October 18, 1973
    PCB 73—243
    Mr. Dale Turner, on behalf of
    the Complainant, and
    Mr. John W. Fribley, on behalf of
    the Respondent.
    On June 12, 1973, the Pollution Control Board received
    from the Environmental Protection Agency a Complaint that ~on
    or before July 6, 1972, and continuing to the filing of the
    Complaint in this case, Central Illinois Stone Company, Inc.,
    Respondent has operated its
    . . .
    facilities so as to cause or
    allow the discharge or emission of limestone dust and other
    contaminants into the atmosphere in violation of Rule 3-3.111
    of the Rules and Regulations Governing the Control of Air
    Pollution, continued effective pursuant to Section 49(c) of
    the Environmental Protection Act Ill. Rev. Stat. 1971, ch. 111½,
    section l049(c)J
    The Respondent owns and operates facilities which include,
    but are not limited to, blasting, conveying, crushing, screen-
    ing, and storage of crushed limestone, at a location
    north of Nokomis, Illinois, on County Road 645. Respondent is
    a Delaware Corporation qualified to do business, and doing
    business in Illinois. It has operated at this location for
    approximately 14 years.
    On August 15, 1973, a hearing was held on this case by
    Mr. Lee K. Zelle, Hearing Officer, in Hillsboro, Illinois.
    Testimony presented at this hearing indicated that the
    Complainant and Respondent agreed that emissions from the quarry

    are in excess of established standards. The Respondent agreed
    to install control equipment, and believed this could be done
    soon so that emissions would be under control and in compliance
    with established regulations by January 1, 1974. However,
    engineering plans were not firm enough on the hearing date to
    file a stipulation or settlement agreement between the
    Complainant and Respondent at the time of the Hearing. The
    settlement agreement was to be submitted to the Hearing Officer
    within 30 days, and he would forward it to the Board as a part
    of the proceedings of the Hearing.
    The joint Stipulation which was signed by the Complainant
    and Respondent on August 17, 1973, was received by the Pollution
    Control Board on September 18, 1973. This Stipulation indicated
    1. Mr. John Shum, Surveillance Engineer with the
    Division of Air Pollution Control, EPA, visited
    and observed the Respondent’s plant and operations,
    and observed and photographed visible emissions
    coming therefrom. On or about July 1, 1972, and
    April 1, 1973, using process weight rate given by
    Respondent and standard calculations, he determined
    that the primary crusher, secondary crusher, and
    screening, conveying, and handling produced emissions
    in excess of allowable standards. The Respondent
    should reduce emissions to achieve compliance with
    standards in section 203(a) of the Air Pollution
    Regulations, which would be 43.0 pounds per hour from
    the primary crusher, 43.0 pounds per hour from screen-
    ing, conveying, and handling, and 40.1 pounds per hour
    from the secondary crusher.
    2. “The Respondent will agree to the following program
    of compliance:
    a. That Respondent has entered into a contract
    with Meyers and Roby Engineers of Decatur for
    the engineering layout, permit application, and
    installation supervision of the aforementioned
    control equipment.
    b. That engineering layout shall be completed
    by September 15, 1973.
    c. Equipment necessary for the installation
    shall be ordered by October 1, 1973.
    d. Construction of control equipment, necessary
    appertenant structures and installation of a
    water supply shall be completed by December 1,

    e. That necessary adjustments and tests to make
    the control equipment fully operational shall be
    completed by March 1, 1974.
    f. That Respondent agrees to post a performance
    bond in the amount of $5000, in a form accept-
    able to the Agency, to assure installation of
    the aforesaid control equipment and pertinent
    3. The Respondent’s Board of Directors have approved the
    installation of emission control equipment.
    4. The Respondent agrees to pay a penalty in the amount
    of $1000.00 for the violations shown in paragraph 4
    of the Stipulation.
    5. The “Agency has received few complaints with respect
    to Respondent’s operations.”
    The Environmental Protection Agency and Central Illinois
    Stone Company, Inc.
    having reached agreement on the factural
    matters set forth in their joint Stipulation and in paragraphs
    1 through 5 immediately above, IT IS THE ORDER OF THE POLLUTION
    1, The agreements set forth in the joint Stipulation
    are equitable, and are accepted by the Board with
    limited changes.
    2. Central Illinois Stone Company, Inc., shall cease
    and desist from further violations of the Environ-
    mental Protection Act and the Rules and Regulations
    of Pollution Control Board, by taking all steps
    necessary to promulgate its proposed program, includ-
    a. The installation of equipment for control of
    particulate emissions by December 1, 1973.
    b. The equipment be adjusted and fully operational
    by March 1, 1974.
    c. The posting of a performance bond in the amount
    of $5000.00 in a form satisfactory to the Agency
    and within thirty-five (35) days of the date of the
    Board’s Order, to guarantee performance of the
    preceding orders.

    3. Central Illinois Stone Company, Inc. shall pay to
    the State of Illinois, within thirty-five (35) days after
    the date of this Order, a penalty in the sum of One
    Thousand (1000) Dollars. Penalty payment by
    certified check or money order, payable to the State
    of Illinois, shall be made to Fiscal Services
    Division, Illinois Environmental Protection Agency,
    2200 Churchill Road, Springfield, Illinois 62706.
    I, Christan L. Moffett, Clerk of the Illinois Pollution Control
    Board, hereby certify jhe above Opinion and Order was adopted
    ~ day of
    1973 by a vote of
    Christan L. Moffett~.~Clerk
    Illinois Pollution~tntro1 Board

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