    4 2003
    December 2, 2003STATE OF ILLINOIS
    Rochelle Waste Disposal, L.L.C.,
    Pollution Control
    vs. City Council ofthe City ofRochelle, IL
    Case #~sPCB 03-188 and PCB 03-218
    Clerk ofthe Pollution Control Board
    Dorothy M. Gunn, clerk Illinois Pollution Control Board
    As a concerned citizen, I am writing this letter in protest of the proposed landfill
    expansion in Rochelle, IL.
    There have been two application hearings concerning this matter during the past three
    years. After reviewing all the facts and evidence presented, the City Council’s opinion
    was that this landfill is not safe for the health, safety and welfare ofourcommunity. The
    majority ofthe citizens ofRochelle agree that this landfill will not provide a safe
    Please listen to the citizens ofour community. We are trying to keep our city
    environmentally safe for our future generations.
    Thank you,
    Deborah Evans

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