May 8, 1975
    of Old Fort Industries, Inc.,
    PCB 74—241
    PATRICK PHILLIPS, Attorney for Petitioner
    KATHRYN NESBURG, Attorney for Respondent
    On June 25, 1974 Illinois Brick filed Petition for Variance
    seeking relief from Sections 9(a) and 9(b) of the Environmental
    Protection Act and Rule 103(b) (2) of the Air Pollution Control
    Regulations. The Board found that petition to be inadequate
    because there was no data regarding ambient levels of hydrogen
    sulfide both upwind and downwii-id of Petitioner’s plant. Illinois
    Brick was ordered to supply such additional data.
    In August 1974 Petitioner advised the Board that it had
    made arra~gementsfor testing of the air around the plant, and
    sought approval of the test method proposed by its testing firm.
    The Board approved the proposed testing method and allowed
    Illinois Brick until September 25, 1974 to file the required test
    The hydrogen sulfide test results were timely filed. Two
    tests were conducted during separate blow-down periods. The
    first test shàwed an average hydrogen sulfide concentration of
    30 parts per billion (ppb) downwind and 4 ppb upwind. On the
    second test, downwind and upwind concentrations each averaged
    5 ppb.
    Subsequently Illinois Brick filed an Amended Petition re-
    questing variance to March 1, 1975 and a motion seeking the grant
    of such relief without a public hearing. The Board denied the
    motion for decision without hearing. On March 18, 1975 Illinois
    16— 561

    Brick filed its Second Amendment to Petition for Variance
    seeking relief until May 1, 1975. Public hearing on the
    Second Amendment to Petition for Variance was conducted on
    March 19, 1975.
    Petitioner owns and operates a concrete block manu-
    facturing facility in Broadview, Cook County, Illinois. In
    the block making process, Petitioner mixes slag, limestone
    screenings, cement, silica flour and water to form “green”
    building blocks. Slag for the blocks is obtained from the
    mills of U. S. Steel Company. The quantities of raw materials
    used daily at the plant are as follows:
    Fine slag
    560,000 lbs.
    Coarse slag
    140,000 lbs.
    Limestone screenings
    140,000 lbs.
    50,400 lbs.
    Silica flour
    50,400 lbs.
    60,000 gallons
    Once formed, the blocks are then cured for about 4 1/2
    hours in one of four heated autoclaves (high pressure steam curing
    vessel) by application of 150 psig steam to the blocks. In the
    final 30 to 40 minutes of the curing process, steam and other
    gasses, including hydrogen sulfide, are released. U. S. Steel
    analysis of the steel mill slag and Petitioner’s blocks showed
    a sulfur content of 0.76 in the slag and 0.70 in the cured
    blocks, This means that 0.06 sulfur is lost during the curing
    In 1970 Illinois Brick determined that the volume of odor
    producing gasses could be reduced if the steam were condensed
    and not released to the atmosphere. A condensing system installed
    in November 1971 worked satisfactorily until sections of the
    condenser corroded and began to leak. Petitioner kept the system
    in operation until late 1973 or early 1974 by replacing corroded
    parts but eventually had to abandon the whole condenser system
    because of excessive corrosion.
    A new system utilizing a stainless steel air—cooled condenser
    was ordered on October 26, 1973. Piping changes were made to route
    all liquid and gaseous wastes to~a single retention basin.

    Delivery of the air cooled condenser was expected by July 1,
    In the meantime, in December 1973, Illinois Brick applied
    tothe Agency for an operating permit. This was denied because
    the Agency believed Petitioner’s discharges were causing air
    pollution. A per~nitfor installation of the new condenser system
    was granted by the Agency in August 1974.
    The $45,000 project was delayed because the condenser was
    not actually delivered until September 17, 1974. On October 15,
    1974 the new condenser was given its first trial CR. 19)
    in a few days Petitioner began to experience minor problems
    which appeared to be corrected by calibration of certain asso-
    ciated equipment. Problems continued, however, and Petitioner
    sought to correct the problems by making certain modifications
    tc the piping in an effort to supply a greater quantity of
    steam to the condenser.
    When these modifications failed to solve the operational
    problems, the condenser was partially dismantled and found to
    he clogged with scale. Several of the clogged pipes had rup-
    tured during freezing weather. Further modifications were made
    to provide a high pressure water backflush system to clear the
    scale and to provide a steam line to heat the unit between blow-
    downs and on weekends during freezing weather.
    As the system now stands, blow-down steam and gasses are
    piped to the air condenser where the steam is condensed to water.
    Some of the gasses are dissolved in the condensed water prior to
    discharge of the water to a sump inside the plant. Although the
    sump is open, doors and windows of the room in which the sump is
    located are not normally open. From the sump, the water flows to
    a vented retention basin where treatment chemicals are added
    prior to discharge of the water to a sanitary sewer system. A
    bypass on the system has been used several times in the past to
    vent steam and gasses to the atmosphere during periods of mal-
    Petitioner’s Vice President in charge of concrete operations,
    Clyde Stewart, testified that he did not know if any odorous
    emissions were released through the retention basin vent (R. 31).
    Complaints from nearby residents about the hydrogen sulfide odor
    are handled by Stewart. He testified that he had received
    complaints from the residents over a period of years, and the
    Company reacted to these complaints with its efforts, beginning
    in 1970. Stewart has not detected any hydrogen sulfide odors
    near the plant since the modified air condenser was placed in
    operation (R. 41).

    Nine citizens,mostly nearby residents, testified about the
    impact of the “rotten egg odor~’, Clares
    Village Manager
    for Westchester, testified that, accordinq to Village records,
    the odors had been prevalent in Westchester since 1961 (R. 51).
    Witnesses testified to having been awakened at night CR.
    60, 79) and to having suffered physical effects such as labored
    breathing, allergic reactions, headaches and tearing of eyes
    (a. 57, 63, 73 and 79), Kenneth Kirkham, a school principal,
    testified that the odor interferes with study at his school
    rhich is located about one block from the plant.
    Only one of the citizen
    noticed the odor in the
    last several weeks. Suzanne Lag testified that she has noticed
    toe odor recently while jogging in the morning hours but the
    odor did not seem as heavy as before CR. 74). Several citizens
    expressed concern over how long Illinois Brick would take to
    control the odorous emissions if the new air condenser system
    Illinois Erich believes it has solved its odor discharge
    problem. Another test program will be conducted on April 15,
    1975, Nearby residents will be consulted when the modified
    system is evaluated
    Early in this proceeding Petitioner advised that several
    alternative systems were being reviewed in the event the air
    condenser system failed to adequately control the odors, These
    secondary systems included: a) burning Qf the waste gasses in
    the plant’s boilers, b) a scrubbing system, c) treatment with
    activated carbon, d) reformulation of the block mixture, e) the
    addition of chemicals to eliminate the odors.
    Stewart testified that Illinois Brick had tried neutralizing
    agents and chemical masking agents without success CR, 14).
    Reformulation of the block mixture has also been ruled out be-
    cause of economics (R. 40). Without specifying which system
    would be used, Stewart testified that the secondary system would
    take from 30 to 60 days for design and the ordering of materials,
    and from three to six months for delivery.
    No Agency witness testified at the public hearing. Although
    the Agency believes Illinois Brick has made a good faith effort
    to control its emissions, the Agency recommends denial of this
    The Agency is reluctant to recommend variance from Section
    of the Act because
    would “preclude
    aggrieved citizens
    from bringing an enforcement action”.
    Uncertainty about the
    condenser operation is cited as the reason why variance from
    Section 9(b) of the Act and Rule 103(b) (2) is not recommended by
    the Agency.

    According to the Agency, hydrogen sulfide is both an
    irritant and asphyxiant. At concentrations from 20 ppm to 150
    ppm it can cause irritation of the eye. Based on the number
    and Content of complaints the Agency has received, the Agency
    believes that nearby residents have endured unreasonable inter-
    ference with life and property for a number of years. Inter-
    views with these citizens did not reveal any objections to
    allowing Illinois Brick until January 1, 1975 to implement its
    control program.
    The record does not show what action Illinois Brick took
    to alleviate the odorous emissions prior to 1970, but does
    indicate that Illinois Brick has been responsive to the complaints
    since 1970. Illinois Brick believes that its steam condensing
    system is now capable of eliminating the hydrogen sulfide
    emissions and that it will not be necessary to implement any
    further control procedures.
    The April 15, 1975 tests and citizen comments should be
    a good indicator of the effectiveness of this system. Citizen
    testimony leads us to believe that most of the odors have
    already been eliminated, The record does not show that any of
    Petitioner’s neighbors object to the granting of this variance,
    The first ambient sampling tests reveal considerably less
    than the 20 ppm to 150 ppm which has been cited by the Agency as
    capable of causing eye irritations. It is apparent from citizen
    testimony, however, that Petitioner1s emissions have been of
    sufficient concentrations in the past to interfere with the
    enjoyment of life and property, For this reason, the Agency
    will be keenly interested in reviewing the data and results of
    the April 15, 1975 test, especially that part of the test in-
    volving citizen comments.
    It is the opinion of the Board that Illinois Brick has met
    the requirements for the grant of variance. Variance will be
    conditioned upon submission of the April 15, 1975 test data
    and a report of citizen comments about the effectiveness of the
    control program.
    This Opinion constitutes the findings of fact and con-
    clusions of law of the Illinois Pollution Control Board.
    It is the Order of the Pollution Control Board that Illinois
    Brick Company be granted variance from Section 9(a) and Section
    9(b) of the Environmental Protection Act and Rule 103(b) (2) of
    16 —565

    the Air Pollution Control Regulations from June 25, 1974
    until May 1, 1975. This variance is subject to the
    following conditions:
    As soon as data from the April 15, 1975
    air quality test is available to Illinois Brick,
    the Petitioner shall submit copies to the Agency.
    2. Illinois Brick shall submit a report to the
    Agency discussing all citizen comments obtained
    during and immediately after the April 15, 1975
    test project. This report shall be submitted
    along with the air ciuality test data.
    I, Christan L. Moffett, Clerk of the Illinois Pollution Control
    Board, hereby certify the above Opinion and Order were adopted
    on the __________day of May, 1975 by a vote of ~
    Christan L. Moffe t/jçlLerk
    Illinois Pollution ~~ñtrol Board
    16 —566

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