February 26, 1976
    PCB 75—446
    This Petition for variance was filed on November 14, 1975 re-
    questing an extension of a previous variance granted by the Board on
    January 3, 1975 (PCB 74—266). There have been a series of variances
    granted in this matter starting in April, 1973 (PCB 73—4, PCB 73—281).
    An Interim Order of the Board of November 26, 1975, for more
    mation resulted in an amendment to the original application for vari-
    ance filed December 16, 1975. The Environmental Protection Agency
    (Agency) filed a recommendation on January 21, 1976, there being no
    hearing held on the matter.
    Wirco Casting Company, Inc., (Wirco) owns and operates a gray
    iron foundry located in New Athens, St. Clair County, Illinois. The
    foundry produces castings for the automotive and other industries.
    Wirco’s problems revolves around the use of a cupola furnace
    which is not in compliance with Rule 203(a) whenever their 20 ton
    induction furnace is shut down for repairs. Wirco at present is in
    the process of installing a second induction furnace which is
    scheduled for completion on August 1, 1976, after which time all
    cupola melting will be discontinued. From the information presented
    it appears that the cupola furnace would be used for a total of 20
    days prior to the installation of the second induction furnace.
    The record in this case indicates that Wirco has pursued its
    compliance program in a timely fashion and will have completed such
    program before the end of 1976. The good faith of Wirco under the

    previous variances is unquestioned and there have been no complaints
    against the company by the public. As was stated in the Board Order
    in PCB 74—266 page 3 dated January 3, 1975, “the chances of Wirco
    creating a general pollution problem are very minimal.” Total
    emission from the cupola furnace will be less than 3600 pounds for
    the entire period of the requested variance, and the results from
    the 1974 Annual Air Quality Report indicate the annual geometric mean
    level of total suspended particulate matter recorded at Belleville,
    Illinois was 73 micrograms/cubic meter of air and the 24 hour maximum
    suspended particulate matter reading was 169 micrograms/cubic meter
    of air.
    Noting the good faith effort of Wirco in pursuing their compli-
    ance plan, and the lack of ambient air quality problems in the area,
    together with the fact that the emissions are so minor, the Board
    finds that Wirco’s variance shall be extended until January 1, 1977
    or until their second induction furnance comes on line, whichever
    event occurs first.
    This Opinion constitutes the findings of fact and conclusions
    of law of the Board in this matter.
    It is the Order of the Pollution Control Board that Wirco
    Castings, Incorporated be granted variance from Rule 203(a) until
    January 1, 1977, or until their second induction furnace comes on
    line whichever event shall occur first, subject to the following
    a) Wirco shall operate its cupola furnace for a maximum
    of 20 days, with a maximum of 8 hours a day, the 20
    days being allocated between no more than two outages
    of their induction furnace during the term of this
    b) Wirco shall notify the Agency in writing 48 hours
    before the day upon which its induction furnace will
    be shut down for scheduled repairs.
    c) Cupola production shall not exceed 30 tons of metal
    per day and the rate of production shall not exceed
    4 tons per hour.

    d) Wirco shall maintain in good working order and
    operate, during all times when the cupola is
    operating, its after burner and wet cap control
    devices on the cupola furnace.
    e) After operation of the cupola furnace Wirco shall
    supply to the Agency, within 48 hours of such opera-
    tion, the number of days of cupola operation and the
    production figures for molten metal for each day
    of operation.
    f) The cupola and induction furnaces shall never be
    operated concurrently.
    g) Wirco shall make progress reports to the Agency every
    two months starting within 30 days after the date of
    this Order until the completion of their compliance
    h) Wirco shall apply for and receive a permit for its
    cupola furnace within 120 days after the date of this
    i) Within 21 days after the date of this Order Wirco shall
    execute and forward to the Program Coordinator at
    the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency
    a certification of acceptance and agreement to
    be bound by all terms and conditions of this
    variance, the form of said certification to be
    as follows:
    I, (We),
    having read
    and fully understanding the Order of the Illinois
    Pollution Control Board in PCB 75-446, hereby accept
    said Order and agree to be bound by all the terms
    and conditions thereof.
    Signed by
    Mr. Dumelle dissents.

    I, Christan L. Moffett, Clerk of the Illinois Pollution
    Control Board, hereby certify th a ove Opinion and Order were
    adopted on the
    day o
    1976 by a vote
    Christan L. o fet
    Illinois Pollution rol Board

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