January 9, 2003
) | R03-7 | |
RCRA SUBTITLE C UPDATE, USEPA | ) | (Identical-in-Substance |
AMENDMENTS (January 1, 2002 through | ) Rulemaking - Land) | |
June 30, 2002) | ) | |
Adopted Rule. Final Opinion.
OPINION OF THE BOARD (by M.E. Tristano):
The Board today adopts amendments to the Illinois regulations that are “identical in substance” to hazardous waste management regulations adopted by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA). The USEPA rules implement Subtitle C of the federal Resource Conservation and Recovery Act of 1976 (RCRA Subtitle C) (42 U.S.C. §§ 6921 et seq. (2000)). This docket includes federal RCRA Subtitle C amendments that USEPA adopted in the period January 1, 2002 through June 30, 2002.
Sections 7.2 and 22.4(a) provide for quick adoption of regulations that are identical in substance to federal regulations that USEPA adopts to implement Sections 3001 through 3005 of RCRA (42 U.S.C. §§ 6921-6925 (2000)). Section 22.4(a) also provides that Title VII of the Act and Section 5 of the Administrative Procedure Act (APA) (5 ILCS 100/5-35 and 5-40 (2000)) do not apply to the Board’s adoption of identical-in-substance regulations. The federal RCRA Subtitle C regulations are found at 40 C.F.R. 260 through 266, 268, 270, 271, 273, and 279.
This opinion supports an order that the Board also adopts today. This opinion discusses various issues involved in this proceeding, and the order sets forth the text of the amendments. The Board will hold the present amendments for 30 days, specifically to give USEPA further opportunity to review the amendments and comment on them before they become effective. The adopted amendments will be filed with the Office of the Secretary of State no later than February 13, 2003.
The following listing briefly summarizes the federal actions considered in this RCRA Subtitle C update rulemaking:
Docket R03-7: January 1, 2002 through June 30, 2002,
RCRA Subtitle C Amendments
USEPA amended the federal RCRA Subtitle regulations on nine occasions during the period January 1, 2002 through June 30, 2002. Each is summarized below:
67 Fed. Reg. 2962 (January 22, 2002)
USEPA amended the corrective action management unit (CAMU) rule to facilitate and remove disincentives to corrective action at RCRA facilities.
67 Fed. Reg. 6792 (February 13, 2002)
USEPA established interim emission standards for hazardous waste combustors in response to the judicial order in the case Cement Kiln Recycling Coalition v. EPA, 255 F.3d 855 (D.C. Cir. 2001). That case vacated segments of the September 30, 1999 hazardous waste combustor rule. The court ordered that USEPA issue final emission standards by June 14, 2005 and interim standards by February 14, 2002.
67 Fed. Reg. 6968 (February 14, 2002)
USEPA amended the provisions of the September 30, 1999 hazardous waste combustor rule to facilitate implementation of the rule. These are companion amendments to those of February 13, 2002, but they do not affect substantive emissions standards.
67 Fed. Reg. 11251 (March 13, 2002)
USEPA amended its Phase IV land disposal restriction (LDR) rule in response to the judicial vacatur in the case Association of Battery Recyclers v. EPA, 208 F.3d 1047 (D.C. Cir. 2000). The amendments related to two aspects of the Phase IV LDR rule vacated by the court. First, USEPA deleted language that classified mineral processing characteristic sludges and byproducts being reclaimed as solid waste. Second, USEPA included language that renders the toxicity characteristic leaching procedure (TCLP) test inapplicable to manufactured gas plant (MGP) waste.
67 Fed. Reg. 16262 (April 4, 2002)
USEPA determined not to list certain paint production wastes as hazardous and impose land disposal restrictions on them.
67 Fed. Reg. 17119 (April 9, 2002)
USEPA corrected a segment of its November 20, 2001 inorganic production waste rule.
67 Fed. Reg. 30811 (May 8, 2002)
USEPA announced its decision to reaffirm its regulatory interpretation that spent catalyst removed from a dual-purpose hydroprocessing reactor is a listed hazardous waste.
67 Fed. Reg. 30811 (May 8, 2002)
USEPA corrected segments of the consolidated permit rules of 40 C.F.R. 124 as they appeared in the 2001 edition of the Code of Federal Regulations, including a segment relating to RCRA permits.
67 Fed. Reg. 38418 (June 4, 2002)
USEPA granted interim authorization of various states’ corrective action management unit rules, including Illinois.
No Later RCRA Subtitle C (Hazardous Waste) or UIC Amendments of Interest to Date
The Board engages in ongoing monitoring of federal actions. As of the date of this opinion and accompanying order, the Board has identified no other USEPA actions since June 30, 2002, that further amend the RCRA Subtitle C hazardous waste rules.
When the Board observes an action outside the nominal timeframe of a docket that would require expedited consideration in the pending docket, the Board will expedite consideration of those amendments. Federal actions that could warrant expedited consideration include those that directly affect the amendments involved in this docket, those for which compelling reasons would warrant consideration as soon as possible, and those for which the Board has received a request for expedited consideration.
No Other Federal Actions Having a Direct Impact on the
Illinois RCRA Subtitle C Regulations
In addition to the amendments to the federal RCRA Subtitle C regulations, amendments to certain other federal regulations occasionally have an effect on the Illinois hazardous waste rules. Most notably, 35 Ill. Adm. Code 720.111 includes several incorporations of federal regulations by reference. The incorporated regulations include segments of various USEPA environmental regulations and United States Department of Transportation hazardous materials transportation regulations that USEPA has incorporated into the federal hazardous waste rules.
As of the date of this opinion and order, the Board has found only two sets of amendments to the incorporated materials. These were the February 13, 2002 and February 14, 2002 updates by USEPA of portions of the National Emission Standard for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP) for hazardous waste combustors, in 40 C.F.R. 63, as part of the amendments to the hazardous waste combustor rule. These amendments have required the Board to update the version of 40 C.F.R. 63 incorporated by reference in Section 720.111 to include the February 13, 2002 and February 14, 2002 actions.
67 Fed. Reg. 6792 (February 13, 2002)
Interim emission standards for hazardous waste combustors in response to the judicial order in the case Cement Kiln Recycling Coalition v. EPA, 255 F.3d 855 (D.C. Cir. 2001)
67 Fed. Reg. 6968 (February 14, 2002)
Amendments to the September 30, 1999 hazardous waste combustor rule to facilitate implementation of the rule.
Another body of federal regulations that have an impact on the RCRA Subtitle C regulations are the federal consolidated permit rules of 40 C.F.R. 124. In fact, major segments of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 703 are derived from the federal consolidated permit regulations.
USEPA corrected the consolidated permit rules of 40 C.F.R. 124 on May 8, 2002 (67 Fed. Reg. 30811). One of those corrections relates to RCRA permits. The Board included those corrections in the present update docket.
67 Fed. Reg. 30811 (May 8, 2002)
Corrections to segments of the consolidated permit rules of 40 C.F.R. 124, including a segment relating to RCRA permits.
RCRA Subtitle C (Hazardous Waste) and UIC Amendments
on Which No Board Action Is Necessary
Among the listed federal RCRA Subtitle C and UIC amendments examined by the Board are six on which no Board action is necessary in this docket R03-7. Those actions were those of January 22, 2002, March 13, 2002, April 4, 2002, April 9, 2002, May 8, 2002, and June 4, 2002.
The amendments of January 22, 2002 were substantive amendments that the Board adopted on April 18, 2002 in RCRA Subtitle C Update, USEPA Amendments (January 1, 2001 through June 30, 2001), R02-1, RCRA Subtitle C Update, USEPA Amendments (July 1, 2001 through December 31, 2001, January 22, 2002, March 13, 2002, and April 9, 2002), R02-12, UIC Update, USEPA Amendments (July 1, 2001 through December 31, 2001), R02-17 (Apr. 18, 2002) (consolidated). The Board granted the request of the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (Agency) for expedited consideration of those amendments.
The Board similarly expedited consideration of the federal amendments of March 13, 2002 and April 9, 2002 in RCRA Subtitle C Update, USEPA Amendments (January 1, 2001 through June 30, 2001), R02-1, RCRA Subtitle C Update, USEPA Amendments (July 1, 2001 through December 31, 2001, January 22, 2002, March 13, 2002, and April 9, 2002), R02-12, UIC Update, USEPA Amendments (July 1, 2001 through December 31, 2001), R02-17 (Apr. 18, 2002) (consolidated). The March 13, 2002 amendments related to the Phase IV land disposal restrictions, which were already involved in that docket, and the Board found it expedient to consider those amendments at that time. The April 9, 2002 amendments related to the inorganic production waste rule, which was also involved in that docket.
Finally, in the actions of April 4, 2002 and June 4, 2002, and in one of the actions of May 8, 2002, USEPA did not amend its regulations. The action of April 4, 2002 was a determination not to list paint production wastes as hazardous waste and impose land disposal restrictions on them. The May 8, 2002 action was an announcement that USEPA reaffirmed its earlier regulatory interpretation that spent catalyst removed from a dual-purpose hydroprocessing reactor is a listed hazardous waste. In the action of June 4, 2002, USEPA granted interim authorization to numerous states, including Illinois, for implementation of their corrective action management unit amendments based on the January 22, 2002 federal amendments.
No Board action is required on any of these three actions, but the Board takes note of them in this opinion for the benefit of the regulated community.
Summary Listing of the Federal Actions Forming the Basis
of the Board’s Actions in These Consolidated Dockets
Based on the foregoing, the federal actions that form the basis for Board action in this update docket are as follows, in chronological order:
February 13, 2002 (67 Fed. Reg. 6792) |
Interim emission standards for hazardous waste combustors. |
February 14, 2002 (67 Fed. Reg. 6968) |
Amendments to the September 30, 1999 hazardous waste combustor rule to facilitate implementation of the rule. |
May 8, 2002 (67 Fed. Reg. 30811) |
Correction of segments of the consolidated permit rules of 40 C.F.R. 124 as printed in the 2001 edition of the Code of Federal Regulations. |
The Board adopted a proposal for public comment in this matter on September 5, 2002. Notices of Proposed Amendments appeared in the November 1, 2002 issue of the Illinois Register, at 26 Ill. Reg. 15541 (Part 703), 15677 (Part 705), 15721 (Part 720), 15737 (Part 724), 16112 (Part 725), and 16125 (Part 726). The Board received public comments on the proposal for 45 days after the date of publication, until December 16, 2002. During the public comment period, the Board a number of suggestions for revisions and corrections from the Joint Committee on Administrative Rules (JCAR). The Board further received the following public comment:
PC 1 | Susan Schroeder, Associate Counsel, Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (Agency), Division of Legal Counsel (dated December 9, 2002). |
In PC 1, The Agency highlighted one inconsistency in the text of the proposed amendments and suggested two minor revisions to the text of the regulations to enhance clarity. The Board has incorporated the Agency suggestions into the text of the amendments as adopted. The Agency suggestions are considered in the substantive discussions of the amendments that begin on page 7 of this opinion.
Under Section 7.2 of the Act (415 ILCS 5/7.2(b) (2000)), the Board must complete this rulemaking within one year of the date of the earliest set of federal amendments considered in this docket. USEPA adopted the earliest federal amendments that required Board attention on February 13, 2002, so that the deadline for Board adoption of these amendments is February 13, 2003. The Board scheduled adoption of the proposal for public comment for the Board meeting of October 3, 2002 to allow for timely adoption of these amendments on this date. This will allow filing of these amendments after February 9, 2003 and before the February 13, 2003 deadline.
The following discussion begins with a description of the types of deviations the Board makes from the literal text of federal regulations in adopting identical-in-substance rules. It is followed by a discussion of the amendments and actions undertaken in direct response to the federal actions involved in this proceeding. This first series of discussions is organized by federal subject matter, generally appearing in chronological order of the relevant Federal Register notices involved. Finally, this discussion closes with a description of the amendments and actions that are not directly derived from the federal actions.
General Revisions and Deviations from the Federal Text
In incorporating the federal rules into the Illinois system, some deviation from the federal text is unavoidable. This deviation arises primarily through differences between the federal and state regulatory structure and systems. Some deviation also arises through errors in and problems with the federal text itself. The Board conforms the federal text to the Illinois rules and regulatory scheme and corrects errors that we see in the text as we engage in these routine update rulemakings.
In addition to the amendments derived from federal amendments, the Board often finds it necessary to alter the text of various passages of the existing rules as provisions are opened for update in response to USEPA actions. This involves correcting deficiencies, clarifying provisions, and making other changes that are necessary to establish a clear set of rules that closely parallel the corresponding federal requirements within the codification scheme of the Illinois Administrative Code.
The Board updates the citations to the Code of Federal Regulations to the most recent version available. As of the date of this opinion, the most recent version of the Code of Federal Regulations available to the Board is the July 1, 2002 version. Thus, we have updated all citations to the 2002 version, adding references to later amendments using their appropriate Federal Register citation, where necessary.
The Board substituted “or” for “/” in most instances where this appeared in the federal base text, using “and” where more appropriate. The Board further used this opportunity to make a number of corrections to punctuation, grammar, spelling, and cross-reference format throughout the opened text. We changed “who” to “that” and “he” or “she” to “it,” where the person to which the regulation referred was not necessarily a natural person, or to “he or she,” where a natural person was evident; changed “which” to “that” for restrictive relative clauses; substituted “must” for “shall”; capitalized the section headings and corrected their format where necessary; and corrected punctuation within sentences.
In addition, the federal rules have been edited to establish a uniform usage throughout the Board’s regulations. For example, with respect to “shall,” “will,” and “may,” “must” is used when an action is required by the rule, without regard to whether the action is required of the subject of the sentence or not. “Shall” is no longer used, since it is not used in everyday language. Thus, where a federal rule uses “shall,” the Board substitutes “must.” This is a break from our former practice where “shall” was used when the subject of a sentence has a duty to do something. “Will” is used when the Board obliges itself to do something. “May” is used when choice of a provision is optional. “Or” is used rather than “and/or,” and denotes “one or both.” “Either . . . or” denotes “one but not both.” “And” denotes “both.”
The Joint Committee on Administrative Rules (JCAR) has requested that the Board refer to the United States Environmental Protection Agency in the same manner throughout all of our bodies of regulations—i.e., air, water, drinking water, RCRA Subtitle D (municipal solid waste landfill), RCRA Subtitle C (hazardous waste), underground injection control (UIC), etc. The Board has decided to refer to the United States Environmental Protection Agency as “USEPA.” We will continue this conversion in future rulemakings as additional sections become open to amendment. We will further convert “EPA” used in federal text to “USEPA,” where USEPA is clearly intended.
The Board has assembled tables to aid in the location of these alterations and to briefly outline their intended purpose. The tables set forth the miscellaneous deviations from the federal text and corrections to the pre-amended base text of the rules in detail. The tables are set forth and explained beginning at page 12 of this opinion. There is no further discussion of most of the deviations and revisions elsewhere in this opinion.
Discussion of the Particular Federal Actions Involved in This Docket
Amendments to the Hazardous Waste Combustor Rule and Hazardous Waste NESHAP—Sections 703.205, 703.208, 703.221, 703.232, 703.280, 703.335, 720.111, 724.440, 725.440, and 726.200
The USEPA action of February 13, 2002 (67 Fed. Reg. 6792) related to the National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP) applicable to cement kilns, lightweight aggregate kilns, and incinerators burning hazardous waste. USEPA established interim emission standards for hazardous waste combustors in response to the judicial order in the case Cement Kiln Recycling Coalition v. EPA, 255 F.3d 855 (D.C. Cir. 2001). That order vacated segments of the September 30, 1999 hazardous waste combustor rule. The court ordered that USEPA issue final emission standards by June 14, 2005 and interim standards by February 14, 2002.
On February 14, 2002 (67 Fed. Reg. 6968), USEPA amended the provisions of the September 30, 1999 hazardous waste combustor rule relating to implementation of the rule. USEPA’s stated intent was to facilitate implementation of the rule in response to a number of public comments that it had received. The amendments primarily relate to compliance and monitoring. The implementation amendments are companions to the substantive amendments of February 13, 2002, but they do not affect the substantive emission standards. Persons interested in the details of the federal amendments should consult the February 13, 2002 and February 14, 2002 Federal Register notices.
The Board adopted the original September 30, 1999 hazardous waste combustor NESHAPs in RCRA Subtitle C Update, USEPA Amendments (July 1, 1999 through Dec. 31, 1999) (May 18, 2000), R00-13. In this docket, the Board amends the Illinois hazardous waste regulations to correspond with the February 13, 2002 and February 14, 2002 federal amendments to the hazardous waste combustor NESHAP. The Board has done this with minimal deviation from the text of the corresponding federal regulations. These amendments have resulted in limited changes in the language of Sections 703.205(e); 703.208 preamble; 703.221; 703.232 preamble; 703.280(j)(1); 720.111; 724.440(b); 725.440(b); and 726.200(a), (b), and (d), and the addition of Section 703.320. Many segments of the federal amendments related to 40 C.F.R. 63, which is part of the federal NESHAP regulations. The Board has incorporated 40 C.F.R. 63 by reference in the Illinois rules at 35 Ill. Adm. Code 720.111. Thus, the federal amendments to 40 C.F.R. 63 required the Board to update the incorporation to include the amendments. The table that begins on page 12 of this opinion itemizes the various revisions made in the federal text in adapting it into the State regulations.
The Board requested public comment on our incorporation of the February 13, 2002 and February 14, 2002 federal amendments. Although the Board received suggestions for minor corrections, no one submitted substantive comments.
Correction to Consolidated Permit Rules, Procedure for Permit Issuance—Section 705.201
On May 8, 2002 (67 Fed. Reg. 30811), USEPA corrected 40 C.F.R. 124.15 as published in the 2001 edition of the Code of Federal Regulations. This is a segment of the consolidated permit rules. The amendment was a minor change in the wording of a single sentence. The Illinois provision that corresponds with 40 C.F.R. 124.15 is Section 705.201, and a single correction is required to subsection (c) of that Section.
The Board incorporates the May 8, 2002 correction into the Illinois regulations without deviation from the federal text. The Board requested public comment on the incorporation of the May 8, 2002 federal correction. Although the Board received suggestions for minor corrections, no one submitted substantive comments.
Discussion of Corrective Amendments
The Board has traditionally used the occasion of these identical-in-substance updates to correct segments of the base text of the Illinois regulations. These corrections are almost always non-substantive in effect. The Board is including a significant number of non-substantive corrections in this docket. The inclusion of these corrections in this docket differs from previous dockets because of the numbers of corrections involved, and not to the nature of any of the corrections.
Most of the corrective amendments are the result of Board staff review of the text of the rules. However, some are the result of review by others, like JCAR, the Agency, or the regulated community. The corrections often result through a shift in style or preference on the part of the Board, JCAR, or the regulated community, such as changing usage or format. Thus, the Board routinely makes the following changes in the text of the open Sections: “shall” to “must”, “subsection (a) above” to “subsection (a) of this Section”, “35 Ill. Adm. Code 721.Subpart C” to “Subpart C of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 721,” etc. The Board also routinely corrects actual errors in the text, like the occasional misspelled word, improper punctuation, or a segment of missing text.
When a necessary minor correction comes to the attention of the Board, Board staff makes a note of the correction, and it is set aside until the next opportunity to make the correction. The next opportunity generally presents itself when the Section involved is next opened for amendment as a result of amendments to the corresponding federal text. Over the last few years, the Board has cataloged very many changes, but the pace of completing the corrections has been slow, since only a limited number of all the Sections involved in the hazardous waste regulations have been the subject of federal amendments. At the rate at which the Board has been able to make the corrections while restricting attention to opened Sections of the regulations, the Board might never be able to complete the corrections.
Thus, the Board has decided to try a different approach beginning in this docket. The Board will also begin including the corrections necessary to some Sections that are not already involved in this docket at a result of federal amendments. The Board believes that prompt completion of the corrections would benefit the Agency’s implementation of the rules and the regulated community.
But, the Board cannot make all the corrections needed in this docket. The collective volume of the six parts involved is significant. If the Board were to make all the necessary corrections to the opened Parts in this proceeding, the amendments would total about 1100 printed pages of text. 1 The Board believes that this is an unreasonable volume of amendments to make in a single rulemaking, considering the needs of reviewing, reproducing, and publishing this volume of text.
For this initial step, the Board has decided to limit the volume of the amendments and corrections in this docket to about 650 pages. The Board is including all the necessary corrections to Parts 703, 705, and 724 of which the Board is aware at this time. The Board will include only those corrections to Parts 720, 725, and 726 that are in Sections already involved in this proceeding. That is, in Parts 720, 725, and 726, the Board is amending only Sections 720.111, 725.440, and 726.200 as necessary to include federal amendments. The Board will defer making the rest of the corrections to Parts 720, 725, and 726 until some future update docket. The Board will continue this process of making corrections to the text of open Parts at a reasonable rate in future RCRA Subtitle C update dockets until all of the corrections are complete to all of Parts 702 through 705, 720 through 726, 728, 733, and 739.
The Board will not discuss particular corrective amendments in this segment of this discussion. The corrections are each itemized in the table that begins on page 16 of this opinion. The Board requested that the Agency, JCAR, and the regulated community review the table and the text of the corrections. The Board requested comment on the corrections. The Board also asked for the assistance of the Agency, JCAR, and the regulated community in this process; the Board requests that they submit suggestions for correction of any errors of which they are aware. The Board will catalog any suggestions relating to Parts and Sections not already involved in this proceeding for future use.
As indicated above, the Board received a number of suggested clarifications and corrections from JCAR. The nature of the suggestions is indicated in the attached tables 3 and 4 that appear below beginning on page 141 and 156 of this opinion. The Board also received suggestions from the Agency that warrant specific discussion in this segment of the opinion.
In PC 1, the Agency pointed out the September 5, 2002 proposal for public comment removed references to Agency termination of a permit from Section 705.128(d), while adding a reference to Agency termination of a permit to Section 705.184(a). The Board has corrected the erroneous addition to Section 705.184(a), since the Agency lacks the authority to terminate a permit once issued.
The Agency further requested in PC 1 that the Board add a note to four specific segments of the amendments relating to the hazardous waste combustor rule. The Agency requested that the Board make explicit one implicit aspect of the federal regulations. The federal rules do not expressly provide for the continued applicability of conditions relating to waste treatment once the owner or operator has demonstrated compliance with the NESHAP of 40 CFR 63, subpart EEE. The Agency noted the continued applicability of such treatment standards as the land disposal restrictions notwithstanding the compliance demonstration. The Board has followed the Agency’s suggestion and added explanatory language in Board notes appended to Sections 703.205(e), 703.320, 724.440(a), and 725.440(a) noting that the demonstration of compliance with the NESHAP doe not relieve the owner or operator from the obligation to comply with conditions relating to waste treatment.
Finally, the Agency in PC 1 asked the Board to clarify a second aspect of the applicability of the hazardous waste regulations vis à vis the hazardous waste combustor NESHAP. The Agency noted that some hazardous waste facilities are difficult to classify as a Subpart O unit (an incinerator), a Subpart X unit (a miscellaneous unit), or a Subpart J unit (tank system). The Agency then stated that it is unclear whether all hazardous waste combustors would be classified as a “major source,” as such is defined under the NESHAP requirements. The Agency requested that the Board clarify whether a hazardous waste combustor that does not qualify as a major source would be subject to the hazardous waste combustor requirements of the RCRA Subtitle C regulations. In response, the Board notes that Sections 703.205, 703.208, 703.221, 703.232, 703.320, 724.440, 725.440, and 726.200 grant a partial exemption from the hazardous waste regulations to those hazardous waste combustors that demonstrate compliance with the hazardous waste NESHAP of 40 C.F.R. 63, subpart EEE. If a source is not a “major source” that is subject to the NESHAP requirements, there is no partial exemption from the hazardous waste combustor requirements of the RCRA Subtitle C regulations for a source that would otherwise be subject to those rules.
Agency or Board Action
Section 7.2(a)(5) of the Act requires the Board to specify those portions of the program over which USEPA will retain decision making authority. Based on the general division of functions within the Act and other Illinois statutes, the Board is also to specify which State agency is to make decisions.
In situations in which the Board has determined that USEPA will retain decision-making authority, the Board has replaced “Regional Administrator” with USEPA, so as to avoid specifying which office within USEPA is to make a decision.
In some identical-in-substance rules, certain decisions pertaining to a permit application are not appropriate for the Agency to consider. In determining the general division of authority between the Agency and the Board, the following factors should be considered:
1. | Whether the entity making the decision is applying a Board regulation, or taking action contrary to (“waiving”) a Board regulation. It generally takes some form of Board action to “waive” a Board regulation. |
2. | Whether there is a clear standard for action such that the Board can give meaningful review to an Agency decision. |
3. | Whether the action would result in exemption from the permit requirement itself. If so, Board action is generally required. |
4. | Whether the decision amounts to “determining, defining or implementing environmental control standards” within the meaning of Section 5(b) of the Act. If so, it must be made by the Board. |
There are four common classes of Board decisions: variance, adjusted standard, site-specific rulemaking, and enforcement. The first three are methods by which a regulation can be temporarily postponed (variance) or adjusted to meet specific situations (adjusted standard or site-specific rulemaking). There often are differences in the nomenclature for these decisions between the USEPA and Board regulations.
Tabulations of Deviations from the Federal text and
Corrections to and Clarifications of the Base Text
Table 1 below list numerous corrections and amendments that are not based on current federal amendments. Table 1 (beginning immediately below) includes deviations made in this final order from the verbatim text of the federal amendments. Table 2 (beginning on page 18 below) contains corrections and clarifications that the Board made in the base text involved in these amendments. The amendments listed in this table are housekeeping amendments not directly derived from the current federal amendments. Table 3 (beginning on page 141 below) is a listing of revisions made to the text of the amendments from that proposed and set forth in the Board’s opinion and order of October 3, 2002. Table 3 indicates the changes made, as well as the source that suggested each of the changes. Table 4 (beginning on page 156 below) indicates suggested revisions that the Board has not made in adopting these amendments. Each entry gives a brief explanation why the Board did not incorporate the suggested change. Some of the entries in these tables are discussed further in appropriate segments of the general discussion beginning at page 6 of this opinion.
Table 1:
Deviations from the Text of the Federal Amendments
Illinois Section |
40 C.F.R. Section |
Revision(s) |
703.205(e) |
270.19(e) |
Added “that” for an explicit restrictive relative clause; changed “Director” to “Agency”; changed “§§ 264.345(a) and 264.345(c) of this chapter” to “35 Ill. Adm. Code 724.445(a) and (c)”; changed “you elect” to “the owner or operator elects”; changed “§ 270.235(a)(1)(i)” to “Section 703.320(a)(1)(A)” |
703.205(e) Board note |
270.19(e) |
Added explanation of the ongoing effectiveness of treatment conditions even after a demonstration of compliance with the NESAP standards |
703.208 preamble |
270.22 preamble |
Added “that” for an explicit restrictive relative clause; changed “Director” to “Agency”; changed “§§ 266.102(e)(1) and 266.102(e)(2)(iii) of this chapter” to “35 Ill. Adm. Code 726.202(e)(1) and (e)(2)(C)”; changed “you elect” to “the owner or operator elects”; changed “§ 270.235(a)(1)(i)” to “Section 703.310(a)(1)(A)” |
703.221 |
270.62 preamble |
Added “that” for an explicit restrictive relative clause; changed “Director” to “Agency”; changed “§§ 265.345(a) and 265.345(c) of this chapter” to “35 Ill. Adm. Code 724.445(a) and (c)”; changed “you elect” to “the owner or operator elects”; changed “§ 270.235(a)(1)(i)” to “Section 703.310(a)(1)(A)” |
703.232 |
270.66 preamble |
Added “that” for an explicit restrictive relative clause; changed “Director” to “Agency”; changed “§§ 266.102(e)(1) and 266.102(e)(2)(iii) of this chapter” to “35 Ill. Adm. Code 726.202(e)(1) and (e)(2)(C)”; changed “you elect” to “the owner or operator elects”; changed “§ 270.235(a)(1)(i)” to “Section 703.310(a)(1)(A)” |
703.320 heading |
270.235 heading |
Capitalized the heading; removed the ending period |
703.320(a)(1) |
270.235(a)(1) |
Moved “when requesting removal . . . according to 35 Ill. Adm. Code 724.440(b) and 726.200(b)” as a parenthetical to precede the verb “may request”; changed §§ 264.340(b) and 266.100(b) of this chapter” to “35 Ill. Adm. Code 724.440(b) and 726.200(b)”; changed “Director” to “Agency” |
703.320(a)(1)(A) |
270.235(a)(1)(i) |
Changed “the Director will” to “the Agency must”; added “do the following” |
703.320(a)(1)(A)(i) |
270.235(a)(1)(i)(A) |
Added “incorporated . . . 35 Ill. Adm. Code 720.111” as a parenthetical offset by a comma |
703.320(a)(1)(B) |
270.235(a)(1)(ii)(A) |
Removed the subsection designation, combining the text with that from 40 C.F.R. 270.235(a)(1)(ii); changed “the Director will” to “the Agency must”; added “do the following” |
703.320(a)(1)(B)(i) |
270.235(a)(1)(ii)(A)(1) |
Redesignated the material from the fifth indent level to the fourth indent level; changed the ending punctuation from a period to a semicolon and added the ending conjunction “and” |
703.320(a)(1)(B)(ii) |
270.235(a)(1)(ii)(A)(2) |
Redesignated the material from the fifth indent level to the fourth indent level |
703.320(a)(1)(B)(iii) |
270.235(a)(1)(ii) |
Added a statement that compliance with subsection (a)(3), material moved from 40 C.F.C. 270.235(a)(1)(ii)(B), is required |
703.320(a)(1)(B) Board note |
270.235(a)(1)(ii) |
Added a statement explaining the restructuring of this provision and indicating the location of the relocated text |
703.320(a)(1)(C) |
270.235(a)(1)(iii) |
Added “the following are required” |
703.320(a)(1)(C)(i) |
270.235(a)(1)(iii)(A) |
Changed “§§” to “40 CFR” (twice); added “incorporated . . . 35 Ill. Adm. Code 720.111” as a parenthetical offset by a comma (twice) |
703.320(a)(1)(C)(ii) |
270.235(a)(1)(iii)(B) |
Changed “Director” to “Agency”; changed “§§ 264.340(b) and 266.100(b) of this chapter” to “35 Ill. Adm. Code 724.440(b) and 726.200(b)” |
703.320(a)(2) |
270.235(a)(2) |
Changed “Director” to “Agency” (twice); added “incorporated . . . 35 Ill. Adm. Code 720.111” as a parenthetical offset by a comma |
703.320(a)(2)(A) |
270.235(a)(2)(i)(A) |
Removed the subsection designation, combining the text with that from 40 C.F.R. 270.235(a)(2)(i); changed “the Director will” to “the Agency must”; added “do the following” |
703.320(a)(2)(A)(i) |
270.235(a)(2)(i)(A)(1) |
Redesignated the material from the fifth indent level to the fourth indent level; changed “§§ 264.345(a) and 264.345(c) or §§ 266.102(e)(1) and 266.102(e)(2)(iii) of this chapter” to “35 Ill. Adm. Code 724.445(a) and (c) or 726.202(e)(1) and (e)(2)(C)” |
703.320(a)(2)(A)(ii) |
270.235(a)(2)(i)(A)(2) |
Redesignated the material from the fifth indent level to the fourth indent level; removed an unnecessary ending period |
703.320(a)(2)(A) Board note |
270.235(a)(1)(i) |
Added a statement explaining the restructuring of this provision and indicating the location of the relocated text |
703.320(a)(2)(B) |
270.235(a)(2)(ii)(A) |
Removed the subsection designation, combining the text with that from 40 C.F.R. 270.235(a)(2)(ii); changed “the Director will” to “the Agency must”; added “do the following” |
703.320(a)(2)(B)(i) |
270.235(a)(2)(ii)(A)(1) |
Redesignated the material from the fifth indent level to the fourth indent level; changed “§§ 264.345(a) and 264.345(c) or §§ 266.102(e)(1) and 266.102(e)(2)(iii) of this chapter” to “35 Ill. Adm. Code 724.445(a) and (c) or 726.202(e)(1) and (e)(2)(C)” |
703.320(a)(2)(B)(ii) |
270.235(a)(2)(i)(A)(2) |
Redesignated the material from the fifth indent level to the fourth indent level; removed an unnecessary ending period |
703.320(a)(2)(B)(iii) |
270.235(a)(2)(i) |
Added a statement that compliance with subsection (a)(3), material moved from 40 C.F.C. 270.235(a)(2)(i)(B), is required |
703.320(a)(2)(B) Board note |
270.235(a)(1)(ii) |
Added a statement explaining the restructuring of this provision and indicating the location of the relocated text |
703.320(a)(2)(C) |
270.235(a)(2)(iii) |
Added “the following are required” |
703.320(a)(2)(C)(i) |
270.235(a)(2)(iii)(A) |
Changed “§§” to “40 CFR” (twice); added “incorporated . . . 35 Ill. Adm. Code 720.111” as a parenthetical offset by a comma (twice); changed “Director” to “Agency” |
703.320(a)(2)(C)(ii) |
270.235(a)(2)(iii)(B) |
Changed “Director” to “Agency”; changed “§§ 264.340(b) and 266.100(b)” to “35 Ill. Adm. Code 724.440(b) and 726.200(b)” |
703.320(a)(3) |
270.235(a)(1)(ii)(B) and (a)(2)(ii)(B) |
Moved the material from two identical federal passages to a single location |
703.320(a)(3)(A) |
270.235(a)(1)(ii)(B)(1) and (a)(2)(ii)(B)(1) |
Moved the material from two identical federal passages to a single location; changed “you must notify the Director” to “the owner or operator must notify the Agency” (twice); changed “you must identify” to “the owner or operator must identify” |
703.320(a)(3)(B) |
270.235(a)(1)(ii)(B)(2) and (a)(2)(ii)(B)(2) |
Moved the material from two identical federal passages to a single location; changed “Director” to “Agency”; changed “either” to “in either of the following ways” |
703.320(a)(3)(B)(i) |
270.235(a)(1)(ii)(B)(2)(i) and (a)(2)(ii)(B)(2)(i) |
Moved the material from two identical federal passages to a single location; moved a comma to change “include, in the permit conditions, that . . .” to “include, in the permit, conditions that . . .”; changed the ending punctuation from a comma to a semicolon; removed an unnecessary comma after the conjunction “or”; moved “if warranted” to the following subsection |
703.320(a)(3)(B)(ii) |
270.235(a)(1)(ii)(B)(2)(ii) and (a)(2)(ii)(B)(2)(ii) |
Moved the material from two identical federal passages to a single location; moved “if warranted” from the following subsection, offset by a comma as a parenthetical; changed “§§ 270.41(a)” to “Section 703.271”; changed the ending punctuation from a comma to a semicolon; removed an unnecessary comma after the conjunction “or”; moved |
703.320(a)(3) Board note |
270.235(a)(1)(ii)(B) and (a)(2)(ii)(B) |
Added a statement explaining the restructuring of this provision and indicating the location of the relocated text |
703.320(b)(1) |
270.235(b)(1) |
Changed “§§ 264.340(b) and 266.100(b)” to “35 Ill. Adm. Code 724.440(b) and 726.200(b)”; changed “part 265 or 266” to “35 Ill. Adm. Code 725 or 726”; changed “Administrator” to “Agency”; changed “part” to “40 CFR”; added “incorporated . . . 35 Ill. Adm. Code 720.111” as a parenthetical offset by a comma |
703.320(b)(1)(A) |
270.235(b)(1)(i) |
Changed “continues” to “must continue”; changed “part 265 or 266” to “35 Ill. Adm. Code 725 or 726” |
703.320(b)(1)(B) |
270.235(b)(1)(ii) |
Changed “part 265 or 266” to “35 Ill. Adm. Code 725 or 726”; changed “Director” to “Agency”; changed “§” to “40 CFR” (twice); added “incorporated . . . 35 Ill. Adm. Code 720.111” as a parenthetical offset by a comma (twice) |
703.320(b)(2) |
270.235(b)(2) |
Changed “part 265 or 266” to “35 Ill. Adm. Code 725 or 726”; changed “Director” to “Agency”; changed “paragraphs (a)(2)(i), (a)(2)(ii), or (a)(2)(iii) of this section” to “subsection (a)(2)(A), (a)(2)(B), or (a)(2)(C) of this Section” |
703.320 Board note |
270.235 |
Added an explanation of the source of this provision; added explanation of the ongoing effectiveness of treatment conditions even after a demonstration of compliance with the NESAP standards |
724.440(b)(4) |
264.340(b)(4) |
Changed “you elect” to “the owner or operator elects”; changed “§ 270.235(a)(1)(i)” to “35 Ill. Adm. Code 703.320(a)(1)(A)”; changed “these” to “the following” |
724.440(b)(4) Board note |
264.340(b)(4) |
Added explanation of the ongoing effectiveness of treatment conditions even after a demonstration of compliance with the NESAP standards; changed the abbreviation “Sept.” to “September” |
724.440(b)(4)(A) |
264.340(b)(4)(i) |
Changed “Section 264.345(a)” to “Section 724.445(a)” |
724.440(b)(4)(B) |
264.340(b)(4)(ii) |
Changed “Section 264.345(c)” to “Section 724.445(c)” |
725.440(b)(3) |
264.340(b)(3) |
Changed “Section 265.345” to “Section 725.445”; added commas to offset “generally . . . shutdown” as a parenthetical; changed “you elect” to “the owner or operator elects”; changed “§ 270.235(b)(1)(i) of this chapter” to “35 Ill. Adm. Code 703.320(b)(1)(A)” |
725.440(b)(4) Board note |
265.340(b)(4) |
Added explanation of the ongoing effectiveness of treatment conditions even after a demonstration of compliance with the NESAP standards; changed the abbreviation “Sept.” to “September” |
726.200(b)(2)(A) |
266.100(b)(2)(i) |
Changed “you elect” to “the owner or operator elects”; changed “§ 270.235(b)(1)(i) of this chapter” to “35 Ill. Adm. Code 703.320(b)(1)(A)”; changed “§ 266.102(e)(1)” to “Section 726.202(e)(1)”; changed “§ 266.102(e)(2)(iii)” to “Section 726.202(e)(2)(C)”; added commas to offset “requiring . . . requirements” as a parenthetical |
Table 2:
Board Housekeeping Amendments
Section |
Source |
Revision(s) |
703.300 table of contents |
Board |
Changed “why this Subpart is written in a special format” to “special regulatory format” |
703.100(a) |
Board |
Added the ILCS citation “[415 ILCS 5/21(f)]”; added a comma to offset the final element of a series |
703.100(c) |
Board |
Changed a run-on sentence into two sentences by changing a comma to a period and removing the conjunction “and” |
703.100(d) |
Board |
Added the words “and transporters” |
703.101(a) |
Board |
Added the ILCS citation “[415 ILCS 5/21(f)]” |
703.101(b) |
Board |
Added the missing closing parenthesis mark after “USEPA”; removed the periods from “USC” |
703.110 |
Board |
Changed “includes all sources” to “lists all documents” |
703.120(a) |
Board |
Added the ILCS citation “[415 ILCS 5]”; added a comma to offset the final element of a series |
703.120(b) |
Board |
Changed the cross-reference to “this Subpart B”; added “serves the following functions” |
703.120(b)(1) |
Board |
Added “it” |
703.120(b)(2) |
Board |
Added “it” |
703.120(b)(3) |
Board |
Added “it” |
703.120(b)(4) |
Board |
Added “it” |
703.120(b) |
Board |
Changed the cross-reference to “Subpart C of this Part” (twice) |
703.120(c) |
Board |
Changed the cross-reference to “this Subpart B” |
703.120(c)(1) |
Board |
Added the end conjunction “and” |
703.120(c)(2) |
Board |
Moved the ending period outside the quotation mark |
703.121(a) |
Board |
Changed “no person shall” to “no person may”; added “as follows” |
703.121(a) |
Board |
Changed “owners or operators of HWM units” to singular “an owner or operator or a HWM unit”; changed “shall” to “must” (twice); changed “owners or operators of surface impoundments, landfills, land treatment units, or waste pile units” to singular “an owner or operator or a surface impoundment, landfill, land treatment unit, or waste pile unit”; changed “post-closure care permits” to singular “a post-closure care permit”; changed “they demonstrate . . . or obtain” to singular “it demonstrates . . . or obtains” |
703.121 Board note |
Board |
Updated the Code of Federal Regulations reference to the most recent edition available |
703.122 |
Board |
Added “the following activities and facilities” |
703.122(b) |
Board |
Added a comma to offset the final element of a series |
703.122 Board note |
Board |
Changed the format to that in current use, adding the date to the Code of Federal Regulations |
703.123(c) |
Board |
Added a comma to offset the final element of a series |
703.123(d) |
Board |
Changed “owners or operators” to singular “an owner or operator”; changed “totally enclosed treatment facilities” to singular “a totally enclosed treatment facility”; added a comma before “as defined” to offset a parenthetical |
703.123(e) |
Board |
Changed “owners or operators” to singular “an owner or operator”; changed “elementary neutralization units” to singular “an elementary neutralization unit”; added a comma before “as defined” to offset a parenthetical |
703.123(f) |
Board |
Changed “transporters storing . . . meeting” to singular “a transporter that stores . . . that meets” |
703.123(g) |
Board |
Changed “persons adding . . . and persons adding” to singular “a person who adds . . . or a person who adds”; added a comma after “724.271” to offset the final element of a series |
703.123(h) |
Board |
Changed “below” to “in subsections (h)(1) through (h)(4) of this Section” |
703.123 Board note |
Board |
Updated the Code of Federal Regulations reference to the most recent edition available |
703.124(a)(1) |
Board |
Changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause |
703.124(c) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
703.124 Board note |
Board |
Updated the Code of Federal Regulations reference to the most recent edition available |
703.125 |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” (twice) |
703.125 Board note |
Board |
Updated the Code of Federal Regulations reference to the most recent edition available |
703.126 |
Board, JCAR |
Changed the reference from “703.Subpart C” to “Subpart C of this Part”; changed “no person shall” to “no person may” |
703.126 Board note |
Board |
Updated the Code of Federal Regulations reference to the most recent edition available |
703.140(a) |
Board, JCAR |
Changed the reference from “this Subpart” to “this Subpart C”; changed “two groups, as follow” to “the following two groups” |
703.140(b) |
Board |
Changed the reference from “703.Subpart B” to “Subpart B of this Part”; changed “shall” to “must” |
703.141 preamble |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
703.141(a) |
Board |
Changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause; added “does the following” |
703.141(a)(1) |
Board |
Added “it” |
703.141(a)(2) |
Board |
Added “it” |
703.141(a)(3) |
Board |
Added “it” |
703.141(b) |
Board |
Changed “injection well” to “underground injection well”; added “fulfills the following conditions” |
703.141(b)(1) |
Board |
Added “it” |
703.141(b)(2) |
Board |
Added “it”; changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 704.Subpart F” to “Subpart F of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 704” |
703.141(b)(3) |
Board |
Added “the following” offset by a comma |
703.141(b)(3)(A) |
Board |
Added “it” |
703.141(b)(3)(B) |
Board |
Changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause; added “it” |
703.141(c) |
Board |
Changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause; added “fulfills the following conditions” |
703.141(c)(1) |
Board |
Added “it” |
703.141(c)(2) |
Board |
Added “it” |
703.141(c)(3) |
Board |
Added “it” |
703.141(c)(4) |
Board, JCAR |
Added “it complies with”; changed “Federal” to lower-case “federal”; changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause; added a comma after “pipe” to offset the final element of a series |
703.141(c) Board note |
Board |
Removed the parentheses to comport with the current style; added “codified” |
703.141 Board note |
Board |
Updated the Code of Federal Regulations reference to the most recent edition available |
703.150(a)(1) |
Board |
Changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause |
703.150(a)(3) |
Board |
Changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause |
703.150(a) Board note |
Board |
Removed the unnecessary Board note containing a reference to the Code of Federal Regulations |
703.150(b) |
Board |
Changed “subsection (c), below,” to “subsection (c) of this Section”; added a comma after “721” to offset the final element of a series |
703.150(b) Board note |
Board |
Removed the unnecessary Board note containing a reference to the Code of Federal Regulations |
703.150(c) Board note |
Board |
Removed the unnecessary Board note containing a reference to the Code of Federal Regulations |
703.150(d) |
Board |
Changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause |
703.150(d) Board note |
Board |
Removed the unnecessary Board note containing a reference to the Code of Federal Regulations |
703.150 Board note |
Board |
Updated the Code of Federal Regulations reference to the most recent edition available |
703.151(a) |
Board |
Changed “subsection (c)” to “subsection (c) of this Section”; changed “no person shall” to “no person may” |
703.151(b) |
Board |
Changed “subsection (c)” to “subsection (c) of this Section” |
703.151(c) |
Board, JCAR |
Changed “subsection (a)” to “subsection (a) of this Section”; added “federal” before “Toxic Substances Control Act”; changed “U.S.C.” to “USC” |
703.151(d) |
JCAR, Board |
Moved the ending period after “Agency” outside the closing parenthesis mark |
703.151 Board note |
Board |
Updated the Code of Federal Regulations reference to the most recent edition available |
703.152(a) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; added “as follows” offset by a comma |
703.152(a)(1) |
Board |
Added a comma after “storing” to offset the final element of a series |
703.152(b) |
Board |
Changed “subsection (a)” to “subsection (a) of this Section” |
703.152 Board note |
Board |
Updated the Code of Federal Regulations reference to the most recent edition available |
703.153(a) |
Board |
Changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause; changed “shall” to “must” (twice) |
703.153(a)(1) |
Board |
Added “federal” before “Resource Conservation and Recovery Act”; added “42 USC 6930(a)” in parentheses |
703.153(a)(1) Board note |
Board |
Removed the parentheses and capitalized “Board note” to comport with the current Board note style; added “federal” before “Resource Conservation and Recovery Act”; added “42 USC 6930(a)” in parentheses |
703.153(b) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” (three times) |
703.153(c) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause (twice); added “federal” before “Resource Conservation and Recovery Act”; added “42 USC 6901 et seq.” in parentheses |
703.153 Board note |
Board |
Removed the parentheses, capitalized “Board note,” changed “see” to “derived from,” and added the date of the most recent edition of the Code of Federal Regulations reference to comport with the current Board note style |
703.154 preamble |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; added “do any of the following” |
703.154(b) |
Board |
Added the ending conjunction “or” |
703.154 Board note |
Board |
Updated the Code of Federal Regulations reference to the most recent edition available |
703.155(a) |
Board |
Changed “subsection (b), below” to “subsection (b) of this Section” |
703.155(a)(1) |
Board |
Added a comma after “storage” to offset the final element of a series (twice); added a comma after “store” to offset the final element of a series |
703.155(a)(2) |
Board |
Added “either of the following conditions exist” |
703.155(a)(2)(A) |
Board |
Added a comma after “storage” to offset the final element of a series |
703.155(a)(2)(B) |
Board |
Added a comma after “State” to offset the final element of a series; added a comma after “728” to offset the final element of a series |
703.155(a)(3) |
Board |
Added a comma after “storage” to offset the final element of a series; added “either of the following conditions exist”; added a comma after “728” to offset the final element of a series |
703.155(a)(3)(B) |
Board |
Added a comma after “State” to offset the final element of a series; added a comma after “728” to offset the final element of a series |
703.155(a)(4) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” (three times); changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 725.Subpart H” to “Subpart H of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 725” (twice) |
703.155(a)(5) |
Board |
Added “federal” before “Resource Conservation and Recovery Act”; added “42 USC 6901 et seq.” in parentheses; deleted the unnecessary comma after “or”; changed “this subsection” to “this subsection (a)(5)”; added a comma after “storage” to offset the final element of a series |
703.155(a)(6) |
Board |
Added a comma after “storage” to offset the final element of a series |
703.155(b) |
Board |
Changed “this subsection” or “this subsection (b)”; changed “subsection (a), above,” to “subsection (a) of this Section” |
703.155(b)(2) |
Board |
Added a comma after “728” to offset the final element of a series |
703.155(b)(3) |
Board |
Changed “owners or operators” to “an owner or operator” |
703.155(b)(5) |
Board |
Added “federal” before “Resource Conservation and Recovery Act”; added “42 USC 6901 et seq.” in parentheses; deleted the unnecessary comma after “or”; changed “this subsection” to “this subsection (b)(5)”; added a comma after “storage” to offset the final element of a series |
703.155(b)(6) |
Board |
Added a comma after “containers” to offset the final element of a series |
703.155(b)(7) |
Board |
Changed “subsection (a)(6), above” to “subsection (a)(6) of this Section” |
703.155 Board note |
Board |
Updated the Code of Federal Regulations reference to the most recent edition available |
703.156 |
Board |
Changed “owners and operators shall” to “an owner or operator must”; changed “standards at” to “standards of” |
703.156 Board note |
Board |
Updated the Code of Federal Regulations reference to the most recent edition available |
703.157 preamble |
Board |
Added “either of the following occurs” |
703.157(b) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
703.157(c) |
Board |
Changed “owners or operators” to “an owner or operator”; changed “each” to “a”; change “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause; added “the following conditions are fulfilled” |
703.157(d) |
Board |
Changed “owners or operators” to “an owner or operator”; changed “each” to “a”; changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause; added “federal” before “Resource Conservation and Recovery Act”; added “42 USC 6901 et seq.” in parentheses; added “does as follows” |
703.157(d)(1) |
Board |
Added “it” |
703.157(d)(2) |
Board |
Added “it” |
703.157(e) |
Board |
Changed “owners or operators” to “an owner or operator”; changed “703.155(a)(1), (2), or (3)” to “703.155(a)(1), (a)(2), or (a)(3)”; changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 725.190 et seq. and 725.240 et seq.” to “Subparts F and H of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 725” |
703.157(f) |
Board |
Changed “owners or operators” to “an owner or operator”; changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause |
703.157(g) |
Board |
Changed “owners or operators” to “an owner or operator”; changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause |
703.157 Board note |
Board |
Updated the Code of Federal Regulations reference to the most recent edition available |
703.159 preamble |
Board |
Changed “owners and operators . . . they demonstrate” to singular “an owner or operator . . . it demonstrates”; changed “surface impoundments, land treatment units, and waste piles closing” to singular “a surface impoundment, a land treatment unit, or a waste pile that is”; added a comma before “unless” to offset a parenthetical; added a comma after “724.380(e)” to offset the final element of a series |
703.159(b)(2) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
703.159 Board note |
Board |
Deleted the parentheses and changed “see” to “derived from” to change the Board note to the current style; updated the Code of Federal Regulations reference to the most recent edition available |
703.160(a) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” (three times) |
703.160(b) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” (three times) |
703.160 Board note |
Board |
Updated the Code of Federal Regulations reference to the most recent edition available |
703.161(a) Board note |
Board |
Updated the Code of Federal Regulations reference to the most recent edition available |
703.161(b) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; added the ILCS citation “[415 ILCS 5]” |
703.161(b) Board note |
Board |
Updated the Code of Federal Regulations reference to the most recent edition available |
703.180(a) |
Board |
Changed “this Subpart” to “this Subpart D” |
703.180(b) |
Board |
Changed “Subpart E” to “Subpart E of this Part”; added a comma after “permits” to offset the final element of a series |
703.180(c) |
Board |
Changed “consists” to “must consist” |
703.180(c)(3) |
Board |
Added “as follows” offset by a comma |
703.181 |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
703.181(a) Board note |
Board |
Deleted the unnecessary reference to the Code of Federal Regulations |
703.181(b) |
Board |
Added a comma after “storage” to offset the final element of a series |
703.181(b) Board note |
Board |
Deleted the unnecessary reference to the Code of Federal Regulations |
703.181(c) Board note |
Board |
Deleted the unnecessary reference to the Code of Federal Regulations |
703.181(d) |
Board |
Added a comma after “present” to offset the final element of a series; added a comma after “storage” to offset the final element of a series |
703.181(d) Board note |
Board |
Deleted the unnecessary reference to the Code of Federal Regulations |
703.181(e) |
Board |
Added a comma after “storage” to offset the final element of a series (twice) |
703.181(e) Board note |
Board |
Deleted the unnecessary reference to the Code of Federal Regulations |
703.181(f) |
Board |
Added a comma after “storing” to offset the final element of a series |
703.181(f) Board note |
Board |
Deleted the unnecessary reference to the Code of Federal Regulations |
703.181(g) |
Board, JCAR |
Added a comma after “stored” to offset the final element of a series (twice); changed “disposed” to “disposed of” (twice) |
703.181(g) Board note |
Board |
Deleted the unnecessary reference to the Code of Federal Regulations |
703.181(h) |
Board |
Changed “category(ies)” to “categories” |
703.181 Board note |
Board |
Deleted the parentheses to change the Board note to the current style; removed the subsection “(n)” designation to make the note refer to the entire Section; updated the Code of Federal Regulations reference to the most recent edition available |
703.182 preamble |
Board |
Changed “owners and operators of HWM facilities” to “an owner or operator of a HWM facility”; changed “shall” to “must” (twice) |
703.182(d) |
Board |
Added the ending conjunction “and” |
703.182 Board note |
Board |
Updated the Code of Federal Regulations reference to the most recent edition available |
703.183(b) |
Board |
Changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause |
703.183(f) |
Board |
Changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 724.Subpart C” to “Subpart C of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 724” |
703.183(h) |
Board |
Changed “to” to “as follows” |
703.183(h)(1) |
Board |
Added “to” |
703.183(h)(2) |
Board |
Added “to” |
703.183(h)(3) |
Board |
Added “to” |
703.183(h)(4) |
Board |
Added “to” |
703.183(h)(5) |
Board |
Added “to” |
703.183(h)(6) |
Board |
Added “to” |
703.183(q) |
Board |
Changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause |
703.183(r) |
Board |
Changed the ending punctuation to a semicolon |
703.183(s) |
Board |
Changed “owners and operators or HWM facilities . . . mountainous areas” to “an owner or operator of a HWM facility . . . mountainous area”; changed “shall” to “must” |
703.183(s)(11) |
Board |
Added the ending conjunction “and” |
703.183(s) Board note |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
703.183(t) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
703.183 Board note |
Board |
Updated the Code of Federal Regulations reference to the most recent edition available |
703.184(a) |
Board |
Added the ILCS citation “[415 ILCS 5/21(l)]”; changed “shall” to “must” |
703.184(a)(2) |
Board |
Changed numeric “2” to written “two” |
703.184(a)(4) Board note |
Board |
Changed “subsections (a)(1), . . . above” to “subsections (a)(1), . . . of this Section”; added the ILCS citation “[415 ILCS 5/21(l)]” |
703.184(a)(5) |
Board |
Added the ILCS citation “[415 ILCS 5/21(l)]” |
703.184(c) |
Board, JCAR |
Changed “owners and operators” to singular “an owner or operator”; changed ”shall” to “must” |
703.184(c) Board note |
Board |
Changed “800/638-6620” to “800-638-6620”; changed “217/333-0447” to “217-333-0447”; changed “shall” to “must”; changed “what the 100-year flood elevation is” to “what is the 100-year flood elevation” |
703.184(d) |
Board, JCAR |
Changed “owners and operators” to singular “an owner or operator”; changed ”shall” to “must” |
703.184(d)(3) |
Board |
Changed “subsections (d)(1) and (d)(2) above” to “subsections (d)(1) and (d)(2) of this Section”; added “the following” |
703.184(d)(3)(C) |
Board |
Added the ending conjunction “and” |
703.184(e) |
Board, JCAR |
Changed “owners and operators” to singular “an owner or operator” (twice); changed ”shall” to “must” (twice); added the ending conjunction “and” |
703.184(f) |
Board |
Changed “owners or operators of new regional pollutions control facilities” to “an owner or operator of a new regional pollution control facility”; added the ILCS citation “[415 ILCS 5/3]”; changed ”shall” to “must”; added the ILCS citation “[415 ILCS 5/39(c) and 39.2]” |
703.184 Board note |
Board |
Changed “subsections (b) through (e) derived” to “subsections (b) through (e) of this Section are derived”; updated the Code of Federal Regulations reference to the most recent edition available |
703.185 preamble |
Board |
changed “owners or operators of hazardous waste facilities” to “an owner or operator of a hazardous waste facility”; changed the ending punctuation from a period to a colon |
703.185(c) |
Board |
Changed “subsection (b)” to “subsection (b) of this Section” |
703.185(d) |
Board |
Added “does the following” |
703.185(d)(1) |
Board |
Added “it” |
703.185(d)(2) |
Board |
Added “it”; changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 724.Appendix I” to “Appendix I to 35 Ill. Adm. Code 724” (twice) |
703.185(f) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause; changed the ending punctuation from a period to a colon |
703.185(f)(4) |
Board |
Added comma after “analysis” to separate the final element of a series |
703.185(g) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” (three times); changed “that” to “which” for a restrictive relative clause |
703.185(g)(6) |
Board |
Added comma after “analysis” to separate the final element of a series |
703.185(h) |
Board |
Changed “that” to “which” for a restrictive relative clause (three times); changed “shall” to “must” (three times) |
703.185(h)(2) |
Board |
Added comma after “groundwater” to offset a parenthetical |
703.185(h)(5) |
Board |
Changed “subsections (h)(3) and (h)(4)” to “subsections (h)(3) and (h)(4) of this Section”; added a comma before “provided” to offset a parenthetical |
703.185 Board note |
Board |
Changed the format to that in current use, updated the Code of Federal Regulations reference to the most recent edition available |
703.186(a) |
Board |
Added “the following” |
703.186(a)(2) |
Board |
Changed “subsection (a)(1) above” to “subsection (a)(1) of this Section” |
703.186(b) |
Board |
Changed “owners and operators . . . who have . . . must submit” to singular, past-tense “an owner or operator . . . that had . . . must have submitted”; changed “subsection (a)” to “subsection (a) of this Section” |
703.186 Board note |
Board |
Updated the Code of Federal Regulations reference to the most recent edition available |
703.187(a)(1) |
Board |
Changed the ending punctuation from a period to a semicolon |
703.187(a)(2) |
Board |
Changed the ending punctuation from a period to a semicolon |
703.187(a)(3) |
Board |
Changed the ending punctuation from a period to a semicolon |
703.187(a)(4) |
Board |
Changed the ending punctuation from a period to a semicolon; added the ending conjunction “and” |
703.187(c) |
Board |
Changed “landsurface” to “land surface” |
703.187 Board note |
Board |
Changed the format to that in current use, updated the Code of Federal Regulations reference to the most recent edition available |
703.188 Board note |
Board |
Changed the format to that in current use, updated the Code of Federal Regulations reference to the most recent edition available |
703.191(a) |
Board, JCAR |
Changed “shall” to “must”; changed “Sections 703.283” to singular “Section 703.283”; changed “703.Appendix A” to “Appendix A of this Part” |
703.191(b) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
703.191(c) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
703.191(d)(1) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
703.191(d)(1)(A) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” (twice) |
703.191(d)(1)(B) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
703.191(d)(1)(C) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
703.191(d)(1)(D) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
703.191(d)(2) |
Board |
Added “the following” |
703.191 Board note |
Board |
Updated the Code of Federal Regulations reference to the most recent edition available |
703.192(a) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
703.192(b)(1) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
703.192(b)(2) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; added “the following information” |
703.192(c) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
703.192 Board note |
Board |
Updated the Code of Federal Regulations reference to the most recent edition available |
703.193(a) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
703.193(b) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” (three times) |
703.193(d) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
703.193(e) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” (twice) |
703.193(f) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
703.193 Board note |
Board |
Updated the Code of Federal Regulations reference to the most recent edition available |
703.200(f) |
Board |
Added the ending conjunction “and” |
703.200 Board note |
Board |
Updated the Code of Federal Regulations reference to the most recent edition available |
703.201 preamble |
Board |
Changed “facilities that store” to singular “a facility that stores”; added “the following” |
703.201(b) |
Board |
Added “the following” |
703.201(c) |
Board |
Changed “Section 724.277(c)” to “35 Ill. Adm. Code 724.277(c)” |
703.201 Board note |
Board |
Updated the Code of Federal Regulations reference to the most recent edition available |
703.202 preamble |
Board |
Changed “owners and operators of facilities that use” to “the owner or operator of a facility that uses”; changed “shall” to “must”; corrected the spelling of “information” |
703.202(f) |
Board |
Changed “system(s)” to “systems” |
703.202(g) |
Board |
Added a comma after “constructed” to offset the final element of a series |
703.202(h) |
Board |
Added “the following” offset by a comma |
703.202(h)(1) |
Board |
Removed the unnecessary ending conjunction “or” |
703.202(h)(2) |
Board |
Changed the ending punctuation from a period to a comma; added the ending conjunction “or” |
703.202(h)(3) |
Board |
Changed to lower-case “order” |
703.202 Board note |
Board |
Updated the Code of Federal Regulations reference to the most recent edition available |
703.203 preamble |
Board |
Changed “facilities that store, treat, or dispose of” to “a facilities that stores, treats, or disposes of”; added “the following” |
703.203(b) |
Board |
Added a comma after “724.322” to offset the final element of a series |
703.203(b)(4) |
Removed the ending conjunction “and” |
703.203(c) |
Board |
Added a comma after “system” to offset the final element of a series |
703.203(d) |
Board |
Changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause; changed “shall” to “must” |
703.203(h) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
703.203(i) |
Board |
Added a comma before “as specified” to offset a parenthetical |
703.203(i)(4) |
Board |
Added a comma after “design” to offset the final element of a seires |
703.203 Board note |
Board |
Updated the Code of Federal Regulations reference to the most recent edition available |
703.204 preamble |
Board |
Changed “facilities that store or treat” to singular “a facility that treats or stores”; added “the following” |
703.204(b) |
Board |
Changed “724.Subpart F” to “Subpart F of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 724” |
703.204(c) |
Board |
Added a comma after “724.352” to offset the final element of a series |
703.204(c)(1) |
Board |
Added a comma after “detection” to offset the final element of a series |
703.204(c)(1)(A) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
703.204(c)(1)(B) |
Board |
Added a comma after “collection” to offset the final element of a series; added a comma after “(e)” to offset the final element of a series |
703.204(c)(1)(D) |
Board |
Added a comma before “if required” to offset a parenthetical |
703.204(c)(1)(B) |
Board |
Added a comma after “collection” to offset the final element of a series; added a comma after “(e)” to offset the final element of a series |
703.204(d) |
Board |
Added a comma after “system” to offset the final element of a series; added a comma after “(b)” to offset the final element of a series; changed the ending punctuation from a period to a semicolon |
703.204(e) |
Board |
Changed “of” to “about” |
703.204(h) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; deleted the unnecessary ending comma |
703.204(i) |
Board |
Added a comma after “F026” to offset the final element of a series; added a comma after “operated” to offset the final element of a series |
703.204(i)(1) |
Board |
Added a comma after “physical” to offset the final element of a series |
703.204(i)(4) |
Board |
Added a comma after “design” to offset the final element of a series |
703.204 Board note |
Board |
Updated the Code of Federal Regulations reference to the most recent edition available |
203.205 preamble |
Board |
Changed “facilities that incinerate” to singular “a facility that incinerates”; changed the ending punctuation from a colon to a period |
703.205(a) |
Board |
Added “the following requirements” offset by a comma |
703.205(a)(1) |
Board |
Changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 721.Subpart D” to “Subpart D of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 721” |
703.205(a)(2) |
Board |
Changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 721.Subpart D” to “Subpart D of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 721” |
703.205(a)(3) |
Board |
Changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 721.Subpart C” to “Subpart C of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 721” |
703.205(a)(4) |
Board |
Added a comma before “and that it will . . .” to offset an independent clause; changed the ending punctuation from a semicolon to a period and removed the ending conjunction “or” |
703.205(b) |
Board |
Changed the ending punctuation from a semicolon to a period and removed the ending conjunction “or” |
703.205(c)(1) |
Board |
Added “the following” |
703.205(c)(1)(C) |
Board |
Changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 721.Appendix H” to “Appendix H to 35 Ill. Adm. Code 721” (twice); moved a comma inside a ending quotation mark; removed the unnecessary reference “and Section 703.110” |
703.205(c)(1)(D) |
Board |
Moved a comma inside a ending quotation mark; removed the unnecessary reference “and Section 703.110” |
703.205(c)(2) |
Board |
Added “the following” |
703.205(c)(5) |
Board |
Added a comma before “including” to offset a parenthetical; added “the following” |
703.205(c)(5)(B) |
Board |
Added a comma after “monoxide” to offset the final element of a series |
703.205(c)(6) |
Board |
Added a comma before “including” to offset a parenthetical; added “the following” |
703.205(c)(7) |
Board |
Changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 724.Subpart O” to “Subpart O of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 724”; added the ILCS citation “[415 ILCS 5/39(d)]” |
703.205(d) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; changed “that” to “the following” |
703.205(e) Board note |
Agency |
Added explanation of the ongoing effectiveness of treatment conditions even after a demonstration of compliance with the NESAP standards |
703.205 Board note |
Board |
Updated the Code of Federal Regulations reference to the most recent edition available, including the Federal Register citation for later amendments |
703.206 preamble |
Board |
Changed “facilities that use” to “a facility that uses”; corrected “Code” to lower-case “code”; added “the following” |
703.206(a) |
Board |
Added a comma before “as required” to offset a parenthetical |
703.206(a)(3) |
Board |
Added “the following” |
703.205(a)(3)(D) |
Board |
Added a comma after “conditions” to offset the final element of a series |
703.206(b)(2) |
Board |
Added “the following” |
703.206(b)(2)(C) |
Board |
Added the ending conjunction “and” |
703.206(b)(3) |
Board |
Added “the following” |
703.206(b)(3)(F) |
Board |
Added the ending conjunction “and” |
703.206(c) |
Board |
Added a comma after “operated” to offset the final element of a series |
703.206(c)(5) |
Board |
Added the ending conjunction “and” |
703.206(d) |
Board |
Added a comma before “including” to offset a parenthetical; added “the following” |
703.205(d)(3) |
Board |
Added the ending conjunction “and” |
703.206(e) |
Board |
Added a comma after “waste” to offset the opening conditional clause |
703.206 Board note |
Board |
Updated the Code of Federal Regulations reference to the most recent edition available |
703.207 preamble |
Board |
Changed “facilities that dispose” to singular “a facility that disposes”; added “the following” |
703.207(b) |
Board |
Added a comma after “724.402” to offset the final element of a series |
703.207(b)(1) |
Board |
Added a comma after “collection” to offset the final element of a series |
703.207(b)(1)(B) |
Board |
Added a comma after “collection” to offset the final element of a series; added a comma after “(e)” to offset the final element of a series |
703.207(b)(1)(D) |
Board |
Added a comma before “if required . . .” to offset a parenthetical |
703.207(e) |
Board |
Changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause |
703.207(i) |
Board |
Deleted the unnecessary ending comma |
703.207(j) |
Board |
Added a comma after “F026” to offset the final element of a series; added a comma after “operated” to offset the final element of a series; added a comma before “as specified” to offset a parenthetical |
703.207(j)(1) |
Board |
Added a comma after “physical” to offset the final element of a series |
703.207(j)(4) |
Board |
Added a comma after “design” to offset the final element of a series |
703.207 Board note |
Board |
Updated the Code of Federal Regulations reference to the most recent edition available |
703.208 preamble |
Board |
Changed the indefinite article “an” to the definite article “the” |
703.208(a)(1) |
Board |
Changed “owners and operators that are” to “an owner or operator that is”; changed “shall” to “must” (twice) |
703.208(a)(2)(A) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
703.208(a)(2)(B) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; added “the following” |
703.208(a)(2)(B)(ii) |
Board |
Changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 721.Appendix H” to “Appendix H to 35 Ill. Adm. Code 721” |
703.208(a)(2)(B)(iv) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” (twice) |
703.208(a)(2)(B)(v) |
Board |
Changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 726.Appendix D or E” to “Appendix D or E to 35 Ill. Adm. Code 726”; changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 726.Appendix D” to “Appendix D to 35 Ill. Adm. Code 726”; changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 726.Appendix E” to “Appendix E to 35 Ill. Adm. Code 726”; changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 726.Appendix D” to “Appendix D to 35 Ill. Adm. Code 726” |
703.208(a)(3) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; added “the following” |
703.208(a)(3)(D) |
Board |
Added a comma before “as provided” to offset a parenthetical |
703.208(a)(4) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
703.208(a)(5) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; added “the following” |
703.208(a)(6) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” (twice) |
703.208(a)(6) |
Board |
Added “the following” offset by a comma |
703.208(a)(6)(B) |
Board |
Changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause; changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 721.Appendix H” to “Appendix H to 35 Ill. Adm. Code 721” |
703.208(b) |
Board |
Changed “owners or operators” to singular “an owner or operator”; changed “shall” to “must” |
703.208(b)(4)(A) |
Board |
Moved the prepositional phrase “when burning hazardous waste” from after “concentrations” to follow “demonstrate” |
703.208(b)(4)(B) |
Board |
Changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 721.Appendix H” to “Appendix H to 35 Ill. Adm. Code 721” |
703.208(c) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” (twice) |
703.208(d) |
Board |
Changed “owners or operators” to singular “an owner or operator”; changed “shall” to “must” |
703.208(e) |
Board |
Changed “owners or operators that use” to singular “an owner or operator that uses”; changed “shall” to “must” |
703.208(f) |
Board |
Changed “owners or operators that claim” to singular “an owner or operator that claims”; changed “their” to “its”; changed “shall” to “must” |
703.208 Board note |
Board |
Updated the Code of Federal Regulations reference to the most recent edition available, including the Federal Register citation for later amendments |
703.209 preamble |
Board |
Changed “owners or operators of facilities that treat, store. or dispose of” to singular “the owner or operator of a facility that treats, stores, or disposes of”; changed “shall” to “must” |
703.209(a)(1) |
Board |
Added a comma after “construction” to offset the final element of a series |
703.209(a)(2) |
Board |
Added a comma after “inspected” to offset the final element of a series |
703.209(a)(3) |
Board |
Changed the ending punctuation from a semicolon to a period |
703.209(b) |
Board |
Added a comma after “geologic” to offset the final element of a series (twice); changed “shall” to “must”; changed the ending punctuation from a semicolon to a period |
703.209(c) |
Board |
Changed the ending punctuation from a semicolon to a period |
703.209(d) |
Board |
Changed the ending punctuation from a period to a semicolon; added the ending conjunction “and” |
703.209(e) |
Board |
Changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause |
703.209 Board note |
Board |
Updated the Code of Federal Regulations reference to the most recent edition available |
703.210 preamble |
Board |
Changed “owners and operators or facilities which have” to “the owner or operator or a facility that has”; changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 724.Subpart AA” to “Subpart AA of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 724”; changed “shall” to “must” |
703.210(a) |
Board |
Changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause”; changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 724.Subpart AA” to “Subpart AA of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 724” (twice); added a comma before “as specified” to offset a parenthetical |
703.210(b) |
Board |
Added “the following” |
703.210(b)(2) |
Board |
Added the ending conjunction “and” |
703.210(d) |
Board |
Added “the following” |
703.210(d)(2) |
Board |
Added a comma before “including” to offset a parenthetical |
703.210(d)(3) |
Board |
Removed the unnecessary conjunction “and” from before “piping”; changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause |
703.210(d)(4) |
Board |
Changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause |
703.210(d)(5) |
Board |
Added a comma before “unless” to offset a parenthetical |
703.210 Board note |
Board |
Updated the Code of Federal Regulations reference to the most recent edition available |
703.211 preamble |
Board |
Changed “owners and operators or facilities which have” to “the owner or operator or a facility that has”; changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 724.Subpart BB” to “Subpart BB of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 724”; changed “shall” to “must” |
703.211(a) |
Board |
Changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 724.Subpart BB” to “Subpart BB of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 724”; added “the following” offset by a comma |
703.211(b) |
Board |
Changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause” changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 724.Subpart BB” to “Subpart BB of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 724” (twice) |
703.211(d) |
Board |
Changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause; changed “shall” to “must” |
703.211(d)(3) |
Board |
Changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause |
703.211(d)(4) |
Board |
Changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause |
703.211 Board note |
Board |
Updated the Code of Federal Regulations reference to the most recent edition available |
703.212 preamble |
Board |
Changed “owners and operators of hazardous waste . . . facilities that collect, store, or treat” to “the owner or operator of a hazardous waste . . . facility that collects, stores, or treats”; added a comma after “storage” to offset the final element of a series; changed “shall” to “must” |
703.212(b) |
Board |
Changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 724.Subpart F” to “Subpart F of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 724” |
703.212(c) |
Board |
Added a comma after “operated” to offset the final element of a series; added a comma before “as specified” to offset a pernthetical |
703.212(c)(9) |
Changed the ending punctuation from a period to a colon |
703.212(c)(9)(A) |
Board, JCAR |
Changed a semicolon to a comma to separate the elements of a series (twice); changed the ending punctuation from a period to a semicolon; changed “And” to lower-case “and”; removed the unnecessary ending comma |
703.212(c)(9)(B) |
Board, JCAR |
Added a comma after “time” to offset the final element of a series; changed the ending punctuation from a period to a semicolon |
703.212(c)(13) |
Board |
Changed the ending punctuation from a period to a semicolon |
703.212(c)(14) |
Board |
Changed the ending punctuation from a period to a semicolon |
703.212(c)(15) |
Board |
Changed “724.673(a)-(f)” to “724.673(a) through (f)”; the ending punctuation from a period to a semicolon; added the ending conjunction “and” |
703.212(c)(16) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
703.212 Board note |
Board |
Updated the Code of Federal Regulations reference to the most recent edition available |
703.213 preamble |
Board |
Changed “owners and operators of tanks, surface impoundments, or containers that use” to “the owner or operator of a tank, a surface impoundment, or a container that uses”; changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 724.Subpart CC” to “Subpart CC of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 724”; changed “shall” to “must” |
703.213(b) |
Board |
Changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 724.Subpart CC” to “Subpart CC of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 724”; changed “this Subpart” to “this Subpart D” |
703.213(g) |
Board |
Changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 724.Subpart CC” to “Subpart CC of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 724” (twice) |
703.213 Board note |
Board |
Updated the Code of Federal Regulations reference to the most recent edition available |
703.214 |
Board |
Added a comma before “as provided” to offset a parenthetical |
703.214 Board note |
Board |
Updated the Code of Federal Regulations reference to the most recent edition available |
703.220(a) |
Board |
Added a comma after “environment” to offset the introductory conditional clause; added “as follows” offset by a comma |
703.220(a)(1) |
Board |
Added a comma after “storage” to offset the final element of a series |
703.220(a)(2) |
Board |
Added a comma after “storage” to offset the final element of a series |
703.220(b)(3) |
Board |
Added a comma after “storage” to offset the final element of a series |
703.220(b)(5) |
Board |
Added “the following” |
703.220 Board note |
Board |
Updated the Code of Federal Regulations reference to the most recent edition available |
703.221 Board note |
Board |
Updated the Code of Federal Regulations reference to the most recent edition available, including the Federal Register citation for later amendments |
703.222 preamble |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” (twice) |
703.222(a) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; added a comma before “rates” to offset the final element of a series |
703.222(b) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
703.222 Board note |
Board |
Updated the Code of Federal Regulations reference to the most recent edition available |
703.223 preamble |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
703.223(a) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
703.223(b)(1) |
Board |
Added “the following” |
703.223(b)(1)(C) |
Board |
Changed 35 Ill. Adm. Code 721.Appendix H” to “Appendix H to 35 Ill. Adm. Code 721”; moved a comma inside a closing parenthesis mark after “Methods” |
703.223(b)(1)(D) |
Board |
Moved a comma inside a closing parenthesis mark after “Methods” |
703.223(b)(2) |
Board |
Added “the following” |
703.223(b)(2)(F) |
Board |
Changed “system(s)” to “systems” |
703.223(b)(2)(J) |
Board |
Changed “temperature, pressure, and flow indicating” to “temperature-, pressure-, and flow-indicating” |
703.223(b)(3) |
Board |
Added a comma after “frequency” to offset the final element of a series |
703.223(b)(4) |
Board |
Changed “date(s)” to “dates”; added a comma after “burned” to offset the final element of a series |
703.223(b)(5) |
Board |
Added a comma after “fuel” to offset the final element of a series |
703.223(b)(7) |
Board |
Added a comma after “incinerator” to offset the final element of a series |
703.223(b)(8) |
Changed the ending punctuation from a period to a semicolon |
703.223(c) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” (twice) |
703.223(d) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 721.Subpart D” to “Subpart D of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 721”; changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 721.Appendix G or H” to “Appendix G or H to 35 Ill. Adm. Code 721” |
703.223(e) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; changed “that” to “the following” |
703.223(e)(1) |
Board |
Added “that” |
703.223(e)(2) |
Board |
Added “that” |
703.223(e)(3) |
Board |
Added “that” |
703.223(e)(4) |
Board |
Added “that” |
703.223(f) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
703.223(f)(2) |
Board |
Added “the following” |
703.223(g) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
703.223(g)(2) |
Board |
Added a comma after “oxygen” to offset the final element of a series |
703.223(g)(3) |
Board |
Added a comma after “residues” to offset the final element of a series |
703.223(g)(5) |
Board |
Added a comma before “in accordance with . . .” to offset a parenthetical |
703.223(g)(8) |
Board |
Added a comma after “temperatures” to offset the final element of a series |
703.223(h) |
Board, JCAR |
Changed “shall” to “must” (twice); changed “within 90 days of” to “within 90 days after”; added a comma before “if approved. . .” to offset a parenthetical |
703.223(k) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” (twice); added a comma before “if approved. . .” to offset a parenthetical |
703.223 Board note |
Board |
Updated the Code of Federal Regulations reference to the most recent edition available |
703.224 preamble |
Board |
Added commas to offset the parenthetical “but not limited to”; changed the ending punctuation from a colon to a period |
703.224 Board note |
Board |
Updated the Code of Federal Regulations reference to the most recent edition available |
703.225 |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” (five times); removed the unnecessary comma after “(j)”; added a comma before “as specified . . .” to offset a parenthetical; added “the following” |
703.225 Board note |
Board |
Updated the Code of Federal Regulations reference to the most recent edition available |
703.230(a) |
Board |
Added a comma before “covering only . . .” to offset a parenthetical (twice); changed “two phase” to “two-phase”; added a comma after “operation” to offset the final element of a series |
703.230(a)(1) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; moved “that” to follow the parenthetical “based on . . . application”; moved “information already exists” to follow “substantial” |
703.230(a)(2) |
Board |
Changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 724.Subpart M” to “Subpart M of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 724”; changed “shall” to “must” |
703.230(b) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” (three times); changed “post demonstration” to “post-demonstration”; added a comma after “activities” to offset the final element of a series; changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause; changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 724.Subpart M” to “Subpart M of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 724”; added “as follows” offset by a comma |
703.230(b)(2) |
Board |
Changed “subsection (d)” to “subsection (d) of this Section” |
703.230(c) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” (twice); added a comma before “unless” to offset a parenthetical |
703.230(d) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 724.Subpart M” to “Subpart M of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 724” |
703.230(d)(2) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
703.230 Board note |
Board |
Updated the Code of Federal Regulations reference to the most recent edition available |
703.231(a) |
Board |
Added a comma after “development” to offset the final element of a series; changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause; changed “shall” to “must” changed “permits” to singular “a permit; added “must provide as follows” |
703.231(a)(1) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “it shall”; added a comma before “unless renewed . . .”; changed “subsection (d)” to “subsection (d) of this Section” |
703.231(a)(2) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “it shall” |
703.231(a)(3) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “it shall”; added a comma after “closure” to offset the final element of a series |
703.231(c) |
Board |
Added the ILCS citation “[415 ILCS 5/34]”; added “of the Act” and the ILCS citation “[415 ILCS 5/39(d)]” |
703.231(d) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
703.231 Board note |
Board |
Changed the format to that in current use, adding the date to the Code of Federal Regulations |
703.232 preamble |
Board |
Changed the indefinite article “an” to the definite article “the” |
703.232(a) |
Board |
Changed “owners and operators or new boilers and industrial furnaces (those . . . ) are” to singular “the owner or operator of a new boiler or industrial furnace (one . . . ) is”; changed “boilers and industrial furnaces . . . are” to “a boiler or industrial furnace . . . is” |
703.232(b) |
Board |
Changed “new boilers and industrial furnaces” to singular “a new boiler or industrial furnace” |
703.232(b)(1) |
Board |
Changed “Section 703.280 et seq.” to “Sections 703.280 through 703.283” |
703.232(b)(4) |
Board |
Changed “Section 703.280 et seq.” to “Sections 703.280 through 703.283” |
703.232(c)(1)(A) |
Board |
Changed “chlorine/chloride” to “chlorine and chloride” |
703.232(c)(2)(A) |
Board |
Changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 721.Appendix H” to “Appendix H to 35 Ill. Adm. Code 721”; changed “721.Appeindix H” to “Appendix H”; moved a comma inside the closing quotation mark after “Methods” |
703.232(c)(2)(B) |
Board |
Moved a comma inside the closing quotation mark after “Methods” |
703.232(d)(4) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
703.232(e) |
Board |
Changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 721.Subpart D” to “Subpart D of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 721”; changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 721.Appeindix G” to “Appendix G to 35 Ill. Adm. Code 721” |
703.232(f)(7) |
Board |
Removed the unnecessary comma after “(HC)” |
703.232(g) |
Board |
Changed “applicants owning or operating existing boilers or industrial furnaces operated” to “an applicant owning or operating an existing boiler or industrial furnace which is operated”; added a comma after “plan” to offset the final element of a series |
703.232 Board note |
Board |
Updated the Code of Federal Regulations reference to the most recent edition available, including the Federal Register citation for later amendments |
703.233(g) |
Changed “agency” to capitalized “Agency” |
703.234 Board note |
Board |
Updated the Code of Federal Regulations reference to the most recent edition available |
703.240 Board note |
Board |
Updated the Code of Federal Regulations reference to the most recent edition available |
703.241(a)(1) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
703.241(a)(2) |
Board |
Added the ILCS citation “[415 ILCS 5/39(d)]; changed “shall” to “must” |
703.241(a) Board note |
Board |
Added “subsection (a)” updated the Code of Federal Regulations reference to the most recent edition available |
703.241(b) Board note |
Board, JCAR |
Added “subsection (b)” updated the Code of Federal Regulations reference to the most recent edition available |
703.243 preamble |
Board |
Added “the following apply” |
703.243(a) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
703.243(b) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
703.243 Board note |
Board |
Changed the format to that in current use, adding the date to the Code of Federal Regulations |
703.245(a) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause”; added “the following” |
703.245(a)(2) |
Board |
Changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause” |
703.245(b) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; added “the following” |
703.245(b)(4) |
Board |
Changed “material(s)” to “materials” |
703.245(b) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; changed “five day” to “five-day”; changed written “fifteen” to numeric “15” |
703.245 Board note |
Board |
Updated the Code of Federal Regulations reference to the most recent edition available |
703.246 preamble |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
703.246(a) |
Board, JCAR |
Changed written “fifteen” to numeric “15”; changed “See” to lower-case “see” |
703.246(b) |
Changed “See” to lower-case “see” |
703.246(c) |
Changed “See” to lower-case “see” |
703.246 Board note |
Board |
Updated the Code of Federal Regulations reference to the most recent edition available |
703.247 preamble |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” (twice); added “one of the following has occurred” |
703.247(b)(2) |
Board |
Changed “subsection (a)” to “subsection (a) of this Section” |
703.247 Board note |
Board |
Updated the Code of Federal Regulations reference to the most recent edition available |
703.248 |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
703.248 Board note |
Board |
Updated the Code of Federal Regulations reference to the most recent edition available |
703.260(a) |
Board |
Changed “subsection (b)” to “subsection (b) of this Section”; changed “shall” to “must” |
703.260(b) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” (four times); changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 724.Subpart H” to “Subpart H of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 724” |
703.260 Board note |
Board; JCAR |
Updated the Code of Federal Regulations reference to the most recent edition available; deleted an unnecessary comma after “270.40” |
703.270 |
Board, JCAR |
Changed “shall” to “must” (three times); added “must be” before “followed”; changed “See” to lower-case “see” (twice) |
703.270 Board note |
Board |
Updated the Code of Federal Regulations reference to the most recent edition available |
703.271(a) |
Board |
Changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause |
703.271(b) |
Board |
Added a comma after “guidance” to offset the final element of a series |
703.271(c) |
Board |
Added a comma after “regulations” to offset the final element of a series |
703.271(d) |
Board |
Added a comma after “flood” to offset an element of a series; removed the unnecessary conjunction “or” after “flood”; added a comma after “shortage” to offset the final element of a series; |
703.271(e) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; added “as follows” |
703.271(e)(5) |
Board |
Added a comma before “and the compliance period ends . . .” to offset an independent clause |
703.271(f) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
703.271 Board note |
Board |
Updated the Code of Federal Regulations reference to the most recent edition available |
703.273 |
Board |
Added the ILCS citation “[415 ILCS 5/39.2]” |
703.273 Board note |
Board |
Updated the Code of Federal Regulations reference to the most recent edition available |
703.280(e)(2)(A)(ii) |
Board |
Changed “subsection (e)(3)(B)(i)” to “subsection (e)(3)(B)(i) of this Section”; changed “subsections (e)(3)(B)(iii) through (v)” to “subsections (e)(3)(B)(iii) through (e)(3)(B)(v) of this Section” |
703.280(e)(2)(C) |
Board |
Added a comma before “as specified” to offset a parenthetical |
703.280(e)(3)(B)(ii) |
Board |
Added a comma after “containers” to offset the final element of a series; removed the unnecessary preposition “in” from before “containment”; added a comma before “in accordance” to offset a parenthetical |
703.280(e)(4) |
Board |
Added a comma before “and either or the following is . . .”to offset an independent clause |
703.280(g)(1)(D) |
Board |
Added a comma after “725” to offset the final element of a series |
703.280(g)(2) |
Board |
Changed “this subsection” to “this subsection (g)” |
703.280(j) |
Board |
Changed “Section 703.Appendix A, paragraph L(9)” to “Appendix A, paragraph L(9) of this Part” |
703.280(j)(1) |
Board |
Changed “facility owners or operators” to “a facility owner or operator” |
703.280 Board note |
Board |
Updated the Code of Federal Regulations reference to the most recent edition available, including the Federal Register citation for later amendments |
703.281(a) |
Board |
Changed “subsection (a)(2)” to “subsection (a)(2) of this Section” |
703.281(a)(1) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” (twice); added a comma after “703.225” to offset the final element of a series |
703.281(a)(2) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
703.281(a)(3) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” (three times) |
703.281(b) |
Board |
703.281(c) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
703.281 Board note |
Board |
Updated the Code of Federal Regulations reference to the most recent edition available |
703.282(a) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause; added “does the following” |
703.282(a)(4) |
Board |
Added a comma after “703.225” to offset the final element of a series |
703.282(b) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” (four times); changed numeric “7” to written “seven” |
703.282(b)(1) |
Board |
Changed “subsection (e)” to “subsection (e) of this Section” |
703.282(b)(2) |
Board |
Changed “subsection (d)” to “subsection (d) of this Section” |
703.282(b)(6) |
Board |
Changed the punctuation after “statement” from a semicolon to a colon |
703.282(c) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
703.282(d) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; changed “subsection (b)” to “subsection (b) of this Section”; added a comma before “unless” to offset a parenthetical |
703.282(e) |
Board |
Added “that” after “date” for an explicit restrictive relative clause |
703.282(f)(1) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
703.282(f)(1)(C) |
Board |
Added “either of” before “the following”; changed “reason” to plural “reasons” |
703.282(f)(1)(C)(ii) |
Changed the ending punctuation from a period to a semicolon |
703.282(f)(1)(D) |
Changed the ending punctuation from a comma to a semicolon |
703.282(f)(2) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; added a comma after “request” to offset a parenthetical; added “do the following” |
703.282(f)(2)(C)(ii) |
Board |
Changed the ending punctuation from a period to a semicolon; added the ending conjunction “or” |
703.282(f)(3) |
Board |
Changed “subsection (f)(2)” to “subsection (f)(2) of this Section”; changed “subsections (f)(1), (2) or (3)” to “subsections (f)(1), (f)(2), or (f)(3) of this Section” |
703.282(f)(4)(A) |
Board |
Changed “subsection (f)(3)” to “subsection (f)(3) of this Section”; changed “subsection (f)(1)(D) or (f)(2)(D)” to “subsections (f)(1)(D) or (f)(2)(D) of this Section”; changed “shall” to “must”; added “informs them as follows” |
703.282(f)(4)(A)(i) |
Board, JCAR |
Added “that”; changed the ending punctuation from a comma to a semicolon |
703.282(f)(4)(A)(ii) |
Board |
Added “that”; added a comma before “unless” to offset a pernthetical |
703.282(f)(4)(B) |
Board |
Changed “subsection (f)(4)(A)” to “subsection (f)(4)(A) of this Section” |
703.282(f)(6) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” (twice) |
703.282(g) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; changed “subsection (f)(1) through (f)(3)” to “subsections (f)(1) through (f)(3) of this Section” |
703.282 Board note |
Board |
Updated the Code of Federal Regulations reference to the most recent edition available |
703.283(a) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; added “does the following” |
703.283(b) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” (three times); changed numeric “7” to written “seven”; added “the following” |
703.283(b)(1) |
Board |
Changed “subsection (e) below” to “subsection (e) of this Section” |
703.283(b)(2) |
Board |
Changed “subsection (d) below” to “subsection (d) of this Section” |
703.283(c) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
703.283(d) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; changed “subsection (b) above” to “subsection (b) of this Section” |
703.283(e) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
703.283(f) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” (twice) |
703.283 Board note |
Board |
Updated the Code of Federal Regulations reference to the most recent edition available |
703.300 heading |
Board |
Changed “why this Subpart is written in a special format” to “special regulatory format” |
703.300 preamble |
Board |
Changed “this Subpart” to “this Subpart H”; added “the substance of the corresponding federal regulations in” after “adapted”; changed “essentially the same format” to “a more conventional regulatory format”; added “rather than . . . useby USEPA” as a parenthetical offset by a comma; removed the unnecessary statement “like all other . . . legal requirements.” |
703.300 Board note |
Board |
Updated the Code of Federal Regulations reference to the most recent edition available |
703.301(a) |
Board |
Changed the question “what is a RAP?” to a statement “definition of a RAP.” |
703.301(a) Board note |
Board |
Added “subsection (a) is”; updated the Code of Federal Regulations reference to the most recent edition available |
703.301(b) |
Board |
Changed the question “when does an owner or operator need a RAP?” to a statement “When an owner or operator needs a RAP.” |
703.301(b)(1) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
703.301(b)(3) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” (twice) |
703.301(b) Board note |
Board |
Added “subsection (b) is”; updated the Code of Federal Regulations reference to the most recent edition available |
703.302(a) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
703.302(a) Board note |
Board |
Added “subsection (a) is”; updated the Code of Federal Regulations reference to the most recent edition available |
703.302(b) |
Board |
Changed the question “who must obtain a RAP?” to a statement “the person who must obtain a RAP.”; changed “shall” to “must” |
703.302(b) Board note |
Board |
Added “subsection (b) is”; updated the Code of Federal Regulations reference to the most recent edition available |
703.302(c) |
Board |
Changed the question “who must sign . . . for a RAP?” to a statement “the person who must sign . . . for a RAP.”; changed “shall” to “must” (twice) |
703.302(c) Board note |
Board |
Added “subsection (c) is”; updated the Code of Federal Regulations reference to the most recent edition available |
703.302(d) |
Board |
Changed the question “what must an owner or operator . . . for a RAP?” to a statement “what an owner or operator must . . . for a RAP.”; changed “shall” to “must” (twice) |
703.302(d) Board note |
Board |
Added “subsection (d) is”; updated the Code of Federal Regulations reference to the most recent edition available |
703.302(e) |
Board |
Changed the question “what if an owner or operator . . .?” to a statement “if an owner or operator . . ..”; changed “shall” to “must” (three times) |
703.302(e) Board note |
Board |
Added “subsection (e) is”; updated the Code of Federal Regulations reference to the most recent edition available |
703.302(f) |
Board |
Changed the question “to whom must an owner or operator . . .?” to a statement “to whom an owner or operator must . . ..”; changed “shall” to “must” |
703.302(f) Board note |
Board |
Added “subsection (f) is”; updated the Code of Federal Regulations reference to the most recent edition available |
703.302(g) |
Board |
Changed the question “. . . what must an owner or operator do?” to a statement “. . . what an owner or operator must do?”; changed “shall” to “must” (three times) |
703.302(g) Board note |
Board |
Added “subsection (g) is”; updated the Code of Federal Regulations reference to the most recent edition available |
703.303(a) |
Board |
Changed the question “what is the process . . . ?” to a statement “the process . . . .” |
703.303(a)(1) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” (twice) |
703.303(a)(2) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
703.303(a) Board note |
Board |
Added “subsection (a) is”; updated the Code of Federal Regulations reference to the most recent edition available |
703.303(b) |
Board |
Changed the question “what must the Agency . . . ?” to a statement “what the Agency must . . . .” |
703.303(b)(3) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
703.303(b) Board note |
Board |
Added “subsection (b) is”; updated the Code of Federal Regulations reference to the most recent edition available |
703.303(c) |
Board |
Changed the question “what else must the Agency prepare . . . ?” to a statement “what else the Agency must prepare . . . .”; changed “shall” to “must” |
703.303(c) Board note |
Board |
Added “subsection (c) is”; updated the Code of Federal Regulations reference to the most recent edition available |
703.303(d) |
Board |
Changed the question “what are the procedures . . . ?” to a statement “the procedures . . . .” |
703.303(d)(1) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
703.303(d)(4) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” (twice) |
703.303(d) Board note |
Board |
Added “subsection (d) is”; updated the Code of Federal Regulations reference to the most recent edition available |
703.303(e) |
Board |
Changed the question “how must the Agency make . . . ?” to a statement “how the Agency must make . . . .” |
703.303(e)(1) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
703.303(e)(4) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
703.303(e)(5) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
703.303(e)(6) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
703.303(e)(7) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
703.303(e) Board note |
Board |
Added “subsection (e) is”; updated the Code of Federal Regulations reference to the most recent edition available |
703.303(f) |
Board |
Changed the question “may the decision . . . be administratively appealed?” to a statement “administrative appeal of a decision . . . .” |
703.303(f)(1) |
Board |
Changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 705.Subpart D” to “Subpart D of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 705”; changed “shall” to “must” |
703.303(f) Board note |
Board |
Added “subsection (f) is”; updated the Code of Federal Regulations reference to the most recent edition available |
703.303(g) |
Board |
Changed the question “when does a RAP become effective?” to a statement “when a RAP becomes effective.” |
703.303(g) Board note |
Board |
Added “subsection (g) is”; updated the Code of Federal Regulations reference to the most recent edition available |
703.303(h) |
Board |
Changed the question “when may an owner or operator begin . . . ?” to a statement “when an owner or operator may begin . . . .”; changed “shall” to “must” |
703.303(h) Board note |
Board |
Added “subsection (h) is”; updated the Code of Federal Regulations reference to the most recent edition available |
703.304(a) |
Board |
Changed the question “after a RAP is issued, how may it be . . . ?” to a statement “after a RAP is issued, how it may be . . . .”; changed “shall” to “must” |
703.304(a) Board note |
Board |
Added “subsection (a) is”; updated the Code of Federal Regulations reference to the most recent edition available |
703.304(b) |
Board |
Changed the question “for what reasons may the Agency choose . . . ?” to a statement “reasons for which the Agency may choose . . . .” |
703.304(b)(1) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
703.304(b)(3) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
703.304(b) Board note |
Board |
Added “subsection (b) is”; updated the Code of Federal Regulations reference to the most recent edition available |
703.304(c) |
Board |
Changed the question “for what reasons may the Agency choose . . . ?” to a statement “reasons for which the Agency may choose . . . .” |
703.304(c)(1) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
703.304(c)(2) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
703.304(c) Board note |
Board |
Added “subsection (c) is”; updated the Code of Federal Regulations reference to the most recent edition available |
703.304(d) |
Board |
Changed the question “for what reasons may the Agency choose . . . ?” to a statement “reasons for which the Agency may choose . . . .” |
703.304(d) Board note |
Board |
Added “subsection (d) is”; updated the Code of Federal Regulations reference to the most recent edition available |
703.304(e) |
Board |
Changed the question “may the decision to approve . . . a RAP be administrative appealed?” to a statement “administrative appeal of an Agency decision to approve . . . a RAP.” |
703.304(e)(1) |
Board |
Changed “revocation and reissuance” to “reissuance” (three times) |
703.304(e)(2) |
Board |
Changed “revocation and reissuance” to “reissuance” (three times); changed the pronoun “which” to the personal pronoun “who” |
703.304(e)(3)(A) |
Board |
Changed ““shall” to “must” |
703.304(e)(3)(C) |
Board |
Changed ““shall” to “must” |
703.304(e)(3)(C) Board note |
Board |
Updated the Code of Federal Regulations reference to the most recent edition available |
703.304(e) Board note |
Board |
Added “subsection (e) is”; updated the Code of Federal Regulations reference to the most recent edition available |
703.304(f) |
Board |
Changed the question “when will a RAP expire?” to a statement “expiration of a RAP.”; changed “numeric “10” to written “ten”; changed “shall” to “must” (twice); added “federal” before “RCRA”; added the citation “42 USC 6924 and 6925” enclosed in parentheses |
703.304(f) Board note |
Board |
Added “subsection (f) is”; updated the Code of Federal Regulations reference to the most recent edition available |
703.304(g) |
Board |
Changed the question “how may an owner or operator renew . . . ?” to a statement “how an owner or operator may renew . . . .”; changed “shall” to “must” |
703.304(g) Board note |
Board |
Added “subsection (g) is”; updated the Code of Federal Regulations reference to the most recent edition available |
703.304(h) |
Board |
Changed the question “what happens if . . . old RAP expires?” to a statement “what happens if . . . old RAP expires.” |
703.304(h) Board note |
Board |
Added “subsection (h) is”; updated the Code of Federal Regulations reference to the most recent edition available |
703.305(a) |
Board |
Changed the question “what records must an owner or operator maintain . . . ?” to a statement “the records an owner or operator must maintain . . . .” |
703.305(a) Board note |
Board |
Added “subsection (a) is”; updated the Code of Federal Regulations reference to the most recent edition available |
703.305(b) |
Board |
Changed the question “how are time periods . . . computed?” to a statement “how time periods . . . are computed.” |
703.305(b)(1) |
Board |
Changed the “shall” to “must” |
703.305(b)(2) |
Board |
Changed the “shall” to “must” (twice) |
703.305(b)(3) |
Board |
Changed the “shall” to “must” |
703.305(b)(4) |
Board |
Changed the “shall” to “must” |
703.305(b) Board note |
Board |
Added “subsection (b) is”; updated the Code of Federal Regulations reference to the most recent edition available |
703.305(c) |
Board |
Changed the question “how may an owner or operator transfer . . . ?” to a statement “how an owner or operator may transfer . . . .” |
703.305(c)(1) |
Board |
Changed the “shall” to “must” (twice) |
703.305(c)(2) |
Board |
Changed the “shall” to “must” (three times); changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 724.Subpart H” to “Subpart H of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 724” (four times) |
703.305(c) Board note |
Board |
Added “subsection (c) is”; updated the Code of Federal Regulations reference to the most recent edition available |
703.305(d) |
Board |
Changed the question “what must the Agency report . . . ?” to a statement “what the Agency must report . . . .”; changed “shall” to “must” |
703.305(d) Board note |
Board |
Added “subsection (d) is”; updated the Code of Federal Regulations reference to the most recent edition available |
703.306 preamble |
Board |
Changed the question “may an owner or operator perform . . . ?” to a statement “an owner or operator may perform . . . .” |
703.306(b) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
703.306(c) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” (twice) |
703.306(d) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
703.306(d)(4) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
703.306(e)(2) |
Board |
Changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 724.Subparts B, C, and D” to “Subparts B, C, and D of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 724” |
703.306 Board note |
Board |
Updated the Code of Federal Regulations reference to the most recent edition available |
703.Appendix A, ¶ B.7. note |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
703.Appendix A, ¶ F.1.c. |
Board |
Added a comma after “F027” to offset the final element of a series |
703.Appendix A, ¶ F.4.a. |
Board |
Added a comma after “F027” to offset the final element of a series |
703.Appendix A, ¶ F.4.b. |
Board |
Added a comma after “F027” to offset the final element of a series |
703.Appendix A, ¶ G.1.a. |
Board |
Added a comma after “(G)(1)(d)” to offset the final element of a series |
703.Appendix A, ¶ G.1.e. |
Board |
Added a comma after “F027” to offset the final element of a series |
703.Appendix A, ¶ G.5.c. |
Board |
Added a comma after “F027” to offset the final element of a series |
703.Appendix A, ¶ G.5.d. |
Board |
Added a comma after “F027” to offset the final element of a series |
703.Appendix A, ¶ H.5.c. |
Board |
Added a comma after “F027” to offset the final element of a series |
703.Appendix A, ¶ H.5.d. |
Board |
Added a comma after “F027” to offset the final element of a series |
703.Appendix A, ¶ J.6.c. |
Board |
Added a comma after “F027” to offset the final element of a series |
703.Appendix A, ¶ J.6.d. |
Board |
Added a comma after “F027” to offset the final element of a series |
703.Appendix A, ¶ L.1. |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
703.Appendix A, ¶ L.2. |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
703.Appendix A, ¶ L.3. |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
703.Appendix A, ¶ L.5.a. |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
703.Appendix A, ¶ L.6.a. |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
703.Appendix A Board note |
Board |
Updated the Code of Federal Regulations reference to the most recent edition available |
705 table of contents, Section 705.128 heading |
Board |
Added “or reissuance” |
705 table of contents, Section 705.202 heading |
Board |
Changed “stay upon timely application for renewal” to “stay of permit conditions on appeal” |
705 table of contents, Section 705.203 heading |
Board |
Added “repealed” in parentheses |
705 table of contents, Section 705.204 heading |
Board |
Added “repealed” in parentheses |
705 table of contents, Section 705.205 heading |
Board |
Added “repealed” in parentheses |
705.Appendix A heading |
Board |
Added “705” and removed a colon to correct the format of the heading |
705.Appendix B heading |
Board |
Added “705” and removed a colon to correct the format of the heading |
705.Appendix C heading |
Board |
Added “705” and removed a colon to correct the format of the heading |
705.Appendix D heading |
Board |
Added “705” and removed a colon to correct the format of the heading |
705.Appendix E heading |
Board |
Added “705” and removed a colon to correct the format of the heading |
705.Appendix F heading |
Board |
Added “705” and removed a colon to correct the format of the heading |
705.101(c) |
Board |
Changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause” |
705.102 Board note |
Board |
Updated the Code of Federal Regulations reference to the most recent edition available |
705.103 |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
705.103 Board note |
Board |
Updated the Code of Federal Regulations reference to the most recent edition available |
705.121(a) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; restored the missing statement “an application . . . 35 Ill. Adm. Code 703.141”; changed “applications are not required for underground injections” to singular “an application will not be required for underground injection”; changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 704.Subpart C” to “Subpart C of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 704” |
705.121(b) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; changed “for that permit” to singular “applicable to that type of permit” |
705.121 Board note |
Board |
Updated the Code of Federal Regulations reference to the most recent edition available |
705.122(a) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
705.122(b) |
Board |
Added “on Agency review for application completeness” |
705.122(b)(1) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
705.122(b)(2) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
705.122(c) |
Board |
Changed “this review” to “its review for completeness”; changed “shall” to “must” (twice) |
705.122(d) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
705.122(e) |
Board |
Changed “subsection (b) above” to “subsection (b) of this Section” |
705.122(f) |
Board |
Changed “completed” to “complete” |
705.122 Board note |
Board |
Updated the Code of Federal Regulations reference to the most recent edition available |
705.123 |
Board |
Added “Agency-noted” before deficiencies; removed the parenthetical “after public notice . . . 705.161(a)(1)” to more closely follow the corresponding federal text |
705.123 Board note |
Board |
Updated the Code of Federal Regulations reference to the most recent edition available |
705.124 |
Board |
Changed “in the event that” to “if”; changed “the failure or refusal by . . . Section 705.123” to “the Agency must notify . . . a site visit” to more closely follow the corresponding federal text |
705.124 Board note |
Board |
Updated the Code of Federal Regulations reference to the most recent edition available |
705.125 Board note |
Board |
Updated the Code of Federal Regulations reference to the most recent edition available |
705.126 preamble |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” (twice); changed “project” to “projected”; added “do the following” |
705.126(a) |
Board |
Changed “705.Subpart C” to “Subpart C of this Part” |
705.126(b) |
Board |
Changed “705.Subpart D” to “Subpart D of this Part” |
705.126(c) |
Board |
Changed “705.Subpart E” to “Subpart E of this Part” |
705.126(d) |
Board |
Changed “705.Subpart F” to “Subpart F of this Part” |
705.126 Board note |
Board |
Updated the Code of Federal Regulations reference to the most recent edition available |
705.127 Board note |
Board |
Updated the Code of Federal Regulations reference to the most recent edition available |
705.128 heading |
Board |
Added “or reissuance” |
705.128(a) |
Board |
Added “or reissue” (twice); added “or reissuance” |
705.128(b) |
Board |
Added “or reissuance” (twice); changed “shall” to “must”; added “or reissue” |
705.128(c) |
Board |
Added “or reissuance”; added ending period |
705.128(c)(1) |
Board |
Added “or reissue”; removed the unnecessary space before the comma after “received”; changed “shall” to “must” (twice) |
705.128(c)(2) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” (twice); Added “when a permit . . . had expired” to more closely follow the corresponding federal text; Changed “modification proceeding” to “reissuance proceeding” to more closely follow the corresponding federal text |
705.128(c)(3) |
Board |
Moved a comma inside the closing quotation mark after “modifications”; Removed “if the Agency makes . . . the minor modification” |
705.128(d) |
Board |
Changed “terminate or reissue permits” to “reissue a permit” |
705.128 Board note |
Board |
Updated the Code of Federal Regulations reference to the most recent edition available |
705.141(a) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
705.141(b) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” (three times); changed “subsection (d) below” to “subsection (d) of this Section”; changed “subsection (c) below” to “subsection (c) of this Section” |
705.141(c) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
705.141(c)(3) |
Board |
Added the ending conjunction “and” |
705.141(c)(4) |
Board |
Added “the following” |
705.141(c)(4)(A) |
Board |
Added “for”; changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 703.Subpart F” to “Subpart F of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 703” |
705.141(c)(4)(B) |
Board |
Added “for”; changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 703.Subpart E” to “Subpart E of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 703” |
705.141(d) |
Board |
Changed “all draft permits and notices” to singular “a draft permit or notice”; changed “shall” to “must” (three times); added the indefinite article “a” before “fact sheet”; removed the unnecessary conjunction “and” after “705.143”; added “must be” before “publicly noticed”; changed “705.Subpart D” to “Subpart D of this Part”; added “must be” before “made available” |
705.141 Board note |
Board |
Updated the Code of Federal Regulations reference to the most recent edition available |
705.142 |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” (three times) |
705.142 Board note |
Board |
Updated the Code of Federal Regulations reference to the most recent edition available |
705.143(a) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” (four times); added a comma after “methodological” to offset the final element of a series |
705.143(b) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; added “the following” |
705.143(b)(1) |
Board |
Changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause |
705.143(b)(2) |
Board |
Changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause; added a comma after “emitted” to offset the final element of a series |
705.143(b)(5) |
Board |
Added “the following” |
705.143(b)(5)(A) |
Board |
Added a comma before “and the address” |
705.143(b)(5)(B) |
Board |
Added a comma before “and the nature” |
705.143(b)(6) |
Board |
Added the definite article “the” before “name” |
705.143 Board note |
Board |
Changed the format to that in current use, adding the date to the Code of Federal Regulations |
705.144(a) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
705.144(b) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; added “the following” |
705.144(b)(4) |
Board |
Removed the unnecessary ending conjunction “and” |
705.144(c) |
Board |
Changed “subsection (b) above” to “subsection (b) of this Section” |
705.144(d) |
Board |
Changed to capitalized “Section”; changed “705.Subpart D” to “Subpart D of this Part” |
705.144 Board note |
Board |
Updated the Code of Federal Regulations reference to the most recent edition available |
705.161(a) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
705.161(b) |
Board |
Added “or reissuance”; changed “shall” to “must” |
705.161(c) |
Board |
Added the indefinite article “a” before “public notice” |
705.161 Board note |
Board |
Updated the Code of Federal Regulations reference to the most recent edition available |
705.162(a) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; added “time for public comment, as follows” |
705.162(a)(1) |
Board |
Removed “for public comment”; added the ending conjunction “or” |
705.162(a)(2) |
Board |
Removed “for public comment” |
705.162(b) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; added “at least 30 days in advance of the hearing” to more closely follow the corresponding federal text |
705.162(b)(1) |
Board |
Removed the provision specific to UIC permits to more closely follow the corresponding federal text |
705.162(b)(2) |
Board |
Removed the provision relating to 45 days specific to RCRA permits to more closely follow the corresponding federal text |
705.162 Board note |
Board |
Updated the Code of Federal Regulations reference to the most recent edition available |
705.163(a) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
705.163(a)(2) |
Board |
Changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause; changed to capitalized “State”; changed “the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency” to “USEPA” |
705.163(a)(3) |
Board |
Changed the ending punctuation from a period to a semicolon |
705.163(a)(4) |
Board |
Added “doing as follows” |
705.163(a)(4)(C) |
Board |
Moved the statements “the Agency may . . . those listed” and “the Agency may . . . such a request” to a separate subsection (a)(4)(D) |
705.163(a)(4)(D) |
Board |
Moved the statements “the Agency may . . . those listed” and “the Agency may . . . such a request” from subsection (a)(4)(C) |
705.163(a)(5) |
Board |
Added “to the following entities” |
705.163(a)(5)(B) |
Board |
Changed to lower-case “agency” |
705.163(a)(6) |
Board |
Changed the punctuation after “only” from a colon to a comma |
705.163(a)(7) |
Board |
Changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause |
705.163(b) |
Board |
Added “must be made as follows” |
705.163 Board note |
Board |
Updated the Code of Federal Regulations reference to the most recent edition available |
705.164(a) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
705.164(a)(2) |
Board |
Added “the name and address” for enhanced clarity |
705.164(a)(7) |
Board |
Changed “proper” to “appropriate” |
705.164(b) |
Board |
Changed “Section 705.164(a)” to “subsection (a) of this Section”; changed “shall” to “must” |
705.164 Board note |
Board |
Updated the Code of Federal Regulations reference to the most recent edition available |
705.165(a) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
705.165 Board note |
Board |
Updated the Code of Federal Regulations reference to the most recent edition available |
705.181 |
Board |
Changed “705.Subpart D” to “Subpart D of this Part”; changed “shall” to “must” (four times) |
705.181 Board note |
Board |
Updated the Code of Federal Regulations reference to the most recent edition available |
705.182(a) |
Board |
Corrected the indent |
705.182(a)(1) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
705.182(a)(2) |
Board |
Changed “the Agency also may . . . ” to “the Agency may also . . . ” |
705.182(a)(3) |
Board |
Added “the following additional requirements apply” |
705.182(a)(3)(A) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
705.182(a)(3)(B) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
705.182(a)(4) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
705.182(b) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” (four times) |
705.182(c) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” (twice); changed “705.Subpart D” to “Subpart D of this Part”; changed to capitalized “Section”; removed the parenthetical “upon request” offset by commas; changed “note more than 30 days . . . submit comments” to “entering and appropriate order into the record” |
705.182(d) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” (twice) |
705.182 Board note |
Board |
Updated the Code of Federal Regulations reference to the most recent edition available |
705.183 |
Board |
Changed “705.Subpart D” to “Subpart D of this Part”; changed “shall” to “must” (twice); added “they” before “consist”; added “the Agency must . . . under this Section” to more closely follow the corresponding federal text |
705.183 Board note |
Board |
Updated the Code of Federal Regulations reference to the most recent edition available |
705.184(a) |
Board |
Added the subsection to more closely follow the corresponding federal text |
705.184(b) |
Board |
Renumbered from subsection (a); changed “take” to “undertake” |
705.184(b)(1) |
Board |
Renumbered from subsection (a)(1); added “it may” before “prepare” |
705.184(b)(2) |
Board |
Renumbered from subsection (a)(2); added “it may” before “prepare”; changed “subsection (a)(3) below” to “subsection (b)(3) of this Section” |
705.184(b)(3) |
Board |
Renumbered from subsection (a)(3); added “it may” before “reopen” |
705.184(b) (deleted) |
Board |
Removed the subsection to more closely follow the corresponding federal text |
705.184(c) (deleted) |
Board |
Removed the subsection to more closely follow the corresponding federal text |
705.184(c) (renumbered) |
Board |
Renumbered from subsection (d); changed “shall” to “must” (twice); changed “705.Subpart D” to “Subpart D of this Part” |
705.184(d) |
Board |
Added the subsection to more closely follow the corresponding federal text |
705.184(e) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; changed “705.Subpart D” to “Subpart D of this Part” |
705.184 Board note |
Board |
Updated the Code of Federal Regulations reference to the most recent edition available |
705.201(a) |
Board |
Changed “705.Subpart D” to “Subpart D of this Part”; changed “shall” to “must” |
705.201(b) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; added “of the following” |
705.201(b)(1)(A) |
Changed “sections” to capitalized “Sections” |
705.201(b)(1)(D) |
Board |
Added the ending conjunction “or” |
705.201(b)(2) |
Board |
Removed the unnecessary beginning conjunction “or” |
705.201(c) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” (twice) |
705.201(d) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; changed “subsection (a) above” to “subsection (a) of this Section” |
705.201 Board note |
Board |
Updated the Code of Federal Regulations reference to the most recent edition available |
705.202 |
Board |
Redrafted the Section to more closely follow the corresponding federal provision |
705.202 Board note |
Board |
Added a Code of Federal Regulations reference to the corresponding federal provision, citing most recent edition available |
705.203 |
Board |
Repealed the Section to more closely follow the corresponding federal provision |
705.204 |
Board |
Repealed the Section to more closely follow the corresponding federal provision |
705.205 |
Board |
Repealed the Section to more closely follow the corresponding federal provision |
705.210(a) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” (twice); added “do the following” |
705.210(a)(1) |
Board |
Added “it must” |
705.210(b) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; changed “documents” to “records” |
705.210 Board note |
Board |
Updated the Code of Federal Regulations reference to the most recent edition available |
705.211(a) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
705.211(b) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; changed “and” to “together”; added “with the following” |
705.211(b)(1) |
Board |
Changed “705.Subpart D” to “Subpart D of this Part” |
705.211(b)(4) |
Changed “section” to capitalized “Section” |
705.211(c) |
Board |
Changed “subsection (b) above” to “subsection (b) of this Section”; changed “shall” to “must”; changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause |
705.211(d) |
Changed “section” to capitalized “Section” |
705.211 Board note |
Board |
Updated the Code of Federal Regulations reference to the most recent edition available |
705.212(a) |
Board |
Redrafted the subsection to more closely follow the corresponding federal provision |
705.212(b) |
Board |
Redrafted the subsection to more closely follow the corresponding federal provision |
705.212(c) |
Board, JCAR |
Added the subsection to more closely follow the corresponding federal provision; changed “part” to capitalized “Part” |
705.212(d) |
Board, JCAR |
Renumbered the provision for subsection (c); changed “shall” to “will” (twice); changed “section” to capitalized “Section” (twice); changed a semicolon to a period to divide a run on sentence into two sentences |
705.212(e) |
Board, JCAR |
Changed “subsection (a) or (b) above” to “subsection (a) or (b) of this Section”; corrected the ILCS citation from “under the Administrative Review Act [415 ILCS 5/Art. III]” to “under the administrative review provisions of Article III of the Code of Civil Procedure [415 ILCS 5/Art. III]” |
705.212 Board note |
Board |
Corrected the Code of Federal Regulations reference to limit the citation to subsection (a); updated the reference to the most recent edition available |
705.Appendix A |
Board |
Corrected the format of the heading |
705.Appendix B |
Board |
Corrected the format of the heading |
705.Appendix C |
Board |
Corrected the format of the heading |
705.Appendix D |
Board |
Corrected the format of the heading |
705.Appendix E |
Board |
Corrected the format of the heading |
705.Appendix F |
Board |
Corrected the format of the heading |
720.111(a) “ACI” “ACI 318-83” |
Board |
Moved a comma inside a closing quotation mark after “concrete” |
720.111(a) “API” “Cathodic Protection . . .” |
Board |
Moved a comma inside a closing quotation mark after “systems” |
720.111(a) “API” “Evaporative Loss . . .” |
Board |
Moved a comma inside a closing quotation mark after “tanks” |
720.111(a) “API” “Guide for Inspection . . .” |
Board |
Moved a comma inside a closing quotation mark after “tanks” |
720.111(a) “API” “Installation of Underground . . .” |
Board |
Moved a comma inside a closing quotation mark after “systems” |
720.111(a) “ASME” “Chemical Plant . . .” |
Board |
Moved a comma inside a closing quotation mark after “piping” |
720.111(a) “ASME” “Liquid Transportation . . .” |
Board |
Moved a comma inside a closing quotation mark after “alcohols” |
720.111(a) “ASTM” |
JCAR, Board |
Changed “1916 Race Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103, 215-299-5400” to “100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, 610-832-9585” to update the address and telephone number for the source |
720.111(a) “MICE” “Test Methods . . .” |
Board |
Moved a comma inside a closing quotation mark after “methods” |
720.111(a) “GPO” |
Added a space to correct “20402,202-512-1800” to “20402, 202-512-1800” |
720.111(a) “GPO” “Test Methods . . .” |
Board |
Moved a comma inside a closing quotation mark after “methods”; changed “Document Number” to lower-case “document number” |
720.111(a) “MICE” “Test Methods . . .” |
Board |
Changed “Publication” to lower-case “publication” |
720.111(a) “NACE” “Control of External . . .” |
Board |
Moved a comma inside a closing quotation mark after “systems” |
720.111(a) “NFPA” “Flammable and Combustible . . .” |
Board |
Added a comma inside a closing quotation mark after “code” |
720.111(a) “NTIS” “Generic Quality . . .” |
Board |
Moved a comma inside a closing quotation mark after “program” |
720.111(a) “NTIS” “Guideline on Air . . .” |
Board |
Moved a comma inside a closing quotation mark after “models” |
720.111(a) “NTIS” “Methods for Chemical . . .” |
Board |
Moved a comma inside a closing quotation mark after “wastes” |
720.111(a) “NTIS” “Methods Manual . . .” |
Board |
Moved a comma inside a closing quotation mark after “regulations” |
720.111(a) “NTIS” “Petitions to Delist . . .” |
Board |
Moved a comma inside a closing quotation mark after “edition” |
720.111(a) “NTIS” “Screening Procedures . . .” |
Board, JCAR |
Moved a comma inside a closing quotation mark after “sources”; changed “Publication Number” to lower-case “publication number” |
720.111(a) “NTIS” “Test Methods . . .” |
Board |
Moved a comma inside a closing quotation mark after “methods” |
720.111(a) “OECD” “OECD Guideline . . .” |
Board |
Moved a comma inside a closing quotation mark after “test)” |
720.111(a) “USEPA” “Technical Assistance . . .” |
Board |
Moved a comma inside a closing quotation mark after “wells” |
720.111(a) “USEPA” “Screening Procedures . . .” |
Board, JCAR |
Moved a comma inside a closing quotation mark after “revised”; changed “Publication Number” to lower-case “publication number” |
724. table of contents Section 724.111 |
Board |
Added “USEPA” |
724. table of contents Section 724.117 |
Board |
Added a comma after “reactive” to offset the final element of a series |
724. table of contents Section 724.174 |
Board |
Added a comma after “retention” to offset the final element of a series |
724. table of contents Section 724.214 |
Board |
Added a comma after “structures” to offset the final element of a series |
724. table of contents Section 724.217 |
Board |
Changed “Post-closure” to capitalized “Post-Closure” |
724. table of contents Section 724.219 |
Board |
Changed “Post-closure” to capitalized “Post-Closure” |
724. table of contents Section 724.220 |
Board |
Changed “Post-closure” to capitalized “Post-Closure” |
724. table of contents Section 724.241 |
Board, JCAR |
Changed to lower-case “as”; changed to lower-case “in” |
724. table of contents Section 724.244 |
Board |
Changed “Post-closure” to capitalized “Post-Closure” |
724. table of contents Section 724.245 |
Board |
Changed “Post-closure” to capitalized “Post-Closure” |
724. table of contents Section 724.246 |
Board |
Changed “Post-closure” to capitalized “Post-Closure” |
724. table of contents Section 724.248 |
Board |
Added a comma after “guarantors” to offset the final element of a series |
724. table of contents Section 724.272 |
Board |
Changed to lower-case for the preposition “with” |
724. table of contents Section 724.291 |
Board |
Changed “system’s integrity” to “system integrity” |
724. table of contents Section 724.296 |
Board |
Changed “unfit for-use” to capitalized “Unfit-for-Use” |
724. table of contents Section 724.328 |
Board |
Changed “Post-closure” to capitalized “Post-Closure” |
724. table of contents Section 724.331 |
Board |
Added a comma after “F026” to offset the final element of a series |
724. table of contents Section 724.358 |
Board |
Changed “Post-closure” to capitalized “Post-Closure” |
724. table of contents Section 724.359 |
Board |
Added a comma after “F026” to offset the final element of a series |
724. table of contents Section 724.376 |
Board |
Changed “Food-chain” to capitalized “Food-Chain” |
724. table of contents Section 724.380 |
Board |
Changed “Post-closure” to capitalized “Post-Closure” |
724. table of contents Section 724.383 |
Board |
Added a comma after “F026” to offset the final element of a series |
724. table of contents Section 724.410 |
Board |
Changed “Post-closure” to capitalized “Post-Closure” |
724. table of contents Section 724.417 |
Board |
Added a comma after “F026” to offset the final element of a series |
724. table of contents Section 724.671 |
Board |
Changed “existing drip pad integrity” to capitalized “Existing Drip Pad Integrity” |
724. table of contents Section 724.671 |
Board |
Changed “installation of new drip pads” to capitalized “Installation of New Drip Pads” |
724. table of contents Section 724.671 |
Board |
Changed “operating requirements” to capitalized “Operating Requirements” |
724. table of contents Section 724.702 |
Board |
Added a comma after “reporting” to offset the final element of a series |
724. table of contents Section 724.703 |
Board |
Changed “Post-closure” to capitalized “Post-Closure” |
724. table of contents Section 724.935 |
Board |
Changed “requirements” to capitalized “Requirements” |
724. table of contents Section 724.959 |
Board |
Added a comma after “devices” to offset the final element of a series |
724. table of contents Section 724.960 |
Board |
Changed “Closed-vent” to capitalized “Closed-Vent” |
724. table of contents Section 724.987 |
Board |
Changed “Closed-vent” to capitalized “Closed-Vent” |
724. table of contents Section 724.991 |
Added “(Repealed)” |
724. table of contents Section 724.1101 |
Board |
Changed “operating standards” to capitalized “Operating Standards” |
724. table of contents Section 724.1102 |
Board |
Changed “Post-closure” to capitalized “Post-Closure” |
724.101(c) |
Board |
Added “federal” before “Marine Protection, Research and Sanctuaries Act”; added the ILCS citation “[415 ILCS 5/21(f)]” |
724.101(d) |
Board |
Added the ILCS citation “[415 ILCS 5/21(f)]”; changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 704.Subpart F” to “Subpart F of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 704” |
724.101(f) |
Board |
Changed “this subsection” to “this subsection (f)” |
724.101(g) |
Board |
Added “the following” |
724.101(g)(1) |
Board |
Added the ILCS citation “[415 ILCS 5/21]” |
724.101(g)(2) |
Board |
Changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 728.Table T” to “Table T to 35 Ill. Adm. Code 728” |
724.101(g)(6) |
Board |
Changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 726.Subparts C, F, G, or H” to “Subpart C, F, G, or H of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 726” |
724.101(g)(7) |
Board |
Changed “this subsection” to “this subsection (f)” |
724.101(g)(8) |
Board |
Changed the ending punctuation from a colon to a period |
724.101(g)(8)(D) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.101(j) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.101(j)(1) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; changed “an EPA” to “a USEPA” |
724.101(j)(2) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” (twice) |
724.101(j)(3) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” (twice) |
724.101(j)(3)(A) |
Board |
Added “that” |
724.101(j)(3)(B) |
Board |
Added “that” |
724.101(j)(4) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” (four times) |
724.101(j)(5) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.101(j)(6) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” (twice) |
724.101(j)(7) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.101(j)(8) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.101(j)(9) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.101(j)(10) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.101(j)(11) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.101(j)(12) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.101(j)(13) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.103 |
Board |
Changed the personal pronoun “who” to “that” |
724.103 Board note |
Board |
Added the ILCS citation “[415 ILCS 5/21(f)]”; changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause |
724.110(a) |
Board |
Changed “this Subpart” to “this Subpart B”; changed “subsection (b)” to “subsection (b) of this Section” |
724.110(b) |
Board |
Changed “Subparts I through O and Subpart X” to “Subparts I through O and Subpart X of this Part” |
724.111 heading |
Board |
Added “USEPA” |
724.111 |
Board, JCAR |
Changed “EPA” top “USEPA”; deleted the parenthetical reference to the Federal Register |
724.111 Board note |
Board, JCAR |
Added the note referencing USEPA Form 8700-12 for notification and the fact that the notification is submitted to the Agency |
724.112(a)(2) |
Board |
Changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 722.Subpart H” to “Subpart H of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 722” |
724.112(b) |
Board |
Changed “permit(s)” to “permits”; added “that” for a restrictive relative clause |
724.113(a)(1) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.113(a)(3) |
Board |
Added “as follows” |
724.113(a)(4) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.113(b) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” (twice); added “the following” |
724.113(b)(3) |
Board |
Added “of the following” |
724.113(b)(3)(A) |
Board |
Changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 721.Appendix A” to “Appendix A to 35 Ill. Adm. Code 721” |
724.113(b)(7) |
Board |
Added “the following” |
724.113(b)(7)(C) |
Board |
Added “of the following is true of the waste” |
724.113(b)(7)(C)(i) |
Board |
Added “the residues”; changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 728.Subpart D” to “Subpart D of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 728” |
724.113(b)(8) |
Board |
Changed “724.Subpart CC” to “Subpart CC of this Part”; added “the following information” offset by a comma |
724.113(c) |
Board |
Added “the following” |
724.114(a) |
Board |
Changed “demonstrates to the Agency that” to “demonstrates the following to the Agency” |
724.114(a)(1) |
Board |
Added “that”; changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause |
724.114(a)(2) |
Board, JCAR |
Added “that”; removed a hyphen to change “live-stock” to “livestock” |
724.114(a) Board note |
Board |
Changed the format to that in current use |
724.114(b) |
Board |
Changed “paragraphs (a)(1) and (a)(2)” to “subsections (a)(1) and (a)(2) of this Section”; added “the following” |
724.114(b)(1) |
Board |
Added “that”; changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause |
724.114(b)(2) |
Board |
Added “physical barriers” |
724.114(b)(2)(B) |
Board |
Added a comma after “entrance” to offset the final element of a series |
724.114(b) Board note |
Board |
Changed the format to that in current use; changed “paragraph (b)” to “subsection (b) of this Section”; changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause; changed “paragraph (b)(1) or (b)(2)” to “subsection (b)(1) or (b)(2) of this Section” |
724.114(c) |
Board |
Changed the format to that in current use; changed “paragraphs (a)(1) and (a)(2)” to “subsections (b)(1) and (b)(2) of this Section”; moved a comma inside a closing parenthesis after “out” |
724.114 Board note |
Board |
Changed the format to that in current use |
724.115(a) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; added “either of the following” |
724.115(b)(1) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.115(b)(2) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.115(c) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.115(d) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” (twice) |
724.116(a) |
Board |
Added “the personnel training program” |
724.116(a)(1) |
Board |
Changed “paragraph (d)(3)” to “subsection (d)(3) of this Section” |
724.116(a)(1) Board note |
Board |
Changed the format to that in current use |
724.116(a)(2) |
Board |
Changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative claue |
724.116(a)(3) |
Board |
Added a comma after “equipment” to offset the final element of a series |
724.116(a)(3)(A) |
Board |
Added a comma after “repairing” to offset the final element of a series |
724.116(b) |
Board |
Changed “paragraph (a)” to “subsection (a) of this Section” (twice) |
724.116(c) |
Board |
Changed “paragraph (a)” to “subsection (a) of this Section” |
724.116(d)(2) |
Board |
Changed “paragraph (d)(1)” to “subsection (d)(1) of this Section” |
724.116(d)(3) |
Board |
Changed “paragraph (d)(1)” to “subsection (d)(1) of this Section” |
724.116(d)(4) |
Board |
Changed “paragraphs (a), (b), and (c)” to “subsections (a), (b), and (c) of this Section” |
724.117 heading |
Board |
Added a comma after “reactive” to offset the final element of a series |
724.117(a) |
Board |
Added a comma after “reactions)” to offset the final element of a series |
724.117(b) |
Board |
Changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause; added “do the following” |
724.117(c) |
Board, JCAR |
Changed “paragraphs (a) or (b)” to singular “subsection (a) or (b) of this Section” |
724.118(a) |
Board |
Added an ending period |
724.118(a)(1) |
Board |
Changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause |
724.118(a)(2) |
Board |
Changed “subsection (a)(1)” to “subsection (a)(1) of this Section” |
724.118(a)(2) Board note |
Board |
Changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause; removed the date of the Code of Federal Regulations reference and added the incorporation language “incorporated . . . 720.111” as a parenthetical offset by commas |
724.118(b)(1) |
Board |
Added “the following” after “demonstrate”; removed “that” after “satisfaction” |
724.118(b)(1)(A) |
Board |
Added “that”; changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause |
724.118(b)(1)(B) |
Board |
Added “that” before “no adverse”; added “the following” |
724.118(b)(2) |
Board |
Changed “subsection (b)(1)” to “subsection (b)(1) of this Section” |
724.118(b)(2)(A) |
Board |
Changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause |
724.118(b)(2) Board note |
Board |
Changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause |
724.119(b) |
Board |
Changed “subsection (a) above” to “subsection (a) of this Section”; added “the following |
724.119(b)(3) |
Board |
Changed “subsection (a)(2) above” to “subsection (a)(2) of this Section” |
724.119(c)(1) |
Board |
Added “the following |
724.119(c)(1)(A) |
Board |
Changed “subsection (a)(2) above” to “subsection (a)(2) of this Section” |
724.119(c)(1)(B) |
Board |
Added a comm. after “system” to offset the final element of a series |
724.119(c)(1)(C) |
Board |
Added a comm. after “724.351” to offset the final element of a series |
724.119(c)(2) |
Board |
Added a comm. after “724.351(c)(1)(A)(ii)” to offset the final element of a series (twice); changed “shall” to “must” |
724.130 |
Board |
Changed “this Subpart” to “this Subpart C” |
724.131 |
Board |
Added a comma after “soil” to offset the final element of a series; changed “which” to “that for a restrictive relative clause |
724.132(b) |
Board |
Added a comma after “departments” to offset the final element of a series |
724.132(c) |
Board |
Added a comma after “gas” to offset the final element of a series |
724.132 Board note |
Board |
Changed the format to that in current use |
724.133 |
Board |
Added a comma after “equipment” to offset the final element of a series |
724.135 |
Board |
Added a comma after “equipment” to offset the final element of a series |
724.135 Board note |
Board |
Changed the format to that in current use |
724.137(a)(1) |
Board |
Added a comma after “departments” to offset the final element of a series; added a comma after “facility” to offset the final element of a series |
724.137(a)(3) |
Board |
Added a comma after “contractors” to offset the final element of a series |
724.137(a)(4) |
Board |
Changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause |
724.150 |
Board |
Changed “the Subpart” to “this Subpart D” |
724.151(a) |
Board |
Added a comma after “explosions” to offset the final element of a series; added a comma after “soil” to offset the final element of a series |
724.151(b) |
Board |
Changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause |
724.152(e) |
Board, JCAR |
Changed the opening brackets in “[such as . . . equipment]” to parentheses “(such as . . . equipment)”; added a comma after “external)” to offset the final element of a series; removed the unnecessary comma after “list” that separated a two-element series |
724.152(f) |
Board, JCAR |
Changed “signal(s)” to “signals”; changed “alternate” to “alternative” |
724.153(b) |
Board |
Added a comma after “hospitals” to offset the final element of a series |
724.153 Board note |
Board |
Changed the format to that in current use |
724.154 preamble |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; added “any of the following occurs” |
724.154(c) |
Board, JCAR |
Removed the spaces before and after the em-dash “--” (twice); changed the ending punctuation to a period indicated with overstrike and added underlining to indicate the semicolon as added |
724.155 |
Board |
Added a comma after “facility” to offset the final element of a series |
724.155 Board note |
Board |
Changed the format to that in current use; changed “waste(s)” to “wastes” |
724.156(a) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.156(b) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.156(c) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.156(d) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.156(d)(1) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.156(d)(2) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; added “the following” |
724.156(e) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.156(f) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.156(g) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.156(g) Board note |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.156(h) |
Board, JCAR |
Changed “shall” to “must”; changed “in” to “the following is true in” |
724.156(i) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; changed “subsection (h) above” to “subsection (h) of this Section” |
724.156(j) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” (twice); added “the following” |
724.170 |
Board |
Changed “this Subpart” to “this Subpart E”; added a comma after “724.172” to offset the final element of a series; changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause; added a comma after “store” to offset the final element of a series |
724.171(a) |
Board |
Added “do the following” |
724.171(b) |
Board |
Changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause; added “do the following” |
724.171(c) Board note |
Board |
Changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause |
724.171(d) |
Board |
Changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 722.Subpart H” to “Subpart H of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 722” |
724.172(a) |
Board |
Added “definition of a ‘minor discrepancy’” |
724.172(a)(1) |
Board |
Changed “manifest discrepancies are differences” to singular “a manifest discrepancy is a difference” |
724.172(a)(2) |
Board |
Changed “significant discrepancies . . . are” to singular “a significant discrepancy . . . is”; added “as follows” |
724.172(a)(2)(B) |
Changed the ending punctuation from a period to a semicolon |
724.172(a)(3) |
Board |
Changed “which” to singular “that” for a restrictive relative clause |
724.173(a) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.174 heading |
Board |
Added a comma after “retention” to offset the final element of a series |
724.175 preamble |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.175(a) |
Board |
Added a comma after “name” to offset the final element of a series |
724.175(e) |
Board |
Added a comma after “name” to offset the final element of a series |
724.175(f) |
Board |
Added a statement to correspond with a “reserved” federal provision in order to maintain structural consistency with the corresponding federal rule |
724.175(g) |
Removed the unnecessary ending conjunction “and” |
724.175(h) |
Board; JCAR |
Changed “which” to singular “that” for a restrictive relative clause; changed the ending punctuation from a period to a semicolon |
724.175(i) |
Board; JCAR |
Changed “which” to singular “that” for a restrictive relative clause; changed the ending punctuation from a period to a semicolon; added the ending conjunction “and” |
724.176 preamble |
Board, JCAR |
Added a comma after “storage” to offset the final element of a series; changed the single quotation marks to double quotation marks on “Unmanifested Waste Report” |
724.176(a) |
Board, JCAR |
Changed “EPA” to “USEPA” |
724.176(c) |
Board, JCAR |
Changed “EPA” to “USEPA”; added a comma after “name” to offset the final element of a series |
724.176(e) |
Board |
Added a comma after “storage” to offset the final element of a series |
724.176 Board note |
Board |
Changed the format to that in current use |
724.177 preamble |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.177(c) |
Board |
Changed “724.Subparts F, K through N, AA, BB, and CC” to “Subparts F, K through N, AA, BB, and CC of this Part” |
724.190(a)(1) |
Board |
Changed “section (b)” to “section (b) of this Section”; changed “this Subpart” to “this Subpart F”; changed “shall” to “must”; changed “subsection (a)(2)” to “subsection (a)(2) of this Section” |
724.190(a)(2) |
JCAR, Board |
Changed “hereinafter referred to as . . .” to “referred to in this Section as . . .” |
724.190(b) |
Board |
Changed “this Subpart” to “this Subpart F”; added “the following is true” |
724.190(b)(2) |
Board |
Changed “which” to singular “that” for a restrictive relative clause |
724.190(b)(3) |
Board |
Changed “this paragraph (b)” to “this subsection (b)”; changed “this Subpart” to “this Subpart F” |
724.190(b)(4) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; changed “this paragraph (b)” to “this subsection (b)” |
724.190(c) |
Board |
Changed “this Subpart” to “this Subpart F” (twice) |
724.190(d) |
Board |
Changed “this Subpart” to “this Subpart F” |
724.190(e) |
Board |
Changed “this Subpart” to “this Subpart F”; changed “shall” to “must” |
724.191(a) |
Board |
Changed “this Subpart” to “this Subpart F”; changed “shall” to “must” |
724.191(a)(1) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; added a comma before “as described” to offset a parenthetical |
724.191(a)(2) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; added a comma before “as described” to offset a parenthetical |
724.191(a)(3) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.191(a)(4) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.191(b) |
Board |
Changed “will” to “must” (three times); changed “paragraph (a)” to “subsection (a) of this Section” |
724.192 |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; changed “will” to “must” |
724.193(a) |
Board |
Changed “will” to “must”; changed “paragraph (b)” to “subsection (b) of this Section” |
724.193(a) |
Board |
Changed “will” to “must” (twice) |
724.193(a)(1) |
Board |
Added “the following” |
724.193(a)(1)(F) |
Board |
Added a comma after “contamination” to offset the final element of a series |
724.193(a)(1)(H) |
Board |
Added a comma after “vegetation” to offset the final element of a series |
724.193(a)(2)(C) |
Board |
Removed an unnecessary comma from after “groundwater” that separated a two-element series |
724.193(a)(2)(G) |
Board |
Added a comma after “contamination” to offset the final element of a series |
724.193(a)(2)(I) |
Board |
Added a comma after “vegetation” to offset the final element of a series |
724.193(b)(2) |
Board |
Added “the following |
724.193(c) |
Board |
Changed “paragraph (b)” to “subsection (b) of this Section”; changed “will” to “must” |
724.193(d) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; changed “paragraph (b)” to “subsection (b) of this Section” |
724.194(a) |
Board |
Changed “will” to “must”; added “following must be true of the” |
724.194(a)(1) |
Board |
Added “it” |
724.194(a)(2) |
Board |
Added “it” |
724.194(a)(3) |
Board |
Added “it”; changed “alternate” to “alternative”; changed “paragraph (b)” to “subsection (b) of this Section” |
724.194(b) |
Board |
Changed “will” to “must” (twice); changed “alternate” to “alternative” (twice) |
724.194(b)(1) |
Board |
Added “the following” |
724.194(b)(1)(G) |
Changed the ending punctuation from a comma to a semicolon |
724.194(b)(1)(H) |
Board |
Added a comma after “vegetation” to offset the final element of a series |
724.194(b)(2) |
Board |
Added “the following” |
724.194(b)(2)(C) |
Board |
Removed an unnecessary comma from after “groundwater” that separated a two-element series |
724.194(b)(2)(I) |
Board |
Added a comma after “vegetation” to offset the final element of a series |
724.194(c) |
Board |
Changed “paragraph (b)” to “subsection (b) of this Section”; added a comma before “the Agency must” to offset an independent clause; changed “will” to “must” |
724.194(d) |
Board, JCAR |
Changed “shall” to “must”; changed “alternate” to “alternative”; changed “paragraph (b)” to “subsection (b) of this Section” |
724.195(a) |
Board |
Changed “will” to “must” |
724.195(b)(1) |
Board |
Added a comma after “dike” to offset the final element of a series |
724.196(a) |
Board |
Changed “will” to “must” |
724.196(c) |
Board |
Changed “paragraph (a)” to “subsection (a) of this Section” |
724.197 preamble |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; added a comma after “724.199” to offset the final element of a series |
724.197(a) |
Board |
Added “fulfill the following requirements” |
724.197(a)(1) |
Board |
Added “they”; added “the following is true” |
724.197(a)(1)(B) |
Board |
Changed the ending punctuation from a period to a semicolon; removed the unnecessary conjunction “and” and the ending comma |
724.197(a)(2) |
Board, JCAR |
Added “they”; added “the following is true”; changed the ending punctuation from a period to a semicolon; changed “And,” to lower-case “and” |
724.197(a)(3) |
Board |
Added “they”; added “the following is true” |
724.197(d) |
Board |
Added “the following” |
724.197(g) |
Board |
Changed “points(s)” to “points”; changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause; changed “must be” to “must fulfill the following requirements” |
724.197(g)(1) |
Board |
Added “it may be” |
724.197(g)(2) |
Board |
Added “it may be” |
724.197(h) |
Board, JCAR |
Changed “shall” to “must”; changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause; changed “pql’s” to “pqls”; changed “subsection (i)(5)” to “subsection (i)(5) of this Section”; changed “subsection (i)” to “subsection (i) of this Section” |
724.197(i) |
Board |
Changed “subsection (h)” to “subsection (h) of this Section” |
724.197(i)(4) |
Board |
Changed “data base” to “database” |
724.197(i)(5) |
Board |
Changed “subsection (h)” to “subsection (h) of this Section”; changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause |
724.197(i)(6) |
Board |
Added a comma before “as well as” to offset a parenthetical |
724.197(j) |
Board |
Changed “subsection (g)” to “subsection (g) of this Section”; changed “shall” to “must” |
724.198 preamble |
Board |
Changed “this Subpart” to “this Subpart F”; changed “shall” to “must” |
724.198(a) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; added a comma after “carbon” to offset the final element of a series; changed “will” to “must” |
724.198(a)(1) |
Board |
Added a comma after “quantities” to offset the final element of a series |
724.198(a)(2) |
Board |
Added a comma after “stability” to offset the final element of a series |
724.198(a)(3) |
Board |
Added a comma after “constituents” to offset the final element of a series |
724.198(b) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; added a comma after “724.197(b)” to offset the final element of a series |
724.198(c) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” (twice); changed “subsection (a)” to “subsection (a) of this Section” |
724.198(d) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; changed “subsection (a)” to “subsection (a) of this Section” |
724.198(e) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.198(f) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; changed “subsection (a)” to “subsection (a) of this Section”; changed “subsection (d)” to “subsection (d) of this Section” |
724.198(f)(1) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; changed “method(s)” to “methods” (twice); changed “point(s)” to “points” |
724.198(f)(2) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” (twice) |
724.198(g) |
Board |
Changed “subsection (f)” to “subsection (f) of this Section”; changed “subsection (a)” to “subsection (a) of this Section”; changed “shall” to “must”; added “do the following” |
724.198(g)(2) |
Board |
Changed “Appendix I” to “Appendix I of this Part” |
724.198(g)(3) |
Board, JCAR |
Changed “Appendix I compounds” to “compounds in Appendix I of this Part”; changed “subsection (g)(2)” to “subsection (g)(2) of this Section” (twice) |
724.198(g)(4)(A) |
Board, JCAR |
Changed “Appendix I constituent” to “constituent in Appendix I of this Part” |
724.198(g)(4)(D) |
Changed the ending semicolon to a period; removed the ending conjunction “and” |
724.198(g)(5) |
Board |
Added “the following” |
724.198(g)(5)(B) |
Board |
Added “the following is true” |
724.198(g)(5)(B)(i) |
Board |
Changed “subsection (g)(2)” to “subsection (g)(2) of this Section” |
724.198(g)(5)(B)(ii) |
Board |
Changed “subsection (g)(2)” to “subsection (g)(2) of this Section” |
724.198(g)(6) |
Board |
Changed “subsection (f)” to “subsection (f) of this Section”; changed “subsection (a)” to “subsection (a) of this Section”; changed “this subsection” to “this subsection (g)”; changed “subsection (g)(4)” to “subsection (g)(4) of this Section”; changed “this paragraph” to “this subsection (g)” (twice); added a comma after “analysis” to offset the final element of a series; changed “shall” to “must”; added “do the following” |
724.198(g)(6)(A) |
Board |
Changed “this subsection” to “this subsection (g)” |
724.198(g)(6)(B) |
Board |
Changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause; added a comma after “analysis” to offset the final element of a series |
724.198(h) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” (twice) |
724.199 preamble |
Board |
Changed “this Subpart” to “this Subpart F”; changed “shall” to “must” |
724.199(a) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; changed “will” to “must”; added “the following” |
724.199(b) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; added a comma after “724.197(b)” to offset the final element of a series |
724.199(c) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.199(c)(1) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.199(c)(2) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.199(d) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; changed “subsection (a)” to “subsection (a) of this Section”; changed “subsection (f)” to “subsection (f) of this Section” |
724.199(d)(1) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.199(d)(2) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” (twice) |
724.199(e) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.199(f) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.199(g) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” (three times); changed “Appendix I” to “Appendix I of this Part”; changed “Appendix I constituents” to “constituents of Appendix I of this Part” |
724.199(h) |
Board, JCAR |
Changed “subsection (d)” to “subsection (d) of this Section”; changed “shall” to “must”; added “do the following”; changed “section “ to capitalized “Section” |
724.199(h)(2)(A) |
Board |
Changed “subsection (a)” to “subsection (a) of this Section” |
724.199(h)(2)(B) |
Changed “section “ to capitalized “Section” |
724.199(i) |
Board |
Changed “subsection (d)” to “subsection (d) of this Section”; changed “this subsection” to “this subsection (i)”; changed “shall” to “must”; added “do the following” |
724.199(i)(1) |
Board |
Changed “this subsection” to “this subsection (i)” |
724.199(i)(2) |
Board |
Changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause; added a comma after “analysis” to offset the final element of a series |
724.199(i)(4) |
Board |
Changed “section” to upper-case “Section” |
724.199(j) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.200 preamble |
Board |
Changed “this Subpart” to “this Subpart F” |
724.200(a) |
Board |
Changed “will” to “must”; added “the following” |
724.200(b) |
Board |
Changed “will” to “must” |
724.200(c) |
Board |
Changed “will” to “must” (twice) |
724.200(d) |
Board |
Changed “subsection (e)” to “subsection (e) of this Section” |
724.200(e) |
Board |
Changed “this section” to capitalized “this Section”; added “as follows” offset by a comma |
724.200(e)(1) |
Board |
Changed “location” to “at the following locations”; changed the ending punctuation from a period to a colon |
724.200(e)(2) |
Board |
Added “following” before “measures” |
724.200(e)(2)(A) |
Board |
Changed “this paragraph” to “this subsection (e)” |
724.200(e)(2)(B) |
Board |
Changed “this paragraph” to “this subsection (e)” |
724.200(f) |
Board |
Changed “subsection (d)” to “subsection (d) of this Section” |
724.200(h) |
Board |
Changed “this section” to capitalized “this Section” |
724.201(c) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.210 preamble |
Board |
Added “the following are required” offset by a comma |
724.210(a) |
Board |
Removed the unnecessary ending conjunction “and” |
724.210(b) |
Board |
Added “the following” |
724.210(b)(1) |
Board |
Removed the unnecessary ending conjunction “or” |
724.210(b)(2) |
Board |
Removed the unnecessary ending conjunction “or” |
724.210(b)(3) |
Board |
Changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause |
724.211 preamble |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; added “does the following” |
724.211(a) |
Board |
Removed the unnecessary ending conjunction “and” |
724.211(b) |
Board |
Added a comma after “minimizes” to offset the final element of a series; added a comma after “run-off” to offset the final element of a series |
724.212(a) |
Board |
Added “required” |
724.212(a)(1) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.212(a)(2) |
Board |
Added a comma after “724.451” to separate elements of a series; removed an unnecessary conjunction “and” after “724.451” that separated intermediate elements of a series |
724.212(b) |
Board |
Added “the following” |
724.212(b)(1) |
Board |
Removed the unnecessary ending conjunction “and” |
724.212(b)(2) |
Board |
Changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause; removed the unnecessary ending conjunction “and” |
724.212(b)(3) |
Board |
Changed “type(s)” to “types”; removed the unnecessary ending conjunction “and” |
724.212(b)(4) |
Board |
Removed the unnecessary ending conjunction “and” |
724.212(b)(5) |
Board |
Removed the unnecessary ending conjunction “and” |
724.212(b)(6) |
Board |
Changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause; removed the unnecessary ending conjunction “and” |
724.212(c) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; added a comma after “703” to offset the final element of a series |
724.212(c)(2) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; added “and of the following occurs” |
724.212(c)(3) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” (four times); changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause; added a comma after “703” to offset the final element of a series |
724.212(c)(4) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; added a comma after “703” to offset the final element of a series |
724.212(d)(1) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” (three times); removed an unnecessary comma after “unit” that separated a two-element series |
724.212(d)(2) |
Board |
Added “of the following” |
724.212(d)(2)(A) |
Board |
Removed the unnecessary commas before and after “and will continue to take”; changed “shall” to “must” |
724.212(d)(2)(B) |
Board |
Removed the unnecessary commas before and after “and will continue to take”; changed “shall” to “must” |
724.212(d)(3) |
Board |
Changed “this subsection ” to “this subsection (d) ”; changed “shall” to “must” |
724.212(e) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.213(a) |
Board |
Changed “subsections (d) and (e)” to “subsections (d) and (e) of this Section”; changed “shall” to “must”; added “the following is true” |
724.213(a)(1) |
Board |
Added “of the following” |
724.213(a)(1)(A) |
Board |
Changed “this subsection (a)” to “this subsection (a)” |
724.213(a)(1)(B) |
Board |
Added “is true” |
724.213(a)(1)(B) |
Board |
Changed “subsections (d) and (e)” to “subsections (d) and (e) of this Section”; removed the unnecessary ending conjunction “and” |
724.213(b) |
Board |
Changed “subsections (d) and (e)” to “subsections (d) and (e) of this Section”; changed “shall” to “must”; changed “that” to “as follows” |
724.213(b)(1) |
Board |
Added “of the following” |
724.213(b)(1)(B)(i) |
Board |
Changed “subsections (d) and (e)” to “subsections (d) and (e) of this Section”; removed the unnecessary ending conjunction “and” |
724.213(c) |
Board |
Changed “subsections (a)(1) and (b)(1)” to “subsections (a)(1) and (b)(1) of this Section” |
724.213(c)(1) |
Board |
Changed “subsection (a)(1)” to “subsection (a)(1) of this Section”; changed “subsection (a)” to “subsection (a) of this Section” |
724.213(c)(2) |
Board |
Changed “subsection (b)(1)” to “subsection (b)(1) of this Section”; changed “subsection (d)” to “subsection (d) of this Section” |
724.213(d) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; added a comma after “unit” to offset the final element of a series; added “the following is true” |
724.213(d)(1) |
Board |
Added a comma after “703” to offset the final element of a series; changed “that” to “the following” |
724.213(d)(1)(A) |
Board |
Added “that”; removed the unnecessary ending conjunction “and” |
724.213(d)(1)(B) |
Board |
Added “that”; removed the unnecessary ending conjunction “and” |
724.213(d)(1)(C) |
Board |
Added “that”; removed the unnecessary ending conjunction “and” |
724.213(d)(1)(D) |
Board |
Added “that” |
724.213(d)(1)(E) |
Board |
Added “that”; removed the unnecessary ending conjunction “and” |
724.213(d)(2) |
Board |
Added a comma before “as necessary” to offset a parenthetical; removed the unnecessary ending conjunction “and” |
724.213(d)(4) |
Board |
Changed “subsections (d)(1) and (2)” to “subsections (d)(1) and (d)(2) of this Section”; removed the unnecessary comma after “unit” separating a two-element series |
724.213(e) |
Board |
Changed “subsection (d)” to “subsection (d) of this Section”; changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause; added a comma after “(d)” to separate the final element of a series |
724.213(e)(1) |
Board |
Added “the following” |
724.213(e)(2) |
Board |
Added “the following” |
724.213(e)(2)(C) |
Board |
Added “the following” |
724.213(e)(2)(C)(i) |
Board |
Corrected the spelling of “alloted” to “allotted” |
724.213(e)(2)(C) |
Board |
Added “following requirements apply to the” |
724.213(e)(3)(A) |
Board |
Added “it” |
724.213(e)(3)(B) |
Board |
Added “it” |
724.213(e)(3)(C) |
Board |
Added “it” |
724.213(e)(3)(D) |
Board |
Added “it” |
724.213(e)(4) |
Board |
Changed “release” to “definition of release”; added “defined as”; changed “Subpart F” to “Subpart F of this Part” |
724.213(e)(5) |
Board |
Added “must do the following” |
724.213(e)(5)(A) |
Board, JCAR |
Added “the owner or operator must”; added “do the following” |
724.213(e)(5)(A)(i) |
Board |
Removed the unnecessary ending comma |
724.213(e)(5)(A)(iii) |
Board |
Changed “subsection (e)(7)” to “subsection (e)(7) of this Section” |
724.213(e)(5)(B) |
Board |
Added “the owner or operator”; changed “shall” to must” |
724.213(e)(5)(C) |
Board |
Added “the owner or operator” |
724.213(e)(6) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause”; added “do the following” |
724.213(e)(7) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.213(e)(7)(A) |
Board |
Changed the ending punctuation from a semicolon to a period; removed the unnecessary ending conjunction “or” |
724.213(e)(7)(B) |
Board, JCAR |
Changed the ending punctuation from a semicolon to a period; removed the ending conjunction “or” |
724.213(e)(8) |
Board |
Changed “this subsection” to “this subsection (e)” |
724.213(e)(8)(A) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; added “Section 28.1 . . . and”; changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 106.Subpart G” to “35 Ill. Adm. Code 101 and 104” |
724.213(e)(8)(B) |
Board |
Changed “subsection (e)(1)” to “subsection (e)(1) of this Section”; changed “subsections (e)(2) and (3)” to “subsections (e)(2) and (e)(3) of this Section” |
724.213(e)(8)(C) |
Board |
Changed “subsection (e)(1)” to “subsection (e)(1) of this Section” |
724.213(e)(8)(C)(iv) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; added “do as follows” |
724.213(e)(8)(C)(v) |
Board |
Added “do as follows”; removed an unnecessary comma after the conjunction “or” |
724.213(e)(8)(C)(vi) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.213(e)(8)(D) |
Board |
Changed “subsection (e)(5)(A)” to “subsection (e)(5)(A) of this Section”; changed “subsection (e)(7)” to “subsection (e)(7) of this Section” |
724.213(e)(9) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.214 heading |
Board |
Added a comma after “structures” to offset the final element of a series |
724.214 |
Board |
Added a comma after “structures” to offset the final element of a series; added a comma after “724.380” to offset the final element of a series; changed “shall” to “must” |
724.215 |
Board |
Added a comma after “treatment” to offset the final element of a series; changed “shall” to “must” |
724.216 |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; removed the unnecessary commas before and after “or authority . . . land use” (twice); removed the unnecessary comma after “and to the Agency”; changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause; changed “Subpart G regulations” to “regulations of Subpart G of this Part” |
724.217 heading |
Board |
Changed “Post-closure” to capitalized “Post-Closure” |
724.217(a) |
Board |
Changed “Post-closure” to capitalized “Post-Closure” |
724.217(a)(1)(A) |
Board |
Changed “Subparts F, K, L, M, N and X” to “Subparts F, K, L, M, N, and X of this Part,” adding a comma to offset the final element of a series |
724.217(a)(1)(B) |
Board |
Changed “Subparts F, K, L, M, N and X” to “Subparts F, K, L, M, N, and X of this Part,” adding a comma to offset the final element of a series |
724.217(a)(2) |
Board |
Added “the Board may . . . do either of the following” |
724.217(a)(2)(A) |
Board |
Removed the unnecessary commas before and after “or facility”; removed the unnecessary comma after “closed”; changed “if the Board finds” to “and the Board has found”; added “by an adjusted standard . . . 35 Ill. Adm. Code 101 and 104”; added a comma after “treatment” to offset the final element of a series |
724.217(a)(2)(B) |
Board |
Changed “if the Board finds” to “and the Board has found”; added “by an adjusted standard . . . 35 Ill. Adm. Code 101 and 104”; changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause |
724.217(a)(2)(C) |
Board |
Removed the outdated limiting provision |
724.217(b) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; moved the prepositional phrase “at . . . closure”; added “either of the following is true” |
724.217(c) |
Board |
Changed “liner(s)” to “liners”; added “is necessary for either of the following reasons” |
724.217(c)(1) |
Board |
Added “it” |
724.217(c)(2) |
Board |
Added “it” |
724.217(d) |
Board |
Corrected “post- closure” to “post-closure” |
724.218(a) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” (twice) |
724.218(b) |
Board |
Added “the following” |
724.218(b)(1) |
Board |
Changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause; changed “Subparts F, K, L, M, N, and X” to “Subparts F, K, L, M, N, and X of this Part” |
724.218(b)(2) |
Board |
Added “the following” |
724.218(b)(2)(A) |
Board |
Changed “Subparts F, K, L, M, N, and X” to “Subparts F, K, L, M, N, and X of this Part” |
724.218(b)(2)(B) |
Board |
Changed “Subparts F, K, L, M, N, and X” to “Subparts F, K, L, M, N, and X of this Part” |
724.218(c) |
Board |
Changed “subsection (b)(3)” to “subsection (b)(3) of this Section”; changed “shall” to “must” |
724.218(d) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.218(d)(2) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.218(d)(3) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” (three times); changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause |
724.218(d)(4) |
Board |
Changed “subsection (d)(2)” to “subsection (d)(2) of this Section”; changed “shall” to “must” (twice) |
724.219 heading |
Board |
Changed “Post-closure” to capitalized “Post-Closure” |
724.219(a) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” (twice); added a comma after “location” to offset the final element of a series (twice) |
724.219(b) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; added “that” to “do the following” |
724.219(b)(1) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; changed “that” to “as follows” |
724.219(b)(1)(A) |
Board |
Added “that” |
724.219(b)(1)(B) |
Board |
Added “that”; changed “this Subpart” to “this Subpart G” |
724.219(b)(1)(C) |
Board |
Added “that”; added a comma after “location” to offset the final element of a series; changed “subsection (a)” to “subsection (a) of this Section” |
724.219(b)(1)(D) |
Board |
Changed “subsection (b)(1)” to “subsection (b)(1) of this Section” |
724.219(b)(2) |
Board, JCAR |
Moved “to the Agency” from a parenthetical after “placed” to a prepositional phrase following “certification” |
724.219(c) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” (three times); added “of the following” |
724.220 heading |
Board |
Changed “Post-closure” to capitalized “Post-Closure” |
724.220 |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.240(b) |
Board |
Added “the following” |
724.240(b)(1) |
Board |
Removed the unnecessary ending conjunction “or” |
724.240(b)(2) |
Board |
Removed the unnecessary ending conjunction “or” |
724.240(b)(3) |
Board |
Changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause |
724.240(c) |
Board |
Added the definite article “the” (twice); changed “States” to singular “State”; changed “this Subpart” to “this Subpart H” |
724.240(d) |
Board |
Changed “this Subpart of this Part” to “this Subpart H” |
724.240(d)(2) |
Board |
Changed “this Subpart of this Part” to “this Subpart H” |
724.241 heading |
Board, JCAR |
Changed to lower-case “as”; changed to lower-case “in” |
724.241 preamble |
Board |
Preamble language added |
724.241(b) |
Board |
Added a comma after “(b)” to offset the final elemnent of a series |
724.241(c) |
Board |
Added a comma after “(b)” to offset the final element of a series |
724.241(d) |
Board |
Changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause |
724.241(f) |
Board |
Added a comma after “care” to offset the final element of a series |
724.241(f) “current assets” |
Board |
Changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause |
724.241(f) “current plugging . . . cost estimate” |
Board |
Added a comma after “(b)” to offset the final element of a series |
724.241(f) “tangible net worth” |
Board |
Added a comma before “such as” to offset a parenthetical |
724.241(g) “accidental occurrence” |
Board |
Changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause |
724.241(g) “bodily injury” |
Board |
Added a comma after “sickness” to offset the final element of a series; changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause |
724.241(g) “bodily injury” Board note |
Board |
Updated the Code of Federal Regulations reference to the most recent edition available |
724.241(g) “environmental damage” |
Board |
Added a comma after “atmosphere” to offset the final element of a series; added a comma after “gaseous” to offset the final element of a series; added a comma after “irritants” to offset the final element of a series |
724.241(g) “environmental damage” Board note |
Board |
Moved the ending period inside the closing quotation mark after “incident” |
724.241(g) “nonsudden accidental occurrence” |
Board |
Changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause |
724.241(g) “pollutants” |
Board |
Added a comma after “chemicals” to offset the final element of a series |
724.241(g) “pollutants” Board note |
Board |
Moved the ending period inside the closing quotation mark after “incident” |
724.241(g) “pollution incident” |
Board |
Added a comma after “release” to offset the final element of a series; moved a period inside the closing quotation mark after “damage”; changed “shall” to “must”; moved a period inside the closing quotation mark after “incident”; added a comma after “reconditioned” to offset the final element of a series; moved a period inside the closing quotation mark after “occurrence” |
724.241(g) “pollution incident” Board note |
Board |
Moved a period inside the closing quotation mark after “damage” |
724.241(g) “property damage” |
Board |
Added “as follows”; added “of the following”; moved a period inside the closing quotation mark after “incident”; changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause |
724.241(g) “property damage” Board note |
Board |
Updated the Code of Federal Regulations reference to the most recent edition available |
724.241(g) “sudden accidental occurrence” |
Board |
Changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause |
724.242(a) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; added a comma after “724.451” to separate elements of a series; removed the unnecessary conjunction “and” |
724.242(a)(4) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.242(b) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; changed “instrument(s)” to “instruments”; changed “subsections (b)(1) and (b)(2)” to “subsections (b)(1) and (b)(2) of this Section” |
724.242(c) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; added a comma before “as specified” to offset a parenthetical |
724.242(c) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; corrected to capitalized “The” |
724.243 heading |
Board |
Changed to lower-case “for” |
724.243 preamble |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” (twice); changed “as specified” to “that are specified”; changed “subsections (a) through (f)” to “subsections (a) through (f) of this Section” |
724.243(a)(1) |
Board |
Changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause (twice); changed “this subsection” to “this subsection (a)”; changed to lower-case “federal” |
724.243(a)(2) |
Board |
Changed “as specified” to “that specified” |
724.243(a)(3)(A) |
Board |
Added a comma after “storage to offset the final element of a series; changed “subsection (g)” to “subsection (g) of this Section”; changed ”this” to “the following”; changed the indent level of the explanatory paragraph, as indicated by strikeout and underlining |
724.243(a)(3)(B) |
Board, JCAR |
Changed “subsection (a)(3)” to “subsection (a)(3) of this Section”; changed “this” to “the following”; added a comma after “fund” to offset the final element of a series; changed the indent level of the explanatory paragraph, as indicated by strikeout and underlining |
724.243(a)(4) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; changed “subsection (a)(3)” to “subsection (a)(3) of this Section” |
724.243(a)(5) |
Board |
Changed “ this subsection” to “this subsection (a)” |
724.243(a)(6) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” (twice); removed an unnecessary comma after “cost estimate” that separated a two-element series |
724.243(a)(8) |
Board |
Added a comma before “as specified” to offset a parenthetical |
724.243(a)(9) |
Board, JCAR |
Changed “subsections (a)(7) or(8)” to singular “subsection (a)(7) or (a)(8) of this Section”; changed “shall” to “must” |
724.243(a)(10) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” (three times); changed “subsection (i)” to “subsection (i) of this Section” |
724.243(a)(11) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; added “either of the following occurs” |
724.243(a)(11)(A) |
Board |
Added a comma before “as specified to offset a parenthetical |
724.243(b)(1) |
Board |
Changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause; changed “this subsection” to “this subsection (b)”; changed “shall” to “must” |
724.243(b)(2) |
Board |
Changed “as specified” to “that specified” |
724.243(b)(3) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; changed “subsection (a)” to “subsection (a) of this Section”; changed “that” to “as follows” |
724.243(b)(3)(B)(i) |
Board |
Changed “subsection (a)” to “subsection (a) of this Section” |
724.243(b)(3)(B)(iii) |
Board |
Added a comma before “as required” to offset a parenthetical |
724.243(b)(4) |
Board |
Added “do one of the following” |
724.243(b)(4)(A) |
Board |
Removed the unnecessary ending conjunction “or” |
724.243(b)(6) |
Board |
Changed “subsection (g)” to “subsection (g) of this Section” |
724.243(b)(7) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; added commas to offset the parenthetical “as specified in this Section” |
724.243(c)(1) |
Board, JCAR |
Added “Section” after “this”; changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause; changed “this subsection” to “this subsection (c)”; changed “shall” to “must”; added a comma after “storage” to offset the final element of a series |
724.243(c)(2) |
Board |
Changed “as specified” to “that specified” |
724.243(c)(3) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; changed “subsection (a)” to “subsection (a) of this Section”; changed “that” to “as follows” |
724.243(c)(3)(B)(i) |
Board |
Added a comma before “as specified” to offset a parenthetical; changed “subsection (a)” to “subsection (a) of this Section” |
724.243(c)(3)(B)(iii) |
Board |
Added a comma before “as required” to offset a parenthetical |
724.243(c)(3)(B)(iv) |
Board |
Added a comma before “as required” to offset a parenthetical |
724.243(c)(4) |
Board |
Added “do the following” |
724.243(c)(4)(B) |
Board |
Changed “alternate” to “alternative”; added a comma before “as required” to offset a parenthetical |
724.243(c)(5) |
Board |
Added commas to offset “as guaranteed by the bond” as a parenthetical |
724.243(c)(7) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.243(c)(9) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; added “either of the following occurs” |
724.243(c)(9)(A) |
Board |
Changed “alternate” to “alternative”; added a comma before “as specified” to offset a parenthetical |
724.243(c)(9)(B) |
Board |
Changed “subsection (i)” to “subsection (i) of this Section” |
724.243(c)(10) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; changed “subsection (i)” to “subsection (i) of this Section” |
724.243(d)(1) |
Board, JCAR |
Changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause (twice); changed “this subsection” to “this subsection (d)”; changed “shall” to “must”; added a comma after “storage” to offset the final element of a series; changed “Federal or State agency” to lower-case “federal or state agency” |
724.243(d)(2) |
Board |
Changed “as specified” to “that specified” |
724.243(d)(3) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; changed “will” to “must”; changed “subsection (a)” to “subsection (a) of this Section”; changed “that” to “as follows” |
724.243(d)(3)(B)(i) |
Board |
Added a comma before “as specified” to offset a parenthetical; changed “subsection (a)” to “subsection (a) of this Section” |
724.243(d)(3)(B)(iii) |
Board |
Added a comma before “as required” to offset a parenthetical |
724.243(d)(3)(B)(iv) |
Board |
Added a comma before “as required” to offset a parenthetical |
724.243(d)(4) |
Board |
Changed “EPA Identification Number” to lower-case “USEPA identification number” |
724.243(d)(5) |
Board |
Changed numeric “1” to “one” (twice) |
724.243(d)(6) |
Board |
Changed “subsection (g)” to “subsection (g) of this Section” |
724.243(d)(7) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; added commas to offset “as specified in this Section” as a parenthetical |
724.243(d)(9) |
Board |
Changed “alternate” to “alternative” (three times); added commas to offset “as specified in this Section” as a parenthetical (twice); “shall” to “must” (twice) |
724.243(d)(10) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; added “either of the following occurs” |
724.243(d)(10)(A) |
Board |
Changed “alternate” to “alternative”; added a comma before “as specified” to offset a parenthetical |
724.243(d)(10)(B) |
Board |
Changed “subsection (i)” to “subsection (i) of this Section” |
724.243(e)(1) |
Board |
Changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause; changed “this subsection” to “this subsection (e)”; changed “shall” to “must”; removed an unnecessary comma after “insurance” that separated a two-element series; added “be” before “eligible”; removed an unnecessary comma after “insurer” that offset a prepositional phrase |
724.243(e)(1) |
Board |
Changed “as specified” to “that specified” |
724.243(e)(3) |
Board |
Changed “subsection (g)” to “subsection (g) of this Section” |
724.243(e)(4) |
Board |
Added a comma before “as the Agency specifies” to offset a parenthetical |
724.243(e)(5) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” (three times); added commas to offset “as the Agency specifies in writing” as a parenthetical; changed “as it deems” to “that it deems”; changed “subsection (i)” to “subsection (i) of this Section” |
724.243(e)(6) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; added commas before “as specified” to offset a parenthetical (twice); changed “alternate” to “alternative” |
724.243(e)(8) |
Board |
Added a comma after “terminate” to offset the final element of a series (twice); added a comma after “termination” to offset the final element of a series (twice); added a comma before “and the policy will remain” to offset an independent clause; added a comma before “in the event” to offset a prepositional phrase as a parenthetical; added “one of the following occurs” |
724.243(e)(8)(A) |
Board |
Removed the unnecessary ending conjunction “or” |
724.243(e)(8)(B) |
Board |
Removed the unnecessary ending conjunction “or” |
724.243(e)(8)(C) |
Board |
Removed the unnecessary ending conjunction “or” |
724.243(e)(8)(D) |
JCAR, Board |
Changed “11 U.S.C.” to “Title 11 of the United States Code” |
724.243(e)(9) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; added a comma before “as specified” to offset a parenthetical |
724.243(e)(10) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; added “either of the following” |
724.243(e)(10)(A) |
Board |
Changed “alternate” to “alternative”; added a comma before “as specified” to offset a parenthetical |
724.243(e)(10)(B) |
Board |
Changed “subsection (i)” to “subsection (i) of this Section” |
724.243(f)(1) |
Board, JCAR |
Added a comma before “as specified” to offset a parenthetical; changed “shall” to “must”; changed “subsection (f)(1)(A) or (f)(1)(B)” to “subsection (f)(1)(A) or (f)(1)(B) of this Section” |
724.243(f)(1)(A) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; added “the following” |
724.243(f)(1)(A)(i) |
Board |
Removed the unnecessary ending conjunction “and” |
724.243(f)(1)(A)(ii) |
Board |
Removed the unnecessary ending conjunction “and” |
724.243(f)(1)(B) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; added “the following” |
724.243(f)(1)(B)(i) |
Board |
Added a comma after “A” to offset the final elemtn of a series (twice); removed the unnecessary ending conjunction “and” |
724.243(f)(1)(B)(ii) |
Board |
Removed the unnecessary ending conjunction “and” |
724.243(f)(2) |
Board |
Added commas to offset “as used in subsection (f)(1) of this Section” as a parenthetical (twice); changed “subsection (f)(1)” to “subsection (f)(1) of this Section” (twice) |
724.243(f)(3) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.243(f)(3)(C) |
Board |
Added “the following” |
724.243(f)(3)(C)(i) |
Board |
Added “that”; changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause |
724.243(f)(3)(C)(ii) |
Board |
Added “that” |
724.243(f)(4) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; changed “subsection (f)(3)” to “subsection (f)(3) of this Section”; added a comma after “storage” to offset the final element of a series |
724.243(f)(5) |
Board |
Changed “subsection (f)(3)” to “subsection (f)(3) of this Section” (twice); changed “shall” to “must” |
724.243(f)(6) |
Board |
Changed “subsection (f)(1)” to “subsection (f)(1) of this Section” (twice); changed “shall” to “must” (twice); changed “alternate” to “alternative” (twice) |
724.243(f)(7) |
Board |
Changed “subsection (f)(1)” to “subsection (f)(1) of this Section” (twice); changed “subsection (f)(3)” to “subsection (f)(3) of this Section”; changed “shall” to “must” (twice); changed “alternate” to “alternative”; added commas to offset “as specified in this Section” as a parenthetical |
724.243(f)(8) |
Board |
Changed “subsection (f)(3)(B)” to “subsection (f)(3)(B) of this Section”; changed “shall” to “must” (twice); changed “alternate” to “alternative”; added commas to offset “as specified in this Section” as a parenthetical |
724.243(f)(9) |
Board |
Changed “subsection (f)(3)” to “subsection (f)(3) of this Section”; added “either of the following occurs” |
724.243(f)(9)(A) |
Board |
Changed “alternate” to “alternative”; added a comma before “as specified” to offset a parenthetical |
724.243(f)(9)(B) |
Board |
Changed “subsection (i)” to “subsection (i) of this Section” |
724.243(f)(10) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” (twice); changed “subsection (f)(1) through (f)(8)” to “subsection (f)(1) through (f)(8) of this Section”; changed “as specified” to “that specified”; changed “subsection (f)(3)” to “subsection (f)(3) of this Section”; changed “that” to “as follows” |
724.243(f)(10)(A) |
Board |
Added a comma before “as specified” to offset a parenthetical; changed “subsection (a)” to “subsection (a) of this Section” |
724.243(f)(10)(C) |
Board |
Changed “alternate” to “alternative” (twice) |
724.243(g) |
Board, JCAR |
Added “Section” after “this”; added a comma after “credit” to offset the final element of a series; added a comma after “(d)” to offset the final element of a series; changed “subsections (a), (b), (d) and (e)” to “subsections (a), (b), (d), and (e) of this Section”; changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause |
724.243(h) |
Board |
Changed “EPA Identification Number” to lower-case “USEPA identification number”; added a comma after “address” to offset the final element of a series |
724.243(i) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” (twice) |
724.243(j)(1) |
Board |
Added a comma after “credit” to offset the final element of a series |
724.243(h) |
Board |
Changed “alternate” to “alternative”; removed an unnecessary comma before and after “or parent corporation” that offset the second element in a two-element series |
724.244 heading |
Board |
Changed “Post-closure” to capitalized “Post-Closure” |
724.244(a) |
Board |
Added the conjunction “or” before “landfill unit,” the final element of a series; removed a comma before “or the owner or operator of . . .” which separated a two-element series; added “the owner or operator”; changed “shall” to “must”; added a comma after “724.410” to offset the final element of a series |
724.244(b) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; changed “instrument(s)” to “instruments”; added a comma before “as specified” to offset a parenthetical (twice); added a comma before “as published” to offset a parenthetical; changed “subsections (b)(1) and (b)(2)” to “subsections (b)(1) and (b)(2) of this Section” |
724.244(c) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; removed an unnecessary comma before “if the change” that offset a prepositional phrase; added a comma before “as specified” to offset a parenthetical |
724.244(d) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.245 heading |
Board |
Changed “For” to lower-case “for”; changed “Post-closure” to capitalized “Post-Closure” |
724.245 |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” (twice); changed “from the following” to “from among the following” |
724.245(a)(1) |
Board |
Changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause (twice); changed “this subsection” to “this subsection (a)”; changed “shall” to “must” (twice); changed “Federal” to lower-case “federal” |
724.245(a)(2) |
Board |
Changed “as specified” to “that specified” |
724.245(a)(3)(A) |
Board, JCAR |
Changed “subsection (g)” to “subsection (g) of this Section”; changed “this formula” to “the following formula”; added a comma after “fund” to offset the final element of a series; changed the indent level of the explanatory paragraph, as indicated by strikeout and underlining |
724.245(a)(3)(B) |
Board, JCAR |
Added commas to offset “as specified . . . 725.245(a)” as a parenthetical; changed “subsection (a)(3)” to “subsection (a)(3) of this Section”; changed “this formula” to “the following formula”; added a comma after “fund” to offset the final element of a series; changed the indent level of the explanatory paragraph, as indicated by strikeout and underlining |
724.245(a)(4) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; changed “subsection (a)(3)” to “subsection (a)(3) of this Section” |
724.245(a)(5) |
Board |
Changed “alternate” to “alternative”; changed “this subsection” to “this subsection (a)” |
724.245(a)(6) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” (twice); added commas to offset “as specified in this Section” as a parenthetical |
724.245(a)(9) |
Board, JCAR |
Added commas to offset “as specified in subsections (a)(7) and (a)(8) of this Section” as a parenthetical; changed “subsections (a)(7) or (8)” to singular “subsection (a)(7) or (a)(8) of this Section”; changed “shall” to “must” (twice); |
724.245(a)(10) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.245(a)(11) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” (twice); changed “as the Agency specifies” to “that the Agency specifies” |
724.245(a)(12) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” (twice); added “either or the following occurs” |
724.245(a)(12)(A) |
Board |
Changed “alternate” to “alternative”; added a comma before “as specified” to offset a parenthetical |
724.245(a)(12)(B) |
Board |
Changed “subsection (i)” to “subsection (i) of this Section” |
724.245(b)(1) |
Board |
Changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause; changed “this subsection” to “this subsection (b)”; changed “shall” to “must” |
724.245(b)(2) |
Board |
Changed “as specified” to “that specified” |
724.245(b)(3) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; changed “subsection (a)” to “subsection (a) of this Section”; changed “that” to “as follows” |
724.245(b)(3)(B)(i) |
Board |
Added a comma before “as specified” to offset a parenthetical; changed “subsection (a)” to “subsection (a) of this Section” |
724.245(b)(3)(B)(iii) |
Board |
Added a comma before “as required” to offset a parenthetical |
724.245(b)(3)(B)(iv) |
Board |
Added a comma before “as required” to offset a parenthetical |
724.245(b)(4) |
Board |
Added “do one of the following” |
724.245(b)(4)(A) |
Board |
Removed the unnecessary ending conjunction “or” |
724.245(b)(4)(C) |
Board |
Changed “alternate” to “alternative” |
724.245(b)(6) |
Board |
Changed “subsection (g)” to “subsection (g) of this Section” |
724.245(b)(7) |
Board, JCAR |
Changed “shall” to “must”; added a comma before and after “as specified in this Section” to offset a parenthetical |
724.245(b)(9) |
Board |
Changed “alternate” to “alternative”; added a comma before “as specified” to offset a parenthetical |
724.245(c)(1) |
Board |
Changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause; changed “this subsection” to “this subsection (c)”; changed “shall” to “must” |
724.245(c)(2) |
Board |
Changed “as specified” to “that specified” |
724.245(c)(3) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; changed “subsection (a)” to “subsection (a) of this Section”; changed “that” to “as follows” |
724.245(c)(3)(B)(i) |
Board |
Added a comma before “as specified” to offset a parenthetical; changed “subsection (a)” to “subsection (a) of this Section” |
724.245(c)(3)(B) |
Board, JCAR |
Removed “by these regulations” |
724.245(c)(3)(B)(iii) |
Board |
Added a comma before “as required” to offset a parenthetical |
724.245(c)(3)(B)(iv) |
Board |
Added a comma before “as required” to offset a parenthetical |
724.245(c)(4) |
Board |
Added “do either of the following” |
724.245(c)(4)(B) |
Board, JCAR |
Changed “alternate” to “alternative”; added a comma before “as specified in this Section “ to offset the parenthetical; changed “within 90 days of” to “within 90 days after” |
724.245(c)(7) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; added a comma before “as specified” to offset a parenthetical |
724.245(c)(8) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.245(c)(10) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; added “either of the following occurs” |
724.245(c)(10)(A) |
Board |
Changed “alternate” to “alternative” |
724.245(c)(10)(B) |
Board |
Changed “subsection (i)” to “subsection (i) of this Section” |
724.245(c)(11) |
Board |
Changed “subsection (i)” to “subsection (i) of this Section” |
724.245(d)(1) |
Board |
Changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause (twice); changed “this subsection” to “this subsection (d)”; changed “shall” to “must”; changed “Federal” to lower-case “federal” |
724.245(d)(2) |
Board |
Changed “as specified” to “that specified” |
724.245(d)(3) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” (twice); changed “subsection (a)” to “subsection (a) of this Section”; changed “that” to “as follows” |
724.245(d)(3)(B)(i) |
Board |
Added a comma before “as specified” to offset a parenthetical; changed “subsection (a)” to “subsection (a) of this Section” |
724.245(d)(3)(B)(iii) |
Board |
Added a comma before “as required” to offset a parenthetical |
724.245(d)(3)(B)(iv) |
Board |
Added a comma before “as required” to offset a parenthetical |
724.245(d)(4) |
Board |
Changed “EPA Identification Number” to lower-case “USEPA identification number” |
724.245(d)(5) |
Board |
Changed numeric “1” to written “one” (twice) |
724.245(d)(6) |
Board |
Changed “subsection (g)” to “subsection (g) of this Section” |
724.245(d)(7) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.245(d)(8) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.245(d)(10) |
Board |
Changed “alternate” to “alternative” (three times); added commas to offset “as specified in this Section” as a parenthetical (twice); changed “shall” to “must” (twice) |
724.245(d)(11) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; added “either of the following occurs” |
724.245(d)(11)(A) |
Board |
Changed “alternate” to “alternative”; added a comma before “as specified” to offset a parenthetical |
724.245(d)(11)(A) |
Board |
Changed “subsection (i)” to “subsection (i) of this Section” |
724.245(e)(1) |
Board |
Changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause; changed “this subsection” to this subsection (e)”; Changed “shall” to “must” (twice); removed an unnecessary comma after “insurance” that separated a two-element series; added “be” before “eligible”; removed an unnecessary comma before “in one or more” that separated the prepositional phrase |
724.245(e)(2) |
Board |
Changed “as specified” to “that specified” |
724.245(e)(3) |
Board |
Changed “subsection (g)” to “subsection (g) of this Section” |
724.245(e)(5) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must (twice)” |
724.245(e)(6) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must (twice)”; changed “subsection (e)(11)” to “subsection (e)(11) of this Section”; changed “alternate” to “alternative”; added the ILCS citation “[415 ILCS 5]”; added a comma after “termination” to offset the final element of a series |
724.245(e)(8) |
Board |
Added a comma after “terminate” to offset the final element of a series (twice); added a comma after “termination” to offset the final element of a series (twice); added a comma before “and the policy will . . .” to offset an independent clause; added a comma before “in the event” to offset a parenthetical; added “one of the following occurs” |
724.245(e)(8)(A) |
Board |
Removed the unnecessary ending conjunction “or” |
724.245(e)(8)(B) |
Board |
Removed the unnecessary ending conjunction “or” |
724.245(e)(8)(C) |
Board |
Removed the unnecessary ending conjunction “or” |
724.245(e)(8)(D) |
JCAR, Board |
Changed “11 U.S.C.” to “Title 11 of the United States Code” |
724.245(e)(9) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; removed an unnecessary comma before “or obtain” that separated a two-element series; added a comma before and after “as specified . . . Section” to offset a parenthetical |
724.245(e)(10) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.245(e)(11) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; added “either of the following occurs” |
724.245(e)(11)(A) |
Board |
Changed “alternate” to “alternative”; added a comma before “as specified” to offset a parenthetical |
724.245(e)(11)(B) |
Board |
Changed “subsection (i)” to “subsection (i) of this Section” |
724.245(f)(1) |
Board, JCAR |
Changed “this subsection” to “this subsection (f)”; changed “shall” to “must”; changed “subsection (f)(1)(A) or (f)(1)(B)” to “subsection (f)(1)(A) or (f)(1)(B) of this Section” |
724.245(f)(1)(A) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; added “the following” |
724.245(f)(1)(A)(i) |
Board |
Removed the unnecessary ending conjunction “and” |
724.245(f)(1)(A)(ii) |
Board |
Removed the unnecessary ending conjunction “and” |
724.245(f)(1)(B) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; added “the following” |
724.245(f)(1)(B)(i) |
Board, JCAR |
Added a comma after “A” to offset the final element of a series (twice); removed the unnecessary ending conjunction “and” |
724.245(f)(1)(B)(ii) |
Removed the unnecessary ending conjunction “and” |
724.245(f)(2) |
Board, JCAR |
Changed “(40 CFR 264.151(f)) (incorporated . . .” to “(40 CFR 264.151(f), incorporated . . .”; added a commas to offset “as used . . . this Section” as a parenthetical (twice); changed “subsection (f)(1)” to “subsection (f)(1) of this Section” (twice); added a closing parenthesis mark after “704.240” |
724.245(f)(3) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; added “the following” |
724.245(f)(3)(C) |
Board |
Changed “that” to “the following” |
724.245(f)(3)(C)(i) |
Board |
Changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause |
724.245(f)(3)(C)(ii) |
Board |
Changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause |
724.245(f)(4) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; changed “subsection (f)(3)” to “subsection (f)(3) of this Section” |
724.245(f)(5) |
Board |
Changed “subsection (f)(3)” to “subsection (f)(3) of this Section” (twice); changed “shall” to “must” |
724.245(f)(6) |
Board |
Changed “subsection (f)(1)” to “subsection (f)(1) of this Section”; changed “shall” to “must” (twice); changed “alternate” to “alternative” (twice); added a comma before “as specified” to offset a parenthetical; removed an unnecessary period after “that the” |
724.245(f)(7) |
Board |
Moved the subject and auxiliary verb “the Agency may” from the beginning to before the verb and object “require reports,” removing the unnecessary comma before “based”; changed “subsection (f)(1)” to “subsection (f)(1) of this Section” (twice); changed “subsection (f)(3)” to “subsection (f)(3) of this Section”; changed “shall” to “must”; changed “alternate” to “alternative” (twice); added a comma to offset “as specified in this Section” as a parenthetical |
724.245(f)(8) |
Board, JCAR |
Changed “subsection (f)(3)(B)” to “subsection (f)(3)(B) of this Section”; changed “shall” to “must” (twice); changed “alternate” to “alternative”; added commas before and after “as specified in this Section” to offset it as a parenthetical |
724.245(f)(9) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.245(f)(10) |
Board |
Changed “subsection (f)(3)” to “subsection (f)(3) of this Section”; added “either of the following occurs” |
724.245(f)(10)(A) |
Board |
Changed “alternate” to “alternative”; added a comma before “as specified” to offset a parenthetical |
724.245(f)(10)(B) |
Board |
Changed “subsection (i)” to “subsection (i) of this Section” |
724.245(f)(11) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” (three times); changed “subsections (f)(1) through (f)(9)” to “subsections (f)(1) through (f)(9) of this Section”; changed “as specified” to “that specified”; added a comma before “as specified” to offset a parenthetical; changed “subsection (f)(3)” to “subsection (f)(3) of this Section”; changed “that” to “as follows” |
724.245(f)(11)(A) |
Board |
Added “that”; changed “subsection (a)” to “subsection (a) of this Section” |
724.245(f)(11)(B) |
Board |
Added “that” |
724.245(f)(11)(A) |
Board |
Added “that”; changed “alternate” to “alternative” (three times) |
724.245(g) |
Board |
Changed “subsections (a), (b), (d) and (e)” to “subsections (a), (b), (d), and (e) of this Section”; changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause |
724.245(g) |
Board |
Changed “EPA Identification Number” to lower-case “USEPA identification number” |
724.245(j)(1) |
Board |
Removed the unnecessary commas from before and after “or a refusal . . . amount of”; added a comma after “credit” to offset the final element of a series |
724.245(j)(2) |
Board |
Changed “alternate” to “alternative”; removed the unnecessary commas from before and after “or parent corporation” |
724.246 heading |
Board |
Changed “Post-closure” to capitalized “Post-Closure” |
724.246 |
Board |
Added a comma after “test” to offset the final element of a series |
724.247(a) |
Board |
Added a comma after “storage” to offset the final element of a series; changed “shall” to “must” (twice); changed “subsections (a)(1), (2), (3), (4), (5) or (6)” to “subsections (a)(1), (a)(2), (a)(3), (a)(4), (a)(5), or (a)(6) below of this Section” |
724.247(a)(1) |
Board |
Added a comma after “as specified” to offset a parenthetical; changed “this subsection” to “this subsection (a)” |
724.247(a)(1)(A) |
Board |
Changed “as specified” to “that specified” (twice); changed “shall” to “must” (three times); added a comma after “storage” to offset the final element of a series |
724.247(a)(1)(B) |
Board |
Changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause |
724.247(a)(2) |
Board |
Added a comma after “as specified” to offset a parenthetical; changed “subsections (f) and (g) below” to “subsections (f) and (g) of this Section” |
724.247(a)(3) |
Board |
Added a comma after “as specified” to offset a parenthetical; changed “subsection (h) below” to “subsection (h) of this Section” |
724.247(a)(4) |
Board |
Added a comma after “as specified” to offset a parenthetical; changed “subsection (i) below” to “subsection (i) of this Section” |
724.247(a)(5) |
Board |
Added a comma after “as specified” to offset a parenthetical; changed “subsection (j) below” to “subsection (j) of this Section” |
724.247(a)(6) |
Board |
Added a comma after “bond” to offset the final element of a series; changed “this subsection” to “this subsection (a)”; changed “shall” to “must”; removed the unnecessary comma after “coverage” |
724.247(a)(7) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; added “any of the following occurs” |
724.247(a)(7)(A) |
Board |
Changed “subsections (a)(1) through (a)(6) above” to “subsections (a)(1) through (a)(6) of this Section”; changed the ending punctuation from a period to a semicolon |
724.247(a)(7)(B) |
Board |
Changed “subsections (a)(1) through (a)(6) above” to “subsections (a)(1) through (a)(6) of this Section” |
724.247(a)(7)(C) |
Board |
Changed “subsections (a)(1) through (a)(6) above” to “subsections (a)(1) through (a)(6) of this Section” |
724.247(b) |
Board |
Added a comma after “facility” to offset the final element of a series; changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause; changed “shall” to “must” (three times); changed “subsections (b)(1), (2), (3), (4), (5) or (6) below” to “subsections (b)(1), (b)(2), (b)(3), (b)(4), (b)(5), or (b)(6) of this Section” |
724.247(b)(1) |
Board |
Added a comma before “as specified” to offset a parenthetical; changed “subsection (b)” to “this subsection (b)” |
724.247(b)(1)(A) |
Board |
Changed “as specified” to “that specified” (twice); changed “shall” to “must” (three times); added a comma after “storage” to offset the final element of a series |
724.247(b)(1)(B) |
Board |
Changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause |
724.247(b)(2) |
Board |
Added a comma after “as specified” to offset a parenthetical; changed “subsections (f) and (g) below” to “subsections (f) and (g) of this Section” |
724.247(b)(3) |
Board |
Added a comma after “as specified” to offset a parenthetical; changed “subsection (h) below” to “subsection (h) of this Section” |
724.247(b)(4) |
Board |
Added a comma after “as specified” to offset a parenthetical; changed “subsection (i) below” to “subsection (i) of this Section” |
724.247(b)(5) |
Board |
Added a comma after “as specified” to offset a parenthetical; changed “subsection (j) below” to “subsection (j) of this Section” |
724.247(b)(6) |
Board |
Added a comma after “bond” to offset the final element of a series; changed “this subsection” to “this subsection (b)”; changed “shall” to “must” (twice); removed an unnecessary comma from before “and must specify” that separated a compound sentence |
724.247(b)(7) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; added “any of the following occurs” |
724.247(b)(7)(A) |
Board |
Changed “subsections (b)(1) through (b)(6) above” to “subsections (b)(1) through (b)(6) of this Section” |
724.247(b)(7)(B) |
Board |
Changed “subsections (b)(1) through (b)(6) above” to “subsections (b)(1) through (b)(6) of this Section” |
724.247(b)(7)(C) |
Board |
Corrected the spelling from “judgement” to “judgment”; changed “subsections (b)(1) through (b)(6) above” to “subsections (b)(1) through (b)(6) of this Section” |
724.247(c) |
Board, JCAR |
Changed “subsections (a) or (b) above” to singular “subsection (a) or (b) of this Section” (twice); added a comma after “storage” to offset the final element of a series |
724.247(d) |
Board |
Changed “subsections (a) or (b) above” to “subsections (a) or (b) of this Section” (twice); changed “shall” to “must” (twice); added a comma after “landfill” to offset the final element of a series; changed “subsection (b) above” to “subsection (b) of this Section”; changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause |
724.247(e) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.247(f)(1) |
Board, JCAR |
Changed “this subsection” to “this subsection (f)”; changed “shall” to “must”; changed “subsection (f)(1)(A) or (B) below” to “subsection (f)(1)(A) or (f)(1)(B) of this Section” |
724.247(f)(1)(A) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; added “the following” |
724.247(f)(1)(A)(i) |
Board |
Removed the unnecessary ending conjunction “and” |
724.247(f)(1)(A)(iii) |
Board |
Added “of the following” |
724.247(f)(1)(B) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; added “the following” |
724.247(f)(1)(B)(i) |
Board |
Added a comma after “A” to offset the final element of a series; removed the unnecessary ending conjunction “and” |
724.247(f)(1)(B)(ii) |
Board |
Removed the unnecessary ending conjunction “and” |
724.247(f)(1)(B)(iii) |
Board |
Added “of the following” |
724.247(f)(2) |
Board |
Added commas to offset “as used in . . . this Section” as a parenthetical; changed “subsection (f)(1) above” to “subsection (f)(1) of this Section”; changed “subsections (a) and (b) above” to “subsections (a) and (b) of this Section” |
724.247(f)(3) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.247(f)(3)(A) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; added commas to offset “as specified in Section 724.251” as a parenthetical |
724.247(f)(3)(A) |
Board |
Changed “that” to “the following” |
724.247(f)(3)(A)(i) |
Board |
Changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause |
724.247(f)(3)(A)(ii) |
Board |
Changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause |
724.247(f)(4) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; changed “subsection (f)(3) above” to “subsection (f)(3) of this Section”; added a comma after “storage” to offset a parenthetical |
724.247(f)(5) |
Board |
Changed “subsection (f)(3) above” to “subsection (f)(3) of this Section” (twice); changed “shall” to “must” |
724.247(f)(6) |
Board |
Changed “subsection (f)(1) above” to “subsection (f)(1) of this Section”; changed “shall” to “must” |
724.247(f)(7) |
Board |
Changed “subsection (f)(3)(B) above” to “subsection (f)(3)(B) of this Section”; changed “shall” to “must” (twice); added commas to offset “as specified in this Section” as a parenthetical |
724.247(g)(1) |
Board |
Changed “subsection (g)(2) below” to “subsection (g)(2) of this Section”; changed “shall” to “must” (twice); changed “subsections (f)(1) through (f)(6) above” to “subsections (f)(1) through (f)(6) of this Section”; changed “as specified” to “that specified”; added a comma before “as specified” to offset a parenthetical; changed “subsection (f)(3) above” to “subsection (f)(3) of this Section”; changed “that” to “for the following” |
724.247(g)(1)(A) |
Board |
Removed an unnecessary comma after “may be)” that separated the subject and verb of the sentence; added “if the owner or operator” before “fails” to create an independent clause; added “that” before “the guarantor” for an independent clause |
724.247(g)(1)(B) |
Board |
Added “that”; changed “alternate” to “alternative” |
724.247(g)(2) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” (twice); changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause; changed “that” to “as follows” |
724.247(g)(3) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; removed the citation to the Illinois Revised Statutes (twice); removed the parentheses from the statutory citation (twice) |
724.247(h)(1) |
Board |
Changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause; changed “this subsection” to “this subsection (h)” |
724.247(h)(2) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause |
724.247(h)(3) |
Board |
Changed “as specified” to “that specified” |
724.247(h)(4) |
Board |
Changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause; removed the citation to the Illinois Revised Statutes; removed the parentheses from the statutory citation; corrected the ILCS citation from “[205 ILCS 620/1-1 et seq.]” to “[205 ILCS 620]”; moved the ending period to follow the citation |
724.247(h)(4) |
Board |
Changed “the wording specified” to “that specified” |
724.247(i)(1) |
Board |
Changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause; changed “this subsection” to “this subsection (i)” |
724.247(i)(2) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.247(i)(3) |
Board |
Changed “as specified” to “that specified” |
724.247(j)(1) |
Board |
Changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause; changed “this subsection” to “this subsection (j)” |
724.247(j)(2) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause; removed the citation to the Illinois Revised Statutes; removed the parentheses from the statutory citation; corrected the ILCS citation from “[205 ILCS 620/1-1 et seq.]” to “[205 ILCS 620]”; moved the ending period to follow the citation |
724.247(j)(3) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; changed “this subsection” to “this subsection (j)”; changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause |
724.247(j)(4) |
Board |
Changed “as specified” to “that specified” |
724.248 heading |
Board |
Added a comma after “guarantors” to offset the final element of a series |
724.248(a) |
Board |
Changed “11 U.S.C.” to “Title 11 of the United States Code”; added a commas to offset “as specified . . . 724.245(f)” as a parenthetical, added “incorporated . . . 724.251” as a parenthetical offset by a comma |
724.248(b) |
Board |
Added a comma after “724.245” to offset the final element of a series; added a comma after “credit” to offset the final element of a series |
724.251 |
Board |
Changed “this Subpart” to “this Subpart I”; changed “owners and operators of all . . . facilities that store” to “the owner or operator of a . . . facility that stores” |
724.270 |
Board |
Updated the Code of Federal Regulations reference to the most recent edition available; changed “this Section incorporates” to “this incorporation includes”; changed “shall” to “must” (three times); changed “this Subpart” to “this Subpart I” |
724.270 Board note |
Board |
Changed the format to that in current use; added a comma before “as defined” to offset a parenthetical; changed “this Subpart” to “this Subpart I” |
724.271 |
Board |
Added “etc.” offset by a comma |
724.272 heading |
Board |
Changed “For” to lower-case “for” |
724.271 |
Board |
Changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause; added “which” for a subsequent restrictive relative clause |
724.273(b) |
Board |
Added a comma after “handled” to offset the final element of a series; changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause |
724.273 Board note |
Board, JCAR |
Changed the format to that in current use; changed the indent level to the left margin |
724.274 Board note |
Board |
Changed the format to that in current use |
724.275(a) |
Board |
Changed “paragraph (b)” to “subsection (b) of this Section”; changed “paragraph (c)” to “subsection (c) of this Section” |
724.275(b)(1) |
Board |
Changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause; added a comma after “spills” to offset the final element of a series |
724.275(b)(2) |
Board |
Added a comma after “spills” to offset the final element of a series |
724.275(b)(3) |
Board |
Changed “10%” to “10 percent” |
724.275(b)(4) |
Board |
Added a comma before “unless” to offset a parenthetical; changed “paragraph (b)(3)” to “subsection (b)(3) of this Section”; changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause |
724.275(b)(5) Board note |
Board |
Changed the format to that in current use; added the ILCS citation “[415 ILCS 5/12(f)]” |
724.275(c) |
Board |
Changed “paragraph (b)” to “subsection (b) of this Section”; changed “paragraph (d)” to “subsection (d) of this Section”; changed “that” to “as follows” |
724.275(c)(1) |
Board |
Added “that” |
724.275(c)(2) |
Board |
Added “that” |
724.275(d) |
Board |
Changed “paragraph (b)” to “subsection (b) of this Section”; added a comma after “F026” to offset the final element of a series |
724.276 Board note |
Board |
Changed the format to that in current use; added the ILCS citation “[415 ILCS 5/12(f)]” |
724.277(a) |
Board |
Removed commas from before and after “or incompatible . . . examples)” that separated a two-element series and offset the second element as a parenthetical |
724.277(b) Board note |
Board, JCAR |
Changed the format to that in current use; added a comma after “tests” to offset the final element of a series; removed the note to combine its content with the note following subsection (c) |
724.277(c) |
Board |
Added a comma after “tanks” to offset the final element of a series; added a comma after “wall” to offset the final element of a series |
724.277(c) Board note |
Board |
Changed the format to that in current use; added a comma after “leaching” to offset the final element of a series; changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause; added the content of the Board note formerly at subsection (b) |
724.278 |
Board |
Added a comma after “bases” to offset the final element of a series |
724.278 Board note |
Board |
Changed the format to that in current use |
724.279 |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; changed “724.Subparts AA, BB, and CC” to “Subparts AA, BB, and CC of this Part” |
724.290 preamble |
Board, JCAR |
Changed “this Subpart” to “this Subpart J”; changed “subsections (a), (b) or (c) below” to singular “subsection (a), (b), or (c) of this Section” |
724.290(a) |
Board |
Changed “U.S. EPA” to “USEPA” (twice) |
724.290(c) |
JCAR, Board |
Added a comma after “sumps” to offset the final element of a series; changed “this Subpart” to “this Subpart J” |
724.291 heading |
Board |
Changed “system’s” to “systems” |
724.291(a) |
Board, JCAR |
Changed “shall” to “must” (twice); changed “subsection (c)” to “subsection (c) of this Section”; added a comma before “by January 12, 1988” to offset it as a parenthetical |
724.291(b) |
Board |
Changed “waste(s)” to “wastes”; added a comma after “rupture” to offset the final element of a series |
724.291(b)(1) |
Board |
Changed “standard(s)” to “standards” |
724.291(b)(2) |
Board |
Changed “waste(s)” to “wastes” |
724.291(b)(4) |
Board |
Changed “estimated” to “estimate” |
724.291(b)(5) |
Board |
Added a comma after “inspection” to offset the final element of a series; changed “such that” to “so that”; added “the following is true” |
724.291(b)(5)(A) |
Board |
Added a comma after “pockets” to offset the final element of a series |
724.291(b)(5)(B) |
Board |
Removed the comma from before “that is” that offset a restrictive relative clause; removed a comma after “qualified” that offset an adjective; added a comma after “pockets” to offset the final element of a series |
724.291(b)(5) Board note |
Board |
Changed the format to that in current use |
724.291(d) |
Board |
Changed “subsection (a)” to “subsection (a) of this Section”; changed “shall” to “must” |
724.292(a) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; removed an unnecessary comma that separated the prepositional phrase “in accordance with . . .”; added a comma after “connection” to offset the final element of a series; changed “waste(s)” to “wastes”; added a comma after “rupture” to offset the final element of a series |
724.292(a)(1) |
Board |
Changed “standard(s)” to “standards”; changed “tank(s)” to “tanks”; changed “and/or” to “or” |
724.292(a)(2) |
Board |
Changed “waste(s)” to “wastes” |
724.292(a)(3) |
Board |
Added “the following” |
724.292(a)(3)(A) |
Board |
Added “the following” |
724.292(a)(3)(A)(viii) |
Board |
Added “etc.” offset by a comma |
724.292(a)(3)(B)(i) |
Board |
Added a comma after “such as” to offset a parenthetical |
724.292(a)(3)(B)(ii) |
Board |
Changed the parentheses around “such as epoxy, fiberglass, etc.” with commas to offset a parenthetical |
724.292(a)(3)(B)(iii) |
Board |
Added a comma after “such as” to offset a parenthetical |
724.292(a)(3)(B) Board note |
Board |
Changed the format to that in current use |
724.292(a)(5) |
Board |
Changed “that” to “the following” |
724.292(a)(5)(A) |
Board |
Added “that” |
724.292(a)(5)(B) |
Board |
Added “that” |
724.292(a)(5)(C) |
Board |
Added “that” |
724.292(b) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; removed an unnecessary comma after “qualified” that offset an adjective |
724.292(b)(6) |
Board |
Changed “construction/installation” to “construction or installation”; added a comma after “enclosed” to offset the final element of a series |
724.292(c) |
Board |
Changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause (twice); moved the conjunction “and” to precede “homogenous substance,” the final element of a series |
724.292(d) |
Board |
Changed “leak(s)” to “leaks”; added a comma after “enclosed” to offset the final element of a series |
724.292(e) |
Board |
Added a comma after “enclosed” to offset the final element of a series |
724.292(e) Board note |
Board |
Changed the format to that in current use; changed the comma after “Systems” to offset an element of a series; changed the comma after “Piping” to offset an element of a series |
724.292(f) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; changed “subsection (a)(3)” to “subsection (a)(3) of this Section” |
724.292(g) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; changed “subsection (b) through (f)” to “subsection (b) through (f) of this Section”; changed “subsections (b) and (d)” to “subsections (b) and (d) of this Section”; added a comma before “as required” to offset a parenthetical |
724.293(a) |
Board, JCAR |
Changed “subsection (f) and (g)” to plural “subsections (f) and (g) of this Section” |
724.293(a)(1) |
Board |
Changed “for all new tank systems or components’ to singular “for a new tank system or component” |
724.293(a)(2) |
Board |
Added a comma after “F026” to offset the final element of a series |
724.293(a)(5) |
Board |
Changed “subsections (a)(1) through (a)(4)” to “subsections (a)(1) through (a)(4) of this Section” |
724.293(b) |
Board |
Changed “must be” to “must fulfill the following” |
724.293(b)(1) |
Board |
Added “it must be”; added a comma after “installed” to offset the final element of a series; added a comma after “groundwater” to offset the final element of a series |
724.293(b)(2) |
Board |
Added “it must be” |
724.293(c) |
Board |
Changed “subsection (b)” to “subsection (b) of this Section”; added commas to offset “at a minimum” as a parenthetical; removed “be” and replaced it with “fulfill the following” moved to the end |
724.293(c)(1) |
Board |
Added “it must be”; changed “waste(s)” to “wastes”; added a comma after “conditions” to offset the final element of a series |
724.293(c)(2) |
Board |
Added “it must be” |
724.293(c)(3) |
Board |
Added “it must be” |
724.293(c)(4) |
Board |
Added “it must be”; added a comma after “spills” to offset the final element of a series |
724.293(d)(4) |
Board |
Added a comma before “as approved” to offset a parenthetical |
724.293(e) |
Board |
Changed “subsections (b), (c) and (d)” to “subsections (b), (c), and (d) of this Section” |
724.293(e)(1) |
Board |
Changed “external liner systems” to singular “an external liner system”; changed “must be” to “must fulfill the following” |
724.293(e)(1)(A) |
Board |
Added “it must be” |
724.293(e)(1)(B) |
Board |
Added “it must be” |
724.293(e)(1)(C) |
Board |
Added “it must be” |
724.293(e)(1)(D) |
Board, JCAR |
Added “it must be”; changed “tank(s)” to “tanks”; added a comma after “i.e.”; added “it is” |
724.293(e)(2) |
Board |
Changed “vault systems” to singular “a vault system”; changed “must be” to “must fulfill the following” |
724.293(e)(2)(A) |
Board |
Added “it must be” |
724.293(e)(2)(B) |
Board |
Added “it must be” |
724.293(e)(2)(C) |
Board |
Added “it must be” |
724.293(e)(2)(D) |
Board |
Added “it must be” |
724.293(e)(2)(E) |
Board |
Added “it must be”; added “fulfills the following” |
724.293(e)(2)(E)(i) |
Board |
Added “it” |
724.293(e)(2)(E)(ii) |
Board |
Added “it” |
724.293(e)(2)(F) |
Board |
Added “it must be” |
724.293(e)(3) |
Board |
Changed “double-walled tanks” to singular “a double-walled tank”; changed “must be” to “must fulfill the following” |
724.293(e)(3)(A) |
Board |
Added “it must be” |
724.293(e)(3)(B) |
Board |
Added “it must be” |
724.293(e)(3)(C) |
Board |
Added “it must be” |
724.293(e)(3)(C) Board note |
Board |
Moved a comma inside the closing quotation mark after “Tanks”; changed “guidelines” to singular “a guideline” |
724.293(f) |
Board |
Added “etc” offset by a comma”; changed “subsections (b) and (c)” to “subsections (b) and (c) of this Section”; changed “except for” to “except as follows” |
724.293(f)(1) |
Board |
Added a comma after “valves” to offset the final element of a series |
724.293(f)(2) |
Board |
Added a comma after “joints” to offset the final element of a series; removed an unnecessary from before “that are” that offset a restrictive relative clause |
724.293(f)(3) |
Board |
Removed an unnecessary from before “that are” that offset a restrictive relative clause |
724.293(g) |
Board |
Added the ILCS citation “[415 ILCS 5/28.1]”; corrected the citation from “35 Ill. Adm. Code 106.Subpart D” to “35 Ill. Adm. Code 101 and 104”; changed “subsection (g)(2)” to “subsection (g)(2) of this Section” |
724.293(g)(1)(B) |
Board |
Changed “alternate” to “alternative” |
724.293(g)(2)(A) |
Board |
Added “considering the following” as a parenthetical offset by a comma |
724.293(g)(2)(A)(iv) |
Board |
Added a comma after “vegetation” to offset the final element of a series |
724.293(g)(2)(C) |
Board |
Added “the following” |
724.293(g)(2)(D) |
Board |
Added “the following” |
724.293(g)(3) |
Board |
Changed “subsection (g)(1)” to “subsection (g)(1) of this Section”; changed “shall” to “must”; added “do the following” |
724.293(g)(3)(A) |
Board, JCAR |
Added “it must”; changed the ending comma to a semicolon |
724.293(g)(3)(B) |
Board |
Added “it must”; added “do the following” |
724.293(g)(3)(B)(ii) |
Changed the ending comma to a semicolon |
724.293(g)(3)(C) |
Board |
Changed “subsection (g)(3)(B)” to “subsection (g)(3)(B) of this Section”; added “the owner or operator must” |
724.293(g)(4) |
Board |
Changed “subsection (g)(1)” to “subsection (g)(1) of this Section”; changed “shall” to “must”; added “do the following” |
724.293(g)(4)(A) |
Board |
Corrected “724.296(a),(b),(c) and (d)” to “724.296(a), (b), (c), and (d)” |
724.293(g)(4)(B) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.293(g)(4)(C) |
Board |
Changed “subsections (a) through (f)” to “subsections (a) through (f) of this Section”; “shall” to “must” |
724.293(h) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; added the statutory citation “Section 28.1 . . .[415 ILCS 5/28.1]” added the conjunction “and”; corrected the citation “35 Ill. Adm. Code 106.Subpart D” to “35 Ill. Adm. Code 101 and 104” |
724.293(h)(1) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.293(h)(1)(A) |
Board |
Changed “subsection (a)” to “subsection (a) of this Section” |
724.293(h)(2) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; added “the following” |
724.293(h)(2)(A) |
Board, JCAR |
Changed “subsections (g)(1) or (g)(2)” to singular “subsection (g)(1) or (g)(2) of this Section” |
724.293(h)(2)(B) |
Board |
Corrected the citation “35 Ill. Adm Code 703.202” to “35 Ill. Adm. Code 703.202” |
724.293(h)(3) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; added “the following” |
724.293(h)(4) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; added “the following” |
724.293(i)(2) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must do”; added “of the following” |
724.293(i)(2)(A) |
Board |
Added a comma before “as in” to offset a parenthetical’ changed “subsection (i)(1)” to “subsection (i)(1) of this Section” |
724.293(i)(2)(B) |
Board |
Added a comma after “leaks” to offset the final elemtn of a series; changed “shall” to “must” |
724.293(i)(3) |
Board |
Added commas to offset “as approved by the Agency” as a parenthetical |
724.293(i)(3) Board note |
Board |
Changed “guidelines” to singular “guideline” |
724.293(i)(4) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; changed “subsections (i)(1) through (i)(3)” to “subsections (i)(1) through (i)(3) of this Section” |
724.294(a) |
Board |
Added a comma after “equipment” to offset the final element of a series; added a comma after “corrode” to offset the final element of a series |
724.294(b) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; added “the following” |
724.294(b)(1) |
Board |
Added “etc.” offset by a comma |
724.294(b)(2) |
Board |
Added a comma after “cutoff” to offset the final element of a series |
724.294(c) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.295(a) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.295(b) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; added “the following” |
724.295(b)(2) |
Board |
Added “etc.” offset by a comma |
724.295(b)(3) |
Board |
Added “etc.” offset by a comma |
724.295(b) Board note |
Board |
Changed the format to that in current use; removed the unnecessary date from the citation to “40 CFR 302” |
724.295(c) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.295(c)(2) |
Board |
Changed “and/or” to “or” |
724.295(c) Board note |
Board |
Changed the format to that in current use |
724.295(c) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; changed “subsections (a) through (c)” to “subsections (a) through (c) of this Section” |
724.296 heading |
Board |
Changed “unfit-for-use” to capitalized “Unfit-for-Use” |
724.296 preamble |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.296(a) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.296(b)(1) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.296(c) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; added “do the following” as a parenthetical offset by a comma |
724.296(c)(2) |
Board |
Removed an unnecessary comma from after “remove” that separated a two-element series; removed an unnecessary comma from before “of any visible” that offset a prepositional phrase |
724.296(d)(1) |
Board |
Changed “subsection (d)(2)” to “subsections (d)(2) of this Section” |
724.296(d)(2) |
Board |
Changed “this paragraph ” to “this subsection (d)”; changed “if it is” to “if the following is true” |
724.296(d)(2)(A) |
Board, JCAR |
Added “the spill was”; added a semicolon as ending punctuation; changed the redundant “one (1)” to “one” |
724.296(d)(2)(B) |
Board, JCAR |
Added “It was”; changed “cleaned-up” to non-hyphenated “cleaned up” |
724.296(d)(3)(B) |
Board |
Added “etc.” offset by a comma |
724.296(d)(3)(D) |
Board |
Added a comma after “water” to offset the final element of a series |
724.296(e) |
Board |
Added a comma after “repair” to offset the final element of a series |
724.296(e)(1) |
Board |
Changed “subsections (e)(2) through (e)(4)” to “subsections (e)(2) through (e)(4) of this Section” |
724.296(e)(4) |
Board, JCAR |
Changed “shall” to “must”; added a comma before “as long as . . .” to offset a parenthetical; changed “subsection (f)” to “subsection (f) of this Section”; changed “this subsection” to “this subsection (e)”; changed “inground” to “in-ground”; changed “onground” to “on-ground” |
724.296(f) |
Board |
Changed “subsection (e)” to “subsection (e) of this Section”; added a comma after “repair” to offset the final element of a series; removed an unnecessary comma from after “qualified” |
724.297(a) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; changed “Subparts G and H” to “Subparts G and H of this Part” |
724.297(b) |
Board |
Changed “subsection (a)” to “subsection (a) of this Section”; changed “shall” to “must” (twice); removed an unnecessary comma from after “qualified” |
724.297(c) |
Board |
Changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause” added “the owner or operator has”; added “the following apply” |
724.297(c)(1) |
Board |
Changed “subsection (a)” to “subsection (a) of this Section”; changed “subsection (b)” to “subsection (b) of this Section” |
724.297(c)(2) |
Board |
Changed “subsection (b)” to “subsection (b) of this Section” |
724.297(c)(3) |
Board |
Removed an unnecessary comma before “if those”; changed “subsection (a)” to “subsection (a) of this Section” |
724.297(c)(4) |
Board |
Changed “subsection (c)(3)” to “subsection (c)(3) of this Section” |
724.297(c)(5) |
Board |
Added a comma after “post-closure” to offset the final element of a series; changed “Subparts G and H” to “Subparts G and H of this Part” |
724.298(a) |
Board |
Added “the following is true” |
724.298(a)(1) |
Board |
Added a comma after “rendered” to offset the final element of a series; added “the following is true” |
724.298(a)(1)(A) |
Board, JCAR |
Added a comma after “mixture” to offset the final element of a series; changed the ending comma to a semicolon |
724.298(a)(2) |
Board |
Changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause |
724.298(b) |
Board |
Added a comma after “alleys” to offset the final element of a series; added a comma before “as required” to offset a prepositional phrase; replaced an unnecessary period with a space to correct “required.in” to “required in” |
724.299(a) |
Board |
Removed an unnecessary comma from after “wastes” that separated a two-element series; removed an unnecessary comma from before “must not be” that separated the subject from the verb |
724.299(b) |
Board |
Changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause |
724.300 |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; changed “724.Subparts AA, BB, and CC” to “Subparts AA, BB, and CC of this Part” |
724.320 |
Board, JCAR |
Changed “the Subpart” to “this Subpart K”; added a comma after “store” to offset the final element of a series; added a comma before “except as” to offset a parenthetical |
724.321(a) |
Board, JCAR |
Corrected “that it not covered” to “that is not covered”; changed “subsection (c) below” to “subsection (c) of this Section”; added a comma after “constructed” to offset the final element of a series; added “as follows” |
724.321(a)(1) |
Board |
Added a comma after “installation” to offset the final element of a series |
724.321(a)(2) |
Board |
Added a comma after “compression” to offset the final element of a series |
724.321(b) |
Board |
Changed “subsection (a) above” to “subsection (a) of this Section”; added a statutory citation “Section 28.1 . . . [415 ILCS 5/28.1]”; added the conjunction “and”; corrected the citation “35 Ill. Adm. Code 106.Subpart G” to “35 Ill. Adm. Code 101 and 104”; changed “alternate” to “alternative”; added “as follows” |
724.321(b)(2) |
Board |
Changed “alternate” to “alternative” |
724.321(b)(4) |
Board |
Changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause |
724.321(c) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; added a comma before “under” to offset a parenthetical; moved the ending period after “facility” inside a closing quotation mark |
724.321(c)(1)(A) |
Board |
Added “the following” |
724.321(c)(1)(B) |
Board |
Changed “subsections (a)(1), (2) and (3) above” to “subsections (a)(1), (a)(2), and (a)(3) of this Section” |
724.321(c)(2) |
Board |
Added a comma after “collecting” to offset the final element of a series; changed “this subsection” to “this subsection (c)”, added “as follows” as a parenthetical offset by a comma |
724.321(c)(2)(A) |
Board |
Added “it is” |
724.321(c)(2)(B) |
Board |
Added “it is” |
724.321(c)(2)(C) |
Board |
Added “it is” |
724.321(c)(2)(D) |
Board |
Added “it is” |
724.321(c)(2)(E) |
Board |
Added “it is”; changed “sump(s)” to “sumps” |
724.321(c)(3) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.321(d) |
Board |
Changed “subsection (c) above” to “subsection (c) of this Section”, added a comma before “and the Agency finds” to offset an independent clause; added “will do the following” as a parenthetical offset by a comma |
724.321(d)(1) |
Board |
Added “it”; changed “subsection (c) above” to “subsection (c) of this Section” |
724.321(d)(2) |
Board |
Added “it” |
724.321(e) |
Board |
Changed “subsection (c) above” to “subsection (c) of this Section”; added “the following is true or the unit” |
724.321(e)(1) |
Board |
Changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause |
724.321(e)(2)(A) |
Board |
Added a comma after “location” to offset a parenthetical |
724.321(e)(2)(A)(i) |
Board |
Changed “this subsection” to “this subsection (e)”; added a comma after “location” to offset a parenthetical; added a comma after “installed” to offset the final element of a series (three times); added a comma after “groundwater” to offset the final element of a series; changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause; changed “subsection (c) above” to “subsection (c) of this Section”; added a comma after “material” to offset the final element of a series |
724.321(e)(2)(A)(ii) |
Board |
Added a missing closing parenthesis mark after “702.110”; added a semicolon as the missing ending punctuation after “702.110)” |
724.321(e)(2)(A)(iii) |
Board |
Added a semicolon as the missing ending punctuation after “permits” |
724.321(f) |
Board |
Changed “subsection (c) above” to “subsection (c) of this Section”; added “the following is true of the unit” |
724.321(f)(1) |
Board |
Added a comma after “(d)” to offset the final element of a series; removed the unnecessary citation to a Board rulemaking proceeding “as amended . . . August 12, 1986” |
724.321(f)(1) Board note |
Changed “U.S.C.” to “USC” |
724.321(g) |
Board |
Added a comma after “maintained” to offset the final element of a series; added a comma after “alarms” to offset the final element of a series |
724.321(h) |
Board |
Added a comma after “maintained” to offset the final element of a series |
724.321(i) |
Board |
Changed “will” to “must” |
724.322(a) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; added “etc.” offset by a comma; added a comma after “operation” to offset the final element of a series |
724.322(b) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.323(a) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; changed “subsection (b) below” to “subsection (b) of this Section” |
724.323(b) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; added “do the following” |
724.323(b)(1) |
Board, JCAR |
Changed numeric “within 7 days of . . .” to written “within seven days after . . .” |
724.323(b)(2) |
Changed “within 14 days of . . .” to “within 14 days after . . .” |
724.323(b)(3) |
Board |
Added a comma after “size” to offset the final element of a series |
724.323(b)(6) |
Board |
Changed “subsections (b)(3), (4) and (5) above” to “subsections (b)(3), (b)(4), and (b)(5) of this Section”; changed “shall” to “must” |
724.323(c) |
Board |
Changed “subsections (b)(3), (4) and (5) above” to “subsections (b)(3), (b)(4), and (b)(5) of this Section”; changed “shall” to “must”; changed “either” to “do either of the following” |
724.323(c)(1)(B) |
Board |
Added a comma after “constituent” to offset the final element of a series |
724.326(a) |
Board |
Added a comma after “spots” to offset the final element of a series |
724.326(a)(1) |
Board |
Added a comma after “punctures” to offset the final element of a series |
724.326(a)(2) |
Board |
Added a comma after “holes” to offset the final element of a series |
724.326(b)(1) |
Board |
Added a comma after “malfunctions” to offset the final element of a series |
724.326(b)(2) |
Removed the unnecessary ending comma |
724.326(c) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause; changed “that the dike” to “that the following are true of” |
724.326(c)(1) |
Board |
Added “it” |
724.326(c)(2) |
Board |
Added “it” |
724.326(d)(1) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.326(d)(2) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.326(d)(3) |
Board |
Added a comma after “dimensions” to offset the final element of a series |
724.327(a) |
Board |
Changed “paragraph (b)” to “subsection (b) of this Section”; added “either of the following occurs” |
724.327(b) |
Board |
Changed “paragraph (a)” to “subsection (a) of this Section”; added “do the following” |
724.327(b)(2) |
Board |
Changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause |
724.327(c) |
Board |
Changed “Subpart D” to “Subpart D of this Part”; changed “paragraph (b)” to “subsection (b) of this Section” |
724.327(d) |
Board |
Changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause |
724.327(d)(1) |
Board |
Changed “recertified” to “re-certified” |
724.327(d)(2) |
Board |
Added “the following apply” |
724.327(e) |
Board |
Changed “section” to capitalized “Section” |
724.328 heading |
Board |
Changed “Post-closure” to capitalized “Post-Closure” |
724.328(a) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; added “do the following” |
724.328(a)(1) |
Board |
Added a comma after “structures” to offset the final element of a series”; added a comma before “unless” to offset a parenthetical |
724.328(a)(2)(C) |
Board |
Added “do the following” |
724.328(b) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” (twice); added “do the following” |
724.328(b)(1) |
Board |
Added a comma before “as necessary” to offset a parenthetical; added a comma after “erosion” to offset the final element of a series” |
724.328(b)(3) |
Board |
Changed “Subpart F” to “Subpart F of this Part” |
724.328(c)(1) |
Board |
Changed “subsection (a)(1) above” to “subsection (a)(1) of this Section”; added “the following apply” |
724.328(c)(1)(A) |
Board |
Changed “subsection (a)(1) above” to “subsection (a)(1) of this Section”; changed “subsection (a)(2) above” to “subsection (a)(2) of this Section” |
724.328(c)(1)(B) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; changed “subsection (b) above” to “subsection (b) of this Section” |
724.328(c)(2) |
Board |
Changed “this subsection” to “this subsection (c)”; changed “subsection (a)(1) above” to “subsection (a)(1) of this Section” |
724.328(d)(2)(A) |
Corrected “Sections 724.321(a) or 724.322” to singular “Section 724.321(a) or 724.322” |
724.329 preamble |
Board |
Added a comma after “728” to offset the final elemtn of a series; added “the following” |
724.329(a) |
Board |
Added a comma after “rendered” to offset the final element of a series; added “the following is true” |
724.329(a)(1) |
Board |
Added a comma after “mixture” to offset the final element of a series |
724.329(a)(2) |
Board |
Removed the unnecessary ending conjunction “or” |
724.329(b) |
Board |
Changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause |
724.330 |
Board |
Removed an unnecessary comma after “wastes” that separated a two-element series; removed an unnecessary comma after “materials” that separated the subject and verb |
724.331 heading |
Board |
Added a comma after “F026” to offset the final element of a series |
724.331(a) |
Board |
Added a comma after “F026” to offset the final element of a series; changed “this paragraph” to “this subsection (a)”; added “the following” |
724.331(a)(1) |
Board, JCAR |
Added a comma after “physical” to offset the final element of a series; changed the ending period to a semicolon |
724.331(a)(4) |
Board |
Added a comma after “design” to offset the final element of a series |
724.331(b) |
Board |
Added a comma after “F026” to offset the final element of a series; added a comma after “water” to offset the final element of a series |
724.332 |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; changed “724.Subparts BB and CC” to “Subparts BB and CC of this Part” |
724.350(a) |
Board |
Changed “this Subpart” to “this Subpart L” |
724.350(b) |
Board |
Changed “this Subpart” to “this Subpart L”; changed “Subpart N” to “Subpart N of this Part” |
724.350(c) |
Board |
Changed “Subpart F” to “Subpart F of this Part”; added “the following is true” |
724.351 |
Board |
Added “the following” |
724.351(a)(1) |
Board |
Added a comma after “constructed” to offset the final element of a series; added “as follows” |
724.351(a)(1)(A) |
Board |
Added a comma after “installation” to offset the final element of a series |
724.351(a)(1)(B) |
Board |
Added a comma after “compression” to offset the final element of a series |
724.351(a)(2) |
Board |
Added a comma after “maintained” to offset the final element of a series; changed “shall” to “must”; added “as follows” |
724.351(a)(2)(A) |
Board |
Added “as follows” |
724.351(b) |
Board |
Changed “subsection (a) above” to “subsection (a) of this Section”; added the statutory citation “Section 28.1 of the Act [415 ILCS 5/28.1]”; added the conjunction “and”; changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 106.Subpart G” to “35 Ill. Adm. Code 101 and 104”; changed “alternate” to “alternative”; added “the following” |
724.351(b)(2) |
Board |
Changed “alternate” to “alternative” |
724.351(b)(4) |
Board |
Changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause” |
724.351(c) |
Board |
Changed “commences” to past tense “commenced” (three times); changed “is” to past tense “was”; changed “shall” to “must”; moved the ending period inside the closing quotation mark after “facility” |
724.351(c)(1)(A) |
Board |
Added “the following” |
724.351(c)(1)(B) |
Board |
Changed “subsections (a)(1)(A), (B) and (C) above” to “subsections (a)(1)(A), (a)(1)(B), and (a)(1)(C) of this Section” |
724.351(c)(2) |
Board |
Added a comma after “operated” to offset the final element of a series; changed “will” to “must”; changed “subsections (c)(3)(C) and (D) below” to “subsections (c)(3)(C) and (c)(3)(D) of this Section” |
724.351(c)(3) |
Board |
Changed “this subsection” to “this subsection (c)”; added “as follows” offset by a comma |
724.351(c)(3)(B) |
Board |
Changed the ending punctuation from a colon to a semicolon |
724.351(c)(2)(C) |
Board |
Added a comma after “materials” to offset the final element of a series |
724.351(c)(2)(E) |
Board |
Changed “sump(s)” to “sumps” |
724.351(c)(3)(B) |
Changed “1X10-7” to “1 ´ 10-7” |
724.351(c)(4) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.351(c)(5) |
Board, JCAR |
Changed “shall” to “must”; changed “ground water” to one word “groundwater” |
724.351(d) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; changed “subsection (c) above” to “subsection (c) of this Section”; added “will do the following” offset by a comma |
724.351(d)(1) |
Board |
Changed “subsection (c) above” to “subsection (c) of this Section” |
724.351(e) |
Board |
Changed “subsection (c) above” to “subsection (c) of this Section” |
724.351(f) |
Board |
Changed “subsection (c) above” to “subsection (c) of this Section”; added “the following are true” |
724.351(g) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; added a comma after “operate” to offset the final element of a series |
724.351(h) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; added a comma after “operate” to offset the final element of a series |
724.351(i) |
Added a comma after “e.g.” |
724.351(j) |
Board |
Changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause; changed “shall” to “must” |
724.351(k) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.352(a) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; changed numeric “1” to written “one”; added “etc.” offset by a comma; added a comma after “operation” to offset the final element of a series; changed a comma to a semicolon to separate elements of a series containing a sub-series already separated by commas (three times) |
724.352(b) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.353(a) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; changed “subsection (b) below” to “subsection (b) of this Section” |
724.353(b) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; added “do the following” |
724.323(b)(1) |
Board, JCAR |
Changed numeric “within 7 days of . . .” to written “within seven days after . . .” |
724.323(b)(2) |
Changed “within 14 days of . . .” to “within 14 days after . . .” |
724.353(b)(4) |
Board, JCAR |
Changed a comma to a semicolon to separate elements of a series containing a sub-series already separated by commas (twice); added a comma after “repairs” to offset the final element of a series; changed “whether or not” to “whether” |
724.353(b)(6) |
Board |
Changed “subsections (b)(3), (4) and (5) above” to “subsections (b)(3), (b)(4), and (b)(5) of this Section”; changed “shall” to “must” |
724.353(c) |
Board |
Changed “subsections (b)(3), (4) and (5) above” to “subsections (b)(3), (b)(4), and (b)(5) of this Section”; changed “shall” to “must”; changed “either” to “do either of the following” |
724.353(c)(1)(B) |
Board |
Added a comma after “constituent” to offset the final element of a series |
724.354(a) |
Board |
Added a comma after “damage” to offset the final element of a series; added a comma after “spots” to offset the final element of a series; added “ the following must be done” offset by a comma |
724.354(a)(1) |
Board |
Added a comma after “punctures” to offset the final element of a series |
724.354(a)(2) |
Board |
Added a comma after “holes” to offset the final element of a series |
724.354(b)(1) |
Board |
Added a comma after “malfunctions” to offset the final element of a series |
724.353(c) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.356 preamble |
Board |
Added “the following” |
724.356(a) |
Board |
Added a comma after “rendered” to offset the final element of a series; added “the following is true” |
724.356(a)(1) |
Board |
Added a comma after “mixture” to offset the final element of a series; added “the following is true” |
724.356(b) |
Board |
Changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause |
724.357(b) |
Board |
Added a comma after “tanks” to offset the final element of a series; removed an unnecessary comma after “materials” that separated a two-element series; added a comma after “wall” to offset the final element of a series |
724.358 heading |
Board |
Changed “Post-closure” to capitalized “Post-Closure” |
724.358(a) |
Board |
Added a comma after “subsoils” to offset the final element of a series; removed an unnecessary comma after “leachate” that separated a two-element series; added a comma before “unless” to offset a parenthetical |
724.358(b) |
Board |
Added a comma after “structures” to offset the final element of a series; added a comma before “as required” to offset a parenthetical; changed “paragraph (a)” to “subsection (a) of this Section” |
724.358(c) |
Board |
Added “contingent closure plan” |
724.358(c)(1) |
Board |
Added “do the following” |
724.358(c)(1)(A) |
Board |
Changed “paragraph (a)” to “subsection (a) of this Section”; changed “paragraph (b)” to “subsection (b) of this Section” |
724.358(c)(1)(B) |
Board |
Changed “paragraph (b)” to “subsection (b) of this Section” |
724.358(c)(1)(A) |
Board |
Changed “paragraph (b)” to “subsection (b) of this Section”; changed “paragraph (a)” to “subsection (a) of this Section” |
724.359 heading |
Board |
Added a comma after “F026” to offset the final element of a series |
724.359(a) |
Board |
Added a comma after “F026” to offset the final element of a series; changed “this paragraph” to “this subsection (a)”; added “the following” |
724.359(a)(1) |
Board |
Added a comma after “physical” to offset the final element of a series |
724.359(a)(4) |
Board |
Added a comma after “design” to offset the final element of a series |
724.359(b) |
Board, JCAR |
Added a comma after “F026” to offset the final element of a series; changed “ground-water” to “groundwater”; added a comma after “water” to offset the final element of a series |
724.370 |
Board |
Changed “this Subpart” to “this Subpart M” |
724.371(a) |
Board |
Changed “this Subpart” to “this Subpart M”; changed “will” to “must”; added “the following” |
724.371(a)(1) |
Changed the ending period to a semicolon |
724.371(a)(2) |
Board |
Added a comma after “transformation” to offset the final element of a series |
724.371(b) |
Board |
Changed “will” to “must”; changed “this Subpart” to “this Subpart M”; changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 721, Appendix H” to “Appendix H to 35 Ill. Adm. Code 721” |
724.371(c) |
Board |
Changed “will” to “must”; added a comma after “transformation” to offset the final element of a series; added “as follows” |
724.372(a) |
Board |
Added “that” for a restrictive relative clause; added a comma after “transformed” to offset the final element of a series; added “as follows” |
724.372(b) |
Board |
Changed “paragraph (a)” to “subsection (a) of this Section”; changed “will” to “must”; added a comma after “design” to offset the final element of a series; added “as follows”; changed “paragraph (c)” to “subsection (c) of this Section” |
724.372(c) |
Board |
Changed “paragraph (a)” to “subsection (a) of this Section”; added “meet the following requirements” |
724.372(c)(1) |
Board |
Added “it must”; added “the following” |
724.372(c)(1)(A) |
Board, JCAR |
Changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 721, Appendix H constituents” to “constituents of Appendix H to 35 Ill. Adm. Code 721”; corrected the ending colon to a semicolon |
724.372(c)(1)(E) |
Changed the ending period to a semicolon |
724.372(c)(2) |
Board |
Added “it must” |
724.372(c)(3) |
Board |
Added “it must”; added “the following” |
724.372(c)(3)(E) |
Changed “ground-water” to “groundwater” |
724.373 preamble |
Board |
Changed “will” to “must”; added a comma after “operate” to offset the final element of a series; corrected “this section” to capitalized “this Section” |
724.373(a) |
Board |
Added a comma after “operate” to offset the final element of a series (twice); added a comma after “transformation” to offset the final element of a series; changed “shall” to “must” |
724.373(a)(3) |
Board |
Added “etc.” offset by a comma |
724.373(b) |
Board |
Added a comma after “operate” to offset the final element of a series |
724.373(c) |
Board |
Added a comma after “operate” to offset the final element of a series |
724.373(d) |
Board |
Added a comma after “operate” to offset the final element of a series |
724.373(f) |
Board |
Changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause |
724.373(g) |
Board |
Added “the following” |
724.373(g)(1) |
Board |
Added a comma after “malfunctions” to offset the final element of a series |
724.376 heading |
Board |
Changed “Food-chain” to capitalized “Food-Chain” |
724.376 preamble |
Board |
Corrected “this section” to capitalized “this Section”; changed “will” to “must”; changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause |
724.376(a) |
Board |
Added “food-chain . . . treatment zone.” |
724.376(a)(1) |
Board |
Added “the following is true of” |
724.376(a)(1)(A) |
Board |
Added “they will” |
724.376(a)(1)(B) |
Board |
Added “they will” |
724.376(a)(2) |
Board |
Changed “this paragraph” to “this subsection (a)”; changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 721, Appendix H” to “Appendix H to 35 Ill. Adm. Code 721”; removed an unnecessary comma after “to be in” that separated a two-element series; removed an unnecessary comma after “derived from” that separated the verb from the object |
724.376(a)(3) |
Board |
Changed “this paragraph” to “this subsection (a)”; added “do the following” |
724.376(a)(3)(A) |
Board |
Added a comma after “methods” to offset the final element of a series |
724.376(a)(3)(B) |
Board |
Added a comma after “methods” to offset the final element of a series |
724.376(a)(4) |
Board |
Changed “this paragraph” to “this subsection (a)” |
724.376(b)(1) |
Board |
Added “limited cadmium application.” |
724.376(b)(1)(B) |
Board |
Changed “use” to past tense “used”; added a comma after “vegetables” to offset the final element of a series; added “the following” |
724.376(b)(2) |
Board |
Added “limited future . . . crops.” |
724.376(b)(2)(C) |
Board |
Changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive clause |
724.376(b)(2)(D) |
Board |
Changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive clause; changed “paragraph (b)(2)” to “subsection (b)(2) of this Section” |
724.378 preamble |
Board |
Changed “this Subpart” to “this Subpart M” |
724.378(a)(1) |
Board |
Changed “will” to “must” |
724.378(a)(2) |
Board |
Added a comma after “transformation” to offset the final element of a series; changed “will” to “must”; added a comma after “demonstrations” to offset the final element of a series; removed an unnecessary duplicate “at” from “at least” |
724.378(b) |
Board |
Added “fulfill the following” |
724.378(c) |
Board |
Changed “paragraph (a)” to “subsection (a) of this Section” |
724.378(c)(3) |
Board |
Changed “paragraph (f)” to “subsection (f) of this Section” |
724.378(c)(4) |
Board |
Changed “paragraph (b)(1)” to “subsection (b)(1) of this Section” |
724.378(d) |
Board |
Changed “will” to “must”; added a comma after “timing” to offset the final element of a series; changed “paragraph (f)” to “subsection (f) of this Section” |
724.378(e) |
Board |
Added “the following” |
724.378(f) |
Board |
Changed “paragraph (a)” to “subsection (a) of this Section”; changed “paragraph (d)” to “subsection (d) of this Section” |
724.378(f)(1) |
Board |
Changed “paragraph (d)” to “subsection (d) of this Section”; changed “this paragraph” to “this subsection (f)” |
724.378(f)(2) |
Board |
Changed “will” to “must” |
724.378(f)(3) |
Board |
Changed “will” to “must”; added “fulfills the following” |
724.378(g) |
Board |
Changed “paragraph (f)” to “subsection (f) of this Section”; added “do the following” |
724.378(g)(2) |
Board |
Added a comma after “transformation” to offset the final element of a series |
724.378(h) |
Board |
Changed “paragraph (f)” to “subsection (f) of this Section”; added “do the following”; added a comma after “analysis” to offset the final element of a series (twice); changed “this paragraph” to “this subsection (h)” (three times); changed “paragraph (g)(2)” to “subsection (g)(2) of this Section” |
724.378(h)(1) |
Board |
Changed “this paragraph” to “this subsection (h)” |
724.378(h)(2) |
Board |
Added a comma after “analysis” to offset the final element of a series |
724.378(h)(4) |
Board |
Corrected “this section” to capitalized “this Section” |
724.380 heading |
Board |
Changed “Post-closure” to capitalized “Post-Closure” |
724.380(a) |
Board |
Added “do the following” |
724.380(a)(1) |
Board, JCAR |
Added a comma after “transformation” to offset the final element of a series; added a comma after “zone” to offset the final element of a series; changed “paragraph (a)(8)” to “subsection (a)(8) of this Section”; changed the ending period to a semicolon |
724.380(a)(2) |
Board |
Added a comma before “as required” to offset a parenthetical |
724.380(a)(8) |
Board |
Added a comma after “transformation” to offset the final element of a series |
724.380(c) |
Board |
Added “do the following” |
724.380(d) |
Board |
Changed “paragraphs (a)(8) and (c)” to “subsections (a)(8) and (c) of this Section”; changed “paragraph (d)(3)” to “subsection (d)(3) of this Section”; changed “this paragraph” to “this subsection (d)”; added “the owner or operator . . . following” offset by a comma |
724.380(d)(1)(B) |
Board |
Changed “paragraph (d)(3)” to “subsection (d)(3) of this Section” |
724.380(d)(3) |
Board |
Added “does the following” |
724.380(e) |
Board |
Changed “Subpart F” to “Subpart F of this Part”; changed “paragraph (d)” to “subsection (d) of this Section” |
724.381 preamble |
Board |
Removed the unnecessary duplicate conjunction “and” from “and the treatment zone”; added “the following is true” |
724.381(a) |
Board |
Added “the following is true” |
724.381(b) |
Board |
Changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause |
724.382 |
Board |
Changed “Appendix E” to “Appendix E of this Part” |
724.383 heading |
Board |
Added a comma after “F026” to offset the final element of a series |
724.383(a) |
Board |
Added a comma after “F026” to offset the final element of a series; changed “this paragraph” to “this subsection (a)”; added “the following” |
724.383(a)(1) |
Board |
Added a comma after “physical” to offset the final element of a series |
724.383(a)(4) |
Board |
Added a comma after “design” to offset the final element of a series |
724.383(b) |
Board |
Added a comma after “F026” to offset the final element of a series; added a comma after “water” to offset the final element of a series |
724.400 |
Board |
Changed “this Subpart” to “this Subpart N” |
724.401(a) |
Board |
Changed “subsection (c) below” to “subsection (c) of this Section” |
724.401(a)(1) |
Board |
Added a comma after “constructed” to offset the final element of a series; changed “must be” to “must fulfill the following” |
724.401(a)(1)(A) |
Board |
Added “it must be” |
724.401(a)(1)(B) |
Board |
Added “it must be”; added a comma after “compression” to offset the final element of a series |
724.401(a)(1)(C) |
Board |
Added “it must be” |
724.401(a)(2) |
Board |
Added a comma after “maintained” to offset the final element of a series; changed “shall” to “must”; changed “must be” to “must fulfill the following” |
724.401(a)(2)(A) |
Board |
Changed “that are” to “that fulfill the following” |
724.401(a)(2)(A)(ii) |
Board |
Added a comma after “materials” to offset the final element of a series; removed the unnecessary preposition “by” before “any equipment” |
724.401(b) |
Board |
Changed “subsection (a) above” to “subsection (a) of this Section”; added the statutory citation “Section 28.1 of the Act [415 ILCS 5/28.1]”; added the conjunction “and”; changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 106.Subpart G” to “35 Ill. Adm. Code 101 and 104”; added “the following” |
724.401(b)(2) |
Board |
Changed “alternate” to “alternative” |
724.401(b)(4) |
Board |
Changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause |
724.401(c) |
Board |
Changed “commences” to past tense “commenced” (twice); changed “is” to past tense “was”; changed “shall” to “must”; moved the ending period inside a closing quotation mark after “facility” |
724.401(c)(1)(A) |
Board |
Added “the following” |
724.401(c)(1)(B) |
Board |
Changed “subsections (a)(1)(A), (B) and (C) above” to “subsections (a)(1)(A), (a)(1)(B), and (a)(1)(C) of this Section” |
724.401(c)(2) |
Board |
Added a comma after “operated” to offset the final element of a series; changed “shall” to “must”; changed “subsections (c)(3)(C) and (D) below” to “subsections (c)(3)(C) and (c)(3)(D) of this Section” |
724.401(c)(3) |
Board |
Changed “subsection” to “subsection (c)”; changed “that is, at a minimum” to “that, at a minimum, fulfills the following” |
724.401(c)(3)(A) |
Board |
Added “it is” |
724.401(c)(3)(B) |
Board, JCAR |
Added “it is”; changed “1X10-2” to “1 ´ 10-2”; changed “3 X 10-5” to “3 ´ 10-5” |
724.401(c)(3)(C) |
Board |
Added “it is”; added a comma after “materials” to offset the final element of a series |
724.401(c)(3)(D) |
Board |
Added “it is” |
724.401(c)(3)(E) |
Board |
Added “it is”; changed “sump(s)” to “sumps” |
724.401(c)(4) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.401(c)(5) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.401(d) |
Board |
Changed “subsection (c) above” to “subsection (c) of this Section”; added “will do the following” offset by a comma |
724.401(d)(1) |
Board |
Added “it”; changed “subsection (c) above” to “subsection (c) of this Section” |
724.401(d)(2) |
Board |
Added “it” |
724.401(e) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; changed “subsection (c) above” to “subsection (c) of this Section”; added “the following is true” |
724.401(e) |
Board |
Changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause |
724.401(e)(2)(A)(i) |
Board |
Changed the ending punctuation from a period to a semicolon |
724.401(e)(2)(A)(ii) |
Board |
Changed the ending punctuation from a period to a semicolon; added the ending conjunction “and” |
724.401(e)(2)(B) |
Board |
Added a comma after “designed” to offset the final element of a series |
724.401(f) |
Board |
Changed “subsection (c) above” to “subsection (c) of this Section”; added “the following is true” |
724.401(f)(1) |
Board |
Added a comma after “(d)” to offset the final element of a series; removed the unnecessary reference to a past rulemaking “as amended . . . August 12, 1986” |
724.401(g) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; added a comma after “operate” to offset the final element of a series |
724.401(h) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; added a comma after “operate” to offset the final element of a series |
724.401(j) |
Board |
Changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause; changed “shall” to “must” |
724.401(k) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.402(a) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; added a comma after “operation” to offset the final element of a series |
724.402(b) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; removed the unnecessary comma after “period” that separated a two-element series |
724.403(a) |
Board |
Added a comma after “sheets” to offset the final element of a series; added a comma after “damage” to offset the final element of a series; added a comma after “spots” to offset the final element of a series; added “the following must occur” |
724.403(a)(1) |
Board |
Added a comma after “punctures” to offset the final element of a series |
724.403(a)(2) |
Board |
Added a comma after “holes” to offset the final element of a series |
724.403(b)(1) |
Board |
Added a comma after “malfunctions” to offset the final element of a series |
724.403(c)(1) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.403(c)(2) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.403(c)(3) |
Board |
Added a comma after “dimensions” to offset the final element of a series |
724.404(a) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; changed “subsection (b) below” to “subsection (b) of this Section” |
724.404(b) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; added “do the following” |
724.404(b)(1) |
Board |
Changed numeric “7” to written “seven” |
724.403(b)(2) |
Board |
Added a comma after “size” to offset the final element of a series |
724.403(b)(3) |
Board |
Added a comma after “size” to offset the final element of a series |
724.403(b)(4) |
Board, JCAR |
Added a comma after “repairs” to offset the final element of a series; changed “whether or not” to “whether” |
724.403(b)(6) |
Board |
Changed “subsections (b)(3), (4) and (5) above” to “subsections (b)(3), (b)(4), and (b)(5) of this Section”; changed “shall” to “must” |
724.403(c) |
Board |
Changed “subsections (b)(3), (4) and (5) above” to “subsections (b)(3), (b)(4), and (b)(5) of this Section”; changed “shall” to “must”; changed “either” to “do either of the following” |
724.403(c)(1)(B) |
Board |
Added a comma after “constituent” to offset the final element of a series; removed the unnecessary comma from after “leaks” that separated a two-element series |
724.410 heading |
Board |
Changed “Post-closure” to capitalized “Post-Closure” |
724.410(a) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; added “do the following” |
724.410(b) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” (twice); added “do the following” |
724.403(b)(1) |
Board |
Added a comma after “erosion” |
724.410(b)(4) |
Board |
Changed “Subpart F” to “Subpart F of this Part” |
724.412(a) |
Board |
Changed “subsection (b)” to “subsection (b) of this Section”; added a comma after “rendered” to offset the final element of a series; added “the following is true” |
724.412(a)(1) |
Board |
Added a comma after “mixture” to offset the final element of a series |
724.412(b) |
Board |
Changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause (four times); changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code.Subpart D” to “Subpart D to 35 Ill. Adm. Code 728”; changed “subsection (a)” to “subsection (a) of this Section”; added a comma before “provided that” to offset a parenthetical; added a comma after “rupture” to offset the final element of a series |
724.413 |
Board |
Removed an unnecessary comma after “wastes” that separated a two-element series; removed an unnecessary comma after “materials” that separated the subject and verb; changed “Appendix E” to “Appendix E of this Part” |
724.414(a) |
Board |
Changed “this subsection” to “this subsection (a)” |
724.414(c) |
Board |
Added a comma before “as described” to offset a parenthetical; moved a comma outside a closing quotation mark after “Methods” |
724.414(d) |
Board |
Added “the following is true” |
724.414(d)(1) |
Board |
Added “fulfills one of the following” |
724.414(d)(1)(A) |
Board |
Added “it” |
724.414(d)(1)(B) |
Board |
Added “it” |
724.414(d)(1)(C) |
Board |
Added “it” |
724.414(e) |
Board |
Added “the following”; changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 106 adjusted standard process” to “adjusted standard procedure of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 104” |
724.414(e)(1) |
Board |
Added “the following” |
724.414(e)(1)(A) |
Board, JCAR |
Changed the comma after “aluminosilicates” to an opening parenthesis to offset a parenthetical; added “etc.” offset by a comma (three times); changed the semicolon after “etc.” to a closing parenthesis to offset a parenthetical, followed by a comma to separate the elements of a series; changed the semicolon after “(limestone” to a comma to separate the elements of a series; changed the comma after “oxides/hydroxides” to an opening parenthesis to offset a parenthetical; changed the semicolon after “etc.” to a closing parenthesis to offset a parenthetical, followed by a comma to separate the elements of a series; changed the semicolon after “glass)” to a comma to separate the elements of a series;; changed the semicolon after “rock” to a comma to separate the elements of a series; changed the semicolon after “ash” to a comma to separate the elements of a series (three times); changed the semicolon after “dust” to a comma to separate the elements of a series |
724.414(e)(1)(B) |
Board |
Added “etc.” offset by a comma |
724.414(e)(2) |
Board |
Added “are the following’ |
724.414(e)(2)(A) |
Board |
Moved the comma after “Fungi” outside the closing quotation mark |
724.414(e)(2)(B) |
Board |
Moved the comma after “Bacteria” outside the closing quotation mark |
724.414(f) |
Board |
Added “hazardous waste” before “landfill”; added “unless . . .” offset by a comma to restore federal text previously omitted |
724.414(f)(1) |
Board |
Restored federal text previously omitted |
724.414(f)(2) |
Board |
Restored federal text previously omitted |
724.415 preamble |
Board |
Added “of the following” |
724.415(b) |
Board |
Added a comma after “shredded” to offset the final element of a series |
724.416(a) |
Board |
Added a comma after “composed by” to offset the final element of a series; added a comma after “178” to offset the final element of a series |
724.416(c) |
Board, JCAR |
Added a comma after “decomposed by” to offset the final element of a series; changed “724.117(b)” to “Section 724.117(b)” |
724.416(e) |
Board |
Changed “subsections (a) through (d)” to “subsections (a) through (d) of this Section” (twice) |
724.416(e) |
Board |
Changed “subsection (b)” to “subsection (b) of this Section” |
724.417 heading |
Board |
Added a comma after “F026” to offset the final element of a series |
724.417(a) |
Board |
Added a comma after “F026” to offset the final element of a series; added a comma before “unless” to offset a parenthetical; changed “this paragraph” to “this subsection (a)”; added “the following” |
724.417(a)(1) |
Board, JCAR |
Added a comma after “physical” to offset the final element of a series; corrected the spelling of “volatilie” to “volatilize” |
724.417(a)(4) |
Board |
Added a comma after “design” to offset the final element of a series |
724.417(b) |
Board, JCAR |
Added a comma after “operating” to offset the final element of a series; added a comma after “F026” to offset the final element of a series; changed “ground-water” to “groundwater”; added a comma after “water” to offset the final element of a series |
724.440(a) |
Board |
Changed “this Subpart” to “this Subpart O” |
724.440(b)(4) Board note |
Board, JCAR; Agency |
Moved the citation for the quotation into parentheses, added “at,” and appended it to the text preceding the quote; added explanation of the ongoing effectiveness of treatment conditions even after a demonstration of compliance with the NESAP standards; changed the abbreviation “Sept.” to “September”; changed the abbreviation “Sept.” to “September” |
724.440(c) |
Board |
Changed “this Subpart” to “this Subpart O” |
724.440(c)(1) |
Board |
Added “one of the following” |
724.440(c)(1)(A) |
Board |
Added “it is” |
724.440(c)(1)(B) |
Board |
Added “it is” |
724.440(c)(1)(C) |
Board |
Added “it is” |
724.440(c)(1)(D) |
Board |
Added “it is”; changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 721.123(a)(1), (2), (3), (6), (7) and (8)” to “35 Ill. Adm. Code 721.123(a)(1), (a)(2), (a)(3), (a)(6), (a)(7), and (a)(8)” |
724.440(d) |
Board |
Changed “this Subpart” to “this Subpart O” |
724.442(b) |
Board |
Added “designation of POHCs.” |
724.442(b)(1) |
Board |
Changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause |
724.443 preamble |
Board |
Added a comma after “constructed” to offset the final element of a series |
724.443(a) |
Board |
Added “destruction and removal efficiency.” |
724.443(a)(1) |
Board |
Changed “paragraph (a)(2)” to “subsection (a)(2) of this Section”; corrected the format of the equation |
724.443(a)(2) |
Board |
Added a comma after “F026” to offset the final element of a series (twice); added a comma before “penta-” to offset a parenthetical; changed “paragraph (a)(1)” to “subsection (a)(1) of this Section”; changed “shall” to “must” |
724.443(b) |
Board |
Changed numeric “1%” to “one percent” |
724.443(c) |
Board |
Added “following”; corrected the format of the equation |
724.443(c)(2) |
Board |
Changed “will” to “must” |
724.444(a) |
Board |
Added “the following” |
724.444(c) |
Board |
Changed “this Subpart” to “this Subpart O” |
724.444(c)(1) |
Board |
Changed “paragraph (c)(2)” to “subsection (c)(2) of this Section” |
724.444(c)(3) |
Board |
Removed the unnecessary comma after “burn” that separated a two-element series; added a comma after “computation to offset the final element of a series; removed the unnecessary comma after “applicant” that separated a two-element series; corrected the spelling of “judgement” to “judgment” |
724.445(b) |
Board |
Changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause; added a comma before “including” to offset a parenthetical |
724.445(d) |
Board |
Added “the following” |
724.445(d)(1) |
Board |
Removed the unnecessary ending conjunction “or” |
724.445(d)(3) |
Board |
Changed “alternate” to “alternative” |
724.445(e) |
Board |
Changed “paragraph (a)” to “subsection (a) of this Section” |
724.445(f) |
Board |
Added a comma after “design” |
724.447(a)(1) |
Board |
Added a comma after “rate” to offset the final element of a series |
724.451 preamble |
Board |
Added a comma after “waters” to offset the final element of a series |
724.451 Board note |
Board |
Changed the format to that in current use |
724.651(b)(1) |
Board |
Added “the following is true” |
724.651(b)(2) |
Board |
Changed “Subparts F, G, and H” to “Subparts F, G, and H of this Part” |
724.651(e)(3) |
Board |
Added “do the following” |
724.651(e)(4)(A) |
Board |
Added “do the following” |
724.652(a)(1) |
Board |
Added “the following” |
724.652(a)(1)(B) |
Board |
Added “the following is true” |
724.652(a)(3)(C) |
Board |
Changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause |
724.652(e)(2) |
Board |
Added a comma after “treatment” to offset the final element of a series |
724.652(e)(3)(B) |
Board |
Changed “alternate” to “alternative” |
724.652(e)(4)(B) |
Board |
Changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause |
724.652(e)(4)(C) |
Board |
Changed the ending punctuation from a colon to a period |
724.652(e)(4)(D)(iii) |
Board |
Changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 728.Table U” to “Table U to 35 Ill. Adm. Code 728” |
724.652(e)(4)(D)(iv) |
Changed “SW846” to hyphenated “SW-846” |
724.652(e)(5) |
Board |
Added “do the following” |
724.652(e)(5)(A) |
Board |
Removed the unnecessary ending conjunction “and” |
724.652(e)(6)(C)(ii) |
Board |
Changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause |
724.652(e)(6)(C)(v) |
Board |
Changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause |
724.652(f)(1) |
Board |
Removed the unnecessary comma before “in lieu of” |
724.652(f)(2)(B) |
Board |
Changed “subsections (c) and (e)(4) and (6) of this Section” to “subsections (c), (e)(4), and (6) of this Section” |
724.653(b) |
Board |
Changed “subsection (a)” to “subsection (a) of this Section”; changed “shall” to “must”; added “as follows” |
724.653(c) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.653(d) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” (three times) |
724.653(e) |
Board |
Changed “that” to “the following” |
724.653(e)(1) |
Board |
Added “that” |
724.653(e)(2) |
Board |
Added “that” |
724.653(f) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; added “as follows” |
724.653(f)(2) |
Board |
Changed “owner/operator” to “owner or operator” |
724.653(g) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” (twice) |
724.654(c) |
Board |
Added “the following” |
724.654(c)(2) |
Board |
Removed the unnecessary comma after “qualified” |
724.654(e) |
Board |
Added “the following is true” |
724.654(e)(2) |
Board |
Changed the indefinite article “an” to the definite article “the” |
724.654(f)(1) |
Board |
Changed the indefinite article “an” to the definite article “the” |
724.654(f)(3) |
Board |
Changed the indefinite article “an” to the definite article “the” |
724.654(g) |
Board |
Changed “RCRA 3004(o)” to “section 3004(o) of RCRA” |
724.655(a)(2) |
Board |
Corrected “constitutes” to “constituents” |
724.655(a)(2)(B) |
Board |
Added a comma after “(e)(4)(E)(iv)” to offset the final element of a series |
724.655(b) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.670(a) |
Board, JCAR |
Changed “this Subpart” to “this Subpart W”; added a comma after “precipitation” to offset the final element of a series |
724.670(a)(1) |
Board |
Added “the following” |
724.670(a)(1)(B) |
Board |
Changed “has” to past tense “had” |
724.670(a)(2) |
Board |
Moved the ending period inside the closing quotation mark after “pads” |
724.670(a)(3) |
Board |
Changed “are” to past tense “were”; changed “has” to past tense “had” |
724.670(c) |
Board |
Changed “this subsection” to “this subsection (c)” |
724.670(c)(4) |
Board |
Changed “Federal” to lower-case “federal” |
724.671 heading |
Board |
Changed “existing drip pad integrity” to capitalized “Existing Drip Pad Integrity” |
724.671(a) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” (twice); changed “this Subpart” to “this Subpart W”; added a comma after “updated” to offset the final element of a series |
724.671(b) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; added a comma after “repairing” to offset the final element of a series; changed numeric “2” to written “two”; added a comma after “repairs” to offset the final element of a series |
724.671(b)(1) |
Board |
Added a comma after “repairs” to offset the final element of a series; changed “must be” to past tense “must have been” |
724.671(b)(2) |
Board |
Changed numeric “7” to written “seven” |
724.671(b)(3) |
Board |
Changed “subsection (b)(1) or (2)” to written “subsection (b)(1) or (b)(2) of this Section” |
724.671(b)(3)(A) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; added a comma before “as specified” to offset a parenthetical |
724.671(b)(3)(B) |
Board |
Changed “that” to “the following” |
724.671(c) |
Board |
Added a comma after “repairs” to offset the final element of a series; changed “shall” to “must”; removed a unnecessary comma after “qualified” |
724.671(d) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.672 heading |
Board |
Changed “installation of new drip pads” to capitalized “Installation of New Drip Pads” |
724.672 preamble |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.672(a) |
Board, JCAR |
Changed “724.673(a)(4)” to “Section 724.673(a)(4)”; added a comma after “724.674” to offset the final element of a series |
724.672(b) |
Board, JCAR |
Changed “724.673(b)” to “Section 724.673(b)”; added a comma after “724.674” to offset the final element of a series |
724.673 heading |
Board |
Changed “operating requirements” to capitalized “Operating Requirements” |
724.673(a) |
Board |
Added a comma after “wood” to offset the final element of a series |
724.673(a)(4) |
Board |
Added “fulfill the following” |
724.673(a)(4)(A) |
Board |
Added a comma after “materials” to offset the final element of a series |
724.673(a)(4)(B) |
Board |
Changed “subsection (b) below” to “subsection (b) of this Section” |
724.673(a)(5) |
Board |
Added a comma after “installation” to offset the final element of a series |
724.673(a)(5) Board note |
Board |
Changed “this subsection” to “this subsection (c)” |
724.673(b) |
Board |
Added “the following” |
724.673(b)(1) |
Board |
Added a comma after “constructed” to offset the final element of a series; changed “must be” to “must fulfill the following” |
724.673(b)(1)(A) |
Board |
Added “it must be” |
724.673(b)(1)(B) |
Board |
Added “it must be” |
724.673(b)(1)(C) |
Board |
Added “it must be” |
724.673(b)(2) |
Board |
Added a comma after “maintained” to offset the final element of a series; changed “must be” to “must fulfill the following” |
724.673(b)(2)(A) |
Board |
Added “it must be”; added “as follows” |
724.673(b)(2)(B) |
Board |
Added “it must be” |
724.673(b)(2)(C) |
Board |
Added “it must be” |
724.673(b)(3) |
Board |
Added a comma after “maintained” to offset the final element of a series |
724.673(b)(3)(A) |
Board |
Added a comma before “and, if so, the owner or operator” and added “the owner or operator” to offset an independent clause |
724.673(b)(3)(B) |
Board |
Changed “this subsection” to “this subsection (b)” |
724.673(c) |
Board |
Added a comma after “corrosion” to offset the final element of a series |
724.673(c) Board note |
Board |
Changed “subsection (m)” to “subsection (m) of this Section” |
724.673(d) |
Board |
Added a comma after “drain” to offset the final element of a series |
724.673(e) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; added a comma after “operate” to offset the final element of a series |
724.673(f) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; added a comma after “operate” to offset the final element of a series |
724.673(g) |
Board |
Changed “subsections (a) through (f)” to “subsections (a) through (f) of this Section”; changed “shall” to “must”; removed an unnecessary comma after “qualified”; changed the ending punctuation from a comma to a period |
724.673(i) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; removed an unnecessary comma after “qualified”; changed the semicolon after “log” to a comma to offset a parenthetical |
724.673(k) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; removed an unnecessary comma after “qualified”; changed the semicolon after “log” to a comma to offset a parenthetical |
724.673(m)(1) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; added “do the following” |
724.673(m)(2) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; added “do the following”; changed the semicolon after “submitted” to a comma to separate elements of a series; changed the semicolon after “complete” to a comma to separate elements of a series |
724.673(m)(3) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; removed an unnecessary comma after “qualified”; changed “subsection (m)(1)(D)” to “subsection (m)(1)(D) of this Section” |
724.673(n) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.673(o) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; added a comma after “practices” to offset the final element of a series |
724.674(a) |
Board |
Added a comma after “sheets” to offset the final element of a series; added a comma after “damage” to offset the final element of a series; added a comma after “spots” to offset the final element of a series; removed an unnecessary comma after “qualified”; added a comma after “punctures” to offset the final element of a series |
724.674(b)(1) |
Board |
Added a comma after “malfunctions” to offset the final element of a series |
724.675(a) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.675(b) |
Board, JCAR |
Added a comma after “structures” to offset the final element of a series; added a comma before “as required” to offset a parenthetical; changed “subsection (a)” to “subsection (a) of this Section”; changed “shall” to “must” (twice); changed “post closure” to hyphenated “post-closure” (twice); added a comma after “post closure” to offset the final element of a series; changed “Subparts G and H” to “Subparts G and H of this Part” |
724.675(c)(1) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; added “do the following” |
724.675(c)(1)(A) |
Board |
Changed “subsection (a)” to “subsection (a) of this Section”; changed “subsection (b)” to “subsection (b) of this Section” |
724.675(c)(1)(B) |
Board |
Changed “subsection (b)” to “subsection (b) of this Section” |
724.675(c)(2) |
Board, JCAR |
Changed “this subsection” to “this subsection (c)”; changed “post closure” to hyphenated “post-closure”; changed “subsection (a)” to “subsection (a) of this Section” |
724.700 |
Board |
Changed “this Subpart” to “this Subpart X”; added a comma after “store” to offset the final element of a series |
724.701 |
Board |
Added “the following” |
724.701(a) |
Board |
Added “the following” |
724.701(b) |
Board |
Added “the following” |
724.701(c) |
Board |
Added “the following” |
724.702 heading |
Board |
Added a comma after “reporting” to offset the final element of a series |
724.702(a) |
Board |
Added a comma after “724.201” to offset the final element of a series |
724.703 heading |
Board |
Changed “Post-closure” to capitalized “Post-Closure” |
724.930(a) |
Board |
Changed “this Subpart” to “this Subpart AA”; added a comma after “store” to offset the final element of a series |
724.930(b) |
Board |
Changed “this Subpart” to “this Subpart AA”; changed “in” to “as follows” |
724.930(b)(1) |
Board |
Added “in” |
724.930(b)(2) |
Board |
Added “in” |
724.930(b)(3) |
Board |
Added “in” |
724.930(c) |
Board |
Changed “this Subpart” to “this Subpart AA” (twice); changed “shall” to “must”; changed “this subpart” to capitalized “this Subpart AA”; changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 725.Subpart AA” to “Subpart AA of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 725” |
724.930(e) |
Board |
Changed “this Subpart” to “this Subpart AA” (twice); changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause |
724.931 preamble |
Board |
Changed “this Subpart” to “this Subpart AA” (twice) |
724.931 “connector” |
Board |
Added a comma after “welded” to offset the final element of a series |
724.931 “distillation operation” |
Board |
Changed “stream(s)” to “streams” |
724.931 “equipment” |
Board |
Changed “this Subpart” to “this Subpart AA” |
724.931 “repaired” |
Board |
Removed the unnecessary comma after “adjusted” that separated a two-element series; removed the unnecessary comma before “to eliminate” that offset a prepositional phrase |
724.932(a) |
Board |
Changed “shall either” to “must do either of the following” |
724.932(b) |
Board |
Changed “subsection (a)” to “subsection (a) of this Section” |
724.933(a) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.933(a)(2)(A) |
Board |
Changed “this Subpart” to “this Subpart AA” (three times); changed “shall” to “must” |
724.933(a)(2)(B) |
Board |
Changed “begins” to past tense “began”; removed the unnecessary comma before “which was” that offset a restrictive relative clause; changed “is” to past tense “was”; changed “this Subpart” to “this Subpart AA”; changed “shall” to “must”; changed “begins” to past tense “began”; removed the unnecessary comma after “began” that separated the subject from the verb |
724.933(a)(2)(C) |
Board |
Changed “this Subpart” to “this Subpart AA” (three times); changed “shall” to “must” (three times); changed “this subpart” to capitalized “this Subpart AA”; changed “Specific” to lower-case “specific” |
724.933(a)(2)(D) |
Board |
Changed “this Subpart” to “this Subpart AA” (twice) |
724.933(c) |
Changed “760 degrees Celsius (° C)” to “760° C” |
724.933(d) |
Board |
Changed the ending punctuation from a colon to a period |
724.933(d)(1) |
Board |
Changed “subsection (e)(1)” to “subsection (e)(1) of this Section”; changed numeric “5” to written “five”; changed numeric “2” to written “two” |
724.933(d)(4)(C) |
Board |
Added a comma after “Section” to offset a parenthetical |
724.933(e)(1) |
Board |
Changed “this Subpart” to “this Subpart AA”; changed numeric “2” to written “two” |
724.933(e)(2) “K” |
Added the definite article “the” before “standard”; added the verb “is” to complete the sentence |
724.933(e)(4) |
Board |
Changed “subsection (d)(4)(C)” to “subsection (d)(4)(C) of this Section”; changed “subsection (e)(2)” to “subsection (e)(2) of this Section” |
724.933(f) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.933(f)(2) |
Board |
Added a comma before “as follows” to offset a parenthetical; changed “a specified below” to “as follows” |
724.933(f)(2)(F) |
Board |
Added “of the following” |
724.933(f)(2)(G) |
Board |
Added “of the following” |
724.933(f)(3) |
Board |
Changed “subsections (f)(1) and (f)(2)” to “subsections (f)(1) and (f)(2) of this Section” |
724.933(g) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.933(h) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.933(l) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.933(l)(1) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.933(l)(1)(A) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” (twice) |
724.933(l)(1)(B) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.933(l)(1)(B)(i) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.933(l)(1)(C) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.933(l)(1)(D) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.933(l)(2)(B) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” (twice) |
724.933(l)(2)(C) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.933(l)(2)(D) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.933(l)(3) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.933(l)(3)(D) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.933(m) |
Board |
Changed “this Subpart” to “this Subpart AA”; changed numeric “2” to written “two” |
724.933(n) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.933(n)(1)(B) |
Board |
Changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 725.Subparts AA and CC” to “Subparts AA and CC of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 725” |
724.933(n)(2)(B) |
Board |
Changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 725.Subpart O” to “Subpart O of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 725” |
724.933(n)(3)(A) |
Board |
Changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 726.Subpart H” to “Subpart H of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 726” |
724.933(n)(3)(B) |
Board |
Changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 726.Subpart H” to “Subpart H of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 726” |
724.933(o)(2) |
Board |
Changed “subsection (l)(1)(B)(ii)” to “subsection (l)(1)(B)(ii) of this Section” |
724.934(a) |
Board |
Changed “this Subpart” to “this Subpart AA”; changed “shall” to “must” |
724.934(b)(4) |
Board |
Added “as follows” |
724.934(b)(4)(A) |
Board |
Changed the ending punctuation from a period to a semicolon; added the ending conjunction “and” |
724.934(c)(1)(C) |
Board |
Changed numeric “1” to written “one” |
724.934(c)(2) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; added a comma after “shutdown” to offset the final element of a series |
724.934(c)(3) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; added a comma after “shutdown” to offset the final element of a series |
724.934(c)(3)(B) |
Board |
Changed “platform(s)” to “platforms” |
724.934(c)(3)(C) |
Board |
Changed “platform(s)” to “platforms” |
724.934(d) |
Board |
Changed “this Subpart” to “this Subpart AA”; changed “shall” to “must” |
724.934(d)(1)(A) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.934(d)(2) |
Board |
Added “the following” |
724.934(e)(1) |
Board, JCAR |
Changed “this Subpart” to “this Subpart AA”; added “either of the following”; added the ending colon |
724.935 |
Board |
Changed “requirements” to capitalized “Requirements” |
724.935(a)(1) |
Board |
Changed “this Subpart” to “this Subpart AA”; changed “shall” to “must” |
724.935(a)(2) |
Board |
Changed “this Subpart” to “this Subpart AA” |
724.935(b) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.935(b)(1) |
Board |
Changed “this Subpart” to “this Subpart AA” |
724.935(b)(2) |
Board |
Added “the following” |
724.935(b)(2)(A) |
Board |
Added a comma after “throughput” to offset the final element of a series |
724.935(b)(3) |
Board |
Added “the following” |
724.935(b)(3)(B) |
Board |
Added “the following” |
724.935(b)(3)(B)(i) |
Board |
Changed the ending punctuation from a period to a semicolon |
724.935(b)(3)(B)(ii) |
Board |
Changed the ending punctuation from a period to a semicolon |
724.935(b)(3)(B)(iii) |
Board |
Changed the ending punctuation from a period to a semicolon |
724.935(b)(3)(B)(iv) |
Board |
Changed the ending punctuation from a period to a semicolon; added the ending conjunction “and” |
724.935(b)(4)(C) |
Board |
Changed “subsections (b)(4)(C)(i) through (vii)” to “subsections (b)(4)(C)(i) through (b)(4)(C)(vii)” |
724.935(b)(4)(E) |
Changed “95%” to “95 percent” |
724.935(c) |
Board |
Added “the following” |
724.935(c)(2) |
Board |
Changed “Section 724.933(f)(1) and (2)” to “Section 724.933(f)(1) and (f)(2)” |
724.935(c)(4) |
Board |
Added a comma after “time” to offset the final element of a series |
724.935(c)(4)(D) |
Board |
Added “either of the following occurs” |
724.935(c)(4)(D) |
Board |
Changed “20%” to “20 percent” |
724.935(c)(4)(G) |
Board |
Added “the following occurs” |
724.935(c)(4)(H) |
Board |
Changed “20%” to “20 percent” |
724.935(c)(7) |
Board |
Added “the following” |
724.935(b)(7)(A) |
Board |
Changed the ending punctuation from a period to a semicolon; added the ending conjunction “and” |
724.935(b)(9) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.935(c)(10) |
Board |
Added a comma before “as specified” to offset a parenthetical |
724.935(c)(10)(A) |
Board |
Changed the comma after “number” to a semicolon to separate the elements of a series that contains a sub-series (twice) |
724.935(d) |
Board |
Changed numeric “3” to written “three” |
724.935(e) |
Board |
Added a comma after “condenser” to offset the final element of a series”; changed “shall” to “must” |
724.936(a) |
Board |
Changed “this Subpart” to “this Subpart AA” |
724.936(a)(2) |
Board |
Added “the following” |
724.936(a)(2)(A) |
Board |
Corrected the subsection designation from “a” to captital “A”; added “did the following” |
724.936(a)(2)(A)(i) |
Board |
Added a comma before “as defined” to offset a parenthetical; added a semicolon as the ending punctuation before the ending conjunction “and” |
724.936(a)(2)(A)(ii) |
Board |
Added a comma before “as defined” to offset a parenthetical; added a semicolon as the ending punctuation |
724.936(a)(2)(B) |
Board |
Changed the ending punctuation from a comma to a semicolon |
724.936(b) |
Board |
Added a comma before and after “as defined in Section 724.935(c)(4)” to offset a parenthetical; added a comma before “as defined” to offset a parenthetical |
724.950(a) |
Board |
Changed “this Subpart” to “this Subpart BB” |
724.950(b) |
Board |
Changed “this Subpart” to “this Subpart BB” |
724.950(c) |
Board |
Changed “this Subpart” to “this Subpart BB” (three times); changed “shall” to “must”; changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 725.Subpart BB” to “Subpart BB of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 725” |
724.950(d) |
Board |
Changed “this Subpart” to “this Subpart BB” |
724.951 |
Board |
Changed “this Subpart” to “this Subpart BB” |
724.952(a) |
Board |
Added a period as the ending punctuation |
724.952(a)(1) |
Board |
Added a comma after “(e)” to offset the final element of a series |
724.952(b) |
Board |
Added a period as the ending punctuation |
724.952(c) |
Board |
Added a period as the ending punctuation |
724.952(c)(2) |
Board |
Changed numeric “5” to written “five” |
724.952(d) |
Board |
Changed “subsection (a)” to “subsection (a) of this Section” |
724.952(d)(2) |
Board |
Added “as follows” |
724.952(d)(2)(A) |
Board |
Removed the unnecessary ending conjunction “or” |
724.952(d)(5) |
Board |
Added a period as the ending punctuation |
724.952(d)(5)(A) |
Board |
Changed “subsection (d)(3)” to “subsection (d)(3) of this Section” |
724.952(d)(5)(B) |
Board |
Changed “Shall” to “must” |
724.952(d)(6) |
Board |
Added a period as the ending punctuation |
724.952(d)(6)(A) |
Board |
Changed “subsection (d)(5)(B)” to “subsection (d)(5)(B) of this Section” |
724.952(d)(6)(C) |
Board |
Changed numeric “5” to written “five” |
724.952(e) |
Board |
Changed “subsections (a), (c) and (d)” to “subsections (a), (c), and (d) of this Section” |
724.952(e)(1) |
Board |
Added “it” |
724.952(e)(2) |
Board |
Added “it”; added a comma before “as measured” to offset a parenthetical |
724.952(e)(3) |
Board |
Added “it”; changed “subsection (e)(2)” to “subsection (e)(2) of this Section”; added a comma before “as specified” to offset a parenthetical |
724.952(f) |
Board |
Changed “subsections (a) through (e)” to “subsections (a) through (e) of this Section” |
724.953(a) |
Board |
Changed “subsections (h) and (i)” to “subsections (h) and (i) of this Section” |
724.953(b) |
Board |
Added a comma before and after “as required . . . this Section” to offset a parenthetical; changed “subsection (a)” to “subsection (a) of this Section”; added “as follows” |
724.953(d) |
Board |
Added a comma before and after “as described . . . this Section” to offset a parenthetical; changed “subsections (a) through (c)” to “subsections (a) through (c) of this Section” |
724.953(e) |
Board |
Added “failure detection.” |
724.953(e)(1) |
Board |
Changed “subsection (d)” to “subsection (d) of this Section”; added a comma before “unless” to offset a parenthetical |
724.953(e)(2) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.953(f) |
Board |
Changed “subsection (e)(2)” to “subsection (e)(2) of this Section” |
724.953(g) |
Board |
Added a period as the ending punctuation |
724.952(g)(2) |
Board |
Changed numeric “5” to written “five” |
724.953(h) |
Board |
Changed “subsections (a) and (b)” to “subsections (a) and (b) of this Section”; changed “subsection (i)” to “subsection (i) of this Section” |
724.953(i) |
Board |
Changed “subsections (a) through (h)” to “subsections (a) through (h) of this Section”; added “the following is true of” |
724.953(i)(1) |
Board |
Added “it” |
724.953(i)(2) |
Board |
Added “it”; changed “subsection (i)(1)” to “subsection (i)(1) of this Section”; added a comma before “as specified” to offset a parenthetical |
724.954 heading |
Board |
Changed “gas-vapor” to “gas/vapor” |
724.954(a) |
Board |
Added a comma before “as measured” to offset a parenthetical |
724.954(b)(1) |
Board |
Changed numeric “5” to written “five” |
724.954(b)(2) |
Board |
Changed numeric “5” to written “five” |
724.954(c) |
Board |
Changed “subsections (a) and (b)” to “subsections (a) and (b) of this Section” |
724.955(b) |
Board |
Added a comma before “as required” to offset a parenthetical; changed “subsection (a)” to “subsection (a) of this Section” |
724.955(b)(1) |
Board |
Added “it must” |
724.955(b)(2) |
Board |
Added “it must” |
724.955(b)(3) |
Board |
Added “it must” |
724.956 heading |
Board |
Changed “Open-ended” to capitalized “Open-Ended” |
724.956(a)(1) |
Board |
Added a comma after “plug” to offset the final element of a series |
724.956(a)(2) |
Board |
Added a comma after “plug” to offset the final element of a series |
724.956(c) |
Board |
Changed “subsection (a)” to “subsection (a) of this Section” |
724.957 heading |
Board |
Changed “gas-vapor” to “gas/vapor” |
724.957(a) |
Board |
Changed “subsections (b) through (e)” to “subsections (b) through (e) of this Section”; changed “subsections (f), (g) and (h)” to “subsections (f), (g), and (h) of this Section” |
724.957(c) |
Board |
Added a period as the ending punctuation |
724.957(c)(2) |
Board |
Changed the ending punctuation from a comma to a period |
724.957(d) |
Board |
Added “leak repair.” |
724.957(d)(2) |
Board |
Changed numeric “5” to written “five” |
724.957(f) |
Board |
Changed “subsection (a)” to “subsection (a) of this Section”; added “the following is true of” |
724.957(f)(1) |
Board |
Added “it” |
724.957(f)(2) |
Board |
Added “it” |
724.957(f)(3) |
Board |
Added “it”; changed “subsection (f)(2)” to “subsection (f)(2) of this Section” |
724.957(g) |
Board |
Changed “subsection (a)” to “subsection (a) of this Section”; added “the following occurs” |
724.957(g)(1) |
Board |
Changed “subsection (a)” to “subsection (a) of this Section” |
724.957(h) |
Board |
Changed “subsection (a)” to “subsection (a) of this Section”; added “the following occurs” |
724.957(h)(1) |
Board |
Changed numeric “2” to written “two” |
724.958 heading |
Board |
Added a comma after “devices” to offset the final element of a series |
724.958(a) |
Board |
Changed numeric “5” to written “five” |
724.958(c) |
Board |
Added a period as the ending punctuation |
724.958(c)(2) |
Board |
Changed numeric “5” to written “five” |
724.959(c) |
Board |
Added “the following is true” |
724.959(c)(1) |
Board |
Changed the ending punctuation from a period to a semicolon; added the ending conjunction “and” |
724.959(d) |
Board |
Added “the following is true” |
724.959(d)(1) |
Board |
Changed the ending punctuation from a period to a semicolon; added the ending conjunction “and” |
724.959(d)(2) |
Board |
Changed numeric “6” to written “six” |
724.959(e) |
Board |
Changed numeric “6” to written “six” |
724.960 heading |
Board |
Changed “Closed-vent” to capitalized “Closed-Vent” |
724.960(a) |
Board |
Changed “this Subpart” to “this Subpart BB”; changed “shall” to “must” |
724.960(a)(1) |
Board |
Changed “this Subpart” to “this Subpart BB” (three times); changed “shall” to “must” |
724.960(a)(2) |
Board |
Changed “this Subpart” to “this Subpart BB” |
724.960(a)(3) |
Board |
Changed “this Subpart” to “this Subpart BB” (four times); changed “shall” to “must” (three times); changed “Specific” to lower-case “specific” |
724.960(a)(4) |
Board |
Changed “this Subpart” to “this Subpart BB” (twice); changed “shall” to “must” |
724.961(a) |
Board |
Changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause; changed numeric “2” to written “two” |
724.961(b) |
Board |
Changed numeric “2” to written “two” |
724.961(b)(1) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.961(b)(2) |
Board |
Changed “subsection (c)” to “subsection (c) of this Section” |
724.961(c)(1) |
Board |
Changed numeric “1” to written “one” |
724.961(d) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.962(a) |
Board |
Added a period as the ending punctuation |
724.962(a)(1) |
Board |
Changed “subsections (b)(2) and (3)” to “subsections (b)(2) and (b)(3) of this Section” |
724.962(a)(2) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.962(b) |
Board |
Added a period as the ending punctuation |
724.962(b)(1) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; changed “subsections (b)(2) and (3)” to “subsections (b)(2) and (b)(3) of this Section” |
724.962(b)(4) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.963(a) |
Board |
Changed “this Subpart” to “this Subpart BB”; changed “shall” to “must” |
724.963(b)(4) |
Board |
Added “as follows” |
724.963(b)(4)(A) |
Board |
Changed the ending punctuation from aperiod to a semicolon; added the ending conjunction “and” |
724.962(d) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.964(a) |
Board |
Added a period as the ending punctuation |
724.964(a)(1) |
Board |
Changed “this Subpart” to “this Subpart BB”; changed “shall” to “must” |
724.964(a)(2) |
Board |
Changed “this Subpart” to “this Subpart BB” |
724.964(b) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.964(b)(1) |
Board |
Changed “this Subpart” to “this Subpart BB”; added “the following offset by a comma |
724.964(b)(2) |
Board |
Added a comma before “as specified” to offset a parenthetical |
724.964(b)(3) |
Board |
Added a comma before “as specified” to offset a parenthetical |
724.964(c) |
Board |
Added a comma after “724.957” to offset the final element of a series |
724.964(c)(3) |
Board |
Changed numeric “2” to written “two” (twice) |
724.964(d) |
Board |
Added a comma after “724.957” to offset the final element of a series |
724.964(d)(5) |
Board |
Moved a comma inside a closing quotation mark after “10,000” |
724.964(e) |
Board |
Added a comma after “operating” to offset the final element of a series; added a comma before “as specified” to offset a parenthetical |
724.964(f) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.964(g)(1) |
Board |
Changed “this Subpart” to “this Subpart BB” |
724.964(g)(2)(B) |
Board |
Added a comma after “724.953(i)” to offset the final element of a series |
724.964(g)(4)(A) |
Board |
Added a comma after “724.954” to offset the final element of a series |
724.964(k) |
Board |
Added a comma before “as provided” to offset a parenthetical |
724.964(l) |
Board |
Changed numeric “3” to written “three” |
724.964(m) |
Board |
Changed “this Subpart” to “this Subpart BB” (twice); removed the unnecessary duplicate period after “or 63” |
724.965(a) |
Board |
Changed “this Subpart” to “this Subpart BB” |
724.965(a)(2) |
Board |
Added “the following” offset by a comma |
724.965(a)(2)(A) |
Board |
Added a comma before “as required” to offset a parenthetical |
724.965(a)(2)(B) |
Changed “Sections 724.952(c) and (d)(6)” to singular “Section 724.952(c) and (d)(6)” |
724.965(a)(2)(C) |
Board |
Added a comma before “as required” to offset a parenthetical |
724.965(a)(4) |
Board |
Added a comma after “724.954” to offset the final element of a series; added a comma before “as defined” to offset a parenthetical |
724.965(b) |
Board |
Added a comma after “pumps” to offset the final element of a series; added a comma before “as defined” to offset a parenthetical |
724.980(a) |
Board |
Changed “this Subpart” to “this Subpart CC” |
724.980(b) |
Board |
Changed “this Subpart” to “this Subpart CC” |
724.980(c) |
Board, JCAR |
Changed “this Subpart” to “this Subpart CC” (three times); changed “owner and operator is” to plural “owner and operator are”; changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 725.Subpart CC” to “Subpart CC of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 725” |
724.980(d) |
Board |
Changed “this Subpart” to “this Subpart CC” |
724.980(d)(1) |
Board |
Changed “this subsection” to “this subsection (d)” |
724.981 |
Board, JCAR |
Changed “this Subpart” to “this Subpart CC”; changed “shall” to “will” |
724.982(a) |
Board |
Changed “this Subpart” to “this Subpart CC” |
724.982(b) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.982(c)(1) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” (twice) |
724.982(c)(2)(A) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.982(c)(2)(B) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.982(c)(2)(D) |
Board |
Corrected “is” to plural “are” |
724.982(c)(2)(D)(i) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.982(c)(2)(D)(ii) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.982(c)(2)(E)(ii) Board note |
Board |
Moved a comma inside the closing quotation mark after “Systems” |
724.982(c)(2)(E)(iii) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” (twice) |
724.982(c)(2)(F) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.982(c)(2)(G)(i) |
Board |
Changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 726.Subpart H” to “Subpart H of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 726” |
724.982(c)(2)(G)(ii) |
Board |
Changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 725.Subpart O” to “Subpart O of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 725” |
724.982(c)(2)(H)(i) |
Board |
Changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 726.Subpart H” to “Subpart H of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 726” |
724.982(c)(2)(H)(i) |
Board |
Corrected “35 Ill. Adm. Code 726.Subpart H” to “Subpart O of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 725” |
724.982(c)(2)(I) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.982(c)(4)(A) |
Board |
Changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 728.Table T” to “Table T to 35 Ill. Adm. Code 728” |
724.982(c)(5)(A) Board note |
Board |
Moved a comma inside the closing quotation mark after “Operations” |
724.982(c)(5)(C) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.982(d) |
Board |
Added a comma before “as follows” to offset a parenthetical |
724.982(d)(1) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” (twice) |
724.982(d)(2) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.982(d)(4) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; changed “this Subpart” to “this Subpart CC” |
724.982(d)(5) |
Board |
Changed “this Subpart” to “this Subpart CC”; added a comma before “as follows” to offset a parenthetical |
724.982(d)(5)(A) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.982(d)(5)(B) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; changed “this Subpart” to “this Subpart CC” |
724.982(d)(5)(C) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; changed “this Subpart” to “this Subpart CC” |
724.983(a)(1) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.983(a)(2)(A) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” (twice) |
724.983(a)(2)(B) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.983(b)(1) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.983(b)(1)(A) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” (twice) |
724.983(b)(1)(B) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.983(c)(1) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.983(d) |
Board |
Changed “this Subpart” to “this Subpart CC” |
724.984(b) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.984(b)(1) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.984(b)(1)(A) |
Board |
Added a comma before “as follows” to offset a parenthetical |
724.984(b)(2) |
Board |
Changed “this Subpart” to “this Subpart CC”; added a comma before “as specified” to offset a parenthetical |
724.984(c)(1) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” (twice) |
724.984(c)(2)(E)(i) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.984(c)(2) Board note |
Board |
Changed “subsections (c)(2)(E)(i) and (c)(2)(E)(ii)” to “subsections (c)(2)(E)(i) and (c)(2)(E)(ii) of this Section” |
724.984(c)(3)(A)(i) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.984(c)(4) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.984(c)(4)(B) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” (twice) |
724.984(c)(4)(C) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.984(c)(4)(D) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.984(e) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.984(e)(2) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.984(e)(3) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.984(e)(3)(B) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.984(e)(3)(D) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” (twice); added a comma before “as follows” to offset a parenthetical |
724.984(e)(3)(D)(ii) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.984(e)(3)(E) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.984(e)(3)(F) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.984(f)(1) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.984(f)(2) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.984(f)(3) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.984(f)(3)(A) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.984(f)(3)(A)(i) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.984(f)(3)(A)(ii) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.984(f)(3)(A)(iv) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.984(f)(3)(A)(v) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.984(f)(3)(A)(vi) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.984(f)(3)(B) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.984(f)(3)(B)(ii) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” (twice) |
724.984(f)(3)(B)(iii) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.984(f)(3)(B)(iv) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.984(f)(3)(C) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” (twice); added a comma before “as follows” to offset a parenthetical |
724.984(f)(3)(C)(iii) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.984(f)(3)(D) Board note |
Board, JCAR |
Changed “subsections (f)(3)(D)(i) and (f)(3)(D)(ii)” to “subsections (f)(3)(D)(i) and (f)(3)(D)(ii) of this Section”; changed “264.1084(f)(3)(i)(D)(1) through (f)(3)(i)(D)(4)” to “264.1084(f)(3)(i)(D)(1) through (f)(3)(i)(D)(4)” with italics |
724.984(g) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.984(g)(1)(B) |
Changed “devices” to singular “device” |
724.984(g)(2) |
Board |
Added a comma before “except as follows” to offset a parenthetical |
724.984(g)(2)(A)(i) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.984(g)(3) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.984(g)(3)(C) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” (twice) |
724.984(g)(3)(D) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.984(g)(3)(E) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.984(h)(2) |
Board |
Added a comma before “as determined” to offset a parenthetical |
724.984(i) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.984(i)(1) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; moved a comma inside the closing quotation mark after “Enclosure” |
724.984(i)(4) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; added a comma before “as specified” to offset a parenthetical |
724.984(j) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.984(j)(1) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; moved a comma inside the closing quotation mark after “Systems” |
724.984(k) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.984(k)(1) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.984(k)(2) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.984(l) |
Board |
Changed “this Subpart” to “this Subpart CC” |
724.984(l)(1)(B) |
Board |
Changed “this Subpart” to “this Subpart CC” |
724.985(b) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.985(c)(1)(B) |
Board |
Added “of the following” |
724.985(c)(2)(A)(i) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.985(c)(3) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.985(c)(3)(B) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” (twice) |
724.985(c)(3)(C) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.985(c)(3)(D) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.985(d) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.985(d)(2)(A)(i) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.985(d)(3) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.985(d)(3)(A) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.985(d)(3)(C) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” (twice) |
724.985(d)(3)(D) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.985(d)(3)(E) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.985(e) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.984(e)(1) |
Board |
Moved a comma inside the closing quotation mark after “Systems” |
724.985(f) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.985(f)(1) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.985(f)(2) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.985(g) |
Board |
Added a comma after “as required” to offset a parenthetical; changed “this Subpart” to “this Subpart CC” |
724.985(g)(2) |
Board |
Changed “this Subpart” to “this Subpart CC” |
724.986(b)(1) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.986(b)(1)(A) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.986(b)(1)(B) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; added a comma after “specified” to offset a parenthetical |
724.986(b)(1)(C) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.986(b)(2) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.986(c)(2) |
Board |
Removed an unnecessary comma after “integrity” that set off a prepositional phrase |
724.986(c)(3) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; added a comma before “except as follows” to offset a parenthetical |
724.986(c)(3)(A) |
Board |
Added a comma before “as follows” to offset a parenthetical |
724.986(c)(3)(A)(i) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.986(c)(3)(A)(ii) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.986(c)(3)(B) |
Board |
Added a comma before “as follows” to offset a parenthetical |
724.986(c)(3)(B)(ii) |
Board |
Added a comma before “as defined” to offset a parenthetical; changed “shall” to “must” |
724.986(c)(3)(C) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.986(c)(4) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; added a comma before “as follows” to offset a parenthetical |
724.986(c)(4)(A) |
Board |
Added a comma before “as specified” to offset a parenthetical; changed “shall” to “must” (twice); added a comma before “incorporated” to offset a parenthetical; changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 722.Appendix A” to “Appendix A to 35 Ill. Adm. Code 722” |
724.986(c)(4)(B) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” (twice) |
724.986(c)(4)(C) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.986(c)(5) |
Board, JCAR |
Changed “shall” to “must”; changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause; changed “DOT” to “USDOT” |
724.986(d) |
Board |
Added a comma before “as specified” to offset a parenthetical |
724.986(d)(3) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.986(d)(3)(A) |
Board |
Added a comma before “as follows” to offset a parenthetical |
724.986(d)(3)(A)(i) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.986(d)(3)(A)(ii) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.986(d)(3)(B) |
Board |
Added a comma before “as follows” to offset a parenthetical |
724.986(d)(3)(B)(i) |
Board |
Added commas before and after “as defined in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 721.107(b)” to offset a parenthetical |
724.986(d)(3)(B)(ii) |
Board |
Added a comma before “as defined” to offset a parenthetical; changed “shall” to “must” |
724.986(d)(3)(C) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.986(d)(4) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; added a comma before “as follows” to offset a parenthetical |
724.986(c)(4)(A) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” (twice) |
724.986(c)(4)(B) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” (twice) |
724.986(c)(4)(C) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.986(e)(1)(B) |
Board |
Changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause |
724.986(e)(2) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” (twice) |
724.986(e)(2)(A) |
Board |
Added a comma before “as specified” to offset a parenthetical (twice); changed “shall” to “must” |
724.986(e)(4) |
Board |
Changed “this Subpart” to “this Subpart CC”; changed “shall” to “must” |
724.986(e)(5) |
Board |
Changed “this Subpart” to “this Subpart CC”; changed “shall” to “must” |
724.986(f) |
Board |
Added a comma before “as follows” to offset a parenthetical |
724.986(f)(1) |
Board |
Moved a comma inside the closing quotation mark after “Packaging”; moved a comma inside the closing quotation mark after “Cars” |
724.986(f)(2) |
Board, JCAR |
Changed “49 CFR 107, Subpart B” to “49 CFR 107, subpart B”; moved a comma inside the closing quotation mark after “Packaging” |
724.986(f)(3) |
Board |
Changed “this Subpart” to “this Subpart CC” |
724.986(f)(4) |
Board |
Changed “this Subpart” to “this Subpart CC”; added “incorporated . . . 720.111” as a parenthetical offset by a comma |
724.987 heading |
Board |
Changed “Closed-vent” to capitalized “Closed-Vent” |
724.987(a) |
Board |
Changed “this Subpart” to “this Subpart CC” |
724.987(b) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.987(b)(1) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.987(b)(2) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.987(b)(3) |
Board |
Changed “this subsection” to “this subsection (b)” |
724.987(b)(3)(A) |
Board |
Changed “this subsection” to “this subsection (b)” |
724.987(b)(3)(B) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.987(c) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.987(c)(1) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.987(c)(2) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.987(c)(2)(D) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.987(c)(2)(E) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.987(c)(2)(F) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.987(c)(3) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.987(c)(3)(A) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; added a comma before “in accordance” to offset a parenthetical |
724.987(c)(4) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.987(c)(5) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.987(c)(5)(A) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; added a comma before “except as follows” to offset a parenthetical |
724.987(c)(5)(A)(iv) |
Board |
Changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 726.Subpart H” to “Subpart H of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 726” |
724.987(c)(5)(A)(v) |
Board |
Changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 726.Subpart H” to “Subpart H of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 726” |
724.987(c)(5)(B) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.987(c)(5)(C) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.987(c)(5)(D) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.987(c)(5)(E) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.987(c)(6) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.988(a) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; changed “this Subpart” to “this Subpart CC” |
724.988(b) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” (twice) |
724.989(a) |
Board |
Changed “this Subpart” to “this Subpart CC”; changed “shall” to “must”; corrected “Section 724.984(d) or (b)(7)” to “Section 724.980(d) or (b)(7)” |
724.989(b) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.989(b)(1) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; added “the following” |
724.989(b)(1)(A) |
Board |
Added a comma before “as selected” to offset a parenthetical |
724.989(b)(2) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.989(b)(2)(A) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.989(b)(2)(B) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.989(b)(2)(C) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.989(b)(2)(D) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.989(c) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.989(c)(3)(B) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.989(c)(4) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; changed “subsection (e)” to “subsection (e) of this Section” |
724.989(d) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.989(e) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.989(e)(1)(E) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.989(e)(1)(F) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.989(f) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.989(f)(1) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” (twice) |
724.989(f)(2) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.989(g) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; moved a comma inside the closing quotation mark after “monitor” |
724.989(h) |
Board |
Changed “this Subpart” to “this Subpart CC” (three times) |
724.989(i) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.989(i)(3)(A) |
Board |
Changed “this Subpart” to “this Subpart CC” |
724.989(i)(3)(B) |
Board |
Changed “this Subpart” to “this Subpart CC” |
724.989(j) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.990(a) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” (four times) |
724.990(b) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” (four times) |
724.990(c) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” (four times); changed numeric “6-month” to written “six-month” |
724.990(d) |
Board |
Changed numeric “6-month” to written “six-month”; changed “this Subpart” to “this Subpart CC” |
724.1100 preamble |
Board |
Changed “this Subpart” to “this Subpart DD”; changed “will become” to past tense “became”; added “fulfills the following” |
724.1100(a) |
Board |
Added “it”; added “the following” |
724.1100(b) |
Board |
Added “it”; added a comma after “personnel” to offset the final element of a series |
724.1100(c) |
Board |
Added “the following” |
724.1100(d) |
Added “it” |
724.1100(e) |
Added “it” |
724.1101 heading |
Board |
Corrected the Section number “Section 1101” to “Section 724.1101”; changed “operating standards” to capitalized “Operating Standards” |
724.1101(a)(2) |
Board, JCAR |
Changed “shall” to “must”; changed the brackets in “[ACI]” to parentheses “(ACI)”; changed the brackets in “[ASTM]” to parentheses “(ASTM)”; changed “these criteria” to “the following criteria” |
724.1101(a)(2)(A) |
Board |
Changed “subsection (c)(1)(C) below” to “subsection (c)(1)(C) of this Section” |
724.1101(b) |
Board |
Added “the following” |
724.1101(b)(2) |
Board |
Added “as follows” offset by a comma |
724.1101(b)(3)(A) |
Board |
Added “as follows” offset by a comma |
724.1101(b)(3)(A)(i) |
Board |
Added “it is” |
724.1101(b)(3)(A)(ii) |
Board |
Added “it is” |
724.1101(b)(4) |
Board |
Changed “this Subpart” to “this Subpart DD”; added “have done the following” |
724.1101(b)(4)(A) |
Board |
Changed “provide” to the second half of the past participle “provided”; changed “describe” to the past participle “have described” |
724.1101(b)(4)(B) |
Board |
Changed “respond” to the second half of the past participle “responded” |
724.1101(b)(4)(C) |
Board |
Changed “fulfill” to the second half of the past participle “fulfilled” |
724.1101(c) |
Board |
Added “do the following”; changed the ending punctuation from a semicolon to a colon |
724.1101(c)(1)(D) |
Board |
Moved a period inside the closing quotation mark after “subpart 292”; moved a period inside the closing quotation mark after “40 CFR 60” |
724.1101(c)(3) |
Board |
Added “the following is required” |
724.1101(c)(3)(A) |
Board |
Added “do the following” |
724.1101(c)(3)(A)(iv) |
Board |
Changed numeric “7” to written “seven” |
724.1101(c)(3)(B) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.1101(c)(3)(C) |
Board |
Changed “subsection (c)(3)(A)(iv) above” to “subsection (c)(3)(A)(iv) of this Section” |
724.1101(c)(4) |
Board |
Added commas before and after “as well as . . . building” to offset a parenthetical |
724.1101(d) |
Board |
Added “do the following” |
724.1101(e) |
Board |
Changed “this Subpart” to “this Subpart DD”; changed “shall” to “must” |
724.1102 heading |
Board |
Changed “Post-closure” to capitalized “Post-Closure” |
724.1102(a) |
Board |
Removed an unnecessary comma before “and manage them” that separated a two-element series; added a comma before “unless” to offset a parenthetical; corrected “739.Subparts G and H” to “Subparts G and H of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 739” |
724.1102(b) |
Board |
Changed “subsection (a) above” to capitalized “subsection (a) of this Section”; corrected “739.Subparts G and H” to “Subparts G and H of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 739” |
724.1201(a) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.1201(a)(1) |
Changed “ground water” to “groundwater” |
724.1201(b)(1) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.1201(c) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause |
724.1201(d) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.1201(e) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.1201(f) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.1202(a) |
Board |
Changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause; changed “this Subpart” to “this Subpart EE”; changed “shall” to “must” |
724.1202(b) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
724.Appendix A |
Board |
Updated the Code of Federal Regulations reference to the most recent edition available |
724.Appendix I table column headings |
Changed “methods” to capitalized “Methods”; changed “ug/L” to “µg/L” |
724.Appendix I(c) |
Board |
Moved a period inside the closing quotation mark after “Number” |
724.Appendix I(e) |
Board |
Moved a comma inside the closing quotation mark after “Methods”; moved a comma inside the closing quotation mark after “methods” |
724.Appendix I “ g -BHC” |
Board |
Corrected “ c -BHC” to “ g -BHC” |
725.440(a) |
Board |
Changed “this Subpart” to “this Subpart O” |
725.440(b)(4) Board note |
Agency |
Added explanation of the ongoing effectiveness of treatment conditions even after a demonstration of compliance with the NESAP standards |
725.440(c) |
Board |
Changed “owners and operators of incinerators . . . are” to “an owner or operator of an incinerator that burns . . . is”; changed “this Subpart” to “this Subpart O”; changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 721.Appendix H” to “Appendix H to 35 Ill. Adm. Code 721”; added “one of the following” |
725.440(c)(1) |
Board |
Added “it is”; changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 721.Subpart D” to “Subpart D of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 721” |
725.440(c)(2) |
Board |
Added “it is”; changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 721.Subpart D” to “Subpart D of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 721”; changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 721.123(a)(4) and (5)” to “35 Ill. Adm. Code 721.123(a)(4) and (a)(5)” |
725.440(c)(3) |
Board |
Added “it is”; changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 721.Subpart C” to “Subpart C of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 721” |
725.440(c)(4) |
Board |
Added “it is”; changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 721.123 (a)(1), (2), (3), (6), (7) or (8)” to “35 Ill. Adm. Code 721.123 (a)(1), (a)(2), (a)(3), (a)(6), (a)(7) or (a)(8)” |
726. table of contents, Subpart E heading |
Removed the parenthetical “(Repealed)” |
726.200(a) |
Board |
Changed “this Subpart” to “this Subpart H” (twice) |
726.200(b)(2)(E) |
Board |
Added a comma after “BB” to offset the final element of a series |
726.200(b) Board note |
Board, JCAR |
Moved the citation for the quotation into parentheses, added “at,” and appended it to the text preceding the quote; changed the abbreviation “Sept.” to “September” |
726.200(c) |
Board |
Changed “this Subpart” to “this Subpart H” |
726.200(c)(1) |
Board |
Changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 721.Subpart C” to “Subpart C of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 721” |
726.200(d) |
Board |
Added a comma before “such as” to offset a parenthetical; changed “this Subpart” to “this Subpart H” |
726.200(d)(1) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” (three times) |
726.200(d)(1)(B) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
726.200(d)(1)(C) |
Board |
Changed “this subsection” to “this subsection (d)”; added a comma before “including” to offset a parenthetical; removed an unnecessary comma after “waste” that separated a two-element series |
726.200(d)(2)(A) |
Board |
Changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 721.Appendix H” to “Appendix H to 35 Ill. Adm. Code 721” |
726.200(d)(3) |
Board, JCAR |
Changed “shall” to “must” (twice); corrected “this subsection (d)” to “this subsection (d)(3)” |
726.200(d)(3)(A) |
Board |
Changed “that” to “the following is true” |
726.200(d)(3)(A)(i) |
Board, JCAR |
Changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 261.Appendix H” to “Appendix H to 35 Ill. Adm. Code 721” |
726.200(d)(3)(A)(iii) |
Board |
Changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 721.Appendix D” to “Appendix D to 35 Ill. Adm. Code 721”; changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 721.Appendix G” to “Appendix G to 35 Ill. Adm. Code 721” |
726.200(d)(3)(B) |
Board |
Changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 721.Appendix H” to “Appendix H to 35 Ill. Adm. Code 721”; changed “this Subpart” to “this Subpart H” (twice); changed “shall” to “must” |
726.200(g) |
Board |
Changed “this Subpart” to “this Subpart H”; changed “shall” to “must”; added “do the following” |
726.200(g)(2) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
726.200(h) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; changed “35 Ill. Adm. Code 721.Appendix H” to “Appendix H to 35 Ill. Adm. Code 721” |
726.200(i) |
Board |
Changed “this Subpart” to “this Subpart H” |
726.200(i) “E” |
Board |
Moved a period inside the closing quotation mark after “power” (twice) |
726.200(i) “SSU” |
Board |
Moved a comma inside the closing quotation mark after “Universal” |
726.200(i) “Tier I” |
Board |
Moved a period inside the closing quotation mark after “Tier I” |
726.200(i) “Tier II” |
Board |
Moved a period inside the closing quotation mark after “Tier II” |
726.200(i) “Tier III” |
Board |
Moved a period inside the closing quotation mark after “Tier III” |
Table 3:
Revisions to the Text of the Proposed Amendments in Final Adoption
Table 4
Requested Revisions to the Text of the Proposed Amendments Not Made in Final Adoption
Section Affected |
Source(s) of Request: Requested Revision(s) |
Explanation |
703.185(h)(5) |
JCAR: Delete the subsection heading and create a freestanding paragraph |
1 Ill. Adm. Code 100.340 prohibits this structure |
703.208 preamble |
JCAR: Change “Sections 726.202(e)(1) and (e)(2)(c)” to “Section 726.202(e)(1) and (e)(2)(c)” |
The appropriate correction is the following “35 Ill. Adm. Code 726.202(e)(1) and (e)(2)(C)” |
703.223(b)(1)(C) |
JCAR: Restore the comma after “35 Ill. Adm. Code 721” |
The comma was never deleted or marked for deletion |
703.232 preamble |
JCAR: Change “Sections 726.202(e)(1) and (e)(2)(c)” to “Section 726.202(e)(1) and (e)(2)(c)” |
The appropriate correction is the following “35 Ill. Adm. Code 726.202(e)(1) and (e)(2)(C)” |
703.320(a)(1)(B)(iii) |
JCAR: Delete the subsection heading and create a freestanding paragraph |
1 Ill. Adm. Code 100.340 prohibits this structure |
703.320(a)(2)(B)(iii) |
JCAR: Delete the subsection heading and create a freestanding paragraph |
1 Ill. Adm. Code 100.340 prohibits this structure |
705.320(a)(4)(D) |
JCAR: Delete the subsection heading and create a freestanding paragraph |
1 Ill. Adm. Code 100.340 prohibits this structure |
705.320 Board note |
JCAR: Change the abbreviation “Feb.” to “February” |
This is unnecessary because the Federal Register citation in which this appeared has been removed |
720.111(a) “USEPA” “Table 2.B . . .” |
JCAR: Change “Final” to “FINAL” to agree with the foregoing three references |
The word “Final” in this reference and “FINAL” in the preceding three references appear as they do in the original documents |
724.176(a) |
JCAR: Change “ |
The text on file with the Secretary of State appears as “EPA identification number” |
724.176(c) |
JCAR: Change “ |
The text on file with the Secretary of State appears as “EPA identification number” |
724.213(e)(5)(A)(iii) |
JCAR: Delete the subsection heading and create a freestanding paragraph |
1 Ill. Adm. Code 100.340 prohibits this structure |
724.213(e)(7)(C) |
JCAR: Change the ending punctuation from a period to a semicolon and add the ending conjunction “or” |
Rather than do this, the Board chose to change the ending punctuation of subsections (e)(7)(A) and (e)(7)(B) from a semicolon to a period |
724.240(c) |
JCAR: Change “the States” to lower-case “the state” |
The chose instead to use the singular “the State” |
724.277(b) Board note |
JCAR: Change the indent level of the note |
The chose instead to move the content of the note to the note attached to subsection (c), which also pertains to the entire Section |
724.292(e) |
JCAR: Move the comma after “Systems” outside the closing quotation marks to agree with the placement of semicolons in preceding text |
The Board’s drafting style calls for the placement of commas and periods inside closing quotation marks and semicolons outside |
724.351(c)(5) |
JCAR: Change “ground water” to “groundwater” (without underlining and overstrike) |
The Board has made the change but using underlining and overstrike |
724.984(c)(2)(E) |
JCAR: Change “needs” to “need” |
The subject “control device” is singular |
724.984(g)(2)(C) |
JCAR: Change “needs” to “need” |
The subject “control device” is singular |
724.984(g)(3)(C) |
JCAR: Change “subsection (l) of this Section” to “subsection (i) of this Section” |
The corresponding cross-reference in 40 C.F.R. 264.1084(g)(3)(iii) is to “subsection (l) of this section” |
726.200(b) Board note |
JCAR: Remove the brackets from “the approach adopted by USEPA as a” |
Brackets are the standard method for indicating words added to or substituted in quoted material, and the Board could find no authority restricting their use to citation to the Illinois Compiled Statutes |
It has previously been the practice of the Board to include an historical discussion in its RCRA Subtitle C and UIC identical-in-substance rulemaking proposals. However, in the last RCRA Subtitle C update docket, RCRA Subtitle C Update, USEPA Amendments (July 1, 1999 through Dec. 31, 1999), R00-13 (May 18, 2000), the Board indicated that it would cease this practice. Therefore, for a complete historical summary of the Board’s RCRA Subtitle C and UIC rulemakings and programs, interested persons should refer back to the May 18, 2000 opinion and order in R00-13.
The historical summary contains all Board actions taken to adopt and maintain these programs since their inception and until May 18, 2000. It includes a listing of all site-specific rulemaking and adjusted standards proceedings filed that relate to these programs. It also lists all USEPA program authorizations issued during that time frame. As necessary the Board will continue to update the historical summary as a segment of the opinion in each RCRA Subtitle C and UIC update docket, but those opinions will not repeat the information contained in the opinion of May 18, 2000 in docket R00-13.
The following summarizes the history of the Illinois RCRA Subtitle C hazardous waste and UIC programs since May 18, 2000:
History of RCRA Subtitle C and State Hazardous Waste Rules Adoption
The Board has adopted and amended the RCRA Subtitle C hazardous waste rules in the following docket since May 18, 2000:
R00-13 | RCRA Subtitle C Update, USEPA Regulations (July 1, 1999 through December 31, 1999), R00-13 (May 18, 2000); published at 24 Ill. Reg. 9443 (July 7, 2000), effective June 20, 2000. |
R01-3 | RCRA Subtitle C Update, USEPA Regulations (January 1, 2000 through June 30, 2000), R01-3 (December 7, 2000); published at 25 Ill. Reg. 1266 (January 26, 2001), effective January 11, 2001. |
R01-23 | RCRA Subtitle C Update, USEPA Regulations (July 1, 2000 through December 31, 2000), R01-23 (May 17, 2001); published at 25 Ill. Reg. 9108 (July 20, 2001), effective July 9, 2001. (Consolidated with UIC update docket R01-21.) |
R02-1 | RCRA Subtitle C Update, USEPA Regulations (January 1, 2001 through June 30, 2001), R02-1 (April 18, 2002); published at 26 Ill. Reg. 6667 (May 3, 2002), effective April 22, 2002. (Consolidated with RCRA Subtitle C Update docket R02-12 and UIC Update docket R02-17.) |
R02-12 | RCRA Subtitle C Update, USEPA Regulations (July 1, 2001 through December 31, 2001), R02-12 (April 18, 2002); published at 26 Ill. Reg. 6667 (May 3, 2002), effective April 22, 2002. (Consolidated with RCRA Subtitle C Update docket R02-1 and UIC Update docket R02-17.) |
R03-7 | RCRA Subtitle C Update, USEPA Regulations (January 1, 2002 through June 30, 2002) This docket. |
History of UIC Rules Adoption
The Board has adopted and amended Underground Injection Control (UIC) regulations in the following dockets since May 18, 2000:
R00-11 | UIC Update, USEPA Regulations (July 1, 1999 through Dec. 31, 1999), R00-11 (Dec. 7, 2000); published at 25 Ill. Reg. 18585 (Dec. 22, 2001), effective Dec. 7, 2001. (Consolidated with docket R01-1.) |
R01-1 | UIC Update, USEPA Regulations (Jan. 1, 2000 through June 30, 2000), R01-1 (Dec. 7, 2000); published at 25 Ill. Reg. 18585 (Dec. 22, 2001), effective Dec. 7, 2001. (Consolidated with docket R00-11.) |
R01-21 | UIC Update, USEPA Regulations (July 1, 2000 through Dec. 31, 2000), R01-21 (May 17, 2001); published at 25 Ill. Reg. 9108 (July 20, 2001), effective July 9, 2001. (Consolidated with UIC update docket R01-23.) |
R02-17 | UIC Update, USEPA Regulations (July 1, 2001 through Dec. 31, 2001), R02-17 (April 18, 2002); published at 26 Ill. Reg. 6667 (May 3, 2002), effective April 22, 2002. (Consolidated with RCRA Subtitle C Update dockets R02-1 and R02-12.) |
R03-5 | UIC Update, USEPA Regulations (January 1, 2002 through June 30, 2002) Dismissed on August 8, 2002. (No significant federal amendments during the timeframe of the docket.) |
I, Dorothy M. Gunn, Clerk of the Illinois Pollution Control Board, certify that the above opinion was adopted on January 9, 2003, by a vote of 5-0.
Dorothy M. Gunn, Clerk
Illinois Pollution Control Board