November 22, 1974
    PCB 74—337
    Petitioners seek variance from a sewer extension ban in order
    to connect a metal fabrication plant to the sewer system of the
    City of South 13e’oit. The ban has been imposed by the Agency
    pursuant to the requirements of Rule 921 of Chapter 3, Water
    Pollution Regulations.
    The record reveals that the City of South Beloit operates a
    sewage treatment facility employing brush aeration providing
    secondary treatment for a design average flow of 1 million gallons
    per day and a maximum flow of 2.5 mgd. After receiving chlorination
    the plant effluent is discharged directly into the Rock River.
    Influent flows exceeding 2.5 mgd are by—passed to the Rock River
    without receiving even primary treatment. Storm water infiltration
    has been a problem. Flows in the past have reached 5 mgd at times
    but the City has expended $100,000 to curtail excessive infiltration
    and did thereby reduce the average influent flows to 3.3 mgd for
    the months of January through December 1973.
    This plant is required to meet the following standards: 20 mg/i
    for BOD, 25 mg/l for suspended solids and 400 per 100 ml. for fecal
    coliform. Grab samples taken in 1974 showed the plant consistently
    meeting the standard for suspended solids and slightly over the
    standard for BOD on only one occasion. However, fecal coliform
    counts substantially exceeded the limitation on every date samples
    were taken with counts ranging from 2,000 per 100 mu to 32,000 per
    100 m/l.
    The chief products of Precision Fabricators are weidments varying
    from sheet stock to heavy plate stock. However, the only facilities
    that will require sewer connection are the toilets and basins. These
    14 —521

    facilities provide accomodations for 13 full—time employees in
    the day shift and 7 second shift employees. The company has
    existed at its present location for a number of years and was
    serviced by a private sewage disposal system until the “Easter
    weekend” flood of 1973 which rendered this private system in-
    operative. Since the Spring flood of 1973 the septic system has
    remained flooded and attempts to drain the septic field have been
    unsuccessful. The Agency agrees that ground water conditions may
    make proper operation of a septic system impossible.
    At the present time sewage from this septic system is spilling
    upon the top of the ground causing a serious nuisance and health
    hazard. The President of Precision Fabricators states that the
    sewage problem interferes with the hiring of new employees pre-
    sumably because potential employees do not wish to work in such
    unhealthy conditions. He states that he needs 25 men to handle
    his work backlog but that two more men are now quitting and he
    cannot maintain the shop with just 11 people on his work force. The
    President states that if his Company is not granted a permit to
    attach to the sewer the Company will be forced out of business.
    The plan is to construct a 310’ extension to the existing sewer
    line of the City of South Beloit. According to Thomas Nee, a
    Professional Engineer and Land Surveyor, this sewer connection
    is “the most economically feasible alternative, considering the
    life of
    system and the ground water condition for a new septic
    or holding tank installation”. Mr. Nee also states that the
    extension will cause no overflows upstream or downstream of the
    The Agency states that the additional load from the Petitioner
    would be inconsequential at the South Beloit sewage treatment
    plant and recommends that the variance be granted.
    The Board finds that the faulty septic system causes a health
    hazard which is a substantial hardship to Precision Fabricator, Inc.,
    its employees and the public generally. The health hazard will be
    eliminated by a sewer connection to the South Beloit sewage system.
    The health hazard apparently cannot be reduced by minor maintenance
    of the existing sep~ic system. Therefore, the variance will be
    granted and the parties uiged to take the necessary steps to make
    this sewer connection as soon as possible.
    This Opinion constitutes the findings of fact and conclusions
    of law of the Illinois Pollution Control Board.

    It is the Order of the Illinois Pollution Control Board that
    Petitioners, Precision Fabricators, Inc. and City of South
    Beloit, be granted variance from the sewer extension ban in order
    to connect the metal fabrication plant at 200 Oak Grove Avenue
    to the sewer system of the City of South Beloit. Petitioner
    Precision Fabricators, Inc. shall apply for all necessary permits.
    Christan L. Moffett, Clerk of the Illinois Pollution Control
    Board, hereby certify the above Opinion and Order was adppted
    this _____________day of
    1974 b~a vote of ton.

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