October 2, 2003
    FLUORIDE DISCHARGE, 35 ILL. ADM. ) Rulemaking – Water)
    CODE 304.233 )
    Proposed Rule. Second Notice.
    On October 22, 2002, the City of Effingham (City), Blue Beacon International, Inc. (BBI)
    and Truckomat Corporation (Truckomat) (referred to collectively as “petitioners”) filed a
    proposal for rulemaking under Section 27 of the Environmental Protection Act (Act) (415 ILCS
    5/27 (2002)), to change regulations governing fluoride found in the Board’s rules at 35 Ill. Adm.
    Code 302.208(g). On April 11, 2003, a hearing was held in this matter at the City Hall Council
    Chambers, 201 E. Jefferson, Effingham, Effingham County. A hearing on the economic impact
    of the proposal was held on July 18, 2003.
    By today’s action the Board adopts the proposed rule for second notice pursuant to the
    Illinois Administrative Procedure Act (5 ILCS 100/1-1). No comments were received during
    first notice, and the proposal adopted here is substantively unchanged from that adopted in the
    Board’s July 24, 2003 first-notice and opinion order. The following opinion will explain the
    proposal background, summarize the first-notice proposal, and discuss the economic
    reasonableness and technical feasibility of the rule.
    BBI and Truckomat operate truck washes in Effingham, Effingham County. The
    wastewater from the truck washes contains fluoride resulting from the brighteners used in
    washing the trucks. Petitioners state that there are no alternative replacements for these
    brighteners, and discontinuing their use would cause a severe negative economic impact. Pet. at
    2. Petitioners further state that the site-specific fluoride level proposed will be protective of
    aquatic life, human health, and the environment as a whole. Pet. at 2.
    The truck washes discharge wastewater produced from their operations into the City’s
    publicly owned treatment works (POTW). Pet. at 3. The POTW discharges treated effluent into
    an unnamed tributary of Salt Creek, which flows into the Little Wabash River, 37 miles upstream
    from the City of Flora. Pet. at 4, 7, 9. The City’s current daily fluoride effluent limit is 1.4
    mg/L, the same as the 1.4 mg/L water quality standard. Pet. at 4. The City seeks an effluent
    limit of 4.5 mg/L subject to the averaging rule of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 304.104. Pet. at 2.

    On November 7, 2002, the Board opened a new regulatory docket for this matter, and
    directed that a hearing be scheduled on the proposal. At the April 11, 2003 hearing, David M.
    Walter appeared and participated on behalf of the petitioners; Matthew R. Hortenstine appeared
    on behalf of the City of Effingham; and Deborah J. Williams appeared and participated on behalf
    of the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (Agency). No members of the public attended
    the hearing.
    On October 22, 2002, the petitioners filed a petition for a site-specific rulemaking. On
    November 7, 2002, the Board opened regulatory docket R03-11, finding that the proposal for
    rulemaking met the requirements of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 102.210 and accepting it for hearing.
    A hearing in this matter was held on April 11, 2003, at 201 East Jefferson Street, in
    Effingham, Effingham County. The petitioners and the Agency appeared and presented
    testimony at the hearing. No members of the public attended the hearing. The petitioners and
    the Agency each filed public comment after the hearing.
    On July 18, 2003, a hearing was held on the requested economic impact study of this
    rulemaking. The hearing was necessary to fulfill the requirements of Section 27(b) of the Act.
    415 ILCS 5/27(b) (2002). Section 27(b) of the Act requires the Board to request the Illinois
    Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity (DCEO) to conduct an economic impact
    study (EcIS) on certain proposed rules prior to adoption of those rules. In response to an April 3,
    2003 letter by Chairman Tom Johnson requesting the study, DCEO sent an April 17, 2003 letter
    to the Board stating that no studies will be performed. At the hearing, the Board made available
    copies of the Board’s April 3, 2003 letter and DCEO’s April 17, 2003 response. The Board
    received no comments on the letters.
    On July 24, 2003, the Board issued its first-notice opinion and order. The order
    summarized the testimony offered by the parties, and found that adoption of the petitioners’
    proposed site-specific rule for the purposes of first notice, as modified by the Agency, was
    warranted. Specifically, the Board agreed with the Agency that granting relief from 35 Ill. Adm.
    Code 304.105 instead of the water quality standard, as requested by the petitioners, could lead to
    inconsistencies with federal law. Accordingly, the Board proposed a site-specific water quality
    standard rather than a new effluent limit.
    The Board found that the petitioners presented information indicating that compliance
    with 35 Ill. Adm. Code 302.208(g) is not economically reasonable or technically feasible. The
    Board found that the petitioners presented evidence regarding the nature of existing water quality
    and consistency with federal regulations. Further, the Board found that the water quality data
    presented by the petitioners indicate that the requested relief is protective of the aquatic life and
    The first-notice publication of the rules appeared in 27
    Illinois Register
    13680 (Aug. 15,
    2003). No public comments were received during the 45-day first-notice period

    IS 9.29]
    . The Joint Committee on Administrative Review (JCAR) filed non-substantive
    comments addressing grammar and format changes.
    At first notice, the Board found that compliance with 35 Ill. Adm. Code 302.208(g) was
    not economically reasonable or technically feasible. The Board has received no additional
    comments discussing economic reasonableness and technical feasibility of the proposed rule. As
    previously discussed, the Board proposed a site-specific water quality standard, as suggested by
    the Agency, for first notice rather than a new effluent limit. No comments on this change to
    petitioners’ original proposal were received. The Board held a hearing on July 19, 2003, to
    satisfy the requirements of Section 27(b) of the Act. 415 ILCS 5/27(b) (2002). The Board
    received no comments on the DCEO’s decision not to conduct an economic impact study on this
    proposed rulemaking.
    The Board did receive non-substantive comments from JCAR. The Board has
    incorporated the suggested changes into the proposal as issued for second-notice review.
    Based on the record developed to date in this matter, the Board finds that adoption of the
    proposed site-specific rule is warranted. The Board proposes this rulemaking for second-notice
    review by JCAR.
    The Board directs the Clerk to cause the filing of the following with the Joint Committee
    on Administrative Rules for its second-notice review.

    PART 303
    303.100 Scope and Applicability
    303.101 Multiple Designations
    303.102 Rulemaking Required
    303.200 Scope and Applicability
    303.201 General Use Waters
    303.202 Public and Food Processing Water Supplies
    303.203 Underground Waters
    303.204 Secondary Contact and Indigenous Aquatic Life Waters
    303.205 Outstanding Resource Waters
    303.206 List of Outstanding Resource Waters
    303.300 Scope and Applicability
    303.301 Organization
    303.311 Ohio River Temperature
    303.312 Waters Receiving Fluorspar Mine Drainage
    303.321 Wabash River Temperature
    303.322 Unnamed Tributary
    of the Vermilion River
    303.323 Sugar Creek and Its Unnamed Tributary
    303.326 Unnamed Tributary of
    Salt Creek, Salt Creek, and Little Wabash River
    303.331 Mississippi River North Temperature
    303.341 Mississippi River North Central Temperature
    303.351 Mississippi River South Central Temperature
    303.352 Unnamed Tributary of Wood River Creek
    303.353 Schoenberger Creek; Unnamed Tributary of Cahokia Canal
    303.361 Mississippi River South Temperature
    303.400 Bankline Disposal Along the Illinois Waterway/River
    303.430 Unnamed Tributary to Dutch Creek
    303.431 Long Point Slough and Its Unnamed Tributary

    303.441 Secondary Contact Waters
    303.442 Waters Not Designated for Public Water Supply
    303.443 Lake Michigan Basin
    303.444 Salt Creek, Higgins Creek, West Branch of the DuPage River, Des Plaines River
    303.500 Scope and Applicability
    303.502 Lake Sangchris Thermal Discharges
    APPENDIX A References to Previous Rules
    APPENDIX B Sources of Codified Sections
    AUTHORITY: Implementing Section 13 and authorized by Sections 11(b) and 27 of the
    Environmental Protection Act [415 ILCS 5/13, 11(b) and 27].
    SOURCE: Filed with the Secretary of State January 1, 1978; amended at 2 Ill. Reg. 27, p. 221,
    effective July 5, 1978; amended at 3 Ill. Reg. 20, p. 95, effective May 17, 1979; amended at 5 Ill.
    Reg. 11592, effective October 19, 1981; codified at 6 Ill. Reg. 7818; amended at 6 Ill. Reg. 11161,
    effective September 7, 1982; amended at 7 Ill. Reg. 8111, effective June 23, 1983; amended in
    R87-27 at 12 Ill. Reg. 9917, effective May 27, 1988; amended in R87-2 at 13 Ill. Reg. 15649,
    effective September 22, 1989; amended in R87-36 at 14 Ill. Reg. 9460, effective May 31, 1990;
    amended in R86-14 at 14 Ill. Reg. 20724, effective December 18, 1990; amended in R89-14(C) at
    16 Ill. Reg. 14684, effective September 10, 1992; amended in R92-17 at 18 Ill. Reg. 2981,
    effective February 14, 1994; amended in R91-23 at 18 Ill. Reg. 13457, effective August 19, 1994;
    amended in R93-13 at 19 Ill. Reg. 1310, effective January 30, 1995; amended in R95-14 at 20 Ill.
    Reg. 3534, effective February 8, 1996; amended in R97-25 at 22 Ill. Reg. 1403, effective
    December 24, 1997; amended in R01-13 at 26 Ill. Reg. 3517, effective February 22, 2002;
    amended in R03-11, at_______Ill. Reg____,effective_______.
    Section 303.326 Unnamed Tributary of Salt Creek, Salt Creek, and Little Wabash River.
    The fluoride general use water quality standard of Section 302.208(g) does not
    apply to the waters of the State that are located from the point of discharge of the
    POTW located at 903 E. Eichie Avenue in Effingham, Illinois, owned by the
    City of Effingham, to an unnamed tributary of Salt Creek, said point being
    located in Effingham County, T8N, R6E, Sec. 28, Lat: 39
    06’24”, Long:
    31’55”, to the confluence of said unnamed tributary with Salt Creek; to the
    confluence of Salt Creek with the Little Wabash River; to the confluence of
    Buck Creek and the Little Wabash River. Fluoride levels in such waters must
    meet a water quality standard for fluoride (STORET Number 00951) as set forth
    in this section.
    a) From the point of discharge of the City of Effingham POTW to the
    unnamed tributary to the confluence of the unnamed tributary with

    Salt Creek and from the confluence of the unnamed tributary with
    Salt Creek to the confluence of Salt Creek with the Little Wabash
    River, the fluoride water quality standard is 5.0 mg/L.
    b) From the confluence of Salt Creek with the Little Wabash River to
    monitoring station C-19 located on the Little Wabash River
    approximately 2.8 miles downstream of Louisville, Illinois, the
    fluoride water quality standard is 3.2 mg/L.
    c) From monitoring station C-19 located on a point on the Little
    Wabash River approximately 2.8 miles downstream of Louisville,
    Illinois to the confluence of Buck Creek and the Little Wabash
    River, a point on the Little Wabash River located approximately
    9.8 miles downstream of Louisville, Illinois, the fluoride water
    quality standard is 2.0 mg/L.
    (Source: Amended at
    , effective
    I, Dorothy M. Gunn, Clerk of the Illinois Pollution Control Board, certify that the Board
    adopted the above opinion and order on October 2, 2003, by a vote of 7-0.
    Dorothy M. Gunn, Clerk
    Illinois Pollution Control Board

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