March 25, 1976
    Mr. N. Barry Forman, Assistant Attorney General, appeared
    for complainant.
    Mr. David A. Youck appeared for respondent.
    This case comes before the Board upon a complaint
    filed by the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency
    (Agency) on November 21, 1975 against the Village of
    Sibley (Respondent) in Ford County, Illinois. The alleged
    violations are operating a public water supply without a
    class “A”, “B”, or “C” operator in violation of Section 1
    of “an Act to Regulate the Operating of a Public Water
    Supply,” Ill. Rev. Stat. Ch. 111 1/2, §501 (1973) and
    Rule 302 of the Board’s Rules and Regulations Ch. 6,
    Public Water Supply and failing to submit monthly operating
    reports since March, 1974 in violation of Section 19 of
    the Environmental Protection Act and Rule 310 of the
    Pollution Control Board’s Chapter 6: Public Water Supply
    Regulations. The Agency filed a Request for Admission of
    Facts and Genuineness of Documents on December 12, 1975.
    Respondents failed to respond to the request for admissions.
    Their failure to respond deems the matters of fact and
    genuineness of documents as admitted pursuant to Procedural
    Rule 314.
    Sibley and the Agency have submitted an agreement of
    stipulated facts (R.lO). The agreed facts are as follows.
    Sibley owns and operates a public water supply facility
    serving approximately 370 people in the village. The
    system consists of one drilled well, a ground storage
    tank, and a distribution system. The water is fluoridated
    prior to being pumped into storage and thence into the

    distribution system. It therefore requires the services
    of a class “A”, “B”, or “C” water supply operator in
    accordance with Ill. Rev. Stat. Ch. 111 1/2, §501 (1973)
    and Rule 302 of the Board’s Rules and Regulations, Ch. 6:
    Public Water Supply.
    Sibley has failed to have at least one person certified
    as competent as a water supply operator on its operational
    staff in accordance with the aforementioned regulations, on
    a continuing basis since September 12, 1973 the effective
    date of the amendatory legislation which among other things
    made an Act to Regulate the Operating of a Public Water
    Supply enforceable before the Board. The Village of
    Sibley was notified of their failure to have a properly
    certified operator in a letter dated October 24, 1973 (R.14).
    Correspondence concerning the lack of a certified operator
    and explaining the means of obtaining one was also sent to
    Respondent on November 7, 1973 and March 14, 1975 (R.15).
    Respondent has also failed to submit monthly operational
    reports as provided in Rule 310 of the Public Water Supply
    Regulations since March 1974 to November 1975. A request
    for monthly reports was sent on October 24, 1973. Notice
    of the continuous violations was sent on March 15, 1975.
    An Agency Notice of Violation for the above violations was
    also sent June 24, 1975.
    Following the Notice of Violation, a well driller who
    services the Sibley water supply, Mr. Roy Taylor took the
    certification examination in July. However certification
    was not made at that time. Mr. Taylor retook the exam and
    passed in November 1975 and was officially certified in
    December 1975. With Mr. Taylor certified, Respondent has
    come into compliance of the regulation requiring a certified
    operator (R.l6). Mr. Taylor now has an adequate supply of
    the proper forms and has indicated the forms will be filled
    out regularly (R.l6).
    There are no health hazards directly attributable to
    the violations alleged (R.l6) and no allegations of negli-
    gence in operation (R.ll). There were no citizen complaints
    concerning the violations (R.l7).
    Citizen testimony at the hearing by Fred W. Meyer,
    President of the Village Board, Leola K. Henry, Village
    Clerk, and Robert C. Rohrer, a Trustee on the Village Board

    was given for consideration in mitigation of any penalty
    to be assessed. Mr. Meyer, the Village Board President,
    looks “after the pump and stuff in the pump house.” (R.l8).
    In 1971 Mr. Meyer had a C-2 certification under the previous
    agency. This meant he had applied to take the exam, however
    Mr. Meyer has never taken the exam. Mr. Meyer remembered
    getting some letters from the Agency (R.l9). Mr. Meyer did
    not remember receiving any of the first three specific
    notices of the need for an operation (R.30,31). He did
    remember the last one on June 24, 1975 when “we found out
    we didn’t have a certified man.” (R.32).
    The Village Clerk, Leola K. Henry, testified concerning
    the hiring of Roy Taylor to operate Sibley’s water supply.
    Mr. Taylor had serviced the Sibly water supply prior to
    his certification. It was assumed Mr. Taylor was certified
    because he worked with water in his business (R.36). Mrs.
    Henry also stated that prior to or at the January 5, 1976
    meeting the Village Board had ordered a chlorinator, a
    master meter for the pump house and a fluoridation kit
    (Respondent’s Ex. 3).
    Mr. Robert C. Rohrer, a Trustee on the Sibley Village
    Board, testified that they had hired Mr. Taylor to operate
    the water supply and file the proper reports. Mr. Taylor
    had worked for Sibley since mid-1974. Although no one
    actually asked him if he was certified it was assumed he
    was because he was looking after the water in several
    towns (R.50)., Mr. Rohrer also indicated there was some
    confusion as to what forms were to be sent where (R.48,49).
    The Agency made no recommendation regarding penalty
    and pointed out in mitigation for the Village of Sibley
    that no pollution or detriment to citizens’ health was
    alleged in the complaint (R.55).
    In accordance with “An Act to Regulate the Operating
    of a Public Water Supply,” Ill. Rev. Stat. Ch. 111 1/2,
    §523 (1973) the Board must assess a minimum fine of $100
    for operating without a certified operator. In light of
    the small size of the Village of Sibley, approximately 370
    people, and the fact that once full realization of the need
    to comply with the regulations was made, the Village did
    take steps to comply, a large penalty would be unwarranted.
    Therefore the Board finds that the Village of Sibley was
    in violation of Rule 302 of the Pollution Control Board’s
    Rules and Regulations Ch. 6: Public Water Supply, Ill. Rev.
    Stat. Ch. 111 1/2, §501 (1973) and Rule 310 of the Board’s
    Regulations Ch. 6: Public Water Supply and Section 19 of the
    Environmental Protection Act, Ill. Rev. Stat. Ch. 111 1/2
    §1019 (1973). The stipulated facts are acceptable to the
    20 —395

    Board. A penalty of $100 is payable within 45 days of
    this order.
    This constitutes the findings of fact and conclusions
    of law by the Board.
    It is the order of the Pollution Control Board that:
    1. The Village of Sibley was in violation of Rule 302,
    Pollution Control Board’s Rules and Regulations Ch. 6:
    Public Water Supply, Ill. Rev. Stat. Ch. 111 1/2, §501
    (1973) and Rule 310 of the Board’s Regulations Ch. 6:
    Public Water Supply and Section 19 of the Act, Ill. Rev.
    Stat. Ch. ill 1/2 §1019.
    2. Respondent, Village of Sibley, shall pay a penalty of
    $100 for the determined violations. Payment shall be
    by certified check or money order made payable to the
    State of Illinois, Fiscal Services Division, 2200
    Churchill Road, Springfield, Illinois 62706. Payment
    shall be within 45 days of the adoption of this Order.
    I, Christan L. Moffett, Clerk of the Illinois Pollution
    Control Board, hereby certify the above Opi ion and Order
    were adopt~don the
    day of
    1976 by a
    vote of ~-O
    Illinois Polluti

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