September 18, 1975
    PCB 75—249
    The Petitioner, Skyway Realty, filed a petition for a
    sewer connection variance, which was received by the Illinois
    Pollution Control Board (Board) on June 23, 1975. Petitioner
    (Skyway) seeks a variance from Rule 951(a) of Chapter 3:
    Water Pollution Pegulations of Illinois, to connect four (4)
    single family dwellings to the Village of Lansing sewer
    system. This system is currently under a sewer ban imposed
    by the Environmental Protection Agency (Agency) pursuant to
    Section 39 of the En7ironmental Protection Act I1.Rev.
    Stat.,1971,Ch.111 )/2,Sect.1039, and Rule 962(a) of Chapter
    3: Water Regulations. The ban resulted from an organic
    overload of the Lansing Treatment Plant. Skyway’s initial
    petition was inadequate. Pursuant to a Board Order, Skyway
    filed an amended petition on July 16, 1975. An Agency
    Recommendation was received on July 31, 1975. No hearing
    was held.
    Skyway response in its Amended Petition was inadequate
    and incorrect. The Board’s Order of June 30, 1975, required
    Skyway to provide among other things, a statement of the
    biological condition of the receiving stream. Skyway, in
    its amended petition, merely advanced a simple assertion
    that the receiving stream,
    Is not polluted, has no
    septic condition and no smell.” This is not correct. The
    receiving stream is the Little Calumet. A comprehensive
    biological survey of the Little Calumet conducted by the
    Agency on October 12, 1973, upstream and downstream of the
    Lansing outfall indicated a generally degraded stream
    condition. The A~ency indicates that this survey remains
    typical of curren’~stream conditions.
    18— 570

    Skyway has failed to demonstrate that denial of a
    variance would create an unreasonable hardship. The Board
    is required when ruling on a variance, to balance environmental
    impact against hardship to the Petitioner. The Agency
    admits in its Recommendation that the grant of a variance
    here would have a minimal impact on the Little Calumet.
    However, the Agency also indicates this stream is already in
    poor condition. For its part, Skyway started construction
    of the homes in question in 1974, after being denied a sewer
    connection permit. Skyway thus proceeded with full knowledge
    of the sewer ban. Skyway now claims that the denial of a
    variance will irn,*~osea hardship by forcing it to evade the
    ban by construct~nga separate sewer line from each home to
    the existing sewer at a cost of $3000.
    This course of action may be open to Skyway, but it has
    not shown that this cost is an unreasonable hardship.
    Moreover, the ability to evade a regulation is no justification
    for the granting of
    Finally, any hardship here would be wholly self-imposed.
    The impending Septeiroer, 1975, diversion of the Lansing flow
    to the Metropolitan Sanitary District of Greater Chicago
    will eliminate t1~eorganic overload situation which necessitated
    the ban and thus permit additional connections to the Lansing
    system. A delay for the short period of time remaining
    until the diversion will negate any need for Skyway to
    construct individual sewer lines.
    This Opinion cDnstitutes the Board’s findings of fact
    and conclusions of law.
    The Board hereby denies Skyway Realty a variance from
    Rule 951(a) of Ch~ipter3: Water Pollution Regulations of
    I, Christan L. Moffett, Clerk of the Illinois Pollution
    Control Board, hereoy certify the above Opnion and Order
    were adopted on the
    day o
    1975 by a
    vote of
    Illinois Pollution ntrol Board

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