October 18, 1973
    PCB 73—273
    On July 25, 1973, Petitioners, Ronald H.. Bower
    and Carolyn Bower, filed their Petition for Variance,
    seeking permission to connect a sewer extension to
    the sanitary sewer system of the City of Carthage,
    County of Hancock, Illinois. Petitioners seek such
    relief to enable development of 31 residential housing
    units on a 27 acre subdivided tract located in
    Carthage (R.90). The sewage treatment plant of the
    City of Carthage is hydraulically overloaded and the
    Agency has imposed a ban on construction and operation
    of sanitary sewer extensions. A public hearing was
    held on this cause on August 21, 1973.
    On June 26, 1970, the Sanitary Water Board,
    predecessor of the Environmental Protection Agency,
    notified the City of Carthage that future extensions
    to its sanitary sewers would be restricted until
    progress toward providing adequate treatment facilities
    was well advanced. On October 9, 1969, the City of
    Carthage submitted plans to the SWB for a new sewage
    treatment plant. The Agency approved the plans on
    March 8, 1971.
    General obligation bonds totalling $200,000.00
    have been approved to defray the cost of the new facility
    (R.ll). However, various
    Agency requirements
    resulted in additional plans having to be submitted,
    each set resulting in additional costs (R.ll). A final
    permit to construct was obtained from the Agency on
    March 30, 1973 (R.12). The lowest bid for the proposed
    plant, submitted on May 15, 1973, was $527,837.30 (R.13).

    No estimate can be made as to when the City’s
    upgraded facilities will be completed and operational
    since construction is dependent upon the availability
    of federal and/or state funding. The Priority Number
    of the City of Carthage on the Illinois Priority List
    for Federal Grant Applications for Municipal Waste
    Treatment Works for Fiscal Year 1974 cannot be
    ascertained, since the 1974 List has not yet been
    approved by the U.S.E.P.A.
    The property purchased by Petitioner is wholly
    within the corporate limits of the City of Carthage.
    Petitioners allege that prior to the purchase of the
    subject property they telephoned the Permit Section
    of the Springfield office of the Environmental Protection
    Agency and indicated their intent to purchase the subject
    property and develop it as a residential subdivision
    (R.73). The identity of the person to whom Petitioners
    allegedly spoke is unknown. Of this alleged conversation,
    Petitioner, Ronald H. Bower, testified as follows
    0. What, if anything, did you learn as
    a result of this conversation?
    I talked about where the ground was,
    it was in the city limits, how many lots
    were in it, and he said
    told me what I had
    to pet a cormit and I asked him
    if he thought there was any
    why it ~iou1d be denied, and he said no,
    none that he knew of.
    ç~. As a result of this conversation, was
    there anything said that would indicate that
    the person
    you contacted was aware of the sewer
    ban problem that the city had at this time?
    I told him that I was asking because
    I had understood there was
    some problems in this
    area, and he said he didn’t know, they had
    just granted one and it didn’t appear there would
    be any problem. lIe also said something about
    I don’t know, I think he said something about
    the city of Carthage was going along pretty good
    on their plans.
    Q. Approximately when did this conversation
    take place?
    9— 558

    A. June of 1971.
    Q. Now, as a result of that conversation,
    did you do anything toward the purchase of this
    A. Well, I signed the contracts for an
    option to buy and deposited $500.00.
    Petitioner further testified that he made a
    subsequent, personal visit to the Agency Permit
    Section in Springfield in order to obtain the
    necessary forms for permit application. On that
    occasion an Agency employee, again unknown, allegedly
    indicated that “he thought there would be no problem”
    in obtaining a permit to connect to the existing sewer
    system (R.75). Petitioners thereafter, purchased
    the subject property for a total consideration of
    $18,000.00. Since acquisition, Petitioners have
    expended approximately $20,000.00 for improvements
    (R. 82)
    Petit~Loners contend, therefore
    that prior to the
    above—mentioned purchase and acidi tional expenditure
    $20,000, they received an oral assurance from
    the Agency that due to the City’s progress toward
    construction of sewage treatment facilities, sewer
    system permits would be available when the sibdivision
    required such connections. Petitioners imply that
    the purchase and expenditures were made in reliance
    on this alleged Agency assurance. The Agency has
    no record of any such assurance nor has it been able
    to corroborate that claim. Assuming arcjuendo such
    an assurance was made to Petitioners, it would be
    inoperative since no Agency employee has the authority
    to make such a statement short of the issuance of a
    construction or operating permit.
    Petitioner, Ronald Bower, earns approximately
    $13,000 per year as a construction foreman (R.104).
    Petitioners’ $40,000 expenditure has been financed through
    a mortgage and certain other loans. Mr~ Bower
    testified that he cannot borrow any more money unless
    a variance is granted (R.104). Petitioners are making
    mortgage payments of $246.00 per month, plus taxes,
    insurance, etc. (R.103). Other sizable obligations
    remain outstanding and unfinanced.
    9— 559

    The Board is disposed to grant relief
    under this
    particular set of circumstances, though not to the
    extent Petitioners have requested. We cannot find
    from the facts presented that Petitioners’ actions
    in alleged reliance were justifiable or even prudent.
    However, we have sympathy for lètitioners’ plight.
    It appears that if Petitioners cannot begin at once to
    construct and sell homes, they will suffer a severe
    financial loss. Petitioners have limited means and
    cannot continue to meet their obligations without
    income from the sale of sites.
    We will, therefore, grant a variance
    enable Petitioners to connect five houses to the City
    of Carthage sewer system. This will not add sienifi—
    cantly to the overload and will help Petitioners to
    retain their property until the sewer ban is lifted.
    This Opinion constitutes the findings of fact
    and conclusions of law of the Board.
    IT IS THE ORDER of the Pollution Control Board
    that Petitioners, Ronald II. and Carolyn Bower, be
    granted a variance from the subject sewer ban
    to connect five houses located upon the above—described
    property to the sewer system of the City of Carthage.
    I, Christan L. Moffett1 Clerk of the Illinois
    Pollution Control Board, certify
    that the above
    Opinion and Order
    as adopted by the Board on the
    day of
    1973 by a vote
    -~ ~
    /~, 1’~:
    9— 560

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