August 15, 1972
    PCB 72—337
    PRELIMINARY ORDER (by Mr. Parker):
    This variance proceeding was commenced by the filing of a petition
    with the Pollution Control Board on August 11, 1972. Petitioner seeks
    to avoid construction of temporary chlorination facilities pending com-
    pletion of financing for, and construction of, additional sewage treatment
    We find that information in addition to that set forth in the
    petition will be required in support of the request for a variance, and
    herewith order that petitioner file an amended petition with the Board
    on or before September 1, 1972, the amended petition to contain addition-
    al information consistent with the requirements of our Procedural Rule
    401, including facts as to the feasibility and cost of temporary
    chlorination facilities and the effects upon the receiving stream or
    creek. The amended petition should also include a statement by petition-
    er that the 90 day period provided for in Title 9, Section 38 of the
    Environmental Protection Act shall commence as of the date of filing of
    the amended petition.
    Petitioner’s statements concerning its lack of funds and the attempts
    which have been made to secure State and Federal financing have been noted.
    We remind petitioner, however, that the primary obligation of complying
    with the water pollution and other state regulations rests upon the local
    government, i.e. the petitioner in this case. Municipalities are
    responsible for complying with the laws with or without the aid of state
    or federal assistance (see City of Matoon v. EPA, PCB71—8, decision dated
    April 14, 1971, Sanitary District of Durand v. EPA, PCB71—317, decision
    dated October 18, 1971, EPA v. City of Marion, PCB71—25, decision dated
    October 28, 1971).
    In the absence of the filing of an amended petition on or before
    September 1, 1972, the original petition will be subject to dismissal.
    I, Christan Moffett, Clerk of the Pollution Control Board, certify that
    the Board adopted the above Preliminary Order this 15th day of August,
    1972, by a vote of 5—0,
    Christan L. M~~tt
    — 181

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