December 27, 1971
    Opinion of the Board (by Mr. Currie):
    Our order of September 16, 1971 (Employees of Holmes
    Merlan, mc.,
    71—39) required Merlan to lower its
    grizzly (a device used in the processing of recycled iron) and
    enclose its conveyor system by October 15, 1971, and to install
    a cyclone collector by January 15, 1972, all in order to control
    fugitive dust and related emissions. On September 30 the
    company filed a variance petition asking that six months from
    that date (to March 30, 1972) be allowed to complete these
    improvements. Delays due to the Agency~s alleged unwillingness
    to act on a permit application before the September 16 decision
    and the economic undesirability of taking the several remedial
    steps at different times are given as reasons.
    The Agency did not respond to the petition until today,
    although eighty-nine days have now passed since its filing. We
    must act now or the petition will be granted by default, since
    the statute requires a decision within 90 days. We have no
    time to ask for the company’s response to the suggestions made
    in the recommendation. We can only say that on its face the re-
    quest looks reasonable, that the requested time is now half
    gone, that the Agency agrees the reasons for some delay are
    legitimate, and that the magnitude of the pollution problem
    (as described in our earlier hearing record) is not so great
    as to justify closing the plant while the improvements are
    made. The Agency has not told us any facts to justify the
    somewhat earlier (February 15 and March 1) dates it suggests,
    and we therefore will allow the time the company requested.
    One condition of our earlier order was the submission,
    within 45 days, of a report on possible means of controlling
    emissions from material storage and unloading. Such a report
    was received November 1. Our order also required the Agency to
    file a response to the report within 15 days, but no such re-
    port was received. The EPA recommendation, without explanation,
    asks that we require covering of storage piles by June, 1972,
    3 —

    and allow until January 15 for filing of a plan for controlling
    emissions from unloading. We think Merlan should have another
    opportunity to respond to these suggestions, and we think it is
    entitled to the Agency’s comments on its own report first.
    We therefore will require submission of a further report on
    both unloading and storage within 20 days after receipt of the
    Agency’s reply, and further proceedings will be held as required.
    The October 15, 1971 and January 15, 1972 dates for compliance
    with paragraphs 2(a) and 2(b) of the Board’s order of September
    16 (#71-39) are hereby extended to March 30, 1972, on the
    following conditions:
    (1) Merlan shall within 35 days~af~terreceipt of this order
    post with the Agency a bond or other adequate security
    in the amount of $20,000 to assure compliance with
    its control program; and
    (2) Within 20 days after receipt of the Agency response
    specified in paragraph 4 of the September 16 order,
    Merlan shall file with the Board and with the Agency
    a further report relative to control of emissions
    during unloading and storage of material; and
    (3) Merlan shall file with the Board and with the Agency
    a status report on or before April 15, 1972; and
    (4) Merlan shall comply with the provisions of the
    September 16 order except as specifically modified
    I, Christan Moffett, Acting Clerk of the Pollution Control Board,
    certify that the Board adopted the above Opinion this 27th day
    of December, 1971 by
    a vote of
    3— 328

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