March 25, 1976
PCB 75—504
The matter before us here is the third Variance Petition
concerning a sewage treatment plant operated by Petitioner Lewis
University, a private university in Will County, Illinois. In
the instant case Lewis University asks that the
relief granted
in PCB 74—478, 16 PCB 137 (March 13, 1975), from the requirements
of Rule 404(f) of the Board’s Water Pollution Regulations (BOD and
Suspended Solids) be extended until December 31, 1976. (The
University’s previous Variance expired on December 31, 1975.)
Regs., Ch. 3: Water Pollution, Rule 404(f) (1972). No hearing was
held in this matter; a Recommendation from the Environmental
Protection Agency (Agency) was received on February 9, 1976.
Lewis University’s first Variance Petition was filed on
November 8, 1973. In that case, PCB 73—475, 11 PCB 105 (Jan. 31,
1974), the Board found that it would indeed be a hardship to require
that Lewis University upgrade its sewage treatment plant to provide
5 mg/itreatmentsuspendedso solidsthat
itrequirementscould meet theof
Ruleapplicable404 (f).
4 mg/i(The BOD5
operations, capacity and performance of the University’s sewage
treatment plant are fully described in PCB 73—475 and PCB 74—478,
and need not be reiterated here.) Based on that finding, the Board
approved the University’s plan to disannex from the City of Lockport,
which was allegedly unable to provide sewage treatment for the
University, and to annex to the Village of Romeoville, which had
agreed to provide such treatment if annexation could be accomplished.
The University’s suit against Lockport for disannexation was at that
time pending in the Circuit Court. The Variance in PCB 73-475 was
granted until December 31, 1974, with the expectation that the dis-
annexation suit would be settled expeditiously.
20 —409
In its Petition in PCB 74—478, Lewis University asked for further
extension of its variance based on delays in trial court adjudication
of its disannexation from Lockport. The Board again found the
University’s hardship, when balanced against the relatively good
performance of its sewage treatment plant, to be sufficient for the
grant of a Variance, this time until December 31, 1975.
In the instant Petition (PCB 75-504) Lewis University noted that
the Circuit Court of Will County had allowed the University’s dis-
annexation petition on April 3, 1975. However, the City of Lockport
had appealed to the Appellate Court (3rd District); that appeal was
denied on September 9, 1975. Lockport’s Petition for Rehearing was
also denied by the Appellate Court on October 7, 1975. Subsequently,
the City of Lockport filed a Petition for Leave to Appeal with the
Supreme Court of Illinois.
The Agency Recommendation in this matter, received Feb. 9, 1976,
again supports a further grant of the University’s variance, until
December 31, 1976. As conditions to such a grant, the Agency asked
that the Board require that Lewis University retain a properly certified
operator for its treatment plant, for so long as the plant remains
functional and, as in the prior cases, that the University be required
to make all reasonable effort to further reduce concentrations of BOD
and suspended solids in its effluent. The Agency also asked for conditi
requiring early connection of the University to the Village of Rorneovi1.~,
should the University’s disannexation suit prevail in the Supreme Court,
or the immediate upgrading of its sewage treatment plant, should its
suit not prevail.
These last conditions, as suggested in the Agency Recommendation,
are no longer applicable. We take notice of the fact that the Illinois
Supreme Court has denied the City of Lockport’s Petition for Leave to
Appeal. Lewis University, et. al v. City of Lockport, Docket No. 47994
(January 23, 1976).
The hardship found in the two earlier Opinions remain. The
University’s compliance plan now appears to be finally ready for
immediate implementation. The Agency Recommendation notes that Lewis
University has, as required in the previous cases, made every reasonable
effort under the preceding variances to reduce the BOIJ and suspended
solids concentration in its effluent. It had additionally made the
reports required under those variances. In addition, for the months
of April through December, 1975, the University’s average BOD5 and
suspended solids concentrations were 12 and 10 mg/i respectively
(Rec., p.5).
20_ 410
Balancing this performance of the University’s sewage treatment
plant against the continuing hardship, in light of an acceptable
compliance plan, we shall again grant the requested Variance. The
Order will reflect our expectation that the University will immediately
commence implementation of its compliance plan, and that this matter
may thus be resolved without further need of Variance relief.
This Opinion constitutes the findings of fact and conclusions of
law of the Board in this matter.
University be granted a Variance from Rule 404(f) of Chapter 3: ~1ater
Pollution, of the Pollution Control Board’s Rules and Regulations for
the period December 31, 1975 to and including December 31, 1976, subject
to the following conditions:
1. Petitioner shall retain a properly certified
treatment plant operator for its sewage treatment plant
for so long as such plant remains functional.
2. Petitioner shall continue to make all reasonable
efforts to reduce the concentrations of BOD~and suspended
solids in the effluent from its sewage treatment plant.
3. Petitioner shall, within ninety (90) days of
the date of this Order, apply to the Illinois Environmental
Protection Agency for all permits necessary for the
construction of any facilities needed to connect its
present sewage system to the facilities of the Village
of Rorneoville.
4. Petitioner shall commence construction of
all facilities necessary for the connection of its
present sewage system to the facilities of the Village
of Romeoville, under appropriate Agency permits, within
one hundred eighty (180) days of the date of this Order.
Nr. James Young abstained.
I, Christan L. Moffett, Clerk of the Illinois Pollution
Control Board, her~JD~certify the ove Opinion and Order were
adopted on the ~ day of
1976, by a vote of
C ristan L. o ett, er
Illinois Pollution trol Board