October 3, 1972
    Preliminary Order of the Board (by Mr. Currie)
    East St. Louis seeks more time to build secondary sewage
    treatment facilities, alleging among other things that the
    regional planning agency (Southwestern Illinois Metropolitan
    Planning Association Commission, or SWIMPAC) has not yet
    determined whether or not East St. Louis should participate
    with Lansdowne, Sauget, and Cahokia in a single regional treat-
    ment plant. Clearly the controversy cannot be resolved without
    the addition of SWIMPAC and the other communities as parties,
    so that our order can reach all those whose actions may be
    necessary to construct the needed facilities. A hearing is
    hereby authorized, and the hearing officer is directed to
    join SWIMPAC and such other parties as may be within one of
    the alternative plans being considered by SWIMPAC. Cf.
    EPA v. City of Silvis,
    71—159, 2 PCB 677 (Oct. 18, 1971)
    Gages Lake Sanitary District v. EPA,
    71-104, 2 PCB 443
    (Sept. 16, 1971).
    The petition is not wholly adequate as it now stands.
    It omits information as to effluent and river quality and
    does not clearly indicate why no contract for preliminary
    engineering was entered into until November 1971, although
    our regulation requiring secondary treatment by December
    1973 was adopted in January 1971. We shall allow 21 days
    for the filing of an amended complaint, which should provide
    that the 90-day period during which we must decide the case
    shall begin to run as of the date the amended petition is
    filed. Absent such extension of the period we will be forced
    to dismiss the initial petition for insufficiency.
    I, Christan Moffett, Clerk of the Pollution Control Board,
    certify that the Board adopted the above Preliminary Order
    this 3rd day of October, 1972, by a vote of____________

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