January 23, 1973
    PCB 72-87
    Complaint was filed by the Environmental Protection Agency
    against Johnson Blackwell, owner and operator of a landfill
    located three miles southeast of the City of Centralia. The
    complaint alleges violations of Section 21(e) of the Environ-
    mental Protection Act (Ill. Rev. Stat., Ch. 111-1/2, Par. 1021(e)),
    and the Rules and Regulations for Refuse Disposal Sites and
    Facilities as follows:
    1) Respondent has caused or allowed open burning on said landfill,
    in violation of Section 9(c) of the Act and of Rule 3.05
    of Rules and Regulations For Refuse Disposal Sites and
    March 13, 1967
    April 23, 1970
    June 17, 1970
    June 2, 1971
    2) Respondent caused or allowed the dumping of garbage in said
    landfill, in violation of Section 21(a) of the Act:
    August 13, 1971
    September 15, 1971
    January 10, 1972
    September 9, 1971
    October 14, 1971
    September 14, 1971
    November 4, 1971
    3) Respondent caused or allowed open dumping of other refuse at
    his landfill in violation of Section 21(b) of the Act:
    October 20, 1970
    August 13, 1971
    September 15, 1971
    October 21, 1970
    August 24, 1971
    October 14, 1971
    January 4, 1971
    September 9, 1971
    November 4, 1971
    June 2, 1971
    September 1~, 1971
    January 10, 1972

    4) Respondent failed to prohibit open dumping at the landfill
    in violation of Rule 3.04 of the Rules:
    March 13, 1967
    April 23, 1970
    June 17, 1970
    October 20, 1970
    October 21, 1970
    January 4, 1971
    June 2, 1971
    August 13, 1971
    August 24, 1971
    September 9, 1971
    September 14, 1971
    September 15,
    January 10, 1972
    5) Respondent failed to spread and compact refuse properly in
    Rule 5.06:
    March 13, 1967
    April 23, 1970
    June 17, 1970
    October 20, 1970
    October 21, 1970
    November 23, 1970
    December 16, 1970
    January 4, 1971
    August 13, 1971
    August 24, 1971
    September 9, 1971
    September 14, 1971
    September 15, 1971
    October 14, 1971
    November 4, 1971
    January 10, 1972
    6) Respondent failed to provide proper daily cover in violation of
    Rule 5.07(a) of the Rules:
    March 13, 1967
    April 23, 1970
    June 17, 1970
    October 20, 1970
    October 21, 1970
    November 23, 1970
    December 16, 1970
    January 4, 1971
    August 13, 1971
    August 24, 1971
    September 9, 1971
    September 14, 1971
    September 15, 1971
    October 14, 1971
    November 4, 1971
    January 10, 1972
    7) Respondent failed to provide proper final cover at his landfill
    in violation of Rule 5.07(b) of the Rules:
    March 30, 1971
    June 2, 1971
    August 13, 1971
    August 24, 1971
    September 9, 1971
    September 14, 1971
    September 15, 1971
    October 14, 1971
    November 4, 1971
    January 10, 1972
    8) Respondent failed to provide adequate vector control in vio-
    lation of Rule 5.09 of the Rules:
    September 9, 1971
    September 14, 1971
    September 15, 1971
    October 14, 1971
    November 4, 1971
    January 10, 1972
    9) Respondent caused or allowed the deposition of refuse in stand-
    ing water invjolatjonof Rule 5.12(c) of the Rules:
    June 17, 1970
    October 20, 1970
    October 21, 1970
    November 23, 1970
    December 16, 1970
    January 4, 1971
    March 30, 1971
    June 2, 1971
    August 13, 1971
    August 24, 1971
    September 9, 1971
    September 14, 1971
    September 15, 1971
    October 14, 1971
    November 4, 1971
    January 10, 1972
    March 13, 1967
    April 23, 1970
    June 17, 1970
    October 20, 1970
    October 21, 1970
    November 23, 1970
    December 16, 1970
    January 4, 1971
    August 13, 1971
    August 24, 1971

    For violations alleged to have occurred prior to August 13,
    1971 the Agency called only one witness other than Respondent. The
    witness testified that material burning on Respondent’s property aggra—
    vated his breathing problem (emphysema). (R.6-7). He recorded the
    dates when burning took place. The dates were, in 1970: February 19,
    February 20, February 27, April 11, and May 27. (R. 70-10). None of
    the dates correspond with those in the Complaint. Respondent admits open
    burning in 1968 and 1969. (R. 28), He denies having personally engaged
    in burning at the site subsequently, but was aware that “people” burned
    material there. (R.28-29). Respondent has generally admitted the other
    violations charged in the Complaint. This includes: failure to prohibit
    open dumping (R.25-26); failure to spread and compact refuse properly
    (R.29); failure to provide proper daily cover (R.30); failure to pro-
    vide adequate vector control (R. 30-31); and allowing the deposition
    of refuse in standing water (R.31-32,40)
    As to causing or allowing
    the dumping of garbage or other refuse, the record is inadequate to
    determine whether Respondent admitted the allegations or merely offered
    some justification for his unsuccessful attempts to control other1s
    actions (R. 27). We impose a penalty only for those violations for
    which there are allegations in the complaint. No penalty will be imposed
    for gratuitous admissions made by the Respondent.
    The Agency has alleged violations occurring as early as 1967 but
    the majority in 1971 and 1972. Violations as stated above were testi-
    fied to by a Sanitarian for the Agency. He inspected the site on
    August 13, 1971 and on those dates subsequent. On each occasion, there
    had been no change from the initial observations (R. 38-42)
    “Q. Cou~1youdescribe for the record what change, if any,
    you can recall from visit to visit?
    A. Well, on all of these visits the major part of the
    material remained constant. The fiberglass was still
    there. The amounts of cans and bottles bordering the
    creek was still there. There was still material in the
    creek. There was still fiberglass and other material
    dumped in the ponded area that Mr. Blackwell mentioned
    earlier. There was also fiberglass along a small hill.
    It appeared that there had been dumping there.
    In other words, there had been no change, no cover, in my
    opinion no attempt to spread this material out and compact
    it in any way or no attempt was made to provide
    daily cover
    or final cover.”
    (R. 42—43)
    Respondent is not unfamiliar with the Regulations.
    He has adthitted
    conferences with members of the Agency (R. 23, 32-34).
    His only
    of prohibiting access to the subject area was to string cable between
    fenceposts CR.
    Respondent has been aware
    since at least 1970
    the necessity of obtaining a permit but has not attempted to obtain it,

    instead having “just quit” (R. 33).
    Respondent has stated
    that his
    business is a small one, serving only one residential,
    mercial and industrial
    customers (R. 14-17).
    He also testified that
    since 1970, he has not dumped or burned refuse on the property in question
    (R. 21). Respondent stated that the greatest cause of his problems
    was vandalism that he was unable to control (R. 23-26)
    If we accept as true all that Respondent has stated, we still
    must find that he is responsible for the violations alleged in the
    complaint. We believe Respondent has attempted to ignore his legal
    duties with respect to the landfill. Respondent’s acquiescence in
    the dumping by others is in violation of the Statute and Regulations
    #72-136Protection(SeptemberAgency12,v. 1972),Chicago1
    5 PCB
    The photographs entered into evidence make clear that a
    distressing situation exists at this site. (Complainant’s Exhibits 5
    through 8). The site presents a health hazard needing immediate atten-
    tion. We order Respondent to spread, compact and provide final cover
    for his landfill within 45 days. Respondent shall immediately post
    conspicuous signs and limit access to the site, and take the other
    affirmative steps necessary to prevent the unlawful dumping of refuse
    and debris by others at this site.
    For the violations admitted by Respondent, including those testi-
    fied to by witnesses, we assess a $200 penalty. We believe Respondent
    is responsible for not controlling chronic incidents of promiscuous
    dumping. If we had been persuaded that Respondent had been continuing
    an active landfill operation, the penalty would have been far greater.
    Unless and until Respondent is in compliance with all statutory and
    regulatory provisions relating to landfill operations he shall immediatelY
    cease and desist all landfill operations at this site, including all
    activities found in the complaint.
    This opinion constitutes the findings of fact and conclusions of
    law of the Board.
    IT IS THE ORDER of the Pollution Control Board that:
    1. Respondent shall
    pay to the State of Illinois, within
    35~days from the date of this Order, the sum of $200
    as penalty for the violations found in this Order. Pay-
    ment shall be made by check or money order payable to
    the State of Illinois, and shall be sent to Fiscal
    Services Division, Environmental Protection Agency, 2200
    Churchill Drive, Springfield, Illinois 62706 by February 28,l97
    2. Respondent shall spread, compact and provide final cover
    for his landfill within 45 days from the date of this Order.
    3. Respondent shall immediately post conspicuous signs and
    limit access to the landfill site, and take the other affir-
    mative steps necessary to prevent the unlawful dumping of
    refuse and debris by others at this site.

    Respondent shall immediately cease and desist all land-
    fill operations at this site, including all activities
    found in the complaint, unless and until he is in com-
    pliance with
    all statutory and regulatory provisions re-
    lating to landfill operations, subject to the provisions
    of paragraphs 2 and 3 above.
    I, Christan Moffett, Clerk of the Illinois Pollution ~ontrol Board,
    certify that the above Opinion was adopted on the o~&3R day of
    1973, by a vote of
    to p

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