August L 1974
    PCB 74~~173
    On May 7, 1974, Lakewti~dEngineering and Manufacturing Company filed
    its Petition for Variance, seeking therein permission to exceed the
    limitations of Rule 205(f) of the Illinois Pollution Control Board
    Regulations, Chapter 2, Part II. An Amended Petition was filed on
    May 20, 1974.
    The Petitioner is a manufacturer and assembler of electric fans,
    heaters and lighting fixtures. Approximately 1,800,000 of these items
    are manufactured annually at its Chicago facility with a gross sales volume
    of approximately $l8,000,000~00. Petitioner employs an average of 350
    persons. Integral to this manufacturing process is the painting of products.
    This painting function is accomplished through an electrostatic
    spray painting operation, The material used is a baked enamel composed of
    alkyd and melamine resins and photochemicaily t’eactive solvents. The
    solvents currently used are Xylol and BS 150 of which an estimated 19 pounds
    per hour is emitted from four (4) spray booths and 40 pounds per hour from
    the bake oven. Petitioner does not have any control equipment for organic
    emissions from its spray paint operation or drying oven. The spray paint
    operation does have control for particulates.
    Petitioner received an operating permit, #03100096, for its spray
    painting operations on November 7, 1973. The permit expired March 31, 1974.
    The Agency has refused to issue a new permit on the ground that the facility
    was not in compliance with Rule 205(f).
    Petitioner proposes to comply with Rule 205(f) by using exempt solvents.
    However, Petitioner claims these solvents are not commercially available
    at the present time. Petitioner expects to be able to acquire such solvents
    within six months to one year.
    Agency investigators during their inspection of Petitioner~sfacilities
    detected organic solvent odors within the plant and light odors outside the
    plant area. Persons who worked in the area stated they had experienced no
    odor problems.
    Petitioner~s facility is located in an industrial/commercial area at
    13 —265

    ~NorthCarpenter, Chicago, Cook County,
    The Agency has
    received no citizen complaints or objections to the granting of this
    Petitioner has submitted two letters from its supplier to the effect
    that exempt solvents cannot be presently acquired due to current shortages
    in the market. Petitioner asserts that denial of the variance would
    impose undue hardship in itself, its employees and its customers, especially
    retail chains.
    In view of the current shortage of non-photochemically reactive solvents
    we are disposed to grant the variance requested for a period of six months,
    subject to certain conditions.
    This Opinion constitutes the findings of fact and conclusions of law
    of the Board.
    IT IS
    THE ORDER of the
    Pollution Control Board that Petitioner be
    granted a variance from the provisions
    Rule 205(f) of the Air Pollution
    Control Regualtions for a period of six months from the date of this Order,
    subject to the following conditions:
    1. Petitioner shall utilize as much exempt solvent formulations
    as can be furnished by its suppliers.
    2. Petitioner shall submit monthly reports to:
    Environmental Protection Agency
    Division of Air Pollution Control
    Control Program Coordinator
    2200 Churchill Road
    Springfield, Illinois 62706
    The monthly reports shall include the total amount of solvents used, the nature
    and amount of non-exempt solvents used, the nature and amount of exempt
    solvents used, the amount and nature of exempt solvents purchased (indicating
    the supplier), the amount and nature of non-exempt solvents purchased
    (indicating the supplier), and the amount and nature of solvents in inventory
    at the beginning of each month.
    3, Within 3 months of the date of this Order, Petitioner shall submit
    to the Agency a modified compliance plan to replace that which has been
    nullified by shortages. This plan may:
    i. Achieve compliance at the expiration of’ the
    Variance by replacement of photochemic~lly
    reactive solvents with non-reactive solvents
    demonstrated to be readily available; or
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    ii. Achieve compliance at the expiration of the
    Variance by qualification under the Alternative
    Standard of Rule 2O5(f)(l); or
    iii. Achieve compliance by May 30, 1975, under the
    provisions of Rule 2O4(f)(2)(D).
    I, Christan L. Moffett, Clerk of the Illinois Pollution Con,~ol Board,
    that the above
    1974Opinionby aandvoteOrderof
    was adopted on this

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