August 1, 1974
    PCB 74~ll2
    Woodruff and
    Company, Inca requests variance from
    Rule 206
    (e) of the ;Air Pollution Control Regulations for a period
    of one year pending experiments, modifications of control equip~
    ment, and testing on its foundry cupola~ Rule 206(e) prohibits
    the emission of gasses containing carbon monoxide from any
    cupola having a melt rate in excess of 5 tons per hour unless:
    I) such gasses are burned in
    afterburner so that
    the resulting concentration of carbon monoxide is
    less than or equal to 200 ppm corrected to 50
    excess air, or
    2) such gas streams are controlled by other equivalent
    pollution control equipment approved by the Agency~
    Petitioner operates a gray and ductile iron foundry (cupola
    rating 12
    which is located along the west bank of the
    Fox River in
    Illinois~ West of the foundry is a residential
    area~ There
    are commercial
    operations to the north and south and
    the Elgin City Hall and Civic Center are across the River to the
    east~ The cupola is equipped with a baghouse for particulate contro1~
    for an
    operating permit were apparently denied
    Ager~cybecause of excessive carbon monoxide
    emissione~ Shortly
    thereafter Petitioner conducted stack tests
    which showed the cupola
    be emitting 219,823 ppm carbon
    monoxide~ Carbon monoxide con~
    were shown to be 65,615 ppm~
    Another series
    of tests were conducted by Petitioner to
    determine the effect of the carbon monoxide
    emissions on nearby
    areas~ Res~i1tsof these tests were reported as follows:

    1) In the path of the air stream directly from
    the point source
    (cupola and baghouse)
    2,5 ppm
    2) At property line of closest residence
    2.5 ppm
    3) Up—wind from point source for background0
    2.5 ppm
    To verify these test results, Petitioner performed a series of
    calculations using the guidelines found in ~
    ~rsi2~stimates, U. S. EPA Document AP-26. These calculations
    allegedly show that Petitioner~s carbon monoxide emissions increase
    the ground level concentrations of carbon monoxide by 1.2 ppm.
    Petitioner is *~il1ing to install an afterburner to control
    carbon monoxide emissions but has been informed by Northern Illinois
    Gas Company that additional quantities of natural gas for this
    purpose are not available. Northern Illinois suggested that
    Petitioner investigate the possibility of eliminating gas usage in
    other parts of the foundry operation and transfer this gas to the
    afterburner operation. However, Petitioner states that it would fall
    short of the afterburner gas requirements by 20 using this method.
    The alternative, according to Petitioner, is to use the upper
    section of the cupola as a combustion chamber to convert the carbon
    monoxide to carbon dioxide. This “recuperative” method requires the
    introduction of additional air to the cupola through the charging door.
    The additional air supply in the presence of heat from the melting
    operation would allegedly cause spontaneous ignition of the carbon
    monoxide. Tests using this procedure have shown that carbon monoxide
    concentrations can be reduced to about 20 ppm in the exhaust stack of
    the baghouse. Petitioner states that careful supervision was required
    during these tests and “present conditions were not readily converted
    to production procedures”.
    Further modifications of the cooling system will allow combustion
    of the carbon monoxide to take place in the cross-over duct between
    the cupola and the cooling tower. This ph’ase of the operation will
    be difficult since the gas stream must be sufficiently cool prior to
    entering the baghouse to prevent the destruction of the collection
    Based on information from its consulting engineering firm,
    Petitioner estimates that equipment necessary for the experimental
    procedure would require eight months for delivery and three months
    for installation, The experimental method would, if
    provide the dual reward of achieving compliance with the Regulations
    and saving energy since it would not require auxiliary fuel.
    Petitioner has applied for construction perm4ts for an afterburner
    the event the variance is not approved although doubts~are
    expressed about the operational efficiency of the afterburner because
    of inadequate natural gas supplies.

    The Agency acknowledges Petitioner~s problem in obtaining
    natural gas and recommends that Petitioner be given the oppor-
    tunity to explore this new method of carbon monoxide control.
    According to the Agency, fugitive particulate emissions which
    Agency investigators observed coming from the furnace cap on
    the cupola and the charging door should also be eliminated by
    this proposed method of control.
    Nearby residents have no objection to the granting of this
    variance. The Agency believes that the foundry does not cause
    a nuisance to the surrounding community.
    Reasons for the delay in meeting the standard are not stated
    definitely, however, the Agency recommends that Petitioner be
    granted a three month variance. This recommendation apparently
    stems from conversations in which Petitioner indicated that the
    required alterations would be made during a July shutdown and that
    testing would be performed shortly thereafter. In the absence of
    any response from ;the Company, the Board concludes that equipment
    required for the experimental modifications has already been
    received and will be installed this month.
    We shall grant this variance for four months since this is
    the time Petitioner has indicated would be required for installation
    of the modification equipment plus an additional month for testing.
    Petitioner is to be commended for its efforts toward achieving
    compliance without the need for auxiliary fuel.
    It is the Order of the Pollution Control Board that Woodruff
    and Edwards Company, Inc. of Elgin, Illinoi~sbe granted a variance
    from Rule 206(e) of the Air Pollution Control Regulations until
    December 1, 1974 for the purpose of installing and testing cupola
    modification equipment designed to achieve compliance with Rule
    206(e). This variance is subject to the following conditions:
    I. Petitioner shall apply for all necessary Agency
    permits for the modification equipment.
    2. Petitioner shall submit monthly progress reports
    to the Environmental Protection Agency. Said
    progress reports shall commence on August
    15, 1974
    and shall provide details of Petitioner~sprogress
    toward completion of the experimental modification
    3. Within thirty days after completion
    the experi-
    mental modification Petitioner shall perform a
    stack test. Results of the stack test shall be
    13— 249

    submitted to the Environmental Protection Agency
    within 5 days after they are available
    Petitioner. Petitioner shall notify the Agency
    five days prior
    the stack test indicating the
    time and place of said test and shall allow Agency
    personnel to observe said test
    they so desire.
    4. If the
    stack test does not show compliance with
    Rule 206(e), Woodruff and Edwards Company shall
    proceed to install an afterburner for control of
    carbon monoxide emissions. ‘Appropriate permit
    procedures shall be followed.
    I, Christan L.
    Clerk of
    the Illinois
    Pollution Control
    Board, h~~ebycertify the above~Opinion and Order was adopted
    1974 by a
    vote of ____to ~

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