March 14, 1972
PCB 72—93
Opinion and Order of the Board (by Mr. Currie):
Laesch asks additional time to comply with the effluent
standards applicable to its oxygen-demanding wastes. We call
attention to the fact that the regulations, particularly with
regard to dates for c®mpliance, have been amended since
preparation of the petition, and ask the company to reassess
its situation in light of the new regulations. We note that
the date for treatment beyond the level of 20 mg/l BOD and
25 mg/l suspended solids has been altered, but not the date for
achieving those levels. In any event, the petition is
insufficient on an entirely separate ground. The petition
contains no firm program for achieving compliance. The
possibility of connecting to a municipal treatment system is
discussed, but no firm date is set. We cannot grant a variance
of this sort without a firm program. York Center v. EPA,
72—7 (Jan. 17, 1972). The petition is therefore dismissed
without prejudice to the filing of an amended petition, if
necessary under the revised regulations, setting forth an
acceptable control program.
I, Christan Moffett, Clerk of the Pollution Control Board, certify
that the Board adopted the above Opinion and Order this 14 th.
day of March, 1972, by a vote of 4—0.
4 —69