October 18, 1973
    PCB 73—34
    James I. Rubin, Assistant
    General for the EPA
    James W. Gladden, Jr., Attorney for Respondent
    On January 26, 1973
    Environmental Protection Agency
    filed its Complaint against Acme Resin Company, a division of
    CPC International, Inc. alleging Acme had caused or allowed the
    emission of odors, gasses, phenol~ formaldehyde, ref lux material
    and other air contaminants in
    such ouantitv
    and of such duration
    so as to cause air pollution in violation of Section 9(a)
    Environmental Protection Act.
    Respondent~s plant, located on Circle Avenue at
    in Forest Park, Cook County, Illinois,
    is bounded on the east
    property, on
    north and south by commercial property
    and on the west by U. S. post office, Acme produces phenolic
    resins by reacting phenol and formaldehyde in the presence of a
    catalyst. Such resins are used in a variety of products including
    paints, plastics and adhesives. Four reactors——two reflux type
    and two heat exchanger type——are currently utilized to convert
    the raw materials into the resin product.
    Respondent employs about 90 people at its Forest Park plant.
    In February 1973 operations were changed from a 6 day per week,
    24 hour per day schedule to the present 7 day per week, 24 hour
    per day schedule.
    and formaldehyde, the basic raw materials, are delivered
    to the plant in railroad tank cars and tank trucks and unloaded
    through an enclosed system to storage tanks. There are three
    storage tanks for phenol and three for formaldehyde, with storage

    capacity ranging from 16,000 to 20,000 gallons per tank. Constant
    temperatures of 1200
    for phenol and 1100
    for formaldehyde
    are maintained in the storage tanks. Pressure—vacuum relief valves
    (a device which opens on one ounce pressure or one—half ounce
    vacuum) were installed on five of the six raw material storage
    tanks about 5 years ago (R. 221). The remaining phenol storage
    tank was equipped with such a relief valve within the last 6 months
    (R. 223). Vapors in the storage tanks are displaced during loading
    and are released to the atmosphere through the relief valves (R.
    224). Respondent receives and unloads three 4,000 gallon tank
    trucks of phenol every two days. Formaldehyde shipments are received
    Unspecified quantities of acetone and methanol are also
    used at
    the plant (R. 153) and apparently are stored in 7 underground
    storage tanks ranging in capacity from 6,000 to 12,000 gallons which
    vent to the atmosphere (R. 208).
    Preparatory to the reaction process, raw materials are trans-
    ferred to weigh tanks which are equipped with pressure—vacuum relief
    valves. The relief valves were installed on the weigh tanks about
    two years ago CR. 222) in such manner that any vapors passing
    through the valve are released to the atmosphere (R. 205~.From
    the weigh tanks the reactants are transferred to hold tanks which
    are ventea to the plant’s cooling tower CR. 206). From the hold
    tanks, the reactants and catalysts are fed to one of the four
    In the reflux reactors, vapors released from the boiling
    reactants are condensed in water cooled condensers and returned
    to the reactor. Uncondensed vapors from the condensers are
    channeled to a scrubber where the vapors are washed with water and
    then vented to the atmosphere CR. 203). The process in the heat
    exchanger reactors differs from the reflux process in that the
    temperature of the reactants remains below the boiling point as
    the liquid is pumped through a heat exchanger and back to the
    reactor. Vapors released from this process are vented directly
    to the atmosphere (R. 202).
    The reaction process is completed in 4 to 8 hours. The inter-
    mediate product is then transferred to one of the eight dehydrators.
    Depending on whether the final product is to be in a liquid or
    flake form, it takes from 20 to 40 hours to dehydrate the inter-
    mediate product. Material removed during dehydration is condensed
    and collected in a receiver. Noncondensable vapors from the
    dehydrator condensers are pulled through a vacuum pump to the
    scrubber while the liquid collected in the receiver is drained
    to the sewer (R. 204, 205).

    From the dehydrator the product is transferred in liquid form
    either to liquid product storage tanks or to flake hold tanks
    which were also equipped with pressure—vacuum relief valves about
    two years ago
    (R. 222). Feed from the flake hold tanks goes to a
    flaking machine where the product is solidified and placed in a
    hopper from which the product is bagged or boxed. The hopper and
    bagging station are equipped with a high efficiency cyclone for
    emission control (R. 284). Seven of the 16 liquid product storage
    tanks are equipped with relief valves and similar devices were
    ordered for the remaining 9 tanks during t!ie latter part of April
    1973 CR. 223)
    Acme ships the liquid product to its consumers in drums and
    tank trucks. The liquid is transferree to the drums through pipes
    and enter the drum through a 2 1/2” diameter hung hole. The tank
    trucks are loaded through
    diameter manholes located on top of
    the tank trucks.
    Product is transferred to the trucks through a
    3” in
    diameter which rests on an indented screen used to
    filter the product. Respondent’s chief engineer testified that
    he was not aware of the commercial availability of a “closed
    system” for loading tank trucks CR. 237) but that he thought the
    system used to
    unload raw materials might be adaptable to the
    loading of the finished product (R. 233).
    He stated “Given proner
    research and design,
    we may he
    able to design something...”
    (R. 237)
    Acme has not “searched or looked for an alternate method” for
    loading the tank trucks (R. 235).
    Public hearings on the Agency Complaint were conducted on
    3 and 4, 1973. Testimony was received from 11 persons who
    live or formerly lived near Respondent’s elant.
    While all of
    these witnesses thought the Acme plant was the source of various
    odors, four of the residents,
    two firemen and two policemen employed
    by the City of Forest Park, positively identified Acme as the source
    of odors from having been in the plant on official business.
    of the firemen, Fred Knaack, testified that a west wind carried
    odors from Respondent’s plant to his home located about 2 blocks
    east of the plant. He testified to having experienced the odor
    on “many occasions” and most recently at 8:45 a.m. on the morning
    of May 3, 1973 (R. 11). (However, we will not consider violations
    which might have occurred after the filing of the Complaint.) Knaack
    also testified that the odors caused him to experience “a pinching of
    your nostrils, congestion in your sinuses and lungs” which caused
    him to ‘have a hell of a time breathing” (R. 15). According to
    Knaack, he had been forced to leave the area at times because of
    breathing difficulties brought on by the odors (R. 17)
    recalled strong odors on June 25, 1972 and again on
    July 5, 1972 when guests at his daughter’s
    birthday party had to
    be taken “inside because the smell was too strong” CR. 18).
    began calling the Acme plant about 4 years ago to complain about
    the odors and has continued calling from time to time “wishfully
    thinking that possibly something could be corrected on it” CR. 22).

    The other fireman, Arthur Licitra, who resides directly
    across the street from Respondent’s plant, testified that he
    noticed an odor every day CR. 192).
    He had also detected a
    strong odor at 7:45 a.m. on
    May 3, 1973 (after the filing of
    Complaint). Licitra found the
    odor “nauseating and eye
    watering.., you can’t stay outside
    the house” CR. 190)
    testified that he began calling “the President,Nr.
    about 8
    years ago concerning the odor
    but no longer calls be-
    cause he felt the calls were
    not effective.
    Michael Thompson, one of
    the police officers, testified that
    he had resided about 1/2 block east of the Acme plant until
    October 1, 1972 at which time he moved because of an odor like
    “decomposed flesh” which he detected every day (R. 88, 91)
    (Thompson, who now resides about 3/4 mile northeast of the Acme
    plant, also stated that he detected the odor at his present
    residence on April 29, 1973 CR. 90). He testified that he had
    detected the odor at other times while on duty and recalled de-
    tecting a strong concentration “last Tuesday” at 2:30 a.m. when
    he and his partner stopped to eat.) During cross examination,
    when Thompson was asked if he could have detected the odor at his
    former residence “if the wind was blowing at 25 m.p.h. the op-
    posite direction”, he answered “very possibly correct, sir”
    (R, 107). Prior to moving, Thompson considered purchasing the
    building in which he resided but decided against the purchase
    because of the odor CR. 92). He found the odor repugnant and
    sickening and testified that the odor had caused him to vomit on
    two different occasions in August 1972 (R. 92). Thompson stated
    that the odor varied in intensity but that when leaving his
    residence he and his wife would frequently have to run to his
    automobile holding their breath CR. 93). He sent four letters
    to Acme during the summer of 1972 complaining of the odor but
    failed to receive a reply (R. 97). He also had complained to the
    Environmental Protection Agency, Forest Park Village Officials,
    the “County Environmental Protection People” and the “Regional
    Environmental” CR. 98).
    Archambault, another Forest Park police officer,
    that he had experienced a “nauseating” and “very
    terrible odor” from Acme at his residence about
    3/4 block from
    the plant CR, 114). The
    “terrible, horrible smell” caused his
    eyes to tear “especially at night when I’m home and trying to
    sleep” CR. 137)
    He testified that the odor keeps him from
    enjoying his patio on occasion CR. 138) and has caused discomfort
    to his family. Archambault added that the odor varies in intensity
    and is not present on certain days. While on duty, Archarnbault
    attempts to avoid working “that end of town” because of the odor
    CR. 137) and when he is the senior officer on duty he only goes
    into the area “when necessary” CR. 144)

    Other witnesses testified
    to having experienced nausea,
    headaches and tearing eyes caused by the odors CR. 44, 64, 121,
    159, 169, 182), to having been awakened during the night by the
    odor (R. 63), to the frequent occurrence of strong odor concen-
    (R. 43, 120, 161, 182)
    and to the nuisance experienced
    by other members of their families (R. 79, 183)
    recalled that strong odors had persisted for almost
    the entire day on Easter Sunday 1973 CR. 42, 119).
    Although one
    witness complained of “billows of smoke”, the record indicates
    that this witness had mistakenly identified plant steam discharges
    as smoke CR. 169).
    Respondent’s case in rebuttal primarily rested on the testi-
    mony of an Acme employee, an EPA investigator,
    and an attack on
    the credibility
    of Agency witnesses.
    The Acme employee, Bruce
    Kimball, testified that, at the request of Respondent’s attorney,
    he had initiated
    an odor survey of the area on February 8, 1973
    (again after the filing of the Complaint)
    Kimball stated that
    his experience in odor evaluation consisted of “in—hous~ training
    by CPC employees” and “an outside firm”.
    The methods used for
    the survey were of his own choice CR. 367) and he personally made
    the survey on all but one occasion (R. 370)
    The Kimball survey consisted of walking from the plant to
    specified locations in the area once or twice a day from Monday
    through Friday and sniffing the air (P. 319)
    Using an odor
    rating system of one (1) for no odor, two (2) for slight odor,
    three (3) for moderate odor, four (4) for moderately heavy odor,
    and five (5) for heavy odor, Kimball’s survey initially
    three locations east of the plant but was later expanded to five
    locations on March 13, 1973. Survey records
    that Kimball
    never detected an odor above his rating of two (2) and that out of
    275 separate tests only six achieved a rating of two (2)
    occasions when he detected slight odor were on February 8 and 23,
    March 7 and April 6, 1973.
    After each odor detection during the survey, Kimball returned
    to the plant and investigated cossible sources of the odor.
    the February 8 odor to a leak in one of the formaldehyde
    storage tanks. The tank
    ~ias drained and repaired (R. 333). The
    February 23 odor was attributed to a malfunction in the scrubber
    which was corrected
    by unplugging the water distribution nozzles
    (R. 334). On March 7 Kimball found the source of the formaldehyde
    odor to be an overflow
    caused by a faulty scale at a formaldehyde
    weigh tank. The problem was corrected
    emergency scale
    service (B.
    An excessive addition of formaldehyde to
    one of
    the reactors caused excessive venting to the scrubber on April 6.
    Kimball stated that the problem was solved immediately by a

    reduction in the formaldehyde addition rate to the reactor and
    that dampers were subsequently
    placed on the reactor vent system
    “in order to stop over—fume
    pickup because of velocities involved
    in the duct work” (B. 336).
    Mr. Kimball’s use of the “sniff test”
    was similar to the
    method used by residents in the area.
    We do not credit his method
    as a scientific survey.
    It is generally accepted that
    the minimum
    number for service on an odor panel is six persons.
    Journal of the
    Air Pollution Control Association Vol. 13, Number 10, Oct. 1963.
    An odor survey panel of one falls far short of this requirement.
    Indeed, Kimball testified
    that Acme’s parent organization,
    uses 15 individuals for its
    odor panel CR. 383).
    Also, it seems that some of
    the tests may have been conducted
    when Mr. Kimball
    was experiencing olfactory fatigue.
    most odor experts agree
    that the subjective nature of human
    olfactory responses surpasses the sensitivity
    of most analytical
    instruments, evidence has also shown that
    the sense of smell: is
    fatigued with prolonged exposure to an odor.
    Kimball acknowledged
    that his time limit
    before experiencing olfactory fatigue
    was just
    “an hour or
    of the phenol or formaldehyde odor (B.
    fails to show if Kimball, after leaving a plant allegedly
    containing fumes and odors (P. 12, 88, 135, 190, 306), allowed
    for recovery from
    olfactory fatigue
    may have
    experienced. Many of Kimball’s readings, however, were taken early
    in the day and would not have been subject to error from olfactory
    P.esidents said stronq odors have occurred at night and on
    weekends, but Kimball
    did not test for odors after
    6 p.m. or before
    S a .m. or on any Saturday or Sunday.
    No testing occurred between
    1, 1970 and January
    26, 1973, t~ie period of alleged violations
    of the
    Agency investigator Martin Sheahan,
    who resides in the vicinity
    of the Acme plant, testified to
    “been up and down Harlem
    Avenue in the vicinity of Acme’s plant” (an estimated distance of
    about 3 city blocks) ‘at least 500
    times” without experiencing any
    odor which he associated with the Acme plant CR. 401).
    acknowledged having been on Circle Avenue near
    the Acme plant at
    least 20
    times and said
    3 of the trips directly related to his
    investigation of odor complaints.
    On several of these
    visits Sheahan
    failed to detect an odor even though the wind was blowing across the
    plant towards the residential
    Sheahan inspected the plant on three different dates.
    inspecting the
    plant on January 4,
    1972, Sheahan detected a strong
    phenol odor coming from a cooling
    tower located on the roof of the
    plant. He found the odor objectionable for the short period of
    time he remained exposed to it CR. 406). Sheahan informed Acme

    officials that he considered the cooling
    tower to be the plant’s
    main source of odor primarily due to the discharge from the
    vacuum pumps to the cooling tower.
    Company records indicate that five firms were promptly con-
    tacted concerning the odor problem and that by March 17, 1972 at
    least one equipment quotation had been received (Respondent Exhibit
    No. 11). Acme subsequently decided on a Purification Industries
    packed tower scrubber with a guaranteed phenol removal efficiency
    of 99.5. An order for the unit was placed on September 8, 1972
    with a scheduled delivery date of December 1, 1972 (Respondent
    Exhibit fll9). Problems with equipment shipments delayed the actual
    scrubber installation until February 12, 1973 (R. 212). After
    finally placing the equipment on line, Acme discovered that the
    scrubber pump was not of sufficient capacity, liquid distribution
    nozzles plugged frequently and excessive wear was occurring on
    drive—belts to the scrubber fan. These problems were solved and
    the scrubber unit placed back in operation on April 26, 1973 (B.
    Investigator Sheahan inspected the roof area of the plant again
    in March 1973 and noted a “significant improvement of the odor
    condition” since the scrubber installation (R. 415). This is con-
    sistent with Mr. Kimball’s observations during this time period.
    Sheahan collected a sample of the cooling tower water with his hand
    and was unable to detect any odor in the sample CR. 418). He re-
    called detecting a “moderate” odor of phenol in the Licitra’s
    living room, but also admitted that his only detection of a “strong”
    odor off the Acme premises occurred on April 17, 1973, after the
    filing of the Complaint and prior to repairs on the scrubber CR. 418)
    Acme claims that the Agency witnesses “greatly exaggerated the
    episodes of phenolic odor” and that we should consider the Kimball
    survey “superior to those of citizen witnesses because Kimball had
    had training in odor detection and his observations were correlated
    to official weather records”. The record partially supports the
    charge of exaggeration but not to the degree claimed by Respondent.
    One witness thought she saw “great billows of smoke” when in reality
    it was probably water vapor. We also have reservations about the abi
    of one witness to possibly detect an odor even when the wind was
    blowing 25 m.p.h. in the opposite direction. But the conclusion
    that all Agency witnesses greatly exaggerated is simply not supported
    Most Agency witnesses agreed that the intensity of the odors varied
    and that odors were not present on certain days. But these same
    witnesses were also in agreement that, when present, the odors
    unduly interfered with their enjoyment of life and property.
    As we have noted many times in previous cases involving odor,
    neither party chose to provide the Board with the results of any
    objective test. The record contains vague testimony alluding to
    tests that were conducted on the “exit gasses”. These tests, which
    Respondent claims were conducted in March or April 1973, allegedly

    showed Respondent’s emissions of an undefined contaminant to be
    “over a half a part per million”, “less than five parts per
    million”, and “on occasion less than ten parts per million” (R.
    364, 365). Such confusing testimony adds nothing to the proceedings
    when not accompanied by the test report.
    Respondent argues that, should the Board consider the Agency
    evidence sufficient to prove Acme odors interfered with the
    enjoyment of life and property, the Board is nevertheless prevented
    from finding that this interference was “unreasonable”, since the
    Agency failed to prove that there was an economically feasible
    means of limiting the odor emissions. The Agency, on the other
    hand, contends that Acme’s pre-trial conduct removed economic
    reasonableness as an issue.
    The record shows that the Agency’s Interrogatory No. 13 called
    for financial information relating to Respondent’s volume of business
    and profits. Acme claimed that this financial information was
    “irrelevant and immaterial” and would be provided only if Acme
    decided “to make a hardship defense”. The Statute provides that
    “the burden shall be on the Respondent to show that compliance with
    the Board’s Regulations would impose an arbitrary or unreasonable
    hardship”. EPA Sec. 31(c) The hearing officer then issued this
    “If said Interrogatory is not answered, no testimony
    or other evidence will be allowed at the hearing upon
    which the Respondents may base a hardship defense.”
    Acme refused to divulge the information knowing full well that the
    Agency would need it in order to make a responsible evaluation of
    the economic impact of Respondent’s control program. If the record
    of economic impact is inadequate, the failure is that of the Re-
    Equipment exists for the control of odors from phenol and for-
    maldehyde. The record contains a number of quotations from firms
    eager to sell such equipment to Acme. It was economically feasible
    for Respondent to install control equipment in 1973 and thereby at
    least reduce odors in the community. We believe it would have been
    just as feasible to install the equipment at an earlier date. The
    best evidence that control was economically feasible is the fact
    that the Company in fact installed equipment which accomplished
    some result.
    Unanswered during these proceedings was the question whether
    or not the newly installed equipment will sufficiently abate the
    odor problems experienced by Acme’s neighbors. The parties have
    filed a “Joint Motion With Respect to Relief” requesting that this
    Board direct the EPA and Acme to conduct a testing program for a

    period of 150 days to determine whether actions taken by Acme
    have corrected the periodic phenolic odor problem. The testing
    program will involve both scientific and subjective measurement
    of odor at mutually agreeable ground level locations in a manner
    mutually acceptable to the parties. A procedure whereby nearby
    residents will be encouraged to immediately notify Acme of any
    odor complaints will be implemented. Acme agrees to make every
    effort to determine the source of the odor. The parties will
    attempt to develop a procedure whereby scientific tests will
    measure ground level concentrations of phenol at the time and
    place of any complaint.
    Within 60 days after the conclusion of the test, the parties
    are to file a report summarizing the results. In addition, this
    report will contain a mutually agreeable program for further
    abatement procedures, if the test results show additional procedures
    are necessary.
    In view of the fact that scrubber operating problems appear to
    have been solved and other control equipment has been recently
    installed the Board finds the proposed testing program acceptable
    and desireable. The simultaneous objective and subjective testing
    should provide the parties with a correlation that could determine
    the level of phenol deemed objectionable by Acme’s neighbors.
    We note, however, that the proposed testing program speaks only
    of the phenol odors. Evidence indicates that formaldehyde may also
    be responsible for complaints of the residents. We believe the
    program should include testing for formaldehyde and shall require
    the program be modified to include such testing.
    The Joint Motion makes no recommendation regarding monetary
    penalty, beyond stating that this is for Board determination from
    the evidence presented at the hearings. In its Brief, Respondent
    requests that no penalty be imposed because “Acme
    has acted in good
    in its efforts to control odor”. While Acme did react
    promptly to the Agency investigator’s recommendation, the record
    clearly proves that a number of years passed with little action
    on complaint letters and phone calls from nearby residents. We
    believe Acme is now acting in good faith, but we do not believe
    the record fully supports
    claim of “good faith” prior to
    January 1972. On the other hand, the Agency comparison of Acme to
    Respondent in EPA vs. Lloyd A. Fry Roofing Company, PCB 71-33, is
    likewise unjustified by the record.
    We are convinced from the record that Acme did cause air
    pollution and an odor nuisance in the community on a number of
    occasions between July 1, 1970 and January 26, 1973. For these
    violations a monetary penalty of $2,000 seems appropriate.

    We shall approve the testing program in the hope that it
    may lead to further understanding of the odor problems which
    have concerned Acme and its neighbors and a further control of
    odor if that is necessary.
    It is the Order of the Board that:
    1. Acme Resin Company shall pay to the State of
    Illinois by November 15, 1973 the sum of $2,000
    as a penalty for the violations found in this
    proceeding. Penalty payment by certified check
    or money order payable to the State of Illinois
    shall be made to: Fiscal Services Division,
    Illinois EPA, 2200 Churchill Road, Springfield,
    Illinois 62706.
    2. Acme Resin Company and the Environmental Protection
    Agency shall conduct an odor testing program, as
    described in the Joint Motion With Respect to
    Relief, for a period of 150 days beginning no later
    than November 1, 1973.
    3. Within 60 days after the conclusion of the test
    period, Acme Resin and the Agency shall submit to
    this Board a summary report on the results of the
    testing program. The report shall include a mutually
    agreed upon program by which Acme shall take any
    further action the parties deem necessary to reduce
    odorous emissions.
    4. In addition to the proposed testing for phenol-
    phenolic odors, the parties shall incorporate into
    the test and control program, objective and subjective
    tests for formaldehyde odors.
    I, Christan L. Moffett, Clerk of the Illinois Pollution Control
    Board, hereby c rtfy the above Opinion and Order was adopted this
    j’~”1day of
    1973 by a vote of ~$‘~ to ~
    9— 530

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