Adjusted Standard)
ILL. ADM. CODE 218.182
Testimony ofMichael D. Rogers
Illinois Environmental Protection Agency
September 2003
Good morning.
My name is Mike Rogers and I am in the Illinois Environmental
Protection Agency’s Bureau ofAir.
I was
involved in the development ofthe regulation
establishing the maximum vapor pressure limits for solvents used in cold cleaning and in
conversations with Argonne concerning this adjusted standard petition.
Cold cleaning is defmed in Title
Subtitle B,
Section 211.1310 as “the process
ofcleaning and removing soils from surfaces by spraying, brushing, flushing, or
immersion while maintaining the organic solvent below its boiling point.
Wipe cleaning
is not included in this definition.”
Section 218.182 contains requirements for operating
procedures, equipmentrequirements, material requirements, and recordkeeping
Cold cleaning is primarily conducted to clean metal parts.
Such cleaning likely
takes place at all manufacturing operations, as well as at auto repair facilities, machine
shops and metal fabrication and finishing operations.
Cold cleaning degreasers range in
size but typically consist ofa small sink or vat where components are sprayed and
brushed clean,
connecting hoses, and a holding tank containing from five to 30
gallons of
solvent. The solvent is usually used at ambient temperatures, but if it is heated, the
temperature is kept below the solvent’s boiling point.
Solvent degreasing equipment and
degreasing solvents are typically supplied by the same
The operating procedures and equipment requirements of Section 218.182 (a) and
(b) are geared to this type ofcleaning equipment.
These include requirements regarding
the d~greaser
cover, spray apparatus, and drainage device.
The material requirements
contained in Section 218.182(c), effective in March 2001,
limitthe sale or use ofsolvents
in cold cleaning to those with a maximum vapor pressure of 1.0 millimeter ofmercury
(mm Hg), measured at 20°C (68°F).
Section 218.182(d)(2) requires that records of
solventpurchases be maintained in order to
verify the purchase ofcompliant solvents.
All of these requirements are intended to reduce the evaporation ofthe solvent
being used.
The evaporation ofhydrocarbon-based solvents releases volatile organic
material (VOM) into the atmosphere.
The higher the vapor pressure ofa substance the
more readily it evaporates.
These emissions react with otherpollutants on warm sunny
days to produce ozone.
Elevated ozone concentrations in the lower atmosphere can
impair breathing function especially in the young, the elderly, and those with existing
respiratory diseases such as asthmaor bronchitis.
The Illinois EPA estimates that VOM
emissions in the Chicago area are being reduced by approximately 22 tons per day from
1998 levels due to the implementation ofthe regulation.
Although technically cold cleaning, the research and development testing and
analysis activities performed by Argonne are not the typical activities
intended to be
affected by the cold cleaning regulations.
Argonne has requested relief for its operations
that involve preparation ofsample material and the associated apparatus used for research
and development testing
and analysis stating that such testing “requires sample surface
areas completely free ofresidual contamination.”
The Agency has been made aware that
solvents complying with the vapor pressure limits may not adequately performunder
certain “high tech” cleaning requirements.
The cleaning ofelectronic components is one
example that was brought to light during the rulemaking development and accordingly
addressed in the regulation.
The Agency acknowledges that Argonne’s specified
activities and cleanliness requirements are unique from typical cold cleaning operations.
In addition, Argonne’s activity does not utilize the typical cold cleaning apparatus
described above, using milliliters of solvent rather than gallons, and laboratory beakers
rather than a sink.
Argonne states that it has researched the use of alternative solvents either
complying with the specified vapor pressure limits or consisting ofnon-volatile organic
material, such as acetone, but that no suitable complying solvent could be found.
Agency is
aware that cleaning solvents have their limitations especially in circumstances
that require such a high degree ofcleanliness.
The Agency is also aware ofthe
flammable nature of solvents such as acetone, which may be classified as a non-VOM but
have other deleterious characteristics.
Argonne estimates that its method ofcleaning and the use of solvents exceeding
the vapor pressure limits would result in a maximum increase in VOM emissions ofone
(1) ton per year.
In the
1999 inventory of Chicago nonattainment area ozone precursor
emissions the Illinois EPA estimates that approximately 660 tons ofman-made VOM
emissions are generated each summer day in the six-county region.
Illinois EPA believes that the additional emissions resulting from Argonne’s research and
development testing and analysis activities and requested use ofsolvents exceeding the
vapor pressure limits is negligible and will not negatively affect Chicago area air quality.
Based on the above, I support the Agency’s recommendation to the Board that
Argonne’s Petition for adjusted standardbe granted, subject to the conditions included in
the Recommendation.