June 20, 1974
PCB 74—115
Frederick E. McLendori, Attorney for Petitioner
John Palincsar, Attorney for the EPA
Borg-Warner Corporation requests variance from Rules
103(b) (2) and 205(f) of the Air Pollution Control Regulations
while its environmental control system is undergoing modif i—
cation. The modifications were allegedly made necessary by
an error in judgment of the contractor who designed the control
Petitioner owns and operates a chemical manufacturing
plant in LaSalle County for the production of acrylonitrile—
butadiene-styrene (ABS) resin. The plant includes nine poly-
butadiene reactors and two polybutadiene flasher vessels.
During the production cycle raw materials are polymerized in
one of the reactors and then discharged to one of the flasher
vessels. Unreacted raw materials, primarily butadiene, from
the reactors and flashers are drawn by vacuum through condensers
where butadiene vapors are condensed and recycled. Approximately
73 lbs./hour of organic vapors escape the system through the
vacuum steam jets and are discharged to the atmosphere with
exhaust steam. Rule 205(f) limits Petitioner~s organic emissions
to 8 lbs./hr.
Compliance with the standards was to have been accomplished
by routing the vacuum steam jet through a water scrubber to
condense the steam and then discharging the uncondensed hydro-
carbons to a John Zink burner for incineration. Petitioner
proceeded with installation of the John Zink incinerator but
encountered difficulties with another portion of the control
In the proposed control system, water discharge from the
scrubber goes into a hot well from which a portion of the water
circulates through a cooler and back to the scrubber. An excess
supply of water occurs at this point in the system and the excess
water was to have been withdrawn through a liquid seal. The
depth of the water seal was originally set at 3’. When
Petitioner attempted to operate the system as designed, hydrocarbons
were released into the manufacturing building. This created a
hazardous condition which might have re~ulted in an explosive
concentration within the building. Depth of the liquid seal
was increased to 6’ but this failed to solve the problem.
Petitioner has now completed design modifications to provide
a positive liquid seal on the hot well and thereby prevent hydro-
carbon discharges into the manufacturing building. The necessary
equipment has been ordered. Petitioner expects the $15,000
modification to be completed by October 31, 1974. The Agency
believes that if the modifications are successfu~, control
efficiency will reach 85 and allow Petitioner to meet the require-
ments of Rule 205(f).
The Agency recommends granting variance from Rule 205(f)
because Petitioner made conscientious efforts to achieve compliance
by the December 31, 1973 deadline, and the contractor’s error in
judgment constitutes “excusable” delay. An Agency representative
inspecting the plant in April 1974 detected no odors beyond the
plant boundary. No citizen complaints have been received by the
Agency in opposition to the granting of this variance. Ground
level concentrations encountered at Petitioner’s facility are not
toxic according to the Agency.
Petitioner has satisfactorily shown its need for variance
from Rule 205(f). However, variance fi~omRule 103(b) (2) is not
appropriate here. Variance from Rule 103(b) (2) would relieve
Borg-Warner of the duty to obtain an operating permit. The permit
system is a very important part of the pollution control program
of Illinois and whenever possible variances should be fashioned
so as to leave the permit requirement in effect. The record shows
that Petitioner already has an operating permit but one of the
conditions of the permit is the installation and testing of the
John Zink incinerator by December 1973. We will modify the permit
by extending the deadline for installation and testing of the
John Zink incinerator to October 31, 1974. The Agency concurs in
the extension of this compliance date. Variance from Rule 103(b) (2)
is denied.
This opinion constitutes the findings of fact and conclusions
of law of the Ill~noisPollution Control Board.
12— 586
It is the Order of the Pollution Control Board that:
A. Borg-Warner Corporation be granted variance from
Rule 205(f) of the Illinois Air Pollution Control
Regulations until October 31, 1974 for the
operation of nine polybutadiene reactors and two
polybutadiene flashers at its LaSalle County ABS
manufacturing facility. That portion of
Petitioner’s operating permit (Application #04010058)
requiring installation and testing of a John Zink
incinerator by December 31, 1973 is hereby amended
to require installation and testing of the John
Zink incinerator by October 31, 1974. This
variance is subject to the following conditions:
1. During the term of the variance Petitioner
shall install all equipment necessary for
control system modifications as outlined in
this proceeding, to achieve compliance with
Rule 205(f).
2. Petitioner shall submit monthly progress
reports to the Environmental Protection
Agency. The progress reports shall commence
on July 15, 1974 and shall provide details
of Petitioner’s progress towards completion
of the control system modifications.
B. Variance from Rule 103(b) (2) of the Air Pollution
Control Regulations is denied.
I, Christan L. Moffett, Clerk of the Illinois Pollution Control
Board, hereby certify the above Opinion and Or~r was adopted
this ~
day ~
1974 by a vote of _____to