1. received by the State by Sirposing RkCt—EII beyondnonattainment areas;
      2. 4. The cost estimates of the Board are seriously questioneti
      3. 5. The Board could not have analyzed “economic
      4. 68-362

August 2l~ .L985
A & H
This resolution
and order const:itutes
the Pollution Control
Board’s (“Board”) formal refusal to modify the RACT~-liI, Subpart
~ rules in response to the objection of the Joint Comm~ttec on
Rules (“JCAR’~) dated July 25, 1985.
is made in accordance with Section 7.07 of the Illinois
Administrative Procedures Act (“APA”).
notice ot refusal to
modify will be timely filed with the Secretary of State for
publication in the
The JCAR objection of July 25, 1985, reads, in pertinent
part, as follows:
The Joint Committee objects to the
imposition of the requirements of Subpart
the Pollution Control Board’s rules entitled
“Organic Material Emission Standards and
Limitations~ (35 Ill~ Adm. Code 215) on those
plants located outside of “nonattainment”
counties was accomplished without the Board
into account
the economic
reasonableness of measuring and reducing
“Organic r4aterial” emissions, because the rule
violates Section 27(a) of the Environmental
Protection Act,. sicj
The rationale
for the objection is summarized as follows:
The federal Clean Air Act (CAA) only requires
application of RACT—Ill in nonattainment areas;
2. The costs and benefits of the application of RACT—Ili in
nonattainment areas
versus statewide application
was rio’~.
in the Economic Impact Statement (EcIS);
The promuiqation of ~
Section 27 (a) of
the Act which requires the ‘Board to consider the
“economic reasontb.enern
of regulations.
Because the
air quality improvement do “not appear to be
significant”~ tne
no “economic benefits”

received by the State by Sirposing RkCt—EII beyond
nonattainment areas;
4. The cost estimates of the Board are seriously questioneti
by the industry which believes that they
by a magnitule of f±vetimes; and
5. The Board could not have analyzed “economic
reasonableness” of the rules aLnce
exact number at
plants regulated under the rubs is not precis~eiy known
and emiss tons data are not known from
in the state.
To state that Section 172 of the CM only requires
application of RkCT in nonattainnent areas, thus restricting thy
Board’s focus on this aspect of Section 172, misses the nain
pucpose of Part D; to achieve attainment for ozone in all ar~act
of a state through an approved State lmplementation Plan (SlP).
Section 172 requires that “reasonamly available control
technology” (MCI) be implemented at existing stationary sources
in the nonattainment areac of those states needing an extension
from the 1982 deadline until 1987 to achieve the air quality
standards for ozone. Illinois is such a state, havin’j requesteca
the extension in its 1979 and 1982 SIP, and as of the .iate of
writing, having nine counties designated as nonattaininent area..
for ozone.
As a precondition for the construction or modification of
any stationary source in any nonattainment area,
raquires that the
must provide for the achievement of
“reasonable further progress” towards attainment. “Reasonable
jurther progress” is defined in Section 171 as:
“annual incremental reductions in emissions ot
the applicable air pollutant (incinding
substantial reductions in the early years
following approval or promulgation of plan
provisions under this Part and Section
llO(a)(2)(I) and regular reductions
thereafter) which are sufficient in the
judgment of the Administrator, to provide for
attainment of the applicable national ambient
air quality standard by the date required in
Section 172(a).”
Exhibit 16 from R82-l4, RACT—III, outlines the Unste.I btat~c:
Environmental Protection Agency’s (USEPA) criteria for an
approvable SIP. They are as follows:
“The plan must show
of the national
ambient air quality standards (NAAQS) by 1987,
the plan must include an ~pprovab1e
inspection/maintenance (1/M) program for all
urban aceas o~’er 233~~&Opopulation, the plan

ceasonable further progress (RFP)
toward a~.zainrent, and the plan must include
scheduLes for the adoption and implementation
of any :.~complete S1P elements.”
reductions necessary for a showing of attainment by 1987
and of “reasonabia
.~ur~herprogress” are not limited to
nonattainment area sources because of the transport of ozone and
ozone precursors
one area to another. The USEPA, IEPA, the
Board and evet: 2.nthcz.rial representatives recognize the reality
nf ozone and p c
se1r transport ar1d. therefore, any plan for
achievement of
cake into account thIs concept.
The Board
~nducted three RACT
proceedings, over the
years, to comp~,
the requirements of the CAA and to achieve
attainment for
throughout the state. The rules promulgated
in these procei~z
are incor~orateci into Illinois’ 1979 and
1982 SIP and su
ant revisions. My program or strategy for
achieving ozone
~~øent must take into account the state’s
full regulatory
:cy in this area. The Board takes official
notice of the r~
s, opinions and orders of its previous
proceedings, RA~.;
(fl78—2,3) and RACT—Il (R80—5), in
promulgating ru~~
n tfle RACT—IlI proceeding. Clearly the new
RACT—IlI rules
~‘. -
~e analyzed by the USEPA in the context of
existing rules F: .he control of volatile organic material
(VOM), and in tL 3ntext of the state’s complete strategy for
achieving ozone ‘ainment by 1987. Therefore, it is appropriate
and necessary to ..:alyze the Board’s proposed RACT—Ill rules in
light of RACT—t ~n:~II.
On July L~, i”9, the Board adopted RACT—t on a statewide
basis. In the 1?..
Opinion, the Board explained at some length
the photochem~.ce.. eaction process
by which hazardous and other
oxidants interact
w;th volatile organic material to form ozone,
the importance c.~ iaeteorological factors in this process, and the
complex phenomen’~o urban scale, mesoscale, and synoptic scale
ozone transport. (I7B—3,4 opinion; pp. 4—10.) The Board at that
time concluded t~at
the transport phenomena, the necessity of
accommodating fui.uz~growth, the equitable application of the
rule, the interactIon of RACT—L rules with other regulations
(e.g., “offsets”
b.~Y~etnsources 100 miles apart), and the
general inaccucacy .:f modeling and prediction techniques all
supported a declr:ion that RACT—I be applied to stationary sources
throughout the a:r.te. ~Ibid.,pp. 8—10.)
One Dacernb?n. 3C.,
the Board adopted RACT—II utilizing a
phased approaon..
uflimate statewide application. The RACT—
Ii Opinion add:esseëi ~n detail the issue of transport, the
implication of
sources contributing to
ozone violat.’,ns
.t ;?1~cc1ks..n, :ne oatrabut~on of contiguous
attainment co’nty 30’irces ~.o niol&.tions in nonattainment
counties, and ri .:ee:~ ?or
application of RACT
controls. On
atber 6, i.~s80, Mr. Steve Tampltn, Manager of
tEfl Air Quala
provided testimony on the

transport of hydrocarbon enissia;~s horn rural and small urban
attainment areas into nonattainmen:. ~ceas; the existence of high
ozone levels in many rural, small town and
small urban areas
themselves; the de3irability of retaining a margin for growth of
new industries rather than allowing existing emission sources to
emit up to the maximum limit1 the avoidance of shifting
regulatory requirements; the equitth!e treatment of industries
across the state; and the ~:on~erv.att.c’n of ;e:roleum resources
(RACT—IT, R. 837—849).
On August
1982, Mr. Tamplin :~covtded essentially the same
testimony in t:
regarding air quality
monitoring, mc,.: ny,
anô ozone
ani i~yarocarbon transport,
Illinois’ cent
:tion to Eleconsan ncnattainment, isolated rural
ozone violatie:
the coca to ~roviiIe
roon’ for growth in the S1P,
and contiguous :~:~ntyconnibutions
:c nonattainment (a. 40—63).
The precise: tynamics
h?dr”euc~cntransport and ozone
formation are ~ fully ;in~terstoo:~even by experts in this
field. Thus, it. ‘6 difficult to say wath prarasion hew much and
how far ozone or ~,recurson:
t’ansp3rted. Nonetneless, it is
obvious that county tines do not create “pollution barriers.”
This is especiafly true for a pollutant such as ozone which is
formed in a mixing zone far above the emission source and may
travel anywhere from 5 to 1,0(10 ntles. Despite the admitted
difficulty in quantifying the impact of transported hydrocarbons,
ozone transport is an observed and documented phenomena in
Illinois. (See R. 57; Opinion of the Board R78—3/4, pp. 6—8;
1982 SIP for Ozone and Carbon Monoxide, pp. 111—16; i981 Annual
Air Quality Report.) For example, rural 4acoupin County has few
industrial VOM sources, and yet f i~,evinLations of the 0.12 ppm
primary health standard were monitored in ~acoupin County in
1981. It is generally accepted that these violations are the
result of emiss~.onsgenerated in :the St. Louis Metropolitan Area
and transported 30 to 80 miles to the Niiwood monitoring
station. (See 1982 JIP kavision for Ozone and tarbon Monoxide,
pp. 111—16, 17.)
Macoupin County is an example
transport from an urban
nonattainment area ~o a tunA area. However, Illinois also has
examples of transport l~ror.~rura.:
at.ta?.nwenc. areas to suburban
small town nonattainment areas. Notably, emissions from Will
County are implicated an the conattaininent problems experienced
in DuPage County. Will Cot:nty is designated
although it contains five synthetzc c;cganic chemical and polymer
manufacturing (SOCPM) plants whicb seou.d be controlled through
application of Subpart C reguiati3ns. ~n the other xzar.d,
neighboring DuPage Couaty. ~:hich,at times, is darectly downwind
from Will County, is dcs’;nc..en r~r~...atnuen~atd has only three
potential SOCPM p~snts44rc::’s.
c~cc;~r: transport of so’~escope
is implicated it 1Loriatcaira1t~:;tpr~bb.:1t12t
From the
location of thtt ‘nisst~n r
examptb~, there is also
an indication t:n~t iniuissct.~:s
ia counties surrounding
nonattainment v~sar:~ tL~
~nJ~ to 3nntttz)ute to

nonattainment areas~ problems.
Thus, minimally, an effective
ozone strateg7 must obtain emission reductions
in the counties
immediately surrounding nonattainment counties, as well as
nonattairiment counties themselves.
The Board, during the cumulative course of all three RACT
proceedinqsr has been persuaded that a long—term ozone strategy
must address major RACT sources all over the state. Oriqina1.ly~
22 counties were designated as nonattainment for ozone. Illinois
experienced significant ozone violations in the late 1970’s and
Lr~ 1980 (Exhit ~3). Data from 1981 and 1982 showed
which resuc~
redesignation of a uumber of counties.
. .~
counties are designated nonattainment for
Howu :.:~: in 1983 Illinois experienced an incr~ane in
ozone violet. :::~ (Exhibit 67). Clearly, the ozone situation
lilinois is
y variable and difficult to predict. The
relatively lu. nnber of violations in the early 1980’s has hoen
attributed to
number of possible factors including a siumE in
Illinois indu; .~al activity, meteorological conditions not
conaucive to
ne production arid implementation of RACT
te these vagaries, the State’s ozone strategy,
as proposed to i’3EPA, has been based on statewide application of
RACT controls, This is consistent with
the observed transport
phenomenon, the necessity to provide room for industrial growth
in the
and the need for a comprehensive approach to
achieving and maintaining ozone attainment by 1987,
Given the fact that major VOM emission sources are scattered
across the state and are in many instances located directly
upwind from areas that have in the past and are likely in
future to exoertence ozone violations, the Board finds
that a
prudent 1orig~
term ozone strategy must include statewide
application of RACT—IlI controls.
would like to point out that many of the ozone
other than RACT—Ill, are, for various reasons,
riot available ~o the State to show “reasonable further progress”
or to achieve statewide attainment by 1987. While there has,
after great del:Lberation, been a state commitment to inspection
and maintenance, actual implementation of the program may not
actualLy occur unt:i1 June of 1986. The IEPA is currently
preparing a regulatory proposal for the Board. Stage II vapor
recovery, which was docketed as a rulemaking before the Board,
was disallowed until there is a federal mandate, as a control
recent legislation and consequently dismissed.
Finally, the Board chose not to adopt the IEPA’s “Generic Rule”
in. its proposed form, thereby leaving non—CTG major stationary
sources presently uncontrolled. The Board merely wishes JCAR to
view the RACT~-IlI rules in the broader context that the st:ane erih
federal regulatory agencies must view them.
Finally it is apparent
the USEPA recognizes
reality of ~n
of hydrocarbon and ozone and will
take ~hst
into aceoun~:
revIsions. This position is

illustrated by the USEPA’s notice of proposed rulemaking, dated
February 3, 1983, regarding “Compliance with the Statutory
Provisions of Part D of the Clean Air Act” (48 Fed. Reg. 4972).
These proposed rules outline a procedure for exempting a
nonattainment area
from sanctions, if there is: 1) a
demonstration of compliance with all requirements for the 1979
implementation plan for attainment; and 2) a demonstration that
the area would attain the primary ~AAQS level except for the
effect of transported ozone air pollution in excess of NAAQS (48
Fed, Reg. 4975), Another clear indication of federal recognition
of ozone transport is the February 3, 1983 t’lotice of Proposed
Rulemaking on Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans;
1982 Ozone and Carbon Monoxide Attainment Plan (48 Fed.
which cites, as a major deficiency and basis for
dissapproval of the Illinois 1982 Ozone SIP revision, the failure
to demonstrate attainment in Southeast Wisconsin (Kenosha and
Racine counties)~ while Illinois
the responsibility tor
for these areas, it does not contest the
fact that
from Northeastern Illinois sources contribute
significantly to the ozone levels in Southeast Wisconsin (Exhibit
61, Attachment 6)~
JCAR’s objection is based on the misconception that costs of
compliance with Subpart Q vary depending on whether a facility is
located in an attainment or nonattainment area. Industrial
representatives have argued that it is less cost—efficient or
reasonable to control emissions in clean areas than it is to
control in dirty
This approach attempts to compare the
cost of control measures to the environmental benefit or air
quality improvement. While in some circumstances it may be
desirable to attempt to quantify the costs and benefits that may
result from adoption of a particular rule, in this case such a
comparison can be made only in a simplistic and ultimately
fashion, To do so
one must assume that emission
reductions only benefit the county or immediate vicinity in which
the emissions are generated. Under this type of analysis, it is
that it will be difficult to measure the health or
welfare improvement resulting from reduced ozone in attainment
areas, since by definition
these areas do not have acute or
measured ozone problems even with RACT—Ill,
The obvious flaw in
this analysis is
it attributes no “benefit” to controls
applied in attainment counties for reductions in ozone which
occur in neighboring or
even distant counties.
The fact is that experts in the field agree that the data
does not exist at this time which will enable us to quantify the
impact and thus the benefit of hydrocarbon reductions generated
in one county on another county, However, as stated earlier, it
is clear that the impact in some instances is quite
significant. A realistic cost—benefit analysis of
RACT—Ill based
on air quality improvement
would have
to account for the “real
world” complexity of ozone transport and formation.
Unfortunately, at this time this type of analysis is impossible
to make.

In the absence of the data necessary to perform a useful air
quality cost—benefit analysis for RACT—Ili, the next best
approach is to analyze the cost—benefit of PACT—Ill controls on a
~ol1ar-per—ton of reduction basis. This is the basic approach
taken in PACT—I and II and the EcIS in RACT—Ii:I. On a dollar—
per—ton basis, the cost of controls within a given category
generally the same regardless of where the source is located.
Using the dollar-per—ton basis, the cost of Subpart Q
is, on the
average, ~334/ton. This cost per ton compares favorably with
other PACT—Ill categories, as well as the generally less
expensive PACT—li controls.
The Board believes that it is inappropriate to segment: ~te
economic reasonableness analysis into attainment and
rionattainment contexts. As previously stated, costs of
compliance do not change from one area to another. The scope and
burden in
a general rulemaking is not individual ized,
Compi .i:mce
costs and emissions data from each plant impacted by a general
rule cannot always be taken in account. The Environmental
Protection Act (Act) and Board regulations provide mechanisms of
relief for facilities that are in unique positions of hardship
through variances and site—specific regulation. These options
are always available. JCAR may disagree with the Board’s
Findings of economic reasonableness but it is inaccurate to say
t~iat we have failed to analyze the economic reasonableness of
rules contained in Subpart Q. The Board, therefore, refuses
-nodify the rule in accordance with JCAR’s objection because it
goes to the substantive and technical merits of the rule i-i
The public comment of Northern Petrochernical(P.C. 59) cleims
that Subpart
compliance costs were understated by a factor oL
five times. JCAR relies on this statement as a basis for
objecting to the Subpart Q rules. However, testimony in the
record by a private inspection service (and not the IEPA)
indicates that they would charge $1.00 to $1.50 per component for
such an inspection (R. 1977). The estimate presented in Public
Comment 59 does not provide enough information to adequately
evaluate the factors that went into the estimate. AdditionalLy,
the estimate is directly refuted by sworn testimony in the record
by a private consultant engaged in this type of inspection
service, 3CAR~sreliance on this comment as a basis for its
objection appears to be a reweighing of the evidence by the
Committee. The Board refuses to modify the rule in accordance
with JCAR’s objection because it goes to the substantive and
technical merits of the rule in question.
As a final note regarding the quantification of costs and
benefits, such analyses are inherently biased against the
benefits of pollution control, As stated in the Opinion of the
DENR Economic and Technical Advisory Committee (ETAC) which was
extensively relied on by JCAR in it:s objection, only one
“benefit” parameter was subject to “monetization.” This was Lh
projected improvement in Illinois’ crop yields resulting frori a

:~jected reduction in
however, this was
not the only tangible benefit from the regulation recognized in
ETAC Opinion. Beneficial effects in human health and
vegetation, as well as the additional safety
factor of insuring
against possible future increases in ozone concentrations and
possible adverse health impacts were considered tangible, hut
unquantifiable given the scope of the EcIS. Costs of compliance
are more readily quantified in economic terms. This bias, in
combination with the nonrecognition of transport of ozone (and
transport of benefits through ozone reduction) from one county to
another, skew the EcIS analysis. JCAR has chosen to view the
regulatory record in an extremely narrow perspective.
believes that this constitutes an inappropriate reweighing of
substantive evidence and, therefore, will proceed to final notice
Subpart Q rules as proposed.
Board Members Walter Nega and 3. Theodore Meyer dissented.
I, Dorothy Ni, Gunn, Clerk of the Illinois Pollution Control
Board, hereby certify that the abq,ve Resolution and Order was
adopted on the
~day of
1985, by a
vote of ~
f/h. ~
Dorothy NI, ,Gunn, Clerk
Illinois Pàllution Control Board

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