2. SCA Chemical Services, Inc., Petitioner, is granted variance
      3. from Chapter 7: Solid Wastes until Nov. 1, 1982, as follows:
      4. a) Rule 202(a) as it requires Petitioner to obtain an
      5. b) Rule 202(a) as it requires Petitioner to obtain an
      6. c) Rules 202(a) and 210, as it requires Petitioner to
      7. Variance is subject to the following conditions:
      8. 1. Petitioner shall comply with Conditions A—J as set
      9. 2. Within forty—five days of the date of this Order,
      11. Petitioner
      12. IT IS SO ORDERED.
      13. 47.31

May 13, 1982
PCB 82—39
ORDER OF THE BOARD (by I. Goodman):
SCA Chemical Services, Inc. (SCA), a Delaware corporation
qualified to do business in Illinois, petitioned for variance
from Rules 202 and 210 of the Boards Chapter 7: Solid Wastes on
April 8, 1982. SCA is currently involve~ia in two—phase program
to reconstruct a hazardous waste incinerator and to construct a
rotary kiln incinerator at its 11700 South Stoney Island Avenue,
Chicago, Illinois location. SCA seeks variance for six months
to facilitate trial burns in
the reconstructed incinerator.
has interim status in accordance with Section 3005 of the Resource
Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA), 42 USC 6925(e), and on
April 26, 1982 was granted 120 days by the United States Environ-
mental Protection Agency (USEPA) to conduct trial burns at this
facility. For that reason on May 5, 1982, SCA moved for expedited
consideration of its variance petition. That motion is hereby
granted. The Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (Agency)
filed its Recommendation on May 7, 1982.
Presently SCA has two permits from the Agency along with
those issued by the USEPA and the City of Chicago. The Agency’s
Division of Air Pollution Control issued SCA a Construction Permit
for reconstruction of the existing incinerator on August 10, 1981.
This permit provided 180 days for SCA to conduct trial burns after
reconstruction was completed and test burn procedures were sub-
mitted and approved by the Agency. (Pet., Attachment 13). On the
same day, the Agency’s Division of Land/Noise Pollution Control
issued SCA a Development Permit. This permit contains the two
special conditions which create SCA’s need for variance. Special
Condition 1 states that this permit is for development only and
that no waste may be received or processed at the facility until
an Operating Permit is issued by the Land Division, Special Con-
dition 7 states that special waste can only be received under the
Agency’s supplemental permit and mainfest systems and that each
waste stream accepted will require individual supplemental permits
(Pet., Attachment C).

Pursuant to
the Construction Permit, SCA must conduct trial
burns before
it can be issued an Operating Permit by the Agency’s
Air Division.
Yet, the Development Permit does not provide
testing operations
and, when taken in conjunction with the
Condition 1,
trial burns are prohibited until SCA obtains an
Operating Permit,
Rule 202(a) does provide an exception allowing
testing operations
if authorized by the Development Permit.
However, this
exception is not available to SCA since it is
Operating Permit
issued by the Air Division, and not the
ment Permit,
which authorizes trial burns. Thus, SCA requires
a variance from
Rule 202(a) to be able to conduct the trial
required in its
Construction Permit. The special conditions
tained in the
Development Permit also bar SCA from receiving the
wastes necessary
to conduct a trial burn. Special Condition
allows SCA to only
receive wastes after an Operating Permit is
issued by the Land
Division, Even if relieved of this requirement,
Special Condition
7 allows SCA to only accept each waste stream
under individual
supplemental permits. SCA contends that the
wastes for
the trial burn are sufficiently detailed in the trial
burns procedure
to alleviate the need for these individual sup-
plemental permits. Rule 210 would allow SCA to circumvent
if the Development Permit was modified by supplemental
permits. Due
to the time strictures of the USEPA and Agency Air
Permit, SCA seeks variance from Rules 202(a) and
If relieved of
the permitting requirements contained in these
rules, during
the next 6 months SCA can obtain the materials
necessary and
conduct the trial burns pursuant to the Air
Construction Permit~
Apart from
the problems posed by the conflicting permits,
SCA requests relief
from Rule 202(a) as it applies to the
operation of another
facility. The SCA facility does not have
sufficient capacity to
store and blend the amounts of waste and
fuel required to
conduct the trial burns~ SCA proposes that
the necessary
wastes be received in accordance with the Agency’s
manifest system
at another facility, and then transported as
needed to the SCA
facility, again under the manifest system.
After surveying
hazardous waste treatment, storage and disposal
facilities within
50 miles, SCA found that Bulk Terminals
Company (Bulk
Terminals), is the only facility with sufficient
excess storage
capacity and within feasible proximity to satisfy
SCA’s temporary
storage needs. Therefore, SCA seeks to utilize
Bulk Terminals
Company~s facility without obtaining the Operating
Permit required
by Rule 202(a),
SCA represents
that not only is this the only feasible
alternative storage
site, but that no environmental harm should
result with its use,
The facility is permitted by the City of
Chicago to store
Class IA flammable hazardous materials, the
tanks to be used are
equipped with individual foam fire protec-
vents and mixing systems, and since Bulk
Terminals is
located on the same street within 4000 feet of SCA,

roads will be used. The only additionally required
operation will be truck loading and unloading, for which Bulk
Terminals is equipped with a spill containment area.
If allowed to forego the permitting requirements, SCA will
be able to properly conduct trial burns already authorized by
the Operating Permit now issued. The testing procedure approved
by the USEPA and committed to by the Agency should insure that
the trial burns and shakedown will be conducted in an environ-
mentally sound manner. SCA contends that granting variance is
ultimately environmentally beneficial. Such relief will expedite
fully permitting this facility in accordance with federal and
state standards which will in turn provide an environmentally
safe alternative to landfilling hazardous wastes.
SCA argues that denial of its variance petition will impose
arbitrary and unreasonable hardship. If denied, SCA would
to request the Agency to modify the existing Development Permit.
The delays in this process are unnecessary since Rule 202(a)
contains a “testing exception” and the trial burns are already
authorized in its Construction Permit. The alternative to
obtaining an Operating Permit for offsite storage is for SCA
to reduce the scope of its trial burn, which may result in
inconclusive data. The supplemental permits now required for
each waste stream serve only to delay and duplicate the plan
already devised under the trial burn procedure.
In its Recommendation, the Agency noted that the USEPA has
authorized off—site storage at Bulk Terminals and the trial burn
procedure. The Agency agreed that granting variance would not
cause environmental harm, and if denied SCA would suffer arbitrary
and unreasonable hardship.
Agency also recommended variance
from Rule 201 be granted so that SCA would obtain full relief
from Special Condition 1 and Rule 202(a) and Special Condition 7
and Rule 210. Rule 201 requires that a Development Permit be
obtained before development of a new solid waste management site
or modification of an existing solid waste management site. SCA
has such a Development Permit and by its variance petition is
only requesting that it not be required to seek modification of
it or supplemental permits. SCA is not asking that the require-
ment for a Development Permit be expunged. Therefore, variance
from Rule 201 is unnecessary.
The Board construes the relief petitioned, except the request
for off—site storage without an Operating Permit, as a request to
resolve the inconsistencies between the two permits issued by the
Agency so that the Petitioner may proceed to develop an environ-
mental alternative to hazardous waste disposal. As the parties
have not questioned the applicability of Chapter 7 to SCA’s
operation, the Board will not question this assumption.

The plan, including off-site storage at Bulk Terminals,
proposed by SCA appears environmentally harmless, especially since
it has already been subjected to careful review by the Petitioner,
the Agency, and USEPA. Routing SCA’s trial burn procedure through
Chapter 7’s permitting process instead of relieving these require-
ments by variance serves no environmental purpose. In fact,
should the Development Permit have to be modified to correspond
with the Operating Permit, the delays incurred would be arbitrary
and unreasonable. The Board finds that expeditious development
of an environmentally sound hazardous waste incinerator facility
is environmentally beneficial since it proposes to dispose of
hazardous wastes by destruction rather than storage in a landfill.
Accordingly, SCA is granted variance from the permitting
requirements contained in Rules 202(a) and 210 of Chapter 7.
SCA Chemical Services, Inc., Petitioner, is granted variance
from Chapter 7: Solid Wastes until Nov. 1, 1982, as follows:
a) Rule 202(a) as it requires Petitioner to obtain an
Operating Permit prior to conducting trial burns
approved by the Operating Permit issued by the
Agency’s Division of Air Pollution Control.
b) Rule 202(a) as it requires Petitioner to obtain an
Operating Permit to store and blend wastes and fuels
at Bulk Terminals Company for its trial burns; and
c) Rules 202(a) and 210, as it requires Petitioner to
obtain supplemental permits for each waste stream
accepted at either Bulk Terminals Company or its
facility for its trial burns.
Variance is subject to the following conditions:
1. Petitioner shall comply with Conditions A—J as set
out in the agency Recommendation, filed May 7, 1982,
which Recommendation is incorporated by reference as
if fully set forth herein.
2. Within forty—five days of the date of this Order,
Petitioner shall execute and forward to the Illinois
Environmental Protection Agency, 2200 Churchill Road,
Springfield, Illinois 62706, a Certificate of
Acceptance and Agreement to be bound to all terms and
conditions of this variance. This forty-five day
period shall be held in abeyance for any period this
matter is being appealed. The form of the certificate
shall be as follows:

I, (We),
having read
the Order of the Illinois Pollution Control Board in PeR 82-39,
dated _______________________________, understand and accept the
said Order, realizing that such acceptance renders all terms and
conditions thereto binding and enforceable.
By: Authorized
I, Christan L. Moffett, Clerk of the Illinois Pollution
Control ~oard,
certify that the above Order was adopted on
day of
1982 by a vote of ‘tS~_ö
Q4~c~n~ q~Qj~
christan L. Mof
Illinois Pol.utio ontrol Board

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