January l7~ 1972
    PCB 72-5
    Opinion and Order of the Board (by Mr. Currie)
    Wilmette is required to treat or eliminate discharges of
    settling basin sludge from its Water Works by July, 1972 (Rules
    & Regulations SWB-7). The Village states that “our construction
    schedule indicates that these waste facilities will be available
    for use by July 1, 1972” but asks that we grant a variance until
    December 31 because “it is possible that delays in completion of
    the construction project may result in these facilities not being
    available until sometime after July, 1972.”
    Wilmette is thus seeking an insurance policy against delays
    which it does not expect, attributable to causes it does not
    suggest. If it should encounter excusable delays, then by all
    means it will be in a position to make application for a variance
    upon adequate allegations regarding the impact on the waters
    if a variance is granted and the hardship on the Village and its
    customers if it is denied. See our procedural rules, PCB Regs.
    Ch. 1, Rule 401, for the required contents of a petition. But
    we cannot grant a blank check permitting any and all delays of
    not over six months’ duration, regardless of their justification.
    We cannot extend a date for compliance in the absence of allegations
    that the extension is necessary. The petition itself tells us
    that Wilmette expects to meet the July deadline, and that demonstrates
    it is not presently in a position to obtain a variance. We
    applaud the Village’s desire to comply fully with the law by not
    waiting until the last moment to seek an extension, but on the
    basis of the present allegations the request cannot be entertained.
    Even if all the allegations were proved at ~ahearing, we could
    not grant the variance, and therefore a hearing would be a waste
    of time. PCB Regs., Ch. 1, Rule 405(b) (1)
    City of Jacksonville
    v. EPA,
    70—30, Jan. 6, 1971.
    The petition is hereby dismissed.
    I, Christan Moffett, Clerk of the Pollution Control Board, certify
    that the Board adopted the above Opinion and Order this
    day of January, 1972 by vote of ~

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