March 25, 1976
    PCB 75—445
    On November 14, 1975 the Village of Stewardson, Illinois
    (Village) filed before this Board a petition for variance from
    Rules 203(c) and 402 of the Board’s Water Pollution Control
    Regulations. On November 26, 1975 this Board ordered the Village
    to supply additional information. Petitioner filed an amended
    petition for variance on January 2, 1976. On February 10, 1976
    the Environmental Protection Agency (Agency) filed its Recommenda-
    tion. The Agency recommends that the petition be granted subject
    to two conditions.
    The Village, with a population of 729 in 1970, presently
    has no sewage treatment plant. On October 21, 1975 the Village
    was offered a State grant for the purpose of constructing a
    sewage collection system and treatment plant to replace the
    present individual septic tanks and tile fields. However,
    this grant offer is conditioned upon the Village receiving a
    Variance from the Water Quality Standard for phosphorus, Rule
    203(c). The proposed sewage treatment plant will contribute
    to a violation of this Rule unless a phosphorus removal facility,
    at an estimated cost of $105,000.00 is installed.
    The Village’s amended petition provides cost estimates
    for two alternatives to phosphorus removal. The first alternative
    is a discharge, via force main, to the Wabash Basin. The second
    alternative is effluent disposal by land application. However,
    the Village estimates the cost of the alternatives at $224,700
    and $249,000 respectively. It is therefore clear that phosphorus
    removal would be the least costly method if needed.
    The issue in this matter, therefore, is whether compliance
    with the phosphorus standards would impose an arbitrary or
    unreasonable hardship upon the Village of Stewardson. The
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    additional construction and operating costs demonstrate
    a definite hardship. However, this hardship must be balanced
    against the adverse environmental effects which may be caused
    by operation of the proposed plant.
    The effluent from the Village’s plant will be discharged
    into Wolfe Creek, which is a tributary of Big Creek and the
    Kaskaskia River, which then flows into Carlyle Reservoir.
    Rule 203(c) sets the Water Quality Standard for phosphorus
    for reservoirs and lakes, and streams flowing into any
    reservoir or lake so as not to exceed 0.05 mg/l. Rule 402
    provides that no effluent shall, alone or in combination
    with other sources, cause a violation of any such water
    quality standard. Both Big Creek and the Kaskaskia River are
    in violation of the 0.05 mg/i standard. The Agency calculates
    an average phosphorus level of the Kaskaskia River to be
    0.29 mg/l, almost six times the phosphorus standard. There
    is no question that the Village’s proposed discharge would
    contribute to the violation of the standard.
    However, the Village states (and the Agency agrees)
    that the phosphorus contribution from the proposed plant would
    be insignificant. The Agency calculates that the proposed
    discharge would represent a 0.17 increase of phosphorus in
    the Kaskaskia River. Such an increase may, indeed, be insigni-
    ficant. However, such a comparison ignores the possibility
    that Stewardson’s contribution will be of the largely algae-
    stimulating orthophosphate type compared to the stream load of
    phosphorus bound to soil particles, (hence not growth stimulating to
    algae). If this is the case, the Village’s effluent could con-
    tribute to an increase of algae in the Carlyle Reservoir.
    Therefore, while the Village’s proposed discharge would
    appear to be insignificant, it is quite possible that at
    some future date a determination will be made that such a
    contribution may cause adverse environmental effects.
    The Board will grant a variance from the cited regulations
    for a period of one year so that the grant can be made and
    the plant built. Further, the Board will require that provision
    be made in the sewage plant design for phosphorus removal facilities
    (adequate space, blanked pipe flanges, etc., to facilitate
    installation) should it be found necessary at some future date.
    This Opinion constitutes the Board’s findings of fact
    and conclusions of law.
    Petitioner Village of Stewardson is hereby granted a variance
    from Rules 203(c) and 402 of the Board’s Water Pollution Control
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    Regulations for one year, from the date of this order, subject
    to the following conditions:
    The proposed sewage treatment plant shall be designed
    and constructed so as to allow for the possible future
    installation of phosphorus removal facilities.
    I, Christan L. Moffett, Clerk of the Illinois Pollution Control
    Board, hereby certify the above Opinion and Order were adopted on the
    day of March, 1976 by a vote of
    Illinois Pollution Con
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