July 24, 1975
    PCB 75—193
    On May 7, 1975, Brethren Home of Girard, Inc. filed
    a Petition For Variance with the Illinois Pollution Control
    Board (Board). Petitioner sought a variance from the re-
    quirements of Rule 962 of the Board’s Water Pollution Regula-
    tions (Chapter Three) in order to replace a 38-bed nursing
    home with a new 98-bed facility. Rule 962 of Chapter Three
    962 Standards for Issuance
    The Agency shall not grant any permit
    • unless the applicant submits ade—
    q~tate proof that the treatment works,
    pretreatment works, sewer, or wastewater
    (a) Will be constructed, modified, or
    operated so as not to cause a
    violation of the Act or of this
    Chapter, or has been granted a
    variance under Title IX of the Act;
    (b) Either conforms to the design
    criteria promulgated by the Agency
    under Rule 967, or is based on such
    other criteria which the applicant
    proves will produce consistently
    satisfactory results; and
    Cc) Conforms to all conditions contained
    in the Construction Permit, where
    Based on data indicating overload of the receiving sewage treat-
    ment plant, the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (Agency)
    had placed the City of Girard on restricted status by letter of
    February 19, l974• The letter stated:
    “The Girard Sewage Treatment Plant has a permitted
    18— 183

    hydraulic capacity of .18 MGD or 1800 P.E. under Permit #1950-
    20. Our infcrmation indicates that the current population
    tributary to the Girard Sewage Treatment Plant is 1881 P.E.
    “Unless this Agency receives additional information
    to cause us to revise the above comments and conclusions, we
    have no alternative but to place the Girard Sewage Treatment
    Plant on Restricted Status.
    “Restricted Status means that this Agency will not
    approve Applications for Permit for Construction and operation
    of sanitary sewers tributary to the subject sewage treatment
    works until the above cited apparent violations of Permit and
    Water Polluti3n Regulation have been corrected.”
    The sewage treatment plant discharges into Hodges Creek
    which is tributary to Macoupin Creek.
    Petitioner stated that construction of the nursing home
    would not be “cozvpleted for at least 120 days from the date
    hereof” which we construe to mean that construction will take at
    least 120 days from the time that the variance is granted. After
    completion, the facility is not expected to operate in excess of
    60 of capacity for at least two years. Petitioner noted that
    the City of Girard has applied for federal and state funds to up-
    grade its tre~.tmentplant. Petitioner pointed out that the City’s
    application for federal and state funds would be approved by
    early June, 1975. Construction should begin during summer 1976
    with completion scheduled for summer 1977.
    Petitioner argued that the denial of the variance would
    be an arbitrary or unreasonable hardship in that it “completely
    prevents the construction of the nursing home and denies to the
    residents of Macoupin County a sufficient number of nursing home
    beds to accommodate the needs of the Macoupin County area.”
    Petitioner included an affidavit from the mayor of the City of
    Girard statinç that the City Council has no objection to the “98
    bed nursing hoa~e’sbeing connected to the sewers of the City of
    Girard once sameis constructed,”
    On June 9, 1975, the Agency recommended that the
    variance be denied. Samples collected during the last 12 months
    revealed the following levels of effluent from the City’s
    sewage treatment. plant:
    BOD (mg/l)
    SS (mg/l)
    In addition, the Agency stated that by-passing occurs at the
    plant during wet weather. Recent system upgrading has not
    produced significant changes in plant operations. Until the
    system is substantially upgraded, the sewer system will continue
    to be severely ov?~rloaded. The Agency confirmed that the City
    18— 184

    has applied for state and federal funds to upgrade its sewage
    treatment plant. The Agency believed that the City’s projected
    schedule for construction and completion was “plausible,”
    The Agency noted that the City was issued a final NPDES
    Permit (No, IL 0028932) on February 11, 1975. Interim standards
    were set at 30 mg/l for DOD5 and 40 mg/i for SS until June 30,
    1977, after whict~time 4 mg/I of BOD5 and 5 mg/i of SS will have
    to be met. Present applicable Board standards under Rule 404 are
    30 mg/i of BOD5 and 37 mg/I of SS. The NPDES Permit contained
    the following ccmpliance schedule:
    Completion of Preliminary Plan
    Progress Report
    March 1, :L975
    Comoletion of Final Plans
    September 30~ 1975
    Commerce Construction
    December 31, 1975
    Progress Report
    September 30, 1976
    Completion of Construction
    June 30, 1977
    Operational Level Attained
    June 30, 1977
    The Agency stated that the present nursing home “has
    an occupancy rate of 65-70.” Although Petitioner’s facility
    is the only one in Girard, there are several other nursing
    homes located approximately five miles away. An official from
    the Planning and Construction Section of the Illinois Department
    of Public Health told the Agency that the Springfield—Girard
    planning area currently shows a need for 85 ‘“sheltered care”’
    A Department of Public Health letter of July 15, 1975,
    which was received by the Board on July 17, indicated that the
    Brethren Home of Girard “cannot possibly upgrade to Intermediate
    Care Services.” On July 17 the Board received a letter from the
    Mayor of Girard stating that “The present (Brethren Home) is ap-
    proximately seventy years old. It is not feasible for a building
    of this age and structure type to be upgraded, to be in compliance
    with present life-safety codes,
    . . .
    The City of Girard has been
    approved for a grant to enlarge and upgrade our sewage disposal
    facilities. We are progressing with this program as rapidly as
    . .
    The Brethren Home’s request for a variance permit
    should be given every possible consideration.’’
    An Amended Recommendation from the Agency was received
    by Board on July 22, 1975, The Agency had received copies of the
    two above letters, which the Board received on July 17, and ad-
    ditional information concerning hardship, especially ~ith regard
    to financial arrangements. In a letter of July 21, 1975, Mr. Marc
    E. Fuchs, attorney for the Brethren Home stated that they have se-
    cured $925,000 ‘in financing from the Farmers Home Administration
    for the construction of this new $1,050,000 home,
    further stated
    that the Farmers Home Administration was concerned that construc-
    tion of the new home be commenced in the near future. Mr. Fuchs
    stated that the funds committed for this project could be real-
    located if :Lm~tediateprogress is not made on this project. Mr.
    Fuchs also stated that it was highly unlikely that the home could

    again secure the very favorable interest rate of 5 percent.”
    In the light of the additional information, the Agency recommended
    that the variance be granted with certain conditions.
    The Board agrees that the Petitioner has shown sufficient
    hardship that this variance should be granted. Although some sewage
    overloading will continue for a limited period, the benefits of
    the new home convince us that the overall interests of the com-
    munity are best served by granting this variance. The Board de-
    cided not to limit occupancy of the new home to 38 people as sug-
    gested by the Agency because such a limitation might impair fi—
    nances. Howe’ier, the Brethren Home should not overload the Girard
    sewage treat facilities more than is necessary before they are
    upgraded. Ainhough the City of Girard is required to comply with
    the conditions in its NPDES Permit, the City is not a party in
    this proceeding and, therefore, these conditions cannot be in-
    cluded in this case.
    This Opinion constitutes to findings of fact and con-
    clusions of law of the Board.
    IT IS THE ORDER of the Pollution Control Board that:
    Brethren Home of Girard, Inc. is hereby granted a
    Variance from the requirements of Rule 962 of the Water Pollution
    Regulations, subject to the condition that the existing 38-bed
    facility shall he immediately disconnected from the Girard sewer
    system upon completion of the new 98—bed facility.
    I, Christan L. Moffett, Clerk of the Illinois Pollution Control
    Board, hereby certify that the above Opinion and Order was
    adopted on the I~4~ day of July, 1975, by a vote of
    Illinois Pollution
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