September 7, 1978
    PCB 78-71
    This matter comes before the Board on the March 14, 1978
    Petition of Commonwealth Edison Company for a determination
    pursuant to Rule 203(i) (5) of Chapter 3 of the Regulations, that
    thermal discharges from its Dixon Generating Station have not
    caused and cannot reasoi~ablybe expected to cause ecological
    damage to the receiving waters. The Agency’s Response, filed
    May 5, 1978, waived all right to file a Recommendation in the
    matter and requested a decision on the pleadings. A mandatory
    hearing was held on July 14, 1978. No members of the public were
    present. Petitioner’s representative testified that the Dixon
    Station was to be retired from operation one week from the date
    of the hearing. No evidence was offered in addition to the report
    prepared by Petitioner in support of its petition and attached
    thereto. No challenge was made by the Agency at the hearing to
    any of the facts and conclusions stated in this report. Therefore,
    all data referred to in this opinion are found in Petitioner’s
    report and it is the sole basis for the Board’s determination
    under Sec. 203(i) (5).
    The Dixon Generating Station is located on the Rock River at
    Dixon, Illinois. It contains two coal—fired units having a total
    net generating capacity of 119,000 kw. These units have been
    in commercial operation since 1945 and 1953, respectively. Plant
    capacity factor over the five year period 1972—1976 ranged from
    62.5 (1973) to 27.2 (1976) with a projected future capacity
    factor of 30-35 until retirement in October, 1978 (p. 3). Each
    unit uses a once—through condenser cooling system, drawing water
    from the Rock River upstream from the station and discharging it
    downstream. Four circulating water pumps are used with maximum
    pumping rates of 50,000 gpm and 53,000 gpm respectively.

    The Rock River is characterized as a moderately fast—moving
    river, with an average velocity of 2.4 fps (p. 13). However,
    since it is also relatively shallow (7—15 feet), current velocities
    are less near the edges than in the deeper centers. The Rock
    River experiences seasonal changes in flow, with annual high flows
    in spring and early summer and annual low flows in fall and winter
    (p. 11). The plant intake of cooling water parallels the seasonal
    flow; intake studies conducted at the station during 1975—6 showed
    plant average flow in fall and winter as roughly half that of
    spring and summer (Table 3, pp. 7-10). Comparison of average
    river flow with plant cooling water flow during repeated 24-hour
    periods throughout the year (see Table 3) showed that less than
    six percent of the Rock River was utilized in the cooling system
    over the test year, with a quarterly mean of less than 2 in all
    quarters except summer, 1975.
    Plume Studies. A demonstration pursuant to Rule 203(i) (5)
    shall include the information delineated in Rule 602(a)-(d) of
    the Procedural Rules. The objective of requiring such material is
    to permit definition of the temperature effects on water quality
    and aquatic biota caused by the thermal discharge not only under
    conditions existing at the time of testing, but also under
    statistically determined typical seasonal and “worst case” conditions
    of river flow, ambient water temperature, and plant operation.
    These factors affect the area of the plume; i.e., the area in
    which heated discharges raise the temperature of the water greater
    than 5°F.
    In this respect, the data submitted in Petitioner’s report
    are incomplete. Inclusion of relevant data on flow, temperature,
    plant loading and meteorological conditions in the actual plume
    studies is haphazard and no data on plant loading are included.
    The information provided in Table 8 (p. 30) may comply with NPDES
    requirements but does not fulfill the requirements of Sec. 602(c)
    for theoretical plume studies under typical and worst case condi-
    tions. The actual plume studies conducted quarterly during the
    year April, 1975
    March, 1976 (Fig. 5—8, 26—29) demonstrate a
    relatively small thermal plume, ranging from 0.6 to 1.5 acres.
    However, Table 8 provides little basis for analysis of what
    changes in conditions either in the plant operation or river or
    climate produced estimated maximum increases in plume area to
    5-10 acres during 1976—1977. Failure to include models for
    “average” and “extreme” conditions leaves the 1975—76/76—77
    statistics without a frame of reference; i.e., to what extent
    they represent or deviate from normal seasonal conditions.

    Effects on water qua1it~’ and aquatic biota. Petitioner’s report
    summarizes results of biological and water quality studies con-
    ducted by Espey, Huston and Associates from March, 1975 to
    February, 1976. Sampling for phytoplankton, zooplankton, pen-
    phyton, benthos and fish was done quarterly from three locations:
    at the intake area, discharge area and at a point 800 meters down-
    stream of the station (see fig. 9). They conclude that the plant’s
    thermal discharges have no significant effect on the growth, density
    or species diversity of the above populations.
    Phvtoplankton was observed to produce large blooms in the
    fall, and were largely dominated by diatoms in all three locations.
    Very low densities of zooplankton were found during summer, fall
    and winter. Summer samples included only two species of crustaceans,
    found only at the downstream sampling location. Abundant popula-
    tions were found in the spring, however, with the same organisms
    dominant and in nearly identical proportions at each sampling
    location and no significant variation in density attributable to
    thermal discharge (fig. 12). Macroinvertebrate population was
    studied by sampling the river bottom at sampling locations (fine
    sediment) and providing artificial substrate samples. Although
    the “natural substrate” benthos showed a depressed population at
    the discharge location (see fig. 15, p. 46) as against the down-
    stream and intake (control) points, no corresponding depression
    was found on the artificial substrate collections which had been
    placed near the discharge and directly exposed to the thermal
    effluent. The same species dominated at all three locations and
    no consistent pattern of species diversity between locations
    receiving thermal effluent and the control located upstream of the
    intake point was found.
    Fish sampling in the spring, summer and fall showed a predom-
    inance of rough and forage species over game species. Although
    sampling showed lower numbers of species and individuals in the
    discharge area than in the upstream control location in the summer
    months, indicating an avoidance of the discharge area, the downstream
    location also produced significantly fewer individuals in summer
    and fall, suggesting that differences may have been due to factors
    other than temperature (Table 12, p. 51). The study concludes that
    since such a small area of the Rock River is involved with the
    thermal plume, little impact to the fish of the area is expected
    (p. 55,57).

    It should be noted that these studies were conducted during the
    period of time actual plume studies indicated very small plume
    area greater than the 50 isotherm being produced by the Dixon
    Stations’s discharge in all seasons. Petitioner’s report does not
    discuss possible thermal effects on river biota caused by the 5-10
    acre plume area predicted to occur after 1975, or under theoretical
    extreme conditions. For example, the one day samplings taken in
    July, 1976 and July, 1977 (Table 8) show significantly lower river
    flow than during July, 1975 (Table 3, p. 8 which must be converted
    to cfs for comparison purposes). That of July 6, 1977 is less than
    the 7 day, 10 year flow of 1,444 cfs (p.11). According to Table
    8, cooling water utilized by the station on that date would equal
    approximately 20 of the Rock River flow. (Average use in July,
    1975 was 3.65.) The report gives no indication of whether such
    a combination of low river flow and high temperatures approach
    theoretical “worst case conditions” as shown by historical records
    or is closer to typical for the month of July; nor the frequency
    with which such conditions can be expected to occur over the years.
    No information was given as to what percentage of the total
    river flow would be occupied by the estimated 10—acre plume in
    sumr~ner months. Such information is significant when temperatures
    within the plume may reach the high 90’s and cause morbidity among
    nonmobile organisms.
    In sum, Petitioner’s submitted report demonstrates that as of
    the date of the studies, no significant impact was observed on
    river quality and aquatic biota as a result of the Dixon Station’s
    thermal discharges into the Rock River. The demonstration, however,
    does not meet the requirements of Rule 602(d) (1), (2) and (3).
    Absence of a consideration of potential effects under “typical” and
    “worst case” conditions, and of a discussion of factors causing
    estimated plume areas significantly larger in recent years than
    those actually observed in earlier years, renders it difficult to
    make a determination that Petitioner’s Dixon Station discharges
    cannot reasonably be expected to cause significant ecological
    damage to the receiving waters under 203(1) (5).
    Nevertheless, if the Dixon Generating Station is in fact
    retired from operation on October 1, 1978, as scheduled, or on
    July 21, 1978 (R.8) as testified, the need for any further studies
    is rendered academic. Thus it is not necessary for the Board to
    make a finding on the merits because the plant is presumed to be
    no longer in operation.
    It is the Order of the Pollution Control Board that the instant
    proceeding be dismissed as moot.
    I, Christan L. Moffett, Clerk of the Illinois Pollution Control
    Board, hereby certify the abpve Opinion and Order were adopted on
    the __________day of ‘~,
    , 1978 by a vote of~/()
    Christan L. Moff~’t4~Cle~k
    Illiflois Pollution Control Board

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