    12, 1973
    0. CARD, OF
    Complaint was filed by the Agency against Respondents, Ash-
    land Chemical Comoany, a Division of the Ashland Oil Company, Inc.
    (~Ashland”) and Baird Chemical, a division of Lonza, Inc. (subsequent—
    ly amended to Lonza, Inc., hereafter ‘tLonza”)
    alleging that be-
    tween July 1, 1970 and. July 12, 1971, and in particular on 31 speci-
    fied dates and continuing to the date of the filing of complaint,
    being May 1, 1972, Respondents have, by their operations, “either
    alone or in combination with other sources, caused or threatened
    to allow the discharge or emission of contaminants into the atmos-
    phere so as to cause or tend to cause air pollution in Illinois in
    violation of Section 9(a) of the Environmental Protection Act.”
    (Ill. Rev. Stat., Ch. 111—1/2, Sec. 1009(a), 1970). Respondents’
    plants are contiguous and located in the vicinity of Napleton,
    Peoria County.
    The many facilities within the Mapleton area are delineated
    on Respondent Ashland’s Exhibit #51. The Ashland and Lonza facili-
    ties lie closest to Mapleton, approximately 1/2 mile south—south-
    east. Slightly further away is the Caterpillar plant, lying south-
    southwest. Mapleton Industries is located over 1 mile northeast
    of Mapleton. Other plants within the area are located further away.
    The Cilco power plant at Hollis is over three miles northeast of
    Mapleton. The Powerton power plant is located over three miles

    southeast of Mapleton. The plants of Archer-Daniels-Midland and
    Corn Products Corporation are over three miles east—southeast of
    Respondents’ facilities are located in Peoria County with-
    in or adjacent to the corporate limits of the municipality of
    Mapleton, between Route 24 and the Illinois River. The plants are
    located on a private body of water, known as Pond Lilly Lake, which
    separates Respondents’ plants, on the south, from the Illinois River.
    The municipality lies across the highway, several hundred yards
    north and northwest of the plants (R. 1254 and Ashland Ex. 1 & 8).
    The Ashland facilities were constructed in 1961, and were originally
    owned by Archer-Daniels-Midland Company (R. 1083). Ashland. acquired
    the facilities approximately 6 years ago CR. 1084)
    The Lonza
    facility was constructed shortly after the Ashland plant by Baird
    Chemical Company which was merged into Lonza, Inc., before the initial
    date of the alleged violations (R. 1254).
    The Ashland plant produces a wide variety of chemical products.
    The evidence indicates that Ashland uses materials including beef
    tallow, coconut oil and certain animal and vegetable oils to make
    its products including fatty acids, alcohols and nitriles, polyester
    plasticizers, amides and primary, secondary and tertiary amines and
    quaternary amines for a wide variety of uses, including cosmetics,
    drugs and fabric softeners CR. 1082-1083, EPA Ex. 10 and Ashland Ex.
    63). The plant’s facilities include reactors, vacuum stills, frac-
    tionation columns, pressure vessels, storage tanks and hydrogen man-
    ufacturing facilities (EPA Ex. 12, 27, and 28). Additional facili-
    ties include an animonium handling system, wastewater treatment system
    and steam production system (EPA Ex. 10). Steam production facili-
    ties consist of two coal-fired boilers and one gas-fired boiler. (EPA
    Ex. 10)
    The wastewater treatment facilities begin with “hot-wells”
    from which wastewater proceeds through channels to air
    flotation separators, or “grease flotation clarifiers” and then to
    an extended a~ationpond, settling pond, an 18-1/2 acre lagoon
    and finally, to a 105 acre closed lagoon. Most of the water is re-
    cycled from the settling basin back to the plant to be used as cool-
    ing water (EPA Ex. 10, Ashland Ex. 19)
    It is important to associate the descriptive identification of
    odors with the chemical compounds responsible. The following list
    identifies by-products and compounds manufactured by Ashland with
    the common description of their odor.
    Hydrogen sulfide
    Rotten eggs
    Liquid fatty acids
    Sour, rancid

    The amines and fatty acids are produced at Ashland while
    ammonia is used as a raw material and hydrogen sulfide results
    from the septic conditions in the wastewater treatment lagoons.
    The sources of odorous emissions at Ashland can be divided
    into the following three areas; process facilities, waste water
    collection and treatment system, and the steam generation system.
    In terms of severity of odor emissions, the waste water collection
    and treatment system are the worst offenders.
    Emissions from the process facilities during normal operation
    reach the atmosphere directly through excess hydrogen vents associa-
    ted with the hydrogenation processes (EPA Ex. 1), and through vents
    en storage tanks during loading operations (EPA Ex. 12). Emissions from
    the processes reach the atmosphere indirectly through the waste water
    collection and recovery system in that steam ejector discharges and
    scrubber wastes in most cases empty into the various hot wells
    (Ashland Ex. 63). A less significant source of emissions would be
    the glycerine and ammonia recovery systems (EPA Ex. 28).
    Emissions from the processes can only result from abnormal
    conditions due to the many safety valves and burst diaphrams required
    (EPA Exhibit 12).
    The wastewater collection and treatment system handles
    most of the byproducts and wastes from the process facilities and
    thus all
    various odorous substances produced including fats and
    oils, fatty acids and alcohols, and the various amines and esters
    (Ashland (Ex. 63). The hot wells, the first step in the collection
    process, have been observed to have floating fats and oils, to emit
    visible vapors, and to emit various odors including those character-
    ized as fishy and rancid (EPA Ex. 10). The open channels (actually covered
    by boards) had fishy odors (EPA Ex. 10). The floatation cells from
    which grease and bouyant materials are skimmed, have been observed
    to emit greasy, rancid, hydrogen sulphide, and in general, putrefying
    odors (EPA Ex. 10). The aerated lagoons apparently are a major
    contributor to the odor and have been described as emitting a repre-
    hensible combination of various odors such as rancid, putrefying,
    fishy and hydrogen sulfide (EPA Ex. 10). The conclusion drawn was
    that the floatatiori system was overloaded so that excess organic
    matter was discharged to the aerated lagoon which, because of inade-
    quate mixing and oxygen supply, was septic with stagnant regions of
    decomposing organic materials (EPA Ex. 10).
    A third source of odor is the steam generating plant. In addition
    to coal and gas, skimmed grease from the floatation cells (EPA Ex. 10)
    and process residues including fatty acid varieties, are burned in the
    furnaces (EPA Ex. 28). Combustion gases exhausting out the stack
    could then include odorous combustion products.

    The~Lonzaplant is used primarily for the production of a
    sugar solution known as Sorbitol, constituting 65 of its plant
    production. The remaining production is essentially alkyl chloride,
    tertiary and quaternary amines used in deodorant and germicidal
    applications (Lonza Ex. 1, EPA Ex. 26, 10). Lonza uses chlorination,
    reaction, evaporation and quaternarization processes in creating
    these products, which require the use of pressure tanks, water
    scrubbers, vacuum stills and surface condensors (Lonza Ex. 1).
    Lonza also has a wastewater system consisting of “hot—wells”,
    effluent ditch, covered clarifier, covered settling tank recycle
    system, including a cooling tower, and two one—acre closed receiving
    lagoons (Lonza Ex. 1, EPA Ex. 26).
    Odor emissions result from both the process and wastewater
    treatment and reuse facilities. Of the three main products,
    sorbital, nitrogenous compounds and alkyl chloride, the Sorbitol
    process probably does not result in significant emissions although
    it is possible to detect a caramel candy type odor near the process
    facility (Lonza Ex. 1).
    In the production of amines and alkyl chlorides, substances
    including chlorine compounds, DMA and fatty compounds are emitted
    directly or indirectly to the atmosphere. The direct emissions
    result from atmospheric vents on the storage and holding tanks for the
    amines which are splash loaded (EPA Ex. 26). The byproducts and
    waste products such as hydrochloric acid gas (HC1), fatty alcohols,
    and DMA are removed from the processes by scrubbers which dischar’ge
    either to the hot well or the effluent ditch (Lonza Ex. 1) from
    which emissions to the atmosphere can occur. The chlorine compounds
    frequently have a blue or greyish tint when emitted and acids such as
    HC1 have an acrid odor and a burning sensation (EPA Ex. 10). Of the
    two water reuse systems, the “dirty” water system takes water from
    the amine production facilities, passes it through a floatation
    tank where organics are skimmed, and then through a cooling tower
    before reuse (EPA Ex. 26). The floatation tank and cooling tower
    probably emit odors.
    The wastewater treatment lagoons appear to be in good shape.
    Recent evidence shows that the lagoons are aerobic with no emission
    of hydrogen sulfide (Lonza Ex. 1).

    Before discussing the merits of the case, it is necessary
    to dispose of the procedural issues raised by Respondent Ashland.
    Ashland argues:
    “Unless there is identification of the nature of
    the odor on a. specific day, it is impossible for
    Ashland to prepare a defense. This was recognized
    in Environmental Protection Agency v. Mystik Tape,
    #72-180, and Environmental Protection Agency
    George Rosenbalm, #71-299...” (Ashland Brief)
    Respondent misconstrues the clear intention of the Board’s
    statement. The statement quoted from Mystik Tape was directed to
    preclude open ended assertions of future violations “to the close
    of the record” without ultimate specification of violations be-
    fore hearing and proof. No such situation maintains here where
    the complaint alleges that “since July, 1970 (in particular on
    31 specified dates) and continuing to the present date” certain
    violations were committed by Respondent. In the Mystik opinion,
    we stated:
    “This does not foreclose some latitude in the showing
    of continuing violations for purpose of imposition
    of penalties or promulgation of abatement program.
    Likewise, while we do not look with favor upon gen-
    eralized allegations of violations covering a
    specified period of time, as distinguished from
    detailed specifications of alleged offenses, such
    method of pleading is not fatally defective if
    it related to a period of the past.”
    Where the violation is a continuing one, Complainant need
    not allege and prove every date of the violation. Here, Complain-
    ant has alleged violations on over thirty specified dates and has
    offered proof of those dates, as well as on other dates to show
    the continuing nature of the violations. There was no attempt to
    allege or prove violations outside the scope of the complaint.
    Proof has been offered on other dates which is properly admissible
    since it was offered to show the failure of either Respondent to
    effectively abate its odor emissions and the nuisance resulting
    therefrom, after the period of alleged violation. The Mystik cav-
    eat was directed specifically to cases where proof was offered
    of violations occurring subsequent to the date the complaint was
    filed or hearing commenced. Respondents do not assert that they
    were not apprised of the basic nature of the offenses charged in
    the complaint for the period involved. The situation calling for
    7— 511

    the application of the Mystik rule is not present in the instant
    case where proof of violation is based essentially on the period
    pleaded in the complaint.
    Respondents are jointly charged with causing or tending to
    cause air pollution either alone or in combination with other
    sources. The complaint alleges that Ashland air pollution results
    from two principal sources: first, its processing emissions, in-
    cluding production of amines, fatty organic oils, fatty quaternary
    ammoniüm chloride, and hydrogen sulfide; and secondly, its abate-
    ment processes consisting of skimming, burning, entrainment and
    aeration ponds. The complaint against Lonza centers on its process
    emissions in the production of tertiary and quaternary amines.
    The case presents an issue of alleged severe odor nuisance
    from noxious odors, particularly to residents of Mapleton and vis-
    itors. The nature and extent of the purported violations will be
    examined in terms of the following characteristics:
    1. Characteristics of the odors (as to smell and visual
    2. Manner of transmission;
    3. Duration of the episode;
    4. Direction of the wind;
    5. Establishment of the source of the odor;
    6. Effect of the odor.
    Understandably, citizens who testified during the hearings
    did not exhibit a uniform capability of distinguishing and iden-
    tifying the odors involved. The majority, however, were able to
    distinguish a wide range of odors and associate them with various
    manufacturing and commercial operations in the vicinity. Two pre-
    dominant odorsvere associated with Respondents’ plants: one was a
    “fishy” odor, and the other was a “rotten egg odor”. (R. 12, 61-
    62, 70—71, 72, 79—80, 99—100, 118, 141, 376—77, 378, 385, 391, 392,
    445, 517, 532, 534, 538, 604)
    The witnesses identified other
    odors, some of which were associated with the Respondents’ oper-
    ations and otherswhich clearly were not. These odors were charac-
    terized as sulfur, dead rats, lacquer and paint smells, tallow,
    anti—freeze, septic tank, “dirty pond smell”, stale malt and am—
    monia~ Fog or smoke emissions often accompanied the odors from one or
    ~both plants.(R. 12, 26, 34, 57, 58, 60, 73, 99—100, 114, 118
    141, 142, 156, 157, 160—1, 178—9, 197, 200, 207, 221—2, 228, 243,
    246—7, 256, 280, 282, 284—5, 296, 299, 302—3, 305, 308, 327, 335—6
    342—43, 345, 346, 348, 376—7, 378, 385, 391, 392, 395, 397, 398,

    425, 445, 517, 624, 527, 532, 537, 538, 549, 592, 593, 606, 611,
    741, 742, 762, 829, 831, 833, 835, 838—9).
    One resident was Dr. Richard Hoffman, a Professor of Chem-
    istry at IllinoIs Central College. He holds degrees in chemistry
    and chemical education, and has had a number of years’ experience
    in the analysis of fats, fatty substances and derivatives (R. 137-
    38). Many of the products produced by the Respondents fall within
    these categories. Dr. Hoffman resides about five miles from Re-
    spondents’ sites and even at that distance, is affected by the odors
    CR. 140-141). He described the odors as “fishy” and “sulfur—like”
    (R. 141) and frequently travels by Respondents’ plants to which he
    attributes their source CR. 140-141, 158, 168). At his house the
    odors are just “offensive” but in the vicinity of the plants he
    describes them as “malodorous”
    tending to. make one ill (R. 168—
    70). He characterizes the odors as “typical of those in rancid
    fats, both animal and vegetable, and to nitrogenous derivatives
    thereof... they smell like fatty amines, tallow, oxidized tallow,
    soybean oil, fatty alcohols, glycerides, nitriles, quaternary
    amines...” (R. 156). On cross—examination, Dr. Hoffman stated
    that the “rotten egg smell...could easily come from the oxidation
    that’s occurring in these clarifying ponds or whatever they are
    called out in back of the two plants in question...” (R. 192).
    Witnesses were in general agreement that odors were more
    frequent during the summer than during the winter. In the winter
    months, the wind is predominantly from the north which would ex-
    plain the decline in odor episodes, remarked upon by almost all of
    the witnessess CR. 76-7, 294, 344, 444). Testimony indicated that
    during spring, summer and fall, noxious odors were present on approx-
    imately half of the days (R. 38~7, 444). The predominant odors were
    present only when the wind was from a southerly direction CR. 211,
    302-3). The days when odors were present were not necessarily days
    when the odor lasted for the duration of the day (R. 77-80). An
    odor episode could last anywhere from minutes to hours (R. 257—8).
    An hour or two appeared not unusual. The intensity was often
    greater at night. The odors can be detected at least five miles away
    on some days (R. 168-9). There has been no improvement jn abate-
    ment of the frequency Or pungency of the odors during the years in
    question CR. 291—2, 293,
    Whether taken in whole or in part, the record is consistent-
    ly clear that the residents identify their odor problems as emanating
    from the Ashland and Lonza plants. There is overwhelming evidence
    that the residents identify Respondents’ plants with producing nox-
    ious odors (R. 20, 120, 158, 204, 205, 247, 308, 408, 415, 422). The
    fishy odors are more commonly identified with Lonza’s facilities
    and those of rotten eggs are more often attributed to Ashland Chem-
    ical, as will be described below. It is also clear that, though the
    residents have some specific ideas as to what is the source of

    particular odors, the plants have presented problems in identification.
    These problems include the close proximity of the structures, and
    some similarity in their processes. We find that the citizens could
    easily differentiate other odors in the vicinity including those
    of foundries and anti-freeze manufacturing plants (R. 23, 242, 300-1,
    311, 374, 389, 400, 537)
    The effects of the odors, particularly the primary odors
    previously identified, have been sufficient to establish a viola-
    tion of S ction 9(a) in terms of nuisance and interference with en-
    joyment of life and property. Some of the odors caused burning eyes
    (R. 13) and headaches (R. 102). The odors are also responsible
    for loss of appetite, inability to sleep and respiratory difficul-
    ties (R. 25). At least one individual became nauseous CR. 294)
    other stated that the odors made him irritable (R. 431). Outdoor
    activities of residents have been restricted (R. 295, 465). The
    chemicals causing odors were allegedly responsible for killing
    vegetation and destroying gardens (R. 251, 351, 431). One person
    found he had to leave town periodically (R. 458, 465, 466), and
    another remarked on the pronounced odors when he returned from out-
    side the vicinity. One witness testified that his health improved
    on long periods away from the area (R. 350). Residents have com-
    plained to the Respondents. At times the complaints have resulted
    in immediate improvement, but in general
    is of short duration
    (R. 76—7, 274).
    Evelyn Monks has lived in Mapleton for 35 years. She identi-
    fies odors of fish and rotten eggs as being emissions of Respondents’
    plants. The odors are present only when the wind blows from the
    plants toward her. It is these odors that have burned her throat
    and made it difficult for her to breathe, caused her eyes to burn
    and awakened her during the night. She has observed foam on Pond
    Lilly Lake and tam and fog (which has a strong nauseating sulfur
    odor) rolling from Respondents’ plants toward her residence. She
    associates the egg and fish smell mostly with Ashland Chemical Com-
    pany but thinks both Respondents are responsible. She has made nu-
    merous calls to the Respondents to complain about the odors. She
    believes that the companies respond to the complaints and are able
    to eliminate the odors, if they want to. She bases this upon the
    fact that within 20 minutes of the time she calls, (often to suggest
    that the aerators in their lagoon be turned on) the odor disappears
    (R. 9—89)
    Anna Mary Maddalozzo recalls certain air emission episodes
    involving the Ashland plant which have occurred ever since it began
    functioning. Emissions from the plant were apparently responsible
    for the discoloration of the paint on her home in 1964. She also
    states that the odors are present only when the wind is blowing
    from the plant toward her. She characterizes the odors as primarily
    burning odors such as burning tallow, and dead fish and sewage.
    She stays indoors because the odors give her headaches. She regrets
    7 —514

    that her yard cannot be used for normal activities such as picnics
    and gatherings. She says, “I am thankful to the Good Lord that I
    have central air conditioning. Otherwise,
    I wou)dn’~be
    able to
    live in my home anymore.” She is na-t bothered by
    emi*slons from the
    Caterpillar Plant but does differentiate
    the odors from Respondents’
    plants and those of Mapleton Industries which is an “anti-freeze”
    She lives a quarter of a mile from the Ashland and Lonza
    plants and much closer to the Mapleton
    Industries facility.
    (R. 90—134)
    Fred Monks is the husband of Evelyn Monks and has lived in
    Mapleton for 35 years. He has
    difficulty describing the different
    kinds of odors he has observed, but terms one of them “pond stink”
    the other “odor from the cookers”.
    He calls the first one pond
    because he
    it with the rotting
    of Pond
    Lilly Lake, which, he states, was beautiful and useable before the
    chemical companies came. Some of the manufacturing facilities in
    Ashland and Lonza he calls “cookers” and he also finds the odor from
    these highly objectionable.
    He believes both odors emanate from
    Respondents’ plants and bases this on the fact that he experiences
    them only when the wind is from the southwest, south or east which
    would blow those odors toward his house. He also has made visual
    observations of the plants’ operations and emissions from the bluff and
    believes this corroborates his other observations.
    He has kept
    daily records
    since May 17, 1971, noting types of odors and wind
    directions at his residence.
    He states, however, that this is not a
    totally accurate portrayal of the odor
    situation, since
    his observa-
    tions are made during
    day -a-nd-many of
    worst odors are exper-
    after nightfall. He has observed “the fog” roll along the
    ground from Respondents’ plants to his residence. The fumes have an
    acid odor and reaction which burns his eyes.
    He says that when the
    wind is from the north, the air in Mapleton is as good as it was 20
    years ago. The odors that he attributes
    to Respondents’ facilities
    are different, in his mind, from those of Caterpillar
    which he char-
    acterizes as “iron smell” and odors from Mapleton Industries. He
    believes that the odors have affected his ability to walk and in the
    past several years his legs have become progressively weaker. However,
    when he left the area for a vacation, within less than a- week his
    strength returned to the point where he could again engage in activi-
    ties which he had given up, such as carrying suitcases upstairs and
    hunting in the hilly area CR. 203-381).
    Virginia Sonnemaker has lived in the Mapleton area for over
    years. She states that the odors from
    Respondents’ plants some-
    times “almost knock you down”. She believes that the fishy odor
    may come from both plants. She finds the odor from Caterpillar to
    be distinctly different from any odors she associates with Respondents~
    plants. She associates the odors with Respondents’ plants because

    “every time you see this big steam coming up real fast (from the
    . .
    .you are going to get the odor if the wind is just right...
    If the wind comes that way, we get it.” She has seen the fog com-
    ing from the plants and believes that Lonza bears the primary re-
    sponsibility for it. She had difficulty describing the odor of it,
    saying that “itts obnoxious” and feels that the odors are worse
    when the weather is muggy. She finds that the odors “run her into
    the house”, and she is awakened at night by them. Even with the
    air conditioning on she notices them (R. 236-276).
    Linda Bierwirth has lived in Mapleton for about 25 years.
    Her parents reside in town, although she herself has moved further
    away. She notices the odors when she passes by the plants and says,
    “It’s just terrible. Especially when you have your
    heater running in the car in the wintertime. It
    seems to draw it in and it doesn’t leave very swiftly.
    You can let your car sit for several days and it
    will still smell that way. Well, I would say
    course, it’s a joke with everyone in Mapleton that
    you can tell when you are getting home, that a blind
    man could finn his way to Mapleton because right
    at the rise of the viaduct is where it really seems
    to hit you.”
    She says she has some respiratory difficulties that the odors
    “I have a little problem, I have trouble with my si-
    nuses and it seems that when the smell is real in-
    tense, it just, I feel like I want to explode, you
    know, but that hasn’t really been too often because
    I try to stay in most, you know, most all summer
    because I have tried going out in the yard with the
    kids aridlcan’t breathe.”
    (R. 277-312).
    Cleland Dailey says the smells sometimes wake him up in the
    night and are present about 50 of the time in the summer.
    says the rotten egg smell is predominant and strongest at night.
    He identifies them with Respondents’ plants because
    they come on a
    southeast wind and he lives northwest of the plants.
    He sees vapors
    coming from vents from both plants so he cannot specify which plant
    is responsible for which odor. When the odors get very bad “we take
    off and get out for awhile.” He says in the
    past year they had gotten
    that bad about once a week CR. 439-467).
    Edward Campbell is employed by the- Environmental Protection
    Agency. In his investigations
    of Respondents’ plants and in the
    vicinity of Mapleton he testified
    that he had inspected the Ashland
    wastewater treatment system. His observations were
    that there were
    putrifying odors in the area of the grease traps and flotation cells.

    He also detected hydrogen sulfide odors at the pond, and the same
    odors at the viaduct on Route 24 which he attributed to the Ashland
    property. He stated that the odors were carried to that area from
    the Ashland property by a southerly wind. In his opinion, the real
    repugnent odor in the area seems to be because of the anaerobic con-
    dition in Ashland’s “lagoon”. He also testified that the Caterpillar
    facility used no chemicals in their process which would give a fishy
    or rotten egg odor. (R. 517—626).
    Respondents have structured their arguments by denying that
    each singly has caused the odors. Both admit that there are odors
    in the Mapleton area which the citizens and residents consider ob-
    noxious and for which the Respondents are in part responsible. As
    indicated above, the witnesses consistently identify Respondents
    Ashland and Lonza as being the source of obnoxious odor emissions
    in the Mapleton area. Evelyn Monks stated that she observed charac-
    teristically different odors from each of Respondents’ plants
    odors that were identifiable and distinguishable from any other odors
    in the area. Anna Maria Maddalozzo similarly identified certain
    odors with the Ashland and Lonza facilities which were only present
    when the wind came off the plants in her direction. Dr. Richard Hoff-
    man encountered the odors whenever he passed by the facilities and
    had traced them from his home to the Respondents’ doorstep. Fred
    Monks identified two odors, “dirty pond” smell and “cooker” odor
    as being emitted from Respondents’ plants. He had confirmed his ob-
    servations by observing the visual emissions of the plants when the
    wind blew them in his direction. Virginia Sonnemaker pointed to
    Respondents as being responsible for odor problems in Mapleton.
    She had no difficulty in distinguishing their odors from other fa-
    cilities, such as Caterpillar.
    John Monks also observed different
    odors emanating from Respondents’ facilities.
    The test for air pollution is found in Section 9(a) of the
    Act. It is whether any person has “caused or threatened or allowed
    the discharge or emission of any contaminant into the environment
    in any state so as to cause or tend to cause air pollution in Illinois,
    either alone or in combination with contaminants from other sources..
    Section 3(d) of the Act includes in the definition of “contaminants”,
    “any odor.” Section 3(b) of the Act defines “air pollution” as “the
    presence in the atmosphere of one or more contaminants in sufficient
    quantities and of such characteristics
    and duration as to be injur-
    ious to human,
    plant or animal life, to health, or to property or
    to unreasonably interfere with the enjoyment of life or property.”
    v. Kaluzny Brothers
    #72-160, EPA v. Midwest Rubber Company #72-
    318 and ~PA v.Lloyd A. Fry Roofing #71-33.

    Odor emissions can cause air pollution. However, they are dis-
    tinctly different from smoke violations or particulate emissions.
    Odor emiSsions are often not visible, and, like some other forms of
    pollution, such as noise, the reaction of citizens are highly indivi-
    dualistic and subjective. Also exposure to odors induces situation
    fatigue on the part of the observer so that his perception of odors,
    as well as his odor threshold, may change. In this case, the record
    is quite clear that residents were able to identify a number of differ—
    ent odors and to characterize them.We do not expect that all witnesses
    will describe the odors in exactly the same way. Nor do we expect
    that the witnesses should associate only one odor with the Respondents~
    operations. Indeed, there is substantial evidence that several dis-
    tinct odors were the result of Respondents’ operation. Of necessity,
    an odor emission is a subjective judgement, which is rarely constant
    or subject to measurement, seldom capable of precise definition or
    and differs
    fron~ person to person in its impact.
    Respondents have attempted
    to attribute the odors to other opera-
    tions within the vicinity and particularly to each other. However,
    it is clear from the record that citizens can differentiate between
    odors caused by Respondents and
    those emanating from other sources.
    Other companies suggested by Respondents
    are Mapleton Industries and
    the Caterpillar plant. Witnesses testified that they indeed exper-
    ienced odors which they associated with those plants and that those
    odors were distinct from those they associated with Respondents’ opera-
    tion. In the case of Caterpillar, the odor was “hot iron and metal”
    and in the case of Mapleton Industries, it was “anti-freeze odor”
    (R. 121—3, 400).
    As previously mentioned, Respondents’ plants are in close prox-
    In some ways, it is difficult to imagine, given that
    and wind conditions that adequate differentiation
    of odors emanating
    from that vicinity would be possible.
    However, the recordnaintains
    very, consistent associations of odors with various operations.
    egg odors”, and “swampy, lagoon—type odors” are
    attributed to Ashland’s
    (R. 61,205,385, 517).
    Chemical odors such as “ammonia”
    are associated to the Lonza processes (R. 246, 1142)
    “Fishy” odors
    are associated with both plants (R. 200, 1144). Further
    included statements such as, “there
    was never a smell
    in those lakes
    until the chemical companies came to Mapleton...”
    (R. 208-9).
    though we do not encourage testimony that is imprecise, we do not
    expect that citizens will be as articulate as chemical
    Respondents have claimed that no evidence
    has been offered on
    the specific dates alleged
    by the Agency in the complaint. The record
    contains ample evidence on those dates, as indicated below.
    Agency alleged violations beginning in
    Thirty-one specific
    dates were alleged, of which
    30 were between May 17, 1971
    and July 12,
    1971. Proof was offered on thirty of those dates.
    Citizen observa-
    tions of offensive odors which they associate with Respondents’ plants
    cover a period between May 8, 1970 and November
    2, 1972.
    7 —518

    Exhibits 7, 8; Hearing Officer’s Composite Exhibit #1 and Hearing
    Officer’s Exhibits 1(a) through 1(ee)). Many exhibits are complaint
    filled out by employees of Ashland and Lonza after telephone
    complaints from residents. These complaint
    are revealing be-
    cause they include the
    Respondents! observations of
    wind direction and
    plant inspection after the reception of the complaints.
    For example: On July 8, 1970, a complaint was phoned in by
    Walter Robinson at 6:10 A.M. concerning an odor he characterized as
    “urine”. Ashland noted that the wind was light from a westerly
    direction and that they could not detect any odors except for those
    in their #04 building where an employee noted the smell but could not
    find the source. Lonza observed
    wind coming light from the
    southeast, but could not detect the odor at all.
    On July 18, 1970, two complaints were made, one by John South-
    anner at 8:03 A.M. complaining of an
    odor and one by Mrs. Bruce
    Odenwalt at 8:37 A. M. complaining of a fish odor. Ashland noted that
    inspection at 9:00 A.M. disclosed hydrogen sulfide coming off
    the pond. Lonza noted no odor at all.
    On July 24, 1970, Mrs. Monks made two complaints
    two separate
    times were noted by the Respondents.
    She apparently complained of
    a dead fish
    odor and Ashland observed that no fish odor was present,
    although they could detect a smell like coconut (which is apparently
    the odor of their #1295 or #1299 acids). Lonza
    found nothing unusual
    at their plant operations but a slight fishy smell coming from the
    “upper pond”. Lonza also reported that “Cindy and Patti were in Maple—
    ton and reported ‘rotten eggs’, but no amines odor. W. B. J. toured
    Mapleton and reported SO2 odor, burning garbage odor and strong odor
    near Mapleton Industries. Noamines odors.”
    On August 8, 19-70,
    complaint by Mrs. Fred Monks at 8:00 A.M.
    was made concerning a blue fog. Ashland notes no wind, “Harold
    Lockwood obser~da venting at Baird (Lonza) about this time. Haze
    was noted across the highway. Called Barry Monroe at 8:30. He veri-
    fied it came from his plant.
    . .“
    Lonza noted south-southeast wind,
    light to moderate. “Amines pit operator was evacuating T-25l too
    rapidly. Operator was instructed to stop venting so rapidly. Fog
    then cleared (HC1 vapors).
    November 19, 1970, John Stouthanner complained at 9:45 A. M.
    about flock being discharged from the Plants.
    Ashland notes a
    brisk south wind and then states, “Not coming from Ashland. From
    warehouse roof I observed foam from Baird cooling tower blowing toward
    Mapleton, some as large as 2 to 3 feet in diameter...Air is heavy,
    holding vapors low.”
    On June 2, 1971, Patricia Lane complained of rotten egg odor
    at 4:05 P. M. Wind was moderate from the west. Ashland noted,
    “Cooling water from recovered to tank 2113. Semi—works were flushed
    out giving off H2S gas.” Lonza states, “At that particular time only

    the evaporator was in operation...Personal reconnaissance of our
    areas shows no visible signs of air pollution, nor odors...”
    On July 27, 1971, Phil Vansen complained at 3:30 A. M. about
    fumes from Baird. Ashland noted, “Baird was venting heavily. Phil
    Vansen called to complain that his roll operator was getting sick
    from the fumes and that guards could not make a check on diesel at
    reservoir. I called Baird and requested that they cut down venting
    a little. They did not like it but did cut down on fumes.” Ashland
    noted a complaint at 8:20 P. M. from Roland Bassett and commented,
    “03 foreman reported that safety on tank (ammonia storage) had
    blown.” Lonza noted the complaint at 8:50 P. M. and commented,
    “Phosphine batch in R-206 venting slowly through V-20l. Garlic odor.”
    On October 21, 1971, John Willie was noted to have complained
    at 8:50 P. M. of a rancid grease or dead animal odor. Ashland
    commented, “Pumping B. F. tab sic from T/F (tank car) to tank 2004
    at Northwest corner of 02 building. At approximately 20:45, the
    line was steaming out from T/F to tank 2004. I could discover no
    other unusual odor...Tank farm blowing line to 02 and tank farm after
    pumping tallow T/C started to blow approximately at time of complaint.”
    Lonza notes, “Nothing unusual ~found on plant tour. Everything normal
    and under control.”
    On April 2, 1972, Mrs. Calhoun complained at 4:25 P. M. of foam
    from north cooling tower and a rotten egg odor. Ashland noted the
    wind was light from south, southwest direction and stated, “Problem.
    Dumped drum of Nalco into cooling tower basin to clean out algae.
    Noticed odor of gas like sulphuric gas. Large amount of foam blow-
    ing high into the air from the cooling tower. Especially when blower
    is running. Odor was coming from cooling tower.”
    In the approximately 2 years involved in this proceeding, there
    are hundreds of days where citizens have observed the presence of
    noxious odors. The record includes many additional complaints such
    as those noted above that are directly attributable to Respondents’
    operations. There is no doubt that Respondents have repeatedly vio-
    lated the Act and have caused air pollution as therein defined.
    Respondents have presented additional evidence consistent with
    the experiences of the Mapleton residents. Ashland Exhibits 64 through
    69 support the testimony of Lee Jerome, Ashland’s Plant Engineer, who
    testified that he experienced a choking odor associated with the visi-
    ble discharges from Lonza’s production facilities. Those exhibits
    show such discharges on September 14, 1971, October 12, 1971, May 4,
    1972, August 30, 1972 and September 15, 1972. Mr. Jerome also
    stated there were days other than those that he recorded where the
    same kind of episode took place (R. 11-72). Ashland states in its

    “This choking sensation is similar to the burning of
    the eyes and throats claimed by the Monks and i~consistent
    with the type of substance being discharged
    HC1. The
    action of the foam confirms that it has an acid content
    being heavier than air it
    would be carried along the
    ground. And, Lonza admitted at the hearing (Lonza Ex. 3B)
    to at least three episodes a year when it discharged 1,000
    pounds of HC1 gas in approximately 30 minutes.
    “The record established the reason for the odorous emis-
    sions from Lonza. After experiencing the choking odors on
    one occasion, Lee Jerome called Husni Ramahi, Plant Engineer
    for Lonza, and complained. Ramahi responded that possibly
    they didn’t have the water turned on in the scrubber or the
    scrubber was overloaded (R. 1169 to 1170). Barry Monroe,
    Plant Manager of Lonza, testified to other instances when
    part of the phosphorus trichioride system at Lonza suffered
    an upset resulting in a discharge of HC1 gas (Lonza Ex. 1,
    page 4) and, as discussed above, that Lonza had at least
    three breakdowns a year where 1,000 pounds of HC1 was
    emitted and at least one breakdown a year where bOO pounds
    of HCI was emitted and at least one breakdown a year where
    100 pounds of dimethyl amine (DMA) is discharged (R. 1239
    to 42). The complaint forms also establish other breakdowns
    at Lonza where a blue haze was emitted (Hearing
    Exhibit 1i, lj~o, 1pJ, ls, lx and 20) because of venting
    process tanks to the atmosphere. (Ashland Brief, Pages 40 to
    Lonza also cites the testimony of Mr. Jerome but for a different
    In his description of Ashland’s scrubbing
    process, Mr.
    Jerome stated that they could trace amounts of fish oils, tallow,
    coconut oil and the like in the waste water from Ashland’s scrubbers
    (R. 1207). In addition, Ashland incinerates its residue from its
    fatty acids distillation in its boilers (R. 1208):
    “Agency witness Girish Maihotra, in his written statement
    (EPA Ex. 12) testified as to the presence of ‘sweet but nausea-
    ting’ odors emanating from the Ashland lagoon area the day
    of an inspection trip he made on July 24, 1972. The witness
    stated that he smelled the odors off the premises of the
    plant after inspecting the same and the odor observed was the
    same odor that he noted coming from the Ashland lagoons, or
    present in the lagoon area, when they were there on inspection.
    He stated that they also smelled ammonia odors when they were
    south of the lagoon and he attributed those odors to the ammonia
    scrubber that had failed to operate (EPA Ex. 12, page 4). (Lonza
    Brief, pages 10 and 13).

    Lonza says on page 2 of its brief “The overwhelming weight of
    the evidence in this case indicates that the basic underlying cause
    for the odor
    situation in Mapleton is..
    .the waste water treatment
    Respondent, Ashland Chemical Co.” and supports
    with record citation. Ashland, in its reply brief, includes
    a section captioned “Lonza as a Potential Source of Odor” in which it
    makes a detailed and scholarly analysis of the record demonstrating
    that the fishy odors complained of could only be as a consequence of
    and HC1 “blue haze” emissions from Lonza. We agree, in part, with
    both Respondents Bcith have participated in
    the creation of an
    odor nuisance.
    The record supports the Agency’s contention
    that both Respondents have emitted contaminants,
    in the form of odors
    which alone or in combination with other sources, have caused air
    Many witnesses identified the odors as being associated with the
    wind from
    a southerly direction CR. 64, 109, 160—70, 317, 386)
    the witnesses had maintained a calendar which noted odors and
    wind direction and which corroborated
    the relationship.
    have attempted to impeach that testimony by offering evidence of wind
    direction as taken at
    Peoria Airport.
    No evidence was presented
    to show a correlation between wind direction at the Peoria Airport
    and that in the Mapleton area. The record is clear that the plants
    lie in the Illinois River basin.The residents of Mapleton live in a
    location slightly higher
    than the plants in question, ascending the
    Evidence presented as to wind direction at Peoria Airport,
    since it has not been shown to be in the same river valley or in
    close proximity to the Mapleton area, is not acceptable as rebuttal
    to the evidence offered.
    Ashland has admitted biocide emissions from the
    cooling tower which may have contributed to the odor problem (R. 1121-
    1122, Ashland Brief 44).
    The Agency witness identified the odors of
    rotting fat in Ashland’s hot wells as well as observation of ammonia
    odors attributed to the breakdown of the ammonia scrubber CR. 831,832).
    Respondent Ashland argues that its “hot wells” and air flotation units
    had been corrected to eliminate odors prior to the filing of the com-
    The record indicates, however, that the covering of the
    wells did not begin until 1972 and the third air flotation unit was
    not on line at the time of the hearing (R. 1116).
    The rotten egg odor has been attributed to the Ashland waste
    treatment lagoons CR.335-6, 593). Though some dispute exists as to the
    amount of correction needed, there is no dispute that certain problems
    have been present in the maintenance of the lagoon which have engendered
    the odor problem. Testimony by experts indicated that inadequate oxy-
    gen or inadequate mixing could result in an anaerbic condition which
    would produce
    the odors in question.
    (EPA Exhibits 9, 10,18, 19 and
    R. 923-977).
    The dispute appears to be only as to degree of treatment
    necessary and not whether such treatment is, in fact, required to
    eliminate- the odor nuisance.

    In respect to Respondent Lonza, there is admission that hydro-
    chloric acid (HC1) and dimethyl amine (DMA) emissions occurred on
    occasion. (Lonza Brief). These emissions would result in the
    “pungent” and “fishy” odors observed.
    Respondents only rebuttal
    is that they did not occur with sufficient frequency to be considered
    violative of Section 9 (a).
    The residents of Mapleton and those residing in neighboring
    areas have been subjected for an inordinate period of
    time to an
    extreme odor condition.
    Respondents are responsible for the signi-
    ficant portion of that problem and have violated Section 9(a) of the
    Act. During the
    past three years, the residents have noticed no
    improvement in that situation.
    Remedial steps taken within the last
    year are only indicative of the fact that the problem is a serious
    one; Respondents should have made improvements at an earlier
    There is no reason why a situation such as
    this one should be allowed
    to continue for any substantial period.
    Our Order, therefore,
    is structured to result in
    the abatement of the odor nuisance in as
    short a time as practicable.
    Respondents should individually
    submit programs to the Board
    within sixty (60)
    days, which will abate the odor-producing operations
    noted above.
    With respect to Lonza, the program should include the
    necessary changes in equipment or operation to eliminate the odor
    nuisance- caused in
    part by their admitted HC1 and DMA
    discharges to
    the atmosphere.
    Lonza should act to eliminate any odor nuisance
    from their waste water treatment system, perhaps by maintaining aerobic
    conditions in their lagoons.
    Ashland’s program should
    achieve a similar goal, that is the
    elimination of the odor nuisance, both from the manufacturing,
    storage and handling operations and the waste water treatment system.
    Specific areas for control could include the hot well, cooling towers,
    amine production units, and aerobic lagoons system.
    In summary, with respect to Respondent Lonza, we will require
    that they make an examination into their storage and handling systems
    to prevent discharge of odor substances such as HC1 and DMA. Lonza’s
    waste water treatment should also be examined for any anaerobic condi-
    tions. In regard to Respondent Ashland, the waste water treatment
    system should be the subject of a study to determine whether anaerobic
    conditions exist. This will be part of the program to be submitted
    within sixty (60) days, which will also include the study of potential
    odor sources from manufacturing, storage and handling facilities.
    A full report of the &ove investigation
    should be made to the Board
    and the Agency. Each program should be directed toward correction
    of problems
    which are the subject
    of this complaint. Each party shall
    be required to submit a bond in the amount of $20,000 to assure the
    submission of such program.

    Pursuant to the program as submitted, Respondents, Ashland
    and Lonza, shall, within 150 days from, the date hereof, abate the
    odor nuisance as set forth in this opinion.
    The basic issue in the present case has been whether the Res-
    pondents have contributed to an odor nuisance as defined in the
    The totality of the record demonstrates without question
    that each Respondent has contributed significantly
    to the odor
    and resulting air
    pollution that has characterized the Mapleton
    Since the bulk of the offenses created can be ameliorated
    by utilization
    of known equipment and improved housekeeping practices,
    the record further demonstrates that it is both technologically
    practicable and economically reasonable to insist on employment of
    proper abatement methods and resulting compliance with the Statute.
    Penalty in the amount
    of $10,000 is assessed against each
    Respondent, respectively,
    for causing air pollution,
    either alone or
    in combination with other sources, in violation of Section 9(a) of
    the Environmental Protection Act as found in this opinion.
    The odors
    emitted by each Respondent have been intense, consistent and obnoxious.
    They have contributed to the blight of an entire
    This opinion constitutes the findings of fact and conclusions
    of law of the Board.
    IT IS THE ORDER of the Pollution Control Board that:
    1. Respondents, Lonza and
    Ashland, shall each submit to the
    Environmental Protection Agency, within 60 days from the
    date hereof, a program for
    abatement of their
    odor nuisances
    as found in this opinion and shall achieve abatement of
    such odor nuisanc~within 150 days from the date hereof.
    2. Each Respondent, respectively,shallsubmit
    a bond in the
    amount of $20,000 in form satisfactory to the
    Protection Agency, guaranteeing the
    submission of
    the abate-
    ment programs as hereinabove provided, which bonds shall
    provide for forfeiture in the amount of $10,000, respective-
    if said abatement is not achieved within the time
    provided. Bond shall be mailed to: Fiscal Services
    Division, Illinois Environmental Protection Agency,
    2200 Churchill Drive, Springfield, Illinois 62706.
    3. Penalty in the amount of $10,000 is assessed against each
    Respondent, Ashland and
    Lonza, respectively, for the
    causing of air pollution,
    either alone or in combination
    with other sources as found by this opinion, in violation
    of Section 9(a) of the Environmental Protection Act; within
    thirty-five days from the date of this
    Order, penalty
    payment by certified check or money order payable to the
    State of Illinois shall be made to: Fiscal Services Division,
    Illinois Environmental Protection Agency, 2200 Churchill
    Drive, Springfield, Illinois 62706.

    4. The Board retains jurisdiction for such other
    and further order as may be appropriate.
    retention of jurisdiction
    shall not delay the right
    of any party to appeal this Order.
    I, Christan Moffett, Clerk of the Illinois Pollution Control Board,
    daycertifyof April,that
    aOpinionvote ofand
    towas ~adopted
    on the

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