    18, 1976
    PCB 76—97
    This matter comes before the Board on the variance petition
    filed April 12, 1976 by the City of Oglesby and the Janko Building
    Company seeking relief from Rule 602(d) (3) of Chapter 3: Water
    Pollution Rules and Regulations. An Agency Recommendation was
    filed with the Board on May 21, 1976.
    Rule 602(d) (3) establishes a compliance date of December 31,
    1975 for Rule 602(c), which requires in part that all combined
    sewer overflows shall be given sufficient treatment to prevent
    pollution or a violation of applicable water quality standards.
    The City of Oglesby presently operates a combined sewer system
    with a treatment plant bypass and combined sewer overflows. Be-
    cause the City of Oglesby is presently not in compliance with Rule
    602(d) (3), the Agency denied Janko a permit for the construction
    of a sewer extension to a proposed industrial park. Petitioners
    allege they will suffer an unreasonable hardship if the variance
    request is denied because new industry will not be able to locate
    in the area.
    Petitioners allege that the grant of this variance will
    result in any immediate, additional use of the Oglesby sewer system,
    since each individual industrial discharger which locates within
    the industrial park will still be required to apply for and
    an individual Agency construction permit, Therefore,
    even if the
    present variance is granted allowing the construction of the sewer
    extension, industrial users will
    be obliged to obtain con-
    nection permits, and Agency denial might be predicated on violatic:~
    of rules other than Rule 602(d) (3). This permit process will ~n—
    sure that all other Rules and Regulations are complied with, exce~
    for the treatment of combined sewer overflows.
    22— 177

    In January the City of Oglesby was informed by the Agency
    that state grant assistance is available for the completion of
    Step I facilities planning and the City has submitted an applica-
    tion to receive those funds. The City has been reluctant to pro-
    ceed with the sewer and treatment plant improvement projects in
    the absence of State authorization because it would be precluded
    from any reimbursement from State/Federal grant funds if they were
    to proceed in advance of a grant award.
    The Agency has recognized the fact many municipalities and
    sanitary districts throughout the State have not met and cannot
    presently meet the December 31, 1975 compliance date as set by
    Rule 602(d) (3). On December 22, 1975, the Agency filed an Amended
    Petition for Regulatory Change (R75—15) with the Board specifically
    requesting that the date for complying with Rule 602(d) (3) be
    extended until July 1, 1977, provided a grant application had been
    filed before December 31, 1975. Although the Board has not taken
    final action on this proposal, at its May 20, 1976 meeting, the
    Board authorized for publication a proposed final draft of the Rule
    change which would adopt the substance of the Agency’s amendatory
    proposal. The economic impact hearings have yet to be conducted
    in this matter.
    In view of the foregoing, the Board is disposed to grant the
    City of Oglesby the relief
    We believe an arbitrary
    and unreasonable hardship would be placed on the City by requiring
    the massive capital outlays necessary for compliance without first
    allowing the City to obtain assistance from existing grant programs
    (The Clinton Sanitary District, PCB 75—498; The Sanitary District
    of Elgin, PCB 75—501)
    The Agency submits, and the Board agrees, that it will not be
    necessary to grant Janko a variance from Rule 602(d) (3). The
    grant of relief to the City is sufficient for both parties, although
    Janko will have to reactivate or resubmit its permit application.
    This Opinion constitutes the Board’s findings of fact and con-
    clusions of law in this matter.
    1. The City of Oglesby is granted variance from the compliance
    date for combined sewer overflows as established by Rule 602(d) (3)
    of the Water Pollution Rules and Regulations. Such variance is
    granted until July 1, 1977, or until the Board adopts an Amendment
    to the Regulations in consideration of the Agency Regulatory Pro-
    posal (R75—l5), whichever is later.
    22— 178

    2. The City is required during this period to maintain
    optimum operating efficiency and convey as much combined sewer
    flow to its plant for treatment as is possible.
    3. This variance will immediately terminate if the City
    is offered a grant during this period and the City does not
    respond with appropriate action to bring it into compliance.
    4. The Janko Building Company’s petition for variance
    from Rule 602(d) (3) is hereby dismissed.
    I, Christan L. Moffett, Clerk of the Illinois Pollution
    Control Board, her~Dycertify the above Opinion and Order were
    adopted on the ~
    day of
    1976 by
    a vote of ~-p
    Illinois Pollution C ol Board

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