08/31/81
Lakeview Hills Wtr Supply Cp (Whiteside Co - 1955150) 1 Inadequate Pres Tank 146 03/20/81
Environmental Register – April 2004
Lakewood Shores Imprv Assn 2 Adjusted Gross Alpha 760 03/14/01
Land and Water Assn (LaSalle Co - 0995050) 1 Inadequate Pres Storage 110 06/15/01
Larchmont Sbdv (Winnebago Co - 2015290) 1 Inadequate Pres Tank 106 06/17/83
Larson Court Apartments (Rock Island Co - 1615728) 1 Inadequate Pres Tank 48 01/14/82
Legend Lakes Wtr Assn (Winnebago Co - 2015300) 1 Inadequate Pres Tank 225 03/14/91
Liberty Park Homeowners Assn (DuPage Co - 0435600) 2 Inadequate Pres Tank 1,092 09/17/92
Lindenwood Wtr Assn (Ogle Co - 1415300) 1 Inadequate Pres Tank 50 01/13/82
Lisbon North Inc (Grundy Co - 0631000) 2 Inadequate Pres Tank 30 09/14/90
Little York (Warren Co - 1870100) 5
Adjusted Gross Alpha 350 03/14/01
London Mills (Fulton Co - 0574620) 5
Inadequate Pres Tank 670 12/14/84
Lostant (LaSalle Co - 0990450) 1 Adjusted Gross Alpha 510 03/14/01
Lynn Cntr (Henry Co - 0735100) 1 Inadequate Pres Tank 147 03/15/95
Lynnwood Water Corp (LaSalle Co - 0995336) 1 Inadequate Pres Tank 114 03/18/83
M C L W Sys Inc (Mercer Co - 1315150) 1 Inadequate Source 100 03/20/81
Mapleton (Peoria Co - 1430500) 5 Adjusted Gross Alpha 350 03/15/98
Monmouth (Warren Co - 1870150) 5 Adjusted Gross Alpha 9,500 03/14/01
Mound PWD (St Clair Co - 1635050) 6 Inadequate Plant Capacity 1,800 06/17/96
Northwest Belmont Imprv Assn (DuPage Co - 0435900) 2 Inadequate Pres Tank 115 09/29/81
Oak Ridge Sndst (Woodford Co - 2035300) 1 Inadequate Pres Tank 240 03/20/81
Oakview Avenue Wtrwks Inc (Will Co - 1977210) 2 Inadequate Pres Tank 350 03/20/81
Oblong (Crawford Co - 0330150) 4 Inadequate Source Capacity 2,317 03/15/02
Olivet Nazarene College (Kankakee Co - 0915279) 2 Inadequate Pres Tank 1,450 03/15/94
Opheim PWS (Henry Co - 0735150) 1 Inadequate Pres Tank 150 06/18/82
Osco Mutual Wtr Supply Cpy Inc (Henry Co-0735200) 1 Inadequate Pres Tank 115 12/15/89
Park Road Wtr Assn (Will Co - 1977330) 2 Inadequate Pres Tank 60 12/17/82
Park View Wtr Corp (Kane Co - 0895500) 2 Inadequate Pres Tank 150 12/17/82
Environmental Register – April 2004
Patoka (Marion Co - 1210400) 6 Inadequate Plant Capacity 731 03/15/97
Polo Dr & Saddle Rd Sbdv (DuPage Co - 0437000) 2 Inadequate Pres Tank 95 12/17/82
Ports of Sullivan Lake Assn (Lake co - 0971160) 2 Inadequate Pres Tank 638 06/15/99
Prairie Oaks Ests Hmown Assn (Grundy Co - 0630060) 2 Adjusted Gross Alpha 96 10/15/02
Prairie Ridge Assn (McHenry Co - 1115730) 2 Inadequate Pres Tank 140 03/16/90
Ridgecrest North Sbdv (Grundy Co - 0635250) 2 Inadequate Pres Tank 85 09/16/93
Ridgewood Ledges Wtr Assoc(Rock Island Co-1615670) 1 Inadequate Pres Tank 475 03/20/81
Ridgewood Sbdv (Will Co - 1977650) 2
Inadequate Pres Tank 315 06/18/82
Riverwoods Spcl Dstrct 3 (Lake Co - 0971451) 2 Inadequate Souce Capacity 234 11/01/01
Robinson Palestine Wtr Cmsn (Crawford Co - 0335030) 4 Inadequate Plant Capacity 10,728 11/01/01
Santa Fe Ests (Peoria Co - 1435490) 5 Adjusted Gross Alpha 84 10/15/02
Sbdv Wtr Trust No 1 (Kane Co - 0895300) 2 Inadequate Pres Tank 1,120 03/20/81
Shawnita Trc Wtr Assn (Will Co - 1977690) 2 Inadequate Pres Tank 125 09/17/92
Silvis Heights (Rock Island Co – 1615750) 1 Inadequate Hydro Storage 1,500 12/01/03
Skyview Sbdv (Kankakee Co - 0915526) 2 Inadequate Pres Tank 65 09/14/84
South Wilmington (Grundy Co - 0630650) 2 Adjusted Gross Alpha 698 10/15/02
St Charles Cmsn Wlfnd 3 (DuPage Co - 0437040) 2 Inadequate Pres Tank 30 12/15/89
Standard (Putnam Co - 1550300) 1 Adjusted Gross Alpha 300 03/14/01
Sturm Sbdv (Lake Co - 0977010) 2 Inadequate Pres Tank 63 03/16/84
Suburban Heights Sbdv (Rock Island Co - 1615800) 1 Inadequate Pres Tank 114 12/16/83
Summit Homeowners Assn (Lake Co - 0975280) 2 Inadequate Pres Tank 48 03/16/84
Sunny Hill Ests Sbdv (Henry Co - 0735300) 1 Inadequate Pres Tank 525 06/15/00
Sunnyland Sbdv (Will Co - 1977730) 2
Inadequate Pres Tank 350 09/16/83
Swedona Wtr Assn (Mercer Co - 1315200) 1 Inadequate Pres Tank 100 06/15/90
Sylvan Lake 1st Sbdv (Lake Co - 0977100) 2 Inadequate Pres Tank 210 06/14/91
Toulon (Stark Co - 1750150) 1 Adjusted Gross Alpha 1,400 12/12/99
Environmental Register – April 2004
Towners Sbdv (Lake Co - 0977250) 2 Inadequate Pres Tank 238 01/14/82
Trimble Wtr Co (Crawford Co - 0335200) 4 Inadequate Source Capacity 350 03/15/02
Trivoli PWD (Peoria Co - 1435510) 5 Inadequate Pres Tank 350 06/17/83
Utl Inc Holiday Hills (McHenry Co - 1115350) 2 Inadequate Pres Tank 750 09/16/83
Utl Inc Lake Holiday (LaSalle Co - 0995200) 1 Inad Source & Treat Plt 4,908 09/15/98
Utl Inc Northern Hls Utl Co (Stephenson Co-1775050) 1 Inadequate Pres Tank 290 03/15/96
Utl Inc Walk-Up Woods Wtr Co (McHenry Co - 1115800) 2 Inadequate Pres Tank 763 12/17/82
Utl Inc Westlake Utilities Inc (Winnebago Co - 2010070) 1 Inadequate Source Capacity 25 11/01/01
Viola (Mercer Co - 1310450) 1 Adjusted Gross Alpha 950 10/15/02
West Shore Park Sbdv (Lake Co - 0977370) 2 Inadequate Pres Tank 450 06/15/00
West Shoreland Sbdv (Lake Co - 0977050) 2 Inadequate Pres Tank 220 06/14/91
Whispering Lakes Wtr Sys Inc (Lake Co - 0970220) 2 Adjusted Gross Alpha 375 03/14/01
Wienen Estates (Jo Daviess Co - 0850030) 1 Inadequate Pres Tank 70 12/15/97
Wonder Lake Wtr Cmpny (McHenry Co - 1115750) 2 Inadequate Pres Tank 1,161 06/16/94
Woodsmoke Ranch Assn (LaSalle Co - 0990030) 1 Inadequate Pres Tank 350 06/15/90
York Cntr Coop (DuPage Co - 0437550) 2 Inadequate Pres Tank 240 06/15/88
2nd Street Wtr Assn (Lake Co - 0971140) 2 Inadequate Pres Tank 33 12/15/95
West Salem (Edwards Co - 0470200)
Environmental Register – April 2004
Illinois Environmental Protection Agency
Division of Public Water Supplies
Critical Review List -- Public Water Supplies
The Critical Review List was developed to give additional notification to officials of public water supplies which
may be close to being in violation of 35 Ill. Adm. Code, Subtitle F: Public Water Supplies, Chapter I or the Illinois
Environmental Protection Act.
A supply will be placed on the Critical Review List when Agency records indicate that it is approaching any of the
violations which would place it on the Restricted Status List.
This list is continually being revised as new information becomes available, and therefore, specific inquiries as to
the status of any public water supply should be directed to the Division of Public Water Supplies for final
determination. This list reflects the status as of April 1, 2004.
* Indicates public water supplies which have been added to the list since the previous publication.
Andalusia (Rock Island Co – 1610050) 1 Inadequate Pres Tank 1,050 12/01/03
Arenzville (Cass Co - 0170050) 5
Inadequate Pres Tank 492 03/14/01
Beecher (Will Co - 1970050) 2 Inadequate Storage Capacity 2,032 03/14/01
Bluford (Jefferson Co - 0810100) 7 Low System Pressure 465 03/20/81
Browning (Schuyler Co - 1690050) 5 Inadequate Source 495 03/15/98
Clayton Camp Point Wtr Cmsn (Adams Co - 0015200) 5 Inad Pumping Capacity 1,200 09/15/98
Columbia (Monroe Co - 1330050) 6 Inad Pumping Capacity 5,893 03/15/98
DePue (Bureau Co - 0110300) 1 Inad Treatment Plant 1,930 12/15/93
Elizabeth (Jo Daviess Co - 0850150) 1 Low System Pressure 700 06/15/99
Evansville (Randolph Co - 1570250) 6
Low System Pressure 1,838 05/25/81
Galena (Jo Daviess Co - 0850200) 1 Low System Pressure 3,790 06/15/99
Highland Hills Sndst (DuPage Co - 0435560) 2 Inadequate Pres Tank 1,100 09/17/92
Joy (Mercer Co - 1310100) 1 Low System Pressure 495 06/15/99
LaMoille (Bureau Co - 0110500) 1 Inadequate Plant Capacity 750 06/15/99
Mahomet (Champaign Co - 0190450) 4 Inadequate Plant Capacity 4,877 10/15/02
Environmental Register – April 2004
Marion (Williamson Co - 1990550) 7 Inadequate Source Capacity 14,610 11/01/01
Mathersville (Mercer Co - 1310200)
1 Low System Pressure 793 09/13/00
McHenry Shores Wtr Cmpny (McHenry Co - 1115020) 2 Low System Pressure 1,170 09/17/92
Mechanicsburg Buffalo Wtr (Sangamon Co - 1675150) 5 Inadequate Source 1,030 03/15/98
Scales Mound (Jo Daviess Co - 0850400) 1 Low System Pressure 400 09/15/97
Seneca (LaSalle Co - 0991050) 1 Inadequate Plant Capacity 1,937 06/15/99
South Highway PWD (Jackson Co - 0775400) 7 Low System Pressure 8,189 06/15/92
Stockton (Jo Daviess Co - 0850450) 1 Low System Pressure 1,900 06/15/84
Sumner (Lawrence Co - 1010300) 7 Low System Pressure 1,553 12/13/85
Utl Inc Lake Marian Wtr Corp (Kane Co - 0895200) 2 Low Sys Pres & 800 09/14/84
Inad Pres Storage
Walnut Hill (Marion Co - 1210600) 6
Low System Pressure 1,200 06/14/85
Wonder Lake Wtr Cmpny (McHenry Co - 1115750) 2 Inadequate Storage 1,080 12/14/90
Clinton (DeWitt Co - 0390050)
------------------------------------------------CUT HERE------------------------------------------------
Environmental Register Comment Card
The Illinois Pollution Control Board is an independent five-member board
that adopts environmental control standards, rules on enforcement actions,
and other environmental disputes for the State of Illinois.
The Environmental Register is published monthly by the Board, and
updates on rulemakings, descriptions of final decisions, the Board’s hearing
calendar, and other environmental law information.
------------------------------------------------CUT HERE------------------------------------------------
Illinois Pollution Control Board
Environmental Register Coordinator
1021 N. Grand Avenue East
P.O. Box 19274
Springfield, Illinois 62794-9274