June 13, 1974
    PCB 74—130
    On April 4, 1974, Petitioner filed its request for a variance
    from Rule 205(f) of Chapter Two, Illinois Air Pollution Regulations.
    The Homak Manufacturing Company, Inc., located at 4433 South
    Springfield Avenue in Chicago, manufactures metal tool boxes and
    metal cabinets. Sheet metal is sheared to appropriate sizes, punched
    or notched as required, formed, and spot—welded into various units.
    Then the units are painted in three spray booths and cured in one of
    two gas—fired ovens. After curing, hardware is attached to the units
    and they are packaged.
    Petitioner requests this variance from Rule 205(f) until April 1,
    1975, for its dry paint booth (two spray booths equipped with water-
    wall curtains are not included) and two curing ovens. Petitioner
    estimates that these sources emit 9.7, 21.0, and 9.9 lbs/hr,
    respectively, of photochemically reactive hydrocarbons, which are in
    excess of the 8 lbs/hr limitation of Rule 205(f). In order to achieve
    compliance with this Rule, Petitioner plans to reformulate its paints,
    so that they will contain non-photochemi~a1lyreacti~e solvents
    only. Petitioner alleges that its paint suppliers “pannot forsee an
    availability of the required exempt solvents until the end of 1974
    and even then they cannot assure any deliveries.”
    The Environmental Protection Agency (Agency) fijed its Recommenda-
    tion on May 16, 1974. During the Agency inspector’s visit on March 19,
    1974, Petitioner’s representatives acknowledged that the average
    emission of photochemically reactive organic material was 40 lbs. per
    hour from each of two paint lines. “Paint formulae incorporating
    non-photochemically reactive solvents have been formulated to meet
    Petitioner’s requirements. However, the solvents necessary to make
    up the new formulae are not available because of the shortage of
    petroleum derivative products. Petitioner’s facility is located in
    an area which contains both residences and industries. There are no
    citizen complaints about the facility.” The Agency recommended that
    this Variance be granted subject to certain conditions with which
    the Board agrees.

    We grant the Variance. Petitioner’s problem in obtaining
    exempt solvents is prevalent in the industry. The hardship is
    not self-imposed. The Federal Energy office has established mandatory
    allocation of petrochemical feedstocks to petrochemical producers——
    including solvent manufacturers——in a quantity equal to 100 percent
    of the producer’s current requirements (Fed. Reg. Vol. 39, No. 10,
    Part III, Subpart 2llJ, January 15, 1974). Petitioner should utilize
    such exempt solvents as they become available.
    Petitioner is hereby granted a Variance from Rule 205(f) for
    its dry paint booth and two curing ovens until April 1, 1975, subject
    to the following conditions:
    1. Petitioner shall utilize as much exempt solvent formula-
    tions as can be furnished by its suppliers.
    2. Beginning 30 days after the date of this Order, Petitioner
    shall submit monthly reports to:
    Environmental Protection Agency
    Division of Air Pollution Control
    Control Program Coordinator
    2200 Churchill Road
    Springfield, Illinois 62706
    The monthly reports shall include information on:
    Total amount of solvents used,
    Nature and amount of non—exempt solvents used,
    Nature and amount of exempt solvents used,
    Amount and nature of non—exempt solvents purchased
    (list supplier)
    Amount and nature of exempt solvents purchased
    (list supplier), and
    Amount and nature of non—exempt and exempt solvents
    inventory at the beginning of each month.
    3. Within six (6) months of the date of this Order, Petition~r
    shall submit to the Environmental Protection Agency a
    modified compliance plan to replace that which has been

    nullified by shortages. This plan shall achieve
    compliance under one of the following methods:
    a. Achieve compliance at the expiration of the
    Variance by replacement of photochemically
    reactive solvents with non—reactive solvents
    demonstrated to be readily available; or
    b. Achieve compliance at the expiration of the
    Variance by qualification under the Alternative
    Standard of Rule 205(f) (1); or
    c. Achieve compliance by May 30, 1975, under the
    provisions of Rule 205(f) (2) CD)
    I, Christan L. Moffett, Clerk of the Illinois Pollution Control
    Board, hereby certify that the above Order was adopted on the
    1974, by a vote of
    to ~
    Christan L. Moff tt4 Clerk

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