    CLERF S ~~F!eE
    an Illino~//~
    MAR 5 ~U~3
    Municipal Corporation,
    NO. PCB 03—125
    Pollution Control Board
    COUNTY OF KANKAKEE, a body politic and
    corporate; KANKAKEE COUNTY BOARD; and
    NOW COMES Petitioner, CITY OF KANKAKEE, an Illinois Municipal
    Corporation, by and through its attorneys, L. Patrick Power and Kenneth
    A. Leshen, Assistant City Attorneys, pursuant to the Rules of the
    Illinois Pollution Control Board, and submits the following Document
    Requests to the Respondents, COUNTY OF KANKAKEE, a body politic and
    corporate, and the KANKAKEE COUNTY BOARD.
    A. “WMII” refers to Waste Management of Illinois, Inc., and its
    agents, directors, officers, employees, representatives, attorneys, and
    all persons or entities who have acted or purported to act on its
    B. “County of Kankakee” refers to the County of Kankakee and the
    Kankakee County Board and their respective agents, employees,
    attorneys, and all persons or entities who have acted or purported to
    act on their respective behalves.
    C. “Communication” means, without limiting the generality of its
    meaning, any form of communication between two or more persons,

    including, but not limited to, correspondence, e—mails, conversations,
    phone calls, reports, documents, and memoranda.
    D. “Landfill Siting Application” means WMII’s Application with
    the Kankakee County Board seeking approval for a new regional pollution
    control facility immediately adjacent to its existing landfill located
    in Kankakee County, Illinois, which is the subject of this matter.
    E. “Document” means, without limiting the generality of its
    meaning, writings, papers, or tangible things of any kind and nature
    whatsoever in the possession or subject to the control of the
    Respondent, its agents, experts, witnesses, employees or attorneys,
    including letters, handwritten notes, calendar pads, appointment books,
    notepads, notebooks, correspondence of any kind, postcards, memorandura,
    telegrams, telexes, e—mails, internal communications of any kind,
    annual or other reports, financial statements, billing statements,
    payment authorizations, canceled checks, books, records, ledgers,
    journals, minutes of all meetings, contracts, agreements, appraisals,
    analysis, charts, graphs, bulletins, speeches, reports, data sheets,
    data tapes, or readable computer interpretations thereof, computer
    programs, software or any medium containing computer programs,
    circulars, pamphlets, notices, statements, stenographic notes, surveys,
    microfilm, microfiche, tape and disk recordings, photostats,
    photographs, drawings, transparencies, overlays, periodicals, sketches,
    illustrations, blueprints, plans, and personal interviews, wherever
    located, including non-final drafts or earlier versions and non—
    identical copies of any of the above, and all compilations of the
    foregoing, including binders, notebooks, folders and files.

    F. “Facility” shall refer to the proposed landfill which is the
    subject of the application filed by WMII with the County of Kankakee.
    G. “Refer or relate” means anything which directly or indirectly
    concerns, consists of, pertains to, reflects, evidences, describes,
    sets forth, constitutes, contains, shows, underlies, supports, or
    refers to in any way, or was used in the preparation of, appended to,
    or factually connected with, proves,
    tends to prove or disprove.
    H. The singular and plural form shall be construed
    interchangeably so as to bring within the scope of these requests any
    documents which might otherwise be construed outside their scope.
    I. The words “and” and “or” shall be construed conjectively and
    disjunctively as necessary to bring within this document request all
    information that might otherwise be construed as outside their scope.
    Continuing Responses.
    This document request shall be deemed
    to be continuing in nature and if, after serving your responses,
    additional information becomes known or available to you that is
    responsive to this document request, then you are required to
    reasonably supplement or amend your responses.
    Work Product or Privileges.
    With respect to each document,
    oral statement, or communication which you claim is privileged or
    subject to the work product doctrine, identify the document, statement
    or communications to the fullest extent, including the date, maker, and
    recipient, the general subject matter, and the basis of the claim of
    privilege or work product.

    In accordance with the foregoing definitions and instructions,
    please produce the following:
    1. Identify and produce any and all documents, letters, or
    memoranda which were read, reviewed, or examined by the County of
    Kankakee, the Kankakee County Board, or their agents during the
    consideration of the WMII Landfill Siting Application, which either are
    or are not a part of the public record of the hearing.
    2. All reports, correspondence, and other documents received by
    the County of Kankakee, its officers, department heads, supervisors
    and staff or the Kankakee County Board (including, but not limited to,
    its consultants, attorneys and experts) from WMII (including, but not
    limited to, its consultants, attorneys and experts) and sent to or
    obtained by the County of Kankakee, its officers, department heads,
    supervisors and staff or the Kankakee County Board (including, but not
    limited to, its consultants, attorneys and experts) regarding the
    planning, development, and siting of the Facility.
    3. All notes, minutes, and other documents of all phone calls and
    meetings between WHIT and the County of Kankakee, the Kankakee County
    Board, or their agents relating to the planning, development, and
    siting of the Facility.
    4. Any and all documents relied upon or reviewd by or received by
    the County of Kankakee, its officers, department heads, supervisors and
    staff or the Kankakee County Board (including, but not limited to, its
    consultants, attorneys or experts) concerning or relating to the

    landfill or siting of the landfill which is not contained in the
    Landfill Siting Application or the County of Kankakee public record.
    5. All correspondence, contracts or other communications between
    each opinion witness or other witness and the County of Kankakee, its
    officers, department heads, supervisors and staff or the Kankakee
    County Board (including, but not limited to, its consultants, attorneys
    and experts) in connection with the subject matter of this action.
    6. All demonstrative exhibits which the County of Kankakee, the
    Kankakee County Board, or their agents may offer or use at hearing.
    7. All exhibits which the County of Kankakee, the Kankakee County
    Board, or their agents may offer into evidence or otherwise use at
    hearing including, but not limited to, documents, summaries, objects,
    charts, and other items.
    8. All transcripts, statements, articles, writings or other
    documents or tangible items which the County of Kankakee, the Kankakee
    County Board, or their agents may use at hearing in direct or cross-
    examination of any witness.
    9. All releases, covenants or other agreements, promises or
    understandings (including any document reflecting or referring to the
    same) with respect to the subject matter of this action, which is not
    contained in the Landfill Siting Application nor admitted into evidence
    at the Kankakee County Board hearing on the Application.
    10. Any and all documents or things set forth or referred to in
    Respondent’s answers to interrogatories propounded by Petitioner, or
    which Respondent or Respondent’s counsel consulted to prepare said

    11. It is further requested that each party and/or his or its
    attorney in compliance with this request for production shall furnish
    an Affidavit stating whether the production is complete.
    DATED: February 28
    Respectfully submitted,
    L. Patrick Power
    Assistant City Attorney
    956 North Fifth Avenue
    Kankakee, IL 60901
    Kenneth A. Leshen
    Assistant City Attorney
    One Dearborn Square, Suite 550
    Kankakee, IL 60901
    of Its

    MAR 5 2003
    The undersigned, pursuant to the provisions of Sect/1J~—~f~01êhe
    Illinois Code of Civil Procedure, hereby under penalty
    the laws of the United States of America, certifies that on February 28,
    2003, a copy of the foregoing Petitioner City of Kankakee’s Document
    Requests was served upon:
    Karl Kruse, Chairman
    Kankakee County Board
    189 East Court Street
    Kankakee, IL 60901
    Charles F. Heisten, Esq.
    Hinshaw & Culbertson
    P. 0. Box 1389
    Rockford, IL 61105—1389
    Edward D. Smith, State’s Attorney
    c/c Brenda Gorski, Asst. SA
    189 East Court Street
    Kankakee, IL 60901
    Kenneth A. Bleyer
    Attorney at Law
    923 West Gordon Ter. #3
    Chicago, IL 60613—2013
    Leland Milk
    6903 South Route 45—52
    Chebanse, IL 60922
    Keith Runyon
    1165 Plum Creek Drive
    Bourbonnais, IL 60914
    Donald J. Moran
    Attorney at Law
    161 North Clark, Suite 3100
    Chicago, IL 60601
    Bruce Clark
    Kankakee County Clerk
    189 East Court Street
    Kankakee, IL 60901
    Jennifer J. Sackett Pohlenz
    Attorney at Law
    275 W. Jackson Blvd., Ste. 1600
    Chicago, IL 60604
    Patricia O’Dell
    1242 Arrowhead Drive
    Bourbonnais, IL 60914
    George Mueller
    Attorney at Law
    501 State Street
    Ottawa, IL 61350
    L. Patrick Power
    Assistant City Attorney
    956 North Fifth Avenue
    Kankakee, IL 60901
    Kenneth A. Leshen
    Assistant City Attorney
    One Dearborn Square, Suite 550
    Kankakee, IL 60901
    by depositing a copy thereof, enclosed in an envelope in the United States
    Mail at Kankakee, Illinois, proper postage prepaid, before the hour of
    5:00 p.m., addressed as above.
    this ~ day of February, 2003.

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