June 5, 2003
) | R03-18 | |
RCRA SUBTITLE C UPDATE, USEPA | ) | (Identical-in-Substance |
AMENDMENTS (July 1, 2002 through | ) | Rulemaking - Land) |
December 31, 2002) | ) | |
Adopted Rule. Final Order.
OPINION OF THE BOARD (by M.E. Tristano):
This identical-in-substance rulemaking updates the Illinois hazardous waste regulations to incorporate revisions to the federal regulations. The United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) made the federal amendments that prompted this action during the period of July 1, 2002 through December 31, 2002. This proceeding adopts amendments to 35 Ill. Adm. Code 703, 720, 721, 726, and 728. This adoption also makes a series of non-substantive corrections and stylistic revisions to segments of the text of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 720, 721, 726, and 728 that are not otherwise affected by the covered federal amendments.
Sections 7.2 and 22.4(a) of the Environmental Protection Act (Act) (415 ILCS 5/7.2 and 22.4(a) (2002)) require the Board to adopt regulations that are “identical in substance” to hazardous waste regulations adopted by the USEPA. These USEPA rules implement Subtitle C of the federal Resource Conservation and Recovery Act of 1976 (RCRA Subtitle C) (42 U.S.C. §§ 6921 et seq. (2000)).
Sections 7.2 and 22.4(a) provide for quick adoption of regulations that are identical in substance to federal regulations that USEPA adopts to implement Sections 3001 through 3005 of RCRA (42 U.S.C. §§ 6921-6925 (2000)). Section 22.4(a) also provides that Title VII of the Act and Section 5 of the Administrative Procedure Act (APA) (5 ILCS 100/5-35 and 5-40 (2002)) do not apply to the Board’s adoption of identical-in-substance regulations. The federal RCRA Subtitle C regulations are found at 40 C.F.R. 260 through 266, 268, 270, 271, 273, and 279.
This opinion supports an order that the Board also adopts today. The Board will file the adopted amendments with the Office of the Secretary of State no sooner than 30 days after the date of this opinion and accompanying order. This is to allow USEPA additional time to review the amendments before they are filed.
The following listing briefly summarizes the federal actions considered in this RCRA Subtitle C update rulemaking:
Docket R03-18: July 1, 2002 through December 31, 2002,
RCRA Subtitle C Amendments
USEPA amended the federal RCRA Subtitle regulations on three occasions during the period July 1, 2002 through December 31, 2002. Each is summarized below:
67 Fed. Reg. 48393 (July 24, 2002) | |||
USEPA adopted an exclusion from the definition of solid waste of certain secondary materials used to make zinc fertilizers. | |||
67 Fed. Reg. 62618 (October 7, 2002)
USEPA adopted a direct final rule that grants a national treatability variance from the land disposal restrictions for radioactively contaminated cadmium-, mercury-, and silver-containing batteries.
67 Fed. Reg. 77687 (December 19, 2002)
USEPA adopted minor corrections to the September 30, 1999 hazardous waste combustion rule and July 3, 2001, February 13, 2002, and February 14, 2002 amendments to that rule.
67 Fed. Reg. 78718 (December 26, 2002)
USEPA adopted a direct final rule that conditionally exempts used cathode ray tubes (CRTs) and glass from CRTs from the definition of solid waste. This action was limited to CRTs in USEPA Region III, so that USEPA could study extending this action nationally.
No Later RCRA Subtitle C (Hazardous Waste) or UIC Amendments of Interest to Date
The Board engages in ongoing monitoring of federal actions. As of the date of this opinion and accompanying order, the Board has identified a no other USEPA actions since December 31, 2002 that further amend the RCRA Subtitle C hazardous waste rules in a way that would require immediate Board attention.
When the Board observes an action outside the nominal timeframe of a docket that would require expedited consideration in the pending docket, the Board will expedite consideration of those amendments. Federal actions that could warrant expedited consideration include those that directly affect the amendments involved in this docket, those for which compelling reasons would warrant consideration as soon as possible, and those for which the Board has received a request for expedited consideration.
Other Federal Actions Having a Direct Impact on the
Illinois RCRA Subtitle C Regulations
In addition to the amendments to the federal RCRA Subtitle C regulations, amendments to certain other federal regulations occasionally have an effect on the Illinois hazardous waste rules. Most notably, 35 Ill. Adm. Code 720.111 includes several incorporations of federal regulations by reference. The incorporated regulations include segments of various USEPA environmental regulations and United States Department of Transportation hazardous materials transportation regulations that USEPA has incorporated into the federal hazardous waste rules.
As of the date of this proposal for public comment, the Board has found three sets of amendments to the incorporated materials. Those are the following actions:
67 Fed. Reg. 65220 (October 23, 2002)
USEPA updated the various methods used for analysis of contaminants in wastewater and drinking water. This included amendments to the methods of 40 C.F.R. 136.
67 Fed. Reg. 65876 (October 29, 2002)
USEPA updated the Method 1631 for analysis of mercury in water. This included amendments to the method in 40 C.F.R. 136.
67 Fed. Reg. 69952 (November 19, 2002)
USEPA amended its guidelines for whole effluent toxicity (WET) testing by approving new methods, amending existing methods, and deleting prior methods. This included amendments to the methods in 40 C.F.R. 136.
The October 23, 2002 update to the methods for analysis of water and wastewater and the October 29, 2002 update of the method for analysis of mercury in water will require the Board to update the version of 40 C.F.R. 136 incorporated by reference in Section 720.111 to include these two sets of amendments. The federal amendments of November 19, 2002, will not require the Board to update the incorporation by reference, since whole effluent toxicity testing is not used in the implementation of the RCRA Subtitle C regulations.
RCRA Subtitle C (Hazardous Waste) Amendments
on Which No Board Action Is Necessary
Among the listed federal RCRA Subtitle C amendments examined by the Board is one on which no Board action is necessary in this docket R03-18. That action was that of December 26, 2002.
The amendments of December 26, 2002 (67 Fed. Reg. 78718), were substantive amendments adopted by USEPA as a direct final rule. USEPA later withdrew the rule in a Federal Register notice dated February 24, 2003 (68 Fed. Reg. 8553), stating it did so in response to adverse public comments. The December 26, 2002 amendments would have conditionally exempted CRTs from the definition of solid waste when they are recycled. This action would have applied only in USEPA Region III (Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia, and the District of Columbia). The action was part of USEPA regulatory innovations efforts intended to encourage increased recycling and improved management of used materials. Thus, because USEPA later withdrew the rule and because the rule would have applied only in USEPA Region III, no Board action will be required on the December 26, 2002 federal amendments relating to recycling of used CRTs.
Summary Listing of the Federal Actions Forming the Basis
of the Board’s Actions in These Consolidated Dockets
Based on the foregoing, the federal actions that form the basis for Board action in this update docket are the following, listed in chronological order:
July 24, 2002 (67 Fed. Reg. 48393) |
Exclusion of certain secondary materials used to make zinc fertilizers from the definition of solid waste. |
October 7, 2002 (67 Fed. Reg. 62618) |
National treatability variance for radioactively contaminated cadmium-, mercury-, and silver-containing batteries. |
October 23, 2002 (67 Fed. Reg. 65220) |
Updated methods used for analysis of contaminants in wastewater and drinking water, including the methods of 40 C.F.R. 136. |
October 29, 2002 (67 Fed. Reg. 65876) |
Updated Method 1631 for analysis of mercury in water in 40 C.F.R. 136. |
December 19, 2002 (67 Fed. Reg. 77687) |
Minor corrections to the hazardous waste combustion rule and the amendments to that rule. |
The March 20, 2003 proposal for public comment appeared in the April 18, 2003 issue of the Illinois Register, at 27 Ill. Reg. 6580 (Part 703), 6612 (Part 720), 6661 (Part 721), 6825 (Part 726), and 6959 (Part 728). The Board received public comments on the proposal for a period of 45 days, until June 2, 2003. The Board will delay filing the adopted rules with the Secretary of State for 30 days after adoption, until after July 5, 2003, particularly to allow additional time for USEPA to review the adopted amendments before they are filed and become effective.
During the public comment period, the Board received the following comment:
PC 1 | Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (Agency), by Mark Wight, Assistant Counsel (May 23, 2003, received May 27, 2003) |
In PC 1, the Agency suggested a small number of minor corrections to the text of the amendments. The Agency also responded to Board requests for comments on substantive aspects of the amendments. The substantive aspects of the Agency comments are considered in the substantive discussions below.
In addition to the public comment received, the Board received a copy of the text of the proposed amendments with suggested corrections marked by the Joint Committee on Administrative Rules (JCAR). The Board does not discuss the minor corrections made in response to the JCAR and Agency suggestions. The corrections made in response are listed in Table 3, which appears below beginning at page 135 of this opinion. Table 4, beginning at page 143, outlines the suggestions not followed.
The following discussion begins with a description of the types of deviations the Board makes from the literal text of federal regulations in adopting identical-in-substance rules. It is followed by a discussion of the amendments and actions undertaken in direct response to the federal actions involved in this proceeding. This first series of discussions is organized by federal subject matter, generally appearing in chronological order of the relevant Federal Register notices involved. Finally, this discussion closes with a description of the amendments and actions that are not directly derived from the federal actions.
General Revisions and Deviations from the Federal Text
In incorporating the federal rules into the Illinois system, some deviation from the federal text is unavoidable. This deviation arises primarily through differences between the federal and state regulatory structure and systems. Some deviation also arises through errors in and problems with the federal text itself. The Board conforms the federal text to the Illinois rules and regulatory scheme and corrects errors that we see in the text as we engage in these routine update rulemakings.
In addition to the amendments derived from federal amendments, the Board often finds it necessary to alter the text of various passages of the existing rules as provisions are opened for update in response to USEPA actions. This involves correcting deficiencies, clarifying provisions, and making other changes that are necessary to establish a clear set of rules that closely parallel the corresponding federal requirements within the codification scheme of the Illinois Administrative Code.
The Board updates the citations to the Code of Federal Regulations to the most recent version available. As of the date of this opinion, the most recent version of the Code of Federal Regulations available to the Board is the July 1, 2002 version. Thus, we have updated all citations to the 2002 version, adding references to later amendments using their appropriate Federal Register citation, where necessary.
The Board substituted “or” for “/” in most instances where this appeared in the federal base text, using “and” where more appropriate. The Board further used this opportunity to make a number of corrections to punctuation, grammar, spelling, and cross-reference format throughout the opened text. We changed “who” to “that” and “he” or “she” to “it,” where the person to which the regulation referred was not necessarily a natural person, or to “he or she,” where a natural person was evident; changed “which” to “that” for restrictive relative clauses; substituted “must” for “shall”; capitalized the section headings and corrected their format where necessary; and corrected punctuation within sentences.
In addition, the federal rules have been edited to establish a uniform usage throughout the Board’s regulations. For example, with respect to “shall,” “will,” and “may,” “must” is used when an action is required by the rule, without regard to whether the action is required of the subject of the sentence or not. “Shall” is no longer used, since it is not used in everyday language. Thus, where a federal rule uses “shall,” the Board substitutes “must.” This is a break from our former practice where “shall” was used when the subject of a sentence has a duty to do something. “Will” is used when the Board obliges itself to do something. “May” is used when choice of a provision is optional. “Or” is used rather than “and/or,” and denotes “one or both.” “Either . . . or” denotes “one but not both.” “And” denotes “both.”
The Joint Committee on Administrative Rules (JCAR) has requested that the Board refer to the United States Environmental Protection Agency in the same manner throughout all of our bodies of regulations—i.e., air, water, drinking water, RCRA Subtitle D (municipal solid waste landfill), RCRA Subtitle C (hazardous waste), underground injection control (UIC), etc. The Board has decided to refer to the United States Environmental Protection Agency as “USEPA.” We will continue this conversion in future rulemakings as additional sections become open to amendment. We will further convert “EPA” used in federal text to “USEPA,” where USEPA is clearly intended.
The Board has assembled tables to aid in the location of these alterations and to briefly outline their intended purpose. The tables set forth the miscellaneous deviations from the federal text and corrections to the pre-amended base text of the rules in detail. The tables are set forth and explained beginning at page 13 of this opinion. There is no further discussion of most of the deviations and revisions elsewhere in this opinion.
Discussion of the Particular Federal Actions Involved in This Docket
Exclusion of Certain Secondary Materials from the Definition of Solid Waste--Sections 721.104, 726.120, and 728.140
The USEPA action of July 24, 2002 (67 Fed. Reg. 48393), related to recycling hazardous secondary materials. The covered materials are those used to make zinc fertilizer products. The amendments excluded the secondary materials from the definition of solid waste. The amendments also exclude the fertilizers made from these secondary materials from the definition of solid waste, so long as certain contaminants in the fertilizer remain within specified limits. Exclusion from the definition of solid waste excludes the secondary materials from hazardous waste regulation. USEPA intended the rule to allow the use of zinc-rich dusts from brass foundries and fabricators as substitutes for other feedstocks.
The federal amendments further removed the former exemption from 40 C.F.R. 268.40(i) of the federal land disposal restrictions. USEPA had adopted this as a temporary measure on August 31, 1998 (63 Fed. Reg. 46331), to stay the Phase IV land disposal restrictions (LDRs) as they apply to zinc-containing fertilizers until USEPA developed the more comprehensive set of regulations for the use of hazardous waste in making fertilizers. Persons interested in the details of the federal amendments should consult the July 24, 2002 Federal Register notice.
The Board incorporated the July 24, 2002 federal amendments without substantive deviation from the corresponding federal text. The deviations from the text of the federal amendments are restricted to those structural and stylistic changes needed to make the text comport with the Illinois Register format and the Board’s preferred style. For example, 40 C.F.R. 261.4(a)(20)(ii)(B)(1) through (a)(20)(ii)(B)(3) were moved to Section 721.104(a)(20)(F)(i) through (a)(20)(F)(iii) and 40 C.F.R. 261.4(a)(20)(ii)(D)(1) through (a)(20)(ii)(D)(3) were moved to Section 721.104(a)(20)(G)(i) through (a)(20)(G)(iii). The Illinois Administrative Code codification requirements allow only four indent levels in rules, and these segments of the federal text ran to five indent levels. Another example is that the Board has opted to use only the singular (e.g., “generators and intermediate handlers” in 40 C.F.R. 261.4(a)(20)(ii) is changed to “a generator or intermediate handler” in corresponding Section 721.104(a)(20)(B)). The table that begins on page 13 of this opinion itemizes the various revisions made in the federal text in adapting it into the State regulations.
The Board requested public comment on the incorporation of the July 24, 2002 federal amendments excluding from hazardous waste regulation those secondary materials that are used to make zinc fertilizers and the fertilizers made from those secondary materials. The Agency responded with comments. The Agency agreed that the proposed amendments are consistent with the corresponding federal amendments on which they are based. The Agency expressly withheld comment on the appropriateness of the limits derived by USEPA.
National Treatability Variance for Radioactively Contaminated Batteries--Table T to Part 728
The USEPA action of October 7, 2002 (67 Fed. Reg. 62618), related to land disposal of radioactively contaminated batteries. On a petition from the federal Department of Energy, USEPA granted a national treatability variance for the contaminated cadmium-, mercury-, and silver-containing batteries by designating new treatments for the batteries. USEPA concluded that the thermal treatment standard specified under the current regulations for cadmium-containing batteries and the roasting and retorting standard for mercury-containing batteries were inappropriate due to resulting radioactive contamination of the recovered metals. USEPA also concluded that the numerical standard for silver-containing batteries was inappropriate due to potential radiation hazards to workers who manually segregate the batteries for treatment. USEPA designated macroencapsulation in accordance with the rules applicable to hazardous debris as treatment prior to land disposal of the three types of radioactively contaminated batteries. Persons interested in the details of the federal amendments should consult the October 7, 2002 Federal Register notice.
The Board incorporated the October 7, 2002 federal national treatability variance without substantive deviation from the corresponding federal text. The deviations from the literal text of the federal amendments are restricted to minimal stylistic changes to the treatment standard listings for each of D006, D009, and D011 radioactively contaminated batteries. Those revisions are all listed in the table that begins on page 12 of this opinion.
The Board requested public comment on the incorporation of the October 7, 2002 federal national treatability variance amendments relating to radioactively contaminated cadmium-, silver-, and mercury-containing batteries. The Agency responded with comments. The Agency stated that it supports incorporation of the national treatability variance into the Illinois regulations.
Minor Corrections to the Hazardous Waste Combustor Rule--Sections 703.205, 703.208, 703.221, and 703.232
The USEPA action of December 19, 2002 (67 Fed. Reg. 77687), related to the hazardous waste combustor rule. USEPA adopted its original hazardous waste combustor rule on September 30, 1999. The Board incorporated the September 30, 1999 rule into RCRA Subtitle C update docket R00-13. USEPA subsequently amended the hazardous waste combustor rule on July 3, 2001, February 13, 2002, and February 14, 2002. The July 3, 2001 amendments were part of consolidated RCRA Subtitle C and UIC update docket R02-1/R02-12/R02-17. The federal amendments of February 13, 2002 and February 14, 2002 were part of RCRA Subtitle C update docket R03-7. The recent federal action of December 19, 2002, made a limited number of technical corrections to the September 30, 1999 rule and the July 3, 2001, February 13, 2002, and February 14, 2002 amendments.
Most of the December 19, 2002 corrections were to the national emission standards for hazardous air pollutants (NESHAPs) provisions of 40 C.F.R. 63, Subpart EEE. Four other corrections related to cross-references to the NESHAPs contained in the RCRA permit rules of 40 C.F.R. 270. Persons interested in the details of the federal amendments should consult the December 19, 2002 Federal Register notice.
The Board incorporated the federal corrections to the hazardous waste combustor rule into the Illinois regulations without substantive deviation. The Board has incorporated the federal NESHAPs of 40 C.F.R. 63, Subpart EEE by reference in the Illinois rules at 35 Ill. Adm. Code 720.111. Thus, the federal amendments to 40 C.F.R. 63, subpart EEE required the Board to merely update the incorporation to include the amendments. The corrections to 40 C.F.R. 270 required amendment of corresponding segments of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 703. Those amendments were limited to adding cross-references to the Notification of Compliance provisions of the NESHAP. The table that begins on page 13 of this opinion itemizes the various revisions made in the federal text in adapting it into the State regulations.
The Board requested public comment on the incorporation of the December 19, 2002 federal corrections to the hazardous waste combustor rule. The Agency responded with comments. The Agency stated that the proposed amendments were consistent with the corresponding federal amendments on which they were based.
Updated Analytical Methods in 40 C.F.R. 136--Section 720.111
The USEPA actions of October 23, 2002 (67 Fed. Reg. 65220) and October 29, 2002 (67 Fed. Reg. 65876), related to the Clean Water Act methods for analysis of contaminants in water and waste. The action of October 23, 2002, also related to methods for analysis of contaminants in drinking water under the Safe Drinking Water Act. The October 23, 2002 action was a general update of the various methods for analysis of chemical, microbiological, and radiological contaminants in water. The action of October 29, 2002, updated a single analytical method, USEPA Method 1631E for analysis of mercury in aqueous samples by cold vapor atomic fluorescence spectrometry. Persons interested in the details of the federal amendments should consult the October 23, 2002 and October 29, 2002 Federal Register notices.
The Board has amended of the Illinois hazardous waste regulations to incorporate the two sets of federal analytical methods revisions. Both the October 23, 2002 and the October 29, 2002 amendments revised the Clean Water Act methods in 40 C.F.R. 136. Those methods are incorporated into the Illinois hazardous waste regulations by reference in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 720.111. The Board has updated the incorporation by reference to include the October 23, 2002 and October 29, 2002 amendments.
The Board requested public comment on the incorporation of the October 23, 2002 and October 29, 2002 federal amendments. The Agency responded with comments. The Agency stated that the proposed updated incorporation by reference is consistent with the corresponding federal amendments on which it was based.
Updated Federal Hazardous Waste Delisting Guidelines--Section 720.111
A recent public inquiry has raised the issue whether the Board should update the incorporation of a certain federal guidance document by reference into the Illinois hazardous waste regulations. The federal guidance involved relates to delisting hazardous waste, and USEPA has issued an updated version of the guidance since the Board incorporated it into the Illinois rules.
The Illinois regulations at 702.122(a)(2), (c)(2), (e)(2), and the Board note to subsection (l) require the use of the 1993 USEPA guidance document “Petitions to Delist Hazardous Wastes — A Guidance Manual, Second Edition.” As a result of follow up to a public inquiry as to what guidance the Board requires, the Board has learned that USEPA headquarters has delegated hazardous waste delisting authority and oversight of state hazardous waste delisting activities to the various USEPA regions. Investigation disclosed that USEPA Region 5, which monitors State administration of the Illinois hazardous waste program, is using different guidance than that required by the Board. It appears that all USEPA regions, including Region 5, are using guidance developed and released in March 2000 by USEPA Region 6. This newer guidance document is entitled “EPA RCRA Delisting Program--Guidance Manual for the Petitioner.” Investigation further disclosed that the Region 6 guidance is currently under revision, and USEPA anticipates the release of updated guidance in about a year. The updated guidance may be issued by USEPA headquarters or jointly by the several USEPA regions.
The treatment of federal guidance in the identical in substance rulemaking process poses two major problems for the Board. First, as guidance does not appear in the Code of Federal Regulations, the Board was unaware of issuance of the March 2000 guidance, as it was not brought to the Board’s attention by the Agency, the USEPA, or the regulated community. Second, the Board must determine whether the “guidance” has the force of regulation as a matter of practice, or whether it is in fact a reference tool, the use of which is optional. If the use of the guidance is mandatory, the Board must include it in these rules to keep them identical in substance to the federal rules in a way compatible with the Illinois Administrative Procedure Act, 5 ILCS 100/1 et seq. (2002). If use of the guidance is truly optional, the Board need not include it in the rules.
For the purposes of this proposal for public comment, the Board has continued to treat the guidance as a mandatory part of the delisting process. The Board proposes to update the federal guidance reference from the 1993 document to the 2000 document in the incorporation by reference in Section 720.111(a) and the references to the guidance in Sections 720.122(a)(2), (c)(2), (e)(2), and the Board note to subsection (l).
If, on the other hand, public comments indicate that USEPA considers the use of the guidance to be optional, the Board would delete the incorporation from Section 720.111 and the four references to the guidance in Section 720.122. The Board would append a note to Section 720.122 directing attention to the latest federal guidance for use in hazardous waste delisting.
The Board requested public comment on the update to the federal guidance for hazardous waste delisting incorporated by reference in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 720.111 and referenced in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 720.122. The Board specifically requested comment as to whether USEPA mandates the use the guidance in delisting hazardous waste or the guidance is merely an optional tool for the State and regulated community to use in delisting. The Agency responded with comments. The Agency stated that it preferred an update to the version of the delisting guidance incorporated by reference. The Agency views the use of the federal guidance as mandatory, so it suggests the incorporation of the appropriate guidance document by reference is mandatory.
After consideration of the comments received, the Board agrees with the Agency. The Board will update the incorporation by reference to include the latest version of the federal delisting guidance, since use of the guidance is not advisory. Of course, this means that the Board will need to update the incorporation once again when USEPA has completed its planned update to the guidance. The Board requests that the Agency, USEPA, or the regulated community bring the release of updated guidance to the attention of the Board as soon as USEPA releases it.
Discussion of Corrective Amendments
The Board has traditionally used the occasion of these identical-in-substance updates to correct segments of the base text of the Illinois regulations. These corrections are almost always non-substantive in effect. The Board is including a significant number of non-substantive corrections in this docket.
When a necessary minor correction comes to the attention of the Board, Board staff makes a note of the correction, and it is set aside until the next opportunity to make the correction. The next opportunity generally presents itself when the section involved is next opened for amendment as a result of amendments to the corresponding federal text. Over the last few years, the Board has cataloged very many changes, but the pace of completing the corrections has been slow, since only a limited number of all the sections involved in the hazardous waste regulations have been the subject of federal amendments. At the rate at which the Board has been able to make the corrections while restricting attention to opened Sections of the regulations, the Board might never be able to complete the corrections.
In the preceding RCRA Subtitle C update docket, RCRA Subtitle C Update, USEPA Regulations (January 1, 2002 through June 30, 2002), R03-7 (Jan. 9, 2003), the Board began including the corrections necessary to some sections that are not already involved in this docket at a result of federal amendments. The Board reviewed the entire text of Parts 703, 705, and 724 and the Board included all the necessary corrections to of which the Board was aware at that time. The Board believes that prompt completion of the corrections benefits the Agency’s implementation of the rules and the regulated community.
The Board is continuing this approach in this current docket. The Board has made corrections to four more parts of the regulations: Parts 720, 721, 726, and 728. Thus, after completion of this rulemaking, the Board will have reviewed the entire text of Parts 703, 705, 720, 721, 724, 726, and 728 of the hazardous waste regulations and made whatever corrections the Board has found necessary. The Board will continue this process of making corrections to the text of open parts at a reasonable rate in future RCRA Subtitle C update dockets until all of the corrections are complete to all of Parts 702 through 705, 720 through 726, 728, 733, and 739. 1
The Board will not discuss particular corrective amendments in this segment of this discussion. The corrections are each itemized in the table that begins on page 16 of this opinion. The Board requests that the Agency, JCAR, and the regulated community review the table and the text of the corrections. The Board requests comment on the corrections. The Board also asks for the assistance of the Agency, JCAR, and the regulated community in this process; the Board requests that they submit suggestions for correction of any errors of which they are aware. The Board will catalog any suggestions relating to parts and sections not already involved in this proceeding for future use.
Agency or Board Action
Section 7.2(a)(5) of the Act requires the Board to specify those portions of the program over which USEPA will retain decision-making authority. Based on the general division of functions within the Act and other Illinois statutes, the Board is also to specify which State agency is to make decisions.
In situations in which the Board has determined that USEPA will retain decision-making authority, the Board has replaced “Regional Administrator” with USEPA, so as to avoid specifying which office within USEPA is to make a decision.
In some identical-in-substance rules, certain decisions pertaining to a permit application are not appropriate for the Agency to consider. In determining the general division of authority between the Agency and the Board, the following factors should be considered:
1. | Whether the entity making the decision is applying a Board regulation, or taking action contrary to (“waiving”) a Board regulation. It generally takes some form of Board action to “waive” a Board regulation. |
2. | Whether there is a clear standard for action such that the Board can give meaningful review to an Agency decision. |
3. | Whether the action would result in exemption from the permit requirement itself. If so, Board action is generally required. |
4. | Whether the decision amounts to “determining, defining or implementing environmental control standards” within the meaning of Section 5(b) of the Act. If so, it must be made by the Board. |
There are four common classes of Board decisions: variance, adjusted standard, site-specific rulemaking, and enforcement. The first three are methods by which a regulation can be temporarily postponed (variance) or adjusted to meet specific situations (adjusted standard or site-specific rulemaking). There often are differences in the nomenclature for these decisions between the USEPA and Board regulations.
Tabulations of Deviations from the Federal text and
Corrections to and Clarifications of the Base Text
Table 1 below list numerous corrections and amendments that are not based on current federal amendments. Table 1 (beginning immediately below) includes deviations made in this final order from the verbatim text of the federal amendments. Table 2 (beginning after table 1 immediately below) contains corrections and clarifications that the Board made in the base text involved in this proposal. The amendments listed in Table 2 are housekeeping amendments not directly derived from the current federal amendments. Table 3 (beginning on page 135 below) is a listing of revisions made to the text of the amendments from that proposed and set forth in the Board’s opinion and order of March 20, 2003. Table 3 indicates the changes made, as well as the source that suggested each of the changes. Table 4 (beginning on page 143 below) indicates suggested revisions that the Board has not made in adopting these amendments. Each entry gives a brief explanation why the Board did not incorporate the suggested change. Some of the entries in these tables are discussed further in appropriate segments of the general discussion beginning at page 6 of this opinion.
Table 1:
Deviations from the Text of the Federal Amendments
Illinois Section |
40 C.F.R. Section |
Revision(s) |
703.205(e)(3) |
270.19(e) |
Changed “§§” to “40 CFR”; changed “part” to “40 CFR” |
703.208 preamble |
270.22 preamble |
Changed “§§” to “40 CFR”; changed “part” to “40 CFR” |
703.221 |
270.62 preamble |
Changed “§§” to “40 CFR”; changed “part” to “40 CFR” |
703.232 preamble |
270.66 preamble |
Changed “§§” to “40 CFR”; changed “part” to “40 CFR” |
721.104(a)(20) |
261.4(a)(20) |
Changed “the following conditions specified” to “the following conditions” |
721.104(a)(20)(B) |
261.4(a)(20)(ii) |
Changed “generators and intermediate handlers” to singular “a generator or intermediate handler”; added “fulfill the following requirements” |
721.104(a)(20)(B)(i) |
261.4(a)(20)(ii)(A) |
Added “it must”; changed “Regional Administrator or State Director in whose jurisdiction the exclusion is being claimed” to “the Agency”; removed an unnecessary comma and changed “which” to “that” to create a restrictive relative clause out of “contains the name . . .”; added “that” before “provides” for a restrictive relative clause; added “which” before “identifies” for a subsequent restrictive relative clause; changed “paragraph” to “subsection” |
721.104(a)(20)(B)(ii) |
261.4(a)(20)(ii)(B) |
Added “it must”; changed “that” to “which” for a subsequent restrictive relative clause; added “it” before “must have” to create an independent clause (three times); added a comma after “walls” to offset the final element of a series; changed “tanks . . . roofs or covers that prevent” to singular “a tank . . . a roof or cover that prevents”; changed “containers” to singular “a container”; added a comma before “except” to offset a parenthetical; added “fulfill the conditions of . . . this Section” |
721.104(a)(20)(B)(iii) |
261.4(a)(20)(ii)(C) |
Added “it must”; changed “paragraph” to “subsection” |
721.104(a)(20)(B)(iv) |
261.4(a)(20)(ii)(D) |
Added “it must”; moved “records” to immediately follow “maintain”; corrected “handlers’s” to “handler’s”; added commas before and after “at a minimum” to offset a parenthetical; added “specified in . . . this Section” |
721.104(a)(20)(C) |
261.4(a)(20)(iii) |
Changed “manufacturers” to singular “a manufacturer”; added “fulfill the following conditions” |
721.104(a)(20)(C)(i) |
261.4(a)(20)(iii)(A) |
Added “it must”; changed “paragraph (a)(20)(ii)(B)” to “subsection (a)(20)(B)(ii)” |
721.104(a)(20)(C)(ii) |
261.4(a)(20)(iii)(B) |
Added “it must”; changed “Regional Administrator or State Director” to “Agency”; added a comma after “address” to offset the final element of a series; changed “EPA ID number” to “USEPA identification number”; removed an unnecessary comma from after “facility” that separated a two-element series; changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause; removed an unnecessary comma after “excluded”; changed “paragraph” to “subsection” |
721.104(a)(20)(C)(iii) |
261.4(a)(20)(iii)(C) |
Added “it must”; added the definite article “the” before “name”; added a comma after “transporter” to offset the final element of a series; added the definite article “the” before “date”; added “on which” |
721.104(a)(20)(C)(iv) |
261.4(a)(20)(iii)(D) |
Added “it must”; moved “an annual report” to follow “submit”; changed “Regional Administrator or State Director” to “Agency”; changed “process(s)” to “processes”; changed “they” to “the hazardous secondary materials” |
721.104(a)(20)(D) |
261.4(a)(20)(iv) |
Added a comma after “overrides” to offset the final element of a series; changed “§ 262.11” to “35 Ill. Adm. Code 722.111”; removed a comma and changed “which” to “that” before “requires any person” to create a restrictive relative clause |
721.104(a)(20)(E) |
261.4(a)(20)(v) |
Changed “paragraph (a)(20)(ii)(A)” to “subsection (a)(20)(B)(i)”; changed “this paragraph” to “this subsection (a)(20)”; changed “40 CFR parts 264 and 265” to “35 Ill. Adm. Code 724 and 725” |
721.104(a)(20)(F) |
Added the subsection to codify the following subsections that were moved |
721.104(a)(20)(F)(i) |
261.4(a)(20)(ii)(B)(1) |
Moved the paragraph to comply with codification requirements; added “it must”; added a comma after “spills” to offset the final element of a series; removed the unnecessary ending conjunction “and” |
721.104(a)(20)(F)(ii) |
261.4(a)(20)(ii)(B)(2) |
Moved the paragraph to comply with codification requirements; added “it must”; added a comma after “spills” to offset the final element of a series |
721.104(a)(20)(F)(ii) |
261.4(a)(20)(ii)(B)(3) |
Moved the paragraph to comply with codification requirements; added “it must” |
721.104(a)(20)(F)(ii) Board note |
Added the Board note explaining the movement of text |
721.104(a)(20)(G) |
Added the subsection to codify the following subsections that were moved |
721.104(a)(20)(G)(i) |
261.4(a)(20)(ii)(D)(1) |
Moved the paragraph to comply with codification requirements; added the definite article “the” before “name” |
721.104(a)(20)(G)(ii) |
261.4(a)(20)(ii)(D)(2) |
Moved the paragraph to comply with codification requirements; added the definite article “the” before “name”; changed “and” to “along with” |
721.104(a)(20)(G)(ii) |
261.4(a)(20)(ii)(D)(3) |
Moved the paragraph to comply with codification requirements; added the definite article “the” before “type” |
721.104(a)(20)(G)(ii) Board note |
Added the Board note explaining the movement of text |
721.104(a)(21) |
261.4(a)(21) |
Changed “paragraph (a)(20)” to “subsection (a)(20)”; added “the following conditions are fulfilled” |
721.104(a)(21)(A)(ii) |
261.4(a)(21)(i)(B) |
Added a comma after “for dioxin contaminants” to offset an introductory prepositional phrase; removed the unnecessary numeric parenthetical “(8)” |
721.104(a)(21)(B) |
261.4(a)(21)(ii) |
Changed “no less than every” to “no less frequently than once every” (twice); changed written “twelve” to numeric “12”; changed “product(s)” to “products” |
721.104(a)(21)(C) |
261.4(a)(21)(iii) |
Changed “paragraph (a)(21)(ii)” to “subsection (a)(21)(B)”; added “the following” |
721.104(a)(21)(C)(ii) |
261.4(a)(21)(iii)(B) |
Changed “product(s)” to “products” |
721.104(a)(21)(C)(vi) |
261.4(a)(21)(iii)(F) |
Changed “paragraph” to “subsection” |
726.120(d) |
266.20(d) |
Added “the following conditions are fulfilled” |
726.120(d)(1) |
266.20(d)(1) |
Changed “§ 261.4(a)(21) of this chapter” to “35 Ill. Adm. Code 721.104(a)(21)” |
726.120(d)(2) |
266.20(d)(2) |
Changed “subpart D of Part 268 of this chapter” to “Subpart D of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 728” |
728.140(i) |
268.40(i) |
Replaced the text of the federally removed provision with an explanatory statement |
728.Table T “D006 radioactively contaminated cadmium-containing batteries subcategory” |
268.40 table |
Changed “cadmium containing” to hyphenated “cadmium-containing”; added the ending period |
728.Table T “D009 radioactively contaminated mercury-containing batteries subcategory” |
268.40 table |
Changed “mercury containing” to hyphenated “mercury-containing”; added the ending period |
728.Table T “D006 radioactively contaminated silver-containing batteries subcategory” |
268.40 table |
Changed “silver containing” to hyphenated “silver-containing”; added the ending period |
Table 2:
Board Housekeeping Amendments
Section |
Source |
Revision(s) |
703 table of contents, Appendix A listing |
Changed “703.Appendix A” to “Appendix A” |
703.205 Board note |
Board |
Added the Federal Register citation to update the Code of Federal Regulations citation. |
703.208(b)(4) |
Board |
Added “do the following” |
703.208(b)(4)(A) |
Board |
Added “to” |
703.208(b)(4)(B) |
Board |
Added “to” |
703.208 Board note |
Board |
Added the Federal Register citation to update the Code of Federal Regulations citation. |
703.Subpart E |
Added the Subpart heading to the text |
703.221 Board note |
Board |
Added the Federal Register citation to update the Code of Federal Regulations citation. |
703.232 Board note |
Board |
Added the Federal Register citation to update the Code of Federal Regulations citation. |
720 table of contents, Section 720.140 listing |
Board |
Changed “Additional regulation of certain hazardous waste Recycling Activities on a case-by-case Basis” to capitalized “Additional Regulation of Certain Hazardous Waste Recycling Activities on a Case-by-Case Basis” |
720 table of contents, Section 720.141 listing |
Board |
Changed “Procedures for case-by-case regulation of hazardous waste Recycling Activities” to capitalized “Procedures for Case-by-Case Regulation of Hazardous Waste Recycling Activities” |
720 table of contents, Appendix A listing |
Board |
Changed “720.Appendix A” to “Appendix A” |
720 source note, entry for R95-20 |
Added “effective” before “August 1, 1996” |
720.101(a) |
Board |
Added a comma after “standards” to offset the final element of a series; corrected the citation from “35 Ill. Adm. Code 720 through 725, 728, 733, and 739” to “35 Ill. Adm. Code 720 through 726, 728, 733, and 739” |
720.101(b)(1) |
JCAR, Board |
Added text derived from the corresponding federal provision that was previously omitted |
720.101(b)(2) |
Board |
Corrected the citation from “35 Ill. Adm. Code 720 through 725, 728, 733, and 739” to “35 Ill. Adm. Code 720 through 726, 728, 733, and 739” |
720.101(b)(3) |
Board |
Changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause; corrected the citation from “35 Ill. Adm. Code 720 through 725, 728, 733, and 739” to “35 Ill. Adm. Code 720 through 726, 728, 733, and 739” |
720.103 preamble |
Board |
Corrected the citation from “35 Ill. Adm. Code 720 through 725 and 728” to “35 Ill. Adm. Code 720 through 726, 728, 733, and 739” |
720.110 preamble |
Board |
Corrected the citation from “35 Ill. Adm. Code 720 through 726 and 728” to “35 Ill. Adm. Code 720 through 726, 728, 733, and 739” |
720.110 “Act” |
Board |
Removed the obsolete definition, which conflicted with the meaning commonly ascribed to the word in Illinois |
720.110 “active portion” |
Board |
Moved the ending period inside the closing quotation mark |
720.110 “battery” |
Board |
Changed “consisting” to “that consists”; changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause |
720.110 “boiler” |
Board |
Changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause |
720.110 “closed portion” |
Board |
Moved the ending period inside the closing quotation mark |
720.110 “containment building” |
Board |
Changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 724.Subpart DD” to “Subpart DD of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 724”; changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 725.Subpart DD” to “Subpart DD of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 725” |
720.110 “designated facility” |
Board |
Added a comma after “703” to offset the final element of a series; updated the Code of Federal Regulations references to the latest version available; changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 726.Subpart F” to “Subpart F of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 726” |
720.110 “dioxins and furans” |
Board |
Changed “tetra, penta, hexa, hepta, and octa-chlorinated dibenzo dioxins and furans” to “tetra, penta-, hexa-, hepta-, and octa-chlorinated dibenzo dioxins and furans” |
720.110 “elementary neutralization unit” |
Board, JCAR |
Changed “device which” to “device of which the following is true”; added “it” before “is”; changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause; added “which” before “are listed” for a subsequent restrictive relative clause; changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 721.Subpart D” to “Subpart D of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 721”; added “it” before “meets” |
720.110 “EPA hazardous waste number” |
Board |
Changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 721.Subpart D” to “Subpart D of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 721”; changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 721.Subpart C” to “Subpart C of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 721” |
720.110 “existing hazardous waste management (HWM) facility” |
Board |
Added “of the following occurred” |
720.110 “existing tank system” |
Added commas before and after “or for which . . . commenced” to offset it as a parenthetical |
720.110 “facility” |
Board |
Added “the following” |
720.110 “free liquids” |
Board |
Changed “which” to “that” |
720.110 “hazardous waste constituent” |
Board |
Changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 721.Subpart D” to “Subpart D of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 721” |
720.110 “inactive portion” |
Board |
Changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause; moved the ending period inside the closing quotation mark |
720.110 “incinerator” |
Board, JCAR |
Changed “it neither” to “both of the following are true of the facility”; changed “meets” to “the facility does not meet”; changed “is” to “the facility is not” |
720.110 “incompatible waste” |
Board |
Added “the following”; added a comma after “fire” to offset the final element of a series”; changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 725.Subpart E” to “Subpart E of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 725” |
720.110 “injection well” |
Board |
Moved the ending period inside the closing quotation mark |
720.110 “lamp” |
Board |
Changed “infra-red” to a single word “infrared”; changed “high pressure” to hyphenated “high-pressure” |
720.110 “manifest” |
Board |
Changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 722.Subpart B” to “Subpart B of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 722” |
720.110 “manifest document number” |
Board |
Changed “five digit” to hyphenated “five-digit” |
720.110 “military munitions” |
Board |
Added the abbreviation “”USDOD” in parentheses; added the federal statutory citation “42 USC 2014 et seq.” in parentheses |
720.110 “mining overburden returned to the mine site” |
Board |
Changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause |
720.110 “new hazardous waste management facility” |
Board |
Moved the ending period inside the closing quotation mark |
720.110 “new tank system” |
Board |
Moved the ending period inside the closing quotation mark |
720.110 “on-site” |
Board |
Changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause (twice); changed “he” to “the owner”; moved the ending period inside the closing quotation mark |
720.110 “pesticide” |
Board |
Added the federal statutory citation “21 USC 360b” in parentheses |
720.110 “pesticide” Board note |
Board |
Moved the ending period inside the closing quotation mark |
720.110 “RCRA” |
Board |
Added the definition to replace the definition of “Act” |
720.110 “sludge dryer” |
Board |
Changed “new weight” to hyphenated “net-weight” |
720.110 “surface impoundment” |
Board |
Changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause; removed the unnecessary comma after “settling” that separated a two-element series |
720.110 “tank” |
Board |
Changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause |
720.110 “thermal treatment” |
Board |
Moved the ending period inside the closing quotation mark |
720.110 “totally enclosed treatment facility” |
Board |
Changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause |
720.110 “treatability study” |
Board |
Added “the following” (twice) |
720.110 “underground injection” |
Board |
Moved the ending period inside the closing quotation mark |
720.110 “universal waste handler” |
Board |
Added “either of the following” |
720.110 “wastewater treatment unit” |
Board |
Changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause (twice) |
720.110 “well injection” |
Board |
Moved the ending period inside the closing quotation mark |
720.111(a) “ASTM D 140-70” |
Board |
Added an incorporation of an analytical method referenced in a federal regulation formerly incorporated by reference |
720.111(a) “ASTM D 346-75” |
Board |
Added an incorporation of an analytical method referenced in a federal regulation formerly incorporated by reference |
720.111(a) “ASTM D 420-69” |
Board |
Added an incorporation of an analytical method referenced in a federal regulation formerly incorporated by reference |
720.111(a) “ASTM D 1452-65” |
Board |
Added an incorporation of an analytical method referenced in a federal regulation formerly incorporated by reference |
720.111(a) “ASTM D 2234-76” |
Board |
Added an incorporation of an analytical method referenced in a federal regulation formerly incorporated by reference |
720.111(a) “Petitions to Delist Hazardous Wastes -- a Guidance Manual, Second Edition” |
Board |
Removed a federal guidance document incorporated by reference in favor of incorporation of a more recent document |
720.111(a) “Samplers and Sampling Procedures for Hazardous Waste Streams” |
Board |
Added an incorporation of an analytical method referenced in a federal regulation formerly incorporated by reference |
720.111(a) “USEPA” for OECD documents |
Board |
Updated the USEPA contact information for availability of OECD documents |
720.111(a) “EPA RCRA Delisting Program--Guidance Manual for the Petitioner” |
Board |
Incorporated the most recent federal guidance document on hazardous waste delisting |
720.111(b) “40 CFR 268.41 (1990)” |
Board |
Removed a federal regulation formerly incorporated by reference in favor of directly adding the text of that regulation to the rules |
720.111(b) “40 CFR 423, appendix A (2002)” |
Board |
Added a reference to a federal regulation that lists the federal priority pollutants to replace a former reference to the Federal Register for the list |
720.111(b) “49 CFR 107 (2002)” |
Board |
Updated the Code of Federal Regulations reference to the latest edition available |
720.111(b) “49 CFR 171 (2002)” |
Board |
Updated the Code of Federal Regulations reference to the latest edition available |
720.111(b) “49 CFR 172 (2002)” |
Board |
Updated the Code of Federal Regulations reference to the latest edition available |
720.111(b) “49 CFR 173 (2002)” |
Board |
Updated the Code of Federal Regulations reference to the latest edition available |
720.111(b) “49 CFR 178 (2002)” |
Board |
Updated the Code of Federal Regulations reference to the latest edition available |
720.111(b) “49 CFR 179 (2002)” |
Board |
Updated the Code of Federal Regulations reference to the latest edition available |
720.120(a) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” (twice); changed “40 CFR 260 through 266, 268, or 273” to “40 CFR 260 through 266, 268, 273, or 279”; changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 720 through 726, 728, or 273” to “40 CFR 720 through 726, 728, 733, or 739”; added the statutory reference “415 ILCS 5/22.4(a)” in brackets |
720.120(b) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 102 and Title VII and Section 22.4(b) or 22.4(c)” to “35 Ill. Adm. Code 102 and Section 22.4(b) or 22.4(c) and Title VII”; added the statutory reference “415 ILCS 5/22.4(b) or (c) and Title VII” in brackets |
720.121(a) |
Board |
Changed “for example by” to “as observed, for example. In the Board Note appended to” |
720.121(b) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
720.121(c) |
Board |
Changed “authority over testing procedures” to “authority to approve the testing procedures . . . used”; removed the parenthetical cross-reference “Section 725.113” |
720.122(a) |
Board |
Changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 721.Subpart D” to “Subpart D of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 721”; changed “subsection (n) below” to “subsection (n) of this Section”; added “the following occur” |
720.122(a)(2) |
Board |
Updated the referenced document from “Petitions to Delist--A Guidance Manual” to “EPA RCRA Delisting Program--Guidance Manual for the Petitioner”; changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 721.Subpart C” to “Subpart C of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 721” |
720.122(b) |
Board |
Changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 721.Subpart D” to “Subpart D of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 721”; added a comma after “treatment” to offset the final element of a series; changed “shall” to “must”; changed “subsection (a) above” to “subsection (a) of this Section”; changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 721.Subpart C” to “Subpart C of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 721” |
720.122(c) |
Board |
Moved a comma outside the closing quotation mark (twice); changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 721.Subpart D” to “Subpart D of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 721” |
720.122(c)(1) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” (twice); added a comma after “721.123” to separate the final element of a series |
720.122(c)(2) |
Board |
Updated the referenced document from “Petitions to Delist--A Guidance Manual” to “EPA RCRA Delisting Program--Guidance Manual for the Petitioner”; changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 721.Subpart C” to “Subpart C of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 721” |
720.122(d) |
Board |
Changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 721.Subpart D” to “Subpart D of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 721” |
720.122(d)(1) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; added “fulfills the following criteria” |
720.122(d)(1)(A) |
Board |
Added “it”; changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 721.Appendix G” to “Appendix G of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 721”; changed “U.S. EPA” to “USEPA” (twice); moved a comma outside the closing quotation mark |
720.122(d)(1)(B) |
Board |
Changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 721.Appendix G” to “Appendix G of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 721”; changed “U.S. EPA” to “USEPA”; added “the waste” before “does not . . .”; changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 721.111(a)(3)(A) through (K)” to “35 Ill. Adm. Code 721.111(a)(3)(A) through (a)(3)(K)” |
720.122(d)(3) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; added a comma after “721.123” to offset the final element of a series |
720.122(d)(4) |
Board |
Changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 721.Subpart C” to “Subpart C of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 721” |
720.122(e) |
Board |
Changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 721.Subpart D” to “Subpart D of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 721” |
720.122(e)(1) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
720.122(e)(2) |
Board |
Updated the referenced document from “Petitions to Delist--A Guidance Manual” to “EPA RCRA Delisting Program--Guidance Manual for the Petitioner” |
720.122(e)(3) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; added a comma after “721.123” to offset the final element of a series |
720.122(e)(4) |
Board |
Changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 721.Subpart C” to “Subpart C of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 721” |
720.122(i) |
Board |
Changed “subsection (n) below” to “subsection (n) of this Section” |
720.122(i)(5) |
Board |
Added a comma after “operations” to offset the final element of a series |
720.122(i)(9) |
Board |
Added a comma after “containerization” to offset the final element of a series |
720.122(l) |
Board |
Updated the referenced document from “Petitions to Delist--A Guidance Manual” to “EPA RCRA Delisting Program--Guidance Manual for the Petitioner” |
720.122(m) |
Board |
Changed “U.S. EPA” to “USEPA” |
720.122(n) |
Board |
Changed “U.S. EPA” to “USEPA”; updated “35 Ill. Adm. Code 106.Subpart G” to “Subpart D of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 104”; changed “subsections (a) through (g) above” to “subsections (a) through (g) of this Section” |
720.122(n)(1) |
Board |
Updated “35 Ill. Adm. Code 106.710” to “35 Ill. Adm. Code 101.304”; changed “shall” to “must”; changed “U.S. EPA” to “USEPA” (twice); added the address “1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW”; changed “U.S. EPA Region V” to “USEPA Region 5”; changed the address “230 S. Dearborn Street” to “77 West Jackson Boulevard” |
720.122(n)(2) |
Board |
Changed “U.S. EPA” to “USEPA” |
720.122(n)(3) |
Board |
Changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 721.Appendix I” to “Appendix I of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 721” |
720.122(o) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “will” |
720.122(q) |
Board |
Changed “U.S. EPA” to “USEPA” |
720.122(r) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
720.123(a) |
Board |
Changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 733.Subpart G” to “Subpart G of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 733” |
720.132(a) |
Board |
Removed the unnecessary ending conjunction “and” |
720.132(b) |
Board |
Removed the unnecessary ending conjunction “and” |
720.132(c) |
Board |
Removed the unnecessary ending conjunction “and” |
720.132(d) |
Board |
Removed the unnecessary ending conjunction “and” |
720.133 |
Board |
Changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 106” to “Subpart D of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 104” |
720.140 heading |
Board |
Changed “Additional regulation of certain hazardous waste Recycling Activities on a case-by-case Basis” to capitalized “Additional Regulation of Certain Hazardous Waste Recycling Activities on a Case-by-Case Basis” |
720.140(a) |
Board |
Changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 726.Subpart F” to “Subpart F of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 726”; changed “shall” to “will” |
720.141 heading |
Board |
Changed “Procedures for case-by-case regulation of hazardous waste Recycling Activities” to capitalized “Procedures for Case-by-Case Regulation of Hazardous Waste Recycling Activities” |
720.141 preamble |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 726.Subpart F” to “Subpart F of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 726” |
720.141(a) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” (seven times); changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 722.Subparts A, C, D and E” to “Subparts A, C, D and E of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 722” |
720.141(b) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” (twice); added a comma after “703” to offset the final element of a series; changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 705.Subparts D and E” to “Subparts D and E of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 705” |
720.Appendix A heading |
Board |
Corrected the heading from “Appendix A:” to “Section 720.Appendix A” |
721 table of contents, Section 721.Appendix I, Table A listing |
Board |
Changed “U.S. EPA” to capitalized “USEPA” |
721 table of contents, Appendix A listing |
Changed “721.Appendix A” to “Appendix A” |
721 table of contents, Appendix B listing |
Changed “721.Appendix B” to “Appendix B” |
721 table of contents, Appendix C listing |
Changed “721.Appendix C” to “Appendix C” |
721 table of contents, Appendix G listing |
Changed “721.Appendix G” to “Appendix G” |
721 table of contents, Appendix H listing |
Changed “721.Appendix H” to “Appendix H” |
721 table of contents, Appendix I, Table C listing |
Board |
Changed “U.S. EPA” to capitalized “USEPA” |
721 table of contents, Appendix J listing |
Changed “721.Appendix J” to “Appendix J” |
721 table of contents, Appendix Y listing |
Changed “721.Appendix Y” to “Appendix Y” |
721 table of contents, Appendix Z listing |
Changed “721.Appendix Z” to “Appendix Z” |
721.101(a) |
Board, JCAR |
Changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause; added a comma after “705” to offset an element of a series; deleted the unnecessary conjunction “and” from before “722”; added a comma after “725” to offset the final element of a series; changed “U.S.C.” to “USC” |
721.101(a)(1) |
Board, JCAR |
Changed the reference “Subpart A” to “Subpart A of this Part”; changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause (twice); added a comma after “705” to offset an element of a series; removed the unnecessary conjunction “and” after “705” that separated elements of a series; added a comma after “726” to offset the final element of a series |
721.101(a)(2) |
Board |
Changed the reference “Subpart B” to “Subpart B of this Part” |
721.101(a)(3) |
Board |
Changed the reference “Subpart C” to “Subpart C of this Part” |
721.101(a)(4) |
Board |
Changed the reference “Subpart D” to “Subpart D of this Part” |
721.101(b) |
Board |
Changed the ending punctuation from a colon to a period |
721.101(b)(2) |
Board |
Changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause (twice) |
721.101(c) |
Board |
Added “the following definitions apply” |
721.101(c)(5) |
Board |
Changed “it is either” to “either of the following is true” |
721.101(c)(5)(A) |
Board |
Added “it is” |
721.101(c)(5)(B) |
Board |
Added “it is” |
721.101(c)(8) |
Changed em-dashes to commas to offset the parenthetical “during . . . January 1)” |
721.101(b)(6) |
Board |
Changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause |
721.101(d) |
Board |
Added the statutory citation “415 ILCS 5/4” in brackets |
721.102(a)(2) |
Board |
Added “described as follows” |
721.102(b) |
Board |
Changed “materials are . . . they are” to singular “a material is . . . it is”; changed “by being” to “in one of the following ways” |
721.102(b)(1) |
Board |
Added “it is”; removed the unnecessary ending conjunction “or” |
721.102(b)(2) |
Board |
Added “it is” |
721.102(b)(3) |
Board |
Added “it is”; added a comma after “store” to offset the final element of a series; added a comma after “burned” to offset the final element of a series |
721.102(c) |
Board |
Changed “materials are solid waste if they are” to singular “a material is a solid waste if it is”; added a comma after “store” to offset the final element of a series; added a comma after “this Section to offset a parenthetical; changed “they are” to “one of the following occurs with regard to the material” |
721.102(c)(1) |
Board |
Added “the material is” |
721.102(c)(1)(A) |
Board |
Changed “materials . . . are solid wastes” to singular “a material that is . . . is a solid waste”; changed “they are” to “one of the following occurs” |
721.102(c)(1)(A)(i) |
Board |
Added “the material is” |
721.102(c)(1)(A)(ii) |
Board |
Added “the material is” |
721.102(c)(1)(A) |
Board |
Changed “commercial chemical products . . . are not solid wastes if they are . . . their” to singular “a commercial chemical product that is . . . is not a solid waste if it is . . . its” |
721.102(c)(2) |
Board |
Added “the material is” |
721.102(c)(2)(A) |
Board, JCAR |
Changed “materials . . . are solid wastes when they are” to singular “a material that is . . . is a solid waste when one of the following occurs” |
721.102(c)(2)(A)(i) |
Board |
Added “it is” |
721.102(c)(2)(A)(ii) |
Board |
Added “it is”; changed “are” to singular “is” |
721.102(c)(2)(A)(iii) |
Board |
Added “it is” |
721.102(c)(1)(B) |
Board |
Changed “commercial chemical products . . . are not solid wastes if they are themselves fuels” to singular “a commercial chemical product that is . . . is not a solid waste if it is itself a fuel” |
721.102(c)(3) |
Board |
Changed “materials . . . are solid wastes” to singular “a material that is . . . is a solid waste”; changed “materials . . . are not solid wastes” to singular “a material that is . . . is not a solid waste” |
721.102(d)(2) |
Board |
Changed “secondary materials . . . that exhibit . . . are listed” to singular “a secondary material . . . that exhibits . . . which is”; added a comma before “as defined” to offset a parenthetical |
721.102(d)(3)(A)(i) |
Board |
Changed “materials are” to singular “material is” |
721.102(d)(3)(A)(ii) |
Board |
Changed “materials contain” to singular “material contains”; changed “materials substitute . . . are” to singular “material substitutes . . . is” |
721.102(e)(1) |
Board |
Changed “materials are not solid wastes when they” to singular “a material is not a solid waste when it”; changed “by being” to “by fulfilling one of the following conditions” |
721.102(e)(1)(A) |
Board |
Added “it is”; changed “ingredients” to singular “an ingredient”; changed “materials are” to singular “material is” |
721.102(e)(1)(B) |
Board |
Added “it is” |
721.102(e)(1)(C) |
Board |
Added “it is”; changed “they are” to singular “it is”; changed “materials” to singular “materials”; changed “materials are” to singular “material is” |
721.102(e)(2)(A) |
Board |
Changed “materials” to singular “a material”; changed “products that are” to singular “a product that is” |
721.102(e)(2)(B) |
Board |
Changed “materials” to singular “a material” |
721.102(e)(2)(C) |
Board |
Changed “materials” to singular “a material” |
721.102(e)(2)(D) |
Board |
Changed “materials” to singular “a material” |
721.102(f) |
Board, JCAR |
Changed “materials are not solid wastes or are” to singular “a material is not a solid waste or is”; changed “respondents in actions . . . raise . . . they meet” to singular “a respondent in an action . . . raise . . . the material meets”; changed “owners or operators of facilities . . . they . . . are . . . materials . . . they have” to singular “an owner or operator of a facility . . . it . . . is . . . a material . . . it has”; changed “do so” to “recycle that material” |
721.103(a) |
Board |
Added “the following is true of the waste” |
721.103(a)(2)(D) |
Board |
Added “the following is true of the waste” |
721.103(a)(2)(D)(i) |
Board |
Added “it is” |
721.103(a)(2)(D)(ii) |
Board |
Added “it is” |
721.103(a)(2)(D)(iii) |
Board |
Added “it is” |
721.103(a)(2)(D)(iv) |
Board |
Added “it is” |
721.103(a)(2)(D)(v) |
Board |
Added “it is” |
721.103(a)(2)(D)(vi) |
Board |
Added “it is” |
721.103(a)(2)(D)(vii) |
Board |
Added “it is”; changed “wastewaters” to singular “wastewater” |
721.103(a)(2)(E)(i) |
Board |
Changed “metalworking oils or fluids . . . they are” to singular “a metalworking oil or fluid . . . it is”; changed “metalworking oils or fluids . . . oils or fluids are” to singular “a metalworking oil or fluid . . . oil or fluid is” |
721.103(a)(2)(E)(ii) |
Board |
Changed “used oils” to singular “a used oil” (twice); changed “sources” to singular “a source”; changed “refrigeration units” to singular “a refrigeration unit” |
721.103(d) |
Agency |
Corrected “subsection (c)” to lower-case “subsection (e)” |
721.103(d)(1) |
Agency |
Corrected “subsection (c)” to lower-case “subsection (e)” |
721.103(e)(2) |
Board |
Added a comma before “unless” to offset a parenthetical |
721.103(e)(2)(C) |
Board |
Changed “this subsection” to “this subsection (e)(2)”; changed “this subsection” to “this subsection (e)(2)(C)”; changed a comma to a semicolon to separate elements of a series containing a sub-series (twice); added a comma after “melting” to separate the final element of a series |
721.103(e)(2)(C)(ii) |
Board |
Added “the following”; moved the table column headings to the top of the columns of each table; changed the ending period to a colon on the table heading; added a colon as the ending punctuation of the table heading |
721.103(e)(2)(C)(iii) |
Board |
Added a comma after “constituents” to separate elements of a series; removed the unnecessary conjunction “and” from before “do not exhibit”; added “which” before “do not exhibit” for a subsequent restrictive relative clause; added a comma after “characteristics” to separate elements of a series |
721.103(e) Board note |
Board |
Changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause |
721.103(f) |
Board |
Corrected “35 Ill. Adm. Code 720, 721 to 726, 728, or 730” to “35 Ill. Adm. Code 702, 703, 720, 721 to 726, or 728” |
721.103(f)(1) |
Board |
Changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 728.Table F” to “Table F to 35 Ill. Adm. Code 728” |
721.103(f)(2) |
Board |
Added commas before and after “as defined . . . 728.102” to offset a parenthetical |
721.103(g) |
Board |
Changed “Subpart D” to “Subpart D of this Part” |
721.103(g)(2)(B) |
Board |
Added a comma after “reactivity” to offset the final element of a series |
721.103(h)(1) |
Board |
Changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 726.Subpart N” to “Subpart N of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 726” |
721.104(a)(1) |
Board |
Changed the ending colon to a period |
721.104(a)(4) |
Board |
Added a comma before “as defined” to offset a parenthetical |
721.104(a)(6) |
Board |
Added “it is” before “accumulated” |
721.104(a)(7) |
Board |
Added a comma before “unless it is” to offset a parenthetical |
721.104(a)(8) |
Board |
Added a comma before “where they are” to complete the offset a parenthetical; added “that the following is true” |
721.104(a)(8)(C) |
Board |
Changed “twelve” to numeric “12” |
721.104(a)(9)(C)(i) |
Board |
Changed “water borne” to hyphenated “water-borne” |
721.104(a)(9)(C)(iv) |
Board |
Changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 725.Subpart W” to “Subpart W of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 725” |
721.104(a)(12)(A) |
Board |
Added a comma before “unless the material” to offset a parenthetical; changed “this section” to capitalized “this Section” |
721.104(a)(14)(B) |
Board |
Removed the unnecessary conjunction “and” from before “nickel-cadmium batteries”; added a comma after “nickel-cadmium batteries” to separate elements of a series |
721.104(a)(17) |
Board |
Added “the following is true” |
721.104(a)(17)(C) |
Board |
Changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause |
721.104(a)(17)(C)(ii) |
Board |
Changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause |
721.104(a)(17)(C)(iii) Board note |
Board |
Changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 703.Subpart D” to “Subpart D of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 703” |
721.104(a)(19) |
Board |
Added commas before and after “unless the material . . . speculatively” to offset a parenthetical; removed an unnecessary comma after “land” that separated a two-element series |
721.104(b)(1) |
Board |
Changed “if such facility” to “the following describe the facility” |
721.104(b)(1)(A) |
Board |
Added “the facility”; added “the following waste” |
721.104(b)(1)(A)(i) |
Board |
Changed the ending punctuation from “and” to “or” |
721.104(b)(1)(B) |
Board |
Changed “such facility” to “the facility” |
721.104(b)(1) Board note |
Board |
Changed “this subsection” to “this subsection (b)(1)” |
721.104(b)(6) |
Board |
Changed the ending punctuation from a colon to a semicolon |
721.104(b)(6)(A) |
Board, JCAR |
Changed written “twelve” to numeric “12”; changed “721.Appendix B” to “Appendix B to this Part”; changed “it is shown by a waste generator of by waste generators that” to “the waste generator shows the following” |
721.104(b)(6)(B) |
Board |
Changed “specific wastes . . . are” to “the following are specific wastes. . .” |
721.104(b)(11) |
Board |
Changed “this subsection” to “this subsection (b)(11)” |
721.104(b)(15) |
Board |
Changed “certain circumstances” to “the following circumstances” |
721.104(b)(15)(A)(i) |
Corrected “is” to plural “are” |
721.104(b)(15)(B) |
Board |
Added “waste” after “K169, K170, K171, or K172”; added “waste” after “K176, K177, or K178” |
721.104(c) |
Board |
Changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 702, 703, 705, and 722 through 725, and 728” to “35 Ill. Adm. Code 702, 703, 722 through 725, and 728” |
721.104(d) |
Board |
Added a period as the ending punctuation |
721.104(d)(1) |
Board |
Changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 702, 703, 705, and 722 through 728” to “35 Ill. Adm. Code 702, 703, 722 through 726, and 728”; added “it fulfills one of the following conditions” |
721.104(d)(2) |
Board |
Added “do the following” |
721.104(d)(2)(i) |
Board |
Changed the ending punctuation from a period to a semicolon; added the ending conjunction “and” |
721.104(e)(2) |
Board |
Added “the following conditions are fulfilled” |
721.104(e)(2)(E)(ii) |
Board |
Added the ending conjunction “and” |
721.104(e)(2)(E)(iii) |
Board |
Added “the following” |
721.104(e)(3) |
Board |
Added “under the circumstances . . . this Section” |
721.104(e)(3)(B) |
Board |
Added “the following occurs” |
721.104(f) |
Board |
Changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 702, 703, 705, 722 through 726, and 728” to “35 Ill. Adm. Code 702, 703, 722 through 726, and 728” |
721.105(a) |
Board |
Removed the reference to the non-existent provision “35 Ill. Adm. Code 700 . . ..” |
721.105(b) |
Board |
Added a comma after “(g)” to offset the final element of a series (twice); changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 702, 703, 705, 722 through 726, and 728” to “35 Ill. Adm. Code 702, 703, 722 through 726, and 728” |
721.105(b)(5) |
Board |
Changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 726.Subpart G” to “Subpart G of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 726” |
721.105(d) |
Board |
Added “the following” |
721.105(d)(1) |
Board |
Removed the unnecessary ending conjunction “or” |
721.105(d)(2) |
Board |
Removed the unnecessary ending conjunction “or” |
721.105(d)(3) |
Board |
Added a comma after “reclaimed” to offset the final element of a series |
721.105(e) |
Board |
Changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 702, 703, 705, 722 through 726 and 728” to “35 Ill. Adm. Code 702, 703, 722 through 726, and 728” |
721.105(e)(2) |
Board |
Added a comma after “waste” to offset the final element of a series |
721.105(f)(2) |
Board |
Changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 702, 703, 705, 722 through 726 and 728” to “35 Ill. Adm. Code 702, 703, 722 through 726, and 728” |
721.105(f)(3)(B) |
Board |
Added a comma after “703” to offset the final element of a series |
721.105(f)(3)(F) |
Board |
Added “fulfills one of the following conditions” |
721.105(f)(3)(F)(i) |
Board |
Added “it” |
721.105(f)(3)(F)(ii) |
Board |
Added “it”; removed the unnecessary comma after “reuse” that separated a two-element series |
721.105(g)(2) |
Board |
Added a comma before “as well as” to offset a parenthetical; changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 702, 703, 705, 722 through 726 and 728” to “35 Ill. Adm. Code 702, 703, 722 through 726, and 728” |
721.105(g)(3)(B) |
Board |
Added a comma after “703” to offset the final element of a series |
721.105(g)(3)(C) |
Board |
Updated the Code of Federal Regulations citation to the latest edition available |
721.105(g)(3)(F) |
Board |
Added “fulfills the following conditions” |
721.105(g)(3)(F)(i) |
Board |
Added “it” |
721.105(g)(3)(F)(ii) |
Board |
Added “it”; changed the spelling of “re-use” to “reuse”; removed the unnecessary comma after “reuse” that separated a two-element series |
721.105(h) |
Board |
Changed “Subpart C” to “Subpart C of this Part” |
721.106(a)(1) |
Board |
Moved the ending period inside the closing quotation mark |
721.106(a)(2) |
Board |
Changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 726.Subparts C through H” to “Subparts C through H of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 726”; changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 702, 703, and 705” to “35 Ill. Adm. Code 702 and 703” |
721.106(a)(2)(A) |
Board |
Changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 726.Subpart C” to “Subpart C of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 726” |
721.106(a)(2)(B) |
Board |
Changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 724.Subpart O” to “Subpart O of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 724”; changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 725.Subpart O” to “Subpart O of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 725”; changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 726.Subpart H” to “Subpart H of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 726” |
721.106(a)(2)(C) |
Board |
Changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 726.Subpart F” to “Subpart F of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 726” |
721.106(a)(2)(D) |
Board |
Changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 726.Subpart G” to “Subpart G of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 726” |
721.106(a)(3) |
Board |
Changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 722 through 726, 728, or 702, 703, or 705” to “35 Ill. Adm. Code 722 through 726, 728, or 702 and 703” |
721.106(a)(3)(A) |
Board |
Added “the following . . . apply” as a parenthetical offset by a comma |
721.106(a)(3)(A)(i) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” (three times); changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 722.Subpart E” to “Subpart E of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 722”; added the ending conjunction “and” |
721.106(a)(3)(A)(ii) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” (three times) |
721.106(a)(5) |
Board |
Changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 722.Subpart H” to “Subpart H of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 722” |
721.106(c) |
Board |
Changed the ending punctuation from a colon to a period |
721.106(c)(1) |
Board, JCAR |
Changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 702, 703, and 705; 724.Subparts A through L, AA, BB, and CC” to “Subparts A through L, AA, BB, and CC of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 702, 703, and 705; 724”; changed “725.Subparts A through L, AA, BB, and CC; 726; 728” to “Subparts A through L, AA, BB, and CC of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 725; 726; 728” |
721.106(c)(2) |
Board |
Added “the following requirements continue to apply” |
721.106(c)(2)(C) |
Board |
Changed to capitalized “Subsection” |
721.106(d) |
Board |
Changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 702, 703, and 705; 724.Subparts A through L, AA, BB, and CC” to “Subparts A through L, AA, BB, and CC of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 702, 703, and 705; 724”; changed “725.Subparts A through L, AA, BB, and CC; 726; 728” to “Subparts A through L, AA, BB, and CC; 726; 728 of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 725” |
721.107(a) |
Board |
Changed the ending punctuation from a colon to a period |
721.107(a)(1) |
Board |
Changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 702, 703, 705, 721 through 725 or 728” to “35 Ill. Adm. Code 702, 703, 721 through 725, or 728” |
721.107(a)(2) |
Board |
Changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 702, 703, 705, 721 through 725 or 728” to “35 Ill. Adm. Code 702, 703, 721 through 725, or 728” |
721.107(b) |
Board |
Moved the ending colon outside the closing quotation mark |
721.107(b)(1) |
Board |
Corrected “empty liner” to “inner liner”; added a comma after “721.132” to offset the final element of a series; added “the conditions . . . of this Section” |
721.107(b)(1)(A) |
Board |
Added a comma after “pumping” to offset the final element of a series |
721.107(b)(1)(C) |
Board |
Changed the ending punctuation from a colon to a period |
721.107(b)(1)(C)(i) |
Board |
Changed numeric “3” to written “three” |
721.107(b)(2) |
Board |
Changed “atmospheric” to “ambient atmospheric pressure” |
721.107(b)(3) |
Board |
Added a comma after “721.132” to offset the final element of a series; added “any of the following occurs” |
721.108 |
Board |
Removed a comma and changed “which” to “that” to create a restrictive relative clause; removed the incorporation language “incorporated . . . 720.111” and the offsetting commas; changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 702, 703, 705, 721 through 725, and 728” to “35 Ill. Adm. Code 702, 703, 721 through 725, and 728” |
721.109 |
Board |
Changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 702 through 705, 722 through 726, and 728” to “35 Ill. Adm. Code 702 703, 722 through 726, and 728”; changed “waste listed in this Section” to “following wastes” |
721.110(a) |
Board |
Changed “USEPA identifies and defines” to “USEPA stated . . . that it identifies and defines”; changed “Subpart C” to “Subpart C of this Part”; changed “determining that” to “determining the following” |
721.110(a)(1) |
Board |
Added “that”; changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause; added “do either of the following” |
721.110(a)(1)(A) |
Board |
Added “it could” |
721.110(a)(1)(B) |
Board |
Added “it could” |
721.110(a)(2) |
Board |
Added “that”; added “as follows” |
721.110(a)(2)(A) |
Board |
Added “it can be”; changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause (twice) |
721.110(a)(2)(B) |
Board |
Changed “reasonably detected” to “it can reasonably be detected” |
721.111(a) |
Board |
Changed “USEPA lists” to “USEPA stated . . . that it lists” |
721.111(a)(1) |
Board |
Changed “it” to “the solid waste” |
721.111(a)(2) |
Board |
Changed “it” to “the solid waste” |
721.111(a)(3) |
Board |
Changed “it” to “the solid waste”; changed “Appendix H” to “Appendix H of this Part”; added a comma after “transported” to offset the final element of a series |
721.111(a)(3) Board note |
Board |
Changed “Appendix H” to “Appendix H of this Part”; added a comma after “mutagenic” to offset the final element of a series |
721.111(a)(3)(A) |
Board |
Changed the ending punctuation from a period to a semicolon |
721.111(a)(3)(B) |
Board |
Changed the ending punctuation from a period to a semicolon |
721.111(a)(3)(C) |
Board |
Changed “subsection (a)(3)(G)” to “subsection (a)(3)(G) of this Section”; changed the ending punctuation from a period to a semicolon |
721.111(a)(3)(D) |
Board |
Changed the ending punctuation from a period to a semicolon |
721.111(a)(3)(E) |
Board |
Changed the ending punctuation from a period to a semicolon |
721.111(a)(3)(F) |
Board |
Changed the ending punctuation from a period to a semicolon |
721.111(a)(3)(G) |
Board |
Changed the ending punctuation from a period to a semicolon |
721.111(a)(3)(H) |
Board |
Changed the ending punctuation from a period to a semicolon |
721.111(a)(3)(I) |
Board |
Changed the ending punctuation from a period to a semicolon |
721.111(a)(3)(J) |
Board |
Changed the ending punctuation from a period to a semicolon; added the ending conjunction “and” |
721.111(b) |
Board |
Changed “USEPA may” to “USEPA stated . . . that it may”; corrected the reference “42 USC 6901 et seq.” to “42 USC 6904(5)” |
721.120(a) |
Board |
Changed “this Subpart” to “this Subpart C” |
721.120(a) Board note |
Board |
Changed “this Subpart” to “this Subpart C” |
721.120(b) |
Board |
Changed “which” to “that” for a restricted relative clause (twice); changed “this Subpart” to “this Subpart C” (twice); changed “USEPA Hazardous Waste Number” to lower-case “USEPA hazardous waste number”; added the statutory citation “42 USC 6910” in parentheses |
721.120(c) |
Board |
Changed “this Subpart” to “this Subpart C”; changed “Appendix A” to “Appendix A of this Part” |
721.121(a)(2) |
Board |
Added a comma after “moisture” to offset the final element of a series |
721.121(a)(3) |
Board |
Added a comma before “as defined” to offset a parenthetical |
721.121(a)(4) |
Board |
Added a comma before “as defined” to offset a parenthetical |
721.121(b) |
Board |
Changed “EPA Hazardous Waste Number” to lower-case “USEPA hazardous waste number” |
721.122(a)(1) |
Board |
Moved a comma inside closing parentheses after “Methods” |
721.122(a)(2) |
Board |
Moved a comma inside closing parentheses after “Methods” |
721.122(a)(2) Board note |
Board |
Changed “U.S. EPA” to “USEPA” |
721.122(b) |
Board |
Changed “U.S. EPA Hazardous Waste Number” to lower-case “USEPA hazardous waste number” |
721.123(a)(4) |
Board |
Added a comma after “vapors” to offset the final element of a series |
721.123(a)(5) |
Board |
Added a comma after “vapors” to offset the final element of a series |
721.123(a)(8) |
Board |
Added a comma before “as defined” to offset a parenthetical |
721.123(b) |
Board |
Changed “EPA Hazardous Waste Number” to lower-case “USEPA hazardous waste number” |
721.124(a) |
Board |
Moved a comma inside closing parentheses after “Methods”; changed “subsection (b) below” to “subsection (b) of this Section” |
721.124(b) table “D023” |
Board |
Changed the note from “4” to “2” |
721.124(b) table “D024” |
Board |
Changed the note from “4” to “2” |
721.124(b) table “D025” |
Board |
Changed the note from “4” to “2” |
721.124(b) table “D026” |
Board |
Changed the note from “4” to “2” |
721.124(b) table “D030” |
Board |
Changed the note from “3” to “1” |
721.124(b) table “D032” |
Board |
Changed the note from “3” to “1” |
721.124(b) table “D038” |
Board |
Changed the note from “3” to “1” |
721.124(b) table note 1 |
Board |
Changed the note from “3” to “1” |
721.124(b) table note 2 |
Board |
Changed the note from “4” to “2” |
721.130(a) |
Board |
Changed “this Subpart” to “this Subpart D” |
721.130(b) |
Board |
Changed “this Subpart” to “this Subpart D”; changed “Hazard Codes” to lower-case “following hazard codes” |
721.130(b)(1) |
Board |
Changed the ending punctuation from a colon to a period |
721.130(b)(1)(A) |
Board |
Changed “Ignitable Waste” to lower-case “ignitable waste” |
721.130(b)(1)(B) |
Board |
Changed “Corrosive Waste” to lower-case “corrosive waste” |
721.130(b)(1)(C) |
Board |
Changed “Reactive Waste” to lower-case “reactive waste” |
721.130(b)(1)(D) |
Board |
Changed “Toxicity Characteristic” to lower-case “toxicity characteristic waste” |
721.130(b)(1)(E) |
Board |
Changed “Toxicity Characteristic Waste” to lower-case “toxicity characteristic waste” |
721.130(b)(1)(F) |
Board |
Changed “Toxic Waste” to lower-case “toxic waste” |
721.130(b)(2) |
Board |
Changed “Appendix G” to “Appendix G of this Part”; changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause; changed “Toxicity Characteristic Waste” to lower-case “toxicity characteristic waste”; changed “Toxic Waste” to lower-case “toxic waste” |
721.130(c) |
Board |
Changed “this Subpart” to “this Subpart D”; changed “EPA Hazardous Waste Number” to lower-case “USEPA hazardous waste number”; changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause; changed “the Act” to “RCRA”; added the statutory citation “42 USC 6910” in parentheses; added a comma after “725” to offset the final element of a series |
721.130(d) |
Board |
Added a comma after “726” to offset the final element of a series |
721.131(a) |
Board |
Added a comma before “unless” to offset a parenthetical |
721.131(a) table “F001” |
Board |
Added a comma after “chloride” to offset the final element of a series; added a comma after “F004” to offset the final element of a series |
721.131(a) table “F002” |
Board |
Added a comma after “fluoromethane” to offset the final element of a series; added a comma after “F004” to offset the final element of a series |
721.131(a) table “F003” |
Board |
Added a comma after “cyclohexanone” to offset the final element of a series; added a comma after “F004” to offset the final element of a series |
721.131(a) table “F004” |
Board |
Added a comma after “F002” to offset the final element of a series |
721.131(a) table “F005” |
Board |
Added a comma after “2-ethoxyethanol” to offset the final element of a series; added a comma after “F002” to offset the final element of a series |
721.131(a) table “F006” |
Board |
Added a comma after “zinc” to offset the final element of a series |
721.131(a) table “F010” |
Board |
Changed “heat treating” to hyphenated “heat-treating” |
721.131(a) table “F011” |
Board |
Changed “heat treating” to hyphenated “heat-treating” |
721.131(a) table “F012” |
Board |
Changed “heat treating” to hyphenated “heat-treating” |
721.131(a) table “F020” |
Board |
Removed an unnecessary comma after “tetrachlorophenol” that separated a two-element series |
721.131(a) table “F021” |
Board |
Removed an unnecessary comma after “pentachlorophenol” that separated a two-element series |
721.131(a) table “F022” |
Board |
Added a comma after “penta-” to offset the final element of a series |
721.131(a) table “F024” |
Board |
Added a comma after “catalysts” to offset the final element of a series; added “in” before “Section 721.132” |
721.131(a) table “F026” |
Board |
Added a comma after “intermediate” to offset the final element of a series; added a comma after “penta-” to offset the final element of a series |
721.131(a) table “F028” |
Board |
Added a comma after “F026” to offset the final element of a series |
721.131(a) table “F032” |
Board |
Added a comma after “drippage” to offset the final element of a series |
721.131(a) table “F034” |
Board |
Added a comma after “drippage” to offset the final element of a series |
721.131(a) table “F035” |
Board |
Added a comma after “drippage” to offset the final element of a series |
721.131(a) table “F038” |
Board |
Added “the following types of units”; added a comma after “K048” to offset the final element of a series |
721.131(a) table “F039” |
Board |
Changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause; added a comma after “F027” to offset the final element of a series |
721.131(b) |
Board |
Changed “listing specific” to hyphenated “listing-specific” |
721.131(b)(1) |
Board |
Placed quotation marks before and after the defined term “oil/water/solids” |
721.131(b)(2) |
Board |
Added a comma after “listings” to offset the introductory prepositional phrase; added “the following apply” |
721.131(b)(2)(A) |
Board |
Placed quotation marks before and after the defined term “aggressive biological treatment units”; changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause; changed the semicolon to a comma after “sludge” to offset elements of a series; changed the semicolon to a comma after “filter” to offset elements of a series; changed the semicolon to a comma after “wastewaters” to offset elements of a series; placed quotation marks before and after the defined term “high-rate aeration”; added “the following is true” |
721.131(b)(2)(B) |
Board |
Added a comma after “storage” to offset the final element of a series; changed “prove that” to “prove the following” |
721.131(b)(2)(B)(i) |
Board |
Added a comma before “as defined” to offset a parenthetical |
721.131(b)(3) |
Board |
Placed quotation marks before and after the defined term “time of generation”; changed “is as follows” to “is defined as follows” |
721.132 table |
Board |
Changed the sub-heading “Wood Preservation” to “Wood Preservation Process Wastes” |
721.132 table |
Board |
Changed the sub-heading “Inorganic Pigments” to “Inorganic Pigments Production Wastes” |
721.132 table |
Board |
Changed the sub-heading “Organic Chemicals” to “Organic Chemicals Production Wastes” |
721.132 table “K011” |
Board |
Added a space to “R, T” |
721.132 table “K027” |
Board |
Added a space to “R, T” |
721.132 table “K107” |
Board |
Added a space to “C, T” |
721.132 table “K108” |
Board |
Added a space to “I, T” |
721.132 table “K111” |
Board |
Added a space to “C, T” |
721.132 table “K161” |
Board |
Added a space to “R, T” |
721.132 table “K174” |
Board |
Changed “they” to “the sludges” (twice); changed “subtitle C” to capitalized “RCRA Subtitle C”; added the statutory citation “42 USC 6921-6939e” in parentheses; changed “the state or federal government” to “a state or the federal government” |
721.132 table |
Board |
Changed the sub-heading “Inorganic Chemicals” to “Inorganic Chemicals Production Wastes” |
721.132 table |
Board |
Changed the sub-heading “Pesticides” to “Pesticides Production Wastes” |
721.132 table “K123” |
Board |
Added a comma after “filtrates” to offset the final element of a series |
721.132 table “K124” |
Board |
Added a space to “C, T” |
721.132 table “K125” |
Board |
Added a comma after “evaporation” to offset the final element of a series |
721.132 table “K131” |
Board |
Added a space to “C, T” |
721.132 table |
Board |
Changed the sub-heading “Explosives” to “Explosives Production Wastes” |
721.132 table |
Board |
Changed the sub-heading “Petroleum Refining” to “Petroleum Refining Wastes” |
721.132 table “K171” |
Board |
Added a space to “I, T” |
721.132 table “K172” |
Board |
Added a space to “I, T” |
721.132 table |
Board |
Changed the sub-heading “Iron and Steel” to “Iron and Steel Production Wastes” |
721.132 table “K062” |
Board |
Added a space to “C, T” |
721.132 table |
Board |
Changed the sub-heading “Primary Aluminum” to “Primary Aluminum Production Wastes” |
721.132 table |
Board |
Changed the sub-heading “Secondary Lead” to “Secondary Lead Production Wastes” |
721.132 table |
Board |
Changed the sub-heading “Veterinary Pharmaceuticals” to “Veterinary Pharmaceuticals Production Wastes” |
721.132 table |
Board |
Changed the sub-heading “Ink Formulation” to “Ink Formulation Wastes” |
721.132 table |
Board |
Changed the sub-heading “Coking” to “Coke Production Wastes” |
721.133 preamble |
Board |
Added a comma before “as described” to offset a parenthetical; changed the comma after “721.102(a)(2)(A)” to separate elements of a series that includes a sub-series; changed the comma after “treatment” to separate elements of a series that includes a sub-series; changed the comma after “use” to separate elements of a series that includes a sub-series |
721.133(d) Board note |
Board |
Changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause |
721.133(e) |
Board |
Changed “Hazardous Waste Numbers” to lower-case “hazardous waste numbers” |
721.133(e) table “P006” |
Board |
Added a space to “R, T” |
721.133(e) table “P042” |
Board |
Changed the brackets to parentheses within the chemical name |
721.133(e) table “P188” |
Board |
Changed the brackets to parentheses within the chemical name |
721.133(e) table “P045” |
Board |
Changed the brackets to parentheses within the chemical name |
721.133(e) table “P189” |
Board |
Changed the brackets to parentheses within the chemical name |
721.133(e) table “P191” |
Board |
Changed the brackets to parentheses within the chemical name |
721.133(e) table “P037” |
Board |
Changed the brackets to parentheses within the chemical name |
721.133(e) table “P051” |
Board |
Changed the brackets to parentheses within the chemical name |
721.133(e) table “P185” |
Board |
Changed the brackets to parentheses within the chemical name |
721.133(e) table “P194” |
Board |
Changed the brackets to parentheses within the chemical name (twice) |
721.133(e) table “P066” |
Board |
Changed the brackets to parentheses within the chemical name (twice) |
721.133(e) table “P065” (two entries) |
Board |
Added a space to “R, T” |
721.133(e) table “P016” |
Board |
Changed the opening bracket to parenthesis within the chemical name |
721.133(e) table “P198” |
Board |
Changed the brackets to parentheses within the chemical name (twice) |
721.133(e) table “P199” |
Board |
Changed the brackets to parentheses within the chemical name (three times) |
721.133(e) table “P088” |
Board |
Changed the brackets to parentheses within the chemical name |
721.133(e) table “P039” |
Board |
Changed the brackets to parentheses within the chemical name |
721.133(e) table “P094” |
Board |
Changed the brackets to parentheses within the chemical name |
721.133(e) table “P044” |
Board |
Changed the brackets to parentheses within the chemical name |
721.133(e) table “P097” |
Board |
Changed the brackets to parentheses within the chemical name (twice) |
721.133(e) table “P203” |
Board |
Changed the brackets to parentheses within the chemical name |
721.133(e) table “P070” |
Board |
Changed the brackets to parentheses within the chemical name |
721.133(e) table “P204” |
Board |
Changed the brackets to parentheses within the chemical name |
721.133(e) table “P049” |
Board |
Changed the brackets to parentheses within the chemical name |
721.133(e) table “P122” |
Board |
Added a space to “R, T” |
721.133(f) |
Board |
Changed “Hazardous Waste Numbers” to lower-case “hazardous waste numbers” |
721.133(f) table “U003” |
Board |
Added a space to “I, T” |
721.133(f) table “U006” |
Board |
Added a spaces to “C, R, T” |
721.133(f) table “U012” (two entries) |
Board |
Added a space to “I, T” |
721.133(f) table “U010” |
Board |
Changed the brackets to parentheses within the chemical name (five times) |
721.133(f) table “U157” |
Board |
Changed the brackets to parentheses within the chemical name |
721.133(f) table “U018” |
Board |
Changed the brackets to parentheses within the chemical name |
721.133(f) table “U094” |
Board |
Changed the brackets to parentheses within the chemical name |
721.133(f) table “U014” |
Board |
Changed the opening bracket to a parenthesis mark within the chemical name |
721.133(f) table “U158” |
Board |
Changed the opening bracket to a parenthesis mark within the chemical name |
721.133(f) table “U019” |
Board |
Added a space to “I, T” |
721.133(f) table “U035” |
Board |
Changed the brackets to parentheses within the chemical name |
721.133(f) table “U060” |
Board |
Changed the opening bracket to a parenthesis mark within the chemical name |
721.133(f) table “U223” (two entries) |
Board |
Added a space to “R, T” |
721.133(f) table “U239” |
Board |
Added a space to “I, T” |
721.133(f) table “U020” (two entries) |
Board |
Added a space to “C, R” |
721.133(f) table “U061” |
Board |
Changed the opening bracket to a parenthesis mark within the chemical name |
721.133(f) table “U247” |
Board |
Changed the opening bracket to a parenthesis mark within the chemical name |
721.133(f) table “U064” |
Board |
Changed the brackets to parentheses within the chemical name |
721.133(f) table “U022” |
Board |
Changed the brackets to parentheses within the chemical name |
721.133(f) table “U023” |
Board |
Added a space to “C, R, T” |
721.133(f) table “U021” |
Board |
Changed the brackets to parentheses within the chemical name |
721.133(f) table “U073” |
Board |
Changed the brackets to parentheses within the chemical name |
721.133(f) table “U091” |
Board |
Changed the brackets to parentheses within the chemical name |
721.133(f) table “U095” |
Board |
Changed the brackets to parentheses within the chemical name |
721.133(f) table “U159 (two entries) |
Board |
Added a space to “I, T” |
721.133(f) table “U160” (two entries) |
Board |
Added a space to “R, T” |
721.133(f) table “U074” (two entries) |
Board |
Added a space to “I, T” |
721.133(f) table “U143” |
Board |
Changed the brackets to parentheses within the chemical name (four times) |
721.133(e) table “U271” |
Board |
Changed the brackets to parentheses within the chemical name (twice) |
721.133(e) table “U409” |
Board |
Changed the brackets to parentheses within the chemical name |
721.133(f) table “U156” (two entries) |
Board |
Added a space to “I, T” |
721.133(f) table “U033” |
Board |
Added a space to “R, T” |
721.133(e) table “U063” |
Board |
Changed the brackets to parentheses within the chemical name |
721.133(e) table “U064” |
Board |
Changed the brackets to parentheses within the chemical name |
721.133(f) table “U085” |
Board |
Added a space to “I, T” |
721.133(e) table “U094” |
Board |
Changed the brackets to parentheses within the chemical name |
721.133(e) table “U024” |
Board |
Changed the brackets to parentheses within the chemical name; changed the opening bracket to a parenthesis mark within the chemical name |
721.133(e) table “U025” |
Board |
Changed the opening bracket to a parenthesis mark within the chemical name |
721.133(e) table “U410” |
Board |
Changed the brackets to parentheses within the chemical name |
721.133(f) table “U115” (two entries) |
Board |
Added a space to “I, T” |
721.133(f) table “U123” |
Board |
Added a space to “C, T” |
721.133(e) table “U206” |
Board |
Changed the brackets to parentheses within the chemical name (twice) |
721.133(f) table “U133” |
Board |
Added a space to “R, T” |
721.133(f) table “U134” (two entries) |
Board |
Added a space to “C, T” |
721.133(e) table “U137” |
Board |
Changed the brackets to parentheses within the chemical name |
721.133(f) table “U140” (two entries) |
Board |
Added a space to “I, T” |
721.133(f) table “U152” (two entries) |
Board |
Added a space to “I, T” |
721.133(e) table “U142” |
Board |
Changed the brackets to parentheses within the chemical name |
721.133(f) table “U045” (two entries) |
Board |
Added a space to “I, T” |
721.133(f) table “U153” (two entries) |
Board |
Added a space to “I, T” |
721.133(f) table “U162” (two entries) |
Board |
Added a space to “I, T” |
721.133(e) table “U059” |
Board |
Changed the brackets to parentheses within the chemical name |
721.133(e) table “U236” |
Board |
Changed the brackets to parentheses within the chemical name (twice); corrected a closing bracket to a closing parenthesis mark |
721.133(f) table “U169” |
Board |
Added a space to “I, T” |
721.133(f) table “U171” (two entries) |
Board |
Added a space to “I, T” |
721.133(e) table “U132” |
Board |
Changed the opening bracket to a parenthesis within the chemical name |
721.133(e) table “U150” |
Board |
Changed the brackets to parentheses within the chemical name |
721.133(f) table “U194” (two entries) |
Board |
Added a space to “I, T” |
721.133(e) table “U027” |
Board |
Changed the opening bracket to a parenthesis mark within the chemical name |
721.133(e) table “U237” |
Board |
Changed the brackets to parentheses within the chemical name |
721.133(f) table “U205” |
Board |
Added a space to “R, T” |
721.133(e) table “U244” |
Board |
Changed the brackets to parentheses within the chemical name |
721.133(f) table “U234” |
Board |
Added a space to “R, T” |
721.133(e) table “U200” |
Board |
Changed the brackets to parentheses within the chemical name |
721.135(a) |
Board |
Changed “subsections (b) and (c)” to “subsections (b) and (c) of this Section” |
721.135(b) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause; added a comma after “water” to offset the final element of a series |
721.135(b)(1) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
721.135(b)(2)(A) |
Board |
Added “the generator must”; added “the following” |
721.135(b)(2)(A)(i) |
Board |
Changed the ending punctuation from a period to a semicolon |
721.135(b)(2)(A)(ii) |
Board |
Changed the ending punctuation from a period to a semicolon |
721.135(b)(2)(A)(iii) |
Board |
Changed the ending punctuation from a period to a semicolon |
721.135(b)(2)(A)(iv) |
Board |
Changed the ending punctuation from a period to a semicolon; changed to lower-case “and”; removed the unnecessary ending comma |
721.135(b)(2)(A)(v) |
Board |
Changed “disposed” to “disposed of” |
721.135(b)(2)(B)(i) |
Board |
Changed the ending punctuation from a period to a semicolon; added the ending conjunction “and” |
721.135(b)(2)(C) |
Board |
Added a period as the ending punctuation |
721.135(b)(3)(A) |
Board |
Added “the following” |
721.135(c) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
721.135(c)(10) |
Board |
Changed “instrument(s)” to “instruments” |
721.138(a)(1)(B) |
Board |
Changed “as-fired” to non-hyphenated “as fired” |
721.138(b)(5) |
Board |
Changed “Appendix H constituents” to “constituents listed in Appendix H of this Part” |
721.138(c)(1)(A)(i) |
Board |
Added a comma before “as required” to offset a parenthetical |
721.138(c)(2)(C) |
Board |
Changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 724.Subpart O” to “Subpart O of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 724”; changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 725.Subpart O” to “Subpart O of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 725” |
721.138(c)(6) |
Board |
Added a comma after “(a)(2)” to offset the final element of a series |
721.138(c)(8)(D) |
Board |
Added a comma after “overrides” to offset the final element of a series; changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause |
721.138(c)(10)(D) |
Board |
Added a comma before “as required” to offset a parenthetical |
721.138(c)(10)(E) |
Board |
Added a comma before “as required” to offset a parenthetical |
721.138(c)(10)(F) |
Board |
Added a comma before “as required” to offset a parenthetical |
721.138(c)(10)(G) |
Board |
Added a comma before “as required” to offset a parenthetical |
721.138(c)(10)(I)(iv) |
Board |
Added a comma before “as required” to offset a parenthetical |
721.138(c)(10)(I)(v) |
Board |
Added a comma before “as required” to offset a parenthetical |
721.138(c)(11) |
Board |
Changed “three year” to hyphenated “three-year” |
721.Appendix A |
Board |
Replaced a reference to a Code of Federal Regulations provision referring to sampling methods with the text of that provision |
721.Appendix B |
Board |
Moved a comma inside the closing quotation mark after “Methods”; changed “U.S. EPA” to “USEPA”; changed “as incorporated” to “incorporated” |
721.Appendix C |
Board |
Moved a comma inside the closing quotation mark after “Procedure”; moved a comma inside the closing quotation mark after “Methods”; changed “U.S. EPA” to “USEPA”; changed “as incorporated” to “incorporated” |
721.Appendix G “F039” |
Board |
Changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 728.Table B” to “Table B to 35 Ill. Adm. Code 728” |
721.Appendix G “K175” |
Board |
Added an ending period |
721.Appendix G “K017” |
Board |
Changed the brackets to parentheses within the chemical name |
721.Appendix I, Table A heading |
Board |
Changed “U.S. EPA” to “USEPA” |
721.Appendix I, Table A |
Board |
Added “none . . . at this time” |
721.Appendix I, Table B, “Amoco Oil Company” |
Board |
Changed “EP toxicity tests” to “TCLP tests”; changed “shall” to “must” |
721.Appendix I, Table B, “USX Steel Corporation” |
Board |
Removed the entry for a facility that no longer exists |
721.Appendix I, Table B, “Conversion Systems, Inc.” |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” (five times); changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 106 and 720.122” to “Subpart D of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 104 and 35 Ill. Adm. Code 720.122”; removed the unnecessary space from before the em-dash “--” |
721.Appendix I, Table C heading |
Board |
Changed “U.S. EPA” to “USEPA” |
721.Appendix I, Table C |
Board |
Added “none . . . at this time” |
721.Appendix I, Table D “AS 91-1” |
Board |
Changed “treated” to capitalized “Treated” |
721.Appendix I, Table D “AS 91-3” |
Board |
Changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 721.Subpart D” to “Subpart D of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 721”; changed “treated” to capitalized “Treated” |
721.Appendix I, Table D “AS 93-7” |
Board |
Changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 721.Subpart D” to “Subpart D of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 721”; changed “treated” to capitalized “Treated” |
721.Appendix I, Table D “AS 94-10” |
Board |
Changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 721.Subpart D” to “Subpart D of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 721”; changed “treated” to capitalized “Treated” |
721.Appendix Y “polychlorinated biphenyls” |
Board |
Changed the brackets to parentheses on the alternative chemical name |
721.Appendix Y “benzo(a)anthracene” |
Board |
Changed the brackets to parentheses within the chemical name |
721.Appendix Y “benzo(b)fluoranthene” |
Board |
Changed the brackets to parentheses within the chemical name |
721.Appendix Y “benzo(k)fluoranthene” |
Board |
Changed the brackets to parentheses within the chemical name |
721.Appendix Y “benzo(a)pyrene” |
Board |
Changed the brackets to parentheses within the chemical name |
721.Appendix Y “dibenzo(a,h)anthracene” |
Board |
Changed the brackets to parentheses within the chemical name |
721.Appendix Y “dimethylbenz(a)anthracene” |
Board |
Changed the brackets to parentheses within the chemical name |
721.Appendix Y “bis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate” |
Board |
Changed the brackets to parentheses within the chemical name |
721.Appendix Y “o-Cresol” |
Board |
Changed the brackets to parentheses within the chemical name |
721.Appendix Y “m-Cresol” |
Board |
Changed the brackets to parentheses within the chemical name |
721.Appendix Y “p-Cresol” |
Board |
Changed the brackets to parentheses within the chemical name |
721.Appendix Y “2-ethoxyethanol” |
Board |
Changed the brackets to parentheses on the alternative chemical name; removed the unnecessary ending period from the first column entry |
721.Appendix Y “methyl ethyl ketone” |
Board |
Changed the brackets to parentheses on the alternative chemical name |
721.Appendix Y “propargyl alcohol” |
Board |
Changed the brackets to parentheses on the alternative chemical name |
721.Appendix Y “tetraethyldithiopyrophosphate” |
Board |
Changed the brackets to parentheses on the alternative chemical name |
721.Appendix Y “thiophenol” |
Board |
Changed the brackets to parentheses on the alternative chemical name |
721.Appendix Y “acetonitrile” |
Board |
Changed the brackets to parentheses on the alternative chemical name |
721.Appendix Y “2-acetylaminofluorene” |
Board |
Changed the brackets to parentheses on the alternative chemical name |
721.Appendix Y “bibenz(a,j)acridine” |
Board |
Changed the brackets to parentheses within the chemical name |
721.Appendix Y “O,O-diethyl O-pyrazinyl phophoro-thioate” |
Board |
Changed the brackets to parentheses on the alternative chemical name; removed the unnecessary ending period from the first column entry |
721.Appendix Y “p-(dimethylamino)azobenzene” |
Board |
Changed the brackets to parentheses on the alternative chemical name; removed the unnecessary ending period from the first column entry |
721.Appendix Y “a,a-dimethylphenethylamine” |
Board |
Removed the unnecessary ending period from the first column entry |
721.Appendix Y “1,3-dinitrobenzene” |
Board |
Changed the brackets to parentheses on the alternative chemical name |
721.Appendix Y “dinoseb” |
Board |
Changed the brackets to parentheses on the alternative chemical name |
721.Appendix Y “ethylcarbamate” |
Board |
Changed the brackets to parentheses on the alternative chemical name |
721.Appendix Y “2-methylacetonitrile” |
Board |
Changed the brackets to parentheses on the alternative chemical name |
721.Appendix Y “1-naphthylamine” |
Board |
Removed the unnecessary comma after the primary chemical name; changed the brackets to parentheses on the alternative chemical name |
721.Appendix Y “2-naphthylamine” |
Board |
Removed the unnecessary comma after the primary chemical name; changed the brackets to parentheses on the alternative chemical name |
721.Appendix Y “4-nitroaniline” |
Board |
Removed the unnecessary comma after the primary chemical name; changed the brackets to parentheses on the alternative chemical name |
721.Appendix Y “p-nitrophenol” |
Board |
Removed the unnecessary comma after the primary chemical name; changed the brackets to parentheses on the alternative chemical name |
721.Appendix Y “N-nitrosodiphenylamine” |
Board |
Removed the unnecessary comma after the primary chemical name; changed the brackets to parentheses on the alternative chemical name |
721.Appendix Y “1,4-phenylenediamine” |
Board |
Removed the unnecessary comma after the primary chemical name; changed the brackets to parentheses on the alternative chemical name |
721.Appendix Y “2-picolene” |
Board |
Changed the brackets to parentheses on the alternative chemical name |
721.Appendix Y “propythioracil” |
Board |
Changed the brackets to parentheses on the alternative chemical name |
721.Appendix Y “toluene-2,4-diamine” |
Board |
Changed the brackets to parentheses on the alternative chemical name |
721.Appendix Y “toluene-2,6-diamine” |
Board |
Changed the brackets to parentheses on the alternative chemical name |
721.Appendix Y “1,3,5-trinitrobenzne” |
Board |
Corrected the spelling of the alternative chemical name “sym-trinitobenzene” to “sym-trinitrobenzene” ; changed the brackets to parentheses on the alternative chemical name |
721.Appendix Y “benzal chloride” |
Board |
Changed the brackets to parentheses on the alternative chemical name |
721.Appendix Y “bis(2-chloroethyl)ether” |
Board |
Changed the brackets to parentheses on the alternative chemical name |
721.Appendix Y “bromoform” |
Board |
Changed the brackets to parentheses on the alternative chemical name |
721.Appendix Y “bromomethane” |
Board |
Changed the brackets to parentheses on the alternative chemical name |
721.Appendix Y “4-bromophenyl phenyl ether” |
Board |
Changed the brackets to parentheses on the alternative chemical name |
721.Appendix Y “chloromethane” |
Board |
Changed the brackets to parentheses on the alternative chemical name |
721.Appendix Y “β-cholorophthalene” |
Board |
Changed the spelling of the alternative chemical name from “beta-phthalene” to “β-phthalene”; changed the brackets to parentheses on the alternative chemical name |
721.Appendix Y “2-chlorophenol” |
Board |
Changed the brackets to parentheses on the alternative chemical name |
721.Appendix Y “chloroprene” |
Board |
Changed the brackets to parentheses on the alternative chemical name |
721.Appendix Y “2,4-D” |
Board |
Changed the brackets to parentheses on the alternative chemical name |
721.Appendix Y “1,2-dicholorobenzene” |
Board |
Changed the brackets to parentheses on the alternative chemical name |
721.Appendix Y “1,3-dicholorobenzene” |
Board |
Changed the brackets to parentheses on the alternative chemical name |
721.Appendix Y “1,4-dicholorobenzene” |
Board |
Changed the brackets to parentheses on the alternative chemical name |
721.Appendix Y “dichlorodifluoromethane” |
Board |
Changed the brackets to parentheses on the alternative chemical name |
721.Appendix Y “1,2-dicholoroethane” |
Board |
Changed the brackets to parentheses on the alternative chemical name |
721.Appendix Y “1,1-dicholoroethylene” |
Board |
Changed the brackets to parentheses on the alternative chemical name |
721.Appendix Y “dichloromethoxy ethane” |
Board |
Changed the brackets to parentheses on the alternative chemical name |
721.Appendix Y “1,2-dicholoropropane” |
Board |
Changed the brackets to parentheses on the alternative chemical name |
721.Appendix Y “epichlorohydrin” |
Board |
Changed the brackets to parentheses on the alternative chemical name |
721.Appendix Y “ethylidene dichloride” |
Board |
Changed the brackets to parentheses on the alternative chemical name |
721.Appendix Y “hexachloro-1,3-butadiene” |
Board |
Changed the brackets to parentheses on the alternative chemical name |
721.Appendix Y “hexachloropropene” |
Board |
Changed the brackets to parentheses on the alternative chemical name |
721.Appendix Y “kepone” |
Board |
Changed the brackets to parentheses on the alternative chemical name |
721.Appendix Y “lindane” |
Board |
Changed the brackets to parentheses on the alternative chemical name (twice); changed the spelling of the alternative chemical name “gamma-BHC” to “γ-BHC” |
721.Appendix Y “methylene chloride” |
Board |
Changed the brackets to parentheses on the alternative chemical name |
721.Appendix Y “methyl iodide” |
Board |
Changed the brackets to parentheses on the alternative chemical name |
721.Appendix Y “pentachloronitrobenzene” |
Board |
Changed the brackets to parentheses on the alternative chemical name (three times) |
721.Appendix Y “silvex” |
Board |
Changed the brackets to parentheses on the alternative chemical name |
721.Appendix Y “2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin” |
Board |
Changed the brackets to parentheses on the alternative chemical name |
721.Appendix Y “tetrachloroethylene” |
Board |
Changed the brackets to parentheses on the alternative chemical name |
721.Appendix Y “1,1,1-trichloroethane” |
Board |
Changed the brackets to parentheses on the alternative chemical name |
721.Appendix Y “1,1,2-trichloroethane” |
Board |
Changed the brackets to parentheses on the alternative chemical name |
721.Appendix Y “trichlorofluoroethane” |
Board |
Changed the brackets to parentheses on the alternative chemical name |
721.Appendix Z Board note |
Board |
Updated the Code of Federal Regulations entry to the most recent edition available; moved the comma inside the closing quotation mark after “materials” ; moved the comma inside the closing quotation mark after “sludges” ; moved the comma inside the closing quotation mark after “products”; ; moved the comma inside the closing quotation mark after “metal” |
726 table of contents, Section 726.121 listing |
Board |
Changed “Standards applicable to generators and transporters of materials used in a manner that constitutes disposal” to capitalized “Standards Applicable to Generators and Transporters of Materials Used in a Manner that Constitutes Disposal” |
726 table of contents, Section 726.122 listing |
Board |
Changed “Standards applicable to storers, who are not the ultimate users, of materials that are to be used in a manner that constitutes disposal” to capitalized “Standards Applicable to Storers, Who Are Not the Ultimate Users, of Materials that Are To Be Used in a manner that Constitutes Disposal” |
726 table of contents, Section 726.123 listing |
Board |
Changed “are” to capitalized “Are” |
726 table of contents, Subpart E heading |
Removed the parenthetical “Repealed” from the Subpart E heading |
726 table of contents, Section 726.170 listing |
Board |
Changed “requirements” to capitalized “Requirements” |
726 table of contents, Section 726.180 listing |
Board |
Changed “requirements” to capitalized “Requirements” |
726 table of contents, Section 726.201 listing |
Board |
Changed “prior” to capitalized “Prior” |
726 table of contents, Section 726.202 listing |
Board |
Changed “standards” to capitalized “Standards” |
726 table of contents, Section 726.205 listing |
Board |
Changed “control” to capitalized “Control” |
726 table of contents, Section 726.207 listing |
Board |
Changed “control” to capitalized “Control” |
726 table of contents, Section 726.208 listing |
Board |
Changed “quantity On-site” to capitalized “Quantity On-Site” |
726 table of contents, Section 726.209 listing |
Board |
Changed “risk waste” to capitalized “Risk Waste” |
726 table of contents, Section 726.210 listing |
Board |
Changed “trial burn” to capitalized “Trial Burn” |
726 table of contents, Section 726.211 listing |
Board |
Changed “direct” to capitalized “Direct” |
726 table of contents, Appendix A listing |
Changed “726.Appendix A” to “Appendix A” |
726 table of contents, Appendix B listing |
Changed “726.Appendix B” to “Appendix B” |
726 table of contents, Appendix C listing |
Changed “726.Appendix C” to “Appendix C” |
726 table of contents, Appendix D listing |
Changed “726.Appendix D” to “Appendix D” |
726 table of contents, Section 726.Appendix E listing |
Board, JCAR |
Changed “726.Appendix E” to “Appendix E”; changed “risk specific” to hyphenated “risk-specific” |
726 table of contents, Appendix F listing |
Changed “726.Appendix F” to “Appendix F” |
726 table of contents, Appendix G listing |
Changed “726.Appendix G” to “Appendix G” |
726 table of contents, Appendix H listing |
Changed “726.Appendix H” to “Appendix H” |
726 table of contents, Appendix I listing |
Changed “726.Appendix I” to “Appendix I” |
726 table of contents, Appendix J listing |
Changed “726.Appendix J” to “Appendix J” |
726 table of contents, Section 726.Appendix K listing |
Board, JCAR |
Changed “726.Appendix K” to “Appendix K”; changed “That” to lower-case “that” |
726 table of contents, Section 726.Appendix L listing |
Board, JCAR |
Changed “726.Appendix L” to “Appendix L”; changed “may be” to capitalized “May Be” |
726 table of contents, Appendix M listing |
Changed “726.Appendix M” to “Appendix M”; changed “That” to lower-case “that” |
726 table of contents, Table A listing |
Changed “726.Table A” to “Table A” |
726.120(a) |
Board |
Changed “this Subpart” to “this Subpart C”; added “in either of the following ways” |
726.120(a)(1) |
Board |
Changed “substance(s)” to “substances” |
726.120(a)(2) |
Board |
Changed “substance(s)” to “substances”; changed “this Subpart” to “this Subpart C” |
726.120(b) |
Board, JCAR |
Changed “products . . . are . . . contain recyclable materials are . . . they contain” to “a product . . . is . . . contains recyclable material is . . . it contains”; changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause; changed “this Subpart” to “this Subpart C”; changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 728.Subpart D” to “Subpart D of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 728”; added a comma after “i.e.” |
726.120(c) |
Board |
Moved the prepositional phrase “of slags . . . F006” to immediately follow “uses”; changed “subsection (b) above” to “subsection (b) of this Section” |
726.121 heading |
Board |
Changed “Standards applicable to generators and transporters of materials used in a manner that constitutes disposal” to capitalized “Standards Applicable to Generators and Transporters of Materials Used in a Manner that Constitutes Disposal” |
726.121 |
Board, JCAR |
Changed “generators and transporters of materials that are . . . are” to singular “a generator or transporter of a material that is . . . is”; corrected “manner that constitute” to singular “manner that constitutes”; changed “U.S.C.” to “USC” |
726.122 heading |
Board |
Changed “Standards applicable to storers, who are not the ultimate users, of materials that are to be used in a manner that constitutes disposal” to capitalized “Standards Applicable to Storers, Who Are Not the Ultimate Users, of Materials that Are To Be Used in a manner that Constitutes Disposal” |
726.122 |
Board |
Changed “owners or operators of facilities that store recyclable materials that are . . . but . . . are . . . users of the materials, are . . .” to singular “an owner or operator of a facility that stores recyclable material that is . . ., but . . . is . . . a user of the material, is . . .”; changed “who” to “which”; changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 724 and 725.Subparts A through L” to “Subparts A through L of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 724 and 725”; added a comma after “703” to offset the final element of a series |
726.123 heading |
Board |
Changed “are” to capitalized “Are” |
726.123(a) |
Board |
Changed “owners or operators of facilities that use recyclable materials are . . .” to singular “an owner or operator of a facility that uses a recyclable material. . . is”; changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 724.Subparts A through N” to “Subparts A through N of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 724”; changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 725.Subparts A through N” to “Subparts A through N of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 725”; changed “products that contain these recyclable materials” to singular “a product that contains this recyclable material” |
Subpart D heading |
Board |
Added “repealed” in parentheses |
726.170 heading |
Board |
Changed “requirements” to capitalized “Requirements” |
726.170(a) |
Board |
Changed “this subpart” to “this Subpart F”; added “metals” |
726.170(b) |
Board |
Changed “persons that generate, transport, or store . . . are” to singular “a person that generates, transports, or stores . . . is”; changed “this Subpart” to “this Subpart F” |
726.170(b)(2) |
Board |
Changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 722.Subpart B” to “Subpart B of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 722”; changed “generators” to singular “a generator”; corrected “121” to “723.121”; changed “transporters” to singular “a transporter”; changed “persons that store” to singular “a person that stores” |
726.170(b)(3) |
Board |
Changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 722.Subpart H” to “Subpart H of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 722”; changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 722.Subparts E and F” to “Subparts E and F of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 722” |
726.170(c) |
Board |
Changed “persons that store . . . they are” to singular “a person that stores . . . it is”; changed “this Subpart” to “this Subpart F”; changed “shall” to “must” |
726.170(d) |
Board |
Changed “this Subpart” to “this Subpart F”; changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 722 through 725, and 35 Ill. Adm. Code 702, 703 and 705” to “35 Ill. Adm. Code 702, 703, and 722 through 725” |
726.180 heading |
Board |
Changed “requirements” to capitalized “Requirements” |
726.180(a) |
Board |
Changed the question “are spent lead-acid batteries exempt . . .?” to declaration “extent of exemption for spent lead-acid batteries . . ..”; changed “use the following table to determine” to “subsections (a)(1) through (a)(5) of this Section indicate” |
726.180(a)(1) |
Board |
Reformatted the tabulated information into a standard subsection |
726.180(a)(2) |
Board |
Reformatted the tabulated information into a standard subsection |
726.180(a)(3) |
Board |
Reformatted the tabulated information into a standard subsection |
726.180(a)(4) |
Board |
Reformatted the tabulated information into a standard subsection |
726.180(a)(5) |
Board |
Reformatted the tabulated information into a standard subsection |
726.180(b) |
Board |
Changed the question “if an owner or operator stores spent lead-acid batteries before it reclaims them but not through regeneration, which requirements apply?” to the declaration “Exemption for spent lead-acid batteries stored before reclamation other than through regeneration.”; changed “subsection (b) of this Section” to “this subsection (b)”; changed “if the owner or operator” to “that”; changed “but” to “where” |
726.180(b)(1) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
726.180(b)(1)(A) |
Board |
Changed the ending punctuation from a period to a semicolon |
726.180(b)(1)(B) |
Board |
Changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 725.Subpart A” to “Subpart A of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 725”; changed the ending punctuation from a period to a semicolon |
726.180(b)(1)(C) |
Board |
Changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 725.Subpart A” to “Subpart A of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 725”; added a comma before “except” to offset a parenthetical; changed the ending punctuation from a period to a semicolon |
726.180(b)(1)(D) |
Board |
Changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 725.Subparts C and D” to “Subparts C and D of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 725”; changed the ending punctuation from a period to a semicolon |
726.180(b)(1)(E) |
Board |
Changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 725.Subpart E” to “Subpart E of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 725”; added a comma before “except” to offset a parenthetical; changed the ending punctuation from a period to a semicolon |
726.180(b)(1)(F) |
Board |
Changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 725.Subparts F through L” to “Subparts F through L of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 725”; changed the ending punctuation from a period to a semicolon; added the ending conjunction “and” |
726.180(b)(1)(G) |
Board |
Changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 702, 703, and 705” to “35 Ill. Adm. Code 702 and 703” |
726.180(b)(2)(A) |
Board |
Changed the ending punctuation from a period to a semicolon |
726.180(b)(2)(B) |
Board |
Changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 724.Subpart A” to “Subpart A of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 724”; changed the ending punctuation from a period to a semicolon |
726.180(b)(2)(C) |
Board |
Changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 724.Subpart B” to “Subpart B of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 724”; removed the parentheses from the parenthetical, added a comma to offset it, and replaced “but not” with “except”; changed the ending punctuation from a period to a semicolon |
726.180(b)(2)(D) |
Board |
Changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 724.Subparts C and D” to “Subparts C and D of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 724”; changed the ending punctuation from a period to a semicolon |
726.180(b)(2)(E) |
Board |
Changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 724.Subpart E” to “Subpart E of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 724”; removed the parentheses from the parenthetical, added a comma to offset it, and replaced “but not” with “except”; changed the ending punctuation from a period to a semicolon |
726.180(b)(2)(F) |
Board |
Changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 724.Subparts F through L” to “Subparts F through L of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 724”; changed the ending punctuation from a period to a semicolon; added the ending conjunction “and” |
726.180(b)(2)(G) |
Board |
Changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 702, 703, and 705” to “35 Ill. Adm. Code 702 and 703” |
726.200(i) “one hour block average” |
Board |
Added the definite article “the” before “preceding” |
726.201 heading |
Board |
Changed “prior” to capitalized “Prior” |
726.201(a) |
Board |
Changed “generators . . . are” to singular “a generator . . . is” |
726.201(b) |
Board |
Changed “transporters . . . are” to singular “a transporter . . . is” |
726.201(c)(1) |
Board |
Changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 724 and 725 and 35 Ill. Adm. Code 702 and 703” to “35 Ill. Adm. Code 702, 703, 724, and 725”; added a comma before “as well as” to offset a parenthetical |
726.201(c)(2) |
Board |
Changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 724 and 725 and 35 Ill. Adm. Code 702 and 703” to “35 Ill. Adm. Code 702, 703, 724, and 725”; added a comma before “as prescribed” to offset a parenthetical |
726.202 heading |
Board |
Changed “standards” to capitalized “Standards” |
726.202(a)(1) |
Board, JCAR |
Changed “owners or operators of BIFs” to singular “an owner or operator of a BIF”; changed “burning” to “that burns”; changed “and not operating” to “and which does not operate”; changed “shall” to “must” |
726.202(a)(2) |
Board |
Changed “owners or operators of BIFs that burn . . . are” to singular “an owner or operator of a BIF that burns . . . is”; changed “this Subpart” to “this Subpart H” |
726.202(a)(2)(A) |
Board |
Changed “724.104” to “35 Ill. Adm. Code 724.104” |
726.202(a)(2)(H) |
Board |
Added a comma after “724.243” to offset the final element of a series; changed “Federal” to lower-case “federal”; changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 724.Subpart H” to “Subpart H of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 724” |
726.202(b)(1) |
Board, JCAR |
Changed “shall” to “must” (three times); changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 721.Subpart H” to “Subpart H of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 721” (twice); changed “this Subpart” to “this Subpart H”; corrected “that is reasonably be expected” to “that is reasonably expected”; changed “as necessary” to “as are necessary”; added a comma before “as well as” to offset a parenthetical |
726.202(b)(2) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; added a comma after “fuels” to offset a the final element of a series |
726.202(c) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
726.202(d)(1) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; changed “subsection (e), below” to “subsection (e) of this Section” |
726.202(d)(4) |
Board |
Changed “subsection (e), below” to “subsection (e) of this Section” |
726.202(d)(4)(A) |
Board |
Added a comma after “726.206” to offset the final element of a series; changed “shall” to “must” |
726.202(d)(4)(C) |
Board |
Added a comma after “results” to offset the final element of a series |
726.202(e)(2)(A) |
Board |
Changed “either” to “in either of the following ways”; added a comma before “as specified” to offset a parenthetical; changed a semicolon to a comma after “726.204(a)”; removed the unnecessary comma after the conjunction “or”; changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause; added a comma before “as appropriate” to offset it as a parenthetical |
726.202(e)(2)(A)(i) |
Board |
Changed “subsection (e)(6), below” to “subsection (e)(6) of this Section” |
726.202(e)(2)(A)(ii) |
Board |
Changed “subsection (e)(6), below” to “subsection (e)(6) of this Section” |
726.202(e)(2)(A)(v) |
Board |
Added a comma after “measured” to offset the final element of a series; changed “subsection (e)(6), below” to “subsection (e)(6) of this Section” |
726.202(e)(2)(A)(vi) |
Board |
Changed “subsection (e)(6), below” to “subsection (e)(6) of this Section” |
726.202(e)(2)(B) |
Board |
Added a comma after “(e)” to offset the final element of a series |
726.202(e)(2)(B)(ii) |
Board |
Changed the ending punctuation to a semicolon; added the ending conjunction “or” |
726.202(e)(2)(C) |
Board |
Changed the brackets to parentheses; added a comma after “726.206 to offset the final element of a series; added a comma before “unless” to offset a parenthetical |
726.202(e)(3)(A) |
Board |
Changed “subsections (e)(3)(B) and (C), below” to “subsections (e)(3)(B) and (e)(3)(C) of this Section” |
726.202(e)(3)(A)(i) |
Board |
Added a comma after “726.206 to offset the final element of a series; changed “subsection (e)(6), below” to “subsection (e)(6) of this Section” |
726.202(e)(3)(A)(ii) |
Board |
Changed “subsection (e)(6), below” to “subsection (e)(6) of this Section” |
726.202(e)(4)(A)(i) |
Board |
Changed “subsection (e)(6), below” to “subsection (e)(6) of this Section” |
726.202(e)(4)(A)(ii) |
Board |
Changed “subsection (e)(6), below” to “subsection (e)(6) of this Section”; added the ending conjunction “and” |
726.202(e)(4)(B)(ii) |
Board |
Changed “subsection (e)(6)(A), below” to “subsection (e)(6)(A) of this Section” |
726.202(e)(4)(B)(iii) |
Board |
Changed “subsection (e)(6), below” to “subsection (e)(6) of this Section” |
726.202(e)(4)(B)(iv) |
Board |
Changed “subsection (e)(6), below” to “subsection (e)(6) of this Section” |
726.202(e)(4)(B)(v) |
Board |
Changed “subsection (e)(6), below” to “subsection (e)(6) of this Section” |
726.202(e)(4)(B)(vi) |
Board |
Changed “subsection (e)(6), below” to “subsection (e)(6) of this Section” |
726.202(e)(4)(B)(vii) |
Board |
Changed “subsection (e)(6), below” to “subsection (e)(6) of this Section” |
726.202(e)(4)(C)(iii) |
Board |
Changed “subsection (e)(6)(A), below” to “subsection (e)(6)(A) of this Section” |
726.202(e)(4)(C)(iii) |
Board |
Changed “subsection (e)(6), below” to “subsection (e)(6) of this Section” |
726.202(e)(4)(C)(iv) |
Board |
Changed “subsection (e)(6), below” to “subsection (e)(6) of this Section” |
726.202(e)(4)(C)(v) |
Board |
Changed “subsection (e)(6), below” to “subsection (e)(6) of this Section” |
726.202(e)(4)(C)(vi) |
Board |
Changed “subsection (e)(6), below” to “subsection (e)(6) of this Section” |
726.202(e)(4)(C)(vii) |
Board |
Changed “subsection (e)(6), below” to “subsection (e)(6) of this Section” |
726.202(e)(5)(A)(i) |
Board |
Changed “subsection (e)(6), below” to “subsection (e)(6) of this Section” |
726.202(e)(5)(A)(ii) |
Board |
Changed “subsection (e)(6), below” to “subsection (e)(6) of this Section”; added the ending conjunction “and” |
726.202(e)(5)(B)(ii) |
Board |
Changed “subsection (e)(6), below” to “subsection (e)(6) of this Section” |
726.202(e)(5)(B)(iii) |
Board |
Changed “subsection (e)(6), below” to “subsection (e)(6) of this Section” |
726.202(e)(5)(B)(iv) |
Board |
Changed “subsection (e)(6), below” to “subsection (e)(6) of this Section” |
726.202(e)(6)(A) |
Board |
Changed “subsections (e)(2) through (e)(5), above” to “subsections (e)(2) through (e)(5) of this Section” |
726.202(e)(6)(A)(ii) |
Board |
Corrected “726.200(g)” to “726.200(i)” |
726.202(e)(6)(B) |
Board |
Corrected “726.200(g)” to “726.200(i)”; added a comma before “as prescribed” to offset a parenthetical; changed “subsection (e)(6)(A), above” to “subsection (e)(6)(A) of this Section”; added “the following requirements apply” offset by a comma |
726.202(e)(6)(B)(ii) |
Board |
Corrected “726.200(g)” to “726.200(i)” |
726.202(e)(6)(C) |
Board |
Changed “subsections (e)(6)(A) and (B), above” to “subsections (e)(6)(A) and (e)(6)(B) of this Section” |
726.202(e)(6)(B)(ii) |
Board |
Changed “pollutant(s)” to “pollutants” |
726.202(e)(7)(A) |
Board |
Changed “by” to “in one of the following ways” |
726.202(e)(7)(A)(i) |
Board |
Added “by” |
726.202(e)(7)(A)(ii) |
Board |
Added “by” |
726.202(e)(7)(A)(iii) |
Board |
Added “by” |
726.202(e)(7)(B) |
Board |
Added “the following requirements apply” offset by a comma |
726.202(e)(7)(B)(iii) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
726.202(e)(7)(C) |
Board |
Removed the unnecessary comma after “properties” that separated a two-element series |
726.202(e)(8)(A) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
726.202(e)(8)(A)(i) |
Board |
Added a comma after “fuels” to offset the final element of a series; removed the unnecessary comma after “feedstocks” that separated a two-element series; added a comma after “metals” to offset the final element of a series |
726.202(e)(8)(A)(ii) |
Board |
Added a comma after “HCs” to offset the final element of a series; changed “subsection (e)(2)(B), above” to “subsection (e)(2)(B) of this Section”; added a comma after “HC” to offset the final element of a series; added a comma after “operated” to offset the final element of a series; changed “Appendix I (“eye”)” to “Appendix I of this Part” |
726.202(e)(8)(A)(iii) |
Board |
Added a comma after “residues” to offset the final element of a series; added a comma after “726.206” to offset the final element of a series |
726.202(e)(8)(C) |
Board |
Added a comma after “emissions” to offset the final element of a series |
726.202(e)(8)(D) |
Board |
Changed numeric “7” to written “seven” |
726.202(e)(9) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
726.202(e)(10) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
726.202(e)(11) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; added a comma after “waters” to offset the final element of a series |
726.203 |
Board |
Added the conjunction “and” |
726.203(a)(1)(B) |
Board |
Changed “subsection (b) below” to “subsection (b) of this Section” |
726.203(a)(1)(C) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
726.203(a)(2) |
Board |
Corrected “Sections 726.200(b) or 726.208” to “Section 726.200(b) or 726.208” |
726.203(a)(3) |
Board |
Added a comma after “F026” to offset the final element of a series |
726.203(a)(4) |
Board |
Changed “owners and operators of BIFs that burn . . . are . . . are” to “and owner or operator of a BIF that burns . . . is . . . is”; added “which” for a subsequent restrictive relative clause |
726.203(a)(4)(A) |
Board |
Corrected “Subpart A of this Part” to “Subpart A of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 725” |
726.203(a)(4)(B) |
Board |
Corrected “Subpart B of this Part” to “Subpart B of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 725” |
726.203(a)(4)(C) |
Board |
Corrected “Subpart C of this Part” to “Subpart C of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 725” |
726.203(a)(4)(D) |
Board |
Corrected “Subpart D of this Part” to “Subpart D of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 725” |
726.203(a)(4)(E) |
Board |
Corrected “Subpart E of this Part” to “Subpart E of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 725” |
726.203(a)(4)(F) |
Board |
Corrected “Subpart G of this Part” to “Subpart G of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 725” |
726.203(a)(4)(G) |
Board |
Corrected “Subpart H of this Part” to “Subpart H of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 725”; added a comma after “725.243” to offset the final element of a series; changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 725.Subpart H” to “Subpart H of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 725” |
726.203(a)(4)(H) |
Board |
Corrected “Subpart BB of this Part” to “Subpart BB of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 725” |
726.203(a)(5) |
Board |
Changed “subsection (a)(5)(B) above” to “subsection (a)(5)(B) of this Section” |
726.203(a)(5)(A)(i) |
Board |
Changed “temperatures are” to “temperate is” |
726.203(a)(5)(A)(ii) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
726.203(a)(5)(A)(iv) |
Board |
Changed “subsection (c)(5) below” to “subsection (c)(5) of this Section”; changed “subsection (c) below” to “subsection (c) of this Section” |
726.203(a)(5)(B) |
Board |
Changed “these” to “the following” |
726.203(a)(5)(B)(i) |
Board |
Changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 721.Appendix H” to “Appendix H of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 721” |
726.203(a)(6) |
Board |
Changed “subsection (c) below” to “subsection (c) of this Section”; changed “owners and operators” to singular “an owner or operator”; changed “shall” to “must”; added “the following may occur” |
726.203(a)(6)(A) |
Board |
Removed the unnecessary ending conjunction “or” |
726.203(a)(6)(B) |
Board |
Removed the unnecessary ending conjunction “or” |
726.203(a)(6)(C) |
Board |
Removed the unnecessary comma after “that”; added “the following was true” |
726.203(a)(5)(C)(i) |
Board |
Changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 725.Subparts O or P” to “Subparts O or P of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 725”; removed the unnecessary ending conjunction “and” |
726.203(a)(5)(C)(ii) |
Board |
Changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 725.Subparts O or P” to “Subparts O or P of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 725” |
726.203(a)(7) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
726.203(b) |
Board |
Removed the former text and replaced it with explanatory language |
726.203(c) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” (twice); added the conjunction “and” before the final element of a series “726.207”; removed the unnecessary comma after “726.207 that separated a two-element series; changed “subsection (a)(5)(A)(iv) above” to “subsection (a)(5)(A)(iv) of this Section”; changed “subsection (c)(7) below” to “subsection (c)(7) of this Section”; changed “subsection (c)(4) below” to “subsection (c)(4) of this Section”; changed “subsection (c)(1) below” to “subsection (c)(1) of this Section” |
726.203(c)(1) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; changed “subsection (c)(4)(D) below” to “subsection (c)(4)(D) of this Section”; changed “Section 726.204(b) through (e), 726.205, . . .” to plural “Sections 726.204(b) through (e), 726.205, . . .”; added the conjunction “and” before the final element of a series “726.207” changed “subsection (a)(5)(A)(iv) above” to “subsection (a)(5)(A)(iv) of this Section” |
726.203(c)(1)(B)(i) |
Board |
Changed “that” to “which” for a subsequent restrictive relative clause; changed “subsection (c)(3)(B) below” to “subsection (c)(3)(B) of this Section”; changed “subsection 726.206(b) or (e)” to “subsection 726.206(b) or (e) of this Section” |
726.203(c)(1)(B)(i) Board note |
Board |
Changed “the above subsection” to “subsection (c)(1)(B)(i)” |
726.203(c)(1)(B)(iii) |
Board |
Corrected “subsection 726.206 (b) or (e)” to “Section 726.206(b) or (e)” |
726.203(c)(1)(C) |
Board |
Corrected “subsection 726.206(b)(1) or (e)” to “Section 726.206(b)(1) or (e)” |
726.203(c)(1)(F) |
Board |
Corrected “subsection 726.206(b)(1) or (e)” to “Section 726.206(b)(1) or (e)”; corrected “subsection 726.206(b) or (e)” to “Section 726.206(b) or (e)”; corrected “subsection 726.205” to “Section 726.205” |
726.203(c)(2) |
Board |
Changed “subsection (c)(3) below” to “subsection (c)(3) of this Section”; changed “shall” to “must” |
726.203(c)(2)(A)(ii) |
Board |
Added a comma after “number” to offset the final element of a series |
726.203(c)(2)(A)(iii) |
Board |
Added a comma after “address” to offset the final element of a series |
726.203(c)(2)(B) |
Board, JCAR |
Added a comma before “including” to offset a parenthetical; added “the following” |
726.203(c)(2)(B)(iv) |
Board |
Added “the following”; added a comma after “system” to offset the final element of a series; changed “subsection (c)(5) below” to “subsection (c)(5) of this Section” |
726.203(c)(2)(C)(ii) |
Board |
Changed “subsection (c)(1) above” to “subsection (c)(1) of this Section” |
726.203(c)(3)(A) |
Board |
Changed “subsection (b) above” to “subsection (b) of this Section”; changed “subsection (c)(2) above” to “subsection (c)(2) of this Section”; changed “shall” to “must” (twice) |
726.203(c)(3)(B) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
726.203(c)(3)(B)(i) |
Board |
Changed “Section 726.Appendix I” to “Appendix I to this Part”; removed the unnecessary ending conjunction “or” |
726.203(c)(3)(B)(ii) |
Board |
Changed numeric “6” to written “six”; changed “subsection (c)(1) above” to “subsection (c)(1) of this Section”; changed “Feed” to lower-case “feed”; changed “Total” to lower-case “total” (twice); added the conjunction “and” before the final element of a series “maximum production rate”; changed “Maximum” to lower-case “maximum” |
726.203(c)(3)(B)(iii) |
Board |
Changed “subsection (c)(1) above” to “subsection (c)(1) of this Section” |
726.203(c)(3)(C)(ii) |
Board |
Changed “subsections (c)(3)(B)(i) or (c)(3)(B)(ii) above” to singular “subsection (c)(3)(B)(i) or (c)(3)(B)(ii) of this Section” |
726.203(c)(3)(C)(ii) |
Board |
Changed “pollutant(s)” to “pollutants”; changed “subsection (c)(1) above” to “subsection (c)(1) of this Section” |
726.203(c)(4) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; changed commas to semicolons to separate the elements of a series that contains a sub-series (four times); changed “subsection (a)(5)(A)(iv) above” to “subsection (a)(5)(A)(iv) of this Section” |
726.203(c)(4)(A) |
Board |
Added a comma before “including” to offset a parenthetical; added “the following” |
726.203(c)(4)(A)(ii) |
Board |
Added a comma after “number” to offset the final element of a series |
726.203(c)(4)(A)(iii) |
Board |
Added a comma after “address” to offset the final element of a series |
726.203(c)(4)(A)(iv) |
Board |
Changed “date(s)” to “dates” |
726.203(c)(4)(A)(vii) |
Board |
Changed “subsection (c)(2) above” to “subsection (c)(2) of this Section” |
726.203(c)(4)(A)(viii) |
Board |
Changed “subsection (c)(2) above” to “subsection (c)(2) of this Section” |
726.203(c)(4)(B) |
Board, JCAR |
Added a comma before “including” to offset a parenthetical; added “the following” |
726.203(c)(4)(B)(i) |
Board |
Changed “purpose(s)” to “purposes”; added a comma after “gas” to offset the final element of a series |
726.203(c)(4)(B)(ii) |
Board |
Changed “Date” to lower-case “date”; changed “Duration” to lower-case “duration”; changed “Time-weighted” to lower-case “time-weighted” (four times); changed “Highest” to lower-case “highest”; changed “If” to lower-case “if”; corrected “726.200(g)” to “726.200(i)” |
726.203(c)(4)(C) |
Board |
Added a comma after “(c)” to offset the final element of a series” changed commas to semicolons to separate elements of a series that contains sub-series (three times); changed “subsection (b) above” to “subsection (b) of this Section” |
726.203(c)(4)(D) |
Board |
Changed “subsection (c)(1) above” to “subsection (c)(1) of this Section” |
726.203(c)(4)(D)(ii) |
Board |
Corrected “726.200(g)” to “726.200(i)” |
726.203(c)(4)(D)(iii) |
Board |
Added “as defined in Section 726.200(i)”in parentheses; changed “subsection (c)(4)(D)(ii) above” to “subsection (c)(4)(D)(ii) of this Section”; changed numeric “2” to written “two”; added “the following must occur” changed “The” to “lower-case “the” (twice); added “operating limit . . . each run; and the”; changed “is” to “are”; added “the rolling average . . . period”; corrected “726.200(g)” to “726.200(i)”; removed “and the operating limit for . . . each run” |
726.203(c)(4)(D)(iii) |
Board |
Added a comma after “chloride” to offset the final element of a series (twice); added a comma after “chlorine” to offset the final element of a series; changed “subsections (c)(4)(D)(i) through (c)(4)(D)(iii) above” to “subsections (c)(4)(D)(i) through (c)(4)(D)(iii) of this Section” |
726.203(c)(4)(E) certification statement |
Board |
Added a comma after “results” to offset the final element of a series; added a comma after “accurate” to offset the final element of a series |
726.203(c)(5) |
Board |
Changed “Sections 726.204(c) or subsection (a)(5)(A)(iv) above” to “Section 726.204(c) or subsection (a)(5)(A)(iv) of this Section”; changed “Section 726.Appendix I” to “Appendix I to this Part”; changed “subsection (c)(7) below” to “subsection (c)(7) of this Section” |
726.203(c)(6) |
Board |
Added “do the following” |
726.203(c)(6)(A) |
Board |
Changed “subsection (c)(3)(B)(i) above” to “subsection (c)(3)(B)(i) of this Section”; changed “Section 726.Appendix I” to “Appendix I to this Part” |
726.203(c)(6)(B) |
Board |
Changed “subsection (c)(3)(B)(ii) above” to “subsection (c)(3)(B)(ii) of this Section” |
726.203(c)(7)(A) |
Board |
Added a comma after “726.206” to offset the final element of a series; changed “shall” to “must”; added “do the following” |
726.203(c)(7)(A)(i) |
Board |
Changed “subsection (l) below” to “subsection (l) of this Section”; removed the unnecessary ending conjunction “or” |
726.203(c)(7)(A)(i) |
Board |
Changed “subsection (c)(7)(B) below” to “subsection (c)(7)(B) of this Section” |
726.203(c)(8)(A) |
Board |
Added a comma after “726.206” to offset the final element of a series |
726.203(c)(8)(B) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
726.203(c)(8)(B)(i) |
Board |
Added a comma after “number” to offset the final element of a series |
726.203(c)(8)(B)(iii) |
Board |
Added a comma after “726.206” to offset the final element of a series; changed “shall” to “must”; changed “subsection (b)(2) above” to “subsection (b)(2) of this Section” |
726.203(c)(8)(B)(iv) |
Board |
Added a comma after “726.206” to offset the final element of a series; changed “shall” to “must” (twice) |
726.203(c)(8)(C) |
Board |
Added a comma after “726.206” to offset the final element of a series; changed “shall” to “must” (twice) |
726.203(c)(8)(D) |
Board |
Change “subsection (c)(4) above” to “subsection (c)(4) of this Section” |
726.203(d) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” (twice); changed “subsection (c) above” to “subsection (c) of this Section”; changed “subsection (c)(8) above” to “subsection (c)(8) of this Section” |
726.203(e) |
Board |
Added a comma after “(c)” to offset the final element of a series; changed “subsections (b), (c) and (d) above” to “subsections (b), (c), and (d) of this Section”; changed “subsection (l) below” to “subsection (l) of this Section” |
726.203(g) |
Board |
Changed “subsection (c)(3) above” to “subsection (c)(3) of this Section”; changed “subsection (c) above” to “subsection (c) of this Section”; changed “subsections (c)(1)(A) and (c)(1)(E) through (c)(1)(M) above” to “subsections (c)(1)(A) and (c)(1)(E) through (c)(1)(M) of this Section”; added “the following must occur” offset by a comma |
726.203(g)(1) |
Board |
Added “of the following” |
726.203(h) |
Board |
Changed “by” to “as follows” |
726.203(h)(1) |
Board |
Added “by” |
726.203(h)(2) |
Board |
Added “by” |
726.203(h)(3) |
Board |
Added “by” |
726.203(j)(1) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
726.203(j)(1)(A) |
Board |
Added a comma after “fuels” to offset the final element of a series; removed the unnecessary comma after “stocks” that separated a two-element series |
726.203(j)(1)(B) |
Board |
Added a comma after “oxygen” to offset the final element of a series; removed the unnecessary comma before “on” that separated a prepositional phrase; added a comma after “HC” to offset the final element of a series; added a comma after “operated” to offset the final element of a series; changed “Section 726.Appendix I” to “Appendix I to this Part” |
726.203(j)(1)(C) |
Board |
Added a comma after “726.206” to offset the final element of a series |
726.203(j)(2) |
Board |
Added a comma after “emissions” to offset the final element of a series |
726.203(j)(3) |
Board |
Changed numeric “7” to written “seven” |
726.203(k) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
726.203(l) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” (twice) |
726.204(a)(1) |
Board |
Changed “where” to capitalized “Where” |
726.204(a)(2) |
Board |
Changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 721.Appendix H” to capitalized “Appendix H to 35 Ill. Adm. Code 721” (twice) |
726.204(a)(3) |
Board |
Added a comma after “F026” to offset the final element of a series (twice); added a comma after “penta-“ to offset the final element of a series; changed “shall” to “must”; changed “Hazardous Waste Nos. ” to lower-case “hazardous waste numbers” |
726.204(b)(1) |
Board |
Changed numeric “7” to written “seven” |
726.204(b)(2) |
Board |
Changed “Section 726.Appendix I” to “Appendix I to this Part” |
726.204(c)(2) |
Board |
Changed numeric “7” to written “seven” |
726.204(c)(3) |
Board |
Changed “Section 726.Appendix I” to “Appendix I to this Part” |
726.204(c)(4) |
Board |
Changed numeric “7” to written “seven” |
726.204(e) |
Board, JCAR |
Added the degree symbol to “450º”; changed “shall” to “must” |
726.204(e)(2) |
Board |
Changed “Section 726.Appendix I” to “Appendix I to this Part” |
726.204(e)(3) |
Board |
Moved a comma inside the closing quotation mark after “procedure” |
726.204(e)(4) |
Board |
Changed “Section 726.Appendix E” to “Appendix E to this Part”; corrected “2.2´10-7” to “2.2 ´ 10-7” |
726.204(f) |
Board |
Added a comma after “(c)” to offset the final element of a series; added “the following conditions are fulfilled” |
726.205 heading |
Board |
Changed “control” to capitalized “Control” |
726.205(a) |
Board |
Changed “cu m” to “m3”; changed “numeric “7%” to “seven percent” |
726.205(c)(1) |
Board |
Added “following” |
726.205(c)(1) |
Board |
Changed “this Subpart” to “this Subpart H” |
726.205(d) |
Board |
Changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 703.270 et seq.” to “35 Ill. Adm. Code 703.270 through 703.273” |
726.206(a) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; added a comma after “(a)” to offset the final element of a series |
726.206(b) |
Board |
Changed “Section 726.Appendix A” to “Appendix A to this Part” |
726.206(b)(1) |
Board |
Added a comma after “fuels” to offset the final element of a series; changed “Section 726.Appendix A” to “Appendix A to this Part” |
726.206(b)(1)(A) |
Board |
Added a comma after “thallium” to offset the final element of a series; added “of the following” |
726.206(b)(1)(A)(i) |
Board |
Added a comma before “as defined” to offset a parenthetical |
726.206(b)(1)(B)(i) |
Board |
Added a comma before “as defined” to offset a parenthetical |
726.206(b)(1)(B)(ii) |
Board |
Added a comma before “as defined” to offset a parenthetical |
726.206(b)(2)(A) |
Board |
Added a comma after “fuels” to offset the final element of a series; changed “Section 726.Appendix A” to “Appendix A to this Part” (three times); capitalized “where”; moved a comma inside the closing quotation mark after “i”; moved a period inside the closing quotation mark after “i” (twice) |
726.206(b)(2)(B)(ii) |
Board |
Changed numeric “2” to written “two” |
726.206(b)(3)(A) |
Board |
Capitalized “where”; changed “Section 726.Appendix F” to “Appendix F to this Part” |
726.206(b)(3)(B) |
Board |
Corrected “726.200(g)” to “726.200(i)” |
726.206(b)(3)(C) |
Board |
Changed “Sections 726.Appendix A through 726.Appendix C” to “Appendix A through 726.Appendix C to this Part” |
726.206(b)(5) |
Board |
Changed “Section 726.Appendix I or Section 726.Appendix J” to “Appendix I or Appendix J to this Part”; changed “shall” to “must” |
726.206(b)(6) |
Board |
Corrected and changed “owers and operators of facilities” to singular “an owner or operator of a facility”; added a comma after “incinerator” to offset the final element of a series; changed “shall” to “must”; changed “m3/sec” to “m3/sec” |
726.206(b)(7) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
726.206(c) |
Board |
Changed “Sections 726.Appendix A” to “Appendix A to this Part” |
726.206(c)(1) |
Board |
Changed “Sections 726.Appendix A” to “Appendix A to this Part” |
726.206(c)(2) |
Board |
Changed “Sections 726.Appendix A” to “Appendix A to this Part” (three times); changed “where” to capitalized “Where”; moved a comma inside the closing quotation mark after “i”; moved a period inside the closing quotation mark after “i” (twice) |
726.206(c)(4) |
Board |
Added a comma after “land use” to offset the final element of a series |
726.206(c)(5)(A) |
Board |
Changed “owners and operators of facilities” to singular “an owner or operator of a facility”; added a comma after “incinerator” to offset the final element of a series; changed “shall” to “must” |
726.206(d) |
Board |
Changed “this subsection” to singular “this subsection (d)” |
726.206(d)(2) |
Board |
Changed “Sections 726.Appendix D and 726.Appendix E” to “Appendix D and Appendix E to this Part”; changed “this Subpart” to “this Subpart H”; added a comma before “as described” to offset a parenthetical |
726.206(d)(3) |
Board |
Changed “where” to capitalized “Where”; moved a comma inside the closing quotation mark after “i” |
726.206(d)(5) |
Board |
Added a comma after “incinerator” to offset the final element of a series; changed “shall” to “must”; corrected the spelling of “exceedance” to “exceedence” |
726.206(e) |
Board |
Changed “Section 726.Appendix A” to “Appendix A to this Part”; changed “Sections 726.Appendix D and 726.Appendix E” to “Appendix A to Appendix E to this Part” |
726.206(f)(1) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
726.206(f)(2)(A) |
Board |
Changed “Section 726.Appendix D” to “Appendix D to this Part” |
726.206(f)(2)(B) |
Board |
Added “the following methods” |
726.206(f)(2)(B)(i) |
Board |
Added “by”; changed “Section 726.Appendix E” to “Appendix E to this Part” |
726.206(f)(2)(B)(ii) |
Board |
Added “by” |
726.206(h) |
Board |
Changed “Section 726.Appendix I” to “Appendix I to this Part” |
726.206(i) |
Board |
Changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 703.270 et seq.” to “35 Ill. Adm. Code 703.270 through 703.273” |
726.207(a) |
Board, JCAR |
Changed “shall” to “must”; corrected “subsections” to singular “subsection”; changed “subsections (b), (c) or (e), below” to “subsections (b), (c), or (e) of this Section” |
726.207(b)(1) |
Board |
Changed “Section 726.Appendix B” to “Appendix B to this Part”; added a comma after “fuels” to offset the final element of a series |
726.207(b)(2) |
Board |
Changed “Section 726.Appendix C” to “Appendix C to this Part” |
726.207(b)(3) |
Board, JCAR |
Corrected “Section” to plural “Sections”; corrected “726.200(g)” to “726.200(i)”; added a comma after “land use” to offset the final element of a series |
726.207(b)(4) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
726.207(c)(2) |
Board |
Changed “Section 726.Appendix D” to “Appendix D to this Part”; changed “cu m” to “m3” (twice) |
726.207(c)(3) |
Board |
Added a comma after “incinerator” to offset the final element of a series”; changed “shall” to “must”; corrected the spelling of “exceedance” to “exceedence” |
726.207(d) |
Board |
Added a comma after “incinerator” to offset the final element of a series; added “of the following” |
726.207(d)(1) |
Board |
Added a comma before “as defined” to offset a parenthetical; changed “Section” to plural “Sections”; corrected “726.200(g)” to “726.200(i)” |
726.207(e) |
Board |
Changed “Section 726.Appendix B” to “Appendix B to this Part”; changed “Section 726.Appendix D” to “Appendix D to this Part” |
726.207(h) |
Board |
Changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 703.270 et seq.” to “35 Ill. Adm. Code 703.270 through 703.273” |
726.208 heading |
Board |
Changed “quantity On-site” to capitalized “Quantity On-Site” |
726.208(a) |
Board |
Changed “owners and operators for facilities that burn . . . are” to “an owner or operator of a facility that burns . . . is” |
726.208(a)(1) |
Board |
Added a comma before “as defined” to offset a parenthetical; changed “Section” to plural “Sections”; corrected “726.200(g)” to “726.200(i)” |
726.208(a)(2) |
Board |
Changed numeric “1” to “one” |
726.208(a)(4) |
Board |
Changed “USEPA Hazardous Waste Nos.” to lower-case “USEPA hazardous waste numbers”; added a comma after “F026” to offset the final element of a series |
726.208(b) |
Board |
Changed “subsection (a), above” to “subsection (a) of this Section” |
726.208(c) |
Board, JCAR |
Changed “subsection (a)(1), above” to “subsection (a)(1) of this Section”; changed the equation to standard scientific format; changed “where” to capitalized “Where”; changed “SUM(Xi)” to standard scientific format “Σ (Ci/Li)”; changed “means” to the symbol “=”; changed “Ci” to “Ci”; moved the period inside the closing quotation mark after “i”; changed “Li” to “Li” |
726.208(d) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
726.208(e) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
726.209 heading |
Board |
Changed “risk waste” to capitalized “Risk Waste” |
726.209(a) |
Board |
Changed “subsection (a)(1), below” to “subsection (a)(1) of this Section”; changed “subsection (a)(2), below” to “subsection (a)(2) of this Section” |
726.209(a)(1) |
Board |
Added a comma after “tall oil” to offset the final element of a series |
726.209(a)(2)(A) |
Board |
Changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 721.Appendix H” to “Appendix H to 35 Ill. Adm. Code 721” |
726.209(a)(2)(B) |
Board |
Changed “subsection (a)(2)(A), above” to “subsection (a)(2)(A) of this Section” |
726.209(a)(2)(C) |
Board |
Changed “subsection (a)(2)(A), above” to “subsection (a)(2)(A) of this Section” |
726.209(a)(2)(C)(ii) |
Board |
Changed “owners and operators of facilities” to “an owner or operator of a facility”; changed “shall” to “must”; changed “this subsection” to “this subsection (a)(2)” |
726.209(a)(2)(D) |
Board |
Changed “subsection (a)(2)(C), above” to “subsection (a)(2)(C) of this Section” |
726.209(a)(2)(D)(ii) |
Board |
Changed the equation to standard scientific format; changed “where” to capitalized “Where”; changed “SUM(Xi)” to standard scientific format “Σ (Ai/Li)”; changed “Ai” to “Ai”; moved the period inside the closing quotation mark after “i”; changed “Li” to “Li” |
726.209(a)(2)(D)(iii) |
Board, JCAR |
Changed “ug/cu m” to “μg/m3” |
726.209(b) |
Board |
Added “the following occur” |
726.209(b) |
Board |
Changed “subsection (a), above” to “subsection (a) of this Section” |
726.210 heading |
Board |
Changed “trial burn” to capitalized “Trial Burn” |
726.210 preamble |
Board |
Changed “USEPA Hazardous Waste Nos.” to lower-case “USEPA hazardous waste numbers”; added a comma after “F026” to offset the final element of a series |
726.210(a) |
Board |
Added a comma after “tall oil” to offset the final element of a series |
726.210(c) |
Board |
Changed “as-fired” to non-hyphenated “as fired” |
726.210(f)(1) |
Board |
Changed “as-fired” to non-hyphenated “as fired” |
726.210(f)(2) |
Board |
Changed “70%” to “70 percent” (twice) |
726.211 heading |
Board |
Changed “direct” to capitalized “Direct” |
726.211(a) |
Board |
Changed “Sections 726.202 or 726.203” to singular “Section 726.202 or 726.203” |
726.211(b)(1) |
Board, JCAR |
Changed “the following terms have the meanings given below” to “terms have the following meanings” |
726.211(b)(1) “direct transfer equipment” |
Board |
Added quotation marks to the defined term |
726.211(b)(1) “container” |
Board |
Added quotation marks to the defined term; added a comma after “treated” to offset the final element of a series; added a comma after “tanker-trailers” to offset the final element of a series |
726.211(b)(2) |
Board |
Changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 724 and 725.Subparts I and J” to “Subparts I and J of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 724 and Subparts I and J of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 725”; added a comma before “as defined” to offset a parenthetical; changed “subsection (b)(1), above” to “subsection (b)(1), above” |
726.211(c)(2) |
Board |
Added a comma after “handled” to offset the final element of a series |
726.211(c)(3) |
Board |
Added “do any of the following” |
726.211(c)(3)(A) |
Board |
Added a comma after “explosion” to offset the final element of a series |
726.211(c)(3)(B) |
Board |
Added a comma after “explosion” to offset the final element of a series |
726.211(c)(4) |
Board |
Added a comma after “corrode” to offset the final element of a series |
726.211(c)(5) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; added “the following” |
726.211(c)(5)(A) |
Board |
Added “etc.” as the final element of a continuing series offset by a comma |
726.211(d) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; added “the following” |
726.211(d)(2) |
Board |
Changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 725.Subpart I” to “Subpart I of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 725”; added a comma after “alleys” to offset the final element of a series; added a comma before “as required” to offset a parenthetical; changed “shall” to “must” |
726.211(e)(1) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; removed the space before the punctuation after “725.293”; added a comma after “(e)” to offset the final element of a series; added a comma before “as follows” to offset a parenthetical |
726.211(e)(2)(A) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” (twice) |
726.211(e)(2)(B) |
Board |
Changed “waste(s)” to “wastes” |
726.211(e)(2)(B)(i) |
Board |
Changed “standard(s)” to “standards” |
726.211(e)(2)(B)(ii) |
Board |
Changed “waste(s)” to “wastes” |
726.211(e)(2)(C) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
726.211(e)(3)(A) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
726.211(e)(3)(A)(i) |
Board |
Added a comma after “bypass systems” to offset the final element of a series |
726.211(e)(3)(A)(ii) |
Board |
Added a comma after “erosion” to offset the final element of a series; added “etc.” as the final element of a continuing series offset by a comma |
726.211(e)(3)(B) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; changed the ending semicolon to a period |
726.211(e)(3)(C) |
Board |
Changed numeric “3” to written “three” |
726.211(e)(4) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
726.211(e)(5) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
726.211(e)(6) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
726.212 preamble |
Board |
Added a comma after “unless” to offset a parenthetical |
726.212(a)(1) |
Board |
Changed “50%” to “50 percent” |
726.212(a)(2) |
Board |
Changed “50%” to “50 percent” |
726.212(a)(3) |
Board |
Changed “50%” to “50 percent” |
726.212(b)(1) |
Board |
Changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 721.Appendix H” to “Appendix H to 35 Ill. Adm. Code 721” (twice); moved a comma inside the closing quotation mark after “Methods”; removed the unnecessary parenthetical abbreviation “D/F” |
726.212(b)(1)(A) |
Board |
Changed “95%” to “95 percent” (twice); changed “shall” to “must” (twice) |
726.212(b)(1)(B) |
Board |
Moved a period inside the closing quotation mark after “waste” |
726.212(b)(2)(A) |
Board |
Moved a comma inside the closing quotation mark after “Methods” (twice); changed “728.Table B” to “Table B to 35 Ill. Adm. Code 728” |
726.212(b)(2)(A) Board note |
Board |
Updated the Code of Federal Regulations citation to the latest edition available |
726.212(c)(1) |
Board |
Changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 721.Appendix H” to “Appendix H to 35 Ill. Adm. Code 721” |
726.212(c)(2)(A) |
Board |
Changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 721.Appendix H” to “Appendix H to 35 Ill. Adm. Code 721” |
726.219 preamble |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
726.219(b)(1) |
Board |
Added “do the following” |
726.219 Board note |
Board |
Updated the Code of Federal Regulations citation to the latest edition available |
726.300(a) |
Board |
Changed “this subpart” to “this subpart M” |
726.301 “chemical agents” |
Board, JCAR |
Changed “U.S.C.” to “USC”; removed the unnecessary date from the United States Code citation |
726.302(c) |
Changed “the following activities occurs” to “the following occurs” |
726.302(d) |
Board, JCAR |
Changed “U.S.C.” to “USC” (four times); removed the unnecessary date from the United States Code citation (four times); changed “shall” to “must” (twice) |
726.303(a)(1)(D) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” (twice) |
726.303(a)(2) |
Board |
Changed “within 45 days of” to “within 45 days after”; changed “shall” to “must” |
726.303(a)(3) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
726.303(b)(2) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” (four times) |
726.303(b)(3) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
726.303(b)(4) |
Corrected the spelling of “Ageny’s” to “Agency’s” |
726.303(c) Board note |
Board |
Added “corresponding federal provision”; changed “shall” to “must” |
726.304 |
Board |
Removed the unnecessary comma after “703.121(c)(3)” that separated a two-element series; added commas before and after “alternatively” to offset it as a parenthetical |
726.305(a)(1)(D) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
726.305(a)(1)(E) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” (twice) |
726.305(a)(1)(F) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” (three times) |
726.305(a)(2) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
726.305(b) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
726.305(c)(2) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” (three times) |
726.305(c)(3) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
726.305(d)(1) |
Board, JCAR |
Changed “that” to “which” for a subsequent restrictive relative clause; added “which” before “are listed” for a subsequent restrictive relative clause; changed “shall be” to “are” |
726.305(e) Board note |
Board |
Added “corresponding federal provision”; changed “shall” to “must” |
726.310 “eligible . . . material” Board note |
Board |
Changed “Subchapter b and d” to plural “Subchapters b and d” |
726.310 “naturally . . . material” Board note |
Board |
Changed “Subchapter b and d” to plural “Subchapters b and d” |
726.340(a)(1) |
Board |
Added “the following” |
726.345(b) |
Board |
Added the Illinois Compiled Statutes citation “415 ILCS 5/39” in brackets; added the Illinois Compiled Statutes citation “415 ILCS 5/40” in brackets |
726.360 |
Board |
Changed “this subpart N” to capitalized “this Subpart N” |
726.420 |
Board |
Changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 728.Subpart D” to “Subpart D of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 728” |
726.455(a)(2) |
Board |
Changed numeric “5” to written “five” |
726.460(b) |
Board |
Added the Illinois Compiled Statutes citation “415 ILCS 5/39” in brackets; added the Illinois Compiled Statutes citation “415 ILCS 5/40” in brackets |
726.Appendix A “I-D” |
Board |
Corrected the placement of the column heading “values for use in urban areas” and “values for use in rural areas” over the columns |
726.Appendix D Board note |
Board |
Changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 721.Appendix H” to “Appendix H to 35 Ill. Adm. Code 721”; changed “cu m” to “m3” (twice) |
726.Appendix E heading |
Board |
Changed “risk specific” to hyphenated “risk-specific” |
726.Appendix F |
Board |
Changed “cu m” to “m3” |
726.Appendix G note 1 |
Board |
Changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 721.Appendix H” to “Appendix H to 35 Ill. Adm. Code 721”; corrected “0.002 mg/kg (0.000002 mg/kg)” to “2 ´ 10-6 mg/kg (0.000002 mg/kg or 0.002 µg/kg)” |
726.Appendix G note 2 |
Board |
Changed “728.Table B” to “Table B to 35 Ill. Adm. Code 728” |
726.Appendix G “diethylstilbesterol” |
Board |
Corrected “0.000000” to “0.0000001” |
726.Appendix G “ethylene dibromide” |
Board |
Corrected “0.000000” to “0.0000001” |
726.Appendix G “hexachlorodibenzo-p-dioxins” |
Board |
Corrected “0.0000000” to “0.0000001” |
726.Appendix G “N-nitroso-N-methylurea” |
Board |
Corrected “0.000000” to “0.0000001” |
726.Appendix I |
Board |
Moved a period inside the ending quotation marks after “Regulations”; removed the unnecessary date from the Code of Federal Regulations citation |
726.Appendix J |
Board |
Moved a period inside the ending quotation marks after “Regulations”; removed the unnecessary Federal Register citation from the Code of Federal Regulations citation; changed “which is incorporated by reference” to “incorporated by reference in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 720.111” |
726.Appendix K heading |
Board |
Changed “That” to lower-case “that” |
726.Appendix K(a) |
Board |
Changed “Lead-Bearing Materials When Generated or Originally Produced By Lead-Associated Industries” to lower-case “lead-bearing materials when generated or originally produced by lead-associated industries” |
726.Appendix K(a) Board note |
Added a comma after “e.g.” |
726.Appendix K(a) “clothing” |
JCAR, Board |
Added a comma after “e.g.”; removed the extra comma after “hats” |
726.Appendix K(a) “waste shipping containers” |
JCAR, Board |
Added a comma after “e.g.”; added a comma after “cartons” to separate elements of a series |
726.Appendix K(a) “emission control dusts . . .” |
Added a comma after “e.g.” |
726.Appendix K(b) |
Board |
Changed “Lead-Bearing Materials When Generated or Originally Produced By Any Industry” to lower-case “lead-bearing materials when generated or originally produced by any industry” |
726.Appendix L heading |
Board |
Changed “may” to capitalized “May” |
726.Appendix L(a) |
Board |
Changed “Nickel or chromium-Bearing Materials when Generated by Manufacturers or Users of Nickel, Chromium or Iron” to lower-case “nickel or chromium-bearing materials when generated by manufacturers or users of nickel, chromium or iron” |
726.Appendix L(a) |
Board |
Changed “Nickel or chromium-Bearing Materials when Generated by Any industry” to lower-case “nickel or chromium-bearing materials when generated by any industry”; changed “and/or” to “or” (twice) |
726.Appendix M heading |
Changed “That” to lower-case “that” |
726.Appendix M |
Board |
Changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 721.Appendix H” to “Appendix H to 35 Ill. Adm. Code 721” |
728 table of contents, Section 728.105 listing |
Board |
Changed “case-by-case” to capitalized “Case-by-Case” |
728 table of contents, Section 728.114 listing |
Board |
Changed “exemptions” to capitalized “Exemptions” |
728 table of contents, Section 728.130 listing |
Board, JCAR |
Changed “waste specific” to hyphenated “waste-specific”; changed the em-dash to a colon |
728 table of contents, Section 728.131 listing |
Board, JCAR |
Changed “waste specific” to hyphenated “waste-specific”; changed the em-dash to a colon |
728 table of contents, Section 728.132 listing |
Board, JCAR |
Changed “waste specific” to hyphenated “waste-specific”; changed the em-dash to a colon |
728 table of contents, Section 728.133 listing |
Board |
Changed the em-dash to a colon |
728 table of contents, Section 728.134 listing |
Board |
Changed the em-dash to a colon |
728 table of contents, Section 728.135 listing |
Board, JCAR |
Changed “waste specific” to hyphenated “waste-specific”; changed the em-dash to a colon |
728 table of contents, Section 728.136 listing |
Board, JCAR |
Changed “waste specific” to hyphenated “waste-specific”; changed the em-dash to a colon |
728 table of contents, Section 728.137 listing |
Board, JCAR |
Changed “waste specific” to hyphenated “waste-specific”; changed the em-dash to a colon |
728 table of contents, Appendix A listing |
Changed “728.Appendix A” to “Appendix A” |
728 table of contents, Appendix B listing |
Changed “728.Appendix B” to “Appendix B” |
728 table of contents, Appendix C listing |
Changed “728.Appendix C” to “Appendix C” |
728 table of contents, Appendix D listing |
Changed “728.Appendix D” to “Appendix A” |
728 table of contents, Appendix E listing |
Changed “728.Appendix E” to “Appendix E” |
728 table of contents, Appendix F listing |
Changed “728.Appendix F” to “Appendix F” |
728 table of contents, Appendix G listing |
Changed “728.Appendix G” to “Appendix G” |
728 table of contents, Appendix H listing |
Changed “728.Appendix H” to “Appendix H” |
728 table of contents, Appendix I listing |
Changed “728.Appendix I” to “Appendix I” |
728 table of contents, Appendix J listing |
Changed “728.Appendix J” to “Appendix J” |
728 table of contents, 728.Appendix K listing |
Board |
Changed “728.Appendix K” to “Appendix K”; changed “metal bearing” to hyphenated “metal-bearing”; changed “From” to lower-case “from” |
728 table of contents, Table A listing |
Changed “728.Table A” to “Table A” |
728 table of contents, Table B listing |
Changed “728.Table B” to “Table B” |
728 table of contents, Table C listing |
Changed “728.Table C” to “Table C” |
728 table of contents, Table D listing |
Changed “728.Table D” to “Table D” |
728 table of contents, Table E listing |
Changed “728.Table E” to “Table E” |
728 table of contents, Table F listing |
Changed “728.Table F” to “Table F” |
728 table of contents, Table G listing |
Changed “728.Table G” to “Table G” |
728 table of contents, Table H listing |
Changed “728.Table H” to “Table H” |
728 table of contents, Table I listing |
Changed “728.Table I” to “Table I” |
728 table of contents, Table T listing |
Changed “728.Table T” to “Table T” |
728 table of contents, Table U listing |
Changed “728.Table U” to “Table U” |
728 source note “R90-11” |
Added “in R90-11” |
728 source note “R95-20” |
Added “effective” |
728.101(c)(1) |
Board |
Changed “persons have” to singular “a person has”; changed “Subpart C” to “Subpart C of this Part” |
728.101(c)(2) |
Board |
Changed “persons have” to singular “a person has” |
728.101(c)(3) |
Board |
Changed “that” to singular “which” for a subsequent restrictive relative; changed “ if the waste” to “if the following is true of the waste” |
728.101(c)(3)(A) |
Board |
Added “the waste” |
728.101(c)(3)(B) |
Board |
Added “the waste”; changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 721.Subpart C” to “Subpart C of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 721” |
728.101(c)(4)(A)(i) |
Board |
Changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause |
728.101(d) |
Board |
Corrected the citation “42 USC §§ 9601 et seq.” to “42 USC 9621(d)(4)” |
728.101(g) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
728.102 “hazardous constituent” |
Board |
Changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 721.Appendix H” to “Appendix H to 35 Ill. Adm. Code 721” |
728.102 “hazardous debris” |
Board |
Changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 721.Appendix D” to “Appendix D to 35 Ill. Adm. Code 721”; changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 721.Appendix C” to “Appendix C to 35 Ill. Adm. Code 721” |
728.102 “RCRA corrective action” |
Board |
Removed the unnecessary date from the Code of Federal Regulations citation (twice) |
728.102 “underlying hazardous constituent” |
Board |
Moved a comma inside the closing quotation mark after “(UTS)” |
728.102 “wastewaters” |
Board |
Changed numeric “1” to written “one” (twice) |
728.103(a) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; added the United States Code citation in parentheses |
728.103(b) |
Board |
Added “or” before “that treats” to link the final element of a series; added a comma before “unless” to offset the final element of a series |
728.103(c) |
Board |
Changed “Section 728.Appendix J” to “Appendix J to this Part” |
728.104(a) |
Board |
Changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause |
728.104(a)(2)(B) |
Board |
Changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause (twice) |
728.104(a)(3) |
Board |
Changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 724.Subpart F” to “Subpart F of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 724” |
728.104(a)(3)(C) |
Board |
Changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 106” to “Subpart D of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 104”; changed “shall” to “must”; added a comma after “designed” to offset the final element of a series |
728.104(a)(3)(C) |
Board |
Added a comma after “accurate” to offset the final element of a series |
Section 728.105 heading |
Board |
Changed “case-by-case” to capitalized “Case-by-Case” |
728.105(a) |
Board |
Updated the Code of Federal Regulations citation to the latest version available |
728.105(a) |
Board |
Changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause |
728.106(a) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
728.106(a)(3) |
Board |
Added a comma after “soil” to offset the final element of a series |
728.106(a)(4) |
Board |
Changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause |
728.106(a)(6) |
Board |
Added a comma after “state” to offset the final element of a series |
728.106(b) |
Board |
Changed “subsection (a)” to “subsection (a) of this Section” |
728.106(b)(4) |
Board |
Changed the ending punctuation from a period to a semicolon |
728.106(b)(5) |
Board |
Added a comma after “droughts” to offset the final element of a series |
728.106(c) |
Board |
Changed “subsection (a)” to “subsection (a) of this Section” |
728.106(c)(2) |
Board |
Changed “subsection (c)(1)” to “subsection (c)(1) of this Section” |
728.106(c)(3) |
Board, JCAR |
Changed “subsection (c)(1)” to “subsection (c)(1) of this Section”; changed the ending punctuation from a comma to a period and removed the ending conjunction “and” |
728.106(c)(4) |
Board |
Changed “subsection (c)(1)” to “subsection (c)(1) of this Section” |
728.106(c)(5) |
Board |
Changed “subsection (c)(1)” to “subsection (c)(1) of this Section” |
728.106(c)(5)(A) |
Board |
Added a comma after “testing” to offset the final element of a series; changed the ending punctuation from a period to a semicolon |
728.106(c)(5)(B) |
Board |
Changed the ending punctuation from a period to a semicolon; added the ending conjunction “and” |
728.106(d) |
Board |
Changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 106. Subpart G” to “Subpart D of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 104” |
728.106(e) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
728.106(e)(1) |
Board |
Added a comma after “testing” to offset the final element of a series; changed “shall” to “must”; changed “shall . . . either” to “must do the following” |
728.106(e)(1)(A) |
Board |
Removed the unnecessary comma after the ending conjunction “or” |
728.106(e)(2) |
Board, JCAR |
Changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause; changed “within 10 days of” to “within 10 days after”; changed “shall” to “must” |
728.106(f) |
Board |
Changed “constituent(s)” to “constituents”; changed “shall” to “must” |
728.106(f)(2) |
Changed “within 10 days of” to “within 10 days after” |
728.106(f)(3) |
Changed “within 60 days of” to “within 60 days after” |
728.106(g) certification |
Board |
Added a comma after “accurate” to offset the final element of a series |
728.106(j) |
Board |
Added a comma before “as provided” to offset a parenthetical; changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 106.Subpart G” to “Subpart D of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 104” |
728.106(k) |
Board |
Changed “subsection (g)” to “subsection (g) of this Section” |
728.106(l) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
728.106(e)(1) |
Board |
Added a comma after “703” to offset the final element of a series |
728.107(a) |
Board |
Changed the ending punctuation from a colon to a period |
728.107(a)(1) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” (twice) |
728.107(a)(2) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” (twice) |
728.107(a)(3) |
Board |
Added “the waste generator must do the following” offset with a comma |
728.107(a)(3)(A) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
728.107(a)(3)(A) certification |
Board |
Changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 728.Subpart D” to “Subpart D of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 728” |
728.107(a)(3)(C) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
728.107(a)(4) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” (twice) |
728.107(a)(5) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
728.107(a)(7) |
Board |
Changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause; changed “shall” to “must” |
728.107(a)(8) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; changed “three year” to hyphenated “three-year” |
728.107(a)(9) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
728.107(a)(9)(A) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
728.107(a)(9)(A) certification |
Board |
Changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 728.Subpart D” to “Subpart D of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 728” |
728.107(a)(9)(D) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
728.107(a)(10) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” (twice) |
728.107(b) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
728.107(b)(1) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
728.107(b)(2) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
728.107(b)(3)(A) |
Board |
Changed “the requirements indicated in the following table” to “the following requirements”; removed the table by placing the information from the table in subsection format |
728.107(b)(3)(B)(iii) |
Removed the unnecessary ending period (leaving the proposed semicolon) |
728.107(b)(4) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; added “as follows” |
728.107(b)(4)(C) |
Board |
Changed “the following” to “as follows” |
728.107(b)(4)(C) certification |
Board |
Changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 728.Table C” to “Table C to 35 Ill. Adm. Code 728” |
728.107(b)(4)(D) |
Board |
Added a comma before “as defined” to offset a parenthetical; changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 728.102(i)” to “Section 728.102(i)” changed “the following” to “as follows” |
728.107(b)(4)(E) |
Board |
Added a commas before and after “as defined in Section 728.102(i)” to offset it as a parenthetical; changed “the following” to “as follows” |
728.107(b)(5) |
Board |
Changed “sending’ to “that sends” to create a restrictive relative clause |
728.107(b)(6) |
Board |
Changed “shall’ to “must” (twice) |
728.107(c) |
Board |
Added “do the following” |
728.107(c)(3) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
728.107(d)(3) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
728.107(c)(3)(C) |
Board |
Changed “the following” to “as follows” |
728.107(e) |
Board |
Changed “generators and treaters . . . determine” to “a generator or treater . . . determines”; changed shall” to “must” |
728.109(a) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” (twice); changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 721.Subpart D” to “Subpart D of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 721”; changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 721.Subpart C” to “Subpart C of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 721”; changed “Section 728.Table C” to “Table C to this Part” |
728.109(b) |
Board |
Changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 721.Subpart D” to “Subpart D of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 721” (twice); changed “characteristic” to “characteristic of hazardous waste”; changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 721.Subpart C” to “Subpart C of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 721” (twice) |
728.109(c) |
Board |
Changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 721.Subpart C” to “Subpart C of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 721”; changed “shall” to “must”, added a comma before “unless” to offset a parenthetical |
728.109(d) |
Board |
Changed “characteristic” to “characteristic of hazardous waste under Subpart C of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 721” |
728.109(d)(3) |
Board |
Changed “Sections 728.148 and 728.Table U” to “Section 728.148 and Table U to this Part” |
728.109(e) |
Board |
Changed “Sections 728.148 and 728.Table D” to “Section 728.148 and Table D to this Part”; changed numeric “5” to written “five” |
728.113 |
Board |
Replaced an incorporation of the corresponding federal provision by reference with an explanation of the content of that non-mandatory provision |
728.114 heading |
Board |
Changed “exemptions” to capitalized “Exemptions” |
728.114(b) |
Board, JCAR |
Changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause; changed “U.S.C. §” to “USC” (twice); removed the unnecessary comma after “1984” that separated a two-element series; changed “stored” to “which are stored” for a subsequent restrictive relative clause; removed the unnecessary comma after “listing”; corrected “not withstanding” to “notwithstanding”; added “the fact” after “notwithstanding”; changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 725.Subpart F” to “Subpart F of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 725” |
728.114(c) |
Board |
Changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause; changed “listed” to “listed by USEPA”; removed the unnecessary comma after “1984” that separated a two-element series; changed “treated” to “which are treated” for a subsequent restrictive relative clause; removed the unnecessary comma after “listing”; changed “that” to “notwithstanding the fact that”; changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 725.Subpart F” to “Subpart F of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 725” |
728.130 heading |
Board, JCAR |
Changed “waste specific” to hyphenated “waste-specific”; changed the em-dash to a colon |
728.130(b) |
Board |
Removed the past effective date statement “effective May 12, 1999,” |
728.130(c) |
Board |
Replace the provision that was effective only until May 12, 1999 with an explanatory statement |
728.130(d) |
Board |
Added “any of the following conditions is fulfilled” |
728.130(d)(2) |
Board |
Changed “persons have” to singular “a person has” |
728.130(d)(4) |
Board |
Changed “persons have” to singular “a person has” |
728.130(e) |
Board, JCAR |
Changed “Sections 728.140 and 728.Table T” to “Section 728.140 and Table T to this Part”; changed “shall” to “must”; changed “Sections 728.148 and 728.Table U” to “Section 728.148 and Table U to this Part” |
728.131 heading |
Board, JCAR |
Changed “waste specific” to hyphenated “waste-specific”; changed the em-dash to a colon |
728.131(a) |
Board |
Added a comma after “F027” to offset the final element of a series; changed “The” to lower-case “the” |
728.131(b) |
Board, JCAR |
Removed the past effective date statement “effective November 8, 1990,”; added the conjunction “and” before “dioxin-containing waste” for this final element of a series; changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause; changed “subsection (a)” to “subsection (a) of this Section” |
728.131(c) |
Board |
Replace the provision that was effective only until November 8, 1990 with an explanatory statement |
728.131(d) |
Board |
Changed “subsections (a) and (b)” to “subsections (a) and (b) of this Section”; added “any of the following conditions is fulfilled” |
268.131(d)(1) |
Board |
Changed “Subpart D” to “Subpart D of this Part”; removed the unnecessary comma after the ending conjunction “or” |
728.131(d)(2) |
Board |
Changed “persons have” to singular “a person has” |
728.131(d)(3) |
Board |
Changed “persons have” to singular “a person has” |
728.132 heading |
Board, JCAR |
Changed “waste specific” to hyphenated “waste-specific”; changed the em-dash to a colon |
728.132(b)(1) |
Board |
Changed “Subpart D treatment standards” to “the treatment standards of Subpart D of this Part” |
728.132(b)(1)(A) |
Board |
Changed “this part” to capitalized “this Part” |
728.132(b)(3) |
Board |
Changed “persons have” to singular “a person has” |
728.133 heading |
Board |
Changed the em-dash to a colon |
728.133(b)(2) |
Board |
Changed “persons have” to singular “a person has” |
728.133(b)(5) |
Board |
Changed “persons have” to singular “a person has” |
728.133(d) |
Board |
Added “one of the following” |
728.134 heading |
Board |
Changed the em-dash to a colon |
728.134(d) |
Board |
Changed “this provision” to “this subsection (d)”; changed “was applicable . . . only until” to “expired on”; removed the statement “we have removed . . . no longer applies.” |
728.135 heading |
Board, JCAR |
Changed “waste specific” to hyphenated “waste-specific”; changed the em-dash to a colon |
728.135(a) |
Board |
Removed the past effective date statement “effective February 8, 1999,” |
728.135(b) |
Board |
Changed “under any of the following circumstances” to “if any of the following applies to the waste” |
728.135(c) |
Changed “this section” to capitalized “this Section” |
Section 728.136 heading |
Board, JCAR |
Changed “waste specific” to hyphenated “waste-specific”; changed the em-dash to a colon |
728.136(a) |
Board |
Removed the past effective date statement “effective May 20, 2002,” |
728.136(b) |
Board |
Changed “is true with regard” to “applies” |
728.136(b)(2) |
Board |
Changed “persons have” to singular “a person has” |
728.136(b)(4) |
Board |
Changed “Sections 728.140 and 728.Table T” to “Section 728.140 and Table T to this Part” |
728.136(b)(5) |
Board |
Changed “persons have” to singular “a person has” |
728.136(c) |
Board |
Changed “Sections 728.140 and 728.Table T” to “Section 728.140 and Table T to this Part”; changed “Subpart D levels,” to “levels of Subpart D of this Part,” |
Section 728.137 heading |
Board, JCAR |
Changed “waste specific” to hyphenated “waste-specific”; changed the em-dash to a colon |
728.137(b) |
Board |
Corrected “Ill.Adm. Code” to “Ill. Adm. Code” |
728.138(a) |
Board, JCAR |
Changed “U.S. EPA” to “USEPA” (three times); changed “§§” to “Sections”; changed “U.S.C. §” to “U.S.C.”; moved a comma inside the closing quotation mark after “treatment” |
728.138(b) |
Board, JCAR |
Removed the past effective date statement “on September 19, 1996,”; changed “U.S. EPA” to “USEPA” (twice); changed “hazardous waste number” to plural “hazardous waste numbers” (twice); changed “subsection (a) above” to “subsection (a) of this Section” |
728.138(c) |
Board |
Replace the provision that was effective only until September 19, 1996 with an explanatory statement |
728.138(d) |
Board |
Changed “of subsections (a), (b), and (c) above” to “of subsections (a), (b), and (c) of this Section”; added “any of the following applies to the waste” |
728.138(d)(1) |
Board |
Changed “728.Subpart D” to “Subpart D of this Part” |
728.138(d)(2) |
Board |
Changed “persons have” to singular “a person has” |
728.138(d)(4) |
Board |
Changed “persons have” to singular “a person has” |
728.138(e) |
Board |
Changed “this section” to capitalized “this Section”; changed “Sections 728.140 and 728.Table T” to “Section 728.140 and Table T to this Part”; changed “728.Subpart D levels of Subpart D” to “levels of Subpart D of this Part” |
728.139(e) |
Board |
Changed “structural parity with the federal” to “structural consistency with the corresponding federal” |
728.139(f) |
Board |
Added “applies to the waste” |
728.139(g) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; changed “728.Subpart D levels” to “levels of Subpart D of this Part” |
728.140(a) |
Board |
Moved a comma inside the closing quotation mark after “Wastes” |
728.140(a)(3) |
Board |
Moved a comma inside the closing quotation mark after “Standards” |
728.140(b) |
Board |
Moved a comma inside the closing quotation mark after “Methods” (twice) |
728.140(d) |
Board |
Changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 728.107(b)(5)” to “Section 728.107(b)(5)” |
728.140(d)(1) |
Board |
Changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 724.Subpart O” to “Subpart O of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 724” |
728.140(e) |
Board |
Moved a comma inside the closing quotation mark after “Wastes” |
728.140(f) |
Board |
Moved a comma inside the closing quotation mark after “Methods” |
728.140(g) |
Board |
Changed “this subsection “ to “this subsection (g)”; removed the date from the Code of Federal Regulations citation; changed “which has expired” to “which expired by its own terms on March 4, 1999”; added “corresponding” before “federal rules” |
728.141 preamble |
Board |
728.141 |
Board, JCAR |
Changed “Section 728.Table A” to “Table A to this Part”; moved a comma inside the closing quotation mark after “Extracts”; changed “Section 728.Table T” to “Section Table T to this Part”; moved the ending period inside the closing quotation mark after “Wastes” |
728.142(a)(2) |
Board |
Changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 724.Subpart O” to “Subpart O of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 724”; changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 725.Subpart O” to “Subpart O of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 725” |
728.142(a)(3) |
Board |
Changed “this subsection” to “this subsection (a)(3)”; added “the following” |
728.142(b) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” (three times); changed “subsections (a), (c), and (d) of this Section” to “subsections (a) of this Section and (c) and (d) of this Section” |
728.142(c)(3) |
Board |
Changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 724.Subpart O” to “Subpart O of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 724”; changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 725.Subpart O” to “Subpart O of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 725” |
728.142(d) |
Board |
Moved a comma inside the closing quotation mark after “Standards”; changed “EPA waste code” to “USEPA hazardous waste code” |
728.143 |
Board |
Changed “Section 728.Table A” to “Section Table A to this Part”; moved a comma inside the closing quotation mark after “Wastes”; changed “Section 728.Table T” to “Section Table T to this Part”; moved the ending period inside the closing quotation mark after “Wastes” |
728.144(a)(2) Board note |
Board |
Moved the ending period inside the closing quotation mark after “variances”; corrected “subsections (a) through (l) of this Section” to “subsections (a) through (m) of this Section”; corrected “subsections (m) et seq. of this Section” to “subsection (p) of this Section”; changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause |
728.144(b) |
Board |
Changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 106.Subpart G” to “Subpart D of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 104” |
728.144(d) |
Board |
Changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause |
728.144(e) |
Board, JCAR |
Changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 106.Subpart G” to “Subpart D of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 104”; removed the ending period from the statutory citation |
728.144(f) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
728.144(h) |
Corrected the spelling “andjusted” to “adjusted” |
728.144(h)(4) |
Changed “will” to “will be” |
728.144(h)(5) |
Board |
Changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 106.Subpart G” to “Subpart D of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 104” |
728.144(j) |
Board |
Changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause |
728.144(k) |
Board |
Changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause; changed “shall” to “must” |
728.144(l) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
728.144(n) |
Board |
Changed “USEPA rules” to “corresponding federal regulations” |
728.144(o) |
Changed “Sections 728.143(a)” to singular “Section 728.143(a)” |
728.144(p) |
Board |
Removed the unnecessary date from the Code of Federal Regulations citation; added the statutory citation “415 ILCS 5/22.4(a)” in brackets |
728.145(a) |
Board |
Corrected “Board” to “Agency”; changed “this Subpart” to “this Subpart D” |
728.145(a)(1) |
Board |
Moved a comma inside the ending quotation mark after “treatment” |
728.145(b) |
Board |
Moved the ending period inside the ending quotation mark after “treatment” |
728.145(c) |
Board |
Changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 721.Subpart C” to “Subpart C of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 721” |
728.145(d) |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.145(d)(5) |
Board |
Corrected “remain” to singular “remains” |
728.146 |
Board, JCAR |
Changed “Section 728.Table G” to “Table G to this Part”; changed “Sections 728.140 and 728.Table T” to “Section 728.140 and Table T to this Part”; moved the ending period inside the closing quotation mark after “Wastes” |
728.148 |
Board |
Changed “Section 728.Table U” to “Section Table U to this Part” (twice); moved a comma inside the closing quotation mark after “(UTS)” |
728.149(c) |
Board |
Changed “this subsection” to “this subsection (c)” |
728.150(a)(1) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
728.150(a)(2)(B) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
728.150(e) |
Board |
Changed “subsection (a)” to “subsection (a) of this Section”; added a comma after “728.142” to offset the final element of a series |
728.Appendix C |
Board |
Changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause; reformatted the listings of chemical names from one column to two columns |
728.Appendix C Board note |
Board |
Updated the Code of Federal Regulations citation to the latest edition available |
728.Appendix D |
Board |
Changed “U.S. EPA” to “USEPA” |
728.Appendix F preamble |
Board, JCAR |
Changed “the Section 728.Table T” to “Table T”; changed “this appendix” to “this Appendix F”; changed “Table C” to “Table C of this Part” |
728.Appendix F “D001 ignitable liquids” |
Board |
Changed numeric “1” to written “one” |
728.Appendix F “D002 acid subcategory” |
Board |
Changed numeric “2” to written “two” |
728.Appendix F “D003 water reactives” |
Board |
Changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 721.123(a)(2), (3) and (4)” to “35 Ill. Adm. Code 721.123(a)(2), (a)(3), and (a)(4)” |
728.Appendix F “D003 explosives” |
Board, JCAR |
Changed “721.123(a) (6), (7) and” to “721.123(a)(6), (a)(7), and (a)(8)” |
728.Appendix F note |
Board |
Moved the ending period inside the closing quotation mark (twice) |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “D001 all” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “D001 high TOC” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “D002” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “D003” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “D004 newly identified” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “D004 mixed” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “D005 newly identified” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “D005 mixed” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “D006” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “D007 newly identified” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “D007 mixed” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “D008 newly identified” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “D008 mixed” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “D009 newly identified” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “D009 mixed” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “D010 newly identified” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “D010 mixed” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “D011 newly identified” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “D011 mixed” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “D012” |
Board |
Changed “Dec.” to “December”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “D013” |
Board |
Changed “Dec.” to “December”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “D014” |
Board |
Changed “Dec.” to “December”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “D015” |
Board |
Changed “Dec.” to “December”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “D016” |
Board |
Changed “Dec.” to “December”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “D017” |
Board |
Changed “Dec.” to “December”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “D018 mixed” |
Board |
Changed “Sep.” to “September”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “D018 all others” |
Board |
Changed “Dec.” to “December”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “D019 mixed” |
Board |
Changed “Sep.” to “September”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “D019 all others” |
Board |
Changed “Dec.” to “December”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “D020 mixed” |
Board |
Changed “Sep.” to “September”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “D020 all others” |
Board |
Changed “Dec.” to “December”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “D021 mixed” |
Board |
Changed “Sep.” to “September”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “D021 all others” |
Board |
Changed “Dec.” to “December”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “D022 mixed” |
Board |
Changed “Sep.” to “September”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “D022 all others” |
Board |
Changed “Dec.” to “December”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “D023 mixed” |
Board |
Changed “Sep.” to “September”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “D023 all others” |
Board |
Changed “Dec.” to “December”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “D024 mixed” |
Board |
Changed “Sep.” to “September”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “D024 all others” |
Board |
Changed “Dec.” to “December”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “D025 mixed” |
Board |
Changed “Sep.” to “September”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “D025 all others” |
Board |
Changed “Dec.” to “December”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “D026 mixed” |
Board |
Changed “Sep.” to “September”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “D026 all others” |
Board |
Changed “Dec.” to “December”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “D027 mixed” |
Board |
Changed “Sep.” to “September”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “D027 all others” |
Board |
Changed “Dec.” to “December”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “D028 mixed” |
Board |
Changed “Sep.” to “September”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “D028 all others” |
Board |
Changed “Dec.” to “December”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “D029 mixed” |
Board |
Changed “Sep.” to “September”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “D029 all others” |
Board |
Changed “Dec.” to “December”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “D030 mixed” |
Board |
Changed “Sep.” to “September”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “D030 all others” |
Board |
Changed “Dec.” to “December”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “D031 mixed” |
Board |
Changed “Sep.” to “September”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “D031 all others” |
Board |
Changed “Dec.” to “December”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “D032 mixed” |
Board |
Changed “Sep.” to “September”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “D032 all others” |
Board |
Changed “Dec.” to “December”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “D033 mixed” |
Board |
Changed “Sep.” to “September”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “D033 all others” |
Board |
Changed “Dec.” to “December”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “D034 mixed” |
Board |
Changed “Sep.” to “September”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “D034 all others” |
Board |
Changed “Dec.” to “December”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “D035 mixed” |
Board |
Changed “Sep.” to “September”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “D035 all others” |
Board |
Changed “Dec.” to “December”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “D036 mixed” |
Board |
Changed “Sep.” to “September”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “D036 all others” |
Board |
Changed “Dec.” to “December”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “D037 mixed” |
Board |
Changed “Sep.” to “September”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “D037 all others” |
Board |
Changed “Dec.” to “December”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “D038 mixed” |
Board |
Changed “Sep.” to “September”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “D038 all others” |
Board |
Changed “Dec.” to “December”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “D039 mixed” |
Board |
Changed “Sep.” to “September”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “D039 all others” |
Board |
Changed “Dec.” to “December”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “D040 mixed” |
Board |
Changed “Sep.” to “September”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “D040 all others” |
Board |
Changed “Dec.” to “December”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “D041 mixed” |
Board |
Changed “Sep.” to “September”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “D041 all others” |
Board |
Changed “Dec.” to “December”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “D042 mixed” |
Board |
Changed “Sep.” to “September”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “D042 all others” |
Board |
Changed “Dec.” to “December”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “D043 mixed” |
Board |
Changed “Sep.” to “September”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “D043 all others” |
Board |
Changed “Dec.” to “December”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “F001 small quantity generator” |
Board |
Changed “Nov.” to “November”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “F001 all others” |
Board |
Changed “Nov.” to “November”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “F002 wastewater and nonwastewater” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “F002 small quantity generator” |
Board |
Changed “Nov.” to “November”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “F002 all others” |
Board |
Changed “Nov.” to “November”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “F003 small quantity generator” |
Board |
Changed “Nov.” to “November”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “F003 all others” |
Board |
Changed “Nov.” to “November”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “F004 small quantity generator” |
Board |
Changed “Nov.” to “November”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “F004 all others” |
Board |
Changed “Nov.” to “November”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “F005 wastewater and nonwastewater” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “F005 small quantity generator” |
Board |
Changed “Nov.” to “November”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “F005 all others” |
Board |
Changed “Nov.” to “November”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “F006 wastewater” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “F006 nonwastewater” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “F006 (cyanides)” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “F007” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “F008” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “F009” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “F010” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “F011 (cyanides)” |
Board |
Changed “Dec.” to “December”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “F011 all others” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “F012 (cyanides)” |
Board |
Changed “Dec.” to “December”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “F012 all others” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “F019” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “F020” |
Board |
Changed “Nov.” to “November”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “F021” |
Board |
Changed “Nov.” to “November”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “F025” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “F026” |
Board |
Changed “Nov.” to “November”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “F027” |
Board |
Changed “Nov.” to “November”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “F028” |
Board |
Changed “Nov.” to “November”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “F032 mixed” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “F032 all others” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “F034 mixed” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “F034 all others” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “F035 mixed” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “F035 all others” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “F037 not generated . . . ” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “F037 generated . . . ” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “F037 mixed” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “F038 not generated . . . ” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “F038 generated . . . ” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “F038 mixed” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “F039 wastewater” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “F039 nonwastewater” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “K001 (organics)” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “K001 all others” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “K002” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “K003” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “K004 wastewater” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “K004 nonwastewater” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “K005 wastewater” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “K005 nonwastewater” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “K006” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “K007 wastewater” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “K007 nonwastewater” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “K008 wastewater” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “K008 nonwastewater” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “K009 nonwastewater” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “K010 nonwastewater” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “K011 wastewater” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “K011 nonwastewater” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “K013 wastewater” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “K013 nonwastewater” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “K014 wastewater” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “K014 nonwastewater” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “K015 wastewater” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “K015 nonwastewater” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “K016” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “K017” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “K018” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “K019” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “K020” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “K021 wastewater” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “K021 nonwastewater” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “K022 wastewater” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “K022 nonwastewater” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “K023” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “K024” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “K025 wastewater” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “K025 nonwastewater” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “K026” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “K027” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “K028 (metals)” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “K028 all others” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “K029 wastewater” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “K029 nonwastewater” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “K030” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “K031 wastewater” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “K031 nonwastewater” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “K032” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “K033” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “K034” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “K035” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “K036 wastewater” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “K036 nonwastewater” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “K037 wastewater” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “K037 nonwastewater” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “K038” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “K039” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “K040” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “K041” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “K042” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “K043” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “K044” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “K045” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “K046 (nonreactive)” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “K046 all others” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “K047” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “K048 wastewater” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “K048 nonwastewater” |
Board |
Changed “Nov.” to “November”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “K049 wastewater” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “K049 nonwastewater” |
Board |
Changed “Nov.” to “November”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “K050 wastewater” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “K050 nonwastewater” |
Board |
Changed “Nov.” to “November”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “K051 wastewater” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “K051 nonwastewater” |
Board |
Changed “Nov.” to “November”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “K052 wastewater” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “K052 nonwastewater” |
Board |
Changed “Nov.” to “November”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “K060 wastewater” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “K060 nonwastewater” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “K061 wastewater” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “K061 nonwastewater” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “K062” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “K069 (non-calcium sulfate” |
Board |
Changed “Non-Calcium Sulfate” to lower-case “non-calcium sulfate”; changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “K069 all others” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “K071” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “K073” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “K083” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “K084 wastewater” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “K084 nonwastewater” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “K085” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “K086 (organics)” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “K086 all others” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “K087” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “K088 mixed” |
Board |
Changed “Apr.” to “April”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “K088 all others” |
Board |
Changed “Oct.” to “October”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “K093” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “K094” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “K095 wastewater” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “K095 nonwastewater” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “K096 wastewater” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “K096 nonwastewater” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “K097” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “K098” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “K099” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “K100 wastewater” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “K100 nonwastewater” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “K101 (organics) wastewater” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “K101 (metals) wastewater” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “K101 (organics) nonwastewater” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “K101 (metals) nonwastewater” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “K102 (organics) wastewater” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “K102 (metals) wastewater” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “K102 (organics) nonwastewater” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “K102 (metals) nonwastewater” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “K103” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “K104” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “K105” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “K106 wastewater” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “K106 nonwastewater” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “K107 mixed” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “K107 all other” |
Board |
Changed “Nov.” to “November”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “K108 mixed” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “K108 all other” |
Board |
Changed “Nov.” to “November”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “K109 mixed” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “K109 all other” |
Board |
Changed “Nov.” to “November”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “K110 mixed” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “K110 all other” |
Board |
Changed “Nov.” to “November”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “K111 mixed” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “K111 all other” |
Board |
Changed “Nov.” to “November”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “K112 mixed” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “K112 all other” |
Board |
Changed “Nov.” to “November”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “K113 mixed” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “K114 mixed” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “K115 mixed” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “K116 mixed” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “K117 mixed” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “K117 all other” |
Board |
Changed “Nov.” to “November”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “K118 mixed” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “K118 all other” |
Board |
Changed “Nov.” to “November”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “K123 mixed” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “K123 all other” |
Board |
Changed “Nov.” to “November”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “K124 mixed” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “K124 all other” |
Board |
Changed “Nov.” to “November”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “K125 mixed” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “K125 all other” |
Board |
Changed “Nov.” to “November”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “K126 mixed” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “K126 all other” |
Board |
Changed “Nov.” to “November”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “K131 mixed” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “K131 all other” |
Board |
Changed “Nov.” to “November”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “K132 mixed” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “K132 all other” |
Board |
Changed “Nov.” to “November”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “K136 mixed” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “K136 all other” |
Board |
Changed “Nov.” to “November”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “K141 mixed” |
Board |
Changed “Sep.” to “September”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “K141 all other” |
Board |
Changed “Dec.” to “December”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “K142 mixed” |
Board |
Changed “Sep.” to “September”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “K142 all other” |
Board |
Changed “Dec.” to “December”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “K143 mixed” |
Board |
Changed “Sep.” to “September”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “K143 all other” |
Board |
Changed “Dec.” to “December”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “K144 mixed” |
Board |
Changed “Sep.” to “September”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “K144 all other” |
Board |
Changed “Dec.” to “December”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “K145 mixed” |
Board |
Changed “Sep.” to “September”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “K145 all other” |
Board |
Changed “Dec.” to “December”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “K147 mixed” |
Board |
Changed “Sep.” to “September”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “K147 all other” |
Board |
Changed “Dec.” to “December”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “K148 mixed” |
Board |
Changed “Sep.” to “September”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “K148 all other” |
Board |
Changed “Dec.” to “December”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “K149 mixed” |
Board |
Changed “Sep.” to “September”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “K149 all other” |
Board |
Changed “Dec.” to “December”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “K150 mixed” |
Board |
Changed “Sep.” to “September”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “K150 all other” |
Board |
Changed “Dec.” to “December”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “K151 mixed” |
Board |
Changed “Sep.” to “September”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “K151 all other” |
Board |
Changed “Dec.” to “December”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “K156 mixed” |
Board |
Changed “Apr.” to “April”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “K156 all other” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “K157 mixed” |
Board |
Changed “Apr.” to “April”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “K157 all other” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “K158 mixed” |
Board |
Changed “Apr.” to “April”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “K158 all other” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “K159 mixed” |
Board |
Changed “Apr.” to “April”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “K159 all other” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “K160 mixed” |
Board |
Changed “Apr.” to “April”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “K160 all other” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “K161 mixed” |
Board |
Changed “Apr.” to “April”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “K161 all other” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “P001” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “P002” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “P003” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “P004” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “P005” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “P006” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “P007” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “P007” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “P008” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “P009” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “P010 wastewater” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “P010 nonwastewater” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “P011 wastewater” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “P011 nonwastewater” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “P012 wastewater” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “P012 nonwastewater” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “P013 (barium)” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “P013 all others” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “P014” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “P015” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “P016” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “P017” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “P018” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “P020” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “P021” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “P022” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “P023” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “P024” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “P026” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “P027” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “P028” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “P029” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “P030” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “P031” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “P033” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “P034” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “P036 wastewater” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “P036 nonwastewater” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “P037” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “P038 wastewater” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “P038 nonwastewater” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “P039” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “P040” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “P041” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “P042” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “P043” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “P044” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “P045” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “P046” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “P047” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “P048” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “P049” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “P050” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “P051” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “P054” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “P056” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “P057” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “P058” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “P059” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “P060” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “P062” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “P063” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “P064” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “P065 wastewater” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “P065 nonwastewater” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “P066” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “P067” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “P068” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “P069” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “P070” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “P071” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “P072” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “P073” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “P074” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “P075” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “P076” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “P077” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “P078” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “P081” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “P082” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “P084” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “P085” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “P087” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “P088” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “P089” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “P092 wastewater” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “P092 nonwastewater” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “P093” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “P094” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “P095” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “P096” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “P097” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “P098” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “P099 (silver)” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “P099 all others” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “P101” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “P102” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “P103” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “P104 (silver)” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “P104 all others” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “P105” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “P106” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “P108” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “P109” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “P110” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “P111” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “P112” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “P113” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “P114” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “P115” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “P116” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “P118” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “P119” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “P120” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “P121” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “P122” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “P123” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “P127 mixed” |
Board |
Changed “Apr.” to “April”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “P127 all others” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “P128 mixed” |
Board |
Changed “Apr.” to “April”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “P128 all others” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “P185 mixed” |
Board |
Changed “Apr.” to “April”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “P185 all others” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “P188 mixed” |
Board |
Changed “Apr.” to “April”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “P188 all others” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “P189 mixed” |
Board |
Changed “Apr.” to “April”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “P189 all others” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “P190 mixed” |
Board |
Changed “Apr.” to “April”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “P190 all others” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “P191 mixed” |
Board |
Changed “Apr.” to “April”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “P191 all others” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “P192 mixed” |
Board |
Changed “Apr.” to “April”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “P192 all others” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “P194 mixed” |
Board |
Changed “Apr.” to “April”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “P194 all others” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “P196 mixed” |
Board |
Changed “Apr.” to “April”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “P196 all others” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “P197 mixed” |
Board |
Changed “Apr.” to “April”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “P197 all others” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “P198 mixed” |
Board |
Changed “Apr.” to “April”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “P198 all others” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “P199 mixed” |
Board |
Changed “Apr.” to “April”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “P199 all others” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “P201 mixed” |
Board |
Changed “Apr.” to “April”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “P201 all others” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “P202 mixed” |
Board |
Changed “Apr.” to “April”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “P202 all others” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “P203 mixed” |
Board |
Changed “Apr.” to “April”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “P203 all others” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “P204 mixed” |
Board |
Changed “Apr.” to “April”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “P204 all others” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “P205 mixed” |
Board |
Changed “Apr.” to “April”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “P205 all others” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U001” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U002” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U003” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U004” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U005” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U006” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U007” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U008” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U009” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U010” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U011” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U012” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U014” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U015” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U016” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U017” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U018” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U019” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U020” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U021” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U022” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U023” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U024” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U025” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U026” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U027” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U028” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U029” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U030” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U031” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U032” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U033” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U034” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U035” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U036” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U037” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U038” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U039” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U041” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U042” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U043” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U044” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U045” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U046” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U047” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U048” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U049” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U050” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U051” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U052” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U053” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U055” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U056” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U057” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U058” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U059” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U060” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U061” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U062” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U063” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U064” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U066” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U067” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U068” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U069” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U070” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U071” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U072” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U073” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U074” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U075” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U076” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U077” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U078” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U079” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U080” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U081” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U082” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U083” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U084” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U085” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U086” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U087” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U088” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U089” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U090” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U091” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U092” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U093” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U094” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U095” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U096” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U097” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U098” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U099” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U101” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U102” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U103” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U105” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U106” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U107” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U108” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U109” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U110” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U111” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U112” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U113” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U114” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U115” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U116” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U117” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U118” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U119” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U120” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U121” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U122” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U123” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U124” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U125” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U126” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U127” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U128” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U129” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U130” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U131” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U132” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U133” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U134” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U135” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U136 wastewater” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U136 nonwastewater” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U137” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U138” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U140” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U141” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U142” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U143” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U144” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U145” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U146” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U147” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U148” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U149” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U150” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U151 wastewater” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U151 nonwastewater” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U152” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U153” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U154” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U155” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U156” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U157” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U158” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U159” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U160” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U161” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U162” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U163” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U164” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U165” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U166” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U167” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U168” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U169” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U170” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U171” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U172” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U173” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U174” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U176” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U177” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U178” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U179” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U180” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U181” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U182” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U183” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U184” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U185” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U186” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U187” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U188” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U189” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U190” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U191” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U192” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U193” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U194” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U196” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U197” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U200” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U201” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U202” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U203” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U204” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U205” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U206” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U207” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U208” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U209” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U210” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U211” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U213” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U214” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U215” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U216” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U217” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U218” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U219” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U220” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U221” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U222” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U223” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U225” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U226” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U227” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U228” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U234” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U235” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U236” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U237” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U238” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U239” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U240” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U243” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U244” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U246” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U247” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U248” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U249” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U271 mixed” |
Board |
Changed “Apr.” to “April”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U271 all others” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U277 mixed” |
Board |
Changed “Apr.” to “April”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U277 all others” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U278 mixed” |
Board |
Changed “Apr.” to “April”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U278 all others” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U279 mixed” |
Board |
Changed “Apr.” to “April”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U279 all others” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U280 mixed” |
Board |
Changed “Apr.” to “April”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U280 all others” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U328 mixed” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U328 all others” |
Board |
Changed “Nov.” to “November”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U353 mixed” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U353 all others” |
Board |
Changed “Nov.” to “November”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U359 mixed” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U359 all others” |
Board |
Changed “Nov.” to “November”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U364 mixed” |
Board |
Changed “Apr.” to “April”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U364 all others” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U365 mixed” |
Board |
Changed “Apr.” to “April”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U365 all others” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U366 mixed” |
Board |
Changed “Apr.” to “April”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U366 all others” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U367 mixed” |
Board |
Changed “Apr.” to “April”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U367 all others” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U372 mixed” |
Board |
Changed “Apr.” to “April”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U372 all others” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U373 mixed” |
Board |
Changed “Apr.” to “April”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U373 all others” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U375 mixed” |
Board |
Changed “Apr.” to “April”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U375 all others” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U376 mixed” |
Board |
Changed “Apr.” to “April”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U376 all others” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U377 mixed” |
Board |
Changed “Apr.” to “April”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U377 all others” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U378 mixed” |
Board |
Changed “Apr.” to “April”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U378 all others” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U379 mixed” |
Board |
Changed “Apr.” to “April”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U379 all others” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U381 mixed” |
Board |
Changed “Apr.” to “April”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U381 all others” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U382 mixed” |
Board |
Changed “Apr.” to “April”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U382 all others” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U383 mixed” |
Board |
Changed “Apr.” to “April”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U383 all others” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U384 mixed” |
Board |
Changed “Apr.” to “April”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U384 all others” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U385 mixed” |
Board |
Changed “Apr.” to “April”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U385 all others” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U386 mixed” |
Board |
Changed “Apr.” to “April”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U386 all others” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U387 mixed” |
Board |
Changed “Apr.” to “April”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U387 all others” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U389 mixed” |
Board |
Changed “Apr.” to “April”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U389 all others” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U390 mixed” |
Board |
Changed “Apr.” to “April”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U390 all others” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U391 mixed” |
Board |
Changed “Apr.” to “April”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U391 all others” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U392 mixed” |
Board |
Changed “Apr.” to “April”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U392 all others” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U393 mixed” |
Board |
Changed “Apr.” to “April”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U393 all others” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U394 mixed” |
Board |
Changed “Apr.” to “April”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U394 all others” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U395 mixed” |
Board |
Changed “Apr.” to “April”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U395 all others” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U396 mixed” |
Board |
Changed “Apr.” to “April”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U396 all others” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U400 mixed” |
Board |
Changed “Apr.” to “April”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U400 all others” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U401 mixed” |
Board |
Changed “Apr.” to “April”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U401 all others” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U402 mixed” |
Board |
Changed “Apr.” to “April”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U402 all others” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U403 mixed” |
Board |
Changed “Apr.” to “April”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U403 all others” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U404 mixed” |
Board |
Changed “Apr.” to “April”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U404 all others” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U407 mixed” |
Board |
Changed “Apr.” to “April”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U407 all others” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U409 mixed” |
Board |
Changed “Apr.” to “April”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U409 all others” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U410 mixed” |
Board |
Changed “Apr.” to “April”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U410 all others” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U411 mixed” |
Board |
Changed “Apr.” to “April”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 “U411 all others” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 1 note a |
Board |
Corrected “First, Second, and Third rules” to “First, Second, and Third Third rules”; changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause |
728.Appendix G Table 1 note d |
Board |
Changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause; changed “Sept.” to “September” |
728.Appendix G Table 1 note e |
Board |
Changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause; changed “Apr.” to “April” |
728.Appendix G Table 2, entry 1 |
Board |
Changed “Nov.” to “November”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 2, entry 2 |
Board |
Changed “Nov.” to “November”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 2, entry 3 |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 2, entry 4 |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 2, entry 5 |
Board |
Changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 2, entry 6 |
Board |
Changed “Dec.” to “December”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 2, entry 7 |
Board |
Changed “Dec.” to “December”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 2, entry 8 |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 2, entry 9 |
Board |
Changed “Oct.” to “October”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 2, entry 10 |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 2, entry 11 |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 2, entry 12 |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix G Table 2, entry 13 |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix H “D001 (except high TOC . . .” |
Board |
Changed “Feb.” to “February”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix H “D001 (high TOC . . .” |
Board |
Changed “Sep.” to “September” ; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix H “D002b” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix H “D002c” |
Board |
Changed “Feb.” to “February”; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix H “D003 (cyanides)” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix H “D003 (sulfides)” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix H “D003 (explosives, reactives)” |
Board |
Removed the ending period (twice) |
728.Appendix H “D007” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix H “D009” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix H “D012” |
Board |
Changed “Sep.” to “September” ; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix H “D013” |
Board |
Changed “Sep.” to “September” ; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix H “D014” |
Board |
Changed “Sep.” to “September” ; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix H “D015” |
Board |
Changed “Sep.” to “September” ; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix H “D016” |
Board |
Changed “Sep.” to “September” ; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix H “D017” |
Board |
Changed “Sep.” to “September” ; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix H “D018” |
Board |
Changed “Apr.” to “April” ; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix H “D019” |
Board |
Changed “Apr.” to “April” ; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix H “D020” |
Board |
Changed “Apr.” to “April” ; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix H “D021” |
Board |
Changed “Apr.” to “April” ; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix H “D022” |
Board |
Changed “Apr.” to “April” ; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix H “D023” |
Board |
Changed “Apr.” to “April” ; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix H “D024” |
Board |
Changed “Apr.” to “April” ; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix H “D025” |
Board |
Changed “Apr.” to “April” ; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix H “D026” |
Board |
Changed “Apr.” to “April” ; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix H “D027” |
Board |
Changed “Apr.” to “April” ; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix H “D028” |
Board |
Changed “Apr.” to “April” ; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix H “D029” |
Board |
Changed “Apr.” to “April” ; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix H “D030” |
Board |
Changed “Apr.” to “April” ; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix H “D031” |
Board |
Changed “Apr.” to “April” ; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix H “D032” |
Board |
Changed “Apr.” to “April” ; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix H “D033” |
Board |
Changed “Apr.” to “April” ; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix H “D034” |
Board |
Changed “Apr.” to “April” ; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix H “D035” |
Board |
Changed “Apr.” to “April” ; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix H “D036” |
Board |
Changed “Apr.” to “April” ; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix H “D037” |
Board |
Changed “Apr.” to “April” ; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix H “D038” |
Board |
Changed “Apr.” to “April” ; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix H “D039” |
Board |
Changed “Apr.” to “April” ; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix H “D040” |
Board |
Changed “Apr.” to “April” ; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix H “D041” |
Board |
Changed “Apr.” to “April” ; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix H “D042” |
Board |
Changed “Apr.” to “April” ; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix H “D043” |
Board |
Changed “Apr.” to “April” ; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix H “F001-F005” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August” ; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix H “F007” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix H “F032” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix H “F034” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix H “F035” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix H “F037” |
Board |
Changed “Nov.” to “November” ; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix H “F038” |
Board |
Changed “Nov.” to “November” ; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix H “F039” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix H “K009” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix H “K011 wastewater” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix H “K011 nonwastewater” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix H “K013 wastewater” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix H “K013 nonwastewater” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix H “K014” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix H “K016” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix H “K049” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August” ; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix H “K050” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August” ; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix H “K051” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August” ; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix H “K052” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August” ; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix H “K062” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August” ; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix H “K071” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August” ; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix H “K088” |
Board |
Changed “Jan.” to “January” ; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix H “K104” |
Board |
Changed “Aug.” to “August” ; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix H “K107” |
Board |
Changed “Nov.” to “November” ; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix H “K108” |
Board |
Changed “Nov.” to “November” ; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix H “K109” |
Board |
Changed “Nov.” to “November” ; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix H “K110” |
Board |
Changed “Nov.” to “November” ; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix H “K111” |
Board |
Changed “Nov.” to “November” ; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix H “K112” |
Board |
Changed “Nov.” to “November” ; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix H “K117” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix H “K118” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix H “K123” |
Board |
Changed “Nov.” to “November” ; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix H “K124” |
Board |
Changed “Nov.” to “November” ; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix H “K125” |
Board |
Changed “Nov.” to “November” ; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix H “K126” |
Board |
Changed “Nov.” to “November” ; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix H “K131” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix H “K132” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix H “K136” |
Board |
Changed “Nov.” to “November” ; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix H “K141” |
Board |
Changed “Dec.” to “December” ; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix H “K142” |
Board |
Changed “Dec.” to “December” ; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix H “K143” |
Board |
Changed “Dec.” to “December” ; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix H “K144” |
Board |
Changed “Dec.” to “December” ; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix H “K145” |
Board |
Changed “Dec.” to “December” ; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix H “K147” |
Board |
Changed “Dec.” to “December” ; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix H “K148” |
Board |
Changed “Dec.” to “December” ; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix H “K149” |
Board |
Changed “Dec.” to “December” ; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix H “K150” |
Board |
Changed “Dec.” to “December” ; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix H “K151” |
Board |
Changed “Dec.” to “December” ; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix H “K156” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix H “K157” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix H “K158” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix H “K159” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix H “K160” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix H “K161” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix H “NA” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix H “P127” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix H “P128” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix H “P185” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix H “P188” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix H “P189” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix H “P190” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix H “P191” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix H “P192” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix H “P194” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix H “P196” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix H “P197” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix H “P198” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix H “P199” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix H “P201” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix H “P202” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix H “P203” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix H “P204” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix H “P205” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix H “U271” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix H “U277” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix H “U278” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix H “U279” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix H “U280” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix H “U328” |
Board |
Changed “Nov.” to “November” ; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix H “U353” |
Board |
Changed “Nov.” to “November” ; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix H “U359” |
Board |
Changed “Nov.” to “November” ; removed the ending period |
728.Appendix H “U364” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix H “U365” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix H “U366” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix H “U367” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix H “U372” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix H “U373” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix H “U375” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix H “U376” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix H “U377” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix H “U378” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix H “U379” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix H “U381” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix H “U382” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix H “U383” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix H “U384” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix H “U385” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix H “U386” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix H “U387” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix H “U389” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix H “U390” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix H “U391” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix H “U392” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix H “U395” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix H “U396” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix H “U400” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix H “U401” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix H “U402” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix H “U403” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix H “U404” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix H “U407” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix H “U409” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix H “U410” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix H “U411” |
Board |
Removed the ending period |
728.Appendix H note b |
Board |
Changed numeric “2” to written “two” |
728.Appendix I |
Board |
Moved a comma inside the closing quotation mark after “Methods”; changed “U.S. EPA” to “USEPA” |
728.Appendix K heading |
Board |
Changed “metal bearing” to hyphenated “metal-bearing”; changed “From” to lower-case “from” |
728.Appendix K preamble |
Board |
Changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 724.Subpart O” to “Subpart O of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 724”; changed “725.Subpart O” to “Subpart O of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 725”; changed “726.Subpart H” to “Subpart H of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 726” |
728.Appendix K “F011” |
Board |
Changed “heat treating” to hyphenated “heat-treating” |
728.Appendix K “F012” |
Board |
Changed “heat treating” to hyphenated “heat-treating” |
728.Table A |
Board |
Changed “728.Table T” to “Table T to this Part”; moved the ending period inside the closing quotation mark after “Wastes” |
728.Table B |
Board |
Moved a comma inside the closing quotation mark after “(CCW)”; changed “728.Table T” to “Table T to this Part”; moved the ending period inside the closing quotation mark after “Wastes” |
728.Table C column headings |
Board |
Changed “code” to capitalized “Code”; changed “technology-based standard” to capitalized “Technology-Based Standard” |
728.Table C “CMBST” |
Board |
Changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 724.Subpart O” to “Subpart O of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 724”; changed “725.Subpart O” to “Subpart O of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 725”; changed “726.Subpart H” to “Subpart H of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 726” |
728.Table C “HLVIT” |
Board |
Changed “high level” to hyphenated “high-level” |
728.Table C “IMERC” |
Board, JCAR |
Changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 724.Subpart O, 725.Subpart O” to “Subpart O of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 724 or Subpart O of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 725” |
728.Table C “INCIN” |
Board, JCAR |
Changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 724.Subpart O, 725.Subpart O” to “Subpart O of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 724 or Subpart O of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 725” |
728.Table C “NEUTR” |
Board |
Changed numeric “2” to written “two” |
728.Table C “RTHRM” |
Board |
Moved the ending period inside the closing quotation mark after “furnace” |
728.Table C note 1 |
Board |
Changed “Section 728.Table T” to “Table T to this Part” |
728.Table C note 2 |
Board |
Moved the ending period inside the closing quotation mark after “OR” |
728.Table C Board note |
Board |
Updated the Code of Federal Regulations citation to the latest edition available |
728.Table D |
Board, JCAR |
Changed “Sections 728.140 and 728.Table T” to “Section 728.140 and Table T to this Part” |
728.Table E |
Board, JCAR |
Changed “Sections 728.140 and 728.Table T” to “Section 728.140 and Table T to this Part” |
728.Table F(a) |
Board |
Changed “this Table” to “this Table F” |
728.Table F(b) |
Board |
Changed “this Table” to “this Table F” |
728.Table F(b) “clean debris surface” |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” (twice); changed “5%” to written “five percent” |
728.Table F(b) “dioxin-listed wastes” |
Board |
Changed “U.S. EPA” to “USEPA” |
728.Table F(c) preamble |
Board |
Changed “the Table” to “this Table F” |
728.Table F(c) note 5 |
Board |
Corrected “B” to “be”; changed “subsection (b) above” to “subsection (b) of this Section” |
728.Table F(c) ¶ A.1.a. |
Board |
Changed “and/or” to “or” |
728.Table F(c) ¶ A.1.c. |
Board |
Changed “which” to “that” |
728.Table F(c) ¶ A.2.a. |
Board |
Changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 728.142(b)” to “Section 728.142(b)” (twice); changed “5%” to written “five percent” (twice) |
728.Table F(c) ¶ A.2.b. |
Board |
Changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause; changed “5%” to written “five percent” |
728.Table F(c) ¶ A.3.a. |
Board |
Changed “and/or” to “or”; changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 728.142(b)” to “Section 728.142(b)” |
728.Table F(c) ¶ A.3.b. |
Board |
Changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 728.142(b)” to “Section 728.142(b)” |
728.Table F(c) ¶ B.1. |
Board |
Changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 728.142(b)” to “Section 728.142(b)” |
728.Table F(c) ¶ B.2.a. |
Board, JCAR |
Corrected the spelling of “electolytic” to “electrolytic”; changed the dash after “reagents” to a colon; changed “and/or” to “or” |
728.Table F(c) ¶ B.2.b. |
Board |
Changed “and/or” to “or” |
728.Table F(c) ¶ B.3. |
Board, JCAR |
Changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 724.Subpart O or 725.Subpart O” to “Subpart O of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 724 or Subpart O of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 725”; changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 724.Subpart X” to “Subpart X of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 724”; changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 725.Subpart P” to “Subpart P of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 725”; changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 728.142(b)” to “Section 728.142(b)” |
728.Table F(c) ¶ C.2. |
Board |
Changed “and/or” to “or” |
728.Table F(c) ¶ C.3. |
Board, JCAR |
Changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause; corrected the spelling of “resistent” to “resistant” |
728.Table G |
Board, JCAR |
Changed “Sections 728.140 and 728.Table T” to “Section 728.140 and Table T to this Part”; moved the ending period inside the closing quotation mark after “Wastes” |
728.Table H preamble |
Board |
Changed “Table B” to “Table T to this Part”; updated the Code of Federal Regulations citation to the latest edition available |
728.Table H note C |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” (twice) |
728.Table H Board note |
Board |
Updated the Code of Federal Regulations citation to the latest edition available |
728.Table I Board note |
Board |
Updated the Code of Federal Regulations citation to the latest edition available |
728.Table T “D006 cadmium-containing batteries subcategory” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “F001, F002, F003, F004 & F005 F001, F002, F003, F004, or F005 solvent wastes” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “F001, F002, F003, F004 & F005 F003 and F005 solvent wastes” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “F010” |
Board |
Changed “heat treating” to hyphenated “heat-treating” |
728.Table T “F011” |
Board |
Changed “heat treating” to hyphenated “heat-treating” |
728.Table T “F012” |
Board |
Changed “heat treating” to hyphenated “heat-treating” |
728.Table T “F019” |
Board |
Added a comma after “except” to offset a parenthetical |
728.Table T “F039” |
Board |
Removed the unnecessary period after the closing parentheses |
728.Table T “K069 (low lead)” |
Board |
Removed the unnecessary period after “smelting”; added the ending period |
728.Table T “K069 (high lead)” |
Board |
Removed the unnecessary period after “smelting”; added the ending period |
728.Table T “K111” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “P001” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “P002” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “P003” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “P004” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “P005” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “P006” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “P007” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “P008” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “P009” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “P010” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “P011” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “P012” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “P013” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “P014” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “P015” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “P016” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “P017” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “P018” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “P020” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “P021” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “P022” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “P023” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “P024” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “P026” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “P027” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “P028” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “P029” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “P030” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “P031” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “P032” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “P033” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “P034” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “P036” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “P037” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “P038” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “P039” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “P040” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “P041” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “P042” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “P043” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “P044” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “P045” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “P046” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “P047 4,6-dinitro-o-cresol” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “P047 4,6-dinitro-o-cresol salts” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “P048” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “P049” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “P050” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “P051” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “P054” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “P056” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “P057” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “P058” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “P059” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “P060” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “P062” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “P063” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “P064” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “P066” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “P067” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “P068” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “P069” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “P070” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “P071” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “P072” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “P073” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “P074” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “P075” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “P076” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “P077” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “P078” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “P081” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “P082” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “P084” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “P085” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “P087” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “P088” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “P089” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “P093” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “P094” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “P095” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “P096” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “P097” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “P098” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “P099” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “P101” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “P102” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “P103” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “P104” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “P105” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “P106” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “P108” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “P109” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “P110” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “P111” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “P112” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “P113” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “P114” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “P115” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “P116” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “P118” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “P119” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “P120” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “P121” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “P122” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “P123” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “P127” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “P128” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “P185” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “P188” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “P189” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “P190” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “P191” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “P192” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “P194” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “P196” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “P197” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “P198” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “P199” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “P201” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “P202” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “P203” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “P204” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “P205” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U001” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U002” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U003” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U004” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U005” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U006” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U007” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U008” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U009” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U010” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U011” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U012” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U014” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U015” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U016” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U017” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U018” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U019” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U020” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U021” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U022” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U023” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U024” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U025” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U026” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U027” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U028” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U029” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U030” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U031” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U032” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U033” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U034” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U035” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U036” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U037” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U038” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U039” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U041” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U042” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U043” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U044” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U045” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U046” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U047” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U048” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U049” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U050” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U051” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U052” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U053” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U055” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U056” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U057” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U058” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U059” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U060” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U061” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U062” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U063” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U064” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U066” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U067” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U068” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U069” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U070” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U071” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U072” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U073” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U074” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U075” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U076” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U077” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U078” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U079” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U080” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U081” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U082” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U083” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U084” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U085” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U086” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U087” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U088” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U089” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U090” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U091” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U092” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U093” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U094” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U095” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U096” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U097” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U098” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U099” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U101” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U102” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U103” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U105” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U106” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U107” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U108” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U109” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U110” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U111” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U112” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U113” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U114” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U115” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U116” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U117” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U118” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U119” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U120” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U121” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U122” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U123” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U124” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U125” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U126” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U127” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U128” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U129” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U130” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U131” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U132” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U133” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U134” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U135” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U136” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U137” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U138” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U139” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U140” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U141” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U142” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U143” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U144” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U145” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U146” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U147” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U148” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U149” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U150” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U151 elemental mercury contaminated with radioactive materials” |
Board |
Corrected “element” to “elemental”; added the ending period |
728.Table T “U152” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U153” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U154” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U155” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U156” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U157” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U158” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U159” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U160” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U161” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U162” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U163” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U164” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U165” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U166” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U167” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U168” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U169” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U170” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U171” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U172” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U173” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U174” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U176” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U177” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U178” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U179” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U180” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U181” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U182” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U183” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U184” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U185” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U186” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U187” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U188” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U189” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U190” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U191” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U192” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U193” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U194” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U195” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U196” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U197” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U200” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U201” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U202” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U203” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U204” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U205” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U206” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U207” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U208” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U209” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U210” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U211” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U213” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U214” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U215” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U216” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U217” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U218” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U219” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U220” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U221” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U222” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U223” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U225” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U226” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U227” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U228” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U234” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U235” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U236” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U237” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U238” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U239” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U240” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U243” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U244” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U246” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U247” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U248” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U249” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U271” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U278” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U279” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U280” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U328” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U353” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U359” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U364” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U367” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U372” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U373” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U387” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U389” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U394” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U395” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U404” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U409” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U410” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T “U411” |
Board |
Added the ending period |
728.Table T note 4 |
Board |
Moved the ending period inside the closing quotation mark after “Standards”; moved a comma inside the closing quotation mark after “by”; changed “;” to “a semicolon (;)” |
728.Table T note 5 |
Board |
Changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 724.Subpart O” to “Subpart O of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 724”; changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 725.Subpart O” to “Subpart O of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 725”; changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 728.140(d)” to “Section 728.140(d)” |
728.Table T note 7 |
Board |
Moved a comma inside the closing quotation mark after “Methods” |
728.Table T note 11 |
Board |
Changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 724.Subpart O” to “Subpart O of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 724”; changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 725.Subpart O” to “Subpart O of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 725” |
728.Table T note 12 |
Board |
Added a comma before “unless” to offset a parenthetical |
728.Table T Board note |
Board |
Updated the Code of Federal Regulations citation to the latest edition available |
728.Table U note 3 |
Board |
Changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 724.Subpart O” to “Subpart O of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 724”; changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 725.Subpart O” to “Subpart O of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 725” |
728.Table U note 4 |
Board |
Moved a comma inside the closing quotation mark after “Methods” |
728.Table U note 6 |
Board |
Added “corresponding” before “federal regulations” |
728.Table U Board note |
Board |
Updated the Code of Federal Regulations citation to the latest edition available |
Table 3:
Revisions to the Text of the Proposed Amendments in Final Adoption
Section Revised |
Source(s) of Revision(s) |
Revision(s) |
703 table of contents, Appendix A listing |
Changed “703.Appendix A” to “Appendix A” |
703.Subpart E |
Added the Subpart heading to the text |
720 table of contents, Appendix A listing |
Board |
Changed “720.Appendix A” to “Appendix A” |
720 source note, entry for R95-20 |
Added “effective” before “August 1, 1996” |
720.101(b)(1) |
JCAR, Board |
Added text derived from the corresponding federal provision that was previously omitted |
720.110 “elementary neutralization unit” |
Added “which” before “are listed” for a subsequent restrictive relative clause |
720.110 “existing tank system” |
Added commas before and after “or for which . . . commenced” to offset it as a parenthetical |
720.110 “incinerator” |
Corrected “is” to plural “are” |
720.110 “RCRA” |
Added an ending period |
720.111(a) “ASTM D 140-70” |
Added a space to correct “D140-70” to “D 140-70” |
720.111(a) “ASTM D 346-75” |
Added a space to correct “D346-75” to “D 346-75” |
720.111(a) “ASTM D 420-69” |
Added a space to correct “D420-69” to “D 420-69” |
720.111(a) “ASTM D 1452-65” |
Added a space to correct “D1452-65” to “D 1452-65” |
720.111(a) “ASTM D 2234-76” |
Added a space to correct “D2234-76” to “D 2234-76” |
720.111(a) “USEPA” |
Added a comma before “401 M Street” |
720.121(a) |
Removed the underlining from “as” to reflect its existence as text on file; changed to capitalized “Note” |
720.122(n)(1) |
Added a comma to offset “NW” in the address |
720.122(o) |
Changed “must” to “will” |
720.122 source note |
Corrected the source note for the current amendments |
720.133 |
Changed “Subpart D 35 Ill. Adm. Code” to “Subpart D of 35 Ill. Adm. Code” |
720.141(a) |
Changed “must” to “will” |
720.Appendix A heading |
Removed the unnecessary colon |
721 table of contents, Appendix A listing |
Changed “721.Appendix A” to “Appendix A” |
721 table of contents, Appendix B listing |
Changed “721.Appendix B” to “Appendix B” |
721 table of contents, Appendix C listing |
Changed “721.Appendix C” to “Appendix C” |
721 table of contents, Appendix G listing |
Changed “721.Appendix G” to “Appendix G” |
721 table of contents, Appendix H listing |
Changed “721.Appendix H” to “Appendix H” |
721 table of contents, Appendix J listing |
Changed “721.Appendix J” to “Appendix J” |
721 table of contents, Appendix Y listing |
Changed “721.Appendix Y” to “Appendix Y” |
721 table of contents, Appendix Z listing |
Changed “721.Appendix Z” to “Appendix Z” |
721.101(a) |
Changed “U.S.C.” to “USC” |
721.101(a)(1) |
Added a comma after “705” to offset an element of a series; removed the unnecessary conjunction “and” after “705” that separated elements of a series; added a comma after “726” to offset the final element of a series |
721.101(c)(8) |
Changed em-dashes to commas to offset the parenthetical “during . . . January 1)” |
721.102(c)(2)(A) |
JCAR, Board |
Changed “it is” to “one of the following occurs” |
721.102(c)(3) |
Changed “Material” to lower-case “material” (twice) |
721.102(c)(4) |
Board |
Changed “Material” to lower-case “material” |
721.102(e)(1) |
Changed “Material” to lower-case “material” |
721.102(e)(2)(A) |
Changed “Material” to lower-case “material” |
721.102(e)(2)(B) |
Changed “Material” to lower-case “material” |
721.102(e)(2)(C) |
Changed “Material” to lower-case “material” |
721.102(e)(2)(D) |
Changed “Material” to lower-case “material” |
721.102(f) |
Changed “do so” to “recycle that material” |
721.103(d) |
Agency |
Corrected “subsection (c)” to lower-case “subsection (e)” |
721.103(d)(1) |
Agency |
Corrected “subsection (c)” to lower-case “subsection (e)” |
721.104(a)(20)(F) |
Agency |
Corrected “used to excluded waste” to “used to store excluded waste” |
721.104(a)(20)(F) Board note |
Agency, JCAR |
Added “to” after “preamble” |
721.104(a)(20)(G) Board note |
Agency, JCAR |
Added “to” after “preamble” |
721.104(a)(21) |
Corrected “paragraph (a)(20)” to “subsection (a)(20)” |
721.104(a)(21)(B) |
Changed written “twelve” to numeric “12” |
721.104(b)(6)(A) |
Corrected “Sections” to singular “Section” |
721.104(b)(15)(A)(i) |
Corrected “is” to plural “are” |
721.105(f)(3)(F) |
Added underlining to the added word “fulfills” |
721.106(c)(1) |
Corrected “Subparts A through L, AA, BB, and CC; 726; 728 of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 725” to “Subparts A through L, AA, BB, and CC of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 725; 726; 728” |
726 table of contents, Subpart D heading |
Removed the parenthetical “Repealed” from the Subpart D heading |
726 table of contents, Subpart E heading |
Removed the parenthetical “Repealed” from the Subpart E heading |
726 table of contents, Appendix A listing |
Changed “726.Appendix A” to “Appendix A” |
726 table of contents, Appendix B listing |
Changed “726.Appendix B” to “Appendix B” |
726 table of contents, Appendix C listing |
Changed “726.Appendix C” to “Appendix C” |
726 table of contents, Appendix D listing |
Changed “726.Appendix D” to “Appendix D” |
726 table of contents, Appendix E listing |
Changed “726.Appendix E” to “Appendix E” |
726 table of contents, Appendix F listing |
Changed “726.Appendix F” to “Appendix F” |
726 table of contents, Appendix G listing |
Changed “726.Appendix G” to “Appendix G” |
726 table of contents, Appendix H listing |
Changed “726.Appendix H” to “Appendix H” |
726 table of contents, Appendix I listing |
Changed “726.Appendix I” to “Appendix I” |
726 table of contents, Appendix J listing |
Changed “726.Appendix J” to “Appendix J” |
726 table of contents, Appendix K listing |
Changed “726.Appendix K” to “Appendix K” |
726 table of contents, Appendix L listing |
JCAR, Board |
Changed “726.Appendix L” to “Appendix L”; changed “be” to upper-case “Be” |
726 table of contents, Appendix M listing |
Changed “726.Appendix M” to “Appendix M”; changed “That” to lower-case “that” |
726 table of contents, Table A listing |
Changed “726.Table A” to “Table A” |
726.120(b) |
Changed “materials” to singular “material”; added a comma after “i.e.” |
726.121 |
Changed “U.S.C.” to “USC” |
726.202(a)(1) |
JCAR, Agency, Board |
Corrected “owners” to singular “owner”; changed “and not operating” to “and which does not operate” |
726.202(a)(2) |
JCAR, Agency |
Corrected “owners” to singular “owner” |
726.202(b)(1) |
JCAR, Agency, Board |
Corrected “that is reasonably be expected” to “that is reasonably expected” |
726.203(a)(4) |
JCAR, Agency |
Corrected “owners” to singular “owner” |
726.203(a)(4)(G) |
Added a comma after “725.243” to offset the final element of a series |
726.203(b) |
JCAR, Agency |
Corrected the spelling “sturctural” to “structural” |
726.203(c)(2)(B) |
Added a comma before “including” to offset a parenthetical |
726.203(c)(4)(B) |
Added a comma before “including” to offset a parenthetical |
726.204(e) |
Added the degree symbol to “450º” |
726.206(b)(2)(A) |
Removed the numeral “1” added by the word processing software to designate the equation |
726.206(b)(6) |
JCAR, Board |
Corrected and changed “owers and operators of facilities” to singular “an owner or operator of a facility”; added a comma after “incinerator” to offset the final element of a series |
726.206(c)(5)(A) |
Agency |
Corrected “owners” to singular “owner” |
726.206(d)(3) |
Removed the numeral “2” added by the word processing software to designate the equation |
726.207(a) |
Corrected “subsections” to singular “subsection” |
726.207(b)(3) |
Corrected “Section” to plural “Sections” |
726.208(c) |
Corrected the symbol “£” to “≤” in the overstruck version of the equation; changed “means” to the symbol “=” |
726.209(a)(2)(C)(ii) |
Agency, USEPA |
Corrected “owners” to singular “owner” |
726.209(a)(2)(D)(iii) |
Corrected “ug” to “μg” |
726.211(b)(1) |
Board, JCAR |
Changed “the following terms have the meanings given below” to “terms have the following meanings” |
726.301 “chemical agents” |
Changed “U.S.C.” to “USC” |
726.302(c) |
Changed “the following activities occurs” to “the following occurs” |
726.302(d) |
Changed “U.S.C.” to “USC” (four times) |
726.303(b)(4) |
Corrected the spelling of “Ageny’s” to “Agency’s” |
726.305(d)(1) |
Board, JCAR |
Changed “that” to “which” for a subsequent restrictive relative clause; added “which” before “are listed” for a subsequent restrictive relative clause; changed “must be” to “are” |
726.Appendix G, note 2 |
Removed the overstruck “mg/kg” and removed the underlining from “μg/kg” to reflect text on file |
726.Appendix G “hexachlorodibenzo-p-dioxins |
Corrected the overstruck text “0.000000” to “0.0000000” to reflect text on file |
726.Appendix K(a) Board note |
Added a comma after “e.g.” |
726.Appendix K(a) “clothing” |
JCAR, Board |
Added a comma after “e.g.”; removed the extra comma after “hats” |
726.Appendix K(a) “waste shipping containers” |
JCAR, Board |
Added a comma after “e.g.”; added a comma after “cartons” to separate elements of a series |
726.Appendix K(a) “emission control dusts . . .” |
Added a comma after “e.g.” |
726.Appendix M heading |
Changed “That” to lower-case “that” |
728 table of contents, 728.130 listing |
Changed “waste specific” to hyphenated “waste-specific” |
728 table of contents, 728.131 listing |
Changed “waste specific” to hyphenated “waste-specific” |
728 table of contents, 728.132 listing |
Changed “waste specific” to hyphenated “waste-specific” |
728 table of contents, 728.135 listing |
Changed “waste specific” to hyphenated “waste-specific” |
728 table of contents, 728.136 listing |
Changed “waste specific” to hyphenated “waste-specific” |
728 table of contents, 728.137 listing |
Changed “waste specific” to hyphenated “waste-specific” |
728 table of contents, Appendix A listing |
Changed “728.Appendix A” to “Appendix A” |
728 table of contents, Appendix B listing |
Changed “728.Appendix B” to “Appendix B” |
728 table of contents, Appendix C listing |
Changed “728.Appendix C” to “Appendix C” |
728 table of contents, Appendix D listing |
Changed “728.Appendix D” to “Appendix A” |
728 table of contents, Appendix E listing |
Changed “728.Appendix E” to “Appendix E” |
728 table of contents, Appendix F listing |
Changed “728.Appendix F” to “Appendix F” |
728 table of contents, Appendix G listing |
Changed “728.Appendix G” to “Appendix G” |
728 table of contents, Appendix H listing |
Changed “728.Appendix H” to “Appendix H” |
728 table of contents, Appendix I listing |
Changed “728.Appendix I” to “Appendix I” |
728 table of contents, Appendix J listing |
Changed “728.Appendix J” to “Appendix J” |
728 table of contents, Appendix K listing |
Changed “728.Appendix K” to “Appendix K” |
728 table of contents, Table A listing |
Changed “728.Table A” to “Table A” |
728 table of contents, Table B listing |
Changed “728.Table B” to “Table B” |
728 table of contents, Table C listing |
Changed “728.Table C” to “Table C” |
728 table of contents, Table D listing |
Changed “728.Table D” to “Table D” |
728 table of contents, Table E listing |
Changed “728.Table E” to “Table E” |
728 table of contents, Table F listing |
Changed “728.Table F” to “Table F” |
728 table of contents, Table G listing |
Changed “728.Table G” to “Table G” |
728 table of contents, Table H listing |
Changed “728.Table H” to “Table H” |
728 table of contents, Table I listing |
Changed “728.Table I” to “Table I” |
728 table of contents, Table T listing |
Changed “728.Table T” to “Table T” |
728 table of contents, Table U listing |
Changed “728.Table U” to “Table U” |
728 source note “R90-11” |
Added “in R90-11” |
728 source note “R95-20” |
Added “effective” |
728.102 “RCRA corrective action” |
Corrected the overstruck “(1998)” to “(1996)” to reflect text on file (twice) |
728.106(c)(3) |
Changed the ending punctuation from a comma to a period and removed the ending conjunction “and” |
728.106(e)(2) |
Board |
Changed “within 10 days of” to “within 10 days after” |
728.106(f)(2) |
Changed “within 10 days of” to “within 10 days after” |
728.106(f)(3) |
Changed “within 60 days of” to “within 60 days after” |
728.107(b)(3)(B)(iii) |
Removed the unnecessary ending period (leaving the proposed semicolon) |
728.107(e) |
JCAR, Agency |
Corrected “generators” to singular “generator” |
728.109(e) |
Changed “Sections 728.148” to singular “Section 728.148” |
728.109 source note |
Corrected the source note for the current amendments |
728.113 |
Corrected the spelling of “idetified” to “identified” |
728.114(b) |
Changed “U.S.C. §” to “USC” (twice) |
728.130 heading |
Changed “waste specific” to hyphenated “waste-specific” |
728.130(e) |
Changed “Sections 728.140” to singular “Section 728.140”; changed “Sections 728.148” to singular “Section 728.148” |
728.131 heading |
Changed “waste specific” to hyphenated “waste-specific” |
728.131(a) |
Board |
Added a comma after “F027” to offset the final element of a series |
728.131(b) |
Added the conjunction “and” before “dioxin-containing waste” for this final element of a series |
728.131(d)(3) |
Removed the unnecessary extra appearance of the word “have” |
728.132 heading |
Changed “waste specific” to hyphenated “waste-specific” |
728.135 heading |
Changed “waste specific” to hyphenated “waste-specific” |
728.135(c) |
Changed “this section” to capitalized “this Section” |
728.136 heading |
Changed “waste specific” to hyphenated “waste-specific” |
728.136(b)(4) |
Changed “Sections 728.140” to singular “Section 728.140” |
728.136(c) |
Changed “Sections 728.140” to singular “Section 728.140” |
728.137 heading |
Changed “waste specific” to hyphenated “waste-specific” |
728.138(a) |
JCAR, Board |
Changed “U.S.C. §” to “U.S.C.” |
728.138(b) |
Changed “hazardous waste number” to plural “hazardous waste numbers” (twice) |
728.141 |
Changed “Section Table A” to “Table A” |
728.144(e) |
Removed the ending period from the statutory citation |
728.144(h) |
Corrected the spelling “andjusted” to “adjusted” |
728.144(h)(4) |
Changed “will” to “will be” |
728.144(o) |
Changed “Sections 728.143(a)” to singular “Section 728.143(a)” |
728.144(p) |
Corrected the overstruck “(1998)” to “(1996)” to reflect text on file (twice) |
728.146 |
Changed “Sections 728.140” to singular “Section 728.140” |
728.Appendix F preamble |
Changed “in the Table T” to “in Table T” |
728.Appendix F “D003 explosives” |
Corrected “721.123(a) (a)(6), . . .” to “721.123(a)(6), . . .” |
728.Table C “IMERC” |
JCAR, Board |
Changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 724.Subpart O, 725.Subpart O” to “Subpart O of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 724 or Subpart O of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 725” |
728.Table C “INCIN” |
JCAR, Board |
Changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 724.Subpart O, 725.Subpart O” to “Subpart O of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 724 or Subpart O of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 725” |
728.Table D preamble |
Changed “Sections 728.140” to singular “Section 728.140” |
728.Table E preamble |
Changed “Sections 728.140” to singular “Section 728.140” |
728.Table F, ¶ B.2.a. |
JCAR, Board |
Corrected the spelling of “electolytic” to “electrolytic”; changed the dash after “reagents” to a colon |
728.Table F, ¶ B.3. |
Changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 724.Subpart O, 725.Subpart O” to “Subpart O of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 724 or Subpart O of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 725” to reflect text on file |
728.Table F, ¶ C.3. |
Corrected the spelling of “resistent” to “resistant” |
728.Table G |
Changed “Sections 728.140” to singular “Section 728.140” |
Table 4
Requested Revisions to the Text of the Proposed Amendments Not Made in Final Adoption
Section Affected |
Source(s) of Request: Requested Revision(s) |
Explanation |
720.110 “military munitions” |
JCAR: Move the comma to change “demolition charges, and devices and components . . .” to “demolition charges and devices, and components . . .” |
The placement of the comma exactly follows the federal language, and moving the comma could change the meaning of the text |
721.104(a)(20)(F) |
JCAR: Change “used to excluded secondary materials” to “used to exclude secondary materials” |
This has been corrected at the suggestion of the Agency to the appropriate language: “used to store excluded secondary materials” |
726.200(b)(2) Board note |
JCAR: Change bracket to parentheses on “the approach . . . as a” |
The text in which this appears is a direct quotation, and the bracketed text is a deviation from the literal language quoted |
726.203(c)(1)(B)(iii) |
JCAR: Removed the hyphen from “726.206-(b) or (e)” |
The character perceived as a hyphen is actually an overstruck space correcting “726.206 (b) or (e)” to”726.206(b) or (e)” |
726.211(b)(1) |
JCAR: Change “the following terms have the meanings given below” to “the following terms have the meanings given in this subsection (b)(1)” |
The alternative change selected was “terms have the following meanings” |
728.102 “hazardous constituent or constituents” |
JCAR: Change the quotation marks on “‘hazardous constituent or constituents’” to “‘hazardous constituent’ or ‘constituents’” |
The placement of the quotation marks exactly corresponds with the use of italics for the defined term in corresponding 40 C.F.R. 141.2 |
728.106(e)(2) |
JCAR: Change “the Agency must determine” to “the Agency will determine” |
The statement imposes a requirement on the Agency, it does not state present intent |
728.109(c) |
JCAR: Do not change “shall be land disposed” to “must be land disposed” |
The Board has opted to use “must” in place of “shall” in all occurrences |
It has previously been the practice of the Board to include an historical discussion in its RCRA Subtitle C and UIC identical-in-substance rulemaking proposals. However, in the last RCRA Subtitle C update docket, RCRA Subtitle C Update, USEPA Amendments (July 1, 1999 through Dec. 31, 1999), R00-13 (May 18, 2000), the Board indicated that it would cease this practice. Therefore, for a complete historical summary of the Board’s RCRA Subtitle C and UIC rulemakings and programs, interested persons should refer back to the May 18, 2000 opinion and order in R00-13.
The historical summary contains all Board actions taken to adopt and maintain these programs since their inception and until May 18, 2000. It includes a listing of all site-specific rulemaking and adjusted standards proceedings filed that relate to these programs. It also lists all USEPA program authorizations issued during that time frame. As necessary the Board will continue to update the historical summary as a segment of the opinion in each RCRA Subtitle C and UIC update docket, but those opinions will not repeat the information contained in the opinion of May 18, 2000 in docket R00-13.
The following summarizes the history of the Illinois RCRA Subtitle C hazardous waste and UIC programs since May 18, 2000:
History of RCRA Subtitle C and State Hazardous Waste Rules Adoption
The Board has adopted and amended the RCRA Subtitle C hazardous waste rules in the following docket since May 18, 2000:
R00-13 | RCRA Subtitle C Update, USEPA Regulations (July 1, 1999 through December 31, 1999), R00-13 (May 18, 2000); published at 24 Ill. Reg.9443 (July 7, 2000), effective June 20, 2000. |
R01-3 | RCRA Subtitle C Update, USEPA Regulations (January 1, 2000 through June 30, 2000), R01-3 (December 7, 2000); published at 25 Ill. Reg. 1266 (Jan. 26, 2001), effective January 11, 2001. |
R01-23 | RCRA Subtitle C Update, USEPA Regulations (July 1, 2000 through December 31, 2000), R01-23 (May 17, 2001); published at 25 Ill. Reg. 9108 (July 20, 2001), effective July 9, 2001. (Consolidated with UIC update docket R01-21.) |
R02-1 | RCRA Subtitle C Update, USEPA Regulations (January 1, 2001 through June 30, 2001), R02-1 (Apr, 18, 2002); published at 26 Ill. Reg. 6667 (May 3, 2002), effective April 22, 2002. (Consolidated with RCRA Subtitle C Update docket R02-12 and UIC Update docket R02-17.) |
R02-12 | RCRA Subtitle C Update, USEPA Regulations (July 1, 2001 through December 31, 2001), R02-12 (Apr, 18, 2002); published at 26 Ill. Reg. 6667 (May 3, 2002), effective April 22, 2002. (Consolidated with RCRA Subtitle C Update docket R02-1 and UIC Update docket R02-17.) |
R03-7 | RCRA Subtitle C Update, USEPA Regulations (January 1, 2002 through June 30, 2002), R03-7 (Jan. 9, 2003); published at 27 Ill. Reg. 3496, effective February 14, 2003. |
R03-18 | RCRA Subtitle C Update, USEPA Regulations (July 1, 2002 through December 31, 2002). This docket. |
The Board has taken other actions since May 18, 2000 relating to administration of the Illinois hazardous waste program. The Board has made solid waste determinations by granting the following adjusted standards:
AS 01-7 | Petition of Progressive Environmental Services, Inc. for an Adjusted Standard under 35 Ill. Adm. Code 720.131(c), AS 02-7 (January 10, 2002) (used automotive antifreeze). |
AS 02-2 | Petition of World Recycling, Inc. d/b/a Planet Earth Antifreeze for an Adjusted Standard under 35 Ill. Adm. Code 720.131, AS 02-2 (May 2, 2002) (used automotive antifreeze). |
History of UIC Rules Adoption
The Board has adopted and amended Underground Injection Control (UIC) regulations in the following dockets since May 18, 2000:
R00-11 | UIC Update, USEPA Regulations (July 1, 1999 through Dec. 31, 1999), R00-11 (Dec. 7, 2000); published at 25 Ill. Reg. 18585 (Dec. 22, 2001), effective December 7, 2001. (Consolidated with docket R01-1.) |
R01-1 | UIC Update, USEPA Regulations (Jan. 1, 2000 through June 30, 2000), R01-1 (Dec. 7, 2000); published at 25 Ill. Reg. 18585 (Dec. 22, 2001), effective December 7, 2001. (Consolidated with docket R00-11.) |
R01-21 | UIC Update, USEPA Regulations (July 1, 2000 through Dec. 31, 2000), R01-21 (May 17, 2001); published at 25 Ill. Reg. 9108 (July 20, 2001), effective July 9, 2001. (Consolidated with UIC update docket R01-23.) |
R02-17 | UIC Update, USEPA Regulations (July 1, 2001 through Dec. 31, 2001), R02-17 (Apr. 18, 2002); published at 26 Ill. Reg. 6667 (May 3, 2002), effective April 22, 2002. (Consolidated with RCRA Subtitle C Update dockets R02-1 and R02-12.) |
R03-5 | UIC Update, USEPA Regulations (January 1, 2002 through June 30, 2002), R03-5 (Aug. 8, 2002). (Dismissed because no federal actions in the period.) |
R03-16 | UIC Update, USEPA Regulations (July 1, 2002 through December 31, 2002), R03-16 (Feb. 6, 2003). (Dismissed because no federal actions in the period.) |
I, Dorothy M. Gunn, Clerk of the Illinois Pollution Control Board, certify that the Board adopted the above opinion on June 5, 2003, by a vote of 6-0.
Dorothy M. Gunn, Clerk
Illinois Pollution Control Board