January 29, 1976
    PCB 75—188
    Mr. Steven Watts, Assistant Attorney General, appeared on behalf
    of Complainant.
    Mr. William Kelly, Kelly & Baner, appeared on behalf of Respondent.
    On May 1, 1975, the Environmental Protection Agency (Agency)
    filed a Complaint against Respondent Metamora Industries, Inc.
    (Metamora). The Complaint alleges that from August 10, 1974, through
    the filing of the Complaint, Metamora operated its industrial facility
    in such a manner as to cause emission of excessive sound beyond the
    boundaries of its property thereby causing noise pollution, in
    violation of Rule 102 of the Noise Pollution Regulations (Chapter
    8) and Section 24 of the Environmental Protection Act (Act). Meta-
    mora’s facility is located in the Village of Metamora, Woodford
    County, Illinois.
    Hearings on this matter were held on September 26, 1975, and
    December 17, 1975, at the Woodford County Courthouse, Eureka,
    Illinois. At the December 17 hearing, a Settlement Agreement repre-
    senting the final agreement of the parties was entered into evidence.
    The Industrial plant operated by Metamora in the Village of
    Metamora is a facility for the manufacture of metal parts and
    appliances. At the September 26, 1975, hearing, several homeowners
    residing near Netamora’s facility testified that noise from the
    facility disturbed them (R 9,30), woke them up at night (R 9,21),
    forced them to keep their windows closed during hot summer days
    (R 39,40), and caused their house to shake (R 21). Noise surveys
    taken by the Agency on August 15, 1974, and October 23, 1974
    (Corn. Ex. No. 8 and 9), indicate that impulsive sound emitted from
    Metamora’s facility exceeded the allowable db(A) sound level speci-
    fied in Rule 206 of the Noise Pollution Regulations. Rule 206 pro-
    vides that from any class C property—line-noise-source to any Class
    19— 759

    A receiving land, the situation presented here, the allowable
    daytime db(A) impulsive sound level is 56. However, the Agency
    surveys conducted on Metarnora yielded the following results:
    db(A) (Impulsive Sound)
    August 15, 1974
    68 58 61 63 57 55 70 60 53 59
    60 63 64 63 55 60 60 55
    October 23, 1974 62 70 65 61 62 58 60 58 57 57
    59 57 58 57 57 58
    The homeowners testified at the hearing, however, that, since
    the summer of 1975, the noise emitted from Metamora’s facility has
    been greatly reduced CR 17,26,43). Furthermore, in the Settlement
    Agreement, the parties stipulate to several steps taken by Metarnora
    since January of 1973 to reduce the sound levels emitted from its
    facility. These steps include relocating the loading dock, cleaning
    room, scrap tubs and paint booth, black topping the parking area,
    and other improvements. Two homeowners testified that they are no
    longer disturbed by noise from Metamora’s plant (R 18,43).
    The Board finds that from August 10, 1974, through the filing
    of this Complaint Metamora caused the emission of excessive sound
    beyond the boundaries of its industrial plant so as to unreasonably
    interfere with the enjoyment of life and lawful activities of
    persons residing in close proximity to said plant. Metamora thereby
    caused noise pollution in Illinois, in violation of Rule 102 of
    Chapter 8 and Section 24 of the Act. The parties have agreed
    that, if the Board finds a violation of the Act or Regulations,
    Metamora will pay a penalty of $900.00 and will cease and desist
    from its violations. The Board accepts the Settlement Agreement
    submitted by the parties as an adequate plan of compliance and assesses
    the stipulated penalty of $900.00.
    This represents the findings of fact and conclusions of law
    of the Board in this matter.
    1. Respondent, Metamora Industries, Inc., is found to have
    caused noise pollution, in violation of Rule 102 of Chapter 8 and
    Section 24 of the Act.
    2. Respondent, Metamora Industries, Inc., shall cease and
    desist from said violations.
    19— 760

    3. Respondent, Metamora Industries, Inc., shall, within 30
    days, pay a penalty of $900.00 for the violations of Rule 102 of
    Chapter B and Section 24 of the Act found herein. Penalty payment
    by certified check or money order payable to the State of Illinois
    shall be made to: Fiscal Services Division, Illinois Environmental
    Protection Agency, 2200 Churchill Road, Springfield 62706.
    I, Christan L. Moffett, Clerk of the Illinois Pollution
    Control Board, hereby certify the above Opinion and Order were
    adopted on the ~
    day of
    1976 by a
    vote of ~
    Chr~stan L. Moffett, rk
    Illinois Pollution C rol Board
    19— 761

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