March 8, 1984
    PCB 83—167
    ORDER OF THE BOARD (by D. Anderson):
    This matter comes before the Board upon an appeal of
    the denial of approval of site location suitability for a
    new hazardous waste treatment facility by the City Council
    of the City of Rock Island (Council). The appeal was filed
    on November 15, 1983 by the applicant, Watts Trucking Service,
    Inc. (Watts). Site location suitability approval by local
    government is required by Section 39(a)(2) of the Environmental
    Protection Act (Act). The decision may be appealed to the
    Board pursuant to Section 40.1.
    Council held its first public hearing on the request
    on August 8, 1983. Representatives of Watts presented the
    request and supporting materials to the Council, and answered
    questions from the Council and public.
    Citizens commented
    for and against approval of the site.
    References to
    transcript of the August
    8 hearing will be preceded by a
    to distinguish them from the ensuing hearings.
    The second and third public hearings were held on
    October 3 and October 10, 1983. References to this and
    ensuing City Council transcripts will be prefaced with a
    “II” (11-528). The engineering
    of ~urns and McDonnell,
    employed by the City to make an independent evaluation of
    the project, recommended that the Council approve the site
    location. Representatives of the firm answered
    from the Council, Watts and the public (11—20).
    Opponents presented two technical witnesses in opposition
    to the siting (11-279, 353,
    The Mayor of a neighboring

    town testified concerning operating practices at a nearby
    landfill operated by Watts (11-343). An officer and an
    employee of an adjoining factory testified in opposition
    (11—487, 507). Citizens made statements in opposition (II—
    511). The League of Women Voters made a statement in support
    of the location (11-261). There is written comment in the
    Council record, including letters from industry and civic
    groups supporting the siting.
    The Council voted by a majority of 5 to 2 to deny the
    site location approval on October 12, 1983 (11—528). A
    written decision was entered on October 13, 1983.
    The appeal was filed with the Board on November 15,
    On January 17, 1984 Cathryn Braet, Jane Evans, Delores
    Smith, Barbara Wachtel and Theresa Williams filed an applica-
    tion to intervene, which was granted by the Hearing Officer
    over Watt’s objection at the public hearing held January
    26, 1984 (111—4). The Hearing Officer is affirmed.
    No additional testimony was presented at the Pollution
    Control Board hearing.
    Fundamental Fairness
    At the beginning of the Council hearings the Mayor
    announced that there would be no questions from the audience
    (1-2). However, extensive cross-examination and presentation
    of rebuttal testimony was allowed (1—82, 11—61). The inter—
    venors did not contend that there were any procedural
    defects before the City Council (Brief filed January 27,
    1984). The Board finds that the procedures used before the
    Council were fundamentally fair.
    The facility will be described in greater detail below.
    It is to be located in an industrial tract in Rock Island,
    east of Centennial Expressway, north of Servus Rubber, west
    of certain railroad tracks and south of Sixth Avenue (1—8).
    Briefly, it is to be a hazardous waste treatment operation
    which is to treat aqueous wastes prior to disposal elsewhere.
    Wastes will be received by truck, but the treatment operation
    will be similar to physical-chemical wastewater treatment
    plants found at many industrial sites (11—36, 392). Wastes
    will include those which are typical of metal finishing,
    coating and plating operations. Wastes will include aqueous
    acids and bases, possibly containing heavy metals, dichromate,
    cyanide, sulfide, oil and solvent residues (1-17, 28; Permit

    application, p. 133). Treatment processes will include oil
    and grease removal, solvent removal, neutralization of acids
    or bases, precipitation, separation of sludges, oxidative
    destruction of cyanide, filtration and reverse osmosis for
    final purification of wastewater (Permit Application, p. 21,
    The principal output, over 80, will be highly purified
    water which will be offered for sale as boiler feed water
    or discharged in batches to the City sewer (1—30, 11—197).
    Sludges and non-aqueous wastes will be shipped off-site for
    disposal elsewhere (Permit Application, p. 48).
    Criteria for Approval
    Site location suitability approval by local governing
    bodies is pursuant to Section 39.2(a) of the Act, which
    provides as follows:
    The county board of the county or the governing
    the municipality, as determined by paragraph (c) of
    Section 39 of this Act, shall approve the site location
    suitability for such new regional pollution control
    facility only in accordance with the following criteria:
    1. the facility is necessary to accommodate the waste
    needs of the area it is intended to serve;
    2. the facility is so designed, located and proposed
    to be operated that the public health, safety and
    welfare will be protected;
    3. the facility is located so as to minimize incompat-
    ibility with the character of the surrounding area
    and to minimize the effect on the value of the
    surrounding property;
    4. the facility is located outside the boundary of
    the 100 year flood plain as determined by the
    Illinois Department of Transportation, or the site
    is flood-proofed to meet the standards and require-
    ments of the Illinois Department of Transportation
    and is approved by that Department;
    5. the plan of operations for the facility is designed
    to minimize the danger to the surrounding area
    from fire, spills, or other operational accidents;
    6. the traffic patterns to or from the facility are
    so designed as to minimize the impact on existing
    traffic flows.

    Council Decision
    On October 13, 1983 the Rock Island City Council entered
    a written decision denying approval of the site location
    suitability, finding that it failed to meet criteria 2, 3, 5
    and 6. No more specific reasons or findings of fact were
    contained in the written decision. However, the transcript
    October 12,
    1983 Council meeting discloses the follow-
    ing reasons, given by individual Council members:
    1. The financial burden of cleanup, monitoring and
    on—site spills (11—530, 536).
    The financial burden of off—site spills (11—531,
    3. Proximity of the site to the downtown area (II—
    531, 535).
    4. Proximity of the site to the wastewater treatment
    plant (11—531).
    5. Location in a densely populated area (11—545).
    6. Lack of information on untreated wastes to be
    stored on the site (11—532).
    7. Inadequate information concerning liners (11-532).
    8. Failure of the Environmental Protection Agency to
    appear at later hearings (11—533).
    9. Inadequate frequency of Agency inspections (II—
    10. Traffic patterns (11—535).
    11. Inadequate information concerning operations and
    maintenance (11—536, 545, 547).
    12. Failure of Illinois Department of Public Health
    answer a Councilperson~s question concerning
    wastes (11—539).
    13. Failure to provide test results of effluent and
    emissions (11—546).
    14. Failure to provide data on similar treatment
    facilities (11—546).
    15. Possible lack of maintenance of the scrubbers (II-.

    These are, of course, concerns voiced by individual
    Council members rather than findings made by the Council as
    a body. The Board has relied in part on these statements to
    give it guidance in reviewing the evidence in the absence of
    specific findings by the Council as a collective body.
    The determinations of the local governing body are
    generally deemed conclusive. The Board is not allowed to
    determine issues independently, to substitute its own judgment
    or to re—weigh the evidence.
    The Board’s role is to determine
    whether the local governing body’s conclusions concerning
    the criteria were against the manifest weight of the evidence
    (City of East Peoria et al. v.
    IPCB and Waste Management of
    Illinoil, Inc., 17 iii. App. iFd 673,~EirdDistrict, August 23,
    1983). The Board will therefore review the evidence concern-
    ing each criterion to determine whether the Council’s decision
    is against the manifest weight of the evidence. The Board
    will address the criteria in an order more convenient than
    numerical: 1, 4, 3, 6, 5 and 2.
    Waste Needs and Flood Plain (Criteria 1 & 4)
    The failure of the Council to list criteria 1 and 4 in
    its decision implies that it found that the site met these
    criteria pertaining to waste needs of the area and location
    outside the 100 year flood plain. These criteria are not at
    issue in this appeal.
    Surrounding Area (Criterion 3)
    As noted above, the facility is to be located on a
    tract surrounded by Centennial Expressway, Servus Rubber
    Co., railroad tracks and Sixth Avenue in Rock Island (1—8).
    A paint factory and a battery factory formerly occupied the
    site, which is zoned for general industrial use, which use
    would include the proposed facility (1—8, 34, 11-15, 224).
    Servus Rubber Co. utilizes flammable hazardous materials to
    produce rubber boots adjacent to the site (11—15, 488, 499).
    Organic vapor concentrations in the plant are vented to the
    atmosphere through open windows (11—500, 502). The City’s
    wastewater treatment plant is close to the site (1—35, II-
    15). There are three plating plants in the neighborhood
    which generate wastes like those to be treated (1-84).
    The surrounding area includes residences, although it
    has been losing its residential character since construction
    of the raised highway resulted in destruction of many resi-
    dences, and cut those remaining off from adjacent areas (I-
    11, 35, 59). There are still about 31 houses in the area
    (1-59). The closest residence is about 400 feet from the
    facility boundary (11-15, 227). About 5700 people live

    within one—half mile of the facility (1—60, 11—212, 223).
    Neighboring residents were of the opinion that it would
    reduce their property values (1-59, 67).
    The vice-president of operations for the Servus Rubber
    Co. plant testified that it would be difficult to evacuate
    the Servus plant in the event of an accident at the facility
    (11—489). He believed that the presence of the facility
    would reduce the value of the Servus property (11—492, 497,
    508, 524).
    Section 39.2(a)(3) provides that the local governing
    body is to determine site location suitability in part
    according to the following criterion:
    the facility is located so as to minimize incompati-
    bility with the character of the surrounding area and
    to minimize the effect on the value of the surrounding
    One of the Council members cited the proximity to the
    City’s wastewater treatment plant as a reason for denial
    (11—531). As noted previously, the facility is to be a
    physical—chemical wastewater treatment plant to which waste—
    water would be trucked instead of transported in pipes.
    The proximity of the City’s biochemical wastewater treatment
    plant tends to support the compatibility of the proposed
    facility with the surrounding area.
    Three potential dangers of the facility to the surrounding
    area, which are discussed in greater detail below, include:
    the danger of fire; emissions of organic materials from
    solvent separation and storage; and, emission of hydrogen
    cyanide or sulfide gas from accidental mixing of acid wastes
    with wastes containing cyanide or sulfide. Servus Rubber
    Co. poses a similar, if not greater, danger of fire (II—
    500). The proposed facility will avoid excessively flammable
    materials, and will have extensive fire protection design
    and equipment (1-19, 11-60). Servus Rubber emits organic
    materials through open windows (11-502), while the proposed
    facility would vent organic emissions through activated
    charcoal for removal (1-19). The dangers of creation of
    hydrogen cyanide or sulfide gas is always present in indus-
    trial operations using cyanides or suifides, such as plating
    operations. The facility will provide safeguards against
    mixing and for venting of all tanks and reactjon vssei~ to
    a caustic scrubber capable of removing hydrogen cyanide and
    sulfide (1—18, 11—22, 59).
    The criterion calls for minimization of incompatibility
    with the surrounding area. Although the area was once more

    residential, its use has now been dedicated to transporta-
    tion corridors, with the enclosed area n~ industrial in
    character. The adjacent Servus Rubber plant uses hazardous
    materials, and plating operations in the area produce many
    of the wastes to be treated. The record contains little
    support for determining that the facility would be other
    than compatible with the character of the surrounding area,
    and it certainly is located so as to minimize any incompat-
    The criterion also calls for minimization of effect on
    the value of surrounding property. Although further industrial
    development could arguably decrease the value of nearby
    residences as residences, industrial development of the area
    has already occurred. More specifically, the site itself
    has already been used for industrial purposes, as a paint
    factory and a battery factory (1-8). This project may
    attract other industry which would utilize its waste treat-
    ment services or boiler feed water. This arguably could
    also have a positive impact on the value of surrounding
    As noted, Servus Rubber itself poses risks similar to
    those alleged to be posed by the proposed facility. The
    claims that Servus Rubber’s property might be devalued must
    be considered in this light. It could also benefit from
    availability of waste treatment service and boiler water,
    and general industrial development of the area.
    The criterion calls for the facility to be located so
    as to “minimize” the incompatibility with the surrounding
    area and the effect on value, but does not allow for rejec-
    tion simply because there might be some reduction in value.
    This record clearly shows that the applicant’s proposed
    location minimizes the effect on the value of the surrounding
    The Board therefore concludes that the Council’s
    determination with respect to criterion. 3 is against the
    manifest weight of the evidence.
    Traffic Patterns (Criterion 6)
    Trucks will reach the facility via Centennial Expressway,
    a four-lane, divided, limited access highway. They will
    exit at the Seventh Avenue exit and proceed 500 feet west on
    the exit ramp to Sixth Avenue (1-10, 59, 11—17). Sixth
    Avenue is a wide, concrete—paved street (11-17). A count in
    August, 1983 showed 1752 vehicles in a 10-hour period, of
    which 569 were commercial trucks (1—9, 37, 61, 11—18). The
    facility will receive 30 to 40 trucks per day at full produc—
    tion (1-10). The proposed routes have adequate capacity for

    this additional traffic (11—18). Deliveries will be
    to avoid backups (1-70).
    Section 39(a)(6) requires local government to approve
    the site location suitability in accordance with the following
    “the traffic patterns to or from the facility are so
    designed as to minimize the impact on existing traffic
    one Councilperson’s statement recites that traffic to
    and from the plant “would cross
    basically the entirety of
    our community” (11-535).
    From the context, it appears that
    his concern was the danger of spills
    rather than the traffic
    itself. This concern will be addressed in the next section
    of this Opinion.
    The evidence is uncontroverted that ample capacity, inclu.
    ding the number of vehicles and their weight, exists for the
    proposed traffic. The Board therefore finds that the Council’s
    rejection with respect to criterion 6 is contrary to the
    manifest weight of the evidence.
    Fires, Spills or other Operational Accidents (Criterion 5)
    Criterion 5 concerns the danger to the surrounding
    from fire, spills or other operational accidents. Discussion
    of this, and criterion 2 which follows, requires a more
    detailed discussion of the design of the proposed facility
    than was presented above.
    Wastes will be received in drums, tank trucks, sludge
    trucks and dump trucks. Wastes will be received in a caustic
    dump pit, an acid dump pit, a bulk receiving terminal and
    loading dock for drums. Bulk wastes will be pumped to
    storage tanks; drums may be stored prior to mixing and
    transfer to bulk storage (I—li, 20; Permit Application
    p. 15). There is also provision for receipt of oil emulsions
    and waste destined for direct treatment by the reverse
    osmosis unit (Permit Application p. 16, 17).
    Wastes to be treated by the facility include hazardous
    wastes generated by metal finishers, electroplaters, heavy
    manufacturing, printing and dry cleaners (1—12, 27, Burns &
    McDonnell report, p. 8). The application specifically
    excludes explosive, radioactive, flammable and bacterial
    materials, polychlorinated biphenyls and dioxins (1—19).
    Wastes which are specifically mentioned to be treated are
    industrial wastes with a large amount of water present,
    including: spent pickle liquor; cyanide waste, typically

    from plating operations; sulfide waste; heavy phenol waste;
    aqueous wastes containing miscible or floating organic
    compounds; and, wastes treatable by reverse osmosis (1—17,
    28, Permit Application p. 34). The facility will also
    receive bag house lime, arc dust and fly ash, typically non—
    hazardous solid wastes, which will be mixed with liquid
    wastes produced by the facility (Permit Application, p. 34).
    Wastes are stored mainly
    in a series of outdoor,, above—
    tanks. These are divided into acid tanks, caustic
    tanks and high-organic tanks
    (1-18). There are also storage
    impoundments for non-hazardous oil emulsions and a storage
    tank for waste to go through reverse osmosis (Permit Applica-
    tion p. 75, 81). The drum storage area is in a building,
    with three storage bays
    with capacity of 328 drums per bay
    (Permit Application p. 92,
    97). One bay will be for wastes
    intended for transfer without treatment. Maximum storage
    time will not exceed 120 days (Permit Application p. 98),
    or one month for waste stored for transshipment (11—19, 25,
    58, 250, 378, 443).
    Waste treatment is similar to the operation of a typical
    physical-chemical wastewater treatment plant (11—36, 38,
    392, 394). Heavy metals are precipitated by adjustment of
    pH, which is largely accomplished by mixing acidic and
    caustic wastes. Lime is used when inadequate caustic waste
    is available. The precipitate is drawn off after floccula-
    tion (Permit Application p. 120). After filtration and
    ultrafiltration, the remaining metals and other contaminants
    are removed by reverse osmosis (Permit Application p. 124,
    128, 130). This will be used to remove dissolved organics
    from water as well as inorganic contaminants.
    The treatment process also includes a number of opera-
    tions which remove contaminants which would interfere with
    the basic treatment scheme. These include:
    1. alkaline chlorination to destroy excessive cyanide
    concentrations (Permit Application p. 115);
    2. chemical reduction of hexavalent chromium utilizing
    ferrous iron in spent pickle liquor (Permit Applica.
    tion p. 121);
    3. acid treatment of oil emulsions (Permit Applica-
    tion p. 126),
    The principal waste output will be water, up to 30,000
    gallons per day, around 80 to 98 of the waste received (I—
    30, 11-197). This will be pumped to a covered concrete
    basin. It will be offered for sale as boiler feed water (I—
    31). If it is not sold, it will be discharged to the City

    sewer in batches after analysis to insure the absence of
    contaminants which would upset the City’s sewage treatment
    plant. The batch discharge will be conducted during times
    of low sewage flow to avoid
    hydraulic overloading of the
    City plant and sewers (1—47, 11—33, 35, 176, 188, 191).
    Other outputs will include oil and solvents recovered
    by skimming the aqueous wastes, or from the reverse osmosis
    unit. These may be sold to recyclers (1—18).
    If not, they
    will be sent off—site for incineration or solidified for
    land disposal off—site.
    Another output will
    be sludge produced by the precipita-
    tion and flocculation, and other treatment. The sludge will
    be dewatered
    by centrifugation and sent off-site for disposal
    (Permit Application, p. 124).
    Section 39.2(a)(5) of the Act provides that the local
    governing authority is to
    approve site location suitability
    in part according to the following criterion:
    The plan of operations for the facility is designed to
    minimize the danger to the surrounding area from fire,
    spills, or other operational accidents.
    There are four types
    of on—site operational accidents
    which could pose a danger to the surrounding area: air
    emissions from a fire; air emissions from a spill; air
    emissions from mixing of incompatible waste; and, organic
    solvent vapor emissions (11-342).
    The building and all
    components will be made of
    and concrete, with no flammable materials to be used in
    construction (1-19). The plant will have alarms, an
    and two fire extinguisher stations (1—19).
    No flammable reagents will be used in the treatment process
    (1—19, 11—405). The facility will not accept flammable
    materials for treatment, although it will accept limited
    amounts for temporary storage, and may recover flammable
    organic solvents through the treatment process (1-20, 11-13,
    172, 379, 394). The area for storage of flammable materials
    will be isolated and will have its own alarm
    and fire extin-
    guisher system (1—20, 11-14). Potentially flammable vapors
    are vented to activated carbon adsorption units (1—19, 11-
    14, 42, 172).
    The nearest residence is 400 feet away from the f~ci1ity
    boundary (11—15, 227). There is virtually no possibility of
    fire itself spreading from the facility to the surrounding
    area. There may however be a danger of smoke and fumes
    reaching the surrounding area (11-171, 174). This danger

    appears to be slight considering the limited amounts of
    flammable materials and the precautions which have been
    Criterion 5 requires that the facility be designed to
    “minimize” the danger to the surrounding area. The cri-
    terion specifies that the danger be minimized, but does not
    allow rejection simply because there is some danger. There
    is no showing in this record as to what greater precautions
    the applicant could take.
    The immediate danger from on-site spills is the possi-
    bility of fumes escaping the site (11-342). The facility
    will only take non-fuming wastes, but there are also pre-
    cautions against spills
    11-158). Spills could result
    from truck unloading, tank overfilling or tank rupture. The
    tanks and treatment units will be equipped with overflow
    alarms, and surrounded by secondary containment capable in
    emergencies of holding the volume of liquid stored in the
    tank (1—21, 11—12; Permit Application, p. 84, 92). The
    tanks will be vented to the scrubber system to prevent any
    pressure buildup (1-18, 11-41, 59). The truck unloading
    area will be on a concrete floor several feet below grade.
    Any spills will be directed toward a sump from which the
    material can be pumped into the treatment process
    11-12). Considering the limitation to non-fuming wastes and
    the precautions taken, it appears that there is virtually no
    danger to the surrounding area from on-site spills.
    Although the wastes taken into the plant are “non—
    fuming”, they will include caustic waste containing cyanide
    or sulfide (1—12, 11—39; Burns
    & McDonnell Report,
    p. 9). If
    these were accidently mixed with acid waste in a tank,
    hydrogen cyanide or hydrogen sulfide gas would be generated
    (1—17, 11—il, 39, 59, 60). The site will have elaborate,
    coded controls to prevent mixing (1-17, 11-11). The
    tanks are vented to caustic scrubbers capable of removing
    hydrogen cyanide or sulfide should an accident happen (1-18,
    82, Il—il, 22, 157, 172, 175, 353, 434). There are monitors
    to alert the operation if toxic fumes are generated (11-60).
    It is apparent that there is some risk of generation of
    toxic fumes; however, this is slight considering the pre-
    cautions taken (11-59). The record is devoid of any sugges-
    tions of measures which could be taken to reduce this risk.
    Criterion 5 does not allow rejection of site location suita-
    bility based only
    on the existence of a danger; rather, it
    requires approval if the facility is designed to minimize
    the danger. All the evidence indicates that the danger has
    been minimized.

    It is conceivable that an accident could result in
    emission of organic solvent vapors, although the facility’s
    handling of
    materials is minimal. Some of these
    solvents may be harmful if inhaled in large quantities (II—
    353, 409). Organic solvents are often emitted into the
    atmosphere by industrial operations, as for example, Servus
    Rubber Co. (R. 500, 502). Emission of organic solvents
    which are photochemically active is limited pursuant to 35
    Ill. Adm. Code 215. As noted, the facility has taken pre-
    cautions against spills. Tanks and sensitive areas of the
    plant are vented through activated carbon to adsorb organic
    vapors. The dangers to the surrounding area from organic
    emission have been minimized.
    The problem of off-site spills centers on the possibility
    of a traffic accident involving a truck delivering waste to
    the facility for treatment (1—82, 11—13, 27). The possibility
    of air emissions or fire from an off-site spill is reduced
    by the limitations discussed above to non-fuming, non-
    flammable wastes (11-56). The main problem would be containing
    a spill before liquid could reach surface waters or enter
    the storm sewer system (11-28, 485). This might cause water
    pollution and damage the sewer system (11-56, 199, 437).
    The problems of such a spill would be identical to the
    problems created by an accident involving a truck carrying
    gasoline or bulk organic chemicals, acids or caustics (11-
    13, 32, 202, 512), As noted above, the traffic will be on
    streets already carrying these materials, and there will
    not be a significant increase. Coordination with local
    units will be required under the RCRA permit (11—31,
    The City Engineer indicated that local units would have
    ample time
    develop contingency plans (Letter of August 31,
    Council members cited
    the financial burden of off—site
    spills as a reason for denial (11—531, 532). Transportation
    of hazardous waste is governed by the permit requirement of
    Section 21(g) of the Act and 35 Ill. Adm. Code 809, and by
    the RCRA
    transporter regulations of 35 Ill. Adm.
    Section 723.131 requires the transporter to clean up any
    hazardous waste discharge which occurs
    during transportation.
    The frequency of spills is related to the number of
    miles driven. The creation of a new treatment facility will
    the primary effect of reducing the number of miles
    driven, especially for generators in the same city (11—419),
    Therefore, creation of a new facility may result in an
    overall decrease in the number of off—site spills, although
    there may be a local increase near the facility. Such a
    local increase could be a legitimate concern of the local
    governing body. However, in this case, the record indicates

    that the roads have ample capacity for the traffic and that
    the waste is no different than the materials presently
    moving. The additional danger is not significant.
    Criterion 5 requires approval if the danger from
    spills has been minimized. The record contains no suggestion
    of additional precautions which could be taken to further
    reduce the danger. It has therefore been minimized. The
    Board therefore concludes that the Council’s finding that
    the proposed facility did not meet criterion 5 is against
    the manifest weight of the evidence.
    Public Health, Safety and Welfare (Criterion 2)
    Criterion 2 is the broadest and most troubling of the
    criteria. Section 39(a)(2) of the Act requires site location
    suitability approval in part if the local governing body
    finds that:
    The facility is so designed, located and proposed to be
    operated that the public health, safety and welfare
    will be protected.
    In an early case the Board reversed a County Board
    denial finding on criterion 2 which was based on the design
    and construction of a landfill and the underlying geology
    and hydrology, rather than the site location itself. The
    Board held that criterion 2 was not intended to give local
    authorities concurrent jurisdiction with the Environmental
    Protection Agency to review highly technical details of the
    landfill design and construction (Waste Management v. Tazewell
    County, PCB 82—55, 47 PCB 485 August 5, 1982). The Third
    District Appellate Court reversed the Board, holding that
    the Board erred in relying on legislative intent when the
    words of the statute unambiguously required the County Board
    to consider the public health ramifications of the landfill’s
    design (East Peoria et al. v. Waste Management et al., Supra.
    The Supreme Court granted leave to appeal, but dismissed the
    appeal without prejudice pending Board consideration of a
    settlement agreement (East Peoria etal. v. IPCB e.taL., tJo.
    59110, January 10, 1984). On February 22,
    1984 the Board
    rejected the settlement, and asked the Supreme Court to
    decide this issue, Pending final resolution the Board will
    follow the Third District decision.
    In this case the Council employed the consulting engin-
    eering firm of Burns and McDonnell to make an independent
    evaluation of the application. Burns and McDonnell’s conclu-
    sion was that the site location met all of the criteria,
    including criterion 2. The Council nevertheless rejected
    the site, based in part on the failure to meet criterion 2.

    The basic design of the facility has been discussed
    above. Among the features already discussed are the following
    which are closely related to the protection of public health,
    welfare and safety:
    1. Protection against spills and tank overflows;
    Protection against pressure build—up in tanks;
    3. Caustic and acidic scrubbers;
    4. Carbon adsorption of organic vapors;
    5. Fire protection equipment;
    Limitation of waste types to be received;
    7. Batch discharge after analysis.
    Other design features closely related to protection of
    public health, welfare and safety include the following:
    1. Analysis of incoming waste to assure that it is
    placed in the correct storage area and is amenable
    to treatment (1—26, 45, 69, 81, 11—401).
    2. Training programs for employees to assure that
    they are able to operate the facility correctly
    (1—79, 11—14, 49, 149, 263, 401, 408, 411, 414,
    3. Liability insurance and closure assurance (11—221,
    263, 369, 512, 514).
    4. Coordination with local emergency units (11-31,
    201, 367).
    5. Communications equipment to assure contact between
    parts of the facility and with outside emergency
    units (1—24).
    6. Contingency plans and emergency equipment to
    contain and clean up any spills (1-25, 11—263).
    7. Inspection plan and logs to assure that equipment
    is inspected according to a routine to avoid
    malfunctions and deterioration (1-28, 41, 46, 77,
    79, 11—46, 444).
    8. Security equipment to prevent accidental or inten-
    tional intrusion by unauthorized persons (1-23).

    9. Run-on, run-off controls and provision for retention
    in lined basins and treatment of stormwater (1—22,
    57, 11—12, 44, 178, 184).
    Part of the East Peoria decision concerned the level of
    detail to he reviewed by the local governing body. Burns
    and McDonnell were quite clear as to their function: they
    were reviewin~a “conceptual” or schematic design to deter-
    mine if the right type of systems and necessary safeguards
    were present, and whether equipment was available to do the
    3oh. They were not reviewing the design for construction
    purposes to determine, for example, whether the right brand
    of pump had been chosen (11—126, 136, 139, 142, 145, 158).
    Considering that the local government approval is an approval,
    which will often occur preliminary to the Illinois Environ-
    mental Protection Agency’s review of construction details
    through the permitting process, this appears to be a workable
    Several design elements to be incorporated into this
    facility are required by 40 CFR 264 for this type of hazardous
    waste treatment facility, especially 40 CFR 264.13, 264.14,
    264.15, 264.16, 264.32, 264.34, 264.37, 264.143, 264.147,
    264.170, 264.190 and 264.220. These regulations have been
    adopted by the Board to allow the Illinois Environmental
    Protection Agency to apply for authority to issue RCRA
    permits rather than the United States Environmental Protection
    Agency (35 Ill. Adm. Code 724, 7 Ill. Reg. 14059, October
    28, 1983). Although neither the City Council nor the Illinoia
    Environmental Protection Agency have authority to issue RCRA
    permits, these regulations constitute a standard of care
    adopted by the Board and the United States Environmental
    Protection Agency for protection of the public health,
    safety and welfare with respect to hazardous waste facilities.
    There is no indication that any of the Part 264 standards
    would be violated by the “conceptual” or schematic design as
    One of the denial reasons given by a Council member was
    the financial burden of cleanup, monitoring and spills (II-
    530, 536). As noted, the regulations require liability
    insurance and financial assurance of closure costs. The
    applicant has proposed to obtain these, and no RCRA permit
    can be issued until it does so. Furthermore, the Second
    District Appellate Court has held that proof of the applicant’s
    financial responsibility may not be considered in granting
    approval pursuant to Section 39.2 (County of Lake v. XPCB
    et al., 1~0Ill. App. 3rd 89; 457 ~
    Another reason cited is the failure to provide test
    results of effluent and air emissions (11—564). Such test
    results could not be obtained until the facility is actually

    built, which cannot happen until local site approval has
    been given. Experts have given their opinions as to the
    quality of the effluent and emissions to be produced (I—li,
    31, lI—li, 22, 33). This is all the evidence which can be
    given before a facility is built. Another reason given is
    the failure to present safety records of other similar facili-
    ties (11-542), This is not required by the criteria.
    Other reasons cited by members of the Council include:
    the failure of the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency
    to appear at the later hearings; inadequacy of Agency inspec-
    tions; and, the failure of the Illinois Department of Public
    Health to answer a Councilperson’s questions concerning the
    wastes (11-533, 539). Nothing in the Act requires the
    Agency to appear at hearings held before the local governing
    body. The frequency of Agency inspections and the failure
    of the Department of Public Health to answer are beyond the
    control of the applicant, and irrelevant to the criteria.
    Furthermore, the Councilperson’s contacts with the Depart-
    ment were outside the record and could not be used as a
    basis for denial.
    Another reason cited by a Council member is inadequate
    information concerning liners (11-532). As has been noted,
    the review conducted by the Council’s consultant was of a
    conceptual design, rather than a detailed review. Synthetic
    liners are to be placed in the locations required by 40 CFR
    264, and liners are available which would be appropriate for
    the wastes to be stored (11-44). Although Appellate Court
    decisions arguably give the Council authority to consider
    such construction details, there is no evidence in this
    record other than that appropriate liners are available.
    There is no evidence on which the Council could have based
    its denial.
    Other areas not specifically mentioned by the Council
    members, but addressed by citizens, concern: the necessity
    for a liner for the basin for storage of treated water; the
    necessity for groundwater monitoring; and, the advisability
    of discharging unsold water to the wastewater treatment
    plant as opposed to direct discharge to the River. The
    concrete storage basin is not intended to hold hazardous
    waste, but highly purified water (1-32, Burns & McDonnell
    report, p. 14). Process water is analyzed prior to discharge
    with the possibility of return to the treatment process if
    it is unacceptable (11-35). It appears that it will not be
    a hazardous waste storage lagoon which would require a
    A possible basis for denial which was not cited by any
    Council member was the lack of groundwater monitoring in the

    proposal. Groundwater monitoring at hazardous waste treat-
    ment facilities is required by 40 CFR 264~90, which has been
    adopted as 35 Ill.
    Adm. Code 724.190. The groundwater
    protection provisions apply only to facilities which treat,
    store or dispose of hazardous waste in surface impoundments,
    waste piles, land treatment units or landfills. The latter
    three are not involved in this application. The treatment
    and storage operations for this facility appear to be in
    tanks and containers which do not trigger groundwater monitoring,
    Assuming they were impoundments, they could be designed so
    as to avoid groundwater monitoring under Section 724.322
    (11—179). Dr. Robert Ginsburg, testifying for opponents of
    the siting, was uncertain as to whether groundwater monitoring
    would be required for this facility (11—413).
    The applicant has proposed to discharge any unsold
    water in batches to the City sewer system which is on critical
    review because it is hydraulically overloaded (1—57, 11—33).
    An alternative scheme which may be requested by the City,
    but was not proposed by the applicant, would be direct
    discharge to the Mississippi River pursuant to NPDES permit
    (11—34, 144, 360). Discharge to the treatment plant would
    provide an extra margin of safety in the event of accidental
    discharge of hazardous constituents, although this could
    upset the treatment plant. Such accidental discharge is
    very unlikely because of the batch discharge after analysis
    (11—33, 191, 358). Discharge of such a volume of clean
    water to a hydraulically overloaded plant may be inadvisable,
    even in batches at times of low flow as proposed (11-49,
    176, 191, 358). Choice of direct or indirect discharge may
    depend on how much of the water can be sold. The City in
    any event retains complete control over whether to accept
    and how much to charge for such an industrial discharge to
    its sewer system (11-35, 406).
    Another reason cited by a Council member was the lack
    of information on the untreated wastes to be accepted for
    storage at the site (11—532). The categories of waste to be
    accepted for storage and transshipment are limited, and
    the storage area is limited to 328 drums, with no drum to be
    stored for more than one month (11—19, 25, 58, 250, 378,
    443). There is no indication other than that the drum
    storage area would meet the standards of 40 CFR 264.170 et
    seq. (35 Ill. Mm. Code 724.270 et seq.).
    Among the reasons cited by citizens, but no Council
    members, for opposition to the siting is that the applicant
    lacks the skills needed to operate the treatment units, and
    that it has a poor record of compliance with environmental
    regulations at the Andalusia landfill (1—91, 11—19, 36, 148,
    153, 306, 309, 324, 335, 339, 346, 353, 408, 425, 431, 509).

    The site location suitability criteria of Section 39.2(a) of
    the Act do not mention either the skill of the operator or
    the history of violations; indeed, the criteria focus on the
    facility itself, without regard to the operator. The defini-
    tion of “new regional pollution control facility”, contained
    in Section 3 of the Act, specifies modifications to the
    facility or wastes which would require reapproval by local
    government. Sale of the facility to a new operator is not
    On the other hand, Section 22(b) of the Act allows the
    Board to adopt standards for certification of operators
    based on skill and a history of violations; Section 39(i)
    allows the Agency to deny a RCRA permit based on such history.
    In the face of these specific provisions dealing with operator
    skill and past violations, the Board will not read similar
    requirements into the criteria of Section 39.2(a). The
    Board therefore holds that evidence of operator skill or
    past violations is irrelevant to the site location suitability
    approval (Frinks v. City of Rockford, PCB 83—41, June 30, 1983,
    It should be noted that Dr. Ginsburg’s testimony in
    opposition to the siting centered on the issue of past
    violations and the operator’s skill (11—306, 309, 335, 339).
    The remainder of Dr. Ginsburg’s testimony can be construed
    as favorable to the design and location of the facility
    (11—399, 404).
    In summary, in reviewing this record, the Board is
    unable to find any evidence other than that the facility
    will be designed, located and proposed to be operated so
    that the ~uh1ic health, safety and welfare will be protected.
    The Council’s finding on criterion 2 is therefore contrary
    to the manifest weight of the evidence.
    In reviewing the design of the facility under the East
    Peoria and Lake Cou~ decisions, the Board has been forced
    to dwell on details of the design which will also be the
    subject of review with the Part B RCRA permit application
    to the United States Environmental Protection Agency and the
    Illinois Environmental Protection Agency. In the event that
    authority to issue RCRA permits is delegated to Illinois
    before the Part B application is acted on, the Board could
    be in a position of again reviewing this facility pursuant
    to appeal of a permit denial or issuance with conditions.
    The Illinois Environmental Protection Agency is not a party
    to this appeal. The Board’s discussion of the facility
    design in the course of this site location suitability
    approval decision is not intended in any way to limit the
    Illinois Environmental Protection Agency’s detailed review

    of the permit application, and will not limit any future
    permit review by the Board.
    The Council’s finding that the proposed facility
    to meet the criteria of Section 39.2(a)(2), (3), (5) and (6)
    is contrary to the manifest weight of the evidence. The
    Council’s denial of approval of site location suitability
    theref ore reversed.
    This Opinion constitutes the Board’s findings of fact
    and conclusions of law in this matter.
    The October 12 and 13, 1983 decision of the Rock Island
    City Council
    denying approval of site location suitability
    pursuant to Section 39.2(a) of the Environmental Protection
    Act to Watts Trucking Service, Inc. is reversed. Site
    location suitability for the facility is approved.
    I, Christan L. Moffett, Clerk of the Illinois Pollution
    Control Board, hereby certify,that the above Opi ion and
    Order were adopted on the J’
    day of
    1984 by a vote of
    C~O —.
    Christan L. Moff
    Illinois Pollution ntrol

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