August 22, 1972
    Opinion & Order of the Board (by Mr. Currie)
    This petition seeks a variance to allow the connection
    of a new apartment complex to sewers in Waukegan despite our
    order forbidding such connections in League of Women Voters
    v. North Shore Sanitary District, ~70-7 (March 31, 1972).
    The petition alleges expenditures for land purchase and for
    building plans incurred before the ban was imposed, facts
    which we have found insufficient if proved to support a
    variance since the enjoyment of those expenditures is not
    foregone but merely deferred. See, e.g., Monyek v. EPA,
    #71—80 (July 19, 1971)
    Wagnon v. EPA, *71—85 (Aug. 5, 1971)
    It is further alleged that additional sums were spent after
    the ban was imposed in reliance upon the Sanitary District’s
    erroneous interpretation of our order as not applying if a
    building permit had been issued before the ban. See Wachta
    v. EPA, *71—77 (July 12, 1971); Glovka v. NSSD, #71—269
    (Feb. 17, 1972)
    In Glovka, because of expenditures in good
    faith reliance on the advice of municipal officials who should
    have known better, we held an individual who had made an
    illegal connection would not be required to disconnect; the pre-
    sent case asks us, as does Cook v. EPA, *72-178, which is to
    be decided August 29, to apply or extend that reliance
    principle here. The large number of apartments here involved
    (nearly 250) increases the hardship if a connection is denied
    and also the pollution is one is granted; it may bring about
    a greater duty of inquiry into the legality of a connection,
    since we cannot delegate authority to local officials to
    undermine or repeal our orders. The issue is ~ difficult
    one on which a hearing would be appropriate.
    However, the petition overlooks our orders in *71-343,
    North Shore Sanitary District v. EPA (Jan. 31 and March 2,
    which allowed a number of additional connections to
    Waukegan sewers based upon treatment plant improvements.

    There is here no allegation that permits have been sought
    and denied, or that the apartments are tributary to over-
    loaded sewers that are exempt from the #71—343 variance.
    There is only the allegation that a hypothetical refusal
    of a permit by the Agency would cause unreasonable hardship.
    In view of the relaxation of the ban in #71—343, without
    an allegation that there has been such a refusal there is
    no indication that a variance is needed. The petition is
    therefore dismissed for failure to allege facts sufficient,
    if proved, to justify the relief sought. See, e.g., Chester-
    field Development Corp. v EPA, #71-378 (March 2, 1972).
    I, Cl-tristan Moffett, Clerk of the Pollution Control 3oard,
    certify that the Board adopted the above Opinion & Order
    this 22nd. day of August, 1972, by a vote of
    5— 246

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