November 22, 1974
    PCB 72—328
    ORDER OF THE BOARD (by Mr. Henss):
    On February 7, 1974 the Board entered an Order which approved
    the settlement of this enforcement case. That Order provided
    for an abatement program at the Respondent’s Will Scarlet Mine
    and included customary provisions for performance bond and progress
    reports. The Order also provided as follows:
    “5. Within the 9 months following this Order, Respondent
    shall participate in negotiations involving other
    mine pollution abatement projects in Illinois in a
    manner satisfactory to the Agenc~rand the Board.
    Upon written notice to the Pollution Control Board
    and Respondent by the Agency that Respondent has
    failed to satisfactorily participate in pollution
    abatement at non-owned point sources, or upon such
    finding by the Board, Respondent shall within 30
    days pay a penalty of $15,000. Penalty payment by
    certified check or money order shall be made to:
    Fisca.l Services Division, Illinois EPA, 2200
    Churchill Road, Springfield, Illinois 62706. Payment
    of this penalty shall apply solely to violations
    in this proceeding and shall not be attributable to
    any failure in negotiations involving mine discharge
    from property for which Peabody Coal is legally
    6. Within 30 days after reaching agreement on a pollution
    abatement project the parties shall notify the Board
    regarding the details of the project, including
    ownership of the real estate and pollution sources

    involved and the identity of any person or company
    who created the pollution source or may be liable
    for allowing the pollution to occur. If no agree-
    ment is reached regarding a pollution abatement
    project within 9 months, the parties shall advise
    the Board of that fact and the $15,000 penalty shall
    become due and payable.”
    The 9 months have now elapsed following the entry of this Order
    and this Board has not received any information from the parties
    as to their negotiation on mine pollution abatement projects. The
    Board wishes to learn whether the parties reached agreement re-
    garding a pollution abatement project within 9 months and would
    like to be informed as to Respondent~sparticipation in pollution
    abatement at non—owned point sources.
    Therefore, it is ordered that the parties within 14 days subm~t
    the following:
    I. Advise the Board whether agreement was reached regardinç
    a pollution abatement project within 9 months after the
    Board Order of February 7, 1974.~
    2. A detailed report to the Board of Respondent~spartici-
    pation in pollution abatement at non—owned point sources
    since February 7, 1974.
    I, Christan L. Moffett, Clerk of the Illinois Pollution Con~ol
    Board, hereby certify the above Order w~sadopted this ~
    day of
    1974 by a vote of d./ to

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