April 27, 1978
PCB 77—158
On May 31, 1977 Central Illinois Public Service Company
(CIPS) filed this Petition pursuant to Rule 203(i) (10) of the
Board’s Water Pollution Regulations, Chapter 3 (Regulations).
Rule 203(1) (10) provides for Board promulgation of specific
thermal water quality standards to be applied to an artificial
cooling lake upon satisfactory demonstration to
Board that
the lake will be environmentally acceptable. Hearing was held
in this matter on October 2, 1977; there were no members of the
public present, and no public comment has been received by the
Luke, LIie subject of this
wi ar
cial cooling lake formed by the construction of a dam across
the McDavid Branch of the East Fork of Shoal Creek in 1963.
The purpose of the lake was to supply cooling capacity for CIPS’
Coffeen Power Station located in Montgomery County a few miles
south of Coffeen, Illinois. Due to the rolling terrain in this
area, the lake formed by the dam has the convoluted configuration
Figure 1. The average depth of Coffeen Lake is 18 feet;
the maximum depth is 52 feet. The dam is about 1200 feet from
the East Fork of Shoal Creek, the first 350 feet of that distance
being a concrete spiliway. The area between the spillway and the
East Fork of Shoal Creek consists of an earthen channel with trees,
dirt, etc. The Station’s condenser cooling water travels through
a half-mile flume which discharges over a spillway into the Lake.
The total length of the cooling water path from the discharge point
to the intake point is about 4 miles, the cooling loop running from
discharge to intake without entering that portion of the Lake which
is upstream from the intake.
The Lake was designed orginally to serve as a settling basin
for overflow from the ash ponds and also received runoff from the
coal pile, regenerative wastes, and various other effluents re-
sulting from the operation of the Station (R. 323). Coal is brought
to the Station by conveyor belt from the mouth of a mine located
adjacent to the Power Station. From September, 1966 until July,
1969, the Lake was leased to the Illinois Department of Conser-
vation and was officially open to the public. The Department of
Conservation terminated its rights as Lessee in 1969, apparently
due to an internal administrative decision assessing priorities.
In 1964, 250,000 large mouth bass fingerlings were released by
the Department of Conservation, and in 1966, some fiddler channel
catfish were released by a local club, and a private individual
released some 200 white crappies. CIPS has undertaken no fish
management practices of any kind, and since 1969 the Lake has not
been opened to the public, although some people continue to fish
the Lake as trespassers (R.52, 79)
All of the foregoing infor-
mation was -taken from CIPS’ Thermal Demonstration (TD)
otherwise noted.
Rule 203(1) (10) states that a Petitioner must meet certain
requirements before the Board will promulgate specific thermal
standards to be applied to Petitioner’s discharge to an artificial
cooling lake. The first requirement is that all discharges from
the artificial cooling lake to other waters of the state comply
with applicable provisions of Rule 203(1) (1—4)
In general this
Rule requires that there be no abnormal temperature changes that
may adversely affect aquatic life, that the normal daily and
he Ifid 1 nI
hut I he max imuin
tempera Lure r i se above natural
tempera Lures ~hu I. I not exceed
and that the water temperature at representative
locations in the
main river shall
not exceed the maximum limits
which are
during more than 1 of the hours in the 12 month period ending with
any month. In addition, at no time shall the water temperature at
such locations exceed the maximum limits as indicated by more than
3°F. The indicated maximum temperature of interest to this pro-
ceeding is 90°F.
It is apparent from the data and the briefi; presented by both
parties that little or no discharge
other waters of the State
has occurred since Coffeen Lake was established in 1965. The
Agency argues that CIPS has fai:Led -to show compliance with Rule
203(i) (1—4) since nO studies
have been done either on the receiving
water, Shoal Creek,- -or on the effect upon it by discharges from
Coffeen Lake. Considering the apparent lack
of discharge to
Creek, the Board finds that any studies made by CIPS would have
been, at best, a waste of time and, at worst, misleading and non-
conclusive. In order to measure the impact of a discharge, one
must first presume the existence of a discharge capable of having
an impact. The Board finds in this case U~t such a discharge has
not existed with-respect to Coffeen Lake arid
therefore finds CIPS~
presentation witI~i respect to 203(i) (10) (aa) sufficient.
Rule 203(i)(l-0)(bb) provides that the heated effluent dis-
charge to Coffeen Lake must comply with al:L applicable provisions
of Chapter 3 other than Rule 203(1) (1-4). Data and testimony
presented by CIPS (R.l4) along with a variance granted by the
Board in PCB 77-221, convinces the Board that CIPS is in compli-
ance with Rule 203(i) (10) (bb)
In addition, the Agency, on page
5 of its brief herein states “the EPA does not in this
ing dispute the general allegation of
CIPS that Rule 203(1) (10)
(bb) has been complied with”.
Rule 203(i) (10) (cc) calls for a demonstration by CIPS to the
Board that Coffeen Lake will be
acceptable and
within the intent of the Act
notwithstanding the
proposed speci-
fic thermal standard. Such- a
showing must include, but is not
limited to,
conditions capable of supportinq shellfish and wildlife
and recreational uses consistent
with good r n~gement practices
and consideration of the control of the th. ii component of the
discharger’s effluent by a technologicall’, L~asible and economic-
ally reasonable method. At the hearing held herein CIPS presented
its Thermal Demonstration along with two addenda designed to keep
the demonstration current (Exhibits 1, 2, and 3). The Agency
a response to .CTPS
presenta t:. ion recomm ‘ud i
the I the a 1
thermal limits requested
The Agency
points out;
t:hat; the water temperatures
in Coffeen Lake are quite high when
compared with noncooling lakes in
Illinois, that CIPS had failed
to discuss the possibility of modification of a flow pattern of
the cooling water or utilization of the cool hypolimnetic layer
by mixing, and that CIPS had failed to address -the environmental
of a proposed increase
in the amount of water pumped from
Shoal Creek to achieve a discharge over the spiliway of the dam.
Testimony at the hearing by Richard J. Grant, CIPS’ water
quality engineer, concerning the possible modification
of the
cooling loop to include the surface area of the entire Lake, indi-
cated that such a project
would be very expensive.
In addition,
since the area in question is the upstream portion of the Lake,
additional equipment would have to
be installed to treat the higher
level of collodial silica which
occurs due to the influx
of runoff
at that point (R.l4—20).
More importantly,
such a modification
would, while lowering the average temperature of the hot portions
of the Lake, destroy the portions of the Lake which are now at a
much lower temperature and undoubtedly used by the fish as a refuge
during the hot summer months when temperatures within the
loop are uncomfortable for them. The result could be a Lake
entire area is uncomfortably warm for the fish and provides no place
for them to find refuge. The higher tempera-Lure within the
cooling loop would also afford a higher
rate of heat transfer per
square foot of surface area of heated water, although total heat
evolution from the Lake would necessarily have to be the same in
either case assuming constant lake temperature. The Board finds,
therefore, that the known existing conditions are preferable to
the unknown results of a very expensive modification to the cooling
loop. The same evaluation applies to the possibility of mixing the
cool lower levels of the Lake with the heated portions within the
cooling loop.
Section 10 of the Thermal Demonstration addresses the techno-
logical feasibility and economic reasonableness of controlling
the thermal component of-the discharge through the use of cooling
towers. The estimated construction and equipment cost and capi-
talized operating costs for Coffeen Lake as developed by Sargent
and Lundy amounts to approximately $20,000,000. In addition CIPS
points out the well known environmental problems concerned with
the plume from cooling towers. The Agency did not address the
question of cooling towers.
The major question in this matter is whether Coffeen Lake
will be capable of supporting shellfish, fish and wildlife and
recreational uses consistent with good management practices, even
if such uses are not actually instituted. In the Opinion support-
ing the Order
in the Cooling Lakes Regulation, P75—2, adopted on
September 29, 1975, the Board made the following comment concern-
ing Sub—section (cc) (1) of the Rule:
Under subsection (cc) (1), it is not absolutely
required that there be a fishery, or that an
artificial cooling lake provide recreational
or any other uses except that for which it was
designed. One public comment pointed out that
factors besides generating plant operations
might prohibit a recreation facility.24 But
it is nonetheless felt hhat; by
requiring such
conditions in a lake we will
have taken a sig-
step in proLe-e~±x;qwater quality.
Qualitatively, while the end use of a body
of water is indeed
important, and may be weighed
by the regulatory process,
the Board is most
cerned with assuring water quality sufficient to
allow these (fishery and recreational) and any
other beneficial and ecologically—sound uses. We
may not require that water he properly and bene-
ficially used; we must raquirc ~at it can be used
(emphasis added).
In this case, Coffeen Lake is not officially
being used for any
purpose other than that for which ii: was designed. The question
before the Board therefore is whether or not conditions exist
which might allow for uses as noted in Section (cc) (1) of Rule
203(i) (10)
Most of
the testimony adduost
oh the hearing concerned the
plants and animals constituting Lhe food chain in the Lake and
their ability to support a fishery. The quick answer to the
question is that Coffeen Lake does
contain a variety
fish including those stocked previously
as noted above. There
was no indication in the record
the Lake sustains any par-
ticularly dramatic fish kills, there being
in fact only three
recorded during the life of
apparently the worst of
which concerned some 80 to 100 gizzard sh -d found during the
period of startup of the second unit (R-4’-SS, Thermal Demon-
stration Figures 8a-1, 8a—2)
In addition, evidence presented
at the hearing indicates’that fishing
occur on the Lake not-
withstanding the fact that there is no i--- .Lic access thereto. The
Agency, while not seriously
the existence of a fishery
in Coffeen Lake, does question the condition of that fishery and
its continued viability in the future.
I I.y
questioneng tOe amount (1 1a1 a used
by Ci PS
to support; i l:s Thermal I)ernonstrritio;i
thc Aqency spec;Lfical ly
questions the condition of the
fish, the
abundant concentrations
of blue-green algae, the continuing drop of
alkalinity and bicar-
bonates over the last eleven years,
and the ability of the fish
to survive the heated water during the summer months. The Agency’s
questions focus primarily upon what might be the future of Coffeen
Lake rather than its existing conditions. Although the Board
would agree with the Agency that the.
data presented by CIPS might
well be described as minimal in both quality and quantity, we
find that it is sufficient when considered along with the history
and the present situation of the Lake. As an example, -the ability
of the fish to survive the heated water during the summer months
has certainly been proven. There have been no recorded fish
kills of any consequence during Lee entire life of the Lake, and
the fish stocked some twelve years previous are still present in
the Lake in quantities sufficient to attract fishermen despite
the lack of subsequent stocking or fishery management during that
period. The Board finds that survival of fish subsequent to a
single stocking for a period of twelve years is sufficient evi-
dence that Coffeen Lake in its present condition will support a
viable fishery. The Board again emphasizes that it is not
necessary that CIPS create and sustain a fishery in Coffeen Lake
but rather that Coffeen Lake be in such a condition as to allow
the presence of a fishery.
With respect to the other concerns of the Agency about the
concentration of algae and the drop of alkalinity and bicarbonates,
the Board finds that these concerns, altho~wjhlegitimate, go more
to the chemical and physical condition of Oaffeen Lake than to the
effects of the thermal constituent of dPi discharge. The Board,
however, is concerned about these conditions in Coffeen Lake and
about the effect of the changes, including construction of a new
treatment plant and proposed continuous discharge over the dam,
now being instituted and proposed by CIPS to correct them, especi-
ally with regard to the effect upon the -temperature of Coffeen Lake
and Shoal Creek. (P.91, 92, Thermal Demonstration). Because of
this concern, the Board finds that a permanent specific thermal
standard for Coffeen Lake is not warranted at this time. The Board
will set interim thermal standards for Coffeen Lake as requested by
CIPS for a period of three years. At
the end
of that three year
period and upon a showing before the Board by CIPS that Coffeen
Lake meets the criteria of Rule 203(i) (10).. ;hese specific thermal
standards shall become permanent.
This Opinion constitutes the findings of fact and conclusions
of law of the Board in this matter.
it is the Order of the Pollution Control Board that:
1. For the period of time ending three years from
the date of this Order, the thermal discharge
to Coffeen Lake from Coffeen Station shall not
result in a temperature measured at the
edge of the mixing zone
Coffece rake ex-
ceeding 98°F during more
8.2 percent of
the hours in the twelve
with any month, and
in any event shall
at no
time exceed 108°F.
2. If at the end of the three
p-;-riod rioted
in (1) above, Central
Puhlic Service
presents evidence which
convinces the Board
that Coffeen Lake meets the crite; i-s of Rule
203(i) (10), the interim limits no
in (1)
above shall become permanent spee i ic
standards for Coffeen Lake..
I, Christan L. Moffett, Clerk of
the Illinois
Control Board, hereby certify the above Opinion
and Order were
day of~~L~
1978 by a vote
Christan b.-
Mdf~~t, Clerk
Illinois Pollution Control Board