August 21, 2003
    CODE 101-130
    (Rulemaking - Procedural)
    ORDER OF THE BOARD (by T.E. Johnson):
    Today the Board opens a new docket to propose amendments to its procedural rules.
    Among other things, the amendments will allow electronic filing in all Board proceedings
    through the Board’s new Clerk’s Office On-Line or “COOL,” and reflect recent statutory
    changes. To avoid confusion, in a separate order today, the Board closes docket R03-10, in
    which the Board had proposed procedural rule changes.
    Revision of the Board’s Procedural
    Rules: 35 Ill. Adm. Code 101-130, R03-10, slip op. at 1 (Aug. 21, 2003). Changes originally
    proposed in docket R03-10 will now be taken up in this rulemaking, R04-8, as will other rule
    changes needed chiefly due to legislation signed into law only last month.
    In R03-10, the Board on November 7, 2002, adopted its first-notice opinion and order,
    which may be viewed through COOL on the Board’s Web site at The first-
    notice amendments appeared in the
    Illinois Register
    on December 2 and 6, 2002, proposing
    amendments to Parts 101-107, 125, and 130 of Title 35 of the Illinois Administrative Code. The
    Board held two public hearings on the proposed amendments and received public comment.
    Besides accommodating electronic filing and service, the rule changes proposed for first notice
    were aimed principally at reflecting amendments to the Environmental Protection Act (415 ILCS
    5 (2002)) in P.A. 92-574, effective June 26, 2002, and to the Administrative Procedure Act (5
    ILCS 100 (2002)) in P.A. 92-330, effective August 9, 2001. The Board incorporates the record
    of R03-10 into the record of this rulemaking.
    In addition to the changes first proposed in R03-10, this rulemaking (R04-8) will include
    proposed changes necessary to make the procedural rules consistent with new statutory
    provisions, primarily the amendments to the Environmental Protection Act in P.A. 93-152,
    effective July 10, 2003. These amendments include (1) having the Illinois Environmental
    Protection Agency rather than the Board issue provisional variances, (2) allowing the Board to
    adopt settlements in citizen enforcement actions
    a public hearing, and (3) a new
    rulemaking procedure for updating incorporations by reference. P.A. 93-152 may found on the
    Board’s Web site.
    The changes to the Environmental Protection Act in P.A. 93-152, like those in P.A. 92-
    574, resulted from recommendations of the Illinois Environmental Regulatory Review
    Commission (IERRC). Created in December 1999 by Executive Order 18, the IERRC was
    charged with reviewing and recommending improvements to the Environmental Protection Act,
    which was originally enacted in 1970.

    The Board plans to proceed expeditiously to first-notice publication of proposed
    procedural rule amendments in the
    Illinois Register
    , which will start a 45-day period during
    which anyone may file public comments with the Board. As discussed, though the Board is
    closing docket R03-10, the Board will now consider proposed amendments from that rulemaking
    in this newly-opened docket, R04-8. The Board therefore directs the Clerk to copy the R03-10
    record and place it into the record of R04-8.
    I, Dorothy M. Gunn, Clerk of the Illinois Pollution Control Board, certify that the Board
    adopted the above order on August 21, 2003, by a vote of 7-0.
    Dorothy M. Gunn, Clerk
    Illinois Pollution Control Board

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