March 4, 1982
    PCB 81—193
    This matter comes before the Board upon a Variance Petition
    filed on December 9, 1981 by the Macon Sanitary District
    (“Macon”) which requested a variance from Rule 1201 of Chapter
    3: Water Pollution Control Regulations (“Chapter 3”) for a
    period of 18 months until July of 1983 to allow Mr. James
    Benson, an uncertified operator, to continue to operate Macon’s
    wastewater treatment plant (the “plant” or “facility”) until
    the construction of new treatment facilities, incorporating a
    lagoon system, is completed. On December 17, 1981, the Board
    entered an Order which indicated that the Petitioner should
    file an amended petition containing an affidavit, attesting
    to the truth of the facts alleged, as required by Procedural
    Rule 401(a). On December 28, 1981, Macon filed an Amendment
    to its Petition for Variance. On January 27, 1982, the
    Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (“Agency”) filed its
    Recommendation which recommended that the variance be granted,
    subject to various conditions. No hearing was held in this
    The Petitioner’s sewage treatment facility, which is
    located one mile south of the City of Macon on U.S. Route 51,
    was built in 1953 and now serves a population of about 1,300
    persons. (Pet. 1). The plant includes a diversion chamber,
    Imhoff tank, trickling filter, non—mechanical final clarifier
    and sludge drying beds, but doesn’t presently have disinfection
    equipment, flow meters, samplers, or a laboratory. (Pet. 3).
    The influent to the facility consists of domestic sewage, inflow,
    and infiltration. (Pet. 2). Design average flow is 0.214 million
    gallons per day, with effluent from the treatment plant flowing
    into an unnamed tributary to Dry Branch, a tributary of Willow
    Creek. (Pet. 1—2). Willow Creek is a tributary of the Flat
    Branch which, in turn, is tributary to the South Fork of the

    Sangamon River. (Rec. 2). The Macon Sanitary District was
    placed on restricted status by the Agency in December of 1974.
    Effluents are discharged pursuant to NPDES Permit No, IL 0022454
    which expired on February 1, 1981. Permit renewal is pendinc~
    (Rec. 2). Recent discharge monitoring reports submitted to the
    Agency indicate compliance with the interim effluent limitations
    for 5-day biochemical oxygen demand (“BOD
    and total suspended
    solids (“TSS”) set by its NPDES Permit. ~Rec. 2—3).
    The Petitioner has received a Step 2 Step 3 State of
    Illinois Pollution Control Grant (#C171126) for design and
    construction of a new wastewater treatment facility which will
    have a design capacity of 1,500 P.E. and include a two cell
    stabilization lagoon with three month winter storage, four
    intermittent sand filters, flow recorders and samplers for the
    influent and effluent, and disinfection. (Pet. 2—3). Macon,
    which is currently in the Step 2 design phase of its construction
    grant program, has anticipated that the requisite plans and
    specifications will be completed in January of 1982 and that the
    construction of the new plant will be finished by July of 1983.
    (Pet. 3).
    In October of 1981, the sudden death of its regular certified
    operator, Mr. Paul Seagle, left the Petitioner without any certi-
    fied operator for its plant. (Pet, 2). Mr. James Benson, who
    was hired as Mr. Seagle’s assistant on June 15, 1981, is currently
    operating the facility in a satisfactory manner, enrolled in an
    operators’ course, and will soon be eligible to take the Class 4
    operators’ certification examination. (Rec. 4—5 ; Pet. 2—4).
    Once construction of Macon’s lagoon system is completed, both the
    Board’s current regulations and the proposed revised rules on
    certification of wastewater treatment plant operators would only
    require the supervision of a Class 4 operator for the Petitioner’s
    facilities. (Rec, 4). Denial of the requested variance would
    necessitate the hiring of a Class 3 operator for 18 months until
    the lagoons are completed and might also result in the forced
    firing of Mr. Benson, since the Petitioner is on a very tight
    budget and only has very limited funds. (Rec. 5; Pet. 4).
    The Agency has recommended that the Board grant the
    requested variance, subject to specified conditions. The Board
    finds that denial of the variance would impose an arbitrary or
    unreasonable hardship upon the Petitioner and will therefore grant
    the variance, subject to the conditions which are delineated in
    the Board’s Order.
    This Opinion constitutes the Board’s findings of fact and
    conclusions of law in this matter.

    The Petitioner, the Macon Sanitary District, is hereby
    granted a variance from Rule 1201 of Chapter 3: Water Pollii—
    tion Control Regulations, subject to the following conditions:
    1. The variance period shall extend until July 31, 1983;
    however, if, prior to that date, Mr. James Benson either
    (a) terminates his employment as operator in charge of
    Petitioner’s wastewater treatment plant or (b) fails
    to pass his Class 4 examination by July 1, 1982, the
    variance shall terminate on such earlier date.
    2. During the variance period, effluent from Petitioner’s
    wastewater treatment plant shall not noticeably deterio-
    rate from the present BOD5 and TSS discharge levels.
    3. Petitioner shall operate and maintain its wastewater
    treatment plant in the best practicable manner.
    4. Within forty—five days of the date of this Order,
    Petitioner shall execute and forward to the
    Illinois Environmental Protection Agency, Enforce-
    ment Programs, 2200 Churchill Road, Springfield,
    Illinois 62706, a Certificate of Acceptance and
    Agreement to be bound to all terms and conditions
    of this variance. This forty-five day period
    shall be held in abeyance for any period this
    matter is being appealed. The form of the
    certificate shall be as follows:
    I, (We),
    having read
    the Order of the Illinois Pollution Control Board in PCB 81—193,
    dated _____________________________________, understand and accept
    the said Order, realizing that such acceptance renders all terms
    and conditions thereto binding and enforceable.

    By: Authorized Agent
    I, Christan L. Moffett, Clerk of the Illinois Pollution
    Control Board, hereby cp~tifythat the aboVe Opinion and Order
    were adopted on ~he
    day of~?
    by a vote of i/O
    Illinois Polluti

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