July 26, 1983
PCB 83—97
This provisional variance request comes before the Board
upon a July 26, 1983 Recommendation of the Illinois Environmental
Protection Agency (Agency). The Agency recommends that a 45—day
provisional variance be granted to the City of Spring Valley
(Spring Valley) to allow it to draw down and bypass its aerated
lagoon during which time the lagoon’s aeration equipment can be
repaired. A similar provisional variance was granted to Spring
Valley on April 29, 1982 in PCB 82—56 for a period of 45 days to
allow Spring Valley to draw down and bypass its aerated lagoon in
order to facilitate repairs to one of the main air headers in its
aeration system.
Spring Valley owns and operates a wastewater treatment plant
(WWTP) which serves about 6,000 people plus several industries.
The WWTP includes a bar screen, grit chamber, primary clarifier,
aerated lagoon and chlorination with a DAF of 1.39 MGD and a DMF
of 13.9 MGD. The WWTP discharges directly into the Illinois
River pursuant to its NPDES Pemit No. IL 0031216. (Rec.i).
The Petitioner’s secondary treatment facilities include a
single cell aerated lagoon which provides biological treatment
and sedimentation. The lagoon has a surface area of 14.1 acres
and a capacity of 42.3 million gallons at its normal operating
depth of 10 feet, However, the lagoon has a surface area of 15.5
acres and a capacity of 66.0 million gallons at its high level of
15 feet. The lagoon’s maximum operating depth is 16 feet.
Lagoon aeration is accomplished via a series of parallel perforated
pipes that are connected to 6—inch diameter headers anchored to
the lagoon bottom. The aeration system produces fine streams of
diffused air which, if disrupted, could reduce treatment efficiency
and result in a degraded effluent. (Rec. 2).
Spring Valley began drawing down and bypassing its aerated
lagoon on May 12, 1982 pursuant to the Board’s Order in PCB 82—56.
On June 14, 1982, draw down was completed. On June 23, 1982,
the repairs to the air header were completed and bypassing
ceased. The Agency has noted that, during the period of the
provisional variance in PCB 82—56, Spring Valley sampled its
discharge for BOD and TSS and properly reported the results to
the Agency pursuant to Condition 4 of the Board’s Order in
PCB 82—56. (Rec. 2),
On May 18, 1983, the Agency received a request from the
Petitioner for a provisional variance to draw down and bypass the
aerated lagoon in order to repair the broken air header. On June 2,
1983, the Agency denied this requested provisional variance
because it was concerned about: (1) the direct discharge of
industrial slug loads during the period of bypassing; and (2) the
septic conditions and poor quality of the ‘~astewater contained in
the aerated lagoon (which was attributed to industrial slug
discharges rather than the broken air header). (Rec. 3).
On June 8, 1983, the Agency received another request from
Spring Valley for a provisional variance. The Petitioner claimed
that since the aerated lagoon was septic, producing a poor
quality effluent, and causing odors, a provisional variance was
needed to allow Spring Valley to bypass the lagoon, pump it down,
and refill the lagoon in order to restore the biological treatment
process that had been lost. (Rec. 3). Although the environmental
problems with the aerated lagoon as described by the Petitioner
were known by the Agency to have existed, an Agency inspection on
June 13, 1983 revealed that the lagoon was no longer septic and
that recovery was beginning. (Rec, 3). Accordingly, the Agency
denied the second provisional variance request on June 16, 1983.
Since June 2, 1983, the Petitioner has been able to restore
its aerated lagoon to an acceptable operating condition by: (1)
enacting a sewer use ordinance; (2) enforcing the sewer use
ordinance by discoziueeting one of its contributing industries
that was believed to be causing upsets at Spring Valley’s WWTP;
and (3) adding sodium nitrate to the aerated lagoon to restore
the lagoon to an aerobic condition (this practice was stopped on
June 30, 1983 because dissolved oxygen levels began to rise).
(Rec. 3—4).
At the present time, the Petitioner’s easterly main air
header is ruptured and apparently breaking loose to the surface
and causing a loss of air to the distribution system.. So far,
there are no noticeable problems with treatment efficiency, but
failure to make the requisite repairs could possibly result in
future problems which might occur abruptly at any time. (Rec. 4).
The aerated lagoon needs to be bypassed and drawn down to
approximately the 2 foot level in order to facilitate the necessary
repairs. The draining process will require the draining of about
34 million gallons from the aerated lagoon, while bypassing after
receiving primary treatment will be at an approximate rate of 1.3
million gallons per day based on the average effluent discharge
rate of prior years. Levels of BOD might range from a minimum
of 49 mg/i to a maximum of 250 mg/i, while levels of TSS might
range from a minimum of 28 mg/i to a maximum of 94 mg/i over a
relatively short period of time. (Rec. 2; 4).
The Agency believes that any adverse environmental impact
upon the Illinois River should be minimized through the actions
of Spring Valley in bringing about the recovery of its aerated lagoon.
Moreover, the Agency has noted that if the Petitioner is not allowed
to expeditiously proceed with the necessary maintenance of its
WWTP, the system could again degrade to its prior septic conditions
and result in a greater adverse environmental impact by the discharge
of a degraded effluent over a prolonged period of time. (Rec. 4).
Complete recovery from the recent septic conditions took about 5
months, and a recurrence of such an environmentally detrimental
situation is to be avoided by proper preventive maintenance.
Additionally, should the lagoon again become septic or further
breakdowns occur in the aeration system, unnecessary extra
expenses might result, (Rec. 4),
The Agency has concluded that compliance on a short—term basis
with the provisions of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 306.305 would impose an
arbitrary or unreasonable hardship. It, therefore, recommends
that the Board grant the City of Spring Valley a provisional variance
from Section 306.305 for a period of 45 days to begin on the date draw
down and bypassing begin, but no later than 10 days after the Board’s
Order, subject to certain conditions.
Pursuant to Section 35(b) of the Illinois Environmental
Protection Act, the Board hereby grants the provisional variance
as recommended.
The City of Spring Valley is hereby granted a provisional
variance from 35 111. Adm. Code 306.305 for a period of 45 days
to begin on the date draw down and bypassing of its aerated lagoon
begin, but no later than 10 days after the Board’s Order, subject
to the following conditions:
1. Spring Valley shall notify Robert E. Broms, P.E., Manager,
Compliance Assurance Section, Division of Water Pollution
Control (at 217/782—9720):
a.) the day draw down begins;
b.) the day repairs are initiated;
c.) the day repairs are completed and the system
returned to operation;
2. Spring Valley shall provide primary treatment and
chlorination to all flows prior to discharge.
3. Spring Valley shall sample its discharge for the parameters
listed in its NPDES permit with the same sample frequency and
4. Spring Valley shall submit results of the above—mentioned
samples within 7 days after the end of each week of discharging to:
Illinois Environmental Protection Agency
Division of Water Pollution Control
Compliance Assurance Section
2200 Churchill Road
Springfield, IL 62706
5. Spring Valley shall not discharge any sludge; however,
removal and proper disposal of any lagoon sludge is acceptable
while the lagoon is out of operation.
6. Spring Valley shall continue to monitor its Industrial
contributors and, at such time as any discharge of toxic pollutants
is discovered in violation of its sewer use ordinance, bypassing
shall cease until determined by the Agency to be acceptable to
7. Within 10 days of the date of the Board’s Order,
Spring Valley shall execute a Certificate of Acceptance and Agreement
which shall be sent to: Illinois Environmental Protection Agency,
Division of Water Pollution Control, Compliance Assurance Section,
2200 Churchill Road, Springfield, Illinois 62706. This certification
shall have the following form:
I, (We)
having read the Order of the Illinois Pollution Control Board in
PCB 83-97 dated July 26, 1983, understand and accept said Order,
realizing that such acceptance renders all terms and conditions
thereto binding and enforceable.
By: Authorized Agent
I, Christan L. Moffett, Clerk of the Illinois Pollution
Control Board hereby ce~fy that the above Opinion and Order
was adopted on the
.2 7
day of ~
Christan L. Moffett/~Clerk
Illinois Pollution Control Board