October 2, 2003
    ) R03-15
    SDWA UPDATE, USEPA AMENDMENTS ) (Identical-in-Substance
    (July 1, 2002 through December 31, 2002) ) Rulemaking - Public Water Supply)
    Adopted Rule. Final Order.
    OPINION OF THE BOARD (by W.A. Marovitz):
    The Board today adopts amendments to the Illinois regulations that are “identical in
    substance” to drinking water regulations adopted by the United States Environmental Protection
    Agency (USEPA). The USEPA rules implement Sections 1412(b), 1414(c), 1417(a), and
    1445(a) of the federal Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) (42 U.S.C. §§ 300g-1(a), 300g-3(c),
    300g-6(a), and 300j-4(a) (1994)). This docket includes federal SDWA amendments that USEPA
    adopted in the period July 1, 2002 through December 31, 2002. The substantive amendments
    involved in this proceeding update the analytical methods approved for determining
    contaminants in drinking water. They also make minor changes to the consumer confidence
    report rule.
    Sections 7.2 and 17.5 of the Environmental Protection Act (Act) (415 ILCS 5/7.2 and
    17.5 (2002)) provide for quick adoption by the Board of regulations that are identical in
    substance to federal regulations that USEPA adopts to implement Sections 1412(b), 1414(c),
    1417(a), and 1445(a) of the federal SDWA. Section 17.5 also provides that Title VII of the Act
    and Section 5 of the Administrative Procedure Act (APA) (5 ILCS 100/5-35 and 5-40 (2002)) do
    not apply to the Board’s adoption of identical-in-substance regulations. The federal SDWA
    regulations are found at 40 C.F.R. 141 through 143.
    This opinion supports an order that the Board also adopts today. That order includes the
    text of the adopted amendments. The Board will cause the adopted amendments to be filed no
    later than October 23, 2003 and published in the
    Illinois Register
    The following briefly summarizes the federal actions considered in this rulemaking.
    Docket R03-1: July 1, 2002 through December 31, 2002 SDWA Amendments
    USEPA amended the federal SDWA regulations on five occasions during the period
    July 1, 2002 through December 31, 2002. These are summarized below:
    67 Fed. Reg. 65220 (October 23, 2002)
    USEPA updated the various methods used for analysis of contaminants in wastewater
    and drinking water. This included amendments to both the methods of 40 C.F.R. 136 and

    those referenced in 40 C.F.R. 141.
    67 Fed. Reg. 65888 (October 29, 2002)
    USEPA approved the analytical method and minimum reporting level for unregulated
    contaminant monitoring for
    bacteria and the approval of new methods for
    analysis of various synthetic organic chemical (SOC) contaminants in water.
    67 Fed. Reg. 68911 (November 13, 2002)
    USEPA corrected the October 29, 2002 action approving new methods for analysis for
    bacteria and the approval of two new methods for analysis of various SOC
    contaminants in water.
    67 Fed. Reg. 70850 (November 27, 2002)
    USEPA amended the public notice segments of the consumer confidence report rule
    (CCR). It revised the mandatory health effects language for two SOC contaminants:
    di(2-ethylhexyl)adipate and di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate. USEPA made a small number of
    minor amendments to the appendix to the CCR.
    67 Fed. Reg. 73011 (December 9, 2002)
    USEPA corrected a single misspelling in the November 27, 2002 (67 Fed. Reg. 70850)
    amendments to the public notice segments of the consumer confidence report rule (CCR).
    No Board Action on Certain Aspects of the Federal Actions
    Certain aspects of two of the federal actions that occurred during the period of July 1,
    2002 through December 31, 2002, will require no action on the part of the Board to amend the
    Illinois drinking water regulations. Major segments of the federal action of October 29, 2002
    (67 Fed. Reg. 65888), related to monitoring for the unregulated microbiological contaminant,
    bacteria. On November 13, 2002 (67 Fed. Reg. 68911), USEPA adopted corrections
    to the October 29, 2002 amendments, including segments relating to the
    monitoring requirements. As stated in SDWA Update, USEPA Regulations (July 1, 1999
    through December 31, 1999), R00-10 (Aug. 24, 2000), USEPA and the Agency have both
    commented that the unregulated contaminant monitoring provisions are not segments of the
    federal SDWA rules that the Board is required to adopt and maintain. The Board will take no
    action on the aspects of these two sets of amendments that relate to unregulated contaminant
    monitoring for
    Other Federal Actions Having a Direct Impact on the
    Illinois SDWA (Drinking Water) Regulations
    In addition to the amendments to the federal SDWA regulations, amendments to certain
    other federal regulations occasionally have an effect on the Illinois hazardous waste rules. Most
    notably, 35 Ill. Adm. Code 611.102 includes the incorporation of Appendices B and C of 40
    C.F.R. 136 by reference. These are federal Clean Water Act methods for analysis of
    contaminants in water.

    As of the date of adopting the amendments involved in this docket, the Board has found
    three sets of amendments to the analytical methods for analysis of contaminants in water in 40
    C.F.R. 136, but none of those amendments affected the text of the incorporated materials of
    Appendices B and C. The three sets of amendments are the following: October 23, 2002 (67
    Fed. Reg. 65220), October 29, 2002 (67 Fed. Reg. 65876), and November 19, 2002 (67 Fed.
    Reg. 69952). Segments of the USEPA amendments of October 23, 2002 and October 29, 2002,
    also involved drinking water methods, but the segments relating to 40 C.F.R. 136 will not
    require Board attention. The federal amendments of November 19, 2002, are similarly irrelevant
    to drinking water regulation; they pertain to whole effluent toxicity (WET) testing.
    None of these will require the Board to update the version of 40 C.F.R. 136 incorporated
    by reference in Section 611.102 to include the amendments.
    Summary Tabulation of the Federal Actions Included in This Docket
    October 23, 2002
    (67 Fed. Reg. 65220)
    Updated methods for analysis of drinking water contaminants.
    October 29, 2002
    (67 Fed. Reg. 65888)
    Two new methods for analysis of SOC contaminants in drinking
    November 13, 2002
    (67 Fed. Reg. 68911)
    Correction of the October 29, 2002 new methods for analysis of SOC
    contaminants in drinking water.
    November 27, 2002
    (67 Fed. Reg. 70850)
    Revised mandatory health effects language for di(2-ethylhexyl)-
    adipate and di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate and minor amendments to the
    appendix to the CCR.
    December 9, 2002
    (67 Fed. Reg. 73011)
    Correction to the November 27, 2002 CCR amendments.
    The Board proposed the present amendments for public comment on July 10, 2003. A
    Notice of Proposed Amendments appeared in the July 25, 2003 issue of the
    Illinois Register
    , at
    27 Ill. Reg. 11389. The Board received public comments on this proposal for 45 days following
    that publication, until September 8, 2003. USEPA filed a September 9, 2003 request for
    additional time, until September 30, 2003, to file its comments. USEPA filed its comments on
    October 1, 2003. The Board hereby accepts the USEPA comments. The Board will file the
    adopted amendments with the Secretary of State no later than October 23, 2003.
    During the public comment period the Board received two comments, as follow:
    PC 1 September 8, 2003 letter from Lou Allyn Byus, Assistant Manager, Field
    Operations, Division of Public Water Supplies, Illinois Environmental Protection
    Agency, with attached July 17, 2003 letter from Charlene Denys, Chief, Ground
    Water and Drinking Water Branch, USEPA Region 5 to Roger Selburg, Manager,
    Division of Public Water Supplies.

    PC 2 September 30, 2003 letter from Charlene J. Denys, Chief, Ground Water and
    Drinking Water Branch, USEPA, Region 5.
    In PC 1, the Agency requests that the Board delete segments of the regulations and of
    certain Board notes that pertain to aldicarb, aldicarb sulfoxide, and aldicarb sulfone (the
    aldicarbs). That request is discussed in detail in the segment of this opinion that begins on page
    9. The Board has amended the rules to address the substance of the Agency’s suggestions. The
    Agency further requests that the Board make specific corrections to various segments of the
    rules. The Board has made those corrections, as requested, and will not discuss them in any
    detail. The corrections are itemized and indicated as suggested by the Agency, however, in the
    table that begins on page 87 of this opinion. In PC 2, USEPA expressed its agreement with the
    comments of the Agency and stated that the Agency comments addressed all of USEPA’s
    In addition to the comments received, the Board received a copy of the proposed
    amendments from the Joint Committee on Administrative Rules (JCAR) with suggested minor
    amendments and corrections to the text. The Board does not discuss any particular JCAR
    suggestion or change prompted by any JCAR suggestion. The revisions adopted are marked as
    suggested by JCAR in the table that begins on page 87 of this opinion. A table that begins on
    page 95 indicates suggestions that the Board has not incorporated, along with a brief description
    of the reasons that the Board chose not to follow each suggestion.
    The following discussion begins with a description of the types of deviations the Board
    makes from the literal text of federal regulations in adopting identical-in-substance rules. It is
    followed by a discussion of the amendments and actions undertaken in direct response to the
    federal actions involved in this proceeding. This first series of discussions is organized by
    federal subject matter, generally appearing in chronological order of the relevant
    notices involved. Finally, this discussion closes with a description of the amendments
    and actions that are not directly derived from the federal actions.
    Discussion of the Federal Actions
    Updated Methods for Analysis for Contaminants—Sections 611.101, 611.109, 611.510,
    611.526, 611.600, 611.601, 611.611, 611.612, 611.645, and 611.720
    On October 23, 2002 (67 Fed. Reg. 65220), USEPA amended the methods for analysis of
    contaminants in water and wastewater. This included analytical methods used for determining
    compliance with the SDWA drinking water requirements. The methods are for determining
    chemical, microbiological, and radiological contamination of water. USEPA noted that a
    number of entities updated their published methods: ASTM International, the United States
    Geological Survey (USGS), the United States Department of Energy (USDOE), the American
    Public Health Association (APHA), the American Water Works Association (AWWA), and the
    Water Environment Federation (WEF). In updating the references to the various methods,
    USEPA stated that previously approved versions of the methods are still available for use. On

    October 29, 2002, USEPA approved two new methods for analysis of drinking water for various
    SOC contaminants. USEPA published a correction to the October 29, 2002 notice on
    November 13, 2002 (67 Fed. Reg. 68911). Persons interested in the details of the federal
    amendments should consult the
    Federal Register
    notices of October 23, 2002, October 29, 2002,
    and November 13, 2002.
    The Board incorporated the October 23, 2002 and October 29, 2002 federal amendments
    into the Illinois drinking water regulations by revision of the various references to the methods,
    where necessary, and by updating the incorporations of the methods by reference. The principal
    amendments on October 23, 2002, included the addition of references to the new Twentieth
    Edition of the
    Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater
    and updating
    several of the ASTM method references. The principal amendments on October 29, 2003,
    included the addition of USEPA methods 531.2 and 515.4 for SOC contaminants, two
    commercially available methods for total coliforms in water, two new methods for analysis of
    cyanide in water (one available from USEPA, and one commercially available), and a
    commercial method for analysis of a single SOC in water. These amendments prompted a
    plenary review of all the methods incorporated by reference and of the incorporations of those
    methods by reference. This has resulted in the addition and deletion of a number of
    incorporations of methods by reference based on substantive references to the methods for use in
    the text of the rules. The Board notes that new USEPA methods 531.2 and 515.4 are available
    for download from the USEPA website. This is the first time the Board has listed the Internet as
    a source for incorporated documents.
    The table that appears below on page 12 itemizes the changes made by the Board to the
    text of the federal rules. The Board requested public comment on the October 23, 2002 and
    October 29, 2002 federal analytical methods amendments and the November 13, 2002
    corrections. Although the Board received a number of suggestions for minor corrections to the
    text, there were no substantive comments.
    Revised Health Effects Language for the Consumer Confidence Rule—Appendix A to Part
    On November 27, 2002 (67 Fed. Reg. 70850), USEPA amended aspects of the health
    effects language for the consumer confidence rule. The principal amendments relate to two
    chemicals, di(2-ethylhexyl)adipate and di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate. Other amendments are called
    minor corrections by USEPA. USEPA published a minor correction to the November 27, 2002
    action on December 9, 2002 (67 Fed. Reg. 73011). Persons interested in the details of the
    federal amendments should consult the
    Federal Register
    notices of November 27, 2002 and
    December 9, 2002.
    The Board incorporated the November 27, 2002 and December 9, 2002 federal
    amendments into the Illinois drinking water regulations with only minor stylistic changes that
    have no substantive effect.
    The table that appears below on page 12 itemizes the changes made by the Board to the
    text of the federal rules. The Board requested public comment on the November 27, 2002 and

    December 9, 2002 federal analytical methods amendments. Although the Board received a
    number of suggestions for minor corrections to the text, there were no substantive comments.
    General Revisions and Deviations from the Federal Text
    In incorporating the federal rules into the Illinois system, some deviation from the federal
    text is unavoidable. This deviation arises primarily through differences between the federal and
    state regulatory structure and systems. Some deviation also arises through errors in and
    problems with the federal text itself. The Board conforms the federal text to the Illinois rules
    and regulatory scheme and corrects errors in the text during these routine update rulemakings.
    In addition to the amendments derived from federal amendments, the Board often finds it
    necessary to alter the text of various passages of the existing rules as provisions are opened for
    update in response to USEPA actions. This involves correcting deficiencies, clarifying
    provisions, and making other changes that are necessary to establish a clear set of rules that
    closely parallel the corresponding federal requirements within the codification scheme of the
    Illinois Administrative Code.
    The Board updates the citations to the
    Code of Federal Regulations
    to the most recent
    version available. As of the date of this opinion, the most recent version of the
    Code of Federal
    available to the Board is the July 1, 2002 edition. Thus, we have updated all
    citations to the 2002 edition, adding references to later amendments using their appropriate
    Federal Register
    citation, where necessary.
    The Board substituted “or” for “/” in most instances where this appeared in the federal
    base text, using “and” where more appropriate. The Board further used this opportunity to make
    a number of corrections to punctuation, grammar, spelling, and cross-reference format
    throughout the opened text. We changed “who” to “that” and “he” or “she” to “it,” where the
    person to which the regulation referred was not necessarily a natural person, or to “he or she,”
    where a natural person was evident; changed “which” to “that” for restrictive relative clauses;
    substituted “must” for “shall”; capitalized the section headings and corrected their format where
    necessary; and corrected punctuation within sentences.
    In addition, the federal rules have been edited to establish a uniform usage throughout the
    Board’s regulations. For example, with respect to “shall,” “will,” and “may,” “must” is used
    when an action is required by the rule, without regard to whether the action is required of the
    subject of the sentence or not. “Shall” is no longer used, since it is not used in everyday
    language. Thus, where a federal rule uses “shall,” the Board usually substitutes “must.” An
    exception to this would be that the Board renders such phrases as “no person shall” as “no
    person may.” This is a break from our former practice where “shall” was used when the subject
    of a sentence has a duty to do something. “Will” is used when the Board obliges itself to do
    something. “May” is used when choice of a provision is optional, with the exception of
    proscriptive use of may as indicated in the above example. “Or” is used rather than “and/or,”
    and denotes “one or both.” “Either . . . or” denotes “one but not both.” “And” denotes “both.”

    JCAR has requested that the Board refer to the United States Environmental Protection
    Agency in the same manner throughout all of our bodies of regulations—
    , air, water, drinking
    water, Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) Subtitle D (municipal solid waste
    landfill), RCRA Subtitle C (hazardous waste), underground injection control (UIC), etc. The
    Board has decided to refer to the United States Environmental Protection Agency as “USEPA.”
    We will continue this conversion in future rulemakings, as additional sections become open to
    amendment. We will further convert “EPA” used in federal text to “USEPA,” where USEPA is
    clearly intended.
    The Board has assembled tables to aid in the location of these alterations and to briefly
    outline their intended purpose. The tables set forth the miscellaneous deviations from the federal
    text and corrections to the pre-amended base text of the rules in detail. The tables are set forth
    and explained beginning at page 12 of this opinion. There is no further discussion of most of the
    deviations and revisions elsewhere in this opinion.
    Agency or Board Action
    Section 7.2(a)(5) of the Act requires the Board to specify portions of the program USEPA
    over which will retain decision making authority. Based on the general division of functions
    within the Act and other Illinois statutes, the Board is also to specify which State agency is to
    make decisions.
    In situations in which the Board has determined that USEPA will retain decision-making
    authority, the Board has replaced “Regional Administrator” with USEPA, so as to avoid
    specifying which office within USEPA is to make a decision.
    In some identical-in-substance rules, certain decisions pertaining to a permit application
    are not appropriate for the Agency to consider. In determining the general division of authority
    between the Agency and the Board, the following factors should be considered:
    1. Whether the person making the decision is applying a Board regulation, or taking
    action contrary to a Board regulation--
    , the decision is effectively granting
    relief from a Board regulation. It generally takes some form of Board action to
    grant relief from a Board regulation.
    2. Whether there is a clear standard for action such that the Board can give
    meaningful review to an Agency decision.
    3. Whether the action would result in exemption from the permit requirement itself.
    If so, Board action is generally required.
    4. Whether the decision amounts to “determining, defining or implementing
    environmental control standards” within the meaning of Section 5(b) of the Act.
    If so, it must be made by the Board.

    There are four common classes of Board decisions: variance, adjusted standard, site-
    specific rulemaking, and enforcement. The first three are methods by which a regulation can be
    temporarily postponed (variance) or adjusted to meet specific situations (adjusted standard or
    site-specific rulemaking). There often are differences in the nomenclature for these decisions
    between the USEPA and Board regulations.
    Discussion of Corrective Amendments
    The Board has traditionally used the occasion of these identical-in-substance updates to
    correct segments of the base text of the Illinois regulations. The Board has added to this
    proceeding a number of corrective amendments to sections of the rules not affected by the
    underlying federal amendments. These corrections are nearly exclusively non-substantive in
    When a necessary minor correction comes to the attention of the Board, Board staff
    makes a note of the correction, and it is set aside until the next opportunity to make the
    correction. The next opportunity generally presents itself when the section involved is next
    opened for amendment as a result of amendments to the corresponding federal text. Over the last
    few years, the Board has cataloged many changes, but the pace of completing the corrections has
    been slow, since only a limited number of all the sections involved in the wastewater
    pretreatment regulations have been the subject of federal amendments.
    The Board is including a number of corrections in this docket. The overall length of the
    text of Part 611 is about 450 pages. The Board has reviewed the text of Part 611 in its entirety,
    and the proposal for public comment includes all corrections that came to the attention of the
    Board. In the future, as time allows, the Board will open other Parts of Subtitle F relating to
    drinking water for corrections if federally derived amendments prompt such action.
    The Board will not discuss particular corrective amendments in this segment of this
    discussion. The corrections are each itemized in the table that begins on page 12 of this opinion.
    The Board requested that the Agency, JCAR, and the regulated community review the table and
    the text of the corrections and comment on the corrections. The Board also asked that the
    Agency, JCAR, and the regulated community aid in this process by submitting suggestions for
    correction of any errors of which they were aware. The Board received suggestions for
    corrections from the Agency, in PC 1, and from JCAR. The Board has made corrections to the
    text based on the suggestions received. The following discussion considers the Agency
    suggestions relating to the aldicarbs. The Board does not engage in specific discussion of the
    rest of the suggested changes, but the corrections made are reflected in table 3, which begins on
    page 87 of this opinion, and those not made are indicated in table 4, beginning on page 95.
    Deletion of Requirements Relating to Aldicarb, Aldicarb Sulfoxide, and
    Aldicarb Sulfone
    In PC 1, the Agency requested that the Board delete all references in the regulations that
    relate to aldicarb, aldicarb sulfoxide, and aldicarb sulfone (the aldicarbs). These references
    relate to the maximum contaminant level (MCL), monitoring, analytical methods, and laboratory

    certification requirements for the aldicarbs (the aldicarb requirements). The Agency attached a
    letter from USEPA and asserts that Illinois does not need to retain the aldicarb requirements to
    satisfy USEPA requirements. The letter from USEPA briefly outlines the history and status of
    the aldicarb requirements. USEPA concludes that it is not necessary to the State to retain the
    aldicarb requirements until USEPA takes further action under a national primary drinking water
    regulation (NPDWR) relating to them.
    USEPA established the aldicarb requirements in 1991 as part of the “Phase IIB”
    NPDWRs, at 56 Fed. Reg. 30266 (July 1, 1991). They were to become effective January 1,
    56 Fed. Reg. 30266, 30274 (adding 40 C.F.R. 141.6(g) for the Phase IIB NPDWRs).
    That action added the aldicarb requirements: the MCLs (40 C.F.R. 141.61(c)), the best available
    technology (BAT) designations (40 C.F.R. 141.61(b)), the laboratory certification requirements
    (40 C.F.R. 141.24(h)(19)), and the public notification requirements (40 C.F.R. 141.32(e)(25)-
    (e)(27)). The structure of the regulations was such that the existence of MCLs imposed
    analytical requirements for the aldicarbs.
    40 C.F.R. 141.24(h)(11) (1991).
    USEPA indefinitely postponed the effective date for the aldicarb requirements in 1992.
    57 Fed. Reg. 22178 (May 27, 1992). USEPA stayed the effectiveness pending its
    reconsideration of the MCLs for the aldicarbs. To effect the stay, USEPA amended the effective
    date statement for the Phase IIB requirements to postpone the effectiveness of the MCLs for the
    aldicarbs, but did not postpone the effectiveness of the public notice requirements. Further,
    USEPA added a footnote that required monitoring for the aldicarbs as unregulated contaminants.
    57 Fed. Reg. 22178.
    The Board observes that 40 C.F.R. 141.24(h)(11) imposes monitoring requirements for
    the purpose of demonstrating compliance with the MCLs of 40 C.F.R. 141.61(c). If there is no
    effective MCL, the monitoring requirements cannot apply. Similarly, the requirements for
    public notice cannot apply if there is no effective MCL, and the federal laboratory certification
    requirements cannot apply if analyses for the aldicarbs are not required to demonstrate
    When incorporating the Phase IIB requirements into the Illinois regulations, in Phase IIB,
    and Lead and Copper Rules (June 1, 1991 through December 31, 1991), R92-3 (May 5, 1993),
    the Board incorporated the substantive content of the federal regulations. To effect the federal
    stay, the Board added Board notes to references to the aldicarbs at Sections 611.311 (listings of
    the MCLs and BAT), 611.640 (definition of “Phase IIB SOCs”), 611.648(b) (sampling
    requirements), and Table Z to Part 611 (listing the federal effective date). The notes explained
    the stay of the effective date for the MCLs, but also stated that the monitoring requirements for
    the aldicarbs were to become effective on January 1, 1993.
    The Agency requested in PC 1 that the Board remove all requirements pertaining to the
    aldicarbs from the Illinois regulations. The Agency especially requests that the Board remove
    the segment of the Board notes that states that the monitoring requirements became effective
    1. USEPA indicated in the most recent semiannual regulatory agenda that it anticipates adoption
    of such an NPDWR in August 2005.
    68 Fed. Reg. 31108 (May 27, 2003).

    January 1, 1993. The Board has granted the Agency’s request in significant part in these adopted
    amendments, but the Board cannot grant the request in its entirety.
    Sections 7.2 and 17.5 of the Act require the Board to adopt regulations that are identical-
    in-substance to the federal regulations. The federal regulations have retained the aldicarb
    requirements for several years, and USEPA has not taken action to remove them. USEPA
    instead amended the effective date requirement to indefinitely postpone their effective date for
    the MCLs for these contaminants. The MCLs, although not yet effective, remain codified in 40
    C.F.R. 141.61(c). The laboratory certification requirements remain codified in 40 C.F.R.
    141.24(h)(18) and (h)(19). The mandatory health effects language remains at 40 C.F.R.
    141.32(e)(25) through (e)(27).
    Section 7.2 of the Act defines “identical in substance” as meaning State regulations that
    require the same actions by the same persons as the federal regulations would require if
    administered in Illinois. Thus, the removal of the aldicarb requirements from the Illinois
    regulations is possible because the federal aldicarb requirements would impose no requirements
    if they were implemented in Illinois because they never became effective. The federal aldicarb
    requirements will not become effective until USEPA amends its rules to remove the
    postponement language from 40 C.F.R. 141.6. While it is possible to remove all of the aldicarb
    requirements and maintain the Illinois regulations as identical-in-substance to the federal rules,
    removal of the aldicarb requirements would create a disparity between the language of the State
    and federal rules. The Board would prefer to avoid such a disparity, especially since there is a
    simple alternative that would avoid the disparity.
    Rather than remove the aldicarb requirements from the Illinois regulations, the Board has
    chosen to more closely follow the structure of the corresponding federal regulations relative to
    the aldicarbs. The Board has retained the language of the aldicarb requirements, just as they
    appear in the corresponding federal rules. To reflect the federal postponement of the effective
    date, the Board has amended the Board note attached to the aldicarb MCLs and BAT
    designations at Section 611.311. The amended Board note clearly explains the postponed
    effective date for the federal MCLs for the aldicarbs, and it directly states that the aldicarb
    requirements are not effective in Illinois until the Board takes further action. The Board further
    attached a statement to each reference to the aldicarbs and each of the aldicarb requirements that
    directs attention to the Board note attached to Section 611.311. The following table indicates the
    action taken with respect to each reference to the aldicarbs and each of the aldicarb requirements.
    State Provision Subject Matter
    Provision Board Action
    611.101 “SOCs” Definition of
    None Added a Board note directing
    attention to the note attached to
    Section 611.311
    2. The newer requirements of 40 C.F.R. 141, Subpart O, which do not include requirements
    relating to the aldicarbs, recently superceded the mandatory health effects language of 40 C.F.R.
    141.32(e)(25) through (e)(27).

    611.311(b) Designations of
    40 C.F.R.
    Added a Board note to the entire
    Section explaining the regulatory
    status of the aldicarbs
    611.311(c) Designation of
    40 C.F.R.
    Added a Board note to the entire
    Section explaining the regulatory
    status of the aldicarbs
    611.640 Definition of
    “Phase IIB
    None Replaced former explanatory Board
    note with a note directing attention
    to the note attached to Section
    611.648(b) Aldicarb
    40 C.F.R.
    Added a Board note directing
    attention to the note attached to
    Section 611.311
    SOC sampling
    40 C.F.R.
    Added a Board note directing
    attention to the note attached to
    Section 611.311
    611.648(r)(2) Detection limits
    for aldicarbs
    40 C.F.R.
    Added a Board note directing
    attention to the note attached to
    Section 611.311
    611.648(s)(2)(B) laboratory
    limits for
    40 C.F.R.
    Added a Board note directing
    attention to the note attached to
    Section 611.311
    611.Table Z Federal effective
    date for “Phase
    IIB SOCs”
    40 C.F.R. 141.6 Replaced former explanatory Board
    note with a note directing attention
    to the note attached to Section
    Removal of Special Monitoring Requirements for Unregualted Contaminants
    Review of the aldicarb requirements forced review of the unregulated contaminants
    monitoring requirements. Section 611.510(b)(11) set forth the Phase V unregulated organic
    contaminants and their respective analytical methods. Sections 611.631 and 611.658 direct
    attention to Section 611.510 for requirements relating to monitoring unregulated inorganic and
    organic chemical contaminants, respectively. The aldicarbs were listed in Section 611.510(b) as
    Phase V unregulated contaminants. The Board note attached to Section 611.510(b) indicated it
    was derived from 40 C.F.R. 141.40(n) (2000). Review of that version of the
    Code of Federal
    revealed that USEPA extensively amended 40 C.F.R. 141.40 in 1999 (at 64 Fed.
    Reg. 50556 (Sept. 17, 1999, effective January 1, 2001), and those amendments removed
    subsection (n).
    Safe Drinking Water Update, USEPA Regulations (July 1, 1999 through December 31,
    , R00-10 (Aug. 24, 2000), the Board noted that USEPA and the Agency urged the Board
    not to incorporate the 1999 federal amendments to 40 C.F.R. 141.40. USEPA and the Agency
    had asserted that the unregulated contaminants monitoring requirements were not a necessary

    element of the State SDWA program. The Board did not incorporate those amendments, and the
    Board did not adopt the proposed amendments to Section 611.510.
    Re-examination of the content of Sections 611.510, 611.631, and 611,658 results in the
    conclusion that the Board must repeal this Section at this time. The time for completion of the
    monitoring as required under the existing text is long past. The federal provisions on which
    Section 611.510 was originally based no longer exist in the USEPA regulations. Finally, the
    monitoring required by Section 611.510 is not required by USEPA as an element of the Illinois
    SDWA program. For these reasons, the Board has repealed Sections 611.510, 611.631, and
    611,658 on adoption of these amendments.
    In repealing the obsolete unregulated contaminants monitoring provisions of Sections
    611.510, 611.631, and 611,658, the Board observes that unregulated contaminants monitoring
    will continue. USEPA will periodically adopt regulations that require such monitoring. USEPA
    will directly administer those requirements.
    Discussion of Miscellaneous Housekeeping Amendments
    Table 1 below list numerous corrections and amendments that are not based on current
    federal amendments. Table 1 (beginning immediately below) includes deviations made in this
    final order from the verbatim text of the federal amendments. Table 2 (beginning after table 1
    immediately below) contains corrections and clarifications that the Board made in the base text
    involved in this proposal. The amendments listed in Table 2 are housekeeping amendments not
    directly derived from the current federal amendments. Table 3 (beginning on page 87 below) is
    a listing of revisions made to the text of the amendments from that proposed and set forth in the
    Board’s opinion and order of July 10, 2003. Table 3 indicates the changes made, as well as the
    source that suggested each of the changes. Table 4 (beginning on page 95 below) indicates
    suggested revisions that the Board has not made in adopting these amendments. Each entry
    gives a brief explanation why the Board did not incorporate the suggested change. Some of the
    entries in these tables are discussed further in appropriate segments of the general discussion
    beginning at page 6 of this opinion.
    Table 1:
    Deviations from the Text of the Federal Amendments
    Illinois Section 40 C.F.R. Section Revision(s)
    “Membrane Filter . . .”
    141.21(f)(3) table, notes
    13 and 14
    Corrected the spelling of “Escherichla” to
    611.102(a) “Readycult
    Coliforms . . .”
    141.21(f)(3) table, notes
    13 and 14
    Corrected the spelling of “Escherichla” to
    611.102(b) “EM
    141.21(f)(3) table, notes
    13 and 14
    Corrected the spelling of “Escherichla” to

    611.526(f)(2) 141.21(a)(6)(ii) Changed “the 18th edition (1992) may be
    used . . . as described in Method 9221B
    (paragraph 3) of Standard Methods (18th
    edition)” to “Standard Methods, 18th ed.:
    Method 9221 B may be used . . .”
    611.531(a)(2)(C)(i) 141.74(a)(1) table note 2 Changed numeric “8” to written “eight”
    611.Appendix A
    “chlorine dioxide”
    Appendix A to Subpart O Corrected “.8” to “800”; added
    “containing” before “chlorine dioxide”
    611.Appendix A
    Appendix A to Subpart O Added “containing” before “chlorite”
    611.Appendix A
    Appendix A to Subpart O Added commas before and after “such as
    . . . enlargement” to offset the
    611.Appendix H,
    ¶E.33 “di(2-
    Appendix B to Subpart Q Added commas before and after “such as
    . . . enlargement” to offset the
    Table 2:
    Board Housekeeping Amendments
    Section Source Revision(s)
    Part 611 heading Board Corrected the spelling of “pollutionf” to “pollution”
    611 table of contents,
    Section 611.100 entry
    Board Added a comma after “scope” to offset the final element of
    a series
    611 table of contents,
    Section 611.114 entry
    Board Changed to capitalized “Requirements”
    611 table of contents,
    Section 611.120 entry
    Board Changed to capitalized “Dates”
    611 table of contents,
    Section 611.232 entry
    Board Changed to capitalized “Site-Specific”
    611 table of contents,
    Section 611.272 entry
    Board Changed to capitalized “Following”
    611 table of contents,
    Section 611.300 entry
    Board Changed “chemicals” to “chemical contaminants”
    611 table of contents,
    Section 611.301 entry
    Board Changed “chemicals” to “chemical contaminants”
    611 table of contents,
    Section 611.310 entry
    Board Changed “chemicals” to “chemical contaminants”
    611 table of contents,
    Section 611.311 entry
    Board Changed “organic contaminants” to “organic chemical
    611 table of contents,
    611.320 entry
    JCAR Added “repealed” in parentheses
    611 table of contents,
    Subpart I heading
    JCAR Changed “and” to upper-case “AND”

    611 table of contents,
    Section 611.591 entry
    Board Added the indefinite article “a” before “State”
    611 table of contents,
    Section 611.680 entry
    Board Added a comma after “analytical” to offset the final
    element of a series
    611 table of contents,
    Subpart R heading
    Board Changed an em-dash to a colon
    611 table of contents,
    Section 611.870 entry
    Board Added “repealed” in parentheses
    611 table of contents,
    Section 611.881 entry
    Board Removed “of this Subpart”
    611 table of contents,
    Section 611.902 entry
    Board Changed an em-dash to a colon
    611 table of contents,
    Section 611.903 entry
    Board Changed an em-dash to a colon
    611 table of contents,
    Section 611.904 entry
    Board Changed an em-dash to a colon
    611 table of contents,
    Subpart X heading
    Board Changed an em-dash to a colon
    611 source note Board,
    Added a comma before “effective” in the entry for R00-10
    611.100 heading Board Added a comma after “scope” to offset the final element of
    a series
    611.100(a) Board,
    Changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause;
    corrected the citation “42 U.S.C. 300f et seq.” to “42 USC
    300g-1(b), 300g-3(c), 300g-6(a), and 300j-4(a)”; added the
    ending period
    611.100(b) Board Changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause;
    added the statutory citation “415 ILCS 5/7.2(a)(6)” in
    611.100(c) Board Added a comma after “(‘non-CWS’)” to offset the final
    element of a series
    611.100(c)(2) Board Added “or DPH”
    611.100(c) Board note Board Updated the
    Code of Federal Regulations
    citation to the
    most recent edition available
    611.100(d)(4) Board Changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause
    611.100(d) Board note Board Updated the
    Code of Federal Regulations
    citation to the
    most recent edition available
    611.101 preamble Board Changed “the term” to “the following terms have the given
    611.101 “Agency”
    Board note
    Board Added the alternative abbreviated terms “Public Health or
    DPH” in parentheses
    611.101 “approved
    source of bottled
    JCAR Changed “state” to capitalized “State”

    611.101 “best
    available technology”
    Board Added a comma after “techniques” to offset the final
    element of a series
    611.101 “CT” Board Changed “mg/L” to “mg/
    611.101 “CT99.9” Board Changed “Section 611.Appendix B” to “Appendix B of
    this Part”
    611.101 “CT99.9”
    Board note
    Board Updated the
    Code of Federal Regulations
    citation to the
    most recent edition available
    611.101 “compliance
    Board Changed “begins” to past-tense “began” (twice); changed
    “ends” to past-tense “ended”
    611.101 “compliance
    Board Changed “runs” to past-tense “ran”; removed the
    unnecessary comma after “1993”; removed the
    unnecessary comma after “1996”; removed the
    unnecessary comma after “1999”
    evaluation Board note”
    Board Changed “appropriate” to “appropriately codified”
    Board Added a comma after “biological” to offset the final
    element of a series
    “diatomaceous earth
    Board Added “the following occur”
    611.101 “disinfection
    contact time”
    Board Added “as follows”; changed the ending comma to a
    611.101 “haloacetic
    acids (five)”
    Board Changed “mg/L” to “mg/
    611.101 “halogen” Board Added a comma after “bromine” to offset the final element
    of a series
    611.101 “inactivation
    Board Added “as follows” (twice)
    611.101 “initial
    compliance period”
    Board Added a comma after “thallium” to offset the final element
    of a series; changed “suppliers whose supplies have” to
    singular “a supplier whose system has”; changed “begins”
    to past-tense “began”
    611.101 “
    ” Board Changed “L” to “
    611.101 “maximum
    contaminant level
    goal” Board note
    Board Added the statutory citation “415 ILCS 5/17.5” in brackets
    611.101 “MFL” Board
    Board Updated the
    Code of Federal Regulations
    citation to the
    most recent edition available
    611.101 “mg/
    ” Board Changed “mg/L” to “mg/
    611.101 “Public
    Board Added “or ‘DPH’” as an alternative defined term
    611.101 “public water
    Board Added “the following”

    611.101 “public water
    system” Board note
    Board Changed “Subpart F” to “Subpart F of this Part”
    611.101 “radioactive
    contaminants” Board
    Board Changed “Subpart U” to “Subpart U of this Part”
    611.101 “residual
    Board Changed “mg/L” to “mg/
    611.101 “sanitary
    Board Added a comma after “operation” for a restrictive relative
    clause (twice)
    611.101 “service
    connection” Board
    Updated the
    United States Code
    citation to the most recent
    edition available; changed the symbol “&” to written
    611.101 “SOC” Board Changed “benzo[a]pyrene” to “benzo(a)pyrene”
    611.101 “SOC” Board
    Agency Added a cross-reference to a Board note explaining the
    regulatory status of requirements pertaining to the
    611.101 “special
    irrigation district”
    Board note
    Updated the
    United States Code
    citation to the most recent
    edition available; changed the symbol “&” to written
    611.101 “Subpart B
    Board Changed “Subpart B” to “Subpart B of this Part”; changed
    “611.Appendix B” to “Appendix B of this Part”; changed
    “611.Appendix C of this Part” to “Appendix C of this
    611.101 “SUVA” Board Changed “mg/L” to “mg/
    611.101 “total organic
    Board Changed “mg/L” to “mg/
    611.101 “total
    Board Changed “mg/L” to “mg/
    611.101 “USEPA” Board Removed the alternative defined term “or ‘U.S. EPA’”
    611.101 “wellhead
    protection program”
    Added the statutory citation “42 USC 300h-7” as a
    parenthetical offset by commas; added the statutory
    citation “415 ILCS 5.17.1” in brackets; removed the
    unnecessary comma from before “and 35 Ill. Adm. Code”
    that separated a two-element series; changed “35 Ill. Adm.
    Code 615 et seq.” to “35 Ill. Adm. Code 615-617”
    611.102(a) “Kaleda
    Corrected the spelling of “Kaleda”; moved the comma
    inside the closing quotation mark after “Thiocyanate”
    “Membrane Filter . . .”
    Corrected the spelling of “Escherichia”; moved the comma
    inside the closing quotation mark after “Waters”
    “QuickChem Method
    . . .”
    Board Moved the comma inside the closing quotation mark after

    611.102(a) “Readycult
    Coliforms . . .”
    JCAR Corrected the spelling of “Escherichla” to “Escherichia”;
    added a comma inside the closing quotation mark after
    611.102(a) “SimPlate
    JCAR Changed “method” to capitalized “Method”
    611.102(a) “Standard
    JCAR Removed the unnecessary comma after “Methods” that
    separated the subject and verb
    611.102(a) “Syngenta
    Board Removed the address and telephone information from the
    611.102(a) “USEPA
    Organic Methods”
    JCAR Added a space to change “EPA815/B–00/001” to “EPA
    611.102(b) “Access
    Analytical Systems,
    Board Removed the entry for which no references are set forth
    611.102(b) “Advanced
    Polymer Systems”
    Board Changed the ending colon to a period
    611.102(b) “Advanced
    Polymer Systems”
    Board Updated the
    Code of Federal Regulations
    citation to the
    most recent edition available
    611.102(b) “American
    Public Health
    Board Changed the ending colon to a period
    611.102(b) “American
    “National Field
    Evaluation . . .”
    Board Moved the reference into correct alphabetical order;
    corrected the spelling of “Edburg” to “Edberg”
    611.102(b) “American
    Water Works
    Board Changed the ending colon to a period
    611.102(b) “American
    Water Works
    “Standard Methods,”
    13th edition
    Board Placed the reference title “Standard Methods . . .
    Wastewater” in quotation marks
    611.102(b) “American
    Water Works
    “Standard Methods,”
    13th edition, Method
    Board Added a comma after “suspended” to offset the final
    element of a series

    611.102(b) “American
    Water Works
    “Standard Methods,”
    13th edition, Method
    Board Added a comma after “suspended” to offset the final
    element of a series
    611.102(b) “American
    Water Works
    “Standard Methods,”
    17th edition
    Board Added references to approved methods from this edition
    611.102(b) “American
    Water Works
    “Standard Methods,”
    17th edition, “Method
    7110 B”
    Board Added a reference to this approved method
    611.102(b) “American
    Water Works
    “Standard Methods,”
    17th edition, “Method
    7500-Cs B”
    Board Added a reference to this approved method
    611.102(b) “American
    Water Works
    “Standard Methods,”
    17th edition, “Method
    H B”
    Board Added a reference to this approved method
    611.102(b) “American
    Water Works
    “Standard Methods,”
    17th edition, “Method
    7500-I B”
    Board Added a reference to this approved method
    611.102(b) “American
    Water Works
    “Standard Methods,”
    17th edition, “Method
    7500-I C”
    Board Added a reference to this approved method

    611.102(b) “American
    Water Works
    “Standard Methods,”
    17th edition, “Method
    7500-I D”
    Board Added a reference to this approved method
    611.102(b) “American
    Water Works
    “Standard Methods,”
    17th edition, “Method
    7500-Ra B”
    Board Added a reference to this approved method
    611.102(b) “American
    Water Works
    “Standard Methods,”
    17th edition, “Method
    7500-Ra C”
    Board Added a reference to this approved method
    611.102(b) “American
    Water Works
    “Standard Methods,”
    17th edition, “Method
    7500-Ra D”
    Board Added a reference to this approved method
    611.102(b) “American
    Water Works
    “Standard Methods,”
    17th edition, “Method
    7500-Sr B”
    Board Added a reference to this approved method
    611.102(b) “American
    Water Works
    “Standard Methods,”
    17th edition, “Method
    7500-U B”
    Board Added a reference to this approved method
    611.102(b) “American
    Water Works
    “Standard Methods,”
    17th edition, “Method
    7500-U C”
    Board Added a reference to this approved method

    611.102(b) “American
    Water Works
    “Standard Methods,”
    18th edition
    Board Placed the reference title “Standard Methods . . .
    Wastewater” in quotation marks; changed the ending
    colon to a period
    611.102(b) “American
    Water Works
    “Standard Methods,”
    18th edition, “Method
    3500-Mg E”
    Board Corrected the method title from “EDTA Titrimetric
    Method” to “Calculation Method”
    611.102(b) “American
    Water Works
    “Standard Methods,”
    18th edition, “Method
    4500-Cl D”
    Board Added a reference to this approved method
    611.102(b) “American
    Water Works
    “Standard Methods,”
    18th edition, “Method
    4500-Cl E”
    Board Added a reference to this approved method
    611.102(b) “American
    Water Works
    “Standard Methods,”
    18th edition, “Method
    4500-Cl F”
    Board Added a reference to this approved method
    611.102(b) “American
    Water Works
    “Standard Methods,”
    18th edition, “Method
    4500-Cl G”
    Board Added a reference to this approved method
    611.102(b) “American
    Water Works
    “Standard Methods,”
    18th edition, “Method
    4500-Cl H”
    Board Added a reference to this approved method

    611.102(b) “American
    Water Works
    “Standard Methods,”
    18th edition, “Method
    4500-Cl I”
    Board Added a reference to this approved method
    611.102(b) “American
    Water Works
    “Standard Methods,”
    18th edition, “Method
    4500-ClO2 D”
    Board Added a reference to this approved method
    611.102(b) “American
    Water Works
    “Standard Methods,”
    18th edition, “Method
    4500-ClO2 E”
    Board Added a reference to this approved method
    611.102(b) “American
    Water Works
    “Standard Methods,”
    18th edition, “Method
    Board Removed the reference to this obsolete method
    611.102(b) “American
    Water Works
    “Standard Methods,”
    18th edition, “Method
    Board Removed the reference to this obsolete method
    611.102(b) “American
    Water Works
    “Standard Methods,”
    18th edition, “Method
    Board Removed the reference to this obsolete method
    611.102(b) “American
    Water Works
    “Standard Methods,”
    18th edition, “Method
    Board Removed the reference to this method

    611.102(b) “American
    Water Works
    “Standard Methods,”
    18th edition, “Method
    7500-Sr B”
    Board Added a reference to this approved method
    611.102(b) “American
    Water Works
    “Standard Methods,”
    18th edition, “Method
    9221 E”
    Board Added a reference to this approved method
    611.102(b) “American
    Water Works
    “Standard Methods,”
    18th edition, “Method
    9222 D”
    Board Added a reference to this approved method
    611.102(b) “American
    Water Works
    “Supplement to the
    18th Edition”
    Board Added references to approved methods from this edition
    611.102(b) “American
    Water Works
    “Supplement to the
    18th Edition,”
    “Method 6610”
    Board Added the reference to this method
    611.102(b) “American
    Water Works
    “Standard Methods,”
    19th edition
    Board Placed the reference title “Standard Methods . . .
    Wastewater” in quotation marks; changed the ending
    colon to a period
    611.102(b) “American
    Water Works
    “Standard Methods,”
    19th edition, “Method
    2130 B”
    Board Added the reference to this method

    611.102(b) “American
    Water Works
    “Standard Methods,”
    19th edition, “Method
    Board Added a comma after “Laboratory”
    611.102(b) “American
    Water Works
    “Standard Methods,”
    19th edition, “Method
    3112 B”
    Board Added the reference to this method
    611.102(b) “American
    Water Works
    “Standard Methods,”
    19th edition, “Method
    3500-Mg E”
    Board Corrected the method title from “EDTA Titrimetric
    Method” to “Calculation Method”
    611.102(b) “American
    Water Works
    “Standard Methods,”
    19th edition, “Method
    4500-Cl D”
    Board Moved the method into proper alphanumeric order
    611.102(b) “American
    Water Works
    “Standard Methods,”
    19th edition, “Method
    4500-Cl E”
    Board Moved the method into proper alphanumeric order
    611.102(b) “American
    Water Works
    “Standard Methods,”
    19th edition, “Method
    4500-Cl F”
    Board Moved the method into proper alphanumeric order
    611.102(b) “American
    Water Works
    “Standard Methods,”
    19th edition, “Method
    4500-Cl G”
    Board Moved the method into proper alphanumeric order

    611.102(b) “American
    Water Works
    “Standard Methods,”
    19th edition, “Method
    4500-Cl H”
    Board Moved the method into proper alphanumeric order
    611.102(b) “American
    Water Works
    “Standard Methods,”
    19th edition, “Method
    4500-Cl I”
    Board Moved the method into proper alphanumeric order
    611.102(b) “American
    Water Works
    “Standard Methods,”
    19th edition, “Method
    4500-ClO2 C”
    Board Moved the method into proper alphanumeric order
    611.102(b) “American
    Water Works
    “Standard Methods,”
    19th edition, “Method
    4500-ClO2 D”
    Board Moved the method into proper alphanumeric order
    611.102(b) “American
    Water Works
    “Standard Methods,”
    19th edition, “Method
    4500-ClO2 E”
    Board Moved the method into proper alphanumeric order
    611.102(b) “American
    Water Works
    “Standard Methods,”
    19th edition, “Method
    4500-O3 B”
    Board Added the reference to this method
    611.102(b) “American
    Water Works
    “Standard Methods,”
    19th edition, “Method
    Board Added the reference to this method

    611.102(b) “American
    Water Works
    “Standard Methods,”
    19th edition, “Method
    7110 B”
    Board Added the reference to this method
    611.102(b) “American
    Water Works
    “Standard Methods,”
    19th edition, “Method
    7110 C”
    Board Added the reference to this method
    611.102(b) “American
    Water Works
    “Standard Methods,”
    19th edition, “Method
    7120 B”
    Board Corrected the method number from “7120-B” to “7120 B”;
    added “Gamma-Emitting Radionuclides” to the method
    611.102(b) “American
    Water Works
    “Standard Methods,”
    19th edition, “Method
    7500-Cs B”
    Board Added the reference to this method
    611.102(b) “American
    Water Works
    “Standard Methods,”
    19th edition, “Method
    7500-3H B”
    Board Added the reference to this method
    611.102(b) “American
    Water Works
    “Standard Methods,”
    19th edition, “Method
    7500-I B”
    Board Added the reference to this method
    611.102(b) “American
    Water Works
    “Standard Methods,”
    19th edition, “Method
    7500-I C”
    Board Added the reference to this method

    611.102(b) “American
    Water Works
    “Standard Methods,”
    19th edition, “Method
    7500-I D”
    Board Added the reference to this method
    611.102(b) “American
    Water Works
    “Standard Methods,”
    19th edition, “Method
    7500-Ra B”
    Board Added the reference to this method
    611.102(b) “American
    Water Works
    “Standard Methods,”
    19th edition, “Method
    7500-Ra C”
    Board Added the reference to this method
    611.102(b) “American
    Water Works
    “Standard Methods,”
    19th edition, “Method
    7500-Ra D”
    Board Added the reference to this method
    611.102(b) “American
    Water Works
    “Standard Methods,”
    19th edition, “Method
    7500-Sr B”
    Board Added the reference to this method
    611.102(b) “American
    Water Works
    “Standard Methods,”
    19th edition, “Method
    7500-U B”
    Board Added the reference to this method
    611.102(b) “American
    Water Works
    “Standard Methods,”
    19th edition, “Method
    9215 B”
    Board Added the reference to this method

    611.102(b) “American
    Water Works
    “Standard Methods,”
    19th edition, “Method
    9221 A”
    Board Added the reference to this method
    611.102(b) “American
    Water Works
    “Standard Methods,”
    19th edition, “Method
    9221 B”
    Board Added the reference to this method
    611.102(b) “American
    Water Works
    “Standard Methods,”
    19th edition, “Method
    9221 C”
    Board Added the reference to this method
    611.102(b) “American
    Water Works
    “Standard Methods,”
    19th edition, “Method
    9221 D”
    Board Added the reference to this method
    611.102(b) “American
    Water Works
    “Standard Methods,”
    19th edition, “Method
    9221 E”
    Board Added the reference to this method
    611.102(b) “American
    Water Works
    “Standard Methods,”
    19th edition, “Method
    9222 A”
    Board Added the reference to this method
    611.102(b) “American
    Water Works
    “Standard Methods,”
    19th edition, “Method
    9222 B”
    Board Added the reference to this method

    611.102(b) “American
    Water Works
    “Standard Methods,”
    19th edition, “Method
    9222 C”
    Board Added the reference to this method
    611.102(b) “American
    Water Works
    “Standard Methods,”
    19th edition, “Method
    Board Added the reference to this method
    611.102(b) “American
    Water Works
    “Supplement to the
    19th Edition”
    Board Placed the reference title “Supplement to the 19th Edition
    . . . Wastewater” in quotation marks; changed the ending
    colon to a period
    611.102(b) “American
    Water Works
    “Standard Methods,”
    20th edition, “Method
    9130 B”
    Board Added the reference to this method
    611.102(b) “Analytical
    Technology, Inc.”
    Board Changed the ending colon to a period
    611.102(b) “ASTM” Board Changed the ending colon to a period
    611.102(b) “Bran &
    Board Changed the ending colon to a period; updated the
    Code of
    Federal Regulations
    citation to the most recent edition
    available (twice)
    611.102(b) “EM
    JCAR Added a comma after “Darmstadt”; corrected the spelling
    of “Escherichla” to “Escherichia” (twice)
    611.102(b) “ERDA
    Health and Safety
    Board Changed the ending colon to a period; updated the
    Code of
    Federal Regulations
    citation to the most recent edition
    611.102(b) “Great
    Lakes Instruments,
    Board Changed the ending colon to a period
    611.102(b) “The Hack
    Board Changed the ending colon to a period
    611.102(b) “Millipore
    Board Changed the ending colon to a period
    611.102(b) “NCRP” Board Changed the ending colon to a period
    611.102(b) “NSF” Board Changed the ending colon to a period
    611.102(b) “NTIS” Board Changed the ending colon to a period

    611.102(b) “NTIS,”
    “Technical Notes . . .”
    Board note
    Board Updated the
    Code of Federal Regulations
    citation to the
    most recent edition available
    611.102(b) “New
    Jersey Department
    . . .”
    Board Changed the ending colon to a period
    611.102(b) “New
    York Department . . .”
    Board Changed the ending colon to a period
    611.102(b) “Palintest,
    Board Changed the ending colon to a period
    611.102(b) “United
    States Department of
    Board Changed the ending colon to a period
    611.102(b) “United
    States Environmental
    Protection Agency,
    Office of Ground
    Water and Drinking
    Water,” “Method
    JCAR Added a space to change “EPA815/B–00/001” to “EPA
    611.102(b) “United
    States Environmental
    Protection Agency,
    Office of Ground
    Water and Drinking
    Water,” “Method
    JCAR Added a comma after “Method 531.2”
    611.102(b) “United
    States Environmental
    Protection Agency”
    Board Changed the ending colon to a period
    611.102(b) “USEPA,
    Science and
    Technology Branch”
    Board Changed the ending colon to a period
    611.102(b) “USGS” Board Changed the ending colon to a period
    611.102(b) “Waters
    Board Changed the ending colon to a period
    611.102(c) Board Corrected “Appendix B and C” to “Appendices B and C”;
    updated the
    Code of Federal Regulations
    citation to the
    most recent edition available
    611.103 Board,
    Corrected the spelling of “invlidity” to “invalidity”; added
    a comma after “sentence” to offset the final element of a
    611.107(a) Board Corrected the subsection number format from “(a)” to
    “(b)”; added the statutory citation “415 ILCS 5/4(c)” in

    611.107(b) Board Corrected the subsection number format from “(b)” to
    “(b)”; added the statutory citation “415 ILCS 5/4(d)” in
    611.108 Board Added the statutory citation “415 ILCS 5/4(r)” in brackets
    611.109(a) Board Added the statutory citation “415 ILCS 5/Title VIII” in
    611.109 Board note Board Changed “from 40 CFR 141.22(e) . . . and from 40 CFR
    141.23(a)(4)” to “from 40 CFR 141.22(e) and 141.23
    (a)(4)”’ updated the
    Code of Federal Regulations
    to the most recent edition available
    611.110(a) Board Added the statutory citation “415 ILCS 5/39(a)” in
    611.110(c) Board Added the statutory citation “415 ILCS 5/40” in brackets
    611.110(d) Board Changed “initiated either” to “initiated in either of the
    following ways”
    611.110(d)(2) Board
    Board Changed “subsection (d)(2) of this Section” to “this
    subsection (d)(2)”; changed “this subsection” to “this
    subsection (d)(2)”
    611.110(e) Board Changed “inorganic chemical contaminants” to “IOCs”;
    added a semicolon after “SOCs)” to offset the final
    element of a series that contains sub-series; changed the
    ending punctuation from a colon to a period
    611.110(e) Board note Board Changed “this subsection” to “this subsection (e)”
    611.110(e)(1) Board Changed the ending punctuation from a cmma to a
    611.110(e)(2)(D) Board Changed the ending punctuation from a colon to a period
    611.110(e)(2)(E) Board Added “as follows” offset by a comma
    611.110(e) Board note Board Updated the
    Code of Federal Regulations
    citation to the
    most recent edition available (five times)
    611.111 preamble Board Changed “Section 1415” to lower-case “section 1415”
    (three times); changed “1415(a)(1)(A) and (B)” to
    “1415(a)(1)(A) and (a)(1)(B)”; added the statutory citation
    “42 USC 300g-4(a)(1)(A) and (a)(1)(B)” in parentheses;
    added the statutory citation “415 ILCS 5/35-37” in
    brackets (twice); changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 104” to
    “Subpart B of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 104”; added the statutory
    citation “415 ILCS 5/27-28” in brackets; added the
    statutory citation “415 ILCS 5/28.1” in brackets; changed
    “35 Ill. Adm. Code 106” to “Subpart D of 35 Ill. Adm.
    Code 104”
    611.111(a) Board Added a comma after “rule” to offset the final element of a
    611.111(a)(1) Board Changed “shall” to “must”; changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code
    102, 104, or 106” to “35 Ill. Adm. Code 102 or 104”
    611.111(b)(1) Board Changed “shall” to “must”

    611.111(b)(1)(B) Board Changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause;
    added “the following”
    611.111(b)(2) Board Added “the following”
    611.111(b)(2)(A) Board Changed the ending punctuation from a comma to a
    611.111(b)(3)(B) Board Added “do the following”
    611.111(c)(1) Board Changed “shall” to “must”
    611.111(d) Board Changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 102, 104, or 106” to “35 Ill.
    Adm. Code 102 or 104”
    611.111(e) Board Added “from any of the following”
    611.111(f) Board Changed “shall” to “must”; changed “Opinion and Order”
    to lower-case “opinion and order”; changed “Section
    1415” to lower-case “section 1415”; added the statutory
    citation “42 USC 300g-4” in parentheses
    611.111 Board note Board Updated the
    Code of Federal Regulations
    citation to the
    most recent edition available (twice); changed “Section
    1415” to lower-case “section 1415”; changed
    “1415(a)(1)(A) and (B)” to “1415(a)(1)(A) and (a)(1)(B)”
    611.112 preamble Board Changed “Section 1416” to lower-case “section 1416”
    (three times); added the statutory citation “42 USC 300g-
    5” in parentheses; added the statutory citation “415 ILCS
    5/35-37” in brackets (twice); changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code
    104” to “Subpart B of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 104”; added the
    statutory citation “415 ILCS 5/27-28” in brackets; added
    the statutory citation “415 ILCS 5/28.1” in brackets;
    changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 106” to “Subpart D of 35 Ill.
    Adm. Code 104”
    611.112(a)(1) Board Changed “shall” to “must”; changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code
    102, 104, or 106” to “35 Ill. Adm. Code 102 or 104”
    611.112(b) Board Changed “shall” to “must”
    611.112(b)(2) Board Added “either of the following”
    611.112(c) Board Added “the following”
    611.112(d) Board Changed “Section 1412” to lower-case “section 1412”;
    added the statutory citation “42 USC 300g-1(b)(10)” in
    611.112(d)(2) Board Changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause
    611.112(e) Board Changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 102, 104, or 106” to “35 Ill.
    Adm. Code 102 or 104”
    611.112(f) Board Changed “shall” to “must”; changed “Section 1416” to
    lower-case “section 1416”; added the statutory citation “42
    USC 300g-5” in parentheses
    611.112(f) Board note Board Changed “Section 1416” to lower-case “section 1416”;
    added the statutory citation “42 USC 300g-5” in
    611.112(g) Board Added “from any of the following”

    611.112 Board note Board Updated the
    Code of Federal Regulations
    citation to the
    most recent edition available (twice)
    611.113 preamble Board Changed “Section 1415” to lower-case “section 1415”;
    added the statutory citation “42 USC 300g-4(a)(3)” in
    611.113(b) Board Changed “shall” to “must”; changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code
    106.Subpart G” to “Subpart D of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 104”
    611.113(c) Board Changed “shall” to “must”
    611.113(e)(1) Board Changed “shall” to “must”; changed the ending
    punctuation from a comma to a semicolon
    611.113(e)(2) Board Changed “shall” to “must”; changed “U.S. EPA” to
    611.113(e) Board note Board Changed “Section 1415” to lower-case “section 1415”;
    added the statutory citation “42 USC 300g-4(a)(3)” in
    611.114 heading Board Changed to capitalized “Requirements”
    611.114 preamble Board Changed “shall” to “must”; changed “site which” to “site
    of which the following is true”
    611.114(a) Board Added a comma after “fires” to offset the final element of
    a series; changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive
    relative clause; changed the ending punctuation from a
    period to a semicolon; changed “Or” to lower-case “or”;
    removed the comma after the ending conjunction
    611.114 Board note Board Updated the
    Code of Federal Regulations
    citation to the
    most recent edition available
    611.115(a) Board Changed the em-dash after “supply” to a period; changed
    “shall” to “must”
    611.115(b) Board Changed the em-dash after “supply” to a period; changed
    “shall” to “must”
    611.115(c) Board Changed “shall” to “must”
    611.120 heading Board Changed to capitalized “Dates”
    611.120 Board note Board Updated the
    Code of Federal Regulations
    citation to the
    most recent edition available
    611.121(a) Board,
    Changed “no person must cause” to “no person may
    611.121(b) Board Changed the ending colon to a period
    611.121(b)(1) Board Changed “shall” to “must” (twice)
    611.121(b)(2) Board Changed “shall” to “must”
    611.121(c) Board,
    Changed “A MCL . . . must apply” to “An MCL . . .
    611.121 Board note Board Updated the
    Code of Federal Regulations
    citation to the
    most recent edition available
    611.125 Board Changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause;
    changed “shall” to “must”

    611.126(a) Board Added “any” before “solder”; added “any” before “flux”;
    removed the unnecessary comma after “flux” that
    separated the subject and verb; added “either of the
    611.126(a)(1) Board Changed the ending comma to a semicolon
    611.126(b) Board Added “means as follows”
    611.126 Board note Board Updated the
    Code of Federal Regulations
    citation to the
    most recent edition available; updated the
    United States
    citation to the most recent edition available
    611.130(a)(1) Board Changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause
    611.130(a)(2)(A)(v) Board Changed the ending comma to a semicolon
    611.130(a)(4)(B) Board Changed the ending comma to a semicolon
    611.130(a) Board note Board Updated the
    Code of Federal Regulations
    citation to the
    most recent edition available
    611.130(b)(2)(A)(vii) Board Changed the ending comma to a semicolon
    611.130(b)(4)(A) Board,
    Changed the ending comma to a semicolon
    611.130(b) Board note Board Updated the
    Code of Federal Regulations
    citation to the
    most recent edition available
    611.130(c) Board Changed “inorganic chemical contaminant” to abbreviated
    611.130(c)(1) Board Changed “inorganic chemical contaminant” to abbreviated
    “IOC”; changed “inorganic chemical contaminants” to
    abbreviated “IOCs”
    611.130(c)(2)(A) Board Changed the ending comma to a semicolon
    611.130(c) Board note Board Updated the
    Code of Federal Regulations
    citation to the
    most recent edition available
    611.130(d) Board note Board Updated the
    Code of Federal Regulations
    citation to the
    most recent edition available
    611.130(e) Board Changed the ending colon to a period
    611.130(e)(4)(B) Board Changed “21 CFR 129.80(g)(1) through (3)” to “21 CFR
    129.80(g)(1) through (g)(3)”
    611.130(e) Board note Board Updated the
    Code of Federal Regulations
    citation to the
    most recent edition available
    611.130(f)(2)(D) JCAR Added “do” before “the following”
    611.130(f) Board note Board Updated the
    Code of Federal Regulations
    citation to the
    most recent edition available
    611.130(g)(1) JCAR Changed “the following means the following” to “the
    following means”
    611.130(g)(4) Board Added the statutory citation “415 ILCS 5/36” in brackets
    611.130(g) Board note Board Updated the
    Code of Federal Regulations
    citation to the
    most recent edition available
    611.131 preamble Board Changed “Section 1415” to lower-case “section 1415”

    611.131(a) Board note Board Changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 104” to “Subpart B of 35 Ill.
    Adm. Code 104”
    611.131(c)(2)(B) Board Changed “Section 1412” to lower-case “section 1412”
    611.131(e)(3) Board Changed “Section 1412” to lower-case “section 1412”
    611.131(f)(1)(C) Board Added “the following”
    Board note
    Board Updated the
    Code of Federal Regulations
    citation to the
    most recent edition available; added the statutory citation
    “415 ILCS 5/36” in brackets
    611.131(f)(2)(D) Board Added “the following”
    611.131(g) Board Changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 104” to “Subpart B of 35 Ill.
    Adm. Code 104”
    611.131(g)(1) Board Added “the following”
    611.131(g)(1)(A) Board Changed the ending comma to a semicolon
    611.131(i) Board Changed “Section 1415” to lower-case “section 1415”
    611.131 Board note Board Updated the
    Code of Federal Regulations
    citation to the
    most recent edition available
    611.160(a) Board Changed “shall” to “must”
    611.160(a)(3) Board Changed “shall” to “must”
    611.160(b) Board Changed “shall” to “must”
    611.160(c) Board Added the statutory citation “415 ILCS 5/40” in brackets
    611.201 Board Changed “shall” to “must” (three times); changed “U.S.
    EPA” to “USEPA”
    611.202 Board Changed “this Subpart” to “this Subpart B”; added the
    indefinite article and changed “special exception permit”
    to the defined abbreviation “a SEP”; added “issued
    pursuant to Section 611.110”
    611.211 preamble Board Changed “shall” to “must”
    611.211(b) JCAR Corrected the spelling of “site specfic” and added a
    hyphen to “site-specific”
    611.211(b)(5) JCAR Removed the ending period
    611.211(b)(6) JCAR Removed the ending period
    611.211 Board note Board Updated the
    Code of Federal Regulations
    citation to the
    most recent edition available; changed “Preamble” to
    lower-case “preamble discussion”; removed the comma
    before the date and placed the date in parentheses
    611.212 preamble Board Changed “shall” to “must” (twice); added “the following”
    611.212(a) Board Changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause
    611.212(b)(3) Board Added “the following”
    611.212(b)(3)(B) Board Changed the ending comma to a semicolon
    611.212(b)(4) Board Changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause
    611.212(d)(1) JCAR Changed the ending comma to a semicolon
    611.212(d)(2) Board Changed the ending comma to a semicolon
    611.212(f) Board Changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause

    611.212(f)(1) Board Changed the ending period to a semicolon; removed the
    comma from after the ending conjunction “or”
    611.212(f)(2) Board Changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause
    611.212(g) Board Added a comma after “algae” to offset the final element of
    a series
    611.212 Board note Board Updated the
    Code of Federal Regulations
    citation to the
    most recent edition available
    611.213 preamble Board Added a comma after “611.532(f)(2)” to offset the final
    element of a series; changed “shall” to “must”
    611.213(a) Board Changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause;
    added “the following”
    611.213(b) Board Added “the following”
    611.213(b)(1) Board Changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause
    611.213 Board note Board Updated the
    Code of Federal Regulations
    citation to the
    most recent edition available
    611.220(a) Board Changed “this Subpart” to “this Subpart B”; changed
    “shall” to “must”; changed “which” to “that” for a
    restrictive relative clause; added “the following”
    611.220(b) Board Added “either of the following is true”
    611.220(b)(1) Board Changed “it” to “the supplier”
    611.220(b)(2) Board Changed “it” to “the supplier”
    611.220(c) Board Changed “shall” to “must”
    611.220(d) Board Changed “this Subpart” to “this Subpart B”
    611.220 Board note Board Added the statutory citation “415 ILCS 45” in brackets
    611.230 heading JCAR Corrected “611.230” to “Section 611.230”
    611.230(a) Board Changed “shall” to “must”
    611.230(b) Board Changed “shall” to “must”
    611.230(c) Board Changed “shall” to “must” (twice)
    611.230(d) Board,
    Corrected “Section 611.231 and 611.232” to plural
    “Sections 611.231 and 611.232”; changed “shall” to
    611.230 Board note Board Updated the
    Code of Federal Regulations
    citation to the
    most recent edition available
    611.231 preamble Board Changed “shall” to “must”
    611.231(b) Board Added “the following are true”
    611.231(b) Board note Board Updated the
    Code of Federal Regulations
    citation to the
    most recent edition available
    611.231(c) Board Changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause
    611.231(d) Board Changed “shall” to “must”
    611.232 heading Board Changed to capitalized “Site-Specific”
    611.232(b)(1) Board Added “the following”
    611.232(b)(1)(C) Board Added “do the following”
    611.232(c) Board Added “the following”

    611.232 Board note Board Updated the
    Code of Federal Regulations
    citation to the
    most recent edition available
    611.233(a) Board Added “the following is true”
    611.233(a)(1) Board Added “either of the following”
    611.233(c) Board Changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause;
    added “either of the following is true”
    611.233 Board note Board Updated the
    Code of Federal Regulations
    citation to the
    most recent edition available
    611.240(a) Board Changed “shall” to “must”
    611.240(b) Board Changed “shall” to “must”
    611.240(c) Board Added the indefinite article and changed “special
    exception permit” to the defined abbreviation “a SEP”;
    added “issued pursuant to Section 611.110”
    611.240(d) Board Changed “shall” to “must”
    611.240(e) Board Changed “shall” to “must”
    611.240(f) Board note Board Updated the
    Code of Federal Regulations
    citation to the
    most recent edition available
    611.240(g) Board Changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause;
    changed “shall” to “must”; added the statutory citation
    “415 ILCS 5/17(b)”
    611.240(g)(1) Board Changed “shall” to “must”
    611.240(g)(2) Board Changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause
    611.241 preamble Board Changed “shall” to “must”
    611.241(a) Board Changed “shall” to “must”; changed “value(s)” to “values”
    611.241(a)(1) Board Changed “Section 611.Appendix B” to “Appendix B of
    this Part”
    611.241(a)(2) Board Added the indefinite article and changed “special
    exception permit” to the defined abbreviation “a SEP”;
    added “issued pursuant to Section 611.110”
    611.241(b) Board Added “of the following”
    611.241(b)(2) Board Changed “mg/L” to “mg/
    ”; added the indefinite article
    and changed “special exception permit” to the defined
    abbreviation “a SEP”; added “issued pursuant to Section
    611.110”; changed “shall” to “must”
    611.241(c) Board,
    Corrected “Section 611.531(e) and 611.532(e)” to plural
    “Sections 611.531(e) and 611.532(e)”; changed “mg/L” to
    611.241(d)(1) Board,
    Corrected “Section Section 611.531(e) and 611.532(f)” to
    plural “Sections 611.531(e) and 611.532(f)”; changed the
    equation to standard equation format; added “the terms
    mean the following”; changed the ending periods to
    semicolons (three times); changed the ending period to a
    comma; changed the ending conjunction to lower-case
    “and”; removed the comma after the ending conjunction

    611.241 Board note Board Updated the
    Code of Federal Regulations
    citation to the
    most recent edition available
    611.242 preamble Board Changed “shall” to “must”
    611.242(a) Board Changed “and/or” to “or”
    611.242(c)(1) Board Added a comma after “chlorine” to offset the final element
    of a series
    611.242(c)(1) Board Added “the terms mean the following”; changed the
    ending period to a comma; changed the ending
    conjunction to lower-case “and”; removed the comma after
    the ending conjunction
    611.242 Board note Board Updated the
    Code of Federal Regulations
    citation to the
    most recent edition available
    611.250(a)(1) Board,
    Added the indefinite article and changed “special
    exception permit” to the defined abbreviation “a SEP”;
    added “issued pursuant to Section 611.110”; changed
    numeric “5” to written “five”
    611.250(b)(1) Board Added the indefinite article and changed “special
    exception permit” to the defined abbreviation “a SEP”;
    added “issued pursuant to Section 611.110”
    611.250(d) Board Added the indefinite article and changed “special
    exception permit” to the defined abbreviation “a SEP”;
    added “issued pursuant to Section 611.110”
    611.260 preamble Board Added the indefinite article and changed “special
    exception permit” to the defined abbreviation “a SEP”
    (twice); added “issued pursuant to Section 611.110”
    611.260(a) Board Added “the following”
    611.260(b) Board Added “the following”
    611.260(b)(1) Board Changed “mg/L” to “mg/
    611.260(b)(2) Board Changed “mg/L” to “mg/
    611.260(b)(3) Board Changed “mg/L” to “mg/
    611.260(b)(8)(F) Board Added “the terms mean the following”; added a semicolon
    as ending punctuation (four times); added the ending
    conjunction “and”; added the ending period
    611.260(b)(9) Board Added the indefinite article and changed “special
    exception permit” to the defined abbreviation “a SEP”;
    added “issued pursuant to Section 611.110”; added “the
    following is true”
    611.260(e)(3) Board Changed “mg/L” to “mg/
    ” (twice)
    611.260 Board note Board Updated the
    Code of Federal Regulations
    citation to the
    most recent edition available
    611.262(a) Board Added “the following”
    611.262(b) Board Added “the following”
    611.262(b)(1) Board Changed “mg/L” to “mg/
    611.262(b)(2) Board Changed “mg/L” to “mg/

    611.260(b)(3)(F) Board Added “the terms mean the following”; added a semicolon
    as ending punctuation (four times); added the ending
    conjunction “and”; added the ending period
    611.262(c)(3) Board Changed “mg/L” to “mg/
    ” (twice)
    611.262 Board note Board Updated the
    Code of Federal Regulations
    citation to the
    most recent edition available
    611.271 preamble Board Changed “shall” to “must”; added a comma after
    “reconstruction” to offset the final element of a series
    611.272 heading Board Changed to capitalized “Following”
    611.272(a) Board Added a comma after “reconstruction” to offset the final
    element of a series; changed “shall” to “must”
    611.272(b) Board Added the indefinite article and changed “special
    exception permit” to the defined abbreviation “a SEP”;
    added “issued pursuant to Section 611.110”
    611.276(c) Board Added a comma after “as defined in 611.101” to complete
    its offset as a parenthetical
    611.276 Board note Board Updated the
    Code of Federal Regulations
    citation to the
    most recent edition available
    611.280(c) Board Changed “shall” to “must”
    611.280(d)(1) Board Changed “shall” to “must”
    611.280(d)(2) Board Added the indefinite article and changed “special
    exception permit” to the defined abbreviation “a SEP”;
    added “issued pursuant to Section 611.110”
    611.280 Board note Board Updated the
    Code of Federal Regulations
    citation to the
    most recent edition available
    611.290(a) Board Changed “shall” to “must”
    611.290(c) Board Changed “shall” to “must”
    611.290 Board note Board Updated the
    Code of Federal Regulations
    citation to the
    most recent edition available
    611.295 Board Changed “this Subpart” to “this Subpart D” (twice)
    611.295 Board note Board Updated the
    Code of Federal Regulations
    citation to the
    most recent edition available
    611.296(a) Board Changed “shall” to “must”; added “the terms mean the
    following”; changed “A * B” to “A × B”; changed the
    ending period to a semicolon (twice); added the ending
    conjunction “and”; changed the ending colon to a period
    611.296(b) Board Added “is the following”
    611.296 Board note Board Updated the
    Code of Federal Regulations
    citation to the
    most recent edition available
    611.300 heading Board Changed “chemicals” to “chemical contaminants”
    611.300(a) Board Changed “inorganic chemicals” to “inorganic chemical
    contaminants”; added the abbreviation “IOCs” in
    parentheses; changed “mg/L” to “mg/

    611.300(a) Board note Board Updated the
    Code of Federal Regulations
    citation to the
    most recent edition available
    611.300(b) Board Changed “inorganic chemicals” to the defined
    abbreviation “IOCs”; changed “mg/L” to “mg/
    611.300(b) Board note Board Updated the
    Code of Federal Regulations
    citation to the
    most recent edition available
    611.300(c) Board Removed the unnecessary date from the
    Code of Federal
    611.300(d)(1) Board Changed “mg/L” to “mg/
    611.300(d)(3) Board Changed “mg/L” to “mg/
    611.300(d)(4) Board Changed “mg/L” to “mg/
    611.300(d) Board note Board Updated the
    Code of Federal Regulations
    citation to the
    most recent edition available
    611.300(e)(2) Board Added the indefinite article and changed “special
    exception permit” to the defined abbreviation “a SEP”;
    added “issued pursuant to Section 611.110” (twice)
    611.300(e) Board note Board Changed “subsection (e) of this Section” to “this
    subsection (e)”
    611.301 heading Board Changed “chemicals” to “chemical contaminants”
    611.301(b) Board Changed “mg/L” to “mg/
    ” (fourteen times)
    611.301(c) Board,
    Changed “inorganic chemicals” to the defined
    abbreviation “IOCs”; added blank lines between table
    rows to enhance readability; changed “BAT(s)” to
    “BATs”; changed “μg/L” to “μg/
    ” (three times)
    611.301(d) Board Updated the
    Code of Federal Regulations
    citation to the
    most recent edition available
    611.301 Board note Board Updated the
    Code of Federal Regulations
    citation to the
    most recent edition available
    611.310 heading Board Changed “chemicals” to “chemical contaminants”
    611.310 preamble Board Changed “organic chemicals” to “inorganic chemical
    contaminants” (twice); changed “mg/L” to “mg/
    611.310(a) Board note Board Updated the
    Code of Federal Regulations
    citation to the
    most recent edition available
    611.310(b) Board note Board Updated the
    Code of Federal Regulations
    citation to the
    most recent edition available
    611.310(c)(1) Board Changed “mg/L” to “mg/
    611.310(c)(2) Board Changed “mg/L” to “mg/
    611.310(c) Board note Board Updated the
    Code of Federal Regulations
    citation to the
    most recent edition available
    611.311 heading Board Changed “organic contaminants” to “organic chemical
    611.311(a) Board Changed “are” to past-tense “were”; changed “mg/L” to

    611.311(b) Board,
    Changed “U.S. EPA” to “USEPA”; added the defined
    abbreviation “VOCs” in parentheses; added the defined
    abbreviation “SOCs” in parentheses; added an asterisk (*)
    to the entry for each aldicarb compound (three times);
    added an end note directing attention to the end Board
    note; changed the brackets to parentheses in
    611.311(c) Board,
    Changed “synthetic organic chemical contaminants
    (SOCs)” to the defined abbreviation “SOCs”; added an
    asterisk (*) to the entry for each aldicarb compound (three
    times); added an end note directing attention to the end
    Board note; changed the brackets to parentheses in
    “benzo(a)pyrene” (twice); changed “are” to past-tense
    “were”; changed “mg/L” to “mg/
    611.311 Board note Board,
    Updated the
    Code of Federal Regulations
    citation to the
    most recent edition available (twice); amended the
    explanation of the regulatory status of the requirements
    pertaining to the aldicarbs
    611.312(a) Board Changed “mg/L” to “mg/
    611.312 Board note Board Updated the
    Code of Federal Regulations
    citation to the
    most recent edition available
    611.313(a) Board Changed “mg/L” to “mg/
    611.313 Board note Board Updated the
    Code of Federal Regulations
    citation to the
    most recent edition available
    611.320 Board Repealed this obsolete provision
    611.325(d) Board Added “are the following”
    611.325(d)(4) Board Changed “subpart B” to “Subpart B of this Part”; added a
    comma after “dioxide” to offset the final element of a
    611.325 Board note Board Updated the
    Code of Federal Regulations
    citation to the
    most recent edition available
    611.330(b) Board Changed “mg/L” to “mg/
    611.330(c) Board Changed “mg/L” to “mg/
    611.330(e) Board Changed “μg/L” to “μg/
    611.330 Board note Board Updated the
    Code of Federal Regulations
    citation to the
    most recent edition available
    611.331(b) Board Changed “pCi/L” to “pCi/
    611.331 Board note Board Updated the
    Code of Federal Regulations
    citation to the
    most recent edition available
    611.350(a)(1) Board Changed “this Subpart” to “this Subpart G” (twice)
    611.350(a)(2) Board Changed “this Subpart” to “this Subpart G”
    611.350(b) Board Changed “this Subpart” to “this Subpart G”
    611.350(b) “action
    Board Changed “this Subpart” to “this Subpart G”; changed
    “mg/L” to “mg/
    ” (twice)

    611.350(b) “maximum
    concentration” Board
    Board Updated the
    Code of Federal Regulations
    citation to the
    most recent edition available; added “see” before
    “Section”; moved the ending period inside the closing
    parenthesis mark
    611.350(b) “method
    detection limit”
    Board Changed “mg/L” to “mg/
    ” (three times)
    611.350(b) “method
    detection limit” Board
    Board Updated the
    Code of Federal Regulations
    citation to the
    most recent edition available
    “monitoring period”
    Board Changed “this Subpart” to “this Subpart G”
    611.350(b) “90th
    percentile level” Board
    Board Updated the
    Code of Federal Regulations
    citation to the
    most recent edition available
    611.350(b) “practical
    quantitation” limit”
    Board Changed “mg/L” to “mg/
    ” (twice)
    611.350(b) “practical
    quantitation” Board
    Board Updated the
    Code of Federal Regulations
    citation to the
    most recent edition available
    611.350(b) “small
    system” Board note
    Board Updated the
    Code of Federal Regulations
    citation to the
    most recent edition available
    611.350(c) Board Changed the ending colon to a period
    611.350(c)(1) Board Changed “mg/L” to “mg/
    611.350(c)(2) Board Changed “mg/L” to “mg/
    611.350(d) Board Changed the ending colon to a period
    611.350(h) Board Changed “this Subpart” to “this Subpart G”
    611.350(i) Board Changed “this Subpart” to “this Subpart G”
    611.350(k) Board Changed “this Subpart” to “this Subpart G”; changed
    “special exception permit (SEP)” to the defined
    abbreviation “SEP”; added “and Section 611.110”
    611.350 Board note Board Updated the
    Code of Federal Regulations
    citation to the
    most recent edition available
    611.351(b)(1) Board Changed “small or medium-sized” to “small- or medium-
    Board note
    Board Removed the unnecessary note as to the effective date
    611.351(c)(1)(A) Board Changed the ending comma to a semicolon
    611.351(c)(4) Board Changed “small or medium-sized” to “small- or medium-
    sized” (twice)
    611.351(d)(1) Board
    Board Removed the unnecessary note as to the effective date
    611.351(e) Board Changed “small or medium-sized” to “small- or medium-
    sized” (twice); added a comma after “611.356” to offset
    the final element of a series

    611.351 Board note Board Updated the
    Code of Federal Regulations
    citation to the
    most recent edition available
    611.352(a)(1) Board Changed “small or medium-sized” to “small- or medium-
    611.352(b) Board Changed “small or medium-sized” to “small- or medium-
    611.352(c) Board Changed the ending colon to a period
    611.352(c)(2) Board Removed the unnecessary word “either” from before
    611.352(c)(4)(B) Board Added “that” before “it adversely affects” for a restrictive
    relative clause
    611.352(d) Board Changed the ending colon to a period
    611.352(g) JCAR Changed “Sections 611.357(d) through (f)” to singular
    “Section 611.357(d) through (f)”
    611.352(g)(1) Board
    Changed “this subsection” to singular “this subsection (g)”
    611.352(h)(4) Board Added the statutory citation “425 ILCS 5/39 and 40” in
    611.352(i)(1) JCAR Changed the ending comma to a semicolon
    611.352(i)(2) Board Changed the ending comma to a semicolon
    611.352 Board note Board Updated the
    Code of Federal Regulations
    citation to the
    most recent edition available
    611.353(a) Board Changed “Completing Source Water Treatment Steps” to
    lower-case “completing source water treatment steps”;
    added the ending period
    611.353(b) Board Added the ending period
    611.353(b)(2)(B)(i) JCAR Changed the ending comma to a semicolon
    611.353(b)(2)(B)(ii) JCAR Changed the ending comma to a semicolon
    611.353(b)(2)(B)(iii) Board Changed the ending comma to a semicolon
    611.353(b)(7)(A) JCAR Changed the ending comma to a semicolon
    611.353(b)(6)(E) Board Added the statutory citation “425 ILCS 5/39 and 40” in
    611.353(b)(7) Board Added “the following is true”
    611.353(b)(7)(B) Board Changed the ending comma to a semicolon
    611.353 Board note Board Updated the
    Code of Federal Regulations
    citation to the
    most recent edition available
    611.354(b)(3) JCAR Added a comma after “e.g.”
    611.354(c) Board Changed “mg/L” to “mg/
    611.354(d) Board Added a comma after “local” to offset the final element of
    a series
    611.354 Board note Board Updated the
    Code of Federal Regulations
    citation to the
    most recent edition available

    611.355(a)(1) Board
    Board Updated the
    Code of Federal Regulations
    citation to the
    most recent edition available; removed the unnecessary
    words “in this subsection (a)(1)”
    611.355(b)(1) Board Changed the brackets on “insert . . . sample” to
    parentheses; placed quotation marks on “free”; changed
    “$” to “the cost”; changed the brackets on “insert . . .
    supplier” to parentheses
    611.355(b)(2) Board Changed the brackets on “insert . . . supplier” to
    611.355(c)(2)(A) JCAR Changed “within 60 days of” to “within 60 days after”
    611.355(c)(3)(A) Board,
    Changed the colon after “Section” to a comma; changed
    the ending comma to a semicolon
    611.355(c)(3)(B) Board Added a comma after “Section”
    611.355(c)(7) Board Corrected “this section” to capitalized “this Section”;
    added “the following are true”
    611.355 Board note Board Updated the
    Code of Federal Regulations
    citation to the
    most recent edition available
    Board note
    Board Updated the
    Code of Federal Regulations
    citation to the
    most recent edition available
    Board note
    Board Updated the
    Code of Federal Regulations
    citation to the
    most recent edition available
    Board note
    Board Updated the
    Code of Federal Regulations
    citation to the
    most recent edition available
    Board note
    Board Updated the
    Code of Federal Regulations
    citation to the
    most recent edition available
    Board note
    Board Updated the
    Code of Federal Regulations
    citation to the
    most recent edition available
    Board note
    Board Updated the
    Code of Federal Regulations
    citation to the
    most recent edition available
    Board note
    Board Updated the
    Code of Federal Regulations
    citation to the
    most recent edition available
    Board note
    Board Updated the
    Code of Federal Regulations
    citation to the
    most recent edition available
    Board note
    Board Updated the
    Code of Federal Regulations
    citation to the
    most recent edition available
    Board note
    Board Updated the
    Code of Federal Regulations
    citation to the
    most recent edition available
    Board note
    Board Updated the
    Code of Federal Regulations
    citation to the
    most recent edition available
    Board note
    Board Updated the
    Code of Federal Regulations
    citation to the
    most recent edition available
    611.356(a)(4)(C)(i) Board Changed the ending comma to a semicolon
    Board note
    Board Updated the
    Code of Federal Regulations
    citation to the
    most recent edition available
    611.356(b)(1) Board Changed “this Subpart” to “this Subpart G”

    611.356(b)(2)(B) JCAR,
    Added a parenthesis mark to correct the subsection
    number format
    611.356(d)(1)(B) Board Changed “small or medium-sized” to “small- or medium-
    611.356(d)(1)(B)(i) Board Changed the ending comma to a semicolon
    611.356(d)(2)(B) Board Changed “small or medium-sized” to “small- or medium-
    611.356(d)(4)(A) Board Changed “small or medium-sized” to “small- or medium-
    sized” (twice)
    611.356(d)(4)(C) Board Changed “small or medium-sized” to “small- or medium-
    611.356(d)(4)(C)(i) Board Changed “small or medium-sized” to “small- or medium-
    sized” (twice)
    611.356(d)(4)(E) Board Changed “mg/L” to “mg/
    611.356(d)(4)(F)(i) Board Changed “small or medium-sized” to “small- or medium-
    sized” (twice)
    Board note
    Board Updated the
    Code of Federal Regulations
    citation to the
    most recent edition available
    Board note
    Board Changed “Section 1417” to lower-case “section 1417”
    611.356(g)(2) Board
    Board Changed “and/or” to “or”
    611.356(g)(2)(A) Board Changed “mg/L” to “mg/
    611.356(g)(2)(B) Board Changed “mg/L” to “mg/
    611.356(g)(5)(A) Board Changed “mg/L” to “mg/
    611.356(g)(5)(B) Board Changed “mg/L” to “mg/
    611.356(g)(7) Board
    Board Removed the unnecessary note as to the effective date
    611.356(g)(7)(B) Board Changed “meets” to past-tense “met”
    Board note
    Board Removed the unnecessary note as to the effective date
    611.356 Board note Board Updated the
    Code of Federal Regulations
    citation to the
    most recent edition available
    611.357 preamble Board Changed “small or medium-sized” to “small- or medium-
    sized” (twice)
    611.357(a) Board Added the ending period
    611.357(a)(1) Board Added the ending period
    611.357(a)(2) Board Added the ending period
    611.357(b)(2) Board Changed “small or medium-sized” to “small- or medium-
    sized” (twice)
    611.357(b)(3) Board Changed the ending colon to a period
    611.357(c)(2) Board Changed “small or medium-sized” to “small- or medium-
    sized” (twice)
    611.357(d)(1) Board Changed “large systems” to “large system suppliers”

    611.357(d)(2) Board Changed “small or medium-sized systems” to “small- or
    medium-sized system suppliers”; changed “small or
    medium-sized” to “small- or medium-sized”
    611.357(e)(2)(B)(i) JCAR Changed the ending comma to a semicolon
    611.357(e)(2)(B)(ii) Board Changed “mg/L” to “mg/
    ”; changed the ending comma to
    a semicolon
    611.357(f) Board Changed “systems” to “suppliers”
    611.357 Board note Board Updated the
    Code of Federal Regulations
    citation to the
    most recent edition available
    611.358(a) Board Added the ending period
    611.358(a)(1)(D) Board Changed “mg/L” to “mg/
    ” (twice)
    611.358(a)(2) Board Added the ending period
    611.358(e)(1)(B) Board Changed “mg/L” to “mg/
    ” (twice)
    611.358(e)(2)(B) Board Changed “mg/L” to “mg/
    ” (twice)
    611.358 Board note Board Updated the
    Code of Federal Regulations
    citation to the
    most recent edition available
    611.359(a) Board Changed “this Subpart” to “this Subpart G”
    611.359(a)(2)(A) Board Changed “mg/L” to “mg/
    ” (twice)
    611.359(a)(2)(B) Board Changed “mg/L” to “mg/
    ” (twice)
    611.359(a)(2)(C) Board Changed “mg/L” to “mg/
    ”; corrected “35 Ill. Adm. Code
    183” to “35 Ill. Adm. Code 186”; updated the
    Code of
    Federal Regulations
    citation to the most recent edition
    611.359(a) Board note Board Added the
    Code of Federal Regulations
    citation to the
    source of the provision
    611.359(a) Board Changed “this Subpart” to “this Subpart G” (twice)
    611.359(b) Board note Board Added the
    Code of Federal Regulations
    citation to the
    source of the provision
    611.359(c)(1) Board Changed “mg/L” to “mg/
    ” (twice)
    611.359(c)(2) Board Changed “mg/L” to “mg/
    ” (four times)
    611.359(c) Board note Board Updated the
    Code of Federal Regulations
    citation to the
    most recent edition available
    611.360(a)(1) JCAR Changed “section” to capitalized “Section”
    611.360(a)(1)(A) Board Changed “611.356(a)(3) through (7)” to “611.356(a)(3)
    through (a)(7)”
    611.360(a)(1)(C) Board Removed the unnecessary
    Federal Register
    moved the period inside the closing quotation mark
    611.360(a)(2) Board Changed “611.355(c)(7)(A) and (B)” to “611.355(c)(7)(A)
    and (c)(7)(B)”
    Board note
    Board Removed the unnecessary note as to the effective date
    611.360(a)(4)(D) Board Changed “has” to past-tense “had”; changed “provide” to
    past perfect tense “have provided”

    Board note
    Board Removed the unnecessary note as to the effective date
    611.360(e)(1)(A) JCAR Changed the ending comma to a semicolon
    611.360(e)(1)(B) Board Changed the ending comma to a semicolon
    611.360(e)(2)(A) Board Changed the ending comma to a semicolon
    611.360(e)(2)(B) Board Changed “mg/L” to “mg/
    611.360(f)(1) Board Added “the following”
    611.360(g) Board Changed “this Subpart” to “this Subpart G”
    611.360(h) Board Added “the following is true”
    611.360 Board note Board Updated the
    Code of Federal Regulations
    citation to the
    most recent edition available
    611.361 Board,
    Changed “this Subpart” to “this Subpart G”; changed
    “shall” to “must” (twice); changed “section” to capitalized
    611.361 Board note Board Updated the
    Code of Federal Regulations
    citation to the
    most recent edition available
    611.Subpart I heading JCAR Changed “and” to upper-case “AND”
    611.380(a) Board Changed “this Subpart” to “this Subpart I”
    611.380(a)(1) Board Changed “this Subpart” to “this Subpart I”
    611.380(a)(2) Board Changed “this Subpart” to “this Subpart I”
    611.380(b)(1) Board Changed “this Subpart” to “this Subpart I” (three times)
    611.380(b)(2) Board Changed “this Subpart” to “this Subpart I” (twice)
    611.380 Board note Board Updated the
    Code of Federal Regulations
    citation to the
    most recent edition available
    611.381(a) Board Changed “this Subpart” to “this Subpart I”
    611.381(d) Board Changed “these parameters” to “the following
    parameters”; changed the ending colon to a period
    611.381(c)(1) Board Removed a space to change “D 1253-86” to “D1253-86”
    611.381(d)(1) Board Changed the ending comma to a semicolon
    611.381(d)(2) Board Changed the ending comma to a semicolon
    611.381(d)(3) Board Changed the ending comma to a semicolon
    611.381(d)(4) Board Changed “mg/L” to “mg/
    ”; changed the ending comma to
    a semicolon
    611.381(d)(4)(A) Board Changed the symbol “<” to written “less than”; changed
    “mg/L” to “mg/
    ”; changed the ending comma to a
    611.381(d)(4)(B) Board Corrected “UVfffff4” to written “UV254”; changed the
    ending comma to a semicolon
    611.381(d)(5) Board Corrected “611.611 (a) (17)” to “611.611(a)(17)”; changed
    the ending comma to a semicolon
    611.381 Board note Board Updated the
    Code of Federal Regulations
    citation to the
    most recent edition available
    611.382(a)(5) Board Changed “this Subpart” to “this Subpart I”; changed “40
    CFR 141 Subpart M” to “40 CFR 141, Subpart M”

    611.382(b)(1)(A) Board Changed “the frequency indicated in the following table”
    to “the following frequency”; changed the table to
    standard subsection format; changed “serving” to “that
    serves” (three times); changed “using” to “that uses”
    (twice); changed “serving” to “which serves” (twice)
    Board note
    Board Changed “1” to “Board note”; combined the text of the
    footnotes into a single note; removed note 2
    611.382(b)(1)(B) Board Changed “the following table” to “the following”; changed
    the table to standard subsection format; changed “serving”
    to “that serves” (three times); changed “
    ” to “less than or
    equal to” (twelve times); changed “mg/L” to “mg/
    (twelve times); changed “using” to “that uses” (twice);
    changed “serving” to “which serves” (twice)
    611.382(b)(1)(B)(i) JCAR Changed “less than equal to” to “less than or equal to”
    (three times); added the indefinite article “a” before
    “distribution system”
    611.382(b)(1)(B)(ii) JCAR Added the verb “is” before “less than” (twice); changed
    “less than equal to” to “less than or equal to” (twice);
    added the indefinite article “a” before “distribution
    611.382(b)(1)(B)(iii) JCAR Added the verb “is” before “less than” (twice); changed
    “less than equal to” to “less than or equal to” (twice);
    added the indefinite article “a” before “distribution
    611.382(b)(1)(B)(iv) JCAR Added the verb “is” before “less than” (four times);
    changed “less than equal to” to “less than or equal to”
    (four times); added the indefinite article “a” before
    “distribution system”; added the definite article “the”
    before “quarter”
    611.382(b)(1)(C) Board Changed “mg/L” to “mg/
    ” (eight times); changed “>” to
    “greater than” (twice)
    611.382(b)(1)(D) Board Changed “
    ” to “less than or equal to” (twice); changed
    “mg/L” to “mg/
    ” (twice)
    611.382(b)(3)(B) Board Changed “mg/L” to “mg/
    ” (three times)
    611.382(d)(2) Board Changed “mg/L” to “mg/
    ” (four times); changed “
    ” to
    “greater than or equal to”
    611.382(e) Board Changed “mg/L” to “mg/
    611.382(i) Board Changed “this Subpart” to “this Subpart I”
    611.382 Board note Board Updated the
    Code of Federal Regulations
    citation to the
    most recent edition available
    611.383(a)(2) Board Changed “this Subpart” to “this Subpart I”
    611.383(c)(1)(B) Board Changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause
    611.383 Board note Board Updated the
    Code of Federal Regulations
    citation to the
    most recent edition available

    611.384(b) Board Changed “the information in the following table” to “the
    following specified information”; changed the table to
    standard subsection format; changed “monitoring” to “that
    monitors” (five times)
    611.384(b)(1) Board Restored missing text
    611.384(b)(1)(D) JCAR Changed “section” to capitalized “Section”
    611.384(b)(3)(B) JCAR Changed the ending semicolon to a period
    611.384(b)(5) Board Added the indefinite article “a” before “supplier”
    611.384(b) Board note Board Changed “1” to “Board note”; changed “that information”
    to “the required information”
    611.384(c) Board Changed “the information in the following table” to “the
    following specified information”; changed the table to
    standard subsection format; changed “monitoring” to “that
    monitors” (twice)
    611.384(c)(2) Board Changed “suppliers monitoring” to singular “a supplier
    that monitors”
    611.384(c) Board note Board Changed “1” to “Board note”; changed “that information”
    to “the required information”
    611.384(d) Board Changed “the information in the following table” to “the
    following specified information”; changed the table to
    standard subsection format; changed “monitoring” to “that
    monitors” (twice)
    611.384(d)(2)(H) JCAR Corrected “CaCO3” to subscript “CaCO3”
    611.384(d) Board note Board Changed “1” to “Board note”; changed “that information”
    to “the required information”
    611.384 Board note Board Updated the
    Code of Federal Regulations
    citation to the
    most recent edition available
    611.385(a)(2)(A) Board Changed “mg/L” to “mg/
    611.385(a)(2)(B) Board Changed “mg/L” to “mg/
    611.385(a)(2)(C) Board Changed “mg/L” to “mg/
    ” (six times)
    611.385(a)(2)(D) Board Changed “mg/L” to “mg/
    ” (twice)
    611.385(a)(2)(E) Board Changed “mg/L” to “mg/
    611.385(a)(2)(F) Board Changed “mg/L” to “mg/
    611.385(a)(3)(A) Board Changed “mg/L” to “mg/
    ”; changed the ending period to
    a semicolon; added the ending conjunction “and”
    611.385(a)(3)(B) Board Changed “mg/L” to “mg/
    611.385(b)(2) Board Changed “>” to “greater than”; changed “mg/L” to “mg/
    (three times); added “following” before “specified”
    611.385(b)(2), note 2
    to table
    Board Changed “softening systems meeting . . . are” to singular
    “a softening system that meets . . . is”
    611.385(b)(2), note 3
    to table
    Board Changed “practicing” to “that practices”

    611.385(b)(4)(A) Board Changed “this Subpart” to “this Subpart I”; added commas
    before and after “as determined . . . Section” to offset it as
    a parenthetical; changed “mg/L” to “mg/
    ” (twice);
    changed “
    ” to “less than or equal to”
    611.385(b)(4)(B) Board Changed “mg/L” to “mg/
    ” (twice)
    611.385(b)(4)(C) Board Changed “mg/L” to “mg/
    ” (three times)
    611.385(b)(4)(E) Board Changed “mg/L” to “mg/
    ” (four times)
    611.385(c)(1)(A) Board Added “the following”
    611.385(c)(2)(A) Board Changed “mg/L” to “mg/
    611.385(c)(2)(B) Board Changed “mg/L” to “mg/
    ”; corrected “subsection (c)(1(C)
    of this Section” to “subsection (c)(1)(C) of this Section”
    611.385(c)(2)(C) Board Changed “
    ” to “less than or equal to”; changed “mg/L” to
    611.385(c)(2)(D) Board Changed “
    ” to “less than or equal to”; changed “mg/L” to
    611.385(c)(2)(E) Board Changed “mg/L” to “mg/
    611.385 Board note Board Updated the
    Code of Federal Regulations
    citation to the
    most recent edition available
    611.480(e)(2) Board Added the indefinite article and changed “special
    exception permit” to the defined abbreviation “a SEP”;
    added “issued pursuant to Section 611.110”; changed
    “shall” to “must” (twice); changed “U.S. EPA” to
    611.480 Board note Board Updated the
    Code of Federal Regulations
    citation to the
    most recent edition available
    611.490(a) Board Added “as follows”
    611.490(a)(1) Board Added the statutory citation “415 ILCS 5/4(o)” in
    brackets; removed the unnecessary ending conjunction
    “or” and the ending comma
    611.490(a)(2) Board Removed the unnecessary ending comma after the
    conjunction “or”
    611.490(b) Board Changed “shall” to “must”
    611.490(b) Board note Board Added “subsections (a) and (b) are”; updated the
    Code of
    Federal Regulations
    citation to the most recent edition
    611.490(c) Board Changed “shall” to “must”
    611.491(a) Board Changed “shall” to “must”
    611.491(b) Board,
    Changed “nothing in this Subpart shall” to “nothing in this
    Subpart K may”
    611.500 Board Changed “shall” to “must” (twice); added the indefinite
    article and changed “special exception permit” to the
    defined abbreviation “a SEP”; added “issued pursuant to
    Section 611.110”; changed “U.S. EPA” to “USEPA”

    611.500 Board note Board Updated the
    Code of Federal Regulations
    citation to the
    most recent edition available
    611.510 Board Repealed the outdated unregulated contaminants
    monitoring requirements
    611.521(a) Board Added the indefinite article and changed “special
    exception permit” to the defined abbreviation “a SEP”;
    added “issued pursuant to Section 611.110”
    611.521(b) Board Changed “Section 611.Table A” to “Table A of this Part”
    611.521(c)(1) Board Removed the obsolete “Beginning June 29, 1994” and the
    comma that offset it
    611.521(e) Board Added the indefinite article and changed “special
    exception permit” to the defined abbreviation “a SEP”;
    added “issued pursuant to Section 611.110”
    611.521 Board note Board Updated the
    Code of Federal Regulations
    citation to the
    most recent edition available
    611.522(a) Board Changed “shall” to “must” (five times)
    611.522(b) Board Changed “shall” to “must”
    611.522(c) Board Changed “shall” to “must” (twice); changed “sample(s)”
    to “samples”
    611.522(d) Board Changed “shall” to “must” (twice); changed “subsections
    (a) through (c)” to “subsections (a) through (c) of this
    Section”; changed “subsection (a)” to “subsection (a) of
    this Section”
    611.522(e) Board Changed “sample(s)” to “samples”; changed “shall” to
    “must”; changed “subsection (e)(1) or (2)” to “subsection
    (e)(1) or (e)(2) of this Section”; added “the following
    611.522(e)(2)(A) Board Changed “shall” to “must”; changed “U.S. EPA” to
    611.522(e)(2)(C) Board Changed “shall” to “must”; changed “subsections (a)
    through (d)” to “subsections (a) through (d) of this
    611.522(f) Board Changed “sample(s)” to “samples” (twice)
    611.522 Board note Board Updated the
    Code of Federal Regulations
    citation to the
    most recent edition available
    611.523(a) Board Changed “shall” to “must”; changed “subsection (a)(1),
    (a)(2), or (a)(3) of this Section” to “subsection (a)(1),
    (a)(2), or (a)(3)”
    611.523(a)(2) Board Changed “sample(s)” to “samples”
    611.523(a)(3) Board Changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause;
    changed “shall” to “must” (three times); changed “U.S.
    EPA” to “USEPA”
    611.523(b) Board Changed “shall” to “must” (four times)
    611.523 Board note Board Updated the
    Code of Federal Regulations
    citation to the
    most recent edition available

    611.524(a)(1) Board Changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause
    (twice); changed “shall” to “must” (three times); changed
    “an initial sanitary survey by June 29, 1994 . . . another
    sanitary survey every five years . . . subsequent sanitary
    surveys at least every tem years. . . after the initial survey”
    to “a sanitary survey at least every five years . . . a sanitary
    survey at least once every ten years” to remove obsolete
    language; changed “non-CWSs” to singular “a non-CWS”
    611.524(b) Board Added “that” before “the survey” for a restrictive relative
    611.524 Board note Board Updated the
    Code of Federal Regulations
    citation to the
    most recent edition available
    611.525(a) Board Changed “shall” to “must” (three times)
    611.525(b) Board Changed “shall” to “must”; changed “subsection (a)” to
    “subsection (a) of this Section”
    611.525 Board note Board Updated the
    Code of Federal Regulations
    citation to the
    most recent edition available
    611.526(a) Board Changed “mg/L” to “mg/
    611.526(c) Board Changed “shall” to “must”
    611.526(c)(1) Board Add “as follows” offset by a comma
    611.526(c)(3) Board Corrected “Method 9221” to “Method 9221 D”; add “as
    follows” offset by a comma
    611.526(e) Board Changed “shall” to “must”
    611.526(f) Board Changed “shall” to “must”
    611.526(f)(1) Board Changed “μg/L” to “μg/
    ” (twice); changed “mg/L” to
    611.526(f)(2) Board Changed “μg/L” to “μg/
    ” (twice); corrected “Method
    9221 B” to “Method 9221 G”
    611.526(f)(2) Board Changed “Section 611.Appendix D” to “Section 611.-
    Appendix D”
    611.526(g) Board Changed “mL” to “m
    611.526 Board note Board Updated the
    Code of Federal Regulations
    citation to the
    most recent edition available
    611.527(b) Board Changed “Subpart V” to “Subpart V of this Part”
    611.527 Board note Board Updated the
    Code of Federal Regulations
    citation to the
    most recent edition available
    611.531 preamble Board Changed “method(s)” to “methods”; changed “this
    Subpart” to “this Subpart L”
    611.531(a) Board Added “do as follows”
    611.531(a)(2) Board Added “as follows” offset by a comma
    611.531(a)(2)(A) Board Changed the ending colon to a period
    Board note
    Board Changed “611.Subpart B” to “Subpart B of this Part”;
    changed numeric “8” to written “eight”
    611.531(a)(2)(B) Board Changed the ending colon to a period

    Board note
    Board Changed “611.Subpart B” to “Subpart B of this Part”;
    changed numeric “8” to written “eight”
    Board note
    Board Changed numeric “8” to written “eight”
    611.531(a)(2)(D) Board Changed the ending colon to a period
    611.531(a)(2)(D)(iii) Board Corrected the subsection number
    611.531(a)(2)(D)(iv) JCAR Corrected the spelling of “Hack” to “Hach”
    611.531(b) Board Changed “shall” to “must”
    611.531(b)(1) Board Changed the ending colon to a period
    611.531(b)(2) Board Changed the ending colon to a period
    611.531(b)(3) Board Changed the ending colon to a period
    611.531(b)(5)(B) Board Changed written “ten-tube” to numeric “10-tube”
    611.531 Board note Board Updated the
    Code of Federal Regulations
    citation to the
    most recent edition available
    611.532 preamble Board Changed “shall begin monitoring December 31, 1990” to
    “must monitor”; changed “required, in which case . . .
    specify alternative” to “required. If the Agency . . ., it
    must specify alternative”; added “which” before “does not
    provide” for a subsequent restrictive relative clause;
    changed “filtration treatment shall begin monitoring
    beginning December 31, 1990, or 6 months” to “filtration
    treatment must monitor within six months”; changed “the
    Agency determines” to “the Agency has determined”;
    removed the parenthetical “whichever is later”; changed
    “shall” to “must”
    611.532(a) Board Changed “shall” to “must”; changed “Table B” to “Table
    B of this Part”
    611.532(b) Board Changed “special exception permit” to the defined
    abbreviation “a SEP”; added “issued pursuant to Section
    611.532(c) Board Changed “Table B” to “Table B of this Part”
    611.532(c)(3) Board Changed “time(s)” to “times”
    611.532(c)(4) Board Changed “RDC(s)” to “RDCs”
    611.532(c)(5) Board Changed “Section 611.241(a)(1) and (2)” to “Section
    611.241(a)(1) and (a)(2)”
    611.532(d)(1)(B)(i) Board Added “the following”
    611.532(d)(1)(B)(ii) Board Added “as follows” offset by a comma
    611.532(d)(2) Board Changed “shall” to “must”; changed “subsection
    (d)(1)(B)” to “subsection (d)(1)(B) of this Section”
    611.532(d)(3) Board Changed the format of the equation
    611.532(e) Board Changed numeric “4” to written “four” (twice); changed
    numeric “5” to written “five”; changed “mg/L” to “mg/
    (twice); changed “Table C” to “Table C of this Part”;
    changed “shall” to “must”

    611.532(f)(1) Board Changed “Section 611.521 et seq.” to “Subpart L of this
    Section”; changed “shall” to “must”; changed “which” to
    “that” for a restrictive relative clause; changed “special
    exception permit” to the defined abbreviation “a SEP”;
    added “issued pursuant to Section 611.110”
    611.532(f)(2) Board Changed “subsection (f)(1)” to “subsection (f)(1) of this
    611.532 Board note Board Updated the
    Code of Federal Regulations
    citation to the
    most recent edition available
    611.533 preamble Board Changed “shall” to “must”; removed “beginning June 29,
    1993 . . ., whichever is later” as obsolete
    611.533(a) Board Changed “special exception permit” to the defined
    abbreviation “a SEP” (twice); added “issued pursuant to
    Section 611.110” (twice); added a comma after “filtration”
    to offset the final element of a series; corrected
    “permitcondition” to “permit condition”
    611.533(b)(1) Board Changed numeric “4” to written “four”; changed numeric
    “5” to written “five”
    611.533(b)(2) Board Changed “mg/L” to “mg/
    ” (twice); changed “shall” to
    “must”; changed numeric “4” to written “four”
    611.533(c)(1) Board Changed “shall” to “must”; changed “which” to “that” for
    a restrictive relative clause
    611.533 Board note Board Updated the
    Code of Federal Regulations
    citation to the
    most recent edition available
    611.560 Preamble Board Changed “apply to unfiltered PWSs until December 30,
    1991 . . . ally to filtered PWSs until June 29, 1993. . . .
    apply to unfiltered PWSs that the Agency . . . until June
    29, 1993, or until filtration is installed, whichever is later”
    to apply to unfiltered PWSs until filtration is installed” to
    remove all expired applicability provisions
    611.560(a) Board Changed “point(s)” to “points”
    611.560(c) Board Replaced an obsolete past effective date statement with an
    explanatory statement
    611.560 Board note Board Updated the
    Code of Federal Regulations
    citation to the
    most recent edition available
    611.591 heading Board Added the indefinite article “a” before “State”
    611.591 preamble Board Added a comma after “reporting” to offset the final
    element of a series; added “do the following”
    611.591(b) Board Changed “Subpart T” to “Subpart T of this Part”; removed
    the unnecessary comma after the ending conjunction “and”
    611.592 preamble Board Added a comma after “reporting” to offset the final
    element of a series
    611.600 preamble Board Changed “shall” to “must”; changed “this Subpart” to “this
    Subpart N”
    611.600(d) Board Changed “this Subpart” to “this Subpart N”

    611.600(d) table Board Changed “mg/L” to “mg/
    ” (five times); changed the
    colon to a period after “footnotes”
    611.600 Board note Board Updated the
    Code of Federal Regulations
    citation to the
    most recent edition available (twice)
    611.601(a)(3) Board Corrected “a SEP” to “an SEP”
    611.601(c) Board Removed “USEPA” from before the word “provision”
    611.601 Board note Board Updated the
    Code of Federal Regulations
    citation to the
    most recent edition available
    611.602(a) Board Changed “subsection (c)” to “subsection (c) of this
    611.602(i)(1) Board Changed “subsection (a)” to “subsection (a) of this
    611.602(j) Board Replaced an obsolete past “grandfather” requirement with
    an explanatory statement
    611.602 Board note Board Updated the
    Code of Federal Regulations
    citation to the
    most recent edition available
    611.603 preamble Board Removed the past effective date statement in parentheses
    611.603(a) Board note Board Updated the
    Code of Federal Regulations
    citation to the
    most recent edition available
    611.603(b)(1) Board Corrected “a SEP” to “an SEP”
    611.603(b)(2) Board Corrected “a SEP” to “an SEP”
    611.603(b) Board note Board Updated the
    Code of Federal Regulations
    citation to the
    most recent edition available
    611.603(c) Board note Board Updated the
    Code of Federal Regulations
    citation to the
    most recent edition available
    611.603(d) Board Corrected “a SEP” to “an SEP”
    611.603(d)(4) Board Corrected “a SEP” to “an SEP”
    611.603(d) Board note Board Updated the
    Code of Federal Regulations
    citation to the
    most recent edition available
    611.603(e) Board Added “the following”
    611.603(e) Board note Board Updated the
    Code of Federal Regulations
    citation to the
    most recent edition available
    611.603(f)(1) Board Corrected “a SEP” to “an SEP”
    611.603(f)(1) Board
    Board Updated the
    Code of Federal Regulations
    citation to the
    most recent edition available
    611.603(f)(2) Board Corrected “a SEP” to “an SEP” (twice)
    611.603(f)(2) Board
    Board Updated the
    Code of Federal Regulations
    citation to the
    most recent edition available
    611.603(g) Board note Board Updated the
    Code of Federal Regulations
    citation to the
    most recent edition available
    611.603(h)(1) Board Corrected “a SEP” to “an SEP”
    611.603(h)(2) Board Corrected “a SEP” to “an SEP”
    611.603(h) Board note Board Updated the
    Code of Federal Regulations
    citation to the
    most recent edition available

    611.603(i) Board note Board Updated the
    Code of Federal Regulations
    citation to the
    most recent edition available
    611.604 preamble Board Changed “shall” to “must”
    611.604(a) Board Changed “shall” to “must”; removed the past effective
    date and offsetting comma
    611.604(a)(1) Board Changed the ending colon to a period
    611.604(a)(1) Board
    Board Updated the
    Code of Federal Regulations
    citation to the
    most recent edition available
    611.604(a)(2) Board
    Board Updated the
    Code of Federal Regulations
    citation to the
    most recent edition available
    611.604(b)(1) Board Changed “shall” to “must”
    611.604(b)(2) Board Changed “shall” to “must”
    611.604(b)(2)(B) Board,
    Changed “shall” to “must” (twice); corrected the spelling
    of “consitently” to “consistently”; changed “subsection
    (b)(1)” to “subsection (b)(1) of this Section”
    611.604(b) Board note Board,
    Changed “drawn from” to “derived from”; updated the
    Code of Federal Regulations
    citation to the most recent
    edition available
    611.604(c)(1) Board Changed “shall” to “must”
    611.604(c)(2) Board Changed “shall” to “must”
    611.604(c) Board note Board Updated the
    Code of Federal Regulations
    citation to the
    most recent edition available
    611.604(e) Board Changed “shall” to “must”; changed “quarter(s)” to
    611.604(e) Board note Board,
    Changed “drawn from” to “derived from”; updated the
    Code of Federal Regulations
    citation to the most recent
    edition available
    611.605 preamble Board Changed “shall” to “must”
    611.605(a) Board Replaced an obsolete sampling requirement with an
    explanatory statement
    611.605(b) Board Changed “U.S. EPA” to “USEPA” (twice)
    611.605(c) Board Changed “repeat monitoring” to “monitoring”
    611.605(c)(1)(A) Board Changed “subsection (c)(1)(A)” to “subsection (c)(1)(A)
    of this Section “; changed “shall” to “must”; changed
    “subsection (c)(2)” to “subsection (c)(2) of this Section”
    611.605(c)(2)(B) Board Changed “shall” to “must”; changed “subsection (c)(1)” to
    “subsection (c)(1) of this Section”
    611.605(d) Board Changed “shall” to “must”; changed “quarter(s)” to
    “quarters”; changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive
    relative clause
    611.605 Board note Board Updated the
    Code of Federal Regulations
    citation to the
    most recent edition available
    611.606 preamble Board Removed the past effective date statement in parentheses

    611.606 Board note Board Updated the
    Code of Federal Regulations
    citation to the
    most recent edition available
    611.607 Board Changed “a federal provision authorizing” to “which
    authorizes”; changed “sampling with regard to . . .” to
    “that is required under federal law”; removed “the Act
    authorizes . . . this Section”; changed “U.S. EPA rules” to
    “the corresponding federal rules”
    611.608 Board Changed “this Subpart” to “this Subpart N”
    611.608 Board note Board Updated the
    Code of Federal Regulations
    citation to the
    most recent edition available
    611.609(c) Board Changed “nitrate or nitrite exceed the MCLs in the initial
    sample” to “nitrate or nitrite in the initial sample exceed
    the MCLs”
    611.609(d) Board Changed “mg/L” to “mg/
    611.609 Board note Board Updated the
    Code of Federal Regulations
    citation to the
    most recent edition available
    611.610 Board Changed “shall” to “must”
    611.610 Board note Board Updated the
    Code of Federal Regulations
    citation to the
    most recent edition available
    611.611(a) Board Changed “remain” to past-tense “remained”; changed
    “will not be available” to present-tense “are not available”
    611.611(a)(1) Board Moved the entry from (a)(21) to place in alphabetical
    order; changed the ending colon to a period
    611.611(a)(1)(A) Board Changed the ending colon to a period
    611.611(a)(1)(A)(i) Board Changed the ending comma to a semicolon
    611.611(a)(2) Board Renumbered the entry from (a)(1) to accommodate
    alphabetical ordering; changed the ending colon to a
    611.611(a)(3) Board Renumbered the entry from (a)(2) to accommodate
    alphabetical ordering; changed the ending colon to a
    611.611(a)(3) Board
    Board Changed “μL” to “μ
    ”; changed “mL” to “m
    ”; changed
    “mg/L” to “mg/
    611.611(a)(3)(A) Board Changed the ending colon to a period
    Board note
    Board Changed “mg/L” to “mg/
    ” (three times)
    611.611(a)(3)(A)(i) Board Changed the ending comma to a semicolon
    611.611(a)(3)(D) Board Changed the ending colon to a period
    611.611(a)(3)(D)(i) Board Changed the ending comma to a semicolon
    611.611(a)(3)(E) Board Changed the ending colon to a period
    611.611(a)(3)(E)(i) Board Changed the ending comma to a semicolon
    611.611(a)(4) Board Renumbered the entry from (a)(3) to accommodate
    alphabetical ordering

    611.611(a)(5) Board Renumbered the entry from (a)(4) to accommodate
    alphabetical ordering; changed the ending colon to a
    611.611(a)(5)(A) Board Changed the ending colon to a period
    611.611(a)(5)(A)(i) Board Changed the ending comma to a semicolon
    611.611(a)(6) Board Renumbered the entry from (a)(5) to accommodate
    alphabetical ordering; changed the ending colon to a
    611.611(a)(6)(A) Board Changed the ending colon to a period
    611.611(a)(6)(A)(i) Board Changed the ending comma to a semicolon
    611.611(a)(6)(D) Board Changed the ending colon to a period
    611.611(a)(6)(D)(i) Board Changed the ending comma to a semicolon
    611.611(a)(7) Board Renumbered the entry from (a)(6) to accommodate
    alphabetical ordering; changed the ending colon to a
    611.611(a)(8) Board Moved the entry from (a)(20) to place in alphabetical
    order; changed the ending colon to a period
    611.611(a)(8)(A) Board Changed the ending colon to a period
    611.611(a)(8)(A)(i) Board Changed the ending comma to a semicolon
    611.611(a)(8)(B) Board Changed the ending colon to a period
    611.611(a)(8)(B)(i) Board Changed the ending comma to a semicolon
    611.611(a)(8)(C) Board Changed the ending colon to a period
    611.611(a)(8)(C)(i) Board Changed the ending comma to a semicolon
    611.611(a)(9) Board Renumbered the entry from (a)(7) to accommodate
    alphabetical ordering; changed the ending colon to a
    611.611(a)(9)(A) Board Changed the ending colon to a period
    611.611(a)(9)(A)(i) Board Changed the ending comma to a semicolon
    611.611(a)(10) Board Moved the entry from (a)(17) to place in alphabetical
    order; changed the ending colon to a period
    611.611(a)(10)(A) Board Changed the ending colon to a period
    611.611(a)(10)(A)(i) Board Changed the ending comma to a semicolon
    611.611(a)(11) Board Moved the entry from (a)(19) to place in alphabetical
    order; changed the ending colon to a period
    611.611(a)(11)(A) Board Changed the ending colon to a period
    611.611(a)(12) Board Renumbered the entry from (a)(8) to accommodate
    alphabetical ordering; changed the ending colon to a
    611.611(a)(12)(A) Board Changed the ending colon to a period
    611.611(a)(12)(A)(i) Board Changed the ending comma to a semicolon
    611.611(a)(12)(B) Board Changed the ending colon to a period
    611.611(a)(12)(B)(i) Board Changed the ending comma to a semicolon
    611.611(a)(12)(B)(ii) Board Changed the ending comma to a semicolon

    611.611(a)(13) Board Renumbered the entry from (a)(9) to accommodate
    alphabetical ordering; changed the ending colon to a
    611.611(a)(13)(A) Board Changed the ending colon to a period
    611.611(a)(13)(A)(i) Board Changed the ending comma to a semicolon
    611.611(a)(13)(C) Board Changed the ending colon to a period
    611.611(a)(13)(C)(i) Board Changed the ending comma to a semicolon
    611.611(a)(13)(E) Board Changed the ending colon to a period
    611.611(a)(13)(E)(i) Board Changed the ending comma to a semicolon
    611.611(a)(14) Board Moved the entry from (a)(16) to place in alphabetical
    order; changed the ending colon to a period
    611.611(a)(14)(A) Board Changed the ending colon to a period
    611.611(a)(14)(A)(i) Board Changed the ending comma to a semicolon
    611.611(a)(14)(B) Board Changed the ending colon to a period
    611.611(a)(14)(B)(i) Board Updated the method “D1688-90” to “D1688-95”; changed
    the ending comma to a semicolon
    611.611(a)(15) Board Added the entry that was formerly omitted
    611.611(a)(16) Board Renumbered the entry from (a)(10) to accommodate
    alphabetical ordering; changed the ending colon to a
    611.611(a)(16)(A) Board Changed the ending colon to a period
    611.611(a)(16)(A)(i) Board Changed the ending comma to a semicolon
    611.611(a)(16)(A)(ii) Board Changed the ending comma to a semicolon
    611.611(a)(17) Board Renumbered the entry from (a)(11) to accommodate
    alphabetical ordering; changed the ending colon to a
    611.611(a)(17)(A) Board Changed the ending colon to a period
    611.611(a)(17)(A)(i) Board Changed the ending comma to a semicolon
    611.611(a)(18) Board Renumbered the entry from (a)(12) to accommodate
    alphabetical ordering; changed the ending colon to a
    611.611(a)(18)(A) Board Changed the ending colon to a period
    611.611(a)(18)(A)(i) Board Changed the ending comma to a semicolon
    611.611(a)(18)(A)(ii) Board Changed the ending comma to a semicolon
    611.611(a)(18)(A)(iii) Board Changed the ending comma to a semicolon
    611.611(a)(18)(B) Board Changed the ending colon to a period
    611.611(a)(18)(B)(i) Board Changed the ending comma to a semicolon
    611.611(a)(18)(B)(ii) Board Changed the ending comma to a semicolon
    611.611(a)(18)(C) Board Changed the ending colon to a period
    611.611(a)(18)(C)(i) Board Changed the ending comma to a semicolon
    611.611(a)(18)(D) Board Changed the ending colon to a period
    611.611(a)(18)(D)(i) Board Changed the ending comma to a semicolon

    611.611(a)(19) Board Renumbered the entry from (a)(13) to accommodate
    alphabetical ordering; changed the ending colon to a
    611.611(a)(19)(A) Board Changed the ending colon to a period
    611.611(a)(19)(A)(i) Board Changed the ending comma to a semicolon
    611.611(a)(19)(A)(ii) Board Changed the ending comma to a semicolon
    611.611(a)(19)(A)(iii) Board Changed the ending comma to a semicolon
    611.611(a)(19)(B) Board Changed the ending colon to a period
    611.611(a)(19)(B)(i) Board Changed the ending comma to a semicolon
    611.611(a)(19)(B)(ii) Board Changed the ending comma to a semicolon
    611.611(a)(19)(C) Board Changed the ending colon to a period
    611.611(a)(19)(C)(i) Board Changed the ending comma to a semicolon
    611.611(a)(20) Board Moved the entry from (a)(22) to place in alphabetical
    order; changed the ending colon to a period
    611.611(a)(20)(A) Board Changed the ending colon to a period
    611.611(a)(20)(A)(i) Board Changed the ending comma to a semicolon
    611.611(a)(20)(B) Board Changed the ending colon to a period
    611.611(a)(20)(B)(i) Board Changed the ending comma to a semicolon
    611.611(a)(20)(F) Board Changed the ending colon to a period
    611.611(a)(20)(F)(i) Board Changed the ending comma to a semicolon
    611.611(a)(20)(F)(ii) Board Changed the ending comma to a semicolon
    611.611(a)(21) Board Moved the entry from (a)(18) to place in alphabetical
    order; changed the ending colon to a period
    611.611(a)(21)(A) Board Changed the ending colon to a period
    611.611(a)(21)(A)(i) Board Changed the ending comma to a semicolon
    611.611(a)(21)(A)(ii) Board Changed the ending comma to a semicolon
    611.611(a)(22) Board Renumbered the entry from (a)(14) to accommodate
    alphabetical ordering; changed the ending colon to a
    611.611(a)(22)(A) Board Changed the ending colon to a period
    611.611(a)(22)(A)(i) Board Changed the ending comma to a semicolon
    611.611(a)(22)(D) Board Changed the ending colon to a period
    611.611(a)(22)(D)(i) Board Changed the ending comma to a semicolon
    611.611(a)(23) Board Moved the entry from (a)(23) to place in alphabetical
    order; changed the ending colon to a period
    611.611(a)(23)(G)(i) Board Changed the ending comma to a semicolon
    611.611(a)(24) Board Moved the entry from (a)(25) to place in alphabetical
    order; changed the ending colon to a period
    611.611(a)(25) Board Moved the entry from (a)(24) to place in alphabetical
    611.611(a)(26) Board Moved the entry from (a)(15) to place in alphabetical
    order; changed the ending colon to a period
    611.611(a)(17)(C) Board Changed the ending colon to a period
    611.611(a)(17)(C)(i) Board Changed the ending comma to a semicolon

    611.611(b)(1) Board Changed the ending colon to a period
    611.611(b)(2) Board Changed the ending colon to a period
    611.611(b)(3) Board Changed the ending colon to a period
    611.611(b)(4) Board Changed the ending colon to a period
    611.611(b)(5) Board Changed the ending colon to a period
    611.611(b)(5)(C) Board Changed numeric “6” to written “six”
    611.611(b)(6) Board Changed the ending colon to a period
    611.611(b)(6)(C) Board Changed numeric “6” to written “six”
    611.611(b)(7) Board Changed the ending colon to a period
    611.611(b)(7)(C) Board Changed numeric “6” to written “six”
    611.611(b)(8) Board Changed the ending colon to a period
    611.611(b)(8)(A) Board Changed “>” to “greater than”
    611.611(b)(9) Board Changed the ending colon to a period
    611.611(b)(9)(C) Board Changed numeric “1” to written “one”
    611.611(b)(10) Board Changed the ending colon to a period
    611.611(b)(11) Board Changed the ending colon to a period
    611.611(b)(11)(C) Board Changed numeric “6” to written “six”
    611.611(b)(12) Board Changed the ending colon to a period
    611.611(b)(13) Board Changed the ending colon to a period
    611.611(b)(14) Board Changed the ending colon to a period
    611.611(b)(15) Board Changed the ending colon to a period
    611.611(b)(15)(C) Board Changed numeric “6” to written “six”
    611.611(b)(16) Board Changed the ending colon to a period
    611.611(b)(16)(C) Board Changed numeric “6” to written “six”
    611.611(b)(11) Board Changed the ending colon to a period
    611.611(c) Board Changed “this Subpart” to “this Subpart N”; deleted the
    past-effective statement “laboratories may . . . until
    January 1, 1996”; added “does as follows”
    611.611(c)(1) Board Added “it”
    611.611(c)(2) Board Added “it”
    611.611(c)(2)(A) Board Changed “mg/L” to “mg/
    611.611(c)(2)(B) Board Changed “mg/L” to “mg/
    611.611(c)(2)(D) Board Changed “mg/L” to “mg/
    611.611(c)(2)(E) Board Changed “mg/L” to “mg/
    611.611(c)(2)(F) Board Changed “mg/L” to “mg/
    611.611(c)(2)(G) Board Changed “mg/L” to “mg/
    611.611(c)(2)(H) Board Changed “mg/L” to “mg/
    611.611(c)(2)(I) Board Changed “mg/L” to “mg/
    611.611(c)(2)(J) Board Changed “mg/L” to “mg/
    611.611(c)(2)(K) Board Changed “mg/L” to “mg/
    611.611(c)(2)(L) Board Changed “mg/L” to “mg/
    611.611(c)(2)(M) Board Changed “mg/L” to “mg/
    611.611(c)(2)(N) Board Changed “mg/L” to “mg/

    611.611(c)(2)(O) Board Changed “mg/L” to “mg/
    611.611 Board note Board Updated the
    Code of Federal Regulations
    citation to the
    most recent edition available
    611.612(a)(3) Board Removed the unnecessary date from the
    Code of Federal
    611.612(a)(4) Board Removed the unnecessary date from the
    Code of Federal
    citation; removed “this authority exists . . . not
    through federal rules”
    611.612(b) Board,
    Corrected “analyses” to singular “analysis”; changed
    numeric “7” to written “seven”
    611.612(d) Board Removed the unnecessary date from the
    Code of Federal
    citation; removed “the Board has followed . . .
    that old MCL”
    611.612(e) Board Removed the unnecessary date from the
    Code of Federal
    citation; removed “the Board did not . . . in
    611.612(f)(2) Board Changed the ending colon to a period
    611.612(f)(2)(A) Board Removed the reference “18th ed.” and its offsetting
    comma; changed the ending colon to a period
    611.612(f)(2)(A)(i) Board Removed the unnecessary ending conjunction “or”; added
    the reference “18th or 19th ed.” and its offsetting comma;
    changed the ending comma to a semicolon
    611.612(f)(2)(A)(ii) Board Added the reference “18th or 19th ed.” and its offsetting
    comma; changed the ending comma to a semicolon
    611.612(f)(2)(A)(iii) Board Added the reference “18th, 19th, or 20th ed.” and its
    offsetting comma
    611.612(f)(2)(B) Board,
    Corrected “EPA Environmental Metals Methods” to the
    defined term “USEPA Environmental Metals Methods”;
    changed the ending colon to a period
    611.612(f)(2)(B)(i) Board Changed the ending comma to a semicolon
    611.612(f)(3)(A) Board Removed the reference “18th ed.” and its offsetting
    comma; changed the ending colon to a period
    611.612(f)(3)(A)(i) Board Removed the unnecessary ending conjunction “or”; added
    the reference “18th or 19th ed.” and its offsetting comma;
    changed the ending comma to a semicolon
    611.612(f)(3)(A)(ii) Board Added the reference “18th or 19th ed.” and its offsetting
    comma; changed the ending comma to a semicolon
    611.612(f)(3)(A)(iii) Board Added the reference “18th, 19th, or 20th ed.” and its
    offsetting comma
    611.612(f)(3)(B) Board,
    Corrected “EPA Environmental Metals Methods” to the
    defined term “USEPA Environmental Metals Methods”;
    changed the ending colon to a period
    611.612(f)(3)(B)(i) Board Changed the ending comma to a semicolon
    611.612(f)(3)(B)(ii) Board Changed the ending comma to a semicolon

    611.612(f)(4)(A) Board Removed the reference “18th ed.” and its offsetting
    comma; changed the ending colon to a period
    611.612(f)(4)(A)(ii) Board Added the reference “18th or 19th ed.” and its offsetting
    comma; changed the ending comma to a semicolon
    611.612(f)(4)(A)(iii) Board Added the reference “18th, 19th, or 20th ed.” and its
    offsetting comma
    611.612(f)(4)(B) Board,
    Corrected “EPA Environmental Metals Methods” to the
    defined term “USEPA Environmental Metals Methods”;
    changed the ending colon to a period
    611.612(f)(4)(B)(i) Board Changed the ending comma to a semicolon
    611.612 Board note Board,
    Updated the
    Code of Federal Regulations
    citation to the
    most recent edition available (twice); removed “USEPA
    removed . . . the analytical method”; changed “state” to
    capitalized “State”; changed “subsections (f)(1), (f)(3),
    and (f)(4) of this Section” to “subsection (f) of this
    Section”; changed “state-only” to capitalized “state-only”;
    removed “the predecessor . . . codified as Section
    611.630(a) Board Changed “shall” to “must” (twice)
    611.630(b) Board Changed “shall” to “must” (twice)
    611.630(c) Board Changed “shall” to “must”
    611.630 Board note Board Updated the
    Code of Federal Regulations
    citation to the
    most recent edition available
    611.631 Board Repealed the outdated unregulated contaminants
    monitoring requirements
    611.640 preamble Board Changed “this Subpart” to “this Subpart O”
    611.640 “old MCL” Board Changed “include” to singular “includes”
    611.640 “Phase II
    Board Added “the following”
    611.640 “Phase IIB
    Board Added “the following”
    611.640 “Phase IIB
    SOCs” Board note
    Agency Replaced the former explanation with a cross-reference to
    a Board note explaining the regulatory status of
    requirements pertaining to the aldicarbs
    611.640 “Phase IIB
    SOCs” Board note
    Board Updated the
    Code of Federal Regulations
    citation to the
    most recent edition available (twice)
    611.640 “Phase V
    Board Added “the following”; changed “benzo[a]pyrene” to
    611.640 “Phase V
    SOCs” Board note
    Board Updated the
    Code of Federal Regulations
    citation to the
    most recent edition available; removed “and became
    effective January 17, 1994” and the offsetting comma
    611.640 “Phase I
    Board Added “the following”
    611.640 “Phase I
    VOCs” Board note
    Board Updated the
    Code of Federal Regulations
    citation to the
    most recent edition available

    611.640 “Phase II
    Board Added “the following”
    611.640 “Phase II
    VOCs” Board note
    Board Updated the
    Code of Federal Regulations
    citation to the
    most recent edition available
    611.640 “Phase V
    Board Added “the following”
    611.640 “Phase V
    VOCs” Board note
    Board Updated the
    Code of Federal Regulations
    citation to the
    most recent edition available; removed “and became
    effective January 17, 1994” and the offsetting comma
    611.640 “revised
    Board Removed the quotation marks (five times)
    611.641(a)(1) Board Changed “shall” to “must”
    611.641(b) Board Changed “shall” to “must”; changed numeric “7” to
    written “seven”
    611.641(c) Board Changed “shall” to “must”; changed “Subpart T” to
    “Subpart T of this Part”; added a comma after “standard”
    to offset the final element of a series
    611.641 Board note Board,
    Changed “state-only” to capitalized “state-only”; removed
    the unnecessary Federal Register citation “at 59 Fed. Reg.
    34323 (July 1, 1994)”
    611.645 preamble Board Changed “shall” to “must”; added a comma before “unless
    otherwise” to offset the parenthetical; added “all methods
    . . . Section 611.102”
    611.645 “volatile
    organic contaminants”
    Board Changed the ending colon to a period
    611.645 “synthetic
    organic contaminants”
    Board Changed the ending colon to a period
    611.645 “synthetic
    organic contaminants”
    Board Changed “Method 1613” to “Dioxin and Furan Method
    611.645 “synthetic
    organic contaminants”
    Board Changed “D5317-93” to “ASTM Method D5317-93”
    611.645 “synthetic
    organic contaminants”
    Board Changed “D5317-93” to “ASTM Method D5317-93”
    611.645 “synthetic
    organic contaminants”
    Board Added the reference to “Standard Methods, . . .” for
    “Method 6610”
    611.645 “synthetic
    organic contaminants”
    Board Added the reference to “Standard Methods, . . .” for
    “Method 6651”
    611.645 “synthetic
    organic contaminants”
    Board Added the reference to “Standard Methods, . . .” for
    “Method 6610”

    611.645 “synthetic
    organic contaminants”
    JCAR Corrected the spelling of “Araclors” to “Aroclors”
    611.645 “synthetic
    organic contaminants”
    Board Changed “D5317-93” to “ASTM Method D5317-93”
    611.645 “synthetic
    organic contaminants”
    Board Changed “D5317-93” to “ASTM Method D5317-93”
    611.645 “total
    Board Changed the ending colon to a period
    611.645 “State-only
    Board Changed the ending colon to a period
    611.645 Board note Board Updated the
    Code of Federal Regulations
    citation to the
    most recent edition available
    611.646(a) Board Added “the following . . . meanings”
    611.646(a) “detect” JCAR Corrected “means” to plural “mean”
    611.646(a) “detection
    Board Changed “mg/L” to “mg/
    611.646(a) “detection
    limit” Board note
    Updated the
    Code of Federal Regulations
    citation to the
    most recent edition available; corrected “section” to
    capitalized “Section”; added a comma after “however”
    611.646(a) “method
    detection limit” Board
    Board Updated the
    Code of Federal Regulations
    citation to the
    most recent edition available
    611.646(c)(1) JCAR Changed “an SEP” to “a SEP”
    611.646(c)(2) Board Changed “an SEP” to “a SEP”
    611.646(c)(3) Board Changed “an SEP” to “a SEP”
    611.646(c) Board note Board Updated the
    Code of Federal Regulations
    citation to the
    most recent edition available
    611.646(e) Board Added commas before and after “as allowed . . . this
    Section” to offset the parenthetical; changed “has been
    completed” to past-tense “was completed”
    611.646(g) Board Changed “an SEP” to “a SEP” (twice)
    611.646(g) Board note Board Updated the
    Code of Federal Regulations
    citation to the
    most recent edition available
    611.646(h) Board Changed “an SEP” to “a SEP”
    611.646(i) Board,
    Changed “an SEP” to “a SEP” (five times); changed “must
    either” to “must do either of the following”
    611.646(i)(1) Board Changed “an SEP” to “a SEP”
    611.646(i) Board note Board Updated the
    Code of Federal Regulations
    citation to the
    most recent edition available (twice)
    611.646(j) Board Changed “an SEP” to “a SEP”
    611.646(j)(1) Board Changed “an SEP” to “a SEP”

    611.646(j)(2) Board Changed “an SEP” to “a SEP”
    611.646(k) Board Added “the following must occur”
    611.646(k)(2)(A) Board Changed “an SEP” to “a SEP”
    611.646(k)(2)(B) Board Changed “an SEP” to “a SEP”
    611.646(k)(2)(C) Board Changed “an SEP” to “a SEP”
    611.646(k)(4) Board Changed “an SEP” to “a SEP”
    611.646(k)(5)(A) Board Added quotation marks to the defined term “two-carbon
    contaminants”; added “are the following”
    611.646(k)(5)(C) Board Changed “an SEP” to “a SEP”
    611.646(l)(2)(A) Board Changed “an SEP” to “a SEP”
    611.646(l)(2)(B) Board Changed “an SEP” to “a SEP”
    611.646(l)(2)(C) Board Changed “an SEP” to “a SEP”
    611.646(m) Board Changed “an SEP” to “a SEP”
    611.646(p) Board Removed the unnecessary Federal Register citation “at 59
    Fed. Reg. 62468 (Dec. 5, 1994)”
    611.646(q)(1) Board Added “do the following”
    611.646(q)(1)(A) Board Added “it must”
    611.646(q)(1)(B) Board Added “it must”
    611.646(q)(1)(C) Board Added “it must”; changed “mg/L” to “mg/
    611.646(q)(1)(D) Board Added “it must”; changed “mg/L” to “mg/
    611.646(q)(1)(E) Board Added “it must”; changed “mg/L” to “mg/
    611.646(q)(2) Board Added “do the following”
    611.646(q)(2)(A) Board Added “it must”
    611.646(q)(2)(B) Board Added “it must”
    611.646(q)(2)(C) Board Added “it must”; changed “mg/L” to “mg/
    611.646(q)(2)(D) Board Added “it must”
    611.646(r)(2) Board Changed “an SEP” to “a SEP”
    611.646(s) Board Changed “an SEP” to “a SEP”
    611.646(t) Board Added “do the following”
    611.646(t)(2) Board Added “it must”; changed “mg/L” to “mg/
    611.646(v) Board Changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause
    611.646 Board note Board Updated the
    Code of Federal Regulations
    citation to the
    most recent edition available (twice)
    611.648(b) Board note Agency Replaced the former explanation with a cross-reference to
    a Board note explaining the regulatory status of
    requirements pertaining to the aldicarbs
    611.648(c)(3) Board Changed “an SEP” to “a SEP”
    611.648(c) Board note Board Updated the
    Code of Federal Regulations
    citation to the
    most recent edition available (twice)
    611.648(e) Board Changed “an SEP” to “a SEP” (twice)
    611.648(f) Board Changed “an SEP” to “a SEP”
    611.648(g)(2)(A) Board Changed “an SEP” to “a SEP”
    611.648(g)(2)(B) Board Changed “an SEP” to “a SEP”
    611.648(g)(2)(C) Board Changed “an SEP” to “a SEP”

    611.648(g)(4) Board Changed “an SEP” to “a SEP”
    611.648(g)(5)(B) Board Changed the ending colon to a period
    Board note
    Agency Added a cross-reference to a Board note explaining the
    regulatory status of requirements pertaining to the
    611.648(g)(5)(B)(i) Board Changed the ending colon to a period
    611.648(g)(5)(B)(ii) Board Changed the ending colon to a period
    611.648(h)(2)(A) Board Changed “an SEP” to “a SEP”
    611.648(h)(2)(B) Board Changed “an SEP” to “a SEP”
    611.648(h)(2)(C) Board Changed “an SEP” to “a SEP”
    611.648(k) Board Changed “shall” to “must”
    611.648(l) Board Removed the unnecessary Federal Register citation “at 59
    Fed. Reg. 62468 (Dec. 5, 1994)”
    611.648(n)(2) Board Changed “an SEP” to “a SEP”
    611.648(o) Board Changed “an SEP” to “a SEP”
    611.648(p) Board Changed “that the Board . . . it reserves” to “relating to
    reserving”; removed the conjunction “and”; added “that”
    before “would serve . . .” for a restrictive relative clause
    611.648(r)(1) Board Added “the following” offset by a comma; changed
    “mg/L” to “mg/
    611.648(r)(2) Board Added “the following” offset by a comma; changed
    “mg/L” to “mg/
    611.648(r)(2) Board
    Agency Added a cross-reference to a Board note explaining the
    regulatory status of requirements pertaining to the
    Board note
    Agency Added a cross-reference to a Board note explaining the
    regulatory status of requirements pertaining to the
    611.648 Board note Board Updated the
    Code of Federal Regulations
    citation to the
    most recent edition available
    611.658 Board Repealed the outdated unregulated contaminants
    monitoring requirements
    611.680 heading Board Added a comma after “analytical” to offset the final
    element of a series
    611.680(a)(1) Board Corrected “this Subpart” to “this Subpart P”
    611.680(a)(2) Board Corrected “this Subpart” to “this Subpart P”; changed
    “special exception permit” to the defined abbreviation “a
    SEP”; added “issued pursuant to Section 611.110”
    611.680(b)(2) Board Changed “shall” to “must”; changed “special exception
    permit” to the defined abbreviation “a SEP”; added
    “issued pursuant to Section 611.110”

    611.680(b)(3) Board Changed “mg/L” to “mg/
    ”; changed “shall” to “must”;
    changed “special exception permit” to the defined
    abbreviation “a SEP”; added “issued pursuant to Section
    611.680(b) Board note Board Changed “derived” to “subsections (a) and (b) of this
    Section are derived”; updated the
    Code of Federal
    citation to the most recent edition available
    611.680(c) Board Changed “submit” to past-perfect tense “have submitted”
    changed “subsection (b)” to “subsection (b) of this
    611.680(d) Board Changed “this Subpart” to “this Subpart P”
    611.683(a) Board Changed “special exception permit” to the defined
    abbreviation “a SEP”; added “pursuant to Section
    611.683(a)(1) Board Changed “shall” to “must”
    611.683(a)(2) Board Changed “shall” to “must”; changed “mg/L” to “mg/
    611.683(b)(1) Board Changed “mg/L” to “mg/
    ”; changed “shall” to “must”
    611.683(b)(2) Board Changed “shall” to “must”
    611.683(b)(3) Board Changed “shall” to “must”
    611.683 Board note Board Corrected “141.30 (c)” to “141.30(c)”; updated the
    of Federal Regulations
    citation to the most recent edition
    611.684 Board Corrected “611.312a)” to “611.312(a)”; changed
    “611.680(b)(1) or (2)” to “611.680(b)(1) or (b)(2)”;
    changed “Subpart V” to “Subpart V of this Part”
    611.684 Board note Board Corrected “141.30 (c)” to “141.30(c)”; updated the
    of Federal Regulations
    citation to the most recent edition
    611.685 Board Changed “this Subpart P” to “this Subpart P”
    611.685 Board note Board Corrected “141.30 (c)” to “141.30(c)”; updated the
    of Federal Regulations
    citation to the most recent edition
    611.686 preamble Board Changed “shall” to “must”; changed “special exception
    permit” to the defined abbreviation “a SEP” (twice); added
    “pursuant to Section 611.110”; added “the following”
    611.686(c) Board Added a comma after “nitrogen” to offset the final element
    of a series
    611.686(d) Board Changed “shall” to “must”; added commas before and
    after “as appropriate” to offset a parenthetical
    611.686 Board note Board Updated the
    Code of Federal Regulations
    citation to the
    most recent edition available
    611.687(b) Board Changed “shall” to “must”
    611.687(c) Board Changed “shall” to “must”
    611.687(c)(2) Board Changed “mL” to “m

    611.687 Board note Board Updated the
    Code of Federal Regulations
    citation to the
    most recent edition available
    611.688 Board Changed “apply” to past-tense “applied”
    611.720(a)(1) Board Changed the ending colon to a period
    611.720(a)(1)(A) Board Removed the erroneous reference to “ASTM Method
    302”; renumbered the subsection from “(B)” to “(A)”
    611.720(a)(1)(A)(i) Board Added “13th ed.” offset by a comma
    611.720(a)(1)(A)(ii) Board Added “17th, 18th, 19th ed.” offset by a comma
    611.720(a)(1)(B) Board Renumbered the subsection from “(C)” to “(B)”
    611.720(a)(1)(C) Board Corrected “Method 900” to “Method 900.0”; renumbered
    the subsection from “(D)” to “(C)”
    611.720(a)(1)(D) Board Renumbered the subsection from “(E)” to “(D)”
    611.720(a)(1)(E) Board Renumbered the subsection from “(F)” to “(E)”
    611.720(a)(1)(F) Board,
    Renumbered the subsection from “(G)” to “(F)”; added the
    missing ending period
    611.720(a)(2) Board Changed the ending colon to a period
    611.720(a)(2)(A) Board Added “18th, 19th ed.” offset by a comma
    611.720(a)(3) Board Changed the ending colon to a period
    611.720(a)(3)(A) Board Changed the ending colon to a period
    611.720(a)(3)(A)(i) JCAR Removed a space to change “D 2460-90” to “D2460-90”
    611.720(a)(3)(A)(ii) JCAR Removed a space to change “D 3454-97” to “D3454-97”
    611.720(a)(3)(C) Board Changed the ending colon to a period
    611.720(a)(3)(C)(i) Board Added “13th ed.” offset by a comma
    611.720(a)(3)(C)(ii) Board Added “13th ed.” offset by a comma
    611.720(a)(3)(C)(iii) Board Added “17th, 18th, 19th ed.” offset by a comma
    611.720(a)(3)(C)(iv) Board Added “17th, 18th, 19th ed.” offset by a comma
    611.720(a)(3)(F) Board Corrected “Method 903, 903.1” to “Methods 903.0, 903.1”
    611.720(a)(3)(I) Board Changed the ending colon to a period
    611.720(a)(4) Board Changed the ending colon to a period
    611.720(a)(4)(A) Board,
    Added “17th, 18th, 19th ed.” offset by a comma; added the
    ending semicolon
    611.720(a)(4)(D) Board Corrected “Method 904” to “Methods 904.0”
    611.720(a)(5) Board Changed the ending colon to a period
    611.720(a)(5)(A) Board Added the previously missing reference to “Method 7500-
    611.720(a)(5)(B) Board Removed the erroneous reference to “Method D 2907”;
    renumbered the subsection from “(A)” to “(B)”; changed
    the ending colon to a period
    611.720(a)(5)(B)(i) Board Renumbered the subsection from “(ii)” to “(i)”; corrected
    the reference “D-2907” to “D2907”
    611.720(a)(5)(B)(ii) Board,
    Renumbered the subsection from “(iii)” to “(ii)”; removed
    a space to change “D 3972-97” to “D3972-97”
    611.720(a)(5)(B)(iii) Board,
    Renumbered the subsection from “(iv)” to “(iii)”; removed
    a space to change “D 5174-97” to “D5174-97”

    611.720(a)(5)(C) Board Corrected “Method 908” to “Methods 908.0”; renumbered
    the subsection from “(B)” to “(C)”
    611.720(a)(5)(D) Board Renumbered the subsection from “(C)” to “(D)”
    611.720(a)(5)(E) Board Renumbered the subsection from “(D)” to “(E)”; removed
    the unnecessary ending conjunction “or”
    611.720(a)(5)(F) Board Added the previously missing references to “USDOE
    Methods: Method U-02 or U-04””
    611.720(a)(5)(G) Board Renumbered the subsection from “(E)” to “(G)”; changed
    the ending colon to a period
    611.720(a)(6) Board Added “radioactive”; changed the ending colon to a period
    611.720(a)(6)(A) Board Changed the ending colon to a period
    611.720(a)(6)(A)(i) JCAR Removed a space to change “D 2459-72” to “D2459-72”
    611.720(a)(6)(A)(ii) JCAR Removed a space to change “D 3649-91” to “D3649-91”
    611.720(a)(6)(B) Board Changed the ending colon to a period
    611.720(a)(6)(B)(i) Board Changed “(19th ed.)” to “19th ed.” offset by a comma
    611.720(a)(6)(B)(ii) Board Added “17th, 18th, 19th ed.” offset by a comma
    611.720(a)(6)(E) Board Corrected “Method 901” to “Method 901.0”
    611.720(a)(6)(G) Board Changed the ending colon to a period
    611.720(a)(7) Board Added “radioactive”; changed the ending colon to a period
    611.720(a)(7)(A) Board Changed the ending colon to a period
    611.720(a)(7)(A)(i) JCAR Removed a space to change “D 3649-91” to “D3649-91”
    611.720(a)(7)(A)(ii) JCAR Removed a space to change “D 4785-93” to “D4785-93”
    611.720(a)(7)(B) Board Changed the ending colon to a period
    611.720(a)(7)(B)(i) Board Changed “(19th ed.)” to “19th ed.” offset by a comma
    611.720(a)(7)(B)(ii) Board Added “17th, 18th, 19th ed.” offset by a comma
    611.720(a)(7)(B)(iii) Board Added “17th, 18th, 19th ed.” offset by a comma
    611.720(a)(7)(B)(iv) Board Added “17th, 18th, 19th ed.” offset by a comma
    611.720(a)(7)(F) Board Corrected “Method 901.1, 902” to “Method 901.1, 902.0”
    611.720(a)(8) Board Added “radioactive”; changed the ending colon to a period
    611.720(a)(8)(A) Board Changed the ending colon to a period
    611.720(a)(8)(A)(i) Board Added “13th ed.” offset by a comma
    611.720(a)(8)(A)(ii) Board Added “17th, 18th, 19th ed.” offset by a comma
    611.720(a)(8)(B) Board Changed the ending colon to a period
    611.720(a)(8)(D) Board Corrected “Method 905” to “Method 905.0”
    611.720(a)(9) Board Changed the ending colon to a period
    611.720(a)(9)(A) JCAR Removed a space to change “D 4107-91” to “D4107-91”
    611.720(a)(9)(B) Board Changed the ending colon to a period
    611.720(a)(9)(B)(i) Board Added “13th ed.” offset by a comma
    611.720(a)(9)(B)(ii) Board Added “17th, 18th, 19th ed.” offset by a comma
    611.720(a)(9)(D) Board Corrected “Method 906” to “Method 906.0”
    611.720(a)(10) Board Changed the ending colon to a period
    611.720(a)(10)(A) Board Changed the ending colon to a period
    611.720(a)(10)(A)(i) JCAR Removed a space to change “D 3649-91” to “D3649-91”
    611.720(a)(10)(A)(ii) JCAR Removed a space to change “D 4785-93” to “D4785-93”

    611.720(a)(10)(B) Board Changed the ending colon to a period
    611.720(a)(10)(B)(i) Board Changed “(19th ed.)” to “19th ed.” offset by a comma
    611.720(a)(10)(B)(ii) Board Added “17th, 18th, 19th ed.” offset by a comma
    611.720(a)(10)(B)(iii) Board Added “17th, 18th, 19th ed.” offset by a comma
    611.720(a)(10)(D) Board Corrected “Methods 901, 901.1, 902” to “Methods 901.0,
    901.1, or 902.0”
    611.720(b) Board Changed “subsection (a)” to “subsection (a) of this
    611.720(c) Board Changed “1.96 sigma” to “1.96
    ”; added a comma before
    “where” to offset the parenthetical; changed “sigma” to
    611.720(c)(1) table Board Changed “pCi/L” to “pCi/
    ” (three times)
    611.720(c)(1) Board
    Board Updated the
    Code of Federal Regulations
    citation to the
    most recent edition available
    611.720(c)(2) table Board Changed “pCi/L” to “pCi/
    ” (six times)
    611.720(c)(2) Board
    Board Updated the
    Code of Federal Regulations
    citation to the
    most recent edition available; removed “effective
    December 8, 2003” and the offsetting comma
    611.720 Board note Board Updated the
    Code of Federal Regulations
    citation to the
    most recent edition available
    611.731(a)(1) Board Added a comma before “unless” to offset the parenthetical
    611.731(e) Board Changed “pCi/L” to “pCi/
    ” (twice)
    611.731(e)(2) Board Changed “and/or” to “or”
    611.731(f)(1) Board Changed “pCi/L” to “pCi/
    ” (twice); changed “1.96
    sigma” to “1.96
    ”; changed “special exception permit” to
    the defined abbreviation “a SEP”; added “issued pursuant
    to Section 611.110”
    611.731(f)(2) Board Changed “pCi/L” to “pCi/
    ” (twice)
    611.731(h) Board Changed “special exception permit” to the defined
    abbreviation “a SEP”; added “issued pursuant to Section
    611.731(h)(1) Board Changed “special exception permit” to the defined
    abbreviation “a SEP”; added “issued pursuant to Section
    611.731(h)(2) Board Changed “special exception permit” to the defined
    abbreviation “a SEP”; added “issued pursuant to Section
    611.731(h)(3) Board Changed “special exception permit” to the defined
    abbreviation “a SEP”; added “issued pursuant to Section
    611.731(h)(5) Board Changed “pCi/L” to “pCi/
    611.731 Board note Board Updated the
    Code of Federal Regulations
    citation to the
    most recent edition available
    611.732(a)(1) Board Changed “pCi/L” to “pCi/

    611.732(b)(4) Board Changed “pCi/L” to “pCi/
    611.732(d) Board Changed “mg/L” to “mg/
    611.732(g) Board Changed “special exception permit” to the defined
    abbreviation “a SEP”; added “issued pursuant to Section
    611.110”; changed “pCi/L” to “pCi/
    611.732(g)(1) Board Changed “pCi/L” to “pCi/
    611.732(g)(2) Board Changed “special exception permit” to the defined
    abbreviation “a SEP”; added “issued pursuant to Section
    611.732(g)(3) Board Changed “special exception permit” to the defined
    abbreviation “a SEP”; added “issued pursuant to Section
    611.732(i) Board Changed “shall” to “must”
    611.732(j) Board Changed “special exception permit” to the defined
    abbreviation “a SEP”; added “issued pursuant to Section
    611.732(j)(1) Board,
    Changed “pCi/L” to “pCi/
    ” (twice); corrected the spelling
    of “constitutents” to “constituents”
    611.732(j)(2) Board Changed “special exception permit” to the defined
    abbreviation “a SEP”; added “issued pursuant to Section
    611.732(j)(3) Board Changed “special exception permit” to the defined
    abbreviation “a SEP”; added “issued pursuant to Section
    611.732(j)(4) Board Changed “special exception permit” to the defined
    abbreviation “a SEP”; added “issued pursuant to Section
    611.732(i) Board Changed “shall” to “must”; added a comma after
    “standard” to offset the final element of a series
    611.732 Board note Board Updated the
    Code of Federal Regulations
    citation to the
    most recent edition available
    611.733(c)(5) Board Changed “and/or” to “or”
    611.733(e) Board Added a comma before “as required” to offset the
    611.733 Board note Board Updated the
    Code of Federal Regulations
    citation to the
    most recent edition available
    611.Subpart R heading Board Changed an em-dash to a colon
    611.740(a) Board Changed “this Subpart” to “this Subpart R” (three times);
    removed the past effective date statement “beginning
    January 1, 2002” and its offsetting comma; added “the
    611.740(b) Board Changed “this Subpart” to “this Subpart R”; added “the
    following is true”
    611.741 preamble Board Changed “this Subpart” to “this Subpart R”
    611.741(a) Board Added “do the following” offset by a comma

    611.741 Board note Board Updated the
    Code of Federal Regulations
    citation to the
    most recent edition available
    611.742(a) Board Changed “this Subpart” to “this Subpart R”
    611.742(a)(1)(A) Board Corrected the
    Code of Federal Regulations
    citation to the
    1995 edition
    Board note
    JCAR Removed “as amended at . . . (Dec. 5, 1994)” and the
    offsetting comma
    611.742(a)(2)(A) Board Corrected the
    Code of Federal Regulations
    citation to the
    1995 edition
    Board note
    JCAR Removed “as amended at . . . (Dec. 5, 1994)” and the
    offsetting comma
    611.742(a)(2)(C) Board Changed “subsection (a)(2)(A) or (B)” to “subsection
    (a)(2)(A) or (a)(2)(B)”; changed “must either” to “must do
    either of the following”
    611.742(a)(2)(C)(i) Board Removed the past-effective statement “This monitoring
    . . . no later than March 31, 2000”
    611.742(a)(3) Board Changed “subsection (a)(1) or (2)” to “subsection (a)(1) or
    611.742(a)(4) Board Changed “subsection (a)(1) or (2)” to “subsection (a)(1) or
    611.742(a)(5)(A) Board Changed “must submit” to past-perfect tense “must have
    611.742(a)(5)(B) Board Changed “has” to past-tense “had”; removed the
    Federal Register
    citation “as amended . . .
    (Dec. 5, 1994)”; changed “must submit” to past-perfect
    tense “must have submitted”
    611.742(a)(5)(C) Board Changed “conducts” to past-tense “conducted”; changed
    “must submit” to past-perfect tense “must have submitted”
    611.742(a)(5)(D) Board Changed “elects” to past-tense “elected”; changed “must
    notify” to past-perfect tense “must have notified”
    611.742(a)(5)(C) Board Changed “elects” to past-tense “elected”; changed “must
    submit” to past-perfect tense “must have submitted”
    611.742(a)(4) Board Changed “mg/L” to “mg/
    611.742(b)(1) Board Changed numeric “1” to written “one”
    611.742(b)(2) Board Changed “must begin” to past-perfect tense “must have
    611.742(b)(3)(A) Board Changed “has” to past-tense “had”; changed “must
    submit” to past-perfect tense “must have submitted”
    611.742(c)(1) Board Added “the following”
    611.742 Board note Board Updated the
    Code of Federal Regulations
    citation to the
    most recent edition available
    611.742 preamble Board Changed “this Subpart” to “this Subpart R” (twice);
    changed “does” to past-tense “did”; changed “must
    provide” to past-perfect tense “must have provided”

    611.743 Board note Board Updated the
    Code of Federal Regulations
    citation to the
    most recent edition available
    611.744(a) Board Changed “this Subpart” to “this Subpart R”; changed
    “shall” to “must” (three times)
    611.744(b) Board Changed “shall” to “must” (twice)
    611.744 Board note Board Added the citation to the most recent available edition of
    Code of Federal Regulations
    for the source of this
    611.745 preamble Board Changed “this Subpart” to “this Subpart R” (twice);
    removed the past effective notation “beginning January 1,
    2002” (twice)
    611.745(b) Board Changed “subsections (b)(1) through (4)” to “subsections
    (b)(1) through (b)(4)” (twice)
    611.745 Board note Board Updated the
    Code of Federal Regulations
    citation to the
    most recent edition available
    611.830 Board Added “those noted as”
    611.831 Board Changed “shall” to “must”
    611.833 Board Added the statutory citation “415 ILCS 5/17(b)” in
    brackets; changed “shall” to “must”
    611.840(a)(2) Board Changed “special exception permit” to the defined
    abbreviation “a SEP”; added “issued pursuant to Section
    611.840(d) Board Added a comma after “posted” to offset the final element
    of a series
    611.840(e) Board Changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause;
    added the statutory citation “415 ILCS 5/4” in brackets
    611.840 Board note Board Updated the
    Code of Federal Regulations
    citation to the
    most recent edition available
    611.860(a)(1) Board Added a comma after “place” to offset the final element of
    a series
    611.860(a)(2) Board Added a comma after “sample” to offset the final element
    of a series
    611.860(a)(3) Board Added the definite article “the”
    611.860(a)(4) Board Added the definite article “the”
    611.860(c) Board Added a comma after “summaries” to offset the final
    element of a series; added a comma after “Agency” to
    offset the final element of a series
    611.860 Board note Board Updated the
    Code of Federal Regulations
    citation to the
    most recent edition available
    611.881 heading Board Removed “of this Subpart”
    611.881(a) Board Changed “this Subpart” to “this Subpart U”
    611.881(b) Board Changed “this Subpart” to “this Subpart U”
    611.881(c) Board Changed “this Subpart” to “this Subpart U”

    611.881(d) Board Changed “this Subpart” to “this Subpart U”; changed the
    reference “611.646” to “611.646(a)”
    611.881 Board note Board Updated the
    Code of Federal Regulations
    citation to the
    most recent edition available
    611.881(d) Agency Changed the reference “611.646” to “611.646(a)”
    611.882(a) Board Changed “shall” to “must”; changed “deliver” to past-
    perfect tense “have delivered”; added “it must deliver”
    before “subsequent reports”; changed “contain” to past-
    perfect tense “have contained”; removed the unnecessary
    commas before and after “or prior to”; added a comma
    before “as prescribed” to offset the parenthetical
    611.882(b) Board Changed “shall” to “must”
    611.882(c) Board Added “as follows”
    611.882 Board note Board Added the citation to the most recent available edition of
    Code of Federal Regulations
    for the source of this
    611.883(b)(2) Agency Changed “PWS” to “supplier”
    611.883(c)(3)(B) Board Changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause
    611.883(d)(1)(C) Board Changed “Subpart L” to “Subpart L of this Part”
    611.883(d)(3) Board,
    Changed “be” to past-perfect tense “have been”; added
    “must be . . . collected in”; removed the redundant
    “thereafter” after “subsequent calendar years”
    611.883(d)(4)(B) Board Added “federal” before “Maximum Contaminant Level
    Board note
    Board Changed “Appendix A” to “Appendix A of this Part”
    611.883(d)(4)(I) Board Changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause
    611.883(e) Board Added “as follows”
    611.883(e)(2) Board Changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause
    611.883(f)(1) JCAR Changed the ending semicolon to a period
    611.883(f)(2) Board Changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause
    611.883(f)(3) JCAR Changed “Sections 611.350(d), 611.351, 611.352, 611.353,
    or 611.354” to singular “Section 611.350(d), 611.351,
    611.352, 611.353, or 611.354”
    611.883(f)(6) JCAR Changed the ending semicolon to a period and removed
    the ending conjunction “and”
    611.883(g) JCAR Changed “Sections 611.111, 611.112, or 611.131” to
    singular “Section 611.111, 611.112, or 611.131”
    611.883(h)(1)(C) Board Changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause
    611.884(b) Board Removed the past-effective language “ending in the report
    due by July 1, 2001, . . . report due by July 1, 2002”;
    changed “mg/L” to “mg/
    ” (twice)
    611.884(c) Board Changed “mg/L” to “mg/
    611.884(e) Board Changed “mg/L” to “mg/

    611.884(f) Board Removed the past-effective language “beginning in the
    report due by July 1, 2002, and”; changed “ending” to
    “until”; changed “mg/L” to “mg/
    ” (twice)
    611.884 Board note Board Updated the
    Code of Federal Regulations
    citation to the
    most recent edition available
    611.885(g)(2) Board Changed “subsections (g)(1)(A) and (B)” to “subsections
    (g)(1)(A) and (g)(1)(B)”; changed “this Subpart” to “this
    Subpart U”
    611.885 Board note Board Updated the
    Code of Federal Regulations
    citation to the
    most recent edition available
    611.901(a)(1) Board Changed the ending colon to a period
    611.901(a)(2) Board Changed the ending colon to a period
    611.901(a)(3) Board Changed the ending colon to a period
    611.901(a)(3)(E) Board Changed “this Subpart” to “this Subpart V”; changed
    “Appendix G” to “Appendix G of this Part”
    611.901 Board note Board Updated the
    Code of Federal Regulations
    citation to the
    most recent edition available
    611.902 heading Board Changed an em-dash to a colon
    611.902(a)(5) Board,
    Replaced a reference to an obsolete federal provision that
    corresponds with a provision repealed in this proceeding
    with an explanatory statement
    611.902(a)(8) Board Changed “an SEP” to “a SEP”
    611.902(b) Board Added “do the following”
    611.902(b)(1) Board Added “it must”
    611.902(b)(2) Board Added “it must”
    611.902(b)(3) Board Added “it must”
    611.902(c)(4) Board Changed “an SEP” to “a SEP”
    611.903 heading Board Changed an em-dash to a colon
    611.903(a) Board Changed “this subsection” to “this subsection (a)”
    611.903(a)(1) Board Changed “an SEP” to “a SEP”
    611.903(a)(2) Board Changed “an SEP” to “a SEP”
    611.903(b)(1) JCAR Changed “an SEP” to “a SEP”
    611.903(b)(3)(A) Board Corrected “Section 141.320(b)” to “Section 611.320(b)”
    611.903(c)(1) Board,
    Changed “an SEP” to “a SEP”; added “the following”
    611.903(c)(2) Board,
    Changed “an SEP” to “a SEP”; added “means”
    611.904 heading Board Changed an em-dash to a colon
    611.904(a)(3) Board Changed “Section 1415” to lower-case “section 1415”;
    changed “Section 1416” to lower-case “section 1416”
    611.904(b)(1) Board Changed “Section 1415” to lower-case “section 1415”
    (three times); changed “Section 1416” to lower-case
    “section 1416” (three times)

    611.904 Board note Board Updated the
    Code of Federal Regulations
    citation to the
    most recent edition available
    611.905(b) Board Changed “Section 1415” to lower-case “section 1415”;
    changed “Section 1416” to lower-case “section 1416”
    611.905(b)(1) Board Changed “Section 1415” to lower-case “section 1415”;
    changed “Section 1416” to lower-case “section 1416”
    611.905(b)(1)(A) Board Changed “Section 1415” to lower-case “section 1415”;
    changed “Section 1416” to lower-case “section 1416”
    611.905(b)(1)(B) Board Changed “Section 1415” to lower-case “section 1415”;
    changed “Section 1416” to lower-case “section 1416”
    611.905(b)(1)(C) Board Changed “Section 1415” to lower-case “section 1415”;
    changed “Section 1416” to lower-case “section 1416”
    611.905(b)(1)(D) Board Changed “Section 1415” to lower-case “section 1415”;
    changed “Section 1416” to lower-case “section 1416”
    611.905(b)(2) Board Changed “Section 1415” to lower-case “section 1415”;
    changed “Section 1416” to lower-case “section 1416”
    611.905(c)(1)(D) Board Changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause
    611.905(d)(1) Board Changed “Section 1415” to lower-case “section 1415”
    (twice); changed “Section 1416” to lower-case “section
    1416” (twice)
    611.905(d)(2) Board Changed brackets to parentheses on “compliance period”;
    changed brackets to parentheses on “contaminants”
    611.905 Board note Board Updated the
    Code of Federal Regulations
    citation to the
    most recent edition available
    611.906(a) Board Changed “Section 1415” to lower-case “section 1415”;
    changed “Section 1416” to lower-case “section 1416”
    611.906(b) Board Changed “Section 1415” to lower-case “section 1415”
    (twice); changed “Section 1416” to lower-case “section
    1416” (twice)
    611.906 Board note Board Updated the
    Code of Federal Regulations
    citation to the
    most recent edition available
    611.907 Board note Board Updated the
    Code of Federal Regulations
    citation to the
    most recent edition available
    611.908(a) Board Corrected “Pubic Health” to “Public Health”; changed
    “mg/L” to “mg/
    ” (twice)
    611.908(c) mandatory
    Board Changed “mg/L” to “mg/
    ” (twice); changed brackets to
    parentheses on “name”; changed brackets to parentheses
    on “insert value”; changed “and/or” to “or”
    611.908(c) mandatory
    Board Changed “mg/L” to “mg/
    ” (five times); changed brackets
    to parentheses on “name”; changed brackets to parentheses
    on “insert value”; changed “and/or” to “or”; changed
    brackets to parentheses on “name of water system
    contact”; changed brackets to parentheses on “name of
    community water system”; changed brackets to
    parentheses on “phone number”

    611.908 Board note Board Updated the
    Code of Federal Regulations
    citation to the
    most recent edition available
    611.909(b) Board Changed “mg/L” to “mg/
    611.909 Board note Board Updated the
    Code of Federal Regulations
    citation to the
    most recent edition available
    611.910(a) Board Changed “this Subpart” to “this Subpart V”
    611.910 Board note Board Updated the
    Code of Federal Regulations
    citation to the
    most recent edition available
    611.Subpart X heading Board Changed an em-dash to a colon
    611.950(a)(1) Board Changed “2 log” to hyphenated “2-log”
    611.952(a) Board Changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause
    611.953(a) Board Changed “an SEP” to “a SEP”
    611.953(b) Board Changed “mg/L” to “mg/
    ” (twice)
    611.953(c)(1) Board Changed “begin” to past-perfect tense “have begun”
    611.953(e)(1)(A) Board Changed the ending comma to a semicolon
    611.954(b) Board Added “the following”
    611.955(b)(1)(B) Board Changed “an SEP” to “a SEP”
    611.955(b)(2)(B) Board Changed “an SEP” to “a SEP”
    611.955(b)(2) Board Changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause;
    corrected “Sections 611.231 and 233” to “Sections
    611.231 and 611.233”
    611.955(c)(1) Board Corrected “filtration(filtration” to “filtration (filtration”;
    added “the following”
    611.955(c)(1)(B) Board Changed “and/or” to “or”
    611.955(c)(1)(C) Board Changed “and/or” to “or”
    611.956(d)(1) Board Changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause
    611.956(d)(2) Board Changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause
    611.957(a)(3) Board Changed “mg/L” to “mg/
    ” (twice)
    611.957(a)(3)(A) Board Removed the reference to the past effective date “by July
    1, 2003” and the offsetting comma
    611.Appendix A
    contaminants” heading
    Board Changed the ending colon to a period
    611.Appendix A “total
    coliform bacteria”
    Changed “mg/L” to “mg/
    ”; changed “
    40” to “40 or
    more” (twice); changed numeric “<5%” to written “fewer
    than five percent” (twice); changed numeric “fewer than
    1” to “one or fewer” (twice)
    611.Appendix A
    “fecal coliform
    Board Changed “mg/L” to “mg/
    611.Appendix A “total
    organic carbon”
    Board Changed “mg/L” to “mg/
    611.Appendix A
    Board Changed “mg/L” to “mg/

    611.Appendix A
    contaminants” heading
    Board Changed the ending colon to a period
    611.Appendix A
    “beta/photon emitters”
    Board Changed “mg/L” to “mg/
    611.Appendix A
    “alpha emitters”
    Board Changed “pCi/L” to “pCi/
    ” (twice); changed “mg/L” to
    611.Appendix A
    “combined radium”
    Board Changed “pCi/L” to “pCi/
    ” (twice); changed “mg/L” to
    611.Appendix A
    Board Changed “pCi/L” to “pCi/
    ” (twice); changed “mg/L” to
    611.Appendix A
    contaminants” heading
    Board Changed the ending colon to a period
    611.Appendix A
    Board Changed “mg/L” to “mg/
    611.Appendix A
    Board Changed “mg/L” to “mg/
    611.Appendix A
    Board Changed “mg/L” to “mg/
    611.Appendix A
    Board Changed “mg/L” to “mg/
    611.Appendix A
    Board Changed “mg/L” to “mg/
    611.Appendix A
    Board Changed “mg/L” to “mg/
    611.Appendix A
    JCAR Corrected the spelling of “stomache” to “stomach”
    611.Appendix A
    JCAR Corrected the spelling of “stomache” to “stomach”
    611.Appendix A
    Board Changed “mg/L” to “mg/
    611.Appendix A
    Board Changed “mg/L” to “mg/
    611.Appendix A
    Board Changed “mg/L” to “mg/
    611.Appendix A
    Board Changed “mg/L” to “mg/
    ”; changed “and/or” to “or”
    611.Appendix A
    Board Changed “mg/L” to “mg/
    611.Appendix A
    Board Changed “mg/L” to “mg/
    611.Appendix A
    Board Changed “mg/L” to “mg/

    611.Appendix A
    Board Changed “mg/L” to “mg/
    611.Appendix A
    Board Changed “mg/L” to “mg/
    611.Appendix A
    Board Changed “mg/L” to “mg/
    611.Appendix A
    “synthetic organic
    contaminants” heading
    Board Changed the ending colon to a period
    611.Appendix A “2,4-
    Board Changed “mg/L” to “mg/
    611.Appendix A
    Board Changed “mg/L” to “mg/
    611.Appendix A
    Board Changed “mg/L” to “mg/
    611.Appendix A
    Board Changed “mg/L” to “mg/
    611.Appendix A
    Board Changed “mg/L” to “mg/
    611.Appendix A
    Board Changed “nanograms/L” to “nanograms/
    ”; changed
    “mg/L” to “mg/
    611.Appendix A
    Board Changed “mg/L” to “mg/
    611.Appendix A
    Board Changed “mg/L” to “mg/
    611.Appendix A
    Board Changed “mg/L” to “mg/
    611.Appendix A
    Board Changed “mg/L” to “mg/
    611.Appendix A
    Board Removed the unnecessary comma after “liver” that
    separated a two-element series; added “they” before “may
    have” to complete an independent clause
    611.Appendix A
    Board Changed “mg/L” to “mg/
    611.Appendix A
    Board Changed “mg/L” to “mg/
    611.Appendix A
    Board Changed “mg/L” to “mg/
    611.Appendix A
    Board Changed “mg/L” to “mg/
    611.Appendix A
    Board Changed “mg/L” to “mg/

    611.Appendix A
    Board Changed “mg/L” to “mg/
    611.Appendix A
    Board Changed “mg/L” to “mg/
    611.Appendix A
    “ethylene dibromide”
    Board Changed “mg/L” to “mg/
    611.Appendix A
    Board Changed “mg/L” to “mg/
    611.Appendix A
    Board Changed “mg/L” to “mg/
    611.Appendix A
    “heptachlor epoxide”
    Board Changed “mg/L” to “mg/
    611.Appendix A
    Board Changed “mg/L” to “mg/
    611.Appendix A
    Board Changed “mg/L” to “mg/
    611.Appendix A
    Board Changed “mg/L” to “mg/
    611.Appendix A
    Board Changed “mg/L” to “mg/
    611.Appendix A
    Board Changed “mg/L” to “mg/
    611.Appendix A
    Board Changed “mg/L” to “mg/
    611.Appendix A
    Board Changed “mg/L” to “mg/
    611.Appendix A
    Board Changed “mg/L” to “mg/
    611.Appendix A
    Board Changed “mg/L” to “mg/
    611.Appendix A
    Board Changed “mg/L” to “mg/
    611.Appendix A
    “volatile organic
    contaminants” heading
    Board Changed the ending colon to a period
    611.Appendix A
    Board Changed “mg/L” to “mg/
    611.Appendix A
    “carbon tetrachloride”
    Board Changed “mg/L” to “mg/
    611.Appendix A
    Board Changed “mg/L” to “mg/
    611.Appendix A “o-
    Board Changed “mg/L” to “mg/
    ”; changed a comma to a
    semicolon for a series containing a sub-series (twice)

    611.Appendix A “p-
    Board Changed “mg/L” to “mg/
    611.Appendix A “1,2-
    Board Changed “mg/L” to “mg/
    611.Appendix A “1,2-
    Board Changed “mg/L” to “mg/
    611.Appendix A “1,1-
    Board Changed “mg/L” to “mg/
    611.Appendix A “cis-
    Board Changed “mg/L” to “mg/
    611.Appendix A
    Board Changed “mg/L” to “mg/
    611.Appendix A
    Board Changed “mg/L” to “mg/
    611.Appendix A “1,2-
    Board Changed “mg/L” to “mg/
    611.Appendix A
    Board Changed “mg/L” to “mg/
    611.Appendix A
    “haloacetic acids”
    Board Changed “mg/L” to “mg/
    611.Appendix A
    Board Changed “mg/L” to “mg/
    611.Appendix A
    Board Changed “mg/L” to “mg/
    611.Appendix A
    Board Changed “mg/L” to “mg/
    611.Appendix A
    Board Changed “mg/L” to “mg/
    611.Appendix A
    Board Changed “mg/L” to “mg/
    611.Appendix A
    Board Changed “mg/L” to “mg/
    611.Appendix A
    Board Changed “mg/L” to “mg/
    611.Appendix A
    Board Changed “mg/L” to “mg/
    611.Appendix A
    “vinyl chloride”
    Board Changed “mg/L” to “mg/
    611.Appendix A
    Board Changed “mg/L” to “mg/
    611.Appendix A “key”
    Board Changed the ending colon to a period

    611.Appendix A “key”
    Board Changed “pCi/L” to “pCi/
    611.Appendix A “key”
    Board Changed “mg/L” to “mg/
    611.Appendix A “key”
    Changed “
    g/L” to “
    611.Appendix A
    Board note
    Board Updated the
    Code of Federal Regulations
    citation to the
    most recent edition available
    611.Appendix B Table
    1.1 heading
    Board Changed the title from all caps to title case
    611.Appendix B Table
    Board Changed “mg/L” to “mg/
    611.Appendix B, table
    JCAR Corrected the appearance of the symbol “
    611.Appendix B Table
    1.2 heading
    Board Changed the title from all caps to title case
    611.Appendix B Table
    Corrected the appearance of the symbol “
    ”; changed
    “mg/L” to “mg/
    611.Appendix B Table
    1.3 heading
    Board Changed the title from all caps to title case
    611.Appendix B Table
    Corrected the appearance of the symbol “
    ”; changed
    “mg/L” to “mg/
    611.Appendix B Table
    1.4 heading
    Board Changed the title from all caps to title case
    611.Appendix B Table
    Board Corrected the appearance of the symbol “
    ”; changed
    “mg/L” to “mg/
    611.Appendix B Table
    1.5 heading
    Board Changed the title from all caps to title case
    611.Appendix B Table
    Board Corrected the appearance of the symbol “
    ”; changed
    “mg/L” to “mg/
    611.Appendix B Table
    1.6 heading
    Board Changed the title from all caps to title case
    611.Appendix B Table
    Board Corrected the appearance of the symbol “
    ”; changed
    “mg/L” to “mg/
    611.Appendix B Table
    2.1 heading
    Board Changed the title from all caps to title case
    611.Appendix B Table
    Board Changed “25°C” to “
    611.Appendix B Table
    3.1 heading
    Board Changed the title from all caps to title case
    611.Appendix B
    Board note
    Board Updated the
    Code of Federal Regulations
    citation to the
    most recent edition available
    611.Appendix C
    Board Replaced the bracket in the chemical name with a

    611.Appendix C
    Board Replaced the brackets in the chemical name with
    611.Appendix C
    Board Replaced the brackets in the chemical name with
    611.Appendix C
    “heptachlor epoxide”
    Board Replaced the brackets in the chemical name with
    611.Appendix C
    Board Replaced the bracket in the chemical name with a
    611.Appendix C
    Board note
    Board Updated the
    Code of Federal Regulations
    citation to the
    most recent edition available
    611.Appendix D Board Changed “mL” to “m
    ” (four times); changed numeric “1”
    to written “one”
    611.Appendix D
    Board note
    Board Updated the
    Code of Federal Regulations
    citation to the
    most recent edition available
    611.Appendix E, ¶1 Board Replaced the brackets with parentheses around “insert
    name of water supplier”; changed “mg/L” to “mg/
    replaced the brackets with parentheses around “insert date
    . . . your system”; replaced the brackets with parentheses
    around “insert . . . phone number”
    611.Appendix E, ¶4 A Board Replaced the brackets with parentheses around “insert . . .
    water system”
    611.Appendix E,
    ¶4 B i
    Board Replaced the brackets with parentheses around “insert . . .
    30 days”
    611.Appendix E,
    ¶4 B v
    Board Replaced the brackets with parentheses around “insert . . .
    permits”; replaced the brackets with parentheses around
    “insert . . . the line”
    611.Appendix E,
    ¶4 D i
    Board Replaced the brackets with parentheses around “insert . . .
    utilities”; replaced the brackets with parentheses around
    “insert phone number”
    611.Appendix E,
    ¶4 D ii
    Board Replaced the brackets with parentheses around “insert . . .
    permits”; replaced the brackets with parentheses around
    “insert phone number”
    611.Appendix E, ¶4 D
    Board Replaced the brackets with parentheses around “insert . . .
    department”; replaced the brackets with parentheses
    around “insert phone number”
    611.Appendix E, ¶4 E Board Replaced the brackets with parentheses around “insert . . .
    611.Appendix E Board
    Board Updated the
    Code of Federal Regulations
    citation to the
    most recent edition available
    611.Appendix F, ¶1 Board Replaced the brackets with parentheses around “insert
    name of water supplier”; changed “mg/L” to “mg/
    replaced the brackets with parentheses around “insert . . .
    your system”; replaced the brackets with parentheses
    around “insert . . . phone number”

    611.Appendix F, ¶3 B Board Added a comma after “brass” to offset the final element of
    a series; added a comma after “pipes” to offset the final
    element of a series
    611.Appendix F,
    ¶4 D i
    Board Replaced the brackets with parentheses around “insert . . .
    if appropriate”; replaced the brackets with parentheses
    around “insert phone number”
    611.Appendix F, ¶4 D
    Board Replaced the brackets with parentheses around “insert . . .
    health department”; replaced the brackets with parentheses
    around “insert phone number”
    611.Appendix F Board
    Board Updated the Code of Federal Regulations citation to the
    most recent edition available; corrected “900-20(k)(2)” to
    611.Appendix G
    Board Changed “this Appendix” to “this Appendix G”
    611.Appendix G,
    Board Changed “>” to “greater than”
    611.Appendix G,
    Board Changed “>” to “greater than”; changed “m” to “μm”
    611.Appendix G, ¶I.C. Board Changed “mg/L” to “mg/
    ” (twice)
    611.Appendix G, ¶III. Board Changed “Section 1415” to lower-case “section 1415”;
    changed “Section 1416” to lower-case “section 1416”;
    changed the ending colon to a period
    611.Appendix G, ¶IV. Board Changed the ending colon to a period
    611.Appendix G,
    ¶ IV.F.
    Board Changed “an SEP” to “a SEP”
    611.Appendix G,
    endnote 1
    Board Changed “an SEP” to “a SEP” (twice)
    611.Appendix G,
    endnote 5
    Board Changed “an SEP” to “a SEP”
    611.Appendix G,
    endnote 6
    Board Changed “an SEP” to “a SEP”
    611.Appendix G,
    endnote 7
    Board Changed “become effective” to past-tense “were effective”
    611.Appendix G,
    endnote 12
    Board Changed “are effective” to past-tense “were effective”
    611.Appendix G,
    endnote 13
    Board Removed the past-effective “beginning January 1, 2002”
    611.Appendix H
    column headings
    Board Changed “mg/L” to “mg/
    ” (twice)
    611.Appendix H,
    ¶A.2b “turbidity”
    Board Added a comma after “diarrhea” to offset the final element
    of a series
    611.Appendix H,
    ¶A.2c “turbidity”
    Board Added a comma after “diarrhea” to offset the final element
    of a series
    611.Appendix H,
    ¶C.16 “fluoride”
    Board Changed “and/or” to “or”

    611.Appendix H,
    ¶E.34 “di(2-ethyl-
    Board Removed the unnecessary comma after “liver” that
    separated a two-element series; added “they” before “may
    have” for an independent clause
    611.Appendix H,
    ¶G.77 “alpha emitters”
    Board Changed “pCi/L” to “pCi/
    611.Appendix H,
    ¶G.78 “combined
    Board Changed “pCi/L” to “pCi/
    611.Appendix H,
    ¶G.79 “uranium”
    Board Changed “μg/L” to “μg/
    611.Appendix H,
    endnote 8
    Board Removed the past-effective “after January 1, 2002” and
    the offsetting comma
    611.Appendix H,
    endnote 11
    Board Changed “mg/L” to “mg/
    611.Appendix H,
    endnote 13
    Board Changed “mg/L” to “mg/
    611.Appendix H,
    endnote 14
    Board Changed “mg/L” to “mg/
    611.Appendix H,
    endnote 18
    Board Removed the past-effective “beginning January 1, 2002”
    611.Appendix H,
    endnote 19
    Board Changed “mg/L” to “mg/
    ” (twice); changed “is” to past-
    tense “was”
    611.Appendix I Board
    Board Updated the Code of Federal Regulations citation to the
    most recent edition available
    611.Table A Board,
    Changed “month” to capitalized “Month”; changed “which
    “ to “that” for a restrictive relative clause
    611.Table A Board
    Board Updated the Code of Federal Regulations citation to the
    most recent edition available
    611.Table B Board
    Board Updated the Code of Federal Regulations citation to the
    most recent edition available
    611.Table C Board Changed “special exception permit” to the defined
    abbreviation “a SEP”; added “issued pursuant to Section
    611.Table C Board
    Board Updated the Code of Federal Regulations citation to the
    most recent edition available
    611.Table E Board Replaced “upon effective date
    ” in the table and endnote 1
    with the date set forth in the table “January 1, 1992”;
    replaced “upon effective date
    ” in the table and endnote 1
    with the date set forth in the table “July 1, 1992”
    611.Table E Board
    Board Updated the Code of Federal Regulations citation to the
    most recent edition available
    611.Table G JCAR Corrected “PH” to “pH” (seven times)
    611.Table G, “after
    corrosion control,”
    row 2, column 2
    Board Added a comma after “rate” to offset the final element of a

    611.Table G, “after the
    Agency specifies . . .
    corrosion control,”
    row 2, column 2
    Board Added a comma after “rate” to offset the final element of a
    611.Table G, “reduced
    monitoring,” row 2,
    column 2
    Board Added a comma after “rate” to offset the final element of a
    611.Table G, endnote
    Board Added “this” before “Table G”
    611.Table G, endnote
    Board Changed “mg/L” to “mg/
    ” (twice)
    611.Table G Board
    Board Updated the Code of Federal Regulations citation to the
    most recent edition available
    611.Table Z “Phase
    IIB SOCs”
    Agency Replace the former explanatory language with a cross-
    reference to a Board note explaining the regulatory status
    of requirements pertaining to the aldicarbs
    611.Table Z, “Phase V
    Board Changed the brackets to parentheses in the chemical name
    611.Table Z,
    Changed “serving
    10,000 persons” to “serving10,000 or
    fewer persons”; changed “
    ” to “equal to or fewer than”;
    changed “>” to “more than”
    611.Table Z
    JCAR Corrected the spelling of “radionuclidess” to
    Table 3:
    Revisions to the Text of the Proposed Amendments in Final Adoption
    Section Source Revision(s)
    611 table of contents,
    611.320 entry
    JCAR Added “repealed” in parentheses
    611 table of contents,
    Subpart I heading
    JCAR Changed “and” to upper-case “AND”
    611 source note Board,
    Added a comma before “effective” in the entry for R00-10
    611.100(a) JCAR Changed “U.S.C.” to “USC”
    611.101 “approved
    source of bottled
    JCAR Changed “state” to capitalized “State”
    611.101 “service
    connection” Board
    JCAR Changed the symbol “&” to written “and”
    611.101 “SOC” Board
    Agency Added a cross-reference to a Board note explaining the
    regulatory status of the requirements pertaining to the

    611.101 “special
    irrigation district”
    Board note
    JCAR Changed the symbol “&” to written “and”
    JCAR Added a comma after each listed compound name (three
    611.101 “wellhead
    protection program”
    Board note
    JCAR Removed the unnecessary comma from before “and 35 Ill.
    Adm. Code” that separated a two-element series
    611.102(a) “Kaleda
    Corrected the spelling of “Kaleda”; moved the comma
    inside the closing quotation mark after “Thiocyanate”
    “Membrane Filter . . .”
    Corrected the spelling of “Escherichia”; moved the comma
    inside the closing quotation mark after “Waters”
    “QuickChem Method
    . . .”
    Board Moved the comma inside the closing quotation mark after
    611.102(a) “Readycult
    Coliforms . . .”
    JCAR Corrected the spelling of “Escherichla” to “Escherichia”;
    added a comma inside the closing quotation mark after
    611.102(a) “SimPlate
    JCAR Changed “method” to capitalized “Method”
    611.102(a) “Standard
    JCAR Removed the unnecessary comma after “Methods” that
    separated the subject and verb
    611.102(a) “Syngenta
    Board Removed the address and telephone information from the
    611.102(a) “USEPA
    Organic Methods”
    JCAR Added a space to change “EPA815/B–00/001” to “EPA
    611.102(b) “American
    “National Field
    Evaluation . . .”
    Board Moved the reference into correct alphabetical order;
    corrected the spelling of “Edburg” to “Edberg”
    611.102(b) “EM
    JCAR Added a comma after “Darmstadt”; corrected the spelling
    of “Escherichla” to “Escherichia” (twice)
    611.102(b) “United
    States Environmental
    Protection Agency,
    Office of Ground
    Water and Drinking
    Water,” “Method
    JCAR Added a space to change “EPA815/B–00/001” to “EPA

    611.102(b) “United
    States Environmental
    Protection Agency,
    Office of Ground
    Water and Drinking
    Water,” “Method
    JCAR Added a comma after “Method 531.2”
    611.103 JCAR Corrected the spelling of “invlidity” to “invalidity”
    611.121(a) JCAR,
    Changed “no person must cause” to “no person may
    611.121(c) JCAR,
    Changed “A MCL . . . must apply” to “An MCL . . .
    611.126 Board note JCAR Changed “Section 1417” to lower-case “section 1417”
    611.130(a)(4)(A) JCAR Changed the ending comma to a semicolon
    611.130(f)(2)(D) JCAR Added “do” before “the following”
    611.130(g)(1) JCAR Changed “the following means the following” to “the
    following means”
    611.211(b) JCAR Corrected the spelling of “site specfic” and added a
    hyphen to “site-specific”
    611.211(b)(5) JCAR Removed the ending period
    611.211(b)(6) JCAR Removed the ending period
    611.212(d)(1) JCAR Changed the ending comma to a semicolon
    611.230 heading JCAR Corrected “611.230” to “Section 611.230”
    611.230(d) JCAR Corrected “Section 611.231 and 611.232” to plural
    “Sections 611.231 and 611.232”
    611.241(c) JCAR Corrected “Section 611.531(e) and 611.532(e)” to plural
    “Sections 611.531(e) and 611.532(e)”
    611.241(d)(1) JCAR,
    Corrected “Section Section 611.531(e) and 611.532(f)” to
    plural “Sections 611.531(e) and 611.532(f)”; changed the
    equation to standard equation format; changed the ending
    periods to semicolons (three times)
    611.250(a)(1) JCAR,
    Changed numeric “5” to written “five”
    611.301(c) JCAR Added blank lines between table rows to enhance
    611.311(b) Agency,
    Added an asterisk (*) to the entry for each aldicarb
    compound (three times); added an end note directing
    attention to the end Board note
    611.311(c) Agency,
    Added an asterisk (*) to the entry for each aldicarb
    compound (three times); added an end note directing
    attention to the end Board note
    611.311 Board note Agency Amended the explanation of the regulatory status of the
    requirements pertaining to the aldicarbs
    611.352(g) JCAR Changed “Sections 611.357(d) through (f)” to singular
    “Section 611.357(d) through (f)”

    611.352(g)(1) Board
    Changed “this subsection” to singular “this subsection (g)”
    611.352(i)(1) JCAR Changed the ending comma to a semicolon
    611.353(b)(2)(B)(i) JCAR Changed the ending comma to a semicolon
    611.353(b)(2)(B)(ii) JCAR Changed the ending comma to a semicolon
    611.353(b)(7)(A) JCAR Changed the ending comma to a semicolon
    611.354(b)(3) JCAR Added a comma after “e.g.”
    611.355(c)(2)(A) JCAR Changed “within 60 days of” to “within 60 days after”
    611.355(c)(3)(A) JCAR,
    Changed the colon after “Section” to a comma
    611.355(c)(3)(B) Board Added a comma after “Section”
    611.356(b)(2)(B) JCAR,
    Added a parenthesis mark to correct the subsection
    number format
    611.357(e)(2)(B)(i) JCAR Changed the ending comma to a semicolon
    611.360(a)(1) JCAR Changed “section” to capitalized “Section”
    611.360(e)(1)(A) JCAR Changed the ending comma to a semicolon
    611.361 JCAR Changed “section” to capitalized “Section”
    611.Subpart I heading JCAR Changed “and” to upper-case “AND”
    611.381(c)(1) Board Removed a space to change “D 1253-86” to “D1253-86”
    611.382(b)(1)(B)(i) JCAR Changed “less than equal to” to “less than or equal to”
    (three times); added the indefinite article “a” before
    “distribution system”
    611.382(b)(1)(B)(ii) JCAR Added the verb “is” before “less than” (twice); changed
    “less than equal to” to “less than or equal to” (twice);
    added the indefinite article “a” before “distribution
    611.382(b)(1)(B)(iii) JCAR Added the verb “is” before “less than” (twice); changed
    “less than equal to” to “less than or equal to” (twice);
    added the indefinite article “a” before “distribution
    611.382(b)(1)(B)(iv) JCAR Added the verb “is” before “less than” (four times);
    changed “less than equal to” to “less than or equal to”
    (four times); added the indefinite article “a” before
    “distribution system”; added the definite article “the”
    before “quarter”
    611.384(b)(1)(D) JCAR Changed “section” to capitalized “Section”
    611.384(b)(3)(B) JCAR Changed the ending semicolon to a period
    611.384(b)(5) Board Added the indefinite article “a” before “supplier”
    611.384(c)(2) Board Changed “suppliers monitoring” to singular “a supplier
    that monitors”
    611.384(d)(2)(H) JCAR Corrected “CaCO3” to subscript “CaCO3”
    611.385(b)(2), note 2
    to table
    Board Changed “softening systems meeting . . . are” to singular
    “a softening system that meets . . . is”

    611.385(b)(2), note 3
    to table
    Board Changed “practicing” to “that practices”
    611.491(b) JCAR,
    Changed “nothing . . . must be construed” to “nothing . . .
    may be construed”
    611.510 Board Repealed the outdated unregulated contaminants
    monitoring requirements
    611.526(f)(2) Board Removed the parenthetical “paragraph 3” from after the
    first appearance of “Method 9221 B”
    611.531(a)(2)(D)(iv) JCAR Corrected the spelling of “Hack” to “Hach”
    611.601(a)(3) Board Corrected “a SEP” to “an SEP”
    611.603(b)(1) Board Corrected “a SEP” to “an SEP”
    611.603(b)(2) Board Corrected “a SEP” to “an SEP”
    611.603(d) Board Corrected “a SEP” to “an SEP”
    611.603(d)(4) Board Corrected “a SEP” to “an SEP”
    611.603(f)(1) Board Corrected “a SEP” to “an SEP”
    611.603(f)(2) Board Corrected “a SEP” to “an SEP” (twice)
    611.603(h)(1) Board Corrected “a SEP” to “an SEP”
    611.603(h)(2) Board Corrected “a SEP” to “an SEP”
    611.604(b)(2)(B) Board Corrected the spelling of “consitently” to “consistently”
    611.604(b) Board note JCAR Changed “drawn from” to “derived from”
    611.604(e) Board note JCAR Changed “drawn from” to “derived from”
    611.611(a)(1) Board Moved the entry from (a)(21) to place in alphabetical
    611.611(a)(2) Board Renumbered the entry from (a)(1) to accommodate
    alphabetical ordering
    611.611(a)(3) Board Renumbered the entry from (a)(2) to accommodate
    alphabetical ordering
    611.611(a)(4) Board Renumbered the entry from (a)(3) to accommodate
    alphabetical ordering
    611.611(a)(5) Board Renumbered the entry from (a)(4) to accommodate
    alphabetical ordering
    611.611(a)(6) Board Renumbered the entry from (a)(5) to accommodate
    alphabetical ordering
    611.611(a)(7) Board Renumbered the entry from (a)(6) to accommodate
    alphabetical ordering
    611.611(a)(8) Board Moved the entry from (a)(20) to place in alphabetical
    611.611(a)(9) Board Renumbered the entry from (a)(7) to accommodate
    alphabetical ordering
    611.611(a)(10) Board Moved the entry from (a)(17) to place in alphabetical
    611.611(a)(11) Board Moved the entry from (a)(19) to place in alphabetical

    611.611(a)(12) Board Renumbered the entry from (a)(8) to accommodate
    alphabetical ordering
    611.611(a)(13) Board Renumbered the entry from (a)(9) to accommodate
    alphabetical ordering
    611.611(a)(14) Board Moved the entry from (a)(16) to place in alphabetical
    611.611(a)(15) Board Added the entry that was formerly omitted
    611.611(a)(16) Board Renumbered the entry from (a)(10) to accommodate
    alphabetical ordering
    611.611(a)(17) Board Renumbered the entry from (a)(11) to accommodate
    alphabetical ordering
    611.611(a)(18) Board Renumbered the entry from (a)(12) to accommodate
    alphabetical ordering
    611.611(a)(19) Board Renumbered the entry from (a)(13) to accommodate
    alphabetical ordering
    611.611(a)(20) Board Moved the entry from (a)(22) to place in alphabetical
    611.611(a)(21) Board Moved the entry from (a)(18) to place in alphabetical
    611.611(a)(22) Board Renumbered the entry from (a)(14) to accommodate
    alphabetical ordering
    611.611(a)(23) Board Moved the entry from (a)(23) to place in alphabetical
    611.611(a)(24) Board Moved the entry from (a)(25) to place in alphabetical
    611.611(a)(25) Board Moved the entry from (a)(24) to place in alphabetical
    611.611(a)(26) Board Moved the entry from (a)(15) to place in alphabetical
    611.612(b) JCAR Corrected “analyses” to singular “analysis”
    611.612(f)(2)(B) JCAR Corrected “EPA Environmental Metals Methods” to the
    defined term “USEPA Environmental Metals Methods”
    611.612(f)(3)(B) JCAR Corrected “EPA Environmental Metals Methods” to the
    defined term “USEPA Environmental Metals Methods”
    611.612(f)(4)(B) JCAR Corrected “EPA Environmental Metals Methods” to the
    defined term “USEPA Environmental Metals Methods”
    611.612 Board note JCAR Changed “state” to capitalized “State”; changed “state-
    only” to capitalized “state-only”
    611.631 Board Repealed the outdated unregulated contaminants
    monitoring requirements
    611.640 “Phase IIB
    SOCs” Board note
    Agency Replaced the former explanation with a cross-reference to
    a Board note explaining the regulatory status of
    requirements pertaining to the aldicarbs
    611.641 Board note JCAR Changed “state-only” to capitalized “state-only”

    611.645 “synthetic
    organic contaminants”
    JCAR Corrected the spelling of “Araclors” to “Aroclors”
    611.646(a) “detect” JCAR Corrected “means” to plural “mean”
    611.646(a) “detection
    limit” Board note
    JCAR Corrected “section” to capitalized “Section”; added a
    comma after “however”
    611.646(c)(1) JCAR Changed “an SEP” to “a SEP”
    611.646(c)(2) Board Changed “an SEP” to “a SEP”
    611.646(c)(3) Board Changed “an SEP” to “a SEP”
    611.646(g) Board Changed “an SEP” to “a SEP” (twice)
    611.646(h) Board Changed “an SEP” to “a SEP”
    611.646(i) Board,
    Changed “an SEP” to “a SEP” (five times); changed “must
    either of the following” to “must do either of the
    611.646(i)(1) Board Changed “an SEP” to “a SEP”
    611.646(j) Board Changed “an SEP” to “a SEP”
    611.646(j)(1) Board Changed “an SEP” to “a SEP”
    611.646(j)(2) Board Changed “an SEP” to “a SEP”
    611.646(k)(2)(A) Board Changed “an SEP” to “a SEP”
    611.646(k)(2)(B) Board Changed “an SEP” to “a SEP”
    611.646(k)(2)(C) Board Changed “an SEP” to “a SEP”
    611.646(k)(4) Board Changed “an SEP” to “a SEP”
    611.646(k)(5)(C) Board Changed “an SEP” to “a SEP”
    611.646(l)(2)(A) Board Changed “an SEP” to “a SEP”
    611.646(l)(2)(B) Board Changed “an SEP” to “a SEP”
    611.646(l)(2)(C) Board Changed “an SEP” to “a SEP”
    611.646(m) Board Changed “an SEP” to “a SEP”
    611.646(r)(2) Board Changed “an SEP” to “a SEP”
    611.646(s) Board Changed “an SEP” to “a SEP”
    611.648(b) Board note Agency Replaced the former explanation with a cross-reference to
    a Board note explaining the regulatory status of
    requirements pertaining to the aldicarbs
    611.648(c)(3) Board Changed “an SEP” to “a SEP”
    611.648(e) Board Changed “an SEP” to “a SEP” (twice)
    611.648(f) Board Changed “an SEP” to “a SEP”
    611.648(g)(2)(A) Board Changed “an SEP” to “a SEP”
    611.648(g)(2)(B) Board Changed “an SEP” to “a SEP”
    611.648(g)(2)(C) Board Changed “an SEP” to “a SEP”
    611.648(g)(4) Board Changed “an SEP” to “a SEP”
    Board note
    Agency Added a cross-reference to a Board note explaining the
    regulatory status of requirements pertaining to the
    611.648(h)(2)(A) Board Changed “an SEP” to “a SEP”
    611.648(h)(2)(B) Board Changed “an SEP” to “a SEP”

    611.648(h)(2)(C) Board Changed “an SEP” to “a SEP”
    611.648(n)(2) Board Changed “an SEP” to “a SEP”
    611.648(o) Board Changed “an SEP” to “a SEP”
    611.648(r)(2) Board
    Agency Added a cross-reference to a Board note explaining the
    regulatory status of requirements pertaining to the
    Board note
    Agency Added a cross-reference to a Board note explaining the
    regulatory status of requirements pertaining to the
    611.658 Board Repealed the outdated unregulated contaminants
    monitoring requirements
    611.686 pramble JCAR Corrected “a a SEP” to “a SEP”
    611.720(a)(1)(F) JCAR Added the missing ending period
    611.720(a)(3)(A)(i) JCAR Removed a space to change “D 2460-90” to “D2460-90”
    611.720(a)(3)(A)(ii) JCAR Removed a space to change “D 3454-97” to “D3454-97”
    611.720(a)(4)(A) Board,
    Changed the colon after “Methods” to a comma; changed
    the ending period to a semicolon
    611.720(a)(5)(A) Board,
    Changed the colon after “Methods” to a comma; changed
    the ending period to a semicolon
    611.720(a)(5)(B)(i) JCAR Removed a space to change “D 2907-97” to “D2907-97”
    611.720(a)(5)(B)(ii) JCAR Removed a space to change “D 3972-97” to “D3972-97”
    611.720(a)(5)(B)(iii) JCAR Removed a space to change “D 5174-97” to “D5174-97”
    611.720(a)(6)(A)(i) JCAR Removed a space to change “D 2459-72” to “D2459-72”
    611.720(a)(6)(A)(ii) JCAR Removed a space to change “D 3649-91” to “D3649-91”
    611.720(a)(7)(A)(i) JCAR Removed a space to change “D 3649-91” to “D3649-91”
    611.720(a)(7)(A)(ii) JCAR Removed a space to change “D 4785-93” to “D4785-93”
    611.720(a)(9)(A) JCAR Removed a space to change “D 4107-91” to “D4107-91”
    611.720(a)(10)(A)(i) JCAR Removed a space to change “D 3649-91” to “D3649-91”
    611.720(a)(10)(A)(ii) JCAR Removed a space to change “D 4785-93” to “D4785-93”
    611.720(c)(2) Board
    JCAR Removed “effective December 8, 2003” and the offsetting
    611.732(j)(1) JCAR Corrected the spelling of “constitutents” to “constituents”
    Board note
    JCAR Removed “as amended at . . . (Dec. 5, 1994)” and the
    offsetting comma
    Board note
    JCAR Removed “as amended at . . . (Dec. 5, 1994)” and the
    offsetting comma
    611.881(d) Agency Changed the reference “611.646” to “611.646(a)”
    611.883(b)(2) Agency Changed “PWS” to “supplier”
    611.883(d)(3) JCAR Removed the redundant “thereafter” after “subsequent
    calendar years”
    611.883(f)(1) JCAR Changed the ending semicolon to a period
    611.883(f)(3) JCAR Changed “Sections 611.350(d), 611.351, 611.352, 611.353,
    or 611.354” to singular “Section 611.350(d), 611.351,
    611.352, 611.353, or 611.354”

    611.883(f)(6) JCAR Changed the ending semicolon to a period and removed
    the ending conjunction “and”
    611.883(g) JCAR Changed “Sections 611.111, 611.112, or 611.131” to
    singular “Section 611.111, 611.112, or 611.131”
    611.902(a)(5) Board,
    Replaced a reference to an obsolete federal provision that
    corresponds with a provision repealed in this proceeding
    with an explanatory statement
    611.902(a)(8) Board Changed “an SEP” to “a SEP”
    611.902(c)(4) Board Changed “an SEP” to “a SEP”
    611.903(a)(1) Board Changed “an SEP” to “a SEP”
    611.903(a)(2) Board Changed “an SEP” to “a SEP”
    611.903(b)(1) JCAR Changed “an SEP” to “a SEP”
    611.903(c)(1) JCAR Changed “an SEP” to “a SEP”
    611.903(c)(2) JCAR Changed “an SEP” to “a SEP”
    611.908(a) JCAR Corrected “Pubic Health” to “Public Health”
    611.953(a) Board Changed “an SEP” to “a SEP”
    611.955(b)(1)(B) Board Changed “an SEP” to “a SEP”
    611.955(b)(2)(B) Board Changed “an SEP” to “a SEP”
    611.Appendix A “total
    coliform bacteria”
    Changed “greater than or equal to 40” to “40 or more”
    (twice); changed numeric “5%” to written “five percent”
    (twice); changed “<” to “fewer than five percent” to “five
    percent or fewer” (twice); changed numeric “fewer than 1”
    to “one or fewer” (twice)
    611.Appendix A
    JCAR Corrected the spelling of “stomache” to “stomach”
    611.Appendix A
    JCAR Corrected the spelling of “stomache” to “stomach”
    611.Appendix B, table
    JCAR Corrected the appearance of the symbol “
    611.Appendix B, table
    JCAR Corrected the appearance of the symbol “
    611.Appendix B, table
    JCAR Corrected the appearance of the symbol “
    611.Appendix B, table
    JCAR Corrected the appearance of the symbol “
    611.Appendix B, table
    JCAR Corrected the appearance of the symbol “
    611.Appendix B, table
    JCAR Corrected the appearance of the symbol “
    611.Appendix B, table
    Board Removed the erroneous doubled entry of the table heading
    611.Appendix C
    Removed the editing index mark “@@@”

    611.Appendix C
    Board note
    JCAR Removed the strikeout to retain the conjunction “and”
    611.Appendix G,
    ¶ IV.F.
    Board Changed “an SEP” to “a SEP”
    611.Appendix G,
    endnote 1
    Board Changed “an SEP” to “a SEP” (twice)
    611.Appendix G,
    endnote 5
    Board Changed “an SEP” to “a SEP”
    611.Appendix G,
    endnote 6
    Board Changed “an SEP” to “a SEP”
    611.Table A JCAR Changed “month” to capitalized “Month”
    611.Table G JCAR Corrected “PH” to “pH” (seven times)
    611.Table Z “Phase
    IIB SOCs”
    Agency Replace the former explanatory language with a cross-
    reference to a Board note explaining the regulatory status
    of requirements pertaining to the aldicarbs
    611.Table Z
    Changed “serving
    10,000 persons” to “serving10,000 or
    fewer persons”
    611.Table Z
    JCAR Corrected the spelling of “radionuclidess” to
    Table 4
    Requested Revisions to the Text of the Proposed Amendments Not Made in Final
    Section Affected Source(s) of Request:
    Requested Revision(s)
    611 table of contents,
    appendices and tables
    JCAR: Use upper-case
    “APPENDIX” and
    The Office of the Secretary of State
    (SOS) has voiced a preference for
    simple capitalized “Appendix” and
    611.102(b) “American
    Waterworks Association,”
    “National Field Evaluation
    . . .”
    JCAR: Change “Multiple
    Tube” to hyphenated
    This error appears in the title of the
    cited reference
    611.241(d)(1) JCAR: Remove the ending
    periods and the conjunction
    “and” between the variable
    The Board instead chose to change the
    periods to semicolons, retaining the
    611.261(b)(8)(F) JCAR: Remove the ending
    semicolons and the
    conjunction “and” between
    the variable definitions
    The Board chose to retain the
    semicolons and conjunction to
    standardize the format

    611.262(b)(2)(F) JCAR: Remove the ending
    semicolons and the
    conjunction “and” between
    the variable definitions
    The Board chose to retain the
    semicolons and conjunction to
    standardize the format
    611.296(a) JCAR: Remove the ending
    semicolons and the
    conjunction “and” between
    the variable definitions
    The Board chose to retain the
    semicolons and conjunction to
    standardize the format
    611.356(a)(4)(C)(iii) JCAR: Remove the
    subsection designation
    1 Ill. Adm. Code 100.340 of the SOS
    rules prohibits the use of unlabeled
    paragraphs after the first numbered
    subsection in the text of a Section
    611.360(e)(2)(C) JCAR: Remove the
    subsection designation
    1 Ill. Adm. Code 100.340 of the SOS
    rules prohibits the use of unlabeled
    paragraphs after the first numbered
    subsection in the text of a Section
    611.500 JCAR: Change “the
    Agency must” to “the
    Agency will”
    A statement that could be confused as
    one of present intent is inappropriate
    where an imperative is intended
    611.526(f)(2) JCAR: Correct the spelling
    of “paragpah” to
    This appeared as “paragraph” in the
    text of the July 10, 2003 proposal for
    public comment
    611.645 “SOCs” JCAR: Change “dioxin” to
    capitalized “Dioxin”
    “Dioxin” is a generic name, not a trade
    name or other proper noun
    611.957(b)(1) JCAR: Move the phrase
    “as necessary records” to
    follow the verb “retain”
    The phrase refers to “results of filter
    611.957(b)(2) JCAR: Move the phrase
    “as necessary records” to
    follow the verb “retain”
    The phrase refers to “results of its
    disinfection profile”
    611.957(b)(1) JCAR: Move the phrase
    “as necessary records” to
    follow the verb “retain”
    The phrase refers to “disinfection
    I, Dorothy M. Gunn, Clerk of the Illinois Pollution Control Board, certify that the Board
    adopted the above opinion on October 2, 2003, by a vote of 7-0.
    Dorothy M. Gunn, Clerk
    Illinois Pollution Control Board

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