October 17, 1972
    Preliminary Order of the Board (by Mr. Currie):
    We scheduled a hearing on
    appeal from a permit
    denial. The Agency filed with us the
    materials that had
    been before
    in denying the permit and asked that the
    hearing be cancelled since the only material the Board
    should consider was that which had been before the Agency.
    SEMCO responds that the statute and rules require a hearing.
    We heard oral argument on this novel question.
    The statute does require a hearing (Environmental
    Protection Act, section 40), but the crucial question
    is what is the scope of the hearing. Clearly the issue
    is whether the Agency erred in denying the permit, not
    whether new material that was not before the Agency per-
    suades the Board that a permit should be granted. To allow
    an applicant to bypass the Agency by presenting its case
    for a permit only before the Board on appeal would under-
    mine the Agency’s authority to make permit decisions in
    the first instance.
    SEMCO acknowledged this on oral argument but main—
    tains that the hearing must afford an opportunity to examine
    materials or persons on whom the Agency relied apart from
    the matter submitted by the applicant. The Agency does
    not dispute this but contends the appellant must first
    show such outside matter was relied on before a hearing
    is called for. We think the appellant is entitled to a
    hearing to determine whether or not such material was relied
    upon and further to explore what- it discovers.
    The hearing will therefore proceed. We cannot delineate
    in advance exactly what may be admitted at such a hearing;
    the Hearing Officer should bear in mind that
    the issue is
    only whether the Agency erred on the basis of what
    was be-
    fore it.
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    SEMCO in oral argument raised for the first time the
    question whether a permit was required at all for the ac-
    tivity in question, asking that we decide that issue and
    avoid the need for a hearing. Since the Agency needs time
    to respond and since SEMCO maintains there is some urgency
    about the case, we think the most expeditious disposition
    is to hold the hearing now and consider this issue with the
    others at the close of the case.
    It is so ordered.
    I, Christan Moffett, Clerk of the Pollution Control Board,
    certify that the Board adopted the above Preliminary Order
    this 17th day of October, 1972, by a vote of ~

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