December 6, 1973
PCB 72—447
This action involves a variance request filed by
Company on November 6, l972~ Relief was sought from Rules 408, 1002
of Chapter 3 of the Water Pollution Regulations of Illinois and Rule
1.07-10 (c) of SWB—15. Variance would allow Petitioner to exceed
the 0.025 mg/i standard as it applies to cyanide concentrations.
Union Oil Company of California owns and operates, in Lemont
a major oil refinery. This refinery processes approximately
148,000 barrels of crude oil per day, and had a base cost of over
two hundred and fifty million dollars.
The main units of this operation are cokers and fluid catalytic
cracking (F.C.C.) units which are used to produce gasoline and other
usable products from incoming crude oil. Both units raise the temp-
erature of the incoming crude oil to about 900 degrees. This causes
the high molecular weight substance to break down or “crack” to form
the usable products. It is during this cracking that some of the re-
suiting atoms form the cyanide ion. It has been found (H. 151) that
much more cyanide is formed in the F.C.C. than in the coker units.
The products manufactured at the Chicago refinery range the en-
tire gamut of hydrocarbons starting from the light gases
methane, ethane) to propane to gasoline. A large amount of both al-
iphatic and aromatic solvents are also manufactured. Heating oils of
all grades (No.
4, 6) as well as the residual tars used for asphalt
are produced. Cove and sulphur are the other Droducts produced.
As part of the variance petition, Petitioner included an Interim
Report on Evaluation of Cyanide Problems at Union Oil Company of Cal-
ifornia’s Chicago Refinery. This report outlined the potential sourc-
es and methods of cyanide removal. The Agency filed its original
recommendation on December 22, 1972, in which it recommended a denial.
On April 17, 1973, after the use of several discovery devices and
meeting with the Petitioner, the Agency amended its recommendation.
In its amended recommendation the Agency recommended a grant of vari-
ance subject to certain conditions. Hearings were held on June 4,
1973, in Romeoville, Illinois. At these hearings much technical in-
formation concerning the problems with cyanides was elicited. It is
noted that the Respondent made no opening or closing statement at
hearing and no witnesses were called at the hearing by the Respondent.
The only evidence entered at the hearing by Respondent was the full
text of its recommendation. This is particularly important in that
Petitioner elicited testimony from a number of expert witnesses and
all of this testimony was in essence unrebutted.
On October 18, 1973, the Board issued an order for more informa-
tion. This order was an attempt to bring up to date the status of
Petitioner’s attempts to abate its cyanide levels. An updated sec-
ond interim report was received and made part of the record.
Present Status of Petitioner’s Effluent
The present regulation 1.07-10 (c) of SWB—l5 will be replaced by
Rule 408 (a) of Chapter 3: Water Pollution Regulations of Illinois
on December 31, 1973. Both of these rules require an effluent con-
centration of no more than 0.025 mg/i of cyanide. The following is
a table showing Petitioner’s effluent loading:
0.149 mg/i CN
0.258 mg/i CN
Although on the surface it would seem that the cyanide level has
been decreasing, it is not clear as to whether this is due to better
processing or different feed conditions.
Petitioner has presented
evidence (second interim report) that the generation of cyanide is
highly dependent on the nitrogen loading on the crude oil feed. It is
best for the Board not to take the position that the seeming downward
trend of cyanide will continue without much additional work.
Petitioner claims to be removing, during 1973, in excess of 95
of its incoming cyanide load. This reduction, however, is not enough
to reach the 0.025 allowable limit as dramatized in the above table.
It is alleged that notification of excessive cyanide levels was first
brought to Petitioner’s attention in May, 1971. Since then Petitioner
alleges that all possible steps were initiated to try and solve the
problem. Testimony (R. 5) was elicited that the Chicago refinery uses
much less water than do others. As a result of this water conserva-
tion program, it is alleged that the cyanide problem is magnified due
to the lack of inherent dilution effects found at other refineries of
this type.
Analytical Problems Regarding Cyanide
Much testimony was offered regarding the difficulty in obtaining
true and meaningful analytical data for cyanide at the low levels re-
quired to meet applicable standards. Petitioner is continuing to use
the Federal Environmental Protection Agency publication, Methods for
Chemical Analysis of Water and Wastes 1971, for its determination of
total cyanide in its waste water. The Petitioner still does not have
a method of determining the difference between simple and complex cy-
Alice Roketa (Manager of the Environmental Division of Arro Labs)
testified (R. 74-78) that there are three basic sources which outline
methods to determine cyanide: Standard Methods, Federal Book on Meth-
ods, and the ASTM method. These three sources generally use the same
approach of distillation and titration or colorimetric determination.
However, they do not distinguish between simple and complex cyanides.
Alfred Tenny (chemist, president of Tenco Hydro Aerosciences) test-
ified (R. 116-120) that there is significant difficulty in getting ac-
curate measurements at low levels of cyanide. As a chemist Mr. Tenny
spent three years studying cyanides and alleges that at a level of
0.02 ppm. the error would be in the order of 30 to 50 percent. He
alleges that the destruction of cyanide by catalysts and non-decomp-
osition of the complex cyanides may be two reasons for errors. He
also mentions that extremely good laboratory technique is required to
obtain consistent results.
Dr. Fred Gurnham (President of Gurnham & Associates,
Inc.) testi-
fied CR. 303-4) that he has been a member of the American Electro-
platers Society and in charge of a project on analytical techniques
for cyanide removal.
Dr. Gurnham further testified that he does
think that 0.025
mg/l can be accurately measured. He further testi-
fled that if
several laboratories were to test a standard
solution of cyanide the reports would be from 0.0 to 0.6 mg/l.
Free vs. Complex Cyanide
A great deal of testimony centered around the difference between
free versus complex cyanides. It is alleged that the problem of com-
plex ions is one that has not been handled in the past and was not
contemplated when the original water pollution regulations were adopt-
ed. The generally accepted method of cyanide removal is the alkaline
chlorination process which has proven undesirable because of the poss—
ibilitly of toxic byproducts being formed by the interaction of ammon-
ia, cyanide, and chlorine.
The abovementioned witnesses (Roketa, Tenny, Gurnham) all testified
as to the differences between complex and simple cyanides. Witness
Roketa testified that in her readings she has found that the complex
(FE iron) cyanide is very much less toxic than is the simple (Na
çsodium, H (hydrogen) cyanide. This
because the dissociation
comes about
photodecomposition rather than by simple breakage of an
simple cyanide. Witness Tenny again
covered the difference between co—ordinate and ionic bonding and reaf-
firmed the difficulty of obtaining a free cyanide radical in a complex
ferric cyanide. Mr. Gingham discussed the above again (R. 306) and
further elaborated on the interaction
complex and simple cyanides
when mixed in solution. He mentioned that a sodium iron cyanide is
extremely stable and that very little if any iron is free (therefore
very little free cyanide). This in the witnessts opinion
would reduce
the toxicity of the complex to nil. He further stated that a
first aid technique for cyanide poisoning is to drink an iron salt in
hopes of complexing the free cyanide and thereby reducing toxicity.
Sunuoary of Abatement Technology Tried
Petitioner has submitted a preliminary and second interim report
on studies made to abate cyanide in its effluent stream, It is al-
leged that although these research prbjects are ongoing no satisfact-
ory method has been found.
Testimony (H. 150) was entered that the source of cyanide genera-
tion has been located in the plant. Cyanide is alleged to be found
as a byproduct in the cracking operations.
John Bernickes testified as to the status of all methods used in
the plant to abate cyanide (R. 210-261).
information has been
further updated
in the
second interim report submitted by Petitioner.
1. Carbon Adsorption: ~o pilot plant studies were conducted by
Petitio~, using the carbon adsorption method. The first pilot plant
was operated under Calgonrs guidance. This plant was run on a fairly
high cyanide concentration stream. The summary of this effort was
contained in Calgon’s report
Petitioner. The essence of this report
the tests were unsuccessful due to the presence of the stable
ferrocyanide complex.
The second
pilot plant was supervised
personnel. Preliin-
mary jar tests were encouraging in
that a carbon usage of 1,8*/bOO
gal. of water
produce an effluent with negligible cyanide con-
tent. Pilot plant data showed that approximately 11.8 lbs. of car-
bon would be required to treat 1000 gal. of water. This extrapolates
to 8,050 lbs. of carbon for each pound of cyanide removed. High vel-
ocity backwashing was used to strip adsorbed cyanide from the used
carbon in an attempt to regenerate it. This technique had some ef-
fect. Attempts to catalytically oxidize adsorbed cyanide by the pres-
ence of oxygen and copper did not prove successful. No mention is
made as to whether continuing studies are proposed as to this tech-
nique by Petitioner.
Reference (H, 172) was made to a total refinery treatment of cyan-
ide by carbon adsorption in Marcus Hook, Pennsylvania. Petitioner
makes no mention as to the results of this project in its interim re-
port. This technology could be significant to Petitioner~s problems
and should be investigated fully in any further reports by Petitioner
the Agency.
2. Chlorination: Petitioner alleges that two programs involving
chlorination were under study during the last year. Full—scale act-
ivated sludge chlorination and laboratory evaluation of alkaline
chlorination were examined. From the data presented
it would seem
that chlorination has some merit as a cyanide reducing agent, but
that little hope of achieving the 0.025 specifications can be offered
using present techniques. Tests involving the alkaline chlorina-
tion method proved unsuccessful.
Again Petitioner makes no reference as to whether it intends
further develop and explore this technology.
3. Incineration: This technique was deferred until such time as
the volume of water can be reduced. The Board can agree that the use
of 210 x
106 B~U/hr. for evaporation and incineration is excessive in
light of the p~oblem.
4. Polysulfide Injection:
The technique of using polysulfide to
convert cyanide to thyocyanide was explored.
It is postulated that
the thyocyanide radical will decrease the cyanide corrosion problem
and reduce the formation
of the ferrocyanide complex. It
as to what the nature of
the new product formed would be, and the
problems as to its removal.
Petitioner plans
a full-scale test run which started October 23,
1973. Results should be made available in any further reports to the
5. Precipitation:
Attempts to form an insoluble cyanide complex
have met with only moderate results.
Petitioner has
postponed the
results of this mode of testing indefinitely.
Other processes either mentioned in
alluded to
Petitioner’s interim report include:
A. A proprietary compound by Nalco
B. Ozonation
C. Wet oxidation
D. Peroxide treatments
Mention is made of
water reuse to bring the plant into compliance.
Petitioner indicates a degree of confidence in this technique, although
stipulates its confidence with a number of
assumptions. It is im-
plied that this technique will be further explored.
From the above discussion it is clear that various methodologies
are still under consideration. The summary has convinced the Board
that Union Oil is pursuing a viable program in its attempts to abate
its cyanide problem. It is also clear that Union Oil Company has not
submitted a project completion date, because it is still unsure which
technique will be satisfactory.
The nature of a project completion schedule is generally considered
to include in its body an anticipated completion date. Under normal
circumstances a variance would not be issued unless such a date is
submitted. In Mt. Carmel Public Utilities vs. Environmental Protection
Agency, PCB 71-15, the Board held:
“As a matter of policy the Board does not favor the
granting of variances without some definite assurance
that the emissions will be controlled by available
pollution control devices as soon as possible. Ex-
cept for cases of ‘no technology available’ this
Board must require that those who seek ‘a shield against
enforcement cases~ (which is what a variance is) must
have a definite program to control the emissions with
existing control technology.”
Implicit in this finding is the language used in Title VIII Sect-
ion 33 (c) (iv) of the Environmental Protection Act. The language
therein states that when the Board renders its decision in an enforce-
ment action, one of the aspects to be considered is:
“(IV) The technical practicability and economic
reasonableness of reducing or eliminating the em-
issions, discharges or deposits resulting from such
pollution source.”
Although this language is under the enforcement section of the En-
vironmental Protection Act, because a variance may be considered a
“shield from enforcement action,” it would also apply to variance de—
terminations~ The heavy weight of testimony entered has shpwn that
the technology is not presently available to abate cyanide in a re-
finery stream. In this type of instance a good faith program of con—
tinuing research and development will be considered a viable alternate
for a firm project completion date. It is emphasized that this pro-
gram must be continuing. It is not enough to state that technology is
not available. A Petitioner must attempt to develop, within its fin-
ancial ability, a viable abatement technology. The Board feels that
Union Oil is indeed pursuing this approach.
This method of granting a variance is not without precedent. In
PCB 71-111. Sherwin Williams vs. Environmental Protection Agency, a
variance was granted requiring a continuation of study regarding mer-
cury abatement methods. The problem of cyanides in refinery streams
is not unique to the Board. In Shell Oil v. Environmental Protection
Agency, PCB 73-116, variance was denied, and in Clark Oil & Refining
v. Environmental Protection Agency, PCB 73-238, variance was granted.
The facts in both the above cases constituted the reasons for the di-
vergent Board actions.
Hardship in Event of Denial: One of the primary preconditions for
the grant of a variance is a showing of hardship if compliance is re-
quired. Union Oil Company alleges that the only alternate to variance
would be the shutdown of the refinery. In addition to the enormous
loss of revenue to Petitioner, this shutdown would necessitate the
potential layoff of 650 refinery personnel.
At a time when energy resources are in short supply, the removal
of significant quantities of petrochemical products would impose a
significant hardship on the public in general.
Two witnesses were called or: to testify as to Union Oil’s social
value in the community.
Roy Hassert (Will County Chairman)
ified (H. 18-21) that Union Oil Company is a major taxpayer to the
township (approximately 3 million dollars a year)
He further test-
ified that DuPage Township relies on the tax money to operate the
township. Mayor Maurice Berlinsky testified (R. 41) that Union Oil
Company is a significant employer of families in the Joliet area.
Effect on Environment: The Agency has calculated that the increase
of cyanide in the Sanitary and Ship Canal would be from 0.0255 mg/l
to 0.0257 mg/l. This is an increase of .0002 ppm. Petitioner’s fig-
ures show that during the 7-day 20-year low flow of the canal the in-
crease of cyanide would be 0.0015 ppm. It is alleged that although
this amount of cyanide can be mathematically calculated, it could not
be analytically determined in a sample of canal water (R. 334). The
opinion of Dr. Gingham was elicited (H. 335) as to the effect of such
an increase on the canal. His response was that there would be none.
The Agency in its recommendation also stated that it felt no signifi-
cant harm to the canal would occur due to this increase in cyanide
As mentioned above this Petition for variance was submitted on
ember 6, 1972. At that time it was suggested that (R. 7) a one—year
variance would be required to develop a solution to Petitioner’s cyan-
ide problem. The recently received (November 7, 1973) interim report
shows tha this goal has not been met. The Board in cranting a one-
year variance from the date of its Order will in essence be allowing
two years to develop a viable program (one year for litigation and a
one-year variance). By doing so the Board must stress that every ef-
fort be made to abate this problem as soon as possible. In granting
the variance the Board will apply some of the recommendations of the
Agency. Progress reports will be required on a two-month rather than
a one-month basis. This is in the hope that a significantly more de-
tailed report can be submitted at each reporting date.
Analysis of Petitioner’s effluent data shows that with rare excep-
tions a 0.20 mg/i cyanide level can be maintained. The variance will
set this limit with provisions for brief excursions over this limit.
This Opinion constitutes the findings of fact and conclusions of
law of the Board.
ORDER of the Pollution Control Board that Petitioner be
granted a variance
from Rules
408 and 1002 of Chapter 3 and Rule 1.07-
10 (c) of SWB-15 until December 6, 1974, subject to the following
1. Petitioner’s
cyanide effluent concentration shall
not exceed an
average of
0.20 mg/i during the
period of this variance.
2. At no time shall Petitioner’s single month aver-
age be over 0.3 mg/i cyanide.
3. Petitioner shall utilize any methods it may find
useful to keep its effluent at the lowest possible
cyanide level.
4. Petitioner shall continue to diligently pursue its
program of research and development in regards to
cyanide reduction.
5. Petitioner shall submit to the Agency bi-monthly
reports. Said reports shall include as a minimum:
A) Progress on all methods being pursued by
Petitioner regarding cyanide reduction.
B) Future work anticipated on methods being
pursued by Petitioner.
C) Any and all records of cyanide concentra-
tions in Petitioner’s effluent. At least
one determination of cyanide shall be run
per week,
What methods if any are being used to com-
ply with (3) of this Order.
6. As soon as a technologically feasible program for cyanide
reduction has been found, Petitioner shall commence on a
compliance plan to implerient this program.
I, Christan L. Moffett, Cnerk of the Illinois Pollution Control
Board, certify th t the above Opini n and Order was adopted by the
Board on the ~
day of
1973, by a vote of